(It is very small and just take a few seconds to download.)
<h3><a name="NoSound">What to do if you hear no sound</h3>
View the <b>Mixer</b> page.
Load the song you are trying to play by selecting <b>Open</b> from the <b>File</b> menu.
Click the <IMG align=absMiddle border=1 hspace=0 src="speak.gif"> to the right of the Record
page's Duration field.
<BR>This brings up the <B>Volume Control</B> window.
This window controls the relative volume that various devices contribute
to the the sound card's Line-Out signal.
Select <B>Properties</B> from the <B>Volume Control</B> window's <B>Options</B> menu.
Select the sound card you want to use in the field named <B>Mixer device:</B>.
Click the <B>o Playback</B> button and check all boxes in the field named
<B>Show the following volume controls:</B>
Press the <B>OK</B> button.
Examine the various volume controls in the <B>Volume Control</B> window.
These determine which audio sources contribute to sound produced by the speakers connected to your sound card.
Make sure that the <B>Mute</B> check boxes under <B>Wave</B> and <b>Synthesizer</b> are NOT checked.
Set the balance for <B>Wave</B> and <b>Synthesizer</b> in the middle.
Set the volume for <B>Wave</B> and <b>Synthesizer</b> about half way up.
If you are recording from a high-impedance microphone, like the ones designed to be plugged directly
into a computer's sound card, make sure that it is plugged into your sound card's
<b>mic</b> jack.
If you are recording from a low-impedance dynamic or condenser microphone, like the ones designed
to be plugged into a PA system, you need to either run them through a microphone pre-amp
or mixer with <i>line level</i> output, and connect its output to your computer's <b>line</b> jack.
If you are recording another audio source, such as the output of a tape deck,
connect its <i>line level</i> output to your sound card's <b>line</b> jack.
Press the Play [>] button on the Mixer page.
If you are trying to play a song with <b>Audio Tracks</b>:
<LI>View the <b>Synthesizers</b> page.
<LI>Try selecting different <b>Audio In port</b> or a different <b>Audio Out port</b>.
<LI>View the Mixer page
<LI>Click on <b>Instrument</b> in the active track's <b>Type</b> column to change the track-type
from Instrument to Audio.
<LI>Press the <b>REC</b> button to start recording.
<LI>Press the stop button or the <b>REC</b> button again to stop recording.
<LI>Press the play [>] button to play back the recorded track.
If you are trying to record an <b>Audio Track</b>, and are unable to monitor what you are recording through your headphones:
<li>Click the <IMG align=absMiddle border=1 hspace=0 src="speak.gif"> to bring up the <B>Volume Control</B> window.
<li>Make sure the Microphone's and Line-In's select box is checked.
Adjust the volume to a level that sounds good for monitoring.
<li>Make sure you are using head phones instead of a speaker if the microphone
is close to your speakers, or you will hear feedback.
If you are trying to play a song with <b>Instrument and Rhythm Tracks</b> (MIDI):
<LI>You need to decide if you trying to get songs to play on an external Synthesizer attached to your computer by a MIDI cable,
or through your computer's sound card.
<LI>View the <b>Synthesizers</b> page and try changing the <b>Midi Out Port</b>
to a different value.
<LI>This field controls which device on your system to send MIDI songs to.
<LI>Values like <i>MIDI Out</i> would send it to synthesizers connected to your computer
by MIDI cables.
<LI>Values like <i>MIDI Synth</i> would send it to the internal synthesizer built into your
computer's sound card.
<LI>Also on the Synthesizers page, try increasing the value for Master Volume controls.
If you cannot get a song to play on an <b>external synthesizer</b> after installing the <b>MIDI Manager</b> accessory:
<LI>If you want to hear the music played on a synthesizer connected to
one of your external MIDI ports, you need to do the following:
<LI>View the "Synthesizers" page
<LI>Click on the MidiPort your synthesizer is connected to
<LI>Now, click the New Patch Library button.
<LI>In the dialog window, type the name of your synthesizer in the field named
"Unique name you want to use when referring to this synthesizer"
<LI>Click the OK button.
