Chip 2003 February
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Text File
193 lines
90 %s
95 MEMORY ERROR: Insufficient Windows memory
96 SYSTEM ERROR: Internally inconsistent system state
97 NONCE ERROR: Planned feature not yet implemented
100 #WI OBJECT NAME ERROR: Improperly formed object name
101 #WI OBJECT ERROR: Object "%s" not found
102 #WI OBJECT ERROR: Current object undefined
103 #WI OBJECT ERROR: Object already exists
104 #WI OBJECT NAME ERROR: Improperly formed [instance]
107 #WI OBJECT ERROR: Link "%s.!%s" not found
108 #WI OBJECT ERROR: Circular reference in link "%s.!%s"
109 #WI ACTION NAME ERROR: Improperly formed [instance]
110 #WI ACTION NAME ERROR: Improperly formed action name
111 #WI ACTION ERROR: Action "%s" not found
112 #WI ACTION ERROR: Property-reference not permitted in this context
113 #WI ACTION ERROR: Property-set not permitted in this context
114 #WI ACTION ERROR: Method-invocation not permitted in this context
115 #WI ACTION ERROR: Property "%s" is read-only
116 #WI ACTION ERROR: Method "%s" does not accept an argument
117 #WI ACTION ERROR: Property "%s" cannot be set for minimized/maximized object
118 #WI ACTION ERROR: Cannot apply action "%s" to deleted object
120 #WI EVENT NAME ERROR: Improperly formed event name
121 #WI PARENTAGE ERROR: Invalid parentage for class "%s"
122 #WI PARENTAGE ERROR: An object cannot be it's own parent
123 #WI CREATION ERROR: Unable to create Media control window
124 #WI ERROR: Unexpected result from Windows OS ("%s" action, OS function "%s")
125 #WI ACTION ERROR: Method "%s" cannot be invoked in "%s" mode
126 #WI ACTION ERROR: Method "%s" may only be invoked in "%s" mode
130 #WI CLASS NAME ERROR: Improperly formed class name
131 #WI CLASS ERROR: Class "%s" not found
141 #WI RANK ERROR: %s
144 #WI ATTRIBUTE ERROR: Invalid "%s" attribute specified
145 #WI ATTRIBUTE ERROR: Duplicate or conflicting "%s" attributes specified
146 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Argument required for "%s" method
147 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Item %i not found ("%s" method)
148 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Duplicate item identifier "%i"
149 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Invalid item identifier "%i"
150 #WI OPEN ERROR: Parent must be opened before child
151 #WI CREATION ERROR: Unable to create window; reason=%i
152 #WI CREATION ERROR: Unable to create menu; reason=%i
153 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Duplicate row identifier "%i"
154 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Invalid row identifier "%i"
155 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Invalid column index "%i"
156 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: First column must have "left" justification ("%s" property)
157 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Invalid column justification ("%s" property)
158 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Column index required ("%s" method)
159 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: %s property cannot contain format styles; use selstyle
160 #WI WAIT ERROR: Already waiting on this object
161 #WI WAIT ERROR: Unable to wait on disabled object
162 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Invalid column order "%i"
163 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Invalid column order list
164 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Invalid image index "%i"
165 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Invalid %s handle
170 #WI FOCUS ERROR: Not a window
171 #WI FOCUS ERROR: Window not open
172 #WI LIMIT ERROR: Recursion limit (%i) exceeded
