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RS232/422/485 Serial Communications
Version 2.0
January 22, 1999
Copyright (C) 1999
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MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.
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RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 1
Chapter Page
1.0 The UART...................................................3
1.1 UART Types.............................................3
National 8250..........................................3
National 16450.........................................3
National 16550.........................................3
StarTech 16650.........................................3
Texas Instruments 16750................................3
1.2 UART Operation.........................................4
1.3 RS-232 Signals.........................................5
1.4 UART Registers.........................................6
1.5 Register Summary.......................................7
2.0 Modems
2.1 Modem Standards.......................................11
2.2 Flow Control..........................................12
2.3 Modem Initialization..................................13
3.0 RS422 and RS485...........................................14
4.0 Other Serial Devices......................................15
5.0 Shareware.................................................15
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 2
1.0 The UART
The heart of serial communications is the "Universal Asynchronous
Receiver Transmitter", or UART for short. The UART is responsible for
controlling the computer's RS-232/422/485 port.
1.1 UART Types
UARTs can be broken down into two classes: buffered and unbuffered.
The 8250 and 16450 are unbuffer, while the 16550, 16650, and 16750
are buffered.
1.1.1 National 8250
The National 8250 was the original UART used in the IBM PC and
compatibles, and are only suitable up to 9600 baud on slower DOS
(before the IBM/AT) machines. The 8250A is somewhat faster than the
8250, but should also be limited to slower DOS machines.
1.1.2 National 16450
The National 16450 was designed to work with the IBM PC/AT (16-bit
data bus) and faster machines. Faster than the 8250, it still has a
one-byte buffer. The 16450 chip is suitable for many DOS applications
and some Windows applications up to about 38400 baud.
1.1.3 National 16550
The National 16550 features 16-byte transmit side and receive side
FIFO buffers. The interrupt trigger level (on the receive side) can
be set at 1, 4, 8 or 14 bytes. The TX FIFO trigger is fixed at 16
The FIFOs on the original 16550 UARTs did not work. The 16550A soon
followed the 16550 and is the "standard" UART for Windows machines.
The 16550A is recommended as the minimum chip on any new serial board
1.1.4 StarTech 16650
The StarTech 16650 features 32-byte FIFOs and on-chip flow control,
and can be run at up to 460800 baud. It is also pin for pin
compatible with the 16550 UART.
1.1.5 TI 16750
The Texas Instruments 16750 features 64-byte FIFOs and on-chip flow
control and can be run at up to 921600 baud, but is not pin for pin
compatible with the 16550 UART.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 3
1.2 UART Operation
The purpose of the UART is:
(1) To convert bytes from the CPU (Central Processing Unit) into a
serial format by adding the necessary start, stop, and parity bits to
each byte before transmission, and to then transmit each bit at the
correct baud rate.
The first bit is always the start bit, followed by 5 to 8 data bits,
(optionally) followed by the parity bit, followed by the stop bit or
(2) To convert the incoming stream (at a specified baud rate) of
serial bits into bytes by removing the start, stop, and parity bit
before being made available to the CPU.
The UART is capable of operating in one of two modes, 'polled' and
'interrupt driven'. The serial communications functions in the BIOS
use the polled method. In this approach, the CPU is typically in a
loop asking the UART over and over again if it has a byte ready. If
a byte is ready, the polling code returns the byte. But, if the next
byte comes in before the polling code is executing again, then that
byte is lost.
In the interrupt driven approach, when a byte is received by the
UART, an 'Interrupt Service Routine' (ISR) is executed immediately,
suspending temporarily whatever is currently executing. The ISR then
moves the byte from the UART to a buffer so that the application
program can later read it.
The 16550 can be programmed so that a receive (RX) interrupt is not
triggered until 4 (or 8 or 14) bytes have been received, while the
16650 can be triggered at up to 30 bytes, and the 16750 can be
triggered at up to 56 bytes. This can significantly reduce the CPU
processing time, since 14 (or 30 or 56) bytes can be moved at once.
Transmitted bytes are queued up awaiting transmission. When a byte
is moved from the UART transmitter holding register to the UART
transmitter shift register, an interrupt is generated and the next
byte is taken from the transmitter buffer by the ISR and written to
the UART holding register.
