Chip Hitware 8
Text File
97 lines
* LHA Ver 2.55E (FREE SOFT) *
* *
* Copyright(C) by Haruyasu Yoshizaki *
* Translated and *
* Archive file created by: Hitoshi Ozawa *
* Release 1996/01/10 *
Thank you for down-loading LHA ver 2.55E. This is an English version of
LHA255.EXE file. Files have been translated and archive file has been
created by Hitoshi Ozawa.
LHA ver2.55E is an English version of LHA ver2.55 test version.
LHA255E.EXE file may freely be distributed but please keep it in mind that
this is only a test version and there might be some modification in the
official public release.
I hope that this version fixed some bugs in ver2.13 to make LHA more
useable. However, new bugs may have crept in while adding new functionality.
I would appreciate if you'll sent me any bug reports, suggestion, and
comments to make the official version better. However, due to amount of
mails I receive, I could not promise you a reply.
Requirements *****************************************************************
8086 or higher machine
Liability *******************************************************************
The author and the developer of this software will not take
responsibility for any damage that may result from the use of this
software. The files contained in LHA255E.EXE are distributed "as is" and
without any expressed and implied warranties. The user assumes the entire
risk of using the software.
Included Files ***************************************************************
The following files are included in the LHA255E.EXE file:
LHA.EXE Execution file
LHA255.TXT Documentation file
REVISION.TXT Revision information file
README.TXT Introduction (the file you are reading right now)
LHA255.DOC Japanese documentation file
HISTORY.DOC Japanese revision inforamtion file
READ.ME Japanese introduction file
How to Use ******************************************************************
Please read LHA255.TXT file.
Distribution ****************************************************************
LHA may be freely distributed if the following conditions are
1. Copyright notifications must not be altered in any way.
2. All documentation files must be included with the
distribution file.
3. If any modification is made to any of the files, part that
was modified must be explicitly stated with the name and
contact address (Email, street address, or phone number) of
the person who made the modification.
4. Make it apparent that LHA is FREE SOFT.
It is necessary to state this in the program description.
5. If this program is to be mentioned or included in any
publication, it is necessary to state LHA copyright
6. LHA must be distribution on a medium that is not
If all of the above conditions are satisfied, it is not necessary
and even discouraged to send the author a mail to obtain a
distribution permission.
Lastly, all files have have been compressed (including self-
extraction files) using LHA may be distributed without any
Copyright *******************************************************************
LHA is copyrighted by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
Microsoft is a registered trademark and MS-DOS is a trademark of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other
countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Support **********************************************************************
LHA is supported in FLABO forum on Nifty Serve BBS (Japan).
To users who do not have accesss to Nifty Serve, support for LHA
is provided by internet E-mail.
Please send all bug report, questions, opinions, suggestions, or
any other comments to:
Original Japanese LHA software:
Haruyasu Yoshizaki SDI00506@niftyserve.or.jp
Concerning English version:
Hitoshi Ozawa h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp
homepage: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/