recinfo.StringData(0) = "ICE61" & Chr(9) & "3" & Chr(9) & "Verifies various elements of the Upgrade table"
'Debug.Print recinfo.formattext
Message &H3000000, recinfo
'Is there a Upgrade table in the database?
iStat = Database.TablePersistent("Upgrade")
If 1 <> iStat Then
recinfo.StringData(0) = "ICE61" & Chr(9) & "3" & Chr(9) & "Table: 'Upgrade' missing. This product is not enabled for upgrading so ICE61 is not necessary."
ElseIf (VersionStringToLong(recinfo.StringData(colVersionMax)) = VersionStringToLong(recinfo.StringData(colVersionMin))) AND Not ((recinfo.integerdata(colAttributes) And UPGRADE_ATTRIBUTE_ALLINCLUSIVE) = UPGRADE_ATTRIBUTE_ALLINCLUSIVE) Then
recinfo.StringData(0) = "ICE61" & Chr(9) & "1" & Chr(9) & "Upgrade.VersionMax cannot be equal to Upgrade.VersionMin unless both Min and Max are inclusive, otherwise no version will match. ([7])" _
Set View = Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM `Upgrade` WHERE `UpgradeCode`= '" & sUC & "'")
Set recinfo = View.Fetch
While Not recinfo Is Nothing
If Not ((recinfo.integerdata(colAttributes) And UPGRADE_ATTRIBUTE_DETECTONLY) = UPGRADE_ATTRIBUTE_DETECTONLY) Then
If Len(recinfo.StringData(colVersionMax)) Then
If (((recinfo.integerdata(colAttributes) And UPGRADE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXINCLUSIVE) And VersionStringToLong(recinfo.StringData(colVersionMax)) >= lPV) Or ((Not (recinfo.integerdata(colAttributes) And UPGRADE_ATTRIBUTE_MAXINCLUSIVE) And VersionStringToLong(recinfo.StringData(colVersionMax)) > lPV))) Then
recinfo.StringData(0) = "ICE61" & Chr(9) & "2" & Chr(9) & "This product should remove only older versions of itself. The Maximum version is not less than the current product. ([3] " & sPV & ")" _
recinfo.StringData(0) = "ICE61" & Chr(9) & "2" & Chr(9) & "This product should remove only older versions of itself. No Maximum version was detected for the current product. ([7])" _