Up to 16 bytes can be written at once to the transmitter FIFO buffer
while processing one transmitter interrupt if an 16550 UART is used,
while the 16650 can write up to 32 bytes at once, and the 16750 can
write up to 64 bytes at once.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 4
1.3 RS-232 Signals
RS-232 is the name of the serial data interface standard used to
connect computers to modems.
A summary of the serial port pins and their function follows. For
more detailed information, refer to one of the many books dealing
with RS-232 interfacing.
Signal Ground Pin 7 (DB25), Pin 5 (DB9)
The SG line is used as the common signal ground, and must always be
Transmit Data Pin 2 (DB25), Pin 3 (DB9)
The TX line is used to carry data from the computer to the serial
Receive Data Pin 3 (DB25), Pin 2 (DB9)
The RX line is used to carry data from the serial device to the
Data Terminal Ready Pin 20 (DB25), Pin 4 (DB9)
The DTR line is used by the computer to signal the serial device that
it is ready. DTR should be set high when talking to a modem.
Data Set Ready Pin 6 (DB25), Pin 6 (DB9)
The DSR line is used by the serial device to signal the computer that
it is ready.
Request to Send Pin 4 (DB25), Pin 7 (DB9)
The RTS line is used to 'turn the line around' in half duplex modems,
and for hardware flow control in most modems that require flow
control. RTS is controlled by the computer and read by the serial
device (modem).
Clear to Send Pin 5 (DB25), Pin 8 (DB9)
The CTS line is used to 'turn the line around' in half duplex modems,
and for hardware flow control in most modems that require flow
control. CTS is controlled by the serial device (modem) and read by
the computer.
Data Carrier Detect Pin 8 (DB25), Pin 1 (DB9)
The DCD line is used by the modem to signal the computer that a data
carrier signal is present.
Ring Indicator Pin 22 (DB25), Pin 9 (DB9)
The RI line is asserted when a 'ring' occurs.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 5
1.4 UART Registers
Data sheets can be obtained from the following sources on the
16550 www.national.com and www.exar.com
16650 www.exar.com
16750 www.ti.com
These UARTs consists of 8 register ports as follows:
Offset R/W Register
0 R/W Receiver (read) / Transmitter (write)
1 R/W Interrupt Enable Register (IER)
2 R Interrupt Identification Register (IIR)
2 W FIFO Control Register (FCR : 16550/650/750)
2 R/W Enhanced Features Register (EFR : 16650 Only)
3 R/W Line Control Register (LCR)
4 R/W Modem Control Register (MCR)
5 R/W Line Status Register (LSR)
6 R/W Modem Status Register (MSR)
7 R/W Scratch register. Not used.
For the standard PC ports, the UART registers are based at 3F8h
(COM1), 2F8h (COM2), 3E8h (COM3), and 2E8h (COM4). COM1 and COM3
share interrupt request line IRQ4 while COM2 and COM4 share request
line IRQ3. This means that COM1 and COM3 can't be used concurrently.
Similarly for COM2 and COM4.
Four sources of interrupts are possible. (1) receiver error or BREAK,
(2) receiver data ready, (3) ready to transmit, and (4) RS-232 input.
Additional sources can be generated by the 16650 (see 16650 spec
These four sources of interrupts are summarized as follows:
Source of Interrupt Action Required to Clear
Receiver error or BREAK. Read Line Status register.
Receiver data. Read data from data register.
Transmitter Buffer Empty. Write to data register or read IID reg.
RS-232 input. Read Modem Status register.
Serial ports are configured as either Data Communications Equipment
(DCE) or Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). Modems are always configured
as DCE, while serial printers are (almost) always configured as DTE.
Most serial (computer) ports are designed to talk to modems and are
therefore configured as DTE. Serial (computer) ports designed to talk
to serial printers (rare today) are configured as DCE. Most other
serial device are configured as DCE.
A normal RS-232 cable is used to connect two serial ports with
opposite configuration (DTE & DCE), while a null modem cable is used
to connect two serial ports of the same configuration (both DTE or
both DCE).
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 6
1.5 Register Summary
REG 0 : Data Register
Reading from the data register fetches the next input byte, once it
is ready. Writing to the data register transmits the byte written to
it over the serial line.