<LI>Repeat the above steps for every synthesizer you want to add.
<LI>View the Mixer page
<LI>Next to each track, click on the Synthesizer you want the track to be played on.
<LI>Press the Play button.
If this does not fix the problem, <a href="#ReportBug">please send us a diagnostic log file</a>
<h3><a name="AudRec">Audio recording does not seem to work</h3>
View the <B>Mixer</B> page.
Add a new Audio track to your song by selecting <b>Create Audio Track</b> from the <b>Edit</b> menu.
Click the <IMG align=absMiddle border=1 hspace=0 src="speak.gif"> to the right of the Record
page's Duration field.
<BR>This brings up the <B>Volume Control</B> window.
Select <B>Properties</B> from the <B>Volume Control</B> window's <B>Options</B> menu.
Select the sound card you want to use in the field named <B>Mixer device:</B>.
Click the <B>o Recording</B> button and check all boxes in the field named
<B>Show the following volume controls:</B>
Press the <B>OK</B> button.
This causes the window's title to change from <B>Volume Control</B> to
<B>Recording Control</B>.
This window now controls which hardware devices contribute to the Audio signal that will get recorded.
Examine the various volume controls in the <B>Recording Control</B> window.
Make sure that the <B>Selected</B> check box under <B>Mic/Line</B> is checked.
The <B>Selected</B> check boxes under all other sources like <B>CD/Aux, Mixed Input</B>, and <B>Synthesizer</B> are
NOT checked.
Set the balance for <B>Mic/Line</B> in the middle.
Set the volume for <B>Mic/Line</B> about half way up.
Return to Anvil Studio's Mixer page, but don't close the <B>Recording Control</B> window yet.
Select the Audio Track by clicking on it and making a green dot appear at its left.<BR>This makes it the active track
- the track that will get recorded.
Erase the track by selecting <B>Erase track notes</B> from the <B>Edit</B> menu.
Press the <B>VU</B> button to <EM>warm up</EM> the audio device, so you don't record <EM>power-on</EM> noise.
Press the <B>Rec</B> button.<BR>Because of the settings in the <B>Recording Control</B> window, this
causes the audio source plugged into your sound card's Mic or Line jack to be recorded onto the new Audio track.
Press the stop button, or the <B>Rec</B> button again when you are ready to stop recording.
Right-click the audio track's <B>On</B> field so that it changes to <B>solo.</B>
This makes it the only track that will be played when the Play button is pressed.
Press the Play button.
Press the stop button and right-click on the track's <B>solo</B> field,
so that all tracks are enabled again.
If the track is too quiet, go back to the <B>Recording Control</B> window and
increase the Synthesizer's volume and go back up to step 13.
If the track has static noise, go back to the <B>Recording Control</B> window and decrease the Synthesizer's
volume and go back up to step 13.
<h3><a name="RecCD">Recording from an Audio CD to an Audio track</h3>
View the <B>Mixer</B> page.
Add a new Audio track to your song by selecting <b>Create Audio Track</b> from the <b>Edit</b> menu.
Click the <IMG align=absMiddle border=1 hspace=0 src="speak.gif"> to the right of the Record
page's Duration field.
<BR>This brings up the <B>Volume Control</B> window.
Select <B>Properties</B> from the <B>Volume Control</B> window's <B>Options</B> menu.
Select the sound card you want to use in the field named <B>Mixer device:</B>.
Click the <B>o Recording</B> button and check all boxes in the field named
<B>Show the following volume controls:</B>
Press the <B>OK</B> button.
This causes the window's title to change from <B>Volume Control</B> to
<B>Recording Control</B>.
Examine the various volume controls in the <B>Recording Control</B> window.
Make sure that the <B>Selected</B> check box under <B>CD/Aux</B> is checked.
The <B>Selected</B> check boxes under all other sources like <B>Mic/Line, Mixed Input</B>, and <B>Synthesizer</B> are
NOT checked.
Set the balance for <B>CD/Aux</B> in the middle.
Set the volume for <B>CD/Aux</B> about half way up.
Return to Anvil Studio's Mixer page, but don't close the <B>Recording Control</B> window yet.
