0=Welcome to Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool - the quick'n'easy way to create cool pages for the web ! Hey, you're looking like a pro ! You don't need hints, do you ? :-) (click 'more' to get one anyway)
1=You want to move quickly through HTML code ? Try pressing Alt + CursorLeft or Alt + CursorRight to move the cursor left or right until a <, > or a " appears.
2=The Project Assistant helps you to organize your complete homepage. Take a look at the 'Project' submenu of the 'File' menu.
3=Want to convert an HTML file into a plain text one ? Simply choose 'Remove HTML' tags from the 'Tools' menu to strip all tags from the text.
4=The 16 white fields on the color speedbar are customizable. Just click them with the right mouse button.
5=You are not sure about the meaning of one of those cryptic icons on the speedbuttons ? Hold the mouse pointer over it for a second to see a little tooltip describing the button's purpose.
6=Instead of reaching for the mouse every time you want to insert a <BR> or <P> tag simply press Shift + Return to insert <BR> and go to the next line or press Ctrl + Return to insert <P> and begin a new line.
7=Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool has an AutoSave feature: After a specified number of minutes, the program will prompt you to automatically save your work. If you want to disable this feature, just enter 0 in the 'Autosave after ... minutes' box.
8=To insert the current date and time into your documents, just double-click the time-panel at the bottom left of the screen.
9=The fastest way to insert text files into the current document is to drag them from the Filer into the document. If you want to create hyperlinks to text files, just uncheck the 'Insert text files' option from the 'Filer' area on the options screen.
10=The fastest ways to insert <IMG> tags into the current document is to drag image files from the Filer into the document.
11=You don't like those CAPITALS ? Just check the 'Insert tags lowercase' option on the options screen.
12=Just inserted a tag and now you need it a 2nd time ? Just press F8 or select 'Repeat last tag' from the 'Insert HTML' menu to insert it again.
13=You think those hints are trash ? Just edit the file 'tips.data' in the 'data' subdirectory to create your own hints !
14=If you want to enhance your page with a little Java applet you should take a look at the JavaKit in the 'Tools' menu.
15=You can add a Reference Help file to the 'Help' menu. See the options screen for details.
16=This program offers template support. Don't write the same code a thousand times but take a look at the 'Make template from file' item of the 'File' menu.
17=Export your HTML pages as JavaScript, CGI C or Perl functions: See the 'Export' submenu from the 'File' menu.
18=Use the many assistants to greatly simplify your work: The URL-, the List-, the Table- and the Style Sheet-Assistant. All of them are available from the 'Tools' menu.
19=If you want the filer to be aligned to the left side simply change its alignment on the options screen.
20=If you want to update the Filer, just click right on the PowerPanel speedbutton.
21=You've opened a file during the last session and now you need it again ? Use the Most Recently Used list in the File menu !
22=If you want to open a file, just drag it from the Windows Explorer or the Desktop onto HTMLtool's main window.
23=To create HTML tables very quickly click the 'Quick Table' button from the 'Tables' tab and specify the desired dimensions.
24=If you want to change the tags and attributes available through the tag list, just edit the .DAT-files in the DATA subdirectory.
25=Already tried the "The right click" tag editing system ? Just click right on a tag. If a context menu item appears that says 'Edit ... tag' then this tag is supported by this feature.
26=Do you want to insert the URL of one of your Internet Explorer Favorites ? Check out the Favorites button on the URL Assistant.
27=Don't like the TagComplete feature ? It will be more reserved if you check the 'Require space bar pressed' option. It then will not complete your tag until you pressed the space bar.
28=If you don't like the TagComplete or TagInfo feature, then go 'File' 'Options...' and check out how you can change its functionality to fit your needs. Or turn it off, of course.
29=Do you have a lot of internal links to check ? Then check out the 'Local link checker' by choosing 'Local link checker ...' from the 'Tools' menu.
30=If you have to modify code written by others and they used lowercase tags but you like them uppercase, use the 'Tools' 'Make all tags Uppercase/Lowercase' function. This option is smart enough not to touch regular text, comments, scripts and text in quotes.
31=You need a 'frame blocker' written in JavaScript ? Or a back button on your website ? No problem, the Script Wizard has them. Go 'Tools' 'Script Wizard' to open it.
32=Now you can use Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 or later as HTMLtool's built-in browser. Just check out the 'Preview' tab on the PowerPanel.
33=To go to a specific line in HTMLtool, simply press Ctrl+G and enter the line number. This is especially handy if you're validating the code and you need to get to the line where the error is.
34=There are keyboard shortcuts for most common HTML tags. Select 'Keyboard shortcuts' from the 'Help' menu to see which shortcuts are available.