REG 1 : Interrupt Enable Register (IER)
The Interrupt Enable register enables each of four types of
interrupts when the appropriate bit is set to a one.
bit 3 : Enable interrupt on RS-232 input.
bit 2 : Enable interrupt on receiver error or break.
bit 1 : Enable interrupt on transmitter buffer empty (TBE).
bit 0 : Enable interrupt on received data (RxRDY).
REG 2 : Interrupt Identification Register (IID)
Reading the Interrupt Identification (read only) register once an
interrupt has occurred identifies the interrupt as follows:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Priority Interrupt
0 0 1 none none
1 1 0 0 (high) Serialization or break.
1 0 0 1 Received data.
0 1 0 2 Transmitter Buffer Empty.
0 0 0 3 (low) RS-232 Input.
REG 2 : Interrupt Identification Register (IID)
In the 16550, 16650, and 16750, REG 2 (write only) is also the FIFO
control register. Writing bits 6 & 7 will set the RX FIFO trigger
level (number of bytes received before an interrupt is generated).
Bit 7 Bit 6 16550 Trigger 16650 Trigger 16750 Trigger
0 0 1 byte 8 bytes 1 byte
0 1 4 bytes 16 bytes 16 bytes
1 0 8 bytes 24 bytes 32 bytes
1 1 14 bytes 28 bytes 56 bytes
The TX FIFO level can also be set in the 16650 by setting bits 4 & 5.
The 64-byte FIFO mode on the 16750 can be enabled by setting bit 5 in
the FCR. See the 16650 & 16750 data sheets for more details.
REG 2 : Enhanced Feature Register (EFR) [16650 ONLY]
The EFR can only be accessed after writing a BF to the LCR, after
which the advanced features on the 16650 are enabled by setting bit 4
of the EFR. For more details, see the 16650 data sheet.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 7
1.3 Register Summary (Continued)
REG 3 : Line Control Register (LCR)
RS-232 line parameters are selected by writing to this register.
bit 7 : DLAB = 0
bit 6 : BREAK on(1), off(0).
bits 5-3 : Parity None(000),ODD(001),EVEN(011),MARK(101),SPACE(111)
bit 2 : One stop bit(0), two stop bits(1).
bits 1-0 : Data bits = 5 (00), 6(01), 7(10), 8(11).
Parity Meaning
Odd The parity bit is 1 if the sum of the data bits is odd.
Even The parity bit is 1 id the sum of the data bits is even.
None There is no parity bit.
Mark The parity bit is always set to 0.
Space The parity bit is always set to 1.
When the Divisor Latch Access Bit (DLAB) is 1, registers 0 and 1
become the LS and MS bytes of the Baud Rate Divisor registers.
The baud rate is computed as (115200 / BaudRateDivisor). Thus,
common baud rates correspond to divisors as follows:
Baud Divisor Baud Divisor Baud Divisor
300 0180 4800 0018 38400 0003
1200 0060 9600 000C 57600 0002
2400 0030 19200 0006 115200 0001
(1) Must write BF hex to LCR before EFR [16650 ONLY] can be
accessed (see 16650 data sheet).
(2) Must set DLAB = 1 (80 hex) before 64 byte FIFO bit can be
accessed (see 16750 data sheet).
(3) The 3 parity bits in the UART are named "Parity Enable" (bit 3),
"Parity Select" (bit 4), and "Stick Parity" or "Sticky Bit" (bit 5).
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 8
1.3 Register Summary (Continued)
REG 4 : Modem Control Register (MCR)
RTS, DTR, loopback testing, and General Purpose Outputs #1 and #2 are
controlled by the Modem Control register as follows:
bit 7 : Clock select. X1 (if 0), X4 (if 1). [16750 ONLY]
bit 6 : IR enable [16650 ONLY]
bit 5 : Interrupt type select [16650 ONLY] or
Flow control enable [16750 ONLY].
bit 4 : Enable local loopback.
bit 3 : Enable GP02. Necessary for UART interrupts.
bit 2 : Enable GP01.
bit 1 : Set / clear RTS.
bit 0 : Set / clear DTR.
