Chip 1998 July
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Late-breaking news, workarounds and useful tips
To jump to a specific section, search for "SECTION #", replacing
# with the appropriate section number.
SECTION 1. Helpful Tips and Workarounds
A. General
B. Install
D. AppBrowser
E. Compiler
F. Debugger
G. Visual Design Tools and JavaBeans
H. The jbInit Method
I. Using Relative Paths in JBuilder
J. Database
K. Database - Resolving
L. Working with Columns
M. Help System
N. Wizards
O. KL Group components
P. Using ObjectStore PSE with JBuilder
Q. Deploying Applications and Applets
SECTION 2: International Issues
A. Install
B. Compiler
C. Visual Design Tools
D. Database
SECTION 1. Helpful Tips and Workarounds
A. General
For the latest information on JBuilder, please see the JBuilder
page at http://www.borland.com.
B. Install
Be sure to uninstall any previous version of JBuilder. Manually
delete the bin directory that will probably remain after
you uninstall JBuilder .Delete the jbuilder.ini file.
According to Windows conventions, JBuilder automatically updates
your registry to add a file association for .java and .jpr files.
This means JBuilder launches automatically when you double click
one of these files in your Explorer.
If you wish to use your own editor to browse .java or .jpr files from
the Explorer, follow these steps:
1) Open your Explorer.
2) Choose the View | Options menu item.
3) Select the File Types tab.
4) Scroll down and select the "Java File" file type.
5) Click the Edit button.
6) Click the New button.
7) For the Action, specify Edit.
8) To specify the application to run, click the Browse button and select your favorite editor.
9) Click OK three times.
You have just added an Edit command to your right-click menu in the Explorer
for this particular file type. Selecting this command invokes your editor.
Double-clicking still launches JBuilder.
This release of Borland JBuilder is based on the Version 1.1.2_Borland
of Sun's Java Development Kit. This version of the Java Development Kit
contains JDK 1.1.2 functionality plus 1.1.3 AWT features, plus some
Borland-found bug fixes needed for JBuilder to run correctly at development time.
The target applications should be able to run on JDK 1.1.3 or later in all cases.
Also, if you restrict yourself to the features of earlier versions, your classes
should run without problems on earlier versions of the JDK, such as 1.02.
Do not use any other JDK 1.1 release with JBuilder itself -- use only
the JDK 1.1 included with JBuilder. You can deploy your target
applications with any JDK version 1.1.3 or higher, however.
D. AppBrowser
If you remove a file from a project and then, in the same session,
try to create a class with the same name as the removed file, an
erroneous dialog box appears reporting that the file already exists.
Your new file will be created correctly. (5233)
JBuilder can hang when it encounters files with paths that contain a "#"
character. The workaround is to remove the "#" character from the
directory name. (6458)
E. Compiler
If you compile a project and get an error that a class file is not
found, this is the problem: If that class is referenced in the code, it
must exist whether or not compilation of it is necessary. In other words,
class loading on demand is not implemented in the compiler. The
workaround is to obtain those missing classes from the vendor. Alternatively,
if the class is referred to, but never really used (for example if there is an
unnecessary import statement), you could create a dummy class with the
same package and name as the compiler complains about and place it in
the classpath. (6887)
For certain source code, such as an empty try and non-empty catch,
the compiler generates correct but dead code. The JIT detects the dead code
and gives the warning "JIT compiler: Bytecode does not conform to the
specification." The code runs correctly, however. (5789)
The compiler does not report an error when an inner class name is the same
as its enclosing class. It should. (7763)
JBuilder has problems if you put the root directory of a drive (e.g. c:\;...)
in the source or class paths. Make sure that all nodes in these paths are
either at least one directory down from the root, or are explicit archive
filenames. (5893)
F. Debugger
Changes to an .html file, such as changes to an applet tag, are not
acknowledged by the Debugger until the .html file is saved. (6711)
For a class displayed in the list of non-traceable classes, after the
class is loaded, the invalid breakpoint glyph should be displayed,
but is not. Instead, the unverified breakpoint glyph is displayed.
Breakpoint line glyphs are not displaying correctly while debugging.
The workaround is to force the window to repaint. (6628)
The error message "Unable to debug class" appears when you are
debugging an applet and these conditions are true:
1. The project file is selected.
2. The .java file doesn't have a main.
3. The project property "Default Runnable File" is blank.
4. One or more .html files exist in the project file before the .html
file that has the valid APPLET CODE tag.
The workaround is to change one of these four things, or right click
on the desired .html file in the Navigation pane and choose
Debug. (7353)
Conditional breakpoints take approximately one second per conditional
evaluation cycle. If the condition is evaluated many times, the debugger
may appear to be hung when it isnÆt. You can use the Pause or Stop buttons
if necessary. (7784)
If you have .class files in a .zip or .jar file, you must set the Debugger
option Compile before Debug to Yes. (4331)
If your application throws an exception very early in operation before the
Debugger sees the thread, JBuilder can hang. If you suspect this, try to
suppress portions of the application's startup code that may be throwing an
exception to find where it is happening, and then handle or prevent the
exception. (7825)
G. Visual Design Tools and JavaBeans
You can quickly get to the online reference documentation for a component in the
Inspector by clicking on a property in the Inspector and then pressing F1.
