1036 Scans all the drives on your computer for viruses. This includes your hard drives, as well as removable media like floppy disks, Zip drives, and CD-ROMs.
1037 Scans all hard drives on your computer for viruses.
1038 Scans all removable drives for viruses. This includes floppy drives, and removable media drives like Zip drives and CD-ROMs.
1039 Scans a single floppy disk for viruses. You should always scan a floppy that you receive from someone else before using it to be sure that the disk is not infected.
1040 Scans one or more folders on your computer for viruses. If you want to scan a particular set of folders repeatedly, you can create a custom scan task to do this.
1041 Scans one or more files on your computer for viruses. If you want to scan a particular set of files repeatedly, you can create a custom scan task to do this.
1042 Runs the Norton AntiVirus Scan Wizard which helps you create a custom scan. Create a custom scan when you want to scan a particular set of files and folders not covered by a built-in task.
1043 &Show Informational Items
1044 &Hide Informational Items
1046 Unable to run the selected scan. If this is a custom scan, delete the scan and create it again.
1051 There is 1 item in Quarantine.
1052 There are %lu items in Quarantine.
1053 Unable to determine the contents of Quarantine.
1054 Quarantine is empty.
1055 Norton AntiVirus was unable to read the contents of Quarantine. Please reinstall Norton AntiVirus to repair the Quarantine folder.
1056 Quarantine is an isolated area on your computer where viruses are confined when Norton AntiVirus cannot immediately repair them.\n\nDo you want to run the Quarantine Console to view and manage the items in Quarantine?
1057 System Status Details
1058 Quarantine is an isolated area on your computer where viruses are confined when Norton AntiVirus cannot immediately repair them.\n\nThere is nothing in Quarantine.
1059 Your virus definitions are up-to-date (dated %s).
1060 Your virus definitions are more than two weeks old (dated %s) and need to be updated.
1061 Your virus definitions are more than one month old (dated %s) and need to be updated.
1062 Unable to read the virus definitions date. Run LiveUpdate.
1063 Virus definitions provide the basis for the virus protection provided by Norton AntiVirus. The Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC) makes new virus definitions available every week.
1064 Your virus protection is up to date. Norton AntiVirus will notify you when your virus definitions are more than two weeks old.
1065 Your virus definitions are %ld days old. You should run LiveUpdate to update your virus protection.\n\nDo you want to run LiveUpdate now?
1066 Norton AntiVirus was unable to run LiveUpdate. LiveUpdate may have been uninstalled.
1067 LiveUpdate checks for new virus definitions and for Norton AntiVirus program updates. Do you want to run LiveUpdate now?
1068 No additional details are available for this item.
1069 Your Rescue Disks are up-to-date.
1070 Your Rescue Disks need to be updated.
1072 Rescue Disks are used to remove viruses from your computer in the event that a virus prevents you from running Windows. Rescue Disks contain virus definitions which must be kept up to date to provide complete virus protection.
1073 Your Rescue Disks have not been updated in %ld days. Do you want to update your Rescue Disks now?
1074 Your Rescue Disks are currently up-to-date. Norton AntiVirus will alert you when your Rescue Disks need to be updated.
1075 Norton AntiVirus was unable to run Norton Rescue.
1091 Norton AntiVirus
1093 Scan Properties
1096 Norton AntiVirus was unable to determine your virus definitions date. The definitions files may have been corrupted. You should run LiveUpdate now to download a new definitions set.\n\nWould you like to run LiveUpdate now?
1097 navapw32.exe
1098 NAV Auto-Protect
1102 Do you want to run the "%s" scan now?
1106 Disa&ble
1107 Ena&ble
1108 Auto-Protect is enabled and protecting your system.
1109 Auto-Protect is disabled and is not protecting your system.
1111 There are no items to show in this view.
1112 View and manage the items in Quarantine.
1113 View the log of Norton AntiVirus activities.
1114 View the list of viruses that Norton AntiVirus is protecting you against.
1317 &LiveUpdate
1318 S&ystem Status
1319 You have not performed a full system scan.
1320 You have performed a full system scan within the past day.
1321 You last performed a full system scan 1 day ago.
1322 You last performed a full system scan %ld days ago.
1323 Your system has been virus-free for %lu days.
1324 Norton AntiVirus is protecting you against %lu viruses.
1325 navw32.hlp
1326 navwnt.hlp
1327 You need to create Rescue Disks.
1328 Norton AntiVirus recommends that you perform a full system scan at least once a week to keep your system virus-free. Do you want to run a full system scan now?