REG 5 : Line Status Register (LSR)
Reading the Line Status register provides status information as
follows (1 for TRUE, 0 for FALSE) :
bit 7 : FIFO data error [16650 & 16750 ONLY].
bit 6 : Transmitter Empty (TXE).
bit 5 : Transmitter Buffer Empty (TBE).
bit 4 : BREAK detect.
bit 3 : Framing error.
bit 2 : Parity error.
bit 1 : Overrun error.
bit 0 : Data Ready.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 9
1.3 Register Summary (Continued)
REG 6 : Modem Status Register (MSR)
Reading the Modem Status register provides the following status
information (1 for TRUE, 0 for FALSE) :
bit 7 : DCD status.
bit 6 : RI status.
bit 5 : DSR status.
bit 4 : CTS status.
bit 3 : Delta DCD status.
bit 2 : Delta RI status.
bit 1 : Delta DSR status.
bit 0 : Delta CTS status.
The delta bits (bits 0 through 3) are set whenever one of the status
bits (bits 4 through 7) changes (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) since
the last time that the Modem Status register was read. Reading the
Modem Status register clears the delta bits.
REG 7 : Scratch Register
There is no function associated with register 7. It does not exist
in early versions of the 8250.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 10
2.0 Modems
A modem is used to extend the distance over which you may
communicate. Without a modem, your RS-232 cable is limited to a
maximum of approximately 50 feet. But with a modem, you can
communicate literally around the world.
2.1 Modem Standards
Two modems can communicate over a telephone line only if they are
both using the same signaling frequencies and modulation, which are
determined by the the modem standards used. Modem standards can be
divided into three sets: (1) speed, (2) data compression used, and
(3) error control.
The Bell standards (103 & 212A) are those of AT&T. The CCITT (The
International Consultative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph)
standards are designated as 'V. '.
Bell 103 : 300 baud
Bell 212A : 1200 baud
V.21 : 300 baud
V.22bis : 1200 & 2400 baud
V.32 : 4800 & 9600 baud
V.32bis : 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, and 14400 baud
V.34 : V.32bis plus 16800, 19200, 21600, 24000, 26400,
and 28800 baud.
V.34bis : V.34 plus 31200 and 33600 baud.
USR X2 : US Robotics 56KB standard (33.6 KB uploads).
K56flex : Rockwells 56KB standard (33.6 KB uploads).
V.90 : The new 56K standard.
Data Compression
MNP 5 : Microcom Networking Protocol (proprietary).
V.42bis : International data compression standard.
Error Control
MNP 2,3,4 : Three level error correction (public domain).
V.42 : International error correction standard.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 11
2.2 Flow Control
With modems using data compression, the modem to modem connection
will run at various speeds depending on the quality of the line.
The computer to modem connection will be at a fixed baud rate.
Therefore, a protocol (flow control) is necessary to synchronize the
data flow between a modem and the computer to which it is connected.
Refer to your modem manual for information on flow control protocols
Two flow control protocols are used by most all modems which require
flow control. Software flow control is called 'XON/XOFF' (other
software flow control character pairs are defined but operate the
same as XON/XOFF) and hardware flow control is called 'RTS/CTS'. Most
modems which require flow control enable hardware flow control by
In XON/XOFF (software) flow control, the computer suspends
transmitting data if it receives a XOFF character (13 hex) from the
modem, and continues transmitting when it receives a XON character
(11 hex). Similiarly, the computer can signal the modem not to send
any more data by transmitting a XOFF to it, and can tell the modem to
continue transmission be sending a XON.
In RTS/CTS (hardware) flow control, the RTS line is used by the
computer to signal the modem , while the CTS line is used by the
modem to signal the computer. The RTS line is set OFF by the
computer to tell the modem to suspend transmission, and set to ON to
tell the modem to continue transmission. The CTS line is set to OFF
by the modem to tell the computer to stop transmitting, and set to ON
to tell the computer to continue transmitting.
Given the choice, always choose hardware flow control over software
flow control so that all data transmission is transparent. If
hardware flow control is not the default (which it almost always is),
you should modify your modem initialization string to turn hardware
flow control on.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 12
2.3 Modem Initialization
If an application uses a modem (as opposed to using a null modem
cable), then it should always send an initialization string to the
modem. Communication programs such as PROCOMM and TELIX always send
such a string automatically as soon as they start up.