The Designer only designs Beans, which must be public. If you have a class
which is not public, the Designer will report a parse error. The workaround
is to make your class public.
The purpose of the UI Designer is to design visual Beans (subclasses of
java.awt.Component) placed into Beans that are subclasses of
java.awt.Container. Beans that don't meet these requirements will not
appear in the UI Designer. Instead, they appear only in the
Component Tree under the Other node. (7678)
The following functionality of JavaBeans is not supported in this release
of JBuilder:
1. Setting internally indexed properties using the Inspector. (Those
that have the form "void setProperty(int, T)").
2. The invoking of Customizers.
3. The creation of code for Applet and deserialized Bean use. Note that you
can make this code change by hand.
If you don't see what you expect in the Designer after dropping a
control or setting a property, you can try refreshing the Designer
by double-clicking the node labeled "this" in the Component Tree pane,
or using the right-click Activate Designer menu item. If this doesnÆt
work, try touching the source code and then returning to the
Designer. (7438)
You cannot add a Bean to the Component Palette if it has the same name as
another Bean already on the palette. The workaround is to rename
the Bean. (7607)
If you have a Bean in one file, which is referenced in another file
and is currently being viewed in the Designer, changes made to the first
Bean are not be reflected in the other Designer until you exit and restart
JBuilder. The reason is the first time you use the Bean in the Designer,
it is loaded by the VM and referenced by the Designer. Even though you
change the Bean and recompile, the class is already loaded and is
not replaced. This is true for any Bean which is being designed
and used in the same session. (7679)
The DecoratedFrame class will automatically close the application
when the user clicks the X close button. If you have a
multi-window application and don't want this behavior, simply set
the exitOnClose property of your class that extends
DecoratedFrame to false. In this case, if you want to do
more than just System.exit() on this button, you must
handle your own processing of this window close event. See the
TextEdit tutorial sample file for an example of how to add a
window close event handler. (7583)
Double-clicking on a designer folder in the Component Tree
does not bring up that designer. For example, even if you
have a menu in the frame you are designing, double-clicking on
the Menu folder causes the Content pane to merely go blank.
To bring up the Menu Designer, you must double-click on the next
level object down in the Component Tree, such as MenuBar. (6954)
If you want to set a ListControl's navigateWithDataSet property to
false, you must first attach the dataSet to the component. (7146)
If you want to drop a visual component on a class that extends a
class with a jbInit() method, you must move the instantiation of
that visual component into the jbInit() method in the source
code. (6596)
If you have set a font property of a menu item and then add a
sub-menu to that menu item, the setting of the font property is
lost. The workaround is to reset the font property for that menu
item. (5787)
Setting the background color property of a column object in the
Inspector also sets the foreground color to the same value in the
Inspector. Changing the foreground color does not reflect your changes in
the Inspector, although the correct code is generated. (7214)
Setting a TextFieldControl's setReadOnly property to true after
setting the TextFieldControl's setText property, causes
the text not to be displayed in the UI Designer. The workaround
is to set the setReadOnly property to true before setting the
setText property. (7321)
You will get an exception if you set the buttonType of a ButtonBar
to the existing type, including setting it to the default value
(TextAndImage) if it wasn't explicitly set. The workaround is to not
set the default explicitly. You can also test the existing value first and
elect not to set it. (7550)
buttonBar.setButtonEnabled(int, boolean) throws an IllegalArgumentException
if the buttonBar has not been shown at least once. The workaround is to
call setButtonEnabled only after the buttonBar has been shown. (7745)
If you add a frame to your project that extends a frame currently in your
project and the frame which you are extending contains AWT components and
your new frame does not, you must add the following line of code to
your new frame in order to compile:
import java.awt.*; (7831)
When designing an application that has multiple menus in multiple frames,
a bug occurs when you edit more than one of these menus through the Menu
Designer during a single session. If you need to design multiple menus
like this, it is best to close the project and reopen it before designing
the second menu. (7780)
Calling getSelectedLabel from a CheckboxPanel when none of the checkboxes
are checked causes a NullPointerException. The workaround is to wrap
try/catch around the call to catch the NullPointerExecption. Usually one of the radio
buttons is initially checked, which is what you want. (7734)
A ChoiceControl by default displays the first value in the string
array that was used in the ChoiceControl's setItems method, but the
ChoiceControl's model will be null. Set the ChoiceControl's model
explicitly to have the ChoiceControl display its actual setting. (7656)
The tab order of components in a frame or panel is determined by the
order of the add() method calls in jbInit. This is initially determined
by the order in which you drop controls into your design. To
subsequently change the tab order, manually change the order of the
add() calls in your source code. (7650)
The setSelectedIndex property of a checkboxPanel requires a group, therefore
its properties must be set in the following order:
1. The labels property.
2. The grouped property.
3. The setSelectedIndex property. (7889)
Dropping controls to a layout in the Component Tree does not work correctly.
The workaround is to select the layout in the Component Tree and drop the
control onto the frame or panel. (7882)
H. The jbInit Method
The contents of the jbInit method are arranged as follows:
1. Subcomponent initial property settings in order by subcomponent and
then by property. (Properties are ordered as defined by the BeanInfo class,
or as the getter methods are found through reflection). Event listener
addXxxListener calls are also placed here, ordered as if they were
property settings.