Select the Audio Track by clicking on it and making a green dot appear at its left.<BR>This makes it the active track
- the track that will get recorded.
Erase the track by selecting <B>Erase track notes</B> from the <B>Edit</B> menu.
Press the <B>VU</B> button to <EM>warm up</EM> the audio device, so you don't record <EM>power-on</EM> noise.
Put an Audio CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive.
Press the <B>Rec</B> button on the Mixer page.
Because of the settings in the <B>Recording Control</B> window, this
causes the audio CD in your computer's CD-ROM drive to be recorded onto the new Audio track.
Press the stop button, or the <B>Rec</B> button again when you are ready to stop recording.
Right-click the audio track's <B>On</B> field so that it changes to <B>solo.</B>
This makes it the only track that will be played when the Play button is pressed.
Press the Play button.
Press the stop button and right-click on the track's <B>solo</B> field,
so that all tracks are enabled again.
If the track is too quiet, go back to the <B>Recording Control</B> window and
increase the Synthesizer's volume and go back up to step 13.
If the track has static noise, go back to the <B>Recording Control</B> window and decrease the Synthesizer's
volume and go back up to step 13.
<h3><a name="MixToWav">Mixing all tracks down to a single .WAV file</h3>
After your song sounds the way you want it, you can mix the entire song, even Instrument and Rhythm tracks, down to a single .WAV file by following these steps.
View the <B>Mixer</B> page.
Open the song you want to work on using the <b>File</b> menu.
Add a new Audio track to your song by selecting <b>Create Audio Track</b> from the <b>Edit</b> menu.
Name the new track something like <b>Mix</b> by clicking the track's left-most field.
If you want to produce a stereo mix, click the track's <b>mono</b> field and change it to <b>stereo</b>.
Click the <IMG align=absMiddle border=1 hspace=0 src="speak.gif"> to the right of the Record
page's Duration field.
<BR>This brings up the <B>Volume Control</B> window.
Select <B>Properties</B> from the <B>Volume Control</B> window's <B>Options</B> menu.
Select the sound card you want to use in the field named <B>Mixer device:</B>.
Click the <B>o Recording</B> button and check all boxes in the field named
<B>Show the following volume controls:</B>
Press the <B>OK</B> button.
This causes the window's title to change from <B>Volume Control</B> to
<B>Recording Control</B>.
Examine the various volume controls in the <B>Recording Control</B> window.
Make sure that the <B>Selected</B> check box under <B>Synthesizer</B> is checked.
The <B>Selected</B> check boxes under all other sources like <B>CD/Aux, Mixed Input</B>, and <B>Mic/Line</B> are
NOT checked.
Set the balance for <B>Synthesizer</B> in the middle.
Set the volume for <B>Synthesizer</B> about half way up.
Return to Anvil Studio's Mixer page, but don't close the <B>Recording Control</B> window yet.
Select the Audio Track by clicking on it and making a green dot appear at its left.<BR>This makes it the active track
- the track that will get recorded.
Erase the track by selecting <B>Erase track notes</B> from the <B>Edit</B> menu.
Press the <B>VU</B> button to <EM>warm up</EM> the audio device, so you don't record <EM>power-on</EM> noise.
Press the <B>Rec</B> button.<BR>Because of the settings in the <B>Recording Control</B> window, this
causes all synthesizer tracks to be recorded onto the new Audio track.
Press the stop button, or the <B>Rec</B> button again when you are ready to stop recording.
Right-click the audio track's <B>On</B> field so that it changes to <B>solo.</B>
This makes it the only track that will be played when the Play button is pressed.
Press the Play button.
Press the stop button and right-click on the track's <B>solo</B> field,
so that all tracks are enabled again.
If the track is too quiet, go back to the <B>Recording Control</B> window and
increase the Synthesizer's volume and go back up to step 15.
If the track has static noise, go back to the <B>Recording Control</B> window and decrease the Synthesizer's
volume and go back up to step 15.
If it sounds ok, select <b>Export Mixed Audio...</b> from the <b>File</b> menu