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Java Source | 1997-09-10 | 5.0 KB | 216 lines |
- /*
- * A set of classes to parse, represent and display Chemical compounds in
- * .xyz format (see http://chem.leeds.ac.uk/Project/MIME.html)
- */
- package sunw.demo.molecule;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- /** The representation of a Chemical .xyz model */
- class XYZChemModel {
- float vert[];
- Atom atoms[];
- int tvert[];
- int ZsortMap[];
- int nvert, maxvert;
- static Hashtable atomTable = new Hashtable();
- static Atom defaultAtom;
- static {
- atomTable.put("c", new Atom(0, 0, 0));
- atomTable.put("h", new Atom(210, 210, 210));
- atomTable.put("n", new Atom(0, 0, 255));
- atomTable.put("o", new Atom(255, 0, 0));
- atomTable.put("p", new Atom(255, 0, 255));
- atomTable.put("s", new Atom(255, 255, 0));
- atomTable.put("hn", new Atom(150, 255, 150)); /* !!*/
- defaultAtom = new Atom(255, 100, 200);
- }
- boolean transformed;
- Matrix3D mat;
- float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
- XYZChemModel () {
- mat = new Matrix3D();
- mat.xrot(20);
- mat.yrot(30);
- }
- /** Create a Chemical model by parsing an input stream */
- XYZChemModel (InputStream is) {
- this();
- try {
- StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(
- new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)));
- st.eolIsSignificant(true);
- st.commentChar('#');
- int slot = 0;
- scan:
- while (true) {
- switch (st.nextToken()) {
- case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF:
- break scan;
- default:
- break;
- case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD:
- String name = st.sval;
- double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
- if (st.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) {
- x = st.nval;
- if (st.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) {
- y = st.nval;
- if (st.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER)
- z = st.nval;
- }
- }
- addVert(name, (float) x, (float) y, (float) z);
- while (st.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL &&
- st.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF)
- st.nextToken();
- }
- }
- is.close();
- if (st.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF)
- throw new Error(st.toString());
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- throw new Error("Input error: " + ex);
- }
- }
- /** Add a vertex to this model */
- int addVert(String name, float x, float y, float z) {
- int i = nvert;
- if (i >= maxvert)
- if (vert == null) {
- maxvert = 100;
- vert = new float[maxvert * 3];
- atoms = new Atom[maxvert];
- } else {
- maxvert *= 2;
- float nv[] = new float[maxvert * 3];
- System.arraycopy(vert, 0, nv, 0, vert.length);
- vert = nv;
- Atom na[] = new Atom[maxvert];
- System.arraycopy(atoms, 0, na, 0, atoms.length);
- atoms = na;
- }
- Atom a = (Atom) atomTable.get(name.toLowerCase());
- if (a == null) a = defaultAtom;
- atoms[i] = a;
- i *= 3;
- vert[i] = x;
- vert[i + 1] = y;
- vert[i + 2] = z;
- return nvert++;
- }
- /** Transform all the points in this model */
- void transform() {
- if (transformed || nvert <= 0)
- return;
- if (tvert == null || tvert.length < nvert * 3)
- tvert = new int[nvert * 3];
- mat.transform(vert, tvert, nvert);
- transformed = true;
- }
- /**
- * Paint this model to a graphics context. It uses the matrix associated
- * with this model to map from model space to screen space.
- * The next version of the browser should have double buffering,
- * which will make this *much* nicer
- */
- synchronized void paint(java.awt.Graphics g) {
- if (vert == null || nvert <= 0)
- return;
- transform();
- int v[] = tvert;
- int zs[] = ZsortMap;
- if (zs == null) {
- ZsortMap = zs = new int[nvert];
- for (int i = nvert; --i >= 0;)
- zs[i] = i * 3;
- }
- /*
- * I use a bubble sort since from one iteration to the next, the sort
- * order is pretty stable, so I just use what I had last time as a
- * "guess" of the sorted order. With luck, this reduces O(N log N)
- * to O(N)
- */
- for (int i = nvert - 1; --i >= 0;) {
- boolean flipped = false;
- for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
- int a = zs[j];
- int b = zs[j + 1];
- if (v[a + 2] > v[b + 2]) {
- zs[j + 1] = a;
- zs[j] = b;
- flipped = true;
- }
- }
- if (!flipped)
- break;
- }
- int lg = 0;
- int lim = nvert;
- Atom ls[] = atoms;
- if (lim <= 0 || nvert <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++) {
- int j = zs[i];
- int radius = v[j + 2];
- if (radius < 0) {
- radius = 0;
- } else if (radius > 15) {
- radius = 15;
- }
- atoms[j/3].paint(g, v[j], v[j + 1], radius);
- }
- }
- /** Find the bounding box of this model */
- void findBB() {
- if (nvert <= 0)
- return;
- float v[] = vert;
- float xmin = v[0], xmax = xmin;
- float ymin = v[1], ymax = ymin;
- float zmin = v[2], zmax = zmin;
- for (int i = nvert * 3; (i -= 3) > 0;) {
- float x = v[i];
- if (x < xmin)
- xmin = x;
- if (x > xmax)
- xmax = x;
- float y = v[i + 1];
- if (y < ymin)
- ymin = y;
- if (y > ymax)
- ymax = y;
- float z = v[i + 2];
- if (z < zmin)
- zmin = z;
- if (z > zmax)
- zmax = z;
- }
- this.xmax = xmax;
- this.xmin = xmin;
- this.ymax = ymax;
- this.ymin = ymin;
- this.zmax = zmax;
- this.zmin = zmin;
- }
- }