2. Additional method calls for wiring subcomponent relationships
created by the designers. These include container.add(component, constraints)
calls as well as menu and data module assembly. Generally these are ordered by
subcomponent, and then child (Z) order.
Any hand rearranging of the above methods will likely be undone the next
time a designer manipulates something nearby. The changes won't hurt
anything, but you can't rely on them remaining.
Additional hand-coded method calls or other statements can be placed
anywhere within jbInit, but it is recommended that they be placed at the
end. They may get moved by the designers, but this is much less likely
to happen if they are at the bottom.
I. Using Relative Paths in JBuilder
Using the iconImageName as opposed to the iconImageURL:
We recommend using the "xxxName" as a general resource identifier.
The "xxxUrl" properties may become deprecated in the future.
When running or debugging your application, the "current directory"
is the project directory.
Images and other 'resources' should be loaded in the following sequence:
1. Loaded as a resource. System uses classpath entries + name.
2. Loaded as a URL.
3. Loaded as a path (relative to current working directory or an absolute path)
J. Database
Be sure to explicitly call the closeConnection() method of on your Database
objects when you are through with them or you will leave orphaned JDBC
connections on your server.
The default value of the resolvable property for a calculated column is true, which
causes an error when saving changes because you cannot resolve to
a calculated column. The workaround is to set the resolvable property of the
calculated column to false. (7869)
Changing the getter for a DataSet in a DataModule and recompiling
the DataModule source is not reflected in the Visual Design Tools
when you switch back to a frame that has a reference to the
DataModule. The workaround is to close and reopen the project to
refresh the Visual Design Tools to show the current DataModule
state. (4980)
A partial locate on a column sorted in descending sequence finds
only exact matches. (2397)
You may get deprecation warnings when compiling applications using
DataSet. (7083)
Creating a DataModule class, and placing a queryDataSet in the subclass
may generate code that accesses uninitialized variables in a
derived class. For example:
QueryDataSet queryDataSet1 = new QueryDataSet();
When the subClass1 is instantiated, the sequence of execution is:
1. The constructor of subclass
2. Which calls the constructor of the superclass
3. Which initializes all the superclass variables
4. And then calls the jbInit() of the subclass
5. Which calls jbInit() of the superclass
6. And then calls queryDataSet's setQuery (which is not initialized)
Since Java allows such a calling sequence, the queryDataSet1 variable
of the subclass is never initialized and is always null. (6429)
When a column's edit mask is removed through the Visual Design Tools,
the call to setEditMask is not removed. The workaround is to remove
that line of code from the source. (6584)
When you use the Class wizard to make a new class which implements a
DataModule, a static getDataModule method is not created. The workaround
is to use the File|New...DataModule, or code that method by hand. (6897)
To append a new pseudo-record to a DataSet when positioned on the bottom
row of a grid control, press Ctrl-Down. (7002)
If you want to set the ListControl property navigateWithDataSet to false,
you must set the dataSet property of the ListControl first. (7146)
The AccessEvent handler in GridControl does not properly handle two
dataset.close() requests in succession. The workaround is to not add
the extra close. (7289)
If you link a DataSet to itself in a Master-Detail relationship, some editing
operations fail. You can still use this type of link for read-only
operations. Use a TableDataSet or QueryDataSet for the master, and a
DataSetView for the detail, so they can navigate separately.
DataSet.rowCount() doesn't change after a DataSet is emptied (using
StorageDataSet.empty()), and a grid displaying the data isn't notified
of the change. The workaround is to force the updates by closing and
reopening the DataSet. (6841)
There is currently a bug in the JavaSoft SimpleDateFormat class (in JDK 1.1.2)
involving Timestamp values. The default displayMask for Timestamp in the
English Locale is "MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a". When a Timestamp value containing all
zeroes in the "mm:ss" part of the pattern is parsed (such as 02/26/97 12:00:00 am),
a spurious NullPointerException is occasionally thrown. (5532)
Use FieldControl rather than TextControl when binding separate field objects to a DataSet.
This component is data-aware and inherits all the appropriate properties from its associated
Column object. The TextFieldControl object, on the other hand, is a very thin wrapper on
top of the AWT TextField component and is not aware of issues like Locale-specific
formatting. Consequently, the TextFieldControl is not recommended for use with DataSet
Columns. (5532)
The FieldControl has a new property called postOnFocus, which provides the same
functionality as that of the TextFieldControl. If this property is set to true (the default),
when the FieldControl component loses focus to some other component in the current
window, an endEdit occurs that posts the value, for example, to the DataSet. If this
property is set to false, you must press the Enter key first to post values to DataSet.
