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Java Source | 1997-09-10 | 17.6 KB | 624 lines |
- /**
- * This is the bridge tester bean.
- *
- * Simply define all property types, fire evemts and define a customizer
- */
- package sunw.demo.test;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.beans.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- public class BridgeTester extends Panel
- implements ActionListener, KeyListener, MouseListener {
- public BridgeTester() {
- setLayout(new GridLayout(6,4,10,10));
- event1Button = new Button("Fire Event 1 ");
- event1Button.addActionListener(this);
- add(event1Button);
- event2Button = new Button("Fire Event 2 ");
- event2Button.addActionListener(this);
- add(event2Button);
- event3Button = new Button("Fire Event 3 ");
- event3Button.addActionListener(this);
- add(event3Button);
- event4Button = new Button("Fire Event 4 ");
- event4Button.addActionListener(this);
- add(event4Button);
- add(new Label("Int Value : "));
- intField = new TextField();
- intField.addKeyListener(this);
- add(intField);
- doubleField = new TextField();
- add(new Label("Double Value : "));
- doubleField.addKeyListener(this);
- add(doubleField);
- add(new Label("Short Value :"));
- shortField = new TextField();
- shortField.addKeyListener(this);
- add(shortField);
- add(new Label("Float Value :"));
- floatField = new TextField();
- floatField.addKeyListener(this);
- add(floatField);
- add(new Label("Char Value :"));
- charField = new TextField();
- charField.addKeyListener(this);
- add(charField);
- add(new Label("Byte Value :"));
- byteField = new TextField();
- byteField.addKeyListener(this);
- add(byteField);
- add(new Label("String value :"));
- stringField = new TextField();
- stringField.addKeyListener(this);
- add(stringField);
- add(new Label("Boolean Value :"));
- booleanField = new Checkbox();
- booleanField.addMouseListener(this);
- add(booleanField);
- array1 = new TextField();
- add(array1);
- array2 = new TextField();
- add(array2);
- array3 = new TextField();
- add(array3);
- array4 = new TextField();
- add(array4);
- int[] myIntArray = { 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 };
- setIntArray(myIntArray);
- double[] myDoubleArray = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5};
- setDoubleArray(myDoubleArray);
- String[] myStringArray = {"TOTO", "s'en", "va", "en", "guerre"};
- setStringArray(myStringArray);
- float[] myFloatArray = { (float) 1.01,(float) 2.02,(float) 3.03,(float) 4.04,(float) 5.05 };
- setFloatArray(myFloatArray);
- char[] myCharArray = { 'A', 'B', 'c', 'd', 'E' };
- setCharArray(myCharArray);
- byte[] myByteArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- setByteArray(myByteArray);
- short[] myShortArray = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
- setShortArray(myShortArray);
- boolean[] myBooleanArray = {true, false, false, true, false};
- setBooleanArray(myBooleanArray);
- }
- public java.awt.Dimension getPreferredSize() {
- return new java.awt.Dimension(400,200);
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated provided for backward compatibility with old layout managers.