The particular initialization string depends on the make of your
modem. For most modems, the following string (followed by a carriage
return) should work:
AT E1 S7=60 S11=60 V1 X1 Q0 S0=0
Recall that the modem must be in command mode in order to send AT
commands. To force command mode, send the character string "+-+"
(without the quotes), preceeded by 1 second of silence, and followed
by one second of silence.
Refer to your Modem User's Guide for a full discussion of these
commands. A brief description is as follows:
AT Modem attention command.
E1 Modem will echo what you send to it.
S7=60 Wait 60 seconds for carrier and/or dial tone.
S11=60 Use 60 milliseconds for tone dialing duration & spacing.
V1 Display result code as words (not numbers).
X1 Use the extended result message (CONNECT XXXX) set.
Q0 Modem displays result codes.
S0=0 Do not answer RING.
If the application will answer incoming calls, set the S0 register to
the ring on which to automatically answer.
Most modems can be set to the 'factory default' by transmitting
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 13
3.0 RS422 and RS485
RS422 and RS485 use the same UARTs as RS232. However, both RS422 and
RS485 are based on balanced differential signals, as opposed to RS232
which uses unbalanced signal levels. In other word, RS422 uses the
difference in voltage levels between 2 wires whereas RS232 uses the
voltage level of a single wire with respect to a common signal
RS422 and RS485 both require a pair of wires for every signal. RS422
is only usable in point to point systems.
RS485 has tri-state capability (its driver can be disabled) and can
support up to 32 receivers (multidrop) on the same line.
RS485 can also be wired as "2-wire" in which the same pair of wires
are used for both transmitting and receiving. Typically, RTS is set
before transmitting and dropped after the last bit of the last byte
is sent.
RS422 and RS485 may both require (for long run lengths) termination
resistors and/or biasing resistors, which is beyond the scope of this
RS422 an RS485 are typically used in industrial settings where long
run lengths (to 4000 feet) are necessary. For more information, refer
to one of the many technical references on the Internet such as:
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 14
4.0 Other Serial Devices
To be sure, the modem is the most common serial device. But there are
many other serial devices such as digitizing tablets, scanners,
digital cameras, numerical control machines, card readers, panel
displays, etc.
Some serial devices (such as modems) use hardware (RTS/CTS) flow
control, but DTR/DSR flow control and software (XON/XOFF) flow
control are also common.
If you are writing a program to communicate with a serial device,
keep in mind the following:
(1) Always set DTR and RTS. Many serial devices "play dead" if DTR
is not set.
(2) You may need to add a small time delay (0.25 sec) between
transmitted characters. This can be reduced or eliminated once
everything is working.
(3) Make sure that your receive buffer is sufficently large. You want
to avoid buffer overflow.
5.0 Shareware Libraries
MarshallSoft Computing develops serial communications libraries for
DOS (real and protected mode) and Windows (Windows 3.1, 95/98, and
NT) marketed as shareware.
There are specific libraries for C/C++, Delphi, Pascal (DOS only),
Visual Basic (Windows & DOS versions), and PowerBASIC.
WSC4C WIN C/C++ Windows Standard Comm Library for C/C++
WSC4D WIN Delphi Windows Standard Comm Library for Delphi
WSC4VB WIN Visual Basic Windows Standard Comm Library for VB
WSC4PB WIN PowerBASIC Windows Standard Comm Library for PBCC
PCL4W WIN C/C++ Personal Comm Library for Windows
PCLVBW WIN Visual Basic Personal Comm Library for C/C++
PCL4C DOS C/C++ Personal Comm Library for C/C++
PCL4P DOS Pascal Personal Comm Library for Pascal
PCL4VB DOS Visual Basic Personal Comm Library for Visual Basic
PCL4PB DOS PowerBASIC Personal Comm Library for PowerBASIC
Our libraries have also been sucessfully used from Excel, Access,
Word, FoxPro, PowerBuilder, Clarion, dBase, Fortran, and Cobol.
All shareware can be found on on our web site at:
Better yet, visit our web site and take a look around.
RS232/422/485 Serial Communications Page 15