When you're defining a Master-Detail link between TableDataSets in the Designer,
column names are not displayed in the MasterLink editor. The workaround is to add
the code to set the MasterDetailLink manually. (7599)
BLOB images are not displaying consistently in a gridControl. The workaround
is to use fieldControls to display BLOB images. (7772)
If you use an edit mask, values for LONGs that are greater than the maximum INT are
truncated to INTs when you enter edit mode. Once in the edit mask, you can enter
any LONG value, and it is retained when you end the edit. There's no truncation if you
have only a display mask or no mask at all. (7548)
The layout property of a buttonBar cannot be changed. If you try to change it in the
Inspector you will find that you cannot move off of that property temporarily. The
workaround is to select a different component and then reselect the buttonBar
component. (7542)
The preferred way to manage JDBC Connections is to use the Connection property of the
Database component. If you have a specific need which is not met using this approach,
there is an alternate constructor for the Database component that allows you to
pass in your own JDBC Connection. Note that once you give a JDBC Connection to the
Database object, the Database is free to close that Connection when necessary.
This constructor is really reserved only for those situations where no other approach
works. It is likely to become deprecated (that is, removed) in future releases. It will
be replaced by more powerful Connection property binding methods. (7138)
When a Master table is linked to itself, selecting the Delay Fetch option in the
masterLink Descriptor UI followed by pressing TestLink causes a stack overflow. (7848)
Assigning a non-default Locale to a DataSet does not reconfigure the formatter for each
Column. The workaround is to call setLocale() for each column to force initColumn
to rebuild the formatter. (5762)
If you get the error message "No suitable driver" when testing the database
connection in the Inspector, and your URL is specified correctly, it could mean that
the IDEClassPath doesn't contain any driver class files. The IDEClassPath is used
by the Designer to locate class files. Modify IDEClassPath in jbuilder.ini to include
the location of the driver classes.
Additional connectivity troubleshooting information is available in online help.
Look under Troubleshooting JDBC Connections in the Database Application
Developer's Guide.
Providing problem: Query is read-only, even though table on the server has a unique
row id. When you try to modify the dataset, you get a message that reports: "Cannot
be saved. None of its updatable columns have a table name." This may mean that
the driver does not support the MetaData functions used by JBCL. The solution is to
set metaDataUpdate on the QueryDataSet to MetaDataUpdate.NONE, which
bypasses obtaining MetaData information. What this means is that the following
properties, which would otherwise have been set automatically, will now have to
be set by hand. For Column, the properties are rowId, precision, scale, and searchable; for
QueryDataSet, the properties are tableName and schemaName.
For more information on MetaData, please refer to Working With Columns in the
Database Application Developer's Guide.
To make a query updatable :
- If UpdateMode is ALL_COLUMNS (default), set tableName on queryDataSet.
- If the app has a QueryResolver, and UpdateMode is KEY_COLUMNS, set rowId
on the columns used as an index to the table.
- If you have a BLOB column, set the searchable property to false. This means never use
this column in a WHERE clause of an update query. Most databases don't
support this for BLOBs.
K. Database - Resolving
While troubleshooting resolution problems, keep in mind that it is not necessarily
columns that you have edited that are causing an error. For instance, the problem
might stem from columns which are included in the WHERE clause of the update
If you get a message to the effect that no rows were affected by the update query,
it could just mean that someone modified the original row, causing the WHERE
clause to fail. Use QueryDataSet.refetchRow() to get the original row from the
server. If it is not the case that the original row has been modified, the following
are some other possible causes.
Columns of certain datatypes and fields which are calculated on the server could
cause the comparison in the WHERE clause of the update query to fail. You could
run into this problem, if for instance:
- Column is of imprecise data types (such as floats and doubles);
- Column is a fixed length string (some drivers don't pad strings with blanks,
which leads to failures in comparison);
- Column is calculated on the server, and successive saveChanges calls (without
an intervening refresh) are made.
There are two possible solutions:
Set metaDataUpdate to MetaDataUpdate.NONE, and set the searchable property
of the column in question to false, so that the column is not included in the
WHERE clause of the update query. Note that this means you will have to set
other properties as well to make the query updatable, as described in "To Make
a query updatableö in text above.
Add a QueryResolver to the app, and set UpdateMode on the QueryResolver to
KEY_COLUMNS. This is done by instantiating a QueryResolver component, and
setting the resolver property of the QueryDataSet to that QueryResolver.
Problem: You get error messages from the server that are not due to constraint
or integrity violations -- the text of the message will vary from server to server.
Possible Explanation 1: If you have a manually added or calculated field in your
app, this column is being included in the update query (in the SET and/or WHERE
clauses) and this is causing the resolution to fail. Workaround: Set the resolvable
property of the column to false. This prevents JBuilder from trying to resolve
changes to this column back to the server. Note: to prevent unwanted edits to
columns, set the editable property to false for that column.
Possible Explanation 2: It may be that your driver does not support prefixing field
names with table names (for example. testtable.column1). The workaround is to set
useTableName in the database to false.
Possible Explanation 3: MetaDataUpdate has been set to NONE, but searchable
has not been set to false for BLOB columns. In this case the workaround is to
set the searchable property to false. See the ôProviding problemö in text above
for more details.
L. Working with Columns
The Column objects within a DataSet can be assigned properties just
like any other component in JBuilder. These properties include both
metadata (such as data type, precision, etc.) as well as visual
properties (font, color, etc.)
To edit the properties of a Column, you open the DataSet by clicking
the "+" icon next to the DataSet in the Component Tree. If the DataSet
can be opened, the Component Tree shows all of the Column objects
as child nodes of the DataSet. Now, you can click on any of these
Column objects, and the Inspector displays its properties.