- */
- public Dimension preferredSize() {
- return getPreferredSize();
- }
- public void setIntValue(int newValue) throws PropertyVetoException {
- // Fires first the Vetoable event, if it's vetoed the following code
- // won't happen
- int oldValue = intValue;
- vetos.fireVetoableChange("intValue", new Integer(oldValue), new Integer(newValue));
- intValue = newValue;
- intField.setText(String.valueOf(intValue));
- changes.firePropertyChange("intValue", new Integer(oldValue), new Integer(newValue));
- }
- public int getIntValue() {
- return intValue;
- }
- public void setDoubleValue(double newValue) {
- double oldValue = doubleValue;
- doubleValue = newValue;
- doubleField.setText(String.valueOf(doubleValue));
- changes.firePropertyChange("doubleValue", new Double(oldValue), new Double(newValue));
- }
- public double getDoubleValue() {
- return doubleValue;
- }
- public void setShortValue(short newValue) {
- short oldValue = shortValue;
- shortValue = newValue;
- shortField.setText(String.valueOf(shortValue));
- changes.firePropertyChange("shortValue", new Short(oldValue), new Short(newValue));
- }
- public short getShortValue() {
- return shortValue;
- }
- public void setFloatValue(float newValue) {
- float oldValue = floatValue;
- floatValue = newValue;
- floatField.setText(String.valueOf(floatValue));
- changes.firePropertyChange("floatValue", new Float(oldValue), new Float(newValue));
- }
- public float getFloatValue() {
- return floatValue;
- }
- public void setCharValue(char newValue) {
- char oldValue = charValue;
- charValue = newValue;
- charField.setText(String.valueOf(charValue));
- changes.firePropertyChange("charValue", new Character(oldValue), new Character(newValue));
- }
- public char getCharValue() {
- return charValue;
- }
- public void setByteValue(byte newValue) {
- byte oldValue = byteValue;
- byteValue = newValue;
- byteField.setText(String.valueOf(byteValue));
- changes.firePropertyChange("byteValue", new Byte(oldValue), new Byte(newValue));
- }
- public void setByteValue(int newValue) {
- setByteValue((byte) newValue);
- }
- public byte getByteValue() {
- return byteValue;
- }
- public void setLongValue(long newValue) {
- longValue = newValue;
- }
- public long getLongValue() {
- return longValue;
- }
- public boolean isBooleanValue() {
- return booleanValue;
- }
- public void setBooleanValue(boolean newValue) {
- boolean oldValue = booleanValue;
- booleanValue = newValue;
- booleanField.setState(booleanValue);
- changes.firePropertyChange("booleanValue", new Boolean(oldValue), new Boolean(newValue));
- }
- public String getStringValue() {
- return stringValue;
- }
- public void setStringValue(String newValue) {
- String oldValue = stringValue;
- stringValue = newValue;
- stringField.setText(stringValue);
- changes.firePropertyChange("stringValue", oldValue, newValue);
- }
- public int[] getIntArray() {
- return intArray;
- }
- public void setIntArray(int[] newIntArray) {
- intArray = newIntArray;
- array1.setText(String.valueOf(intArray[0]));
- array2.setText(String.valueOf(intArray[1]));
- array3.setText(String.valueOf(intArray[2]));
- array4.setText(String.valueOf(intArray[3]));
- }
- public void setIntArrayWithIndex(int index, int value) {
- intArray[index] = value;
- }
- public int getIntArrayWithIndex(int index) {
- return intArray[index];
- }
- public double[] getDoubleArray() {
- return doubleArray;
- }
- public void setDoubleArray(double[] newDoubleArray) {
- doubleArray = newDoubleArray;
- array1.setText(String.valueOf(doubleArray[0]));
- array2.setText(String.valueOf(doubleArray[1]));
- array3.setText(String.valueOf(doubleArray[2]));
- array4.setText(String.valueOf(doubleArray[3]));
- }
- public void setDoubleArrayWithIndex(int index, double value) {
- doubleArray[index] = value;
- }
- public double getDoubleArrayWithIndex(int index) {
- return doubleArray[index];
- }
- public String[] getStringArray() {
- return stringArray;
- }
- public void setStringArray(String[] newStringArray) {
- stringArray = newStringArray;
- array1.setText(stringArray[0]);
- array2.setText(stringArray[1]);
- array3.setText(stringArray[2]);
- array4.setText(stringArray[3]);
- }
- public void setStringArrayWithIndex(int index, String value) {
- stringArray[index] = value;
- }
- public String getStringArrayWithIndex(int index) {
- return stringArray[index];
- }
- public byte[] getByteArray() {
- return byteArray;
- }
- public void setByteArray(byte[] newByteArray) {
- byteArray = newByteArray;
- array1.setText(String.valueOf(byteArray[0]));
- array2.setText(String.valueOf(byteArray[1]));
- array3.setText(String.valueOf(byteArray[2]));
- array4.setText(String.valueOf(byteArray[3]));
- }
- public void setByteArrayWithIndex(int index, byte value) {
- byteArray[index] = value;
- }
- public byte getByteArrayWithIndex(int index) {
