This package include both: freeware and shareware versions.
Make up with 10 components for Delphi, all descendants of CustomLabel.
The Package include the following components:
1. AVLabel
Multiline label with borders and gradient surface.
2. AVDBLabel
Data aware version of AVLabel.
3. AVDateLabel
Label for date and time showing.
4. AVCheckLabel
Label with checkbox, borders and gradient surface.
5. AVLedLabel
Label with Led, borders and gradient surface.
6. AVtnLabel
Label with button, borders and gradient surface.
7. AVColorPicker
A Color Picker component with Label, borders and gradient surface.
8. AVGaugeLabel
A Gauge Bar with label, borders and gradient surface.
9. AVSpinLabel
A Spin component with Label, borders and gradient surface.
10. AVSpinEdit
A Spin Edit component with Label, borders and gradient surface.
Common Properties
BorderStyle : Determine the border style, this can be: bsNone, bsLowered1, bsLowered2, bsLowered3, bsRaised1, bsRaised2, bsLowerFrame1, bsLowerFrame2, bsRaisedFrame1 and bsRaisedFrame2.
GradientStyle: Determine the gradient style, this can be: gsNone, gsHorisontal and gsVertical.
CaptionAlign: Determine the caption position into the component area, this can be: alLeft, alRigth, alTop and alottom.
BorderHighLightColor and BorderShadowColor: The Colors for drawing the 3D borders, default clBtnHiglight and clBtnFace.
GradientColor1 and GradientColor2: The begin and end colors for fill the component surface.
Spacing: The space in pixels between the border, caption and other parts of the component.
MouseOnColor: The color to display the caption when the mouse cursor is over the component.
MouseOnDetect: Boolean property to enable/disable the MouseOnColor property.
Exe Demo
The package include two exe demo files "Demo1.exe" and "Demo2.exe".
These ones allow you check the components behavior without install it.
How to Register AVLabel Pack
The pricing for AVLabel Pack is as follows:
Registered Version (without source-code) $19.00
Registered Version (with source-code) $38.00
What Do I Get?
Registered users will receive:
The latest compiled/source-code version of the AVLabel Pack via Internet E-mail.
The right to use the component, royalty free, in any application.
There are convenient ways to purchase the AVLabel Pack component:
1) Querks site
This is the easiest way to buy AVLabelPack, with credit card or any other medium of payment. Access to the following link and go along with the on line instructions.