If you change any of these properties, JBuilder generates code
(which you can view in the Content pane) to assign that property
value at runtime. Any column which has such source code associated
with it is called a persistent Column, because these values have
been explicitly made persistent via source code. Persistent Columns
are shown by surrounding their name in the Component Tree with
square brackets ("[like this]").
Note that there is always a <new column> node under all the other
Columns. You add new Columns to a DataSet by editing any property
of this <new column> component. This is typically how you go about
defining the Columns in a TableDataSet or adding calculated or aggregate
fields to any kind of DataSet.
There is one side-effect of making a Column persistent that you should
consider. All persistent Columns are logically moved to the start of
the list of Columns. This means they will no longer appear in the
order they are found, for example, in a QueryDataSet.
The order the Columns are named in the setColumns() statement is the order
these Columns will have at runtime, regardless of the order these Columns
appear in a select statement of a query. Any Columns not listed in the setColumn()
but appearing in the output of the query are appended to the end of the
list of persistent Columns.
If you do not like this new Column order, manually edit the code in the
dataSet.setColumns() methods you find in your source code window to
list the columns in the desired order.
Though you are not required to set any Column properties in order to use
them, you will probably find that certain properties (such as width) will
give your presentation a more customized look at runtime.
For more information on working with columns, see "Working with Columns" under
"Accessing Data" in the Database Application Developer's Guide.
M. Help System
JBCL Reference: Simple properties are listed in the Properties section for
each class. Array and indexed properties are listed in the methods
section. (7137)
Pressing Enter to bring up the content for an index entry actually
brings up content for the next entry in the index. The workaround is to
double-click on the desired index entry. (7370)
JBuilder hangs when you try to get context-sensitive help from within
the Help Viewer itself by pressing F1. (7255)
N. Wizards
Be sure that you have built all your .class files before running
the Deployment Wizard. If you see the "Can't find .class files"
message from the Wizard, you have probably forgotten to compile
your project first.
Additionally, be sure to add any .properties, .txt, and .schema files you
wish to deploy to your project so that they can be seen by the Deployment
Wizard. Note that you may first need to use Tools|Treat As Text in order to
add those files to your project.
We also suggest that you only invoke the Deployment Wizard once per
JBuilder session in this release, including wizard invocations you
cancel. There are some problems with the Wizard that only show up
if you invoke it more than once during a JBuilder session, such as
zero-length manifest files, older versions of .mf files in the
archive, or running low on memory. (7692)
In the Expression Assistant of the Interaction Wizard Editor, the
checkbox labeled This method exposed to interactions is not checked by
default. Usually you want to check that option. (7036)
In the Application Wizard, the case must match the actual case of the
directory path when specifying the directory path of your project file. (6679)
The Project, Application, and Applet Wizards require you to have more
than one node in your source path. If you only have one node
in your source path, the workaround is to add a dummy node
(e.g. c:\jbuilder\myprojects; c:\temp). (7224)
If the location of your project is not in or under a directory on your source
path, using the Frame, Panel, Dialog or DataModule Wizards puts the
new file in a package on your source path, not where your project is. The
workaround is to add to your source path the location of your project, or
some directory other than the root above its location. (5839)
Be sure that the first entry on your source path is a directory and not a zip file.
Wizards that create files assume the first node on the source path is a
directory name. The actual filename is generated by taking this directory name
and appending the package, if any, and treating the classname as the
filename. (7727)
Closing a project while a Wizard is starting up can hang JBuilder. (7567)
If the root directory of any drive is selected in the Source Path selection
dialog box, a backslash is included at the end of it. This can cause problems
when Wizards are used to create files, as they automatically append another
backslash to the path, resulting in a double backslash. The workaround is
to remove the extra backslash from the path. (6636)
To be able to drop a wrapped applet to a frame or panel, you must add your
output path (usually "..\myclasses") to the IDEClassPath. With JBuilder not running,
edit the file, ..\bin\JBuilder.INI. Find the line that begins with "IDEClassPath=".
At the end of this line, add the string ";..\myclasses", substituting your own
output path if it differs. (7893)
On the Parameters page of the Applet Wizard, after entering a parameter, click away
from that field to another field in the grid to commit your change. Pressing OK or
Enter moves to the next page of the Wizard without committing your last change. (7907)
After using the Resource Wizard to change your project, be sure to recompile
the project by selecting either Build | Make Project, or Build | Rebuild Project.
Otherwise, if you try to run or debug your project, strings may be missing from your
user interface, and you may see the runtime message,
"java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource at... ." (7514)
O. KL Group Components
Adding event code to some components results in an error when compiling.
The error reports that the event adapter should be declared abstract because
it does not implement all the methods of an interface. This happens because
the adapter for this event type is missing. The workaround is to invoke
Wizards | Implement Interface, select the appropriate adapter class from the
Class Name drop down, browse for jclass.awt.*, and select the appropriate
interface in the Available Interfaces tree. After doing this, your
code will compile. (7172)
JCCheckbox doesn't display properly when set to MIDDLELEFT. The workaround
is to set the property to TOPLEFT, and it displays as expected (7632)
Setting some properties results in a null where the classname of the static
constant should be. It will look something like this: nullPLACE_BOTTOM.