173 #WCALL LIMIT ERROR: Recursion limit (%i) exceeded
174 #WGIVE LIMIT ERROR: Recursion limit (%i) exceeded
175 #WI SIZE ERROR: Cannot set "size" when "scale" is proportional; Use "extent" or "where" instead
176 #WI ACTION ERROR: Cannot invoke method "%s" for closed object
177 #WI ACTION ERROR: Cannot set property "%s" for closed object
178 #WI ACTION ERROR: Cannot reference property "%s" for closed object
179 #WI ACTION ERROR: Property "%s" requires an array index
180 #WI ACTION ERROR: Property "%s" does not support array indexing
181 #WI ACTION ERROR: Method "%s" does not support array indexing
182 #WI ACTION ERROR: Invalid operation for "%s" method
183 #WI ACTION ERROR: Cannot invoke operation "%s" for method "%s" for closed object
184 #WI ACTION ERROR: Object must have focus for "%s" method
185 #WI ACTION ERROR: Object must be visible for "%s" method
186 #WI OBJECT ERROR: Parent not found (too many ..'s)
187 #WI ACTION ERROR: Constant "%s" does not support array indexing
201 #WI RESOURCE ERROR: Object="%s" Reason="%s" Index=%i
202 #WI RESOURCE ERROR: Object="%s" Reason="%s" Index=%i Argument="%s"
203 #WI RESOURCE ERROR: Object="%s" Reason="%s" Index=%i Argument=%i
210 #WI CREATION ERROR: Invalid result from PreCreate event
211 #WI CREATION ERROR: Invalid result or error in New event
1001 APX initialization failure: Invalid ApxModel.pszClassName
1002 APX initialization failure: Invalid ApxModel.pszClassBase
1003 APX initialization failure: Invalid ApxModel.pszClassWnd
1005 APX initialization failure: ApxModel.pCmdProc not defined
1006 APX initialization failure: Invalid propertry name
1007 APX initialization failure: Invalid method name
1008 APX initialization failure: Invalid event name
1009 APX initialization failure: Duplicate APX class name "%s"
1010 APX initialization failure: Duplicate APX ID-number for class "%s"
1011 APX initialization failure: Duplicate property name "%s" for class "%s"
1012 APX initialization failure: Duplicate method name "%s" for class "%s"
1013 APX initialization failure: Duplicate event name "%s" for class "%s"
1014 APX initialization failure: Base class "%s" not found for class "%s"
1015 APX initialization failure: Base class not defined for class "%s"
1016 APX initialization failure: Circular definition for class "%s"
1017 APX initialization failure: The _Object class is not defined
1018 APX initialization failure: Window-class not specified for APX-class "%s"
1019 APX initialization failure: Unable to GetClassInfo for Window-class "%s" specified by APX-class "%s"
1020 APX initialization failure: Unable to register Window-class for APX-class "%s"; error code=%08x
1021 APX initialization failure: Unable to load Resource DLL "%s"; reason %u
1023 APX initialization failure: Unable to load bitmaps for APX-class "%s"
1024 APX initialization failure: Invalid prefix for class "%s"
1025 APX initialization failure: Class "%s" may not be parent to top level objects
1029 APX SAVE ERROR: Unable to save "%s"
1030 APX SYSTEM ERROR: Undefined case
1041 #WI DDE ERROR: Unable to connect with application %s on topic %s
1042 #WI DDE ERROR: Server already exists on topic %s
1043 #WI DDE ERROR: Too many servers (limit is %s)
1044 #WI DDE ERROR: Need application|topic in ddeTopic
1045 Initialization error: unable to start DDE management library
1050 #WI DEF ERROR: Invalid object definition
1051 #WI DEF ERROR: Definition saved by newer system; version=%i.%i.%i
1052 #WI DEF ERROR: Class "%s" not found
1053 #WI DEF ERROR: Class "%s" APX-ID=%i.%i.%i; saved by different APX-ID=%i.%i.%i
1054 #WI DEF ERROR: Class "%s" APX-ID=%i.%i.%i; saved by newer APX-ID=%i.%i.%i
1055 #WI DEF ERROR: Class "%s" does not inherit from class "%s"