1329 You have not yet created a rescue disk set. Would you like to create it now?
1330 No viruses have been detected on your system.
1331 A virus has been detected on your system within the past day.
1332 Your system has been virus-free for 1 day.
1333 Norton AntiVirus last detected a virus on %s.
1334 Once
1335 Hourly
1336 Daily
1337 Weekly
1338 Weekdays
1339 Monthly
1340 Yearly
1341 %1 at %2
1342 Every %1 %2 at %3
1343 At %d minutes past the hour
1344 At %s
1345 Every %1 at %2
1346 Day %1 of every month, at %2
1347 S&cheduling
1348 Event name
1349 Frequency
1350 Schedule
1351 Unable to open the selected report.
1352 Date: #a, Time: #t, #u on #s\n#M\n#A\n\n
1353 Date: #a, Time: #t, #u on #s\n#M\n#A\n
1354 Date: #a, Time: #t, #u on #s\n#M\n#A\n
1355 Date: #a, Time: #t, #u on #s\n#M\n
1356 Date: #a, Time: #t, #u on #s\n#M\n
1357 Date: #a, Time: #t, #u on #s\n#M\n#A\n
1358 &Virus detections
1359 &Inoculation activities
1360 Vi&rus-like activities
1361 &Start and finish of scans
1362 &Access denied errors
1363 &Quarantine activities
1364 Activity Log
1365 The new scan name is too long. The name you entered will be truncated.
1366 A scan with that name already exists.
1367 Error occured renaming the scan. The old name will be retained.
1368 Error running the virus scanner. You may need to reinstall Norton AntiVirus.
1369 Please enter a message to be displayed.
1370 Please enter a description for this event.
1371 The length of the command line is too long.
1372 The program you entered could not be found. Do you want to keep the program name?
1373 The program name you entered is the name of a folder. Do you want to keep the name?
1374 The startup folder you entered could not be found. Do you want to keep the folder name?
1375 The folder name you entered is the name of a file. Do you want to keep the name?
1377 Select the startup directory for the program and click OK.
1378 Unable to run the Quarantine Console. You may need to reinstall Norton AntiVirus.
1379 %c: drive
1380 %s (and subfolders)
1381 Unable to load the selected scan. If this is a custom scan, delete the scan and create it again.
1382 Unable to locate the Norton AntiVirus directory. You may need to reinstall Norton AntiVirus.
1383 Error saving the scheduled event. You may be out of disk space, or have a corrupted SCHEDULE.DAT file
1384 &Rescue
1385 Norton AntiVirus was unable to run LiveAdvisor. LiveAdvisor may have been uninstalled.
1386 Event is disabled
1387 Event Properties
1388 Audible alert:
1389 Enabled
1390 Disabled
1391 Last run:
1392 Never
1393 Scan parameters:
1394 Scan name:
1395 Notify before running LiveUpdate:
1396 Yes
1397 No
1398 Message:
1399 Program path and file name:
1400 Startup folder:
1401 Command line parameters:
1402 Norton AntiVirus AutoProtect.lnk
1403 Arial,14,Bold
1404 Are you sure you want to delete this event?
1405 Norton Rescue is not installed.
1406 No viruses have been detected on this system since Norton AntiVirus was installed.
1407 Norton AntiVirus remembers the last time a virus was found on your computer.
1408 The number of viruses that Norton AntiVirus is protecting you against will increase each time LiveUpdate updates your virus protection.\n\nYou can view the list of viruses by selecting Reports on the left side of the Norton AntiVirus main window.
1409 Norton Program Scheduler
1410 The Scheduler is not currently running, so no events will run at their scheduled times. Do you want to run the Scheduler now?
1411 Error running the Scheduler. Scheduled events will not run at their specified times. Under Windows NT, you need administrator privileges to run the Scheduler.