- return byteArray[index];
- }
- public float[] getFloatArray() {
- return floatArray;
- }
- public void setFloatArray(float[] newFloatArray) {
- floatArray = newFloatArray;
- array1.setText(String.valueOf(floatArray[0]));
- array2.setText(String.valueOf(floatArray[1]));
- array3.setText(String.valueOf(floatArray[2]));
- array4.setText(String.valueOf(floatArray[3]));
- }
- public void setFloatArrayWithIndex(int index, float value) {
- floatArray[index] = value;
- }
- public float getFloatArrayWithIndex(int index) {
- return floatArray[index];
- }
- public char[] getCharArray() {
- return charArray;
- }
- public void setCharArray(char[] newCharArray) {
- charArray = newCharArray;
- array1.setText(String.valueOf(charArray[0]));
- array2.setText(String.valueOf(charArray[1]));
- array3.setText(String.valueOf(charArray[2]));
- array4.setText(String.valueOf(charArray[3]));
- }
- public void setCharArrayWithIndex(int index, char value) {
- charArray[index] = value;
- }
- public char getCharArrayWithIndex(int index) {
- return charArray[index];
- }
- public boolean[] getBooleanArray() {
- return booleanArray;
- }
- public void setBooleanArray(boolean[] newBooleanArray) {
- booleanArray = newBooleanArray;
- array1.setText(String.valueOf(booleanArray[0]));
- array2.setText(String.valueOf(booleanArray[1]));
- array3.setText(String.valueOf(booleanArray[2]));
- array4.setText(String.valueOf(booleanArray[3]));
- }
- public void setBooleanArrayWithIndex(int index, boolean value) {
- booleanArray[index] = value;
- }
- public boolean getBooleanArrayWithIndex(int index) {
- return booleanArray[index];
- }
- public short[] getShortArray() {
- return shortArray;
- }
- public void setShortArray(short[] newShortArray) {
- shortArray = newShortArray;
- array1.setText(String.valueOf(shortArray[0]));
- array2.setText(String.valueOf(shortArray[1]));
- array3.setText(String.valueOf(shortArray[2]));
- array4.setText(String.valueOf(shortArray[3]));
- }
- public void setShortArrayWithIndex(int index, short value) {
- shortArray[index] = value;
- }
- public short getShortArrayWithIndex(int index) {
- return shortArray[index];
- }
- public void printObjectInField(Object o) {
- if (o==null)
- stringField.setText("NULL REF");
- else
- stringField.setText(o.toString());
- }
- /**
- * The specified PropertyChangeListeners <b>propertyChange</b> method will
- * be called each time the value of any bound property is changed.
- * The PropertyListener object is addded to a list of PropertyChangeListeners
- * managed by this button, it can be removed with removePropertyChangeListener.
- * Note: the JavaBeans specification does not require PropertyChangeListeners
- * to run in any particular order.
- *
- * @see #removePropertyChangeListener
- * @param l the PropertyChangeListener
- */
- public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
- changes.addPropertyChangeListener(l);
- }
- /**
- * Remove this PropertyChangeListener from the buttons internal list.
- * If the PropertyChangeListener isn't on the list, silently do nothing.
- *
- * @see #addPropertyChangeListener
- * @param l the PropertyChangeListener
- */
- public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
- changes.removePropertyChangeListener(l);
- }
- public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener l) {
- vetos.addVetoableChangeListener(l);
- }
- public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener l) {
- vetos.removeVetoableChangeListener(l);
- }
- // Event Listeners handling
- public synchronized void addBridgeTesterListener(BridgeTesterListener l) {
- listeners.addElement(l);
- }
- public synchronized void removeBridgeTesterListener(BridgeTesterListener l) {
- listeners.removeElement(l);
- }
- /*
- * Small adaptor class that implement the java.awt.event.ActionListener
- * @return ActionListener interface implementor
- */
- public java.awt.event.ActionListener getActionListener() {
- return new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
- Dialog myDialog = new Dialog(new Frame(), "Event Received");
- myDialog.setBounds(200,200,400,400);
- myDialog.show();
- }
- };
- }
- private void fireEvent(int eventNumber) {
- java.util.Vector listenerObjects;
- synchronized(this) {
- listenerObjects = (java.util.Vector) listeners.clone();
- }
- for (int i=0; i<listenerObjects.size();i++) {
- BridgeTesterListener l = (BridgeTesterListener) listenerObjects.elementAt(i);
- switch(eventNumber) {
- case 1 :
- BridgeTesterEvent evt = new BridgeTesterEvent(this, stringValue, intValue); l.eventNumber1(evt);
- break;
- case 2 :
- l.eventNumber2(stringValue);
- break;
- case 3:
- l.eventNumber3(shortValue);
- break;
- case 4:
- l.eventNumber4(intArray);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // ActionListener implementation
