1 Uninstall has detected that theLocal InterBase Server is running.\nYou must shut the server down before you can uninstall.\n\nClick OK to exit Uninstall.
2 InterBase Uninstall Error
3 Invalid command line.\nSee the InterBase Documentation for information\non removing InterBase.
4 InterBase Uninstall
5 Error Creating process
6 This program will delete the Local InterBase Server files\nand remove all InterBase related items from the registry.\n\nChoose OK to confirm this operation or Cancel to quit.
7 Confirm Uninstall
8 GetVersionEx failed in function WinMain
9 LoadLibrary("REGCFG"): bad status!
10 Uninstall has detected that the InterBase Service is running.\nYou must stop the service down before you can uninstall the server.\n\nChoose OK to exit Uninstall.
11 Unknown error!
12 The account you are using does not have the rights required to uninstall the InterBase Server.\n\nTo uninstall the server you must have the right to update and delete registry keys and entries in the services database.\n\n Click OK to exit Uninstall.
13 The account you are using does not have\nthe rights required to uninstall the InterBase Server.\n\n\nIn order to uninstall InterBase, you must use an\naccount which has administrative rights.\n\n Click OK to exit Uninstall.