The workaround is to change "null" to a class depending on the component.
For Table, use jclass.table.JCTblEnum.
For ChartComponent, use jclass.chart.JCChartComponent.
For Chart axis, use jclass.chart.JCAxis.
For Chart legend, use jclass.chart.JCLegend.
Anything else should use jclass.bwt.BWTEnum. (7336)
P. Using ObjectStore PSE with JBuilder
Object Design (http://www.odi.com) has a Java object-oriented database product
called "ObjectStore PSE" that can be used with JBuilder.
To use PSE with JBuilder:
1. In File | Project Properties | Project add <PSE dir>\pse.zip
to the "Class Path:" field.
2. Build your application.
3. In a Command Console window, run the PSE class file post-processor
(osjcfp) as specified in the PSE documentation.
4. Copy *ALL* of the post-processed (annotated) classes from the osjcfp
output directory into your project directory, effectively replacing the
non-annotated version of your classes with the newer annotated versions.
5. In JBuilder select File | Project Properties | Run/Debug (tab) and check to
see that the Compile project before debugging option is NOT checked.
Now you can Run | Debug your application.
Yu cannot simply run your application in JBuilder, nor can you
make changes to your classes without going through steps 3 and 4
above. Here's why: JBuilder prepends the Project directory to the
front of the CLASSPATH directories. This causes the non-annotated
classes to be loaded BEFORE the annotated classes. Currently,
there is no way of short-circuiting this feature.
Summary: To use PSE with JBuilder you must:
1. Place all annotated classes in the Project directory,
overwriting the non-annotated versions.
2. Run | Debug only (with compiling turned off).
Q. Deploying Applications and Applets
For information about deploying Applications and Applets,
see the ôDeploying Java Programsö section in the JBuilder
User's Guide. The online copy of that document contains
later information than that found in the printed version.
The information provided below is supplemental to the
JBuilder 1.0 online documentation. It may be partially
obsolete by the time you read it, so please visit the
JBuilder Web page at http://www.borland.com for the latest
updates of deployment documentation.
Deploying an Application
See the instructions in the online version of the ôDeploying
Java Programsö section in the JBuilder User's Guide.
Note that for final deployment of JDK1.1 applications,
you should now use JRE.EXE rather than JAVA.EXE to launch
your application's class. JRE.EXE is a freely redistributable
runtime VM, available in the JBuilder\bin directory, and
also freely downloadable from the JavaSoft Web site.
JAVA.EXE is not intended to be redistributed, rather
it is for use as part of the development kit only.
For more information, see the JRE download at:
In summary, you can use JRE to launch the class containing
your application's main() method. JRE looks for
the remaining classes and archives in the locations
indicated in the classpath. You can specify this with
the -classpath command line argument to JRE.
A simple example:
1. Close all existing projects
2. Use File|New... Application to create a new project and untitled1.Application1
in myprojects\untitled1
3. Design your application's Frame1 (for example, drop a button on it and hook up
an event).
4. Compile your application.
5. Create a directory in which you will test an installation/deployment of your application,
for example: c:\test
6. Install the Java Runtime Engine onto your path.
(During test, you can run \jbuilder\bin\setvars.bat
to get the JRE into your path and environment correctly.)
7a. If you are deploying your application as class files:
create the directory: c:\test\untitled1. Then, enter this command:
copy jbuilder\myclasses\untitled1\*.class c:\test\untitled1\.
7b. If you are running the Deployment Wizard to bundle your
Application1, Frame1, and dependency classes into one .jar file,
use this command: copy jbuilder\myclasses\untitled1.jar c:\test
8. If you excluded the JBCL and JGL dependencies from your untitled1.jar,
use these commands:
copy \jbuilder\redist\jbclrt.jar c:\test\.
copy \jbuilder\redist\jgl.zip c:\test\.
9. Type: cd c:\test
10. Type: jre -cp .;jbclrt.jar;jgl.zip untitled1.Application1
11. Alternatively, on your development machine, you can skip step 8,
and just use this command:
jre -cp .;\jbuilder\lib\jbcl.zip;\jbuilder\lib\jgl.zip untitled1.Application1
Deploying an Applet as .class files (JDK 1.02 or 1.1)
1. Build your Applet in JBuilder. Compile the project.
For the purposes of these instructions, we will
use an example of your project existing in
and your Applet1.java having the package name of untitled1.
2. Copy your HTML file to the target directory.
For example, if the computer has a c:\http directory
that is what the web server makes visible as the root of
the web page directory structure, and if you have
a subdirectory there called "joe" where you can put
your files, you would use something like:
copy c:\jbuilder\myprojects\untitled1\Applet1.html c:\http\joe\.
3. Copy your .class files to the appropriate subdirectory,
based on their packageÆs name, of the location named in
the CODEBASE tag. If you donÆt do this, you get a
cryptic error message from the AppBrowser, such as
To continue the above example, let's say your Applet class
is untitled1.Applet1, and your CODEBASE parameter in the
APPLET tag is ".". You should use a copy command like this:
copy c:\jbuilder\myclasses\untitled1\*.class c:\http\joe\untitled1
4. If your Applet uses JBCL, be sure to copy the necessary JBCL and JGL
classes to the server also. If your Applet uses a JDBC connection, then
be sure that the JDBC driver client classes are there also.
