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- *--------------------------------------------*
- * Kon version 1.06 *
- *--------------------------------------------*
- *******************************************************************************
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Overview
- 2. Registration information
- 3. History
- 4. Known bugs
- 5. Disclaimer
- *******************************************************************************
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thank you for downloading Kon!
- Kon is a multi-purpose PM text-editor with a lot of useful functions.
- Kon features:
- * Built-in hexeditor. Switchable between ASCII and hex anytime. Hex startup
- switch.
- * Full control of the file you're editing, even in ASCII mode. No codes are
- inserted in the document unless the ones you specify.
- * Handles LF only linebreaks without converting the file
- * Configurable syntax highlighting
- * Configurable keys (Borland/Wordstar by default)
- * Configurable toolbar
- * Macro support
- * Undo/redo on all editor functions with configurable buffer
- * Multi-threaded operation
- * Column block
- * Word wrap
- * Highly configurable
- * Opens up to 10 files in separate windows
- * Usable as a file viewer in read-only mode.
- * View files in file dialog before you open. Small and easy to use.
- * Autosave
- * Prints to printer or file
- Kon does not require any specific installation. Just place Kon in a directory
- of your choice and add the directory to the PATH= statement in CONFIG.SYS.
- *******************************************************************************
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kon is a shareware program. That means that you may use and evaluate Kon for a
- period of 30 days, before you decide if you want to buy the program or not.
- Since I have not crippled the program, except for a notice at program exit the
- program should be considered complete and fully functional for you to fully test
- and avaluate it.
- Therefore, if you do not pay for the program after 30 days, you are not allowed
- to use it and if you use it anyway, you're a thief. That's it.
- If you register the program you will receive a license number which allows you
- to use this version of Kon and all versions and bugfixes up to the next major
- revision (i.e. 2.x). As a registered user you will of course get a discount on
- the next major revision. When you register Kon, the registration notice at
- program exit will of course disappear.
- How to register:
- The price of Kon is US$20.
- There are two ways of registering:
- 1. Send me cash or a cheque by mail. If you send a cheque, add $5 for the
- cashing fee.
- 2. Register through BMT Micro. Please read BMTMICRO.TXT for further information.
- Along with the registration fee, please also supply the following information:
- -You full name and adress
- -Fax number (if applicable)
- -E-mail adress (if applicable)
- -Version number of Kon. (See Help-About...)
- -Where you received Kon.
- -For what tasks you're using Kon.
- -What you think of Kon, improvements etc.
- Send to:
- Björn Andersson
- Vidblicksg. 13A
- S-412 57 Gothenburg
- Sweden
- E-mail: bjorn_and@geocities.com
- In return, I will send you your license information the fastest way.
- If you do not have e-mail or fax-number, please supply an adressed envelope.
- You can always get in touch with me by e-mail, for suggestions, bugs etc.
- The latest version of Kon is available at:
- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/1827
- *******************************************************************************
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- v. 1.00 Rev. 1000 970109
- -------------------------
- Release version
- v. 1.01 Rev. 1001 970116
- -------------------------
- Word-wrap added. New commands:
- FormatParagraph
- FormatParagraphsInBlock
- Startup in read-only mode.
- Startup in hex.
- Notebook rearranged.
- Possible to change linebreak sequence. (CR+LF or LF)
- Paste word at cursor position into find dialog, and paste marked block into find
- dialog. Both are options.
- v. 1.01 Rev. 1002 970119
- -------------------------
- Significant speed improvement when moving cursor in large files. Even though
- find routine is not changed, moving to the position where the text is found goes
- much faster.
- Doubled speed in search & replace.
- Killed serious internal bug. Could give wrong character on certain positions in
- a file.
- Search & replace bug killed. If a short word was replaced by a longer and the
- replace counter was set greater than 1, all words were not replaced.
- Notebook bug in Font/color page fixed.
- v. 1.01 Rev. 1003 970120
- -------------------------
- Added option to save window postition and size, when a window is closed.
- Made Read-only mode visible by placing a red 'R' on the modified-mark position.
- Stripped menu in Read-only mode, instead of greying.
- Fixed a bug in FormatParagraph.
- v. 1.01 Rev. 1004 970122
- ------------------------
- Save window position and size introduced a bug, which made the editor crash in
- certain circumstances, for instance when a file pattern was supplied on the
- command line. Fixed.
