Chip 1997 July
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382 lines
' ******************************************************************************
' This Working Model script will create a constraint from points selected by
' the user. If one point is selected, the user may create a Force or a Torque.
' If two points are selected, the user may create an actuator, damper
' pin joint, rod, rope, separator, spring, or springdamper. If 3 or more points
' are selected, the user may create a pin joint.
' Version 1.0, Created by Knowledge Revolution
' (C) Copyright Knowledge Revolution 1995 All Rights Reserved
' ******************************************************************************
Dim MyDoc as WMDocument
Dim ConstraintArray() as String
Dim Numdigits as integer
Dim CRLF as string
global bodywidth as double
Function StrDec(x as double, sigdigits as integer) as string
' This function formats a string from a number passed to it. The
' string is left justified, and will have sigdigits decimal places.
StrDec = Format(x, "0." + string(sigdigits,"0"))
end function
Function BodyCheck as boolean
' This function returns "true" if any selected points are
' attached to the same body (or background).
dim idarray(mydoc.selection.count) as integer
BodyCheck = False
idarray(1) = mydoc.selection.point(1).body.id
for i1 = 2 to mydoc.selection.count
for i2 = 1 to (i1-1)
if mydoc.selection.point(i1).body.id = idarray(i2) then
BodyCheck = True
end if
next i2
idarray(i1) = mydoc.selection.point(i1).body.id
next i1
end function
Function PointsSelected as Integer
' This routine counts the number of points selected.
dim count as integer
dim i as integer
count = 0
For i = 1 to mydoc.selection.count
If not(Mydoc.Selection.Point(i) is nothing) then
count = count +1
End If
Next i
PointsSelected = count
End Function
Function InterpretSelection as String
' This function checks to see what the user has selected in
' Working Model. An incorrect selection returns "Error". One
' point returns "OnePoint". Two points returns "TwoPoint". Three
' points returns "MultiPoint".
if Mydoc.selection.count = PointsSelected _
and Mydoc.selection.count > 0 then
If mydoc.selection.count = 1 then
InterpretSelection = "OnePoint"
if mydoc.selection.count = 2 then
InterpretSelection = "TwoPoint"
if bodycheck then
InterpretSelection = "PointError"
InterpretSelection = "MultiPoint"
end if
end if
end if
InterpretSelection = "Error"
End if
End Function
Sub FillListAdd (List() as String, ctype as string)
' This subroutine is used to fill the scrolling dialog box.
if ctype = "OnePoint" then
redim list(1) as string
List(0) = "force"
List(1) = "torque"
if ctype = "TwoPoint" then
redim list(7) as string
List(0) = "actuator"
List(1) = "damper"
List(2) = "pin"
List(3) = "rod"
List(4) = "rope"
List(5) = "separator"
List(6) = "spring"
List(7) = "springdamper"
if ctype = "MultiPoint" then
redim list(0) as string
List(0) = "pin"
end if
end if
end if
End Sub
Function Angle (vec_x as double, vec_y as double) as Double
' This function is used to calculate the angle an object should
' have in order to span two endpoints.
' Vec_x should equal: point1_x - point2_x
' Vec_y should equal: point1_y - point2_y
dim CalcAngle as double
if vec_x = 0 then
angle = -PI/2
if vec_y = 0 then
angle = 0
CalcAngle = atn(vec_y/vec_x)
if vec_x > 0 then
angle = CalcAngle
angle = CalcAngle + PI
end if
end if
end if
End Function
Function xposglobal (pt as WMPoint) as double
' This function calculates the x global position of a point. If
' the point attached to the background, the x global position is
' simply its px.value. If it is attached to a body, the global
' position must be calculated based upon the x and y local positions
' of the point, and the body's rotation.
dim tbody as WMbody
If pt.body.id <> 0 then
set tbody = pt.body
xposglobal = (cos(tbody.pr.value)*pt.px.value) - _
(sin(tbody.pr.value)*pt.py.value) + tbody.px.value
xposglobal = pt.px.value
end if
end function
Function yposglobal (pt as WMPoint) as double
' This function calculates the y global position of a point. If
' the point attached to the background, the y global position is
' simply its py.value. If it is attached to a body, the global
' position must be calculated based upon the x and y local positions
' of the point, and the body's rotation.
dim tbody as WMbody
If pt.body.id <> 0 then
set tbody = pt.body
yposglobal = (sin(tbody.pr.value)*pt.px.value) + _
(cos(tbody.pr.value)*pt.py.value) + tbody.py.value
yposglobal = pt.py.value
end if
end function
Sub AddOnePoint(C as string)
' This routine will add either a Force or a Torque to the 1 point
' selected.
