9 Select the Local InterBase Server Components to be installed. Use the scroll bar to view all the options.
11 Select Local InterBase Components
13 Ready to Copy files
14 Setup now has enough information to begin copying files.\nIf you would like to change any of these choices, click Back. If you are satisfied with these choices and ready to begin installing files, click Install.
15 Important Installation Information
16 The Install.txt file contains important last minute information on installing the Local InterBase Server. Please take a few moments to read this file before proceeding with the install.
100 Program Files
101 InterBase Server
102 InterBase Client
103 InterBase Command-line Tools
104 InterBase Windows Tools
105 InterBase SDK Support
106 InterBase Example Programs
107 InterBase Example Database
108 InterBase SQL Tutorial
109 InterBase Help
110 Online Registration
111 InterBase ODBC Driver
112 InstallShield Express
200 Local InterBase program files. (Minimum installation)
201 InterBase 32-bit multi-user server.
202 InterBase 32-bit Client required to connect to InterBase servers.
203 Text mode server administration, data definition, and query tools. Required to administer user accounts.
204 Graphical server administration, data definition, and query tools. Required to administer user accounts.
205 C/C++ Language header and library files for developing applications using the native InterBase API.
206 Sample InterBase applications using embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL (DSQL), and the InterBase API.
207 A sample personnel management and sales database.
208 Windows ISQL and SQL tutorial.
209 InterBase tools help and reference guides.
210 ODBC 2.5 Compliant Driver for InterBase.\nOptimized for Win95 / WinNT. UNIX versions available.
900 To connect to InterBase using the TCP/IP protocol, the line\n
901 \nMust be added to your TCP/IP Services file.
902 &Modify my SERVICES file for me (Recommended)
903 &Do not modify my SERVICES file
904 InterBase TCP/IP Support
905 Copying
906 Configuring TCP/IP SERVICES file ...
907 Configuring InterBase License ...
908 Configuring Registry ...
909 Creating Icons ...
910 Invalid Selection
911 Question
912 Confirm Selection
913 Local InterBase Server
914 Setup
915 Welcome to the Local InterBase Server Setup program. This program will install the Local InterBase Server 4.2 on your computer.
916 Setup has detected a copy of InterBase Server 4.1 for Windows NT or older installed on this machine. You must uninstall the older copy before you can install Local InterBase 4.2 on this machine.\n\nChoose OK to exit setup now.
917 Copy Error
918 Local InterBase Server setup complete
919 The Local InterBase Server is now installed on your computer.
921 The readme file contains important late breaking information on this release.\n\nIf you would like to view the readme file now choose Finish. To complete setup without viewing the readme file, choose Skip.
923 Setup has detected an InterBase Server running on your computer.\nYou must shut the server down before you can run setup.\n\nChoose OK to exit setup now.
924 Error while copying\n
925 to\n
926 Unable to load DLL:
927 Internal error near:
928 An error occurred during file copy. Setup will exit.
929 Setup was unable to update your registry.\nMake sure that you are logged in on an account with registry update privileges and have sufficient space available for the registry database.
930 You have not selected an InterBase component to install.\nYou must select at least one component before you can continue.\n\nIf you would like to exit setup, click cancel in the main options dialog.
931 \n\nChoose Yes to confirm this choice and continue or No to select different options.
932 You have chosen to install the Local InterBase Server without any administration or query tools. If you continue, you may not be able to administer user accounts or work with databases on this computer.
934 Please Insert Disk #
935 Error code %d : Target directory is read-only
936 Error code %d : Please insert the correct disk
937 Error code %d : Please insert Disk #1
938 Error code %d : Error creating directory
939 Error code %d : Compressed file '%s' not found in archive
940 Error code %d in file '%s': General Error
941 Error code %d in file '%s': Decompression Error
942 Error code %d in file '%s': Out of Space
943 Error code %d in file '%s': Unknown Error
944 You have not selected the Program Files option. If you do not select Program Files, the Local InterBase Server and Client will not be installed. You will not be able to access InterBase databases or use any InterBase tools.
945 You have chosen to install the InterBase SQL Tutorial without the InterBase Windows Tools. In order to use the tutorial, you must install the Windows Tools.
946 InterBase Files will be installed to:
947 Network support:
948 TCP/IP: InterBase SERVICES entry will be added.
949 TCP/IP: Support for this protocol has not been detected.
950 TCP/IP: InterBase SERVICES entry will not be added.
952 NetBEUI: InterBase will use this protocol if it is installed.
953 Selected Components:
954 Setup has detected a service named\n gds_db\nthat conflicts with InterBase.\n
955 If you choose to add the InterBase entry\nto your SERVICES file, you may experience conflicts\nusing InterBase with the TCP/IP protocol.
956 Setup has detected a service using the port\n 3050/tcp\nthis service confilcts with InterBase.\n
957 Setup was unable to update one or more files because they were in use.\nThese files will be updated the next time you restart your computer.\nChoose OK to continue.
958 Preparing on-line registration
959 Information
960 You have chosen to install the InterBase Server without client support. If you continue, you will not be able to administer user accounts or use InterBase client applications on this computer.
961 You have chosen to install InterBase Client Support without any administration or query tools. If you continue, you may not be able to administer users or work with databases from this computer.
