Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | black and white | parallel | receipt OCR: cell (1,0) cell (0,1) GDP Annual Annual GDP Annual Annual per head GDP growth Inflation per head GDP growth Inflation United States 22.30 27 United States 22.30 Switzerland 21700 2: Switzerland 21700 20 - : Germany 19770 Germany 19770 column label (LABEL, 1) entire row (1, ALL) GDP Annual per head Gi)l' growth Inflation per head Go)l' growth Inflation United States - - United States Switzerland 71730 Switzerland 71730 = Germany IF770 Germany IF770 , 7 - cells in column (ALLCELLS, 1) range (0,0) to (1,1) GDP Annual Annual GDP per head GDP growth Inflation per head GI)l' growth Inflation United States 22.30 27 United States - Switzerland 21700 2: Switzerland 1%I Germany Germany 18770 1%