Dim P1 as WMPoint
Dim MyConstraint as WmConstraint
Set P1 = MyDoc.Selection.Point(1)
Set MyConstraint = MyDoc.NewConstraint(c)
Set MyConstraint.point(1).px.value = p1.px.value
Set MyConstraint.point(1).py.value = p1.py.value
Set MyConstraint.point(1).body = p1.body
Set MyConstraint.point(1).px.formula = p1.px.formula
Set MyConstraint.point(1).py.formula = p1.py.formula
If p1.constraint is nothing then ' if point is not part
mydoc.delete p1 ' of another constraint,
end if ' delete original
End Sub
Sub AddTwoPoint(C as String)
' This subrouting will create the chosen constraint between
' two selected points.
dim P1 as WMPoint
dim P2 as WMPoint
dim MyConstraint as WMConstraint
Set P1 = MyDoc.Selection.Point(1)
Set P2 = MyDoc.Selection.Point(2)
if C = "pin" then
if BodyCheck then
r= msgbox ("2 points cannot be attached to the" + _
" same body (or the background) when making a pin joint.", _
ebExclamation, "Selection Error")
end if
Set MyConstraint = MyDoc.NewConstraint(c)
if c = "springdamper" or c = "rod" or c = "separator" or c = "rope" _
or c = "spring" then
Set MyConstraint.length.value = sqr((xposglobal(p1) - xposglobal(p2))^2 + _
(yposglobal(p1) - yposglobal(p2))^2)
end if
Set MyConstraint.point(1).px.value = p1.px.value
Set MyConstraint.point(1).py.value = p1.py.value
Set MyConstraint.point(2).px.value = p2.px.value
Set MyConstraint.point(2).py.value = p2.py.value
Set MyConstraint.point(1).body = p1.body
Set MyConstraint.point(2).body = p2.body
Set MyConstraint.point(1).px.formula = p1.px.formula
Set MyConstraint.point(1).py.formula = p1.py.formula
Set MyConstraint.point(2).px.formula = p2.px.formula
Set MyConstraint.point(2).py.formula = p2.py.formula
If p1.constraint is nothing then ' if point is not part
mydoc.delete p1 ' of another constraint,
end if ' delete original
if p2.constraint is nothing then
mydoc.delete p2
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub AddMultiPoint(C as String)
' This subroutine will create a pin joint from multiple points by
' doing multiple joins.
dim PointArray(mydoc.points.count) as WMPoint
dim numpoints as integer
numpoints = mydoc.selection.count
for i = 1 to numpoints
Set PointArray(i) = mydoc.selection.point(i)
Mydoc.SelectAll False
mydoc.select PointArray(1), true
for i = 2 to numpoints
mydoc.select PointArray(i), true
end sub
Sub AddControl(mode as string)
' This routine displays the dialog box and then figures out what
' other routines to call based upon what the user selects.
Begin Dialog AddConstraintDialog 115,52,165,48,"Build Constraint"
ListBox 4,4,76,45,ConstraintArray$,.ConstraintList
PushButton 96,8,64,14,"Add",.Add
CancelButton 96,28,64,14,.cancel
End Dialog
FillListAdd ConstraintArray,mode
Dim CD as AddConstraintDialog
If rc = 0 then
exit sub
else ' The user selected a scroll list item
if Mode = "OnePoint" then
AddOnePoint constraintArray(cd.constraintlist)
if Mode = "TwoPoint" then
AddTwoPoint constraintArray(cd.constraintlist)
if Mode = "MultiPoint" then
AddMultiPoint constraintArray(cd.constraintlist)
End if
End if
end if
End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
' This routine controls the flow of the script. It first calls
' a function to verify the user has selected only points. It then
' passes control to a subroutine to display the dialog box.
Set Mydoc = WM.Activedocument
dim mode as string
If Basic.OS = ebwin16 or Basic.OS = ebwin32 then ' Running windows
Crlf = chr$(13) + chr$(10)
If Basic.OS = ebmacintosh then ' Running Macintosh
Crlf = chr$(13)
r = msgbox ("ERROR: Unknown operating system: " + Basic.OS, ebExclamation, "Operating System Error")
exit sub
end if
end if
mode = InterpretSelection
if Mode = "Error" then
r = msgbox ("Only points may be selected when using this tool." + crlf + crlf +_
"This tool allows you to create constraints between points." + crlf + _
"The type of constraint that you can create depends on" + crlf +_
"the number of points selected:" + crlf + crlf +_
"A. 1 point (Force, Torque)" + crlf +_
"B. 2 points (Actuator, Damper, Pin, Rod, Rope," + crlf +_
" Separator, Spring, Spring/Damper)" + crlf +_
"C. 3 or more points (Pin)", ebExclamation, "Selection Error")
if Mode = "PointError" then
r= msgbox ("2 or more points cannot be attached to the same body" +_
" (or the background) when > 2 points are selected.", _
ebExclamation, "Selection Error")
numdigits = mydoc.decimaldigits
AddControl mode
end if
end if
End Sub