- Added labels to the upper fields in the hexeditor.
- v. 1.01 Rev. 1005 970122
- ------------------------
- Fixed bug. When holding RepatFind key down and several words are found, the
- screen may be updated incorrectly. This is only a visual bug.
- v. 1.01 Rev. 1006 970127
- ------------------------
- Notebook didn't look good on resolution lower than 1024x768. Fixed. Also
- adjusted statusline height.
- Added option: Move cursor to end of block when pasted or copied. This is set to
- default to make Kon behave like standard editing procedures.
- Fixed scrollbar in hexeditor when loading very large files in hex-editor.
- Turn off cursor always when window loses focus.
- v. 1.01 Rev. 1007 970129
- ------------------------
- Fixed bug in help. Could cause strange errors.
- When the code was optimized in rev. 1002, a bug was introduced by mistake. When
- typing in Overwrite-mode, the line end would be overtyped if reached.
- v. 1.02 Rev. 1008 970130
- ------------------------
- Added simple macro commands to .KBD-files.
- v. 1.02 Rev. 1009 970131
- ------------------------
- Added commands ScreenOFF and ScreenON for use in macros.
- Fixed screen update bug in Macro.
- If an error occurs in a .KBD file, Kon displays a message box stating the error,
- but doesn't quit the editor.
- Added option to display a message box when a string is not found.
- v. 1.03 Rev. 1010 970222
- ------------------------
- Added print support. Kon does not use OS/2's printer drivers, mainly because of
- lack of time on my part to implement it. On the other hand, printing directly to
- a device also gives the opportunity to print to a file very easy, which is
- sometimes very handy. Kon prints both ASCII and Hex. Command: Print.
- Also fixed some internals.
- v. 1.03 Rev. 1011 970302
- ------------------------
- Fixed a few inconsistencies in syntax highlighting. Also added HTML-support.
- v. 1.03 Rev. 1012 970302
- ------------------------
- Oops! Display bug when marking column-block, due to the change above.
- v. 1.04 Rev. 1013 970408
- ------------------------
- There's been a long time since I last updated Kon due to that my monitor
- broke down and the fact that I had a lot to to with my studies. The repair seem
- to take a very long time, and I have managed to get a replacement monitor
- meanwhile.
- In this release I have fixed some bugs regarding Auto-indent, which could crash
- the editor if Auto-indent was turned of and use-tabs was turned on.
- v. 1.04 Rev. 1014 970418
- ------------------------
- Removed a small bug in the syntax highlighting page.
- v. 1.05 Rev. 1015 970418
- ------------------------
- Added a configurable toolbar.
- v. 1.05 Rev. 1016 970419
- ------------------------
- Fixed a repaint bug in Find dialogs.
- v. 1.05 Rev. 1017 970420
- ------------------------
- Saving Find and replace settings and strings to INI-file.
- Different cursor sizes when in insert mode and in overwrite mode.
- The screen flashed when switching windows when another background than white was
- selected as background color.
- In read-only mode, gray out invalid commands in the toolbar.
- Added command DateAlpha, which inserts date at current pos as Apr 20, 1997.
- v. 1.05 Rev. 1018 970423
- ------------------------
- Fixed two bugs:
- 1. Converting case on a block on an empty block would crash the
- editor.
- 2. Loading Kon with the toolbar enabled and no keyboard file in the
- startup dir would also crash Kon.
- v. 1.06 Rev. 1019 970426
- ------------------------
- Made Kon handle file and disk errors much better.
- Kon no longer destroys extended attributes attached to a file when
- saved.
- Description for each item in toolbar is displayed in the status area.
- This is an option which can be toggled in the Toolbar page in the
- settings notebook.
- Added Warp 4 notebook style. Command line option -3 provided to
- disable this feature.
- Added commands SavePos which saves the current cursor position.
- Command MoveToNextPos jumps between saved postions.
- v. 1.06 Rev. 1020 970426
- ------------------------
- Added command MoveToPrevPos. See above.
- *******************************************************************************
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Repeat find when "Entire scope" has been selected doesn't work.
- *******************************************************************************
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kon is provided "as is". The author is not responsible for any
- damage that Kon might cause, directly or indirectly. There is no
- warranty of any kind. By using the shareware version or the
- registered version, you agree to these terms.
- Copyright(c) 1997 Björn Andersson