set the member of sprite the spriteNum of me to the alternateImage of me
on mouseLeave me
set the member of sprite the spriteNum of me to the standardImage of me
on beginSprite me
set the standardImage of me to the member of sprite the spriteNum of me
if nextCM = 1 then
set memref to the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum
set castLibNum to the castLibNum of memref
set memdefault to member (the memberNum of member memref + 1) of castLib castLibNum
set alternateImage to memdefault
end if
on getPropertyDescriptionList
if the currentSpriteNum = 0 then
set memdefault to 0
set memref to the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum
set castLibNum to the castLibNum of memref
set memdefault to member (the memberNum of member memref + 1) of castLib castLibNum
end if
set p_list to [#nextCM: [#comment: "Use Next Member:", #format: #boolean, #default: 1], #alternateImage: [#comment: "Rollover Cast Member:", #format: #graphic, #default: memdefault]]
return p_list
on getBehaviorDescription
return "Change the sprite's cast member when the mouse rolls over the current sprite." & RETURN & "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & "ΓÇó Use Next Member - Turn this option on to automatically display the next cast member in the cast when mouse rolls over the sprite." & RETURN & "ΓÇó Rollover Cast Member - Choose a specific cast member to appear when the mouse rolls over the sprite. This setting is ignored if Use Next Member is on."