4a.Specifying a name for the JDBC driver name parameter of
borland.jbcl.dataset.ConnectionDescriptor( )causes an applet security
violation. Alternatively, pass an empty string as the driver name, and
preload the driver class as follows:
database.setConnection(new borland.jbcl.dataset.ConnectionDescriptor(jdbcURL,
jdbcUserName, jdbcPassword, false, ""));
5. Load c:\http\joe\Applet1.html in your Web browser as a local file for initial testing.
6. Test via the Web server, by loading the http URL that represents
joe\Applet1.html in your Web browser
Deploying an Applet as a Java archive file (JDK 1.1 only)
1. Build your Applet in JBuilder. Compile the project.
For the purposes of these instructions, we will
use an example of your project existing in
and your Applet1.java having the package name of untitled1.
2. Run the Deployment Wizard, selecting the applet java file(s)
and any necessary image files. To see them in the Deployment
Wizard, add them to your project first.
2a Do NOT select the .jpr or any .html files. They should not be
in your .jar file.
2b If you leave JBCL and JGL excluded, you will need to deploy
three .jar files in step 3.
2c If you turn off the exclusion of JBCL and JGL, your archive
will be larger, but will contain all the necessary .class files in a single
.jar, and so you will need to deploy only the one .jar file. One way to
get all the necessary JBCL images is to add the following two
packages to the project:
You could also add only selected images these packages instead.
In this example, you could name your archive untitled1.jar.
4. Modify your HTML page to add an ARCHIVE parameter to the APPLET
tag. The value of this parameter should be the name of the
.jar file, or a comma-separated list of the jar files, that
you created in step 2. For example:
3a If you deployed all of your .class files, including JBCL and JGL
dependencies, into a single .jar file, use something like this:
3b If you excluded JBCL and JGL, then you will also need to
deliver the JBCL and JGL files, using an ARCHIVE tag something
like this:
Check the redistribution details in your license agreement
to see exactly what you can redistribute.
3c An intranet alternative to 3b would be to install the jbclrt.jar
and jgl.jar files in the local classpath for the browsers
that will be viewing your applet, and then just putting
the applet jar file on the server. The parameter would then
be just this:
3d In any case, your CODEBASE and CODE tags would remain something
like this:
4. Copy your HTML file to the target directory.
For example, if the computer has a c:\http directory
that is what the web server makes visible as the root of
the web page directory structure, and if you have
a subdirectory there called "joe" where you can put
your files, you would use something like:
copy c:\jbuilder\myprojects\untitled1\Applet1.html c:\http\joe\.
5. Copy your archive file(s) to the server location
indicated in the CODEBASE tag. For example:
copy c:\jbuilder\myclasses\untitled1.jar c:\http\joe
Note that since the archive already contains the structure
for the untitled1 subdirectory, you do NOT place the archive
file down in an untitled1 subdirectory, but directly
into the directory indicated in CODEBASE.
5a If you are using step 3b, copy all of your archive
files, including JBCL and JGL runtime archives, to the same location.
5b If your Applet uses JDBC data connections, be sure to copy the
appropriate JDBC client driver class archive (e.g. Interclient.jar)
to the server.
5c If you are using step 3c, copy your applet jar file to
that location, and, separately, get your browser clients
to all have the JBCL and JGL runtime archives listed
explicitly in their classpaths. Check the browser(s)
you will be using to see how this is done, or whether
these archives may already be present in their delivered archives.
For example, for MS Internet Explorer the local archives are listed
under the registry entry:
Hkey_Local_Machine/Software/Microsoft/Java VM
6. Load c:\http\joe\Applet1.html into your Web browser as a local
file for initial testing.
7. Test via the web server by loading the http URL that represents
joe\Applet1.html into your Web browser.
Viewing JDK 1.1 Applets
We anticipate that the popular Web browsers will be fully JDK 1.1
compatible by the time you are deploying JDK1.1 Applets. If,
during early development, this is not widely the case yet,
you can use the following tools to view JDK1.1 Applets
in the meantime: (information here is from 7/97)
1. JDK1.1 Appletviewer, which is integrated into JBuilder
and used for running and debugging applets, is fully 1.1
compliant. When you run or debug an Applet in JBuilder,
you are actually seeing its UI in Appletviewer.
Appletviewer can also be run standalone if you want to
demo your Applet separately from JBuilder and have no 1.1
browser available.
You can launch Appletviewer on the command line,
pointing it at the HTML file containing the Applet tag,
but it only shows the Applet itself, not any of the other
HTML content. You may need to run jbuilder\bin\setvars.bat,
with one parameter indicating the location of your
JBuilder directory, in the same console session before
running Appletviewer for it to know where all the
class files are located. See the notes in setvars.bat for
more information on its use.
2. HotJava, available from Sun, is an all-Java browser that
should be fully 1.1 compliant.
3. Internet Explorer version 3.02 can be patched with the
Microsoft SDK for Java to bring it up to JDK 1.1 compatibility.