962 You have chosen to install InterBase Tools without client support. If client support is not installed, you will not be able to use these tools.
963 You have chosen to install the InterBase SDK Support without client support. If client support is not installed, you will not be able to use your InterBase applications.
964 You have chosen to install InterBase Example Programs without InterBase SDK support. If development support is not installed, you will not be able to compile and run the example programs.
965 You have chosen to install InterBase Example Programs without the example databases. If you do not install the example databases, you will not be able to run the example programs.
966 Security Database
967 Installing InterBase ODBC Driver
968 Error installing ODBC\nODBC has not been fully installed
969 Setup InstallShield Express
970 InstallShield Express InterBase Edition is a tool developed by InstallShield Corporation to help you deploy Local InterBase applications.\n\nTo setup InstallShield Express now, Choose Install.\nTo complete Local InterBase Server installation without InstallShield Express, choose Skip.\n\nNote: If you choose not to setup InstallShield express now, you may do so at any time by running SETUP.EXE from the first disk of the InstallShield Express Disk Set.
977 Setup will now give you the opportunity to create ODBC Data sources.\n\nIf you would like to configure data sources now, choose Next.\n\nIf you would like to continue InterBase Setup without creating any data sources, choose Skip.\n\nYou may manage ODBC drivers and data sources at any time by choosing the ODBC Administrator icon from the ODBC program folder, or by choosing the ODBC icon in the control panel
978 InterBase 4.x Driver by Visigenic (*.gdb)
979 Enter InstallShield Disk #1
980 ERROR: Setup expected InstallShield Express, but did not find it on the disk.
981 (Use Windows Control Panel to setup network software)
982 You have chosen to install the InterBase ODBC Driver without InterBase client support. If you do not install the client support, you will not be able to connect using ODBC.
983 Not enough space
984 You need at least %dKB free on drive %s
985 Launching notepad to view READIB.TXT.
986 &Finish
987 The InterBase ODBC driver requires the Program Files. Choose OK to continue.
990 InterBase Deployment Information
991 This product requires Microsoft Windows NT.\n\nChoose OK to exit setup now.
992 The readme file contains important late breaking information on this release.\n\nIf you would like to view the readme now choose Next. To continue without viewing the readme, choose Skip.
993 Setup has detected the InterBase Client version 4.1 (GDS32.DLL) in the system directory. The InterBase Server cannot be installed if this file is present. Refer to the file INSTALL.TXT on the installation disk for more information.\n\nChoose OK to exit Setup.
994 Setup has detected the InterBase Server service running on your computer.\n You must stop the service before you can install the server.\n\nChoose OK to exit setup now.
995 InterBase Service Configuration
996 The InterBase Server Service may either be started automatically when the computer is started, or started manually using the Control Panel Services applet.
997 Start the Service &Automatically
998 Start the Service &Manually
999 Setup as found a service named InterBase Server Service\nin the Services Manager. For InterBase to function\ncorrectly, it is recommended that you replace this service.\n\nChoose Yes to replace this service or No to leave the existing entry.
1000 InterBase Server
1001 Automatic
1002 Manual
1003 Select Components
1004 InterBase Service Startup:
1005 An error occurred while installing the InterBase Remote Service\n\nChoose OK to continue
1006 You have chosen to install the InterBase Command-line Tools without the InterBase Server . If the server is not installed, you will not be able to use these tools.
1007 You have chosen to install the InterBase SDK Support without the InterBase Server. If the server is not installed, you will not be able to use your InterBase applications.
1008 You have chosen to install the InterBase Server without any administration or query tools. If you continue, you may not be able to administer users or work with databases from this computer.
1009 The account which you are using does not have the rights required to install the InterBase Server.\n\nTo install the server you must have the right to create, update and delete registry keys and entries in the services database. You must also have write access to the target directory and system directory.\n\n Choose OK to exit setup.
1010 setup encountered the following error while attempting to manage the InterBase Service:\n\n
1011 The Local InterBase Deployment Kit requires an installed copy of Local InterBase for Windows 95/ Windows NT on your machine.\n\nThe install program could not detect a copy of Local InterBase. This may be caused by an improper installation or modification of original source files. Please re-install the Local InterBase software from your original media, and then restart the Local InterBase Deployment Kit install program.\n\nIf you do not currently own Local InterBase for Windows 95/Windows NT, and want to deploy applications developed with InterBase, you must first purchase a development copy of Local InterBase. Call Borland International at (408) 431-1000, or visit our WWW site at http://www.borland.com for resellers near you.
1012 Information
1013 &Exit
1014 InterBase Service
1015 The InterBase Service has been installed.\nYou may start the service now, or let Windows start it automatically the next time you reboot your computer.
1016 The InterBase Service has been installed.\nYou may start the service now, or start it later using the Services icon in the Control Panel.
1017 &Start the service now
1018 &Do not start the service now
1019 \n\nChoose Ok to continue or Cancel to exit.
1020 Local InterBase &Components
1021 You have chosen to install the InterBase ODBC Driver without the InterBase Server. If the server is not installed, you will not be able to connect using ODBC, and the ODBC protion of setup will fail.
1022 InterBase ODBC Driver help
1023 You must log off or restart your computer before you can use the InterBase ODBC driver.\n\nChoose Ok to Continue.