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- Object source = e.getSource();
- if (source==event1Button) {
- fireEvent(1);
- return;
- }
- if (source==event2Button) {
- fireEvent(2);
- return;
- }
- if (source==event3Button) {
- fireEvent(3);
- return;
- }
- if (source==event4Button) {
- fireEvent(4);
- return;
- }
- }
- // KeyListener implementation
- public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {}
- public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
- public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
- Object source = e.getSource();
- if (source==stringField) {
- setStringValue(stringField.getText());
- return;
- }
- if (source==doubleField) {
- try {
- double oldValue = doubleValue;
- doubleValue = new Double(doubleField.getText()).doubleValue();
- changes.firePropertyChange("doubleValue", new Double(oldValue), new Double(doubleValue));
- } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException ex) {
- doubleField.setText(String.valueOf(getDoubleValue()));
- }
- return;
- }
- if (source==intField) {
- int oldValue = intValue;
- try {
- int newValue = new Integer(intField.getText()).intValue();
- vetos.fireVetoableChange("intValue", new Integer(oldValue), new Integer(newValue));
- intValue = newValue;
- changes.firePropertyChange("intValue", new Integer(oldValue), new Integer(newValue));
- } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException ex) {
- intField.setText(String.valueOf(getIntValue()));
- } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
- intField.setText(String.valueOf(getIntValue()));
- }
- return;
- }
- if (source==shortField) {
- try {
- short oldValue = shortValue;
- shortValue = new Short(shortField.getText()).shortValue();
- changes.firePropertyChange("shortValue", new Short(oldValue), new Short(shortValue));
- } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException ex) {
- shortField.setText(String.valueOf(getShortValue()));
- }
- return;
- }
- if (source==floatField) {
- try {
- float oldValue = floatValue;
- floatValue = new Float(floatField.getText()).floatValue();
- changes.firePropertyChange("floatValue", new Float(oldValue), new Float(floatValue));
- } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException ex) {
- floatField.setText(String.valueOf(getFloatValue()));
- }
- return;
- }
- if (source==byteField) {
- try {
- byte oldValue = byteValue;
- byteValue = new Byte(byteField.getText()).byteValue();
- changes.firePropertyChange("byteValue", new Byte(oldValue), new Byte(byteValue));
- } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException ex) {
- byteField.setText(String.valueOf(getByteValue()));
- }
- return;
- }
- if (source==charField) {
- try {
- setCharValue(charField.getText().charAt(0));
- } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException ex) {
- char[] value = {getCharValue()};
- charField.setText(new String(value));
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- // Mouse Listener implementation
- public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
- public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
- public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}
- public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
- if (e.getSource()==booleanField) {
- boolean oldValue = booleanValue;
- boolean newValue;
- if (booleanValue)
- newValue=false;
- else
- newValue = true;
- booleanValue = newValue;
- changes.firePropertyChange("booleanValue", new Boolean(oldValue), new Boolean(newValue));
- }
- }
- // All the properties we publish
- private int intValue;
- private short shortValue;
- private double doubleValue;
- private float floatValue;
- private char charValue;
- private byte byteValue;
- private boolean booleanValue;
- private String stringValue;
- private long longValue;
- // Indexed Properties
- private int[] intArray;
- private double[] doubleArray;
- private String[] stringArray;
- private float[] floatArray;
- private char[] charArray;
- private short[] shortArray;
- private byte[] byteArray;
- private boolean[] booleanArray;
- // All the widgets to display the properties
- private TextField intField;
- private TextField doubleField;
- private TextField shortField;
- private TextField floatField;
- private TextField charField;
- private TextField byteField;
- private Checkbox booleanField;
- private TextField stringField;
- private Button event1Button, event2Button, event3Button, event4Button;
- private TextField array1, array2, array3, array4;
- // Some utility objects
- private PropertyChangeSupport changes = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
- private VetoableChangeSupport vetos = new VetoableChangeSupport(this);
- private java.util.Vector listeners = new java.util.Vector();
- private java.util.Vector actionListeners = new java.util.Vector();
- }