Labels:text | font | screenshot | black and white | document OCR: in Gladstone, Steve Myers, Dave Dyer , Dave Burkett, and Sumeet Pasricha D 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. obe, the Adobe logo and Adobe Streamline are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. dows is either registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation. p:// gineering . Donn Gladstone, Steve Myers, Dave Dyer, and Dave Burkett E ality Assurance . Jeff Doust, Theresa Johnston, Shawn Kunkel, Annie Tai nagement . Sumeet Pashricha, Jon Ferraiolo, Ellen Ablow, Dennis Thomatos, Bryan Lamkin M unch Team . Susan Gile, Paul Cohen, Christie Cameron, Caleb Belohlavek, Leticia Rentillo, toria Ring blic Relations . Therese Bruno, Peter Chase P chnical Support . Eric Hess, Steffen Fanger , Brian Lewis, Amy Jaeger, Stacy Schatz, T inne Ar ...