Chip 2001 June
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' Windows Installer utility to copy a file into a database text field
' For use with Windows Scripting Host, CScript.exe or WScript.exe
' Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Microsoft Corporation
' Demonstrates processing of primary key data
Option Explicit
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const msiViewModifyUpdate = 2
Const msiReadStreamAnsi = 2
Dim argCount:argCount = Wscript.Arguments.Count
If argCount > 0 Then If InStr(1, Wscript.Arguments(0), "?", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then argCount = 0
If (argCount < 4) Then
Wscript.Echo "Windows Installer utility to copy a file into a database text field." &_
vbNewLine & "The 1st argument is the path to the installation database" &_
vbNewLine & "The 2nd argument is the database table name" &_
vbNewLine & "The 3rd argument is the set of primary key values, concatenated with colons" &_
vbNewLine & "The 4th argument is non-key column name to receive the text data" &_
vbNewLine & "The 5th argument is the path to the text file to copy" &_
vbNewLine & "If the 5th argument is omitted, the existing data will be listed" &_
vbNewLine & "All primary keys values must be specified in order, separated by periods" &_
vbNewLine &_
vbNewLine & "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999-2000. All rights reserved."
Wscript.Quit 1
End If
' Connect to Windows Installer object
On Error Resume Next
Dim installer : Set installer = Nothing
Set installer = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") : CheckError
' Process input arguments and open database
Dim databasePath: databasePath = Wscript.Arguments(0)
Dim tableName : tableName = Wscript.Arguments(1)
Dim rowKeyValues: rowKeyValues = Split(Wscript.Arguments(2),":",-1,vbTextCompare)
Dim dataColumn : dataColumn = Wscript.Arguments(3)
Dim openMode : If argCount >= 5 Then openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact Else openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly
Dim database : Set database = installer.OpenDatabase(databasePath, openMode) : CheckError
Dim keyRecord : Set keyRecord = database.PrimaryKeys(tableName) : CheckError
Dim keyCount : keyCount = keyRecord.FieldCount
If UBound(rowKeyValues) + 1 <> keyCount Then Fail "Incorrect number of primary key values"
' Generate and execute query
Dim predicate, keyIndex
For keyIndex = 1 To keyCount
If Not IsEmpty(predicate) Then predicate = predicate & " AND "
predicate = predicate & "`" & keyRecord.StringData(keyIndex) & "`='" & rowKeyValues(keyIndex-1) & "'"
Dim query : query = "SELECT `" & dataColumn & "` FROM `" & tableName & "` WHERE " & predicate
REM Wscript.Echo query
Dim view : Set view = database.OpenView(query) : CheckError
view.Execute : CheckError
Dim resultRecord : Set resultRecord = view.Fetch : CheckError
If resultRecord Is Nothing Then Fail "Requested table row not present"
' Update value if supplied. Cannot store stream object in string column, must convert stream to string
If openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact Then
resultRecord.SetStream 1, Wscript.Arguments(4) : CheckError
resultRecord.StringData(1) = resultRecord.ReadStream(1, 100000, msiReadStreamAnsi) : CheckError
view.Modify msiViewModifyUpdate, resultRecord : CheckError
database.Commit : CheckError
Wscript.Echo resultRecord.StringData(1)
End If
Sub CheckError
Dim message, errRec
If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub
message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description
If Not installer Is Nothing Then
Set errRec = installer.LastErrorRecord
If Not errRec Is Nothing Then message = message & vbNewLine & errRec.FormatText
End If
Fail message
End Sub
Sub Fail(message)
Wscript.Echo message
Wscript.Quit 2
End Sub