Internet Explorer version 4 contains a JDK 1.1-compatible VM.
It also contains a Microsoft version of Appletviewer.
4. Netscape has announced upcoming JDK1.1 support in Navigator.
5. Search the Web sites of your favorite Web browsers to see
the current status of their support for JDK 1.1.
How to build and deploy a 1.02 Applet for a 1.02 browser
If you must create an Applet that will be used in a
JDK1.02-only browser, and you don't have a 1.02
development tool, you can, with some extra efforts,
create or maintain 1.02-compatible Applets in JBuilder, as follows:
To maintain an existing applet, just be sure to stick with
1.02 Java features. See suggestions below.
To create a new Applet for 1.02 use:
1. Use File | New Applet to create the html and java files.
1a Select the option for Generate Standard Methods.
1b Create any parameters needed.
2. In the java source for the Applet, do these things:
2a Remove the imports for borland.jbcl and java.awt.event stuff:
import borland.jbcl.layout.*;
import borland.jbcl.control.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
2b Remove the XYLayout instantiation and usage lines:
At the top of the class:
XYLayout xYLayout1 = new XYLayout();
In jbInit:
3. Develop your applet using only 1.02 features.
3a Use only the components on the AWT tab of the palette.
3b Use the default layout (Flow) for the applet, or use
1.02-style layout management. Do not use XYLayout at all.
3c You will probably have to change all .add statements from something
like this:
this.add(button1, null);
to something like this:
3d Use only properties whose setter and getter methods were already
defined in JDK1.02. For example, in JDK1.02, java.awt.Button
had a label property (setLabel, getLabel), so it would be
safe to use that one in the Inspector.
If in doubt, refer to some 1.02-version documentation to know
what methods you can call in 1.02.
3e Do not hook up events using the Events tab of the inspector
(JBuilder's Inspector generates JDK1.1-style event mechanisms)
Instead, use 1.02-style event handling only.
3f In general, code your application by hand. The Designers
and Wizards generate 1.1 code.
4. Compile your Applet.
5. You can test it initially in JBuilder/AppletViewer as you
would a JDK1.1 applet.
6. The code generated by JBuilder from 1.02-compliant source
should be compatible with 1.02 virtual machines. As an additional
precaution, and to verify that it conforms strictly to 1.02
patterns, you could also compile it with a JDK1.02 version of
javac.exe and use the JDK1.02 class libraries.
7. Deploy your Applet as .class files. Do not use the Deployment
wizard, because 1.02 browsers do not know how to read java
archive files and don't recognize the ARCHIVE tag in HTML.
SECTION 2. International Issues
A. Install
Due to JDK limitations, installation into a directory path
containing non-ASCII characters is not supported. (3235)
B. Compiler
1. Native encoded source files:
By default the compiler uses the encoding appropriate for your
environment. The JDK convention is to assume 8859_1 for most Windows
environments (Cp1252). If you use Cp1252 characters within the
range of x7F through x9F, then you should explicitly set the
encoding to be Cp1252. (5882)
To select the encoding used by the compiler, click on the IDE
Options item in the Tools menu, then select the encoding from
the list provided. For the command line compiler, use the -encoding option.
2. Local characters in Identifier names:
You can use local characters, including multi-byte characters,
in identifier names. However, due to a JDK limitation,
you can only use ASCII characters in class and package
names. Therefore it is suggested that only ASCII
characters be used as component names. This is because any
event handler classes will use the component name. (6362)
3. ResourceBundle
ResourceBundle must be explicitly rebuilt, rather than relying
on the Build | Make Project command. To do this, display the
pertinent file in the Source content pane, and select the menu
command, Build | Rebuild "fileName.java".
C. Visual Design Tools
As for naming components with international characters, see
the note regarding event handlers under the section above,
"2. Local characters in Identifier names:".
To use the UI Designer with ResourceBundle, you must add your
output path (usually "..\myclasses") to the IDEClassPath.
With JBuilder not running, edit the file, ..\bin\JBuilder.INI. Find
the line that begins with "IDEClassPath=". At the end of this
line, add the string ";..\myclasses", substituting your own
output path if it differs. (7022)
When using the IME to enter Chinese characters into the Inspector,
you should use the keyboard. Using the mouse can fail to properly
enter the character. (5465)
There is a JDK limitation when creating localized applications whose
menu commands have shortcuts such as Ctrl-S. For example, under
a German locale, the shortcut should appear in the menu as Strg-S,
but will always be listed as Ctrl-S. (6955)
The KL Group components are backward-compatible with JDK 1.02.
Therefore there are international limitations with these components.
Particularly, the JCTextField and JCComboBox components are
limited in how they accept international character input.
D. Database
1. Schema file for TextDataFile
When multi-byte field names are desired, you will need to use Unicode for
the column names. You can first create your text file in the native
encoding format and then use the command-line command Native2Ascii, a tool
included with the JDK, to convert the file to Unicode.This command is
explained in the JDK documentation.
2. Text file for TextDataFile
When importing a text file with native encoding you must specify the encoding
in the schema file. For example, if you are trying to import a file containing
SJIS characters you must change your encoding in the schema file from 8859_1
to SJIS.
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