1056 #WI DEF ERROR: Property "%s" not defined for class "%s"
1057 #WI DEF ERROR: Definition cannot change class
2001 #WI LIMIT ERROR: Unable to create new timer
2002 #WI PRINTER ERROR: Unable to open printer
2003 #WI PRINTER ERROR: WIN.INI contains invalid device= statement
2004 #WI PRINTER ERROR: Print Setup Error %d
2005 #WI ACTION ERROR: Window not open
2006 #WI MENU ERROR: TrackPopupMenu Error %d
2007 #WI MENU ERROR: CreateMenu Error %d
2008 #WI MENU ERROR: InsertMenu Error %d
2009 #WI MENU ERROR: CreatePopupMenu Error %d
2010 #WI MENU ERROR: SetMenu Error %d
2011 #WI MENU ERROR: ModifyMenu Error %d
2012 #WI MENU ERROR: Menu bar items or popup menus can't be checked
2013 #WI MENU ERROR: DeleteMenu Error %d
2014 #WI MENU ERROR: DestroyMenu Error %d
2015 #WI DRAW ERROR: Invalid draw command "%s"
2016 #WI DRAW ERROR: Invalid brush style
2017 #WI DRAW ERROR: Unable to create brush
2018 #WI DRAW ERROR: Unable to select specified brush
2019 #WI DRAW ERROR: Unable to select specified pen
2020 #WI DRAW ERROR: Invalid pen style
2021 #WI DRAW ERROR: Unable to create pen
2022 #WI DRAW ERROR: Unable to render icon handle "%d"
2023 #WI DRAW ERROR: Invalid or missing icon file "%s"
2024 #WI DRAW ERROR: Unable to render bitmap handle "%d"
2025 #WI DRAW ERROR: Invalid or missing bitmap file "%s"
2026 #WI DRAW ERROR: Unable to create font
2027 #WI DRAW ERROR: Unable to select specified font
2028 #WI ACTION ERROR: Menu not open
2029 #WI ACTION ERROR: Palettes not supported for this object
2030 #WI CREATION ERROR: Unable to create palette; reason=%i
2032 Initialization Error: Unable to start OLE library (%s)
2033 Initialization Error: Unable to load required DLL "%s"
2034 #WI CREATION ERROR: Unable to create ActiveX object; hresult=%08X
2035 #WI CREATION ERROR: ActiveX class not registered
2036 #WI ACTION ERROR: Cannot set property "%s" for open object
2037 #WI ERROR: %08X %s
2038 #WI REGISTRY ERROR: Cannot open registry key "%s%s%s"
2039 #WI CREATION ERROR: Invalid ActiveX class name = %s
2040 #WI REGISTRY ERROR: Invalid CLSID in registry = %s
2041 #WI CLASS NAME ERROR: Class name must include CLSID or ProgID
2042 #WI ARGUMENT ERROR: Cannot convert argument #%i; hr=0x%08X
2043 %s : Help not available
2044 LENGTH ERROR: Wrong number of arguments
2045 #WI ERROR: %s exception %08X %s
2046 LENGTH ERROR: Wrong number of index arguments
2047 #WI CREATION ERROR: Invalid object pointer
2048 #WI CREATION ERROR: Invalid CLSID "%s"
2049 #WI CREATION ERROR: Invalid ProgID "%s"
2050 #WI CREATION ERROR: Class not registered "%s"
2051 #WI REGISTRY ERROR: Non-circular ProgID references "%s"
2052 #WI REGISTRY ERROR: Circular CurVer references for ProgID "%s"
2053 #WI ACTION ERROR: Cannot invoke "%s" on unattached object
2054 #WI CREATION ERROR: Required interface not implemented by object
2055 #WI ACTION ERROR: Result redirection (">") not supported in this context
2056 #WI OBJECT NAME ERROR: Invalid result object name following ">"
2057 #WI ACTION ERROR: Invocation modifiers ">", "<", and "@" can be used with ActiveX actions only
2058 #WI ACTION ERROR: Result redirection object must be ActiveObject class
2059 #WI ACTION ERROR: Result redirection object in use
2060 #WI RESULT ERROR: Result redirection can only handle ActiveObject return values
2061 #WI ACTION ERROR: Invocation modifiers ">", "<", and "@" can't be used with "[]"
2062 #WI ACTION ERROR: Ambiguous invocation: use ">", "<", or "@" to request proper invocation
2063 #WI ACTION ERROR: Restricted action "%s" cannot be invoked
2064 #WI ACTION ERROR: This session is not running as an ActiveX Server
2065 #WI PRINTER ERROR: Printer "%s" not found
2066 Unable to register CommandDockWrapper (reason %08X)
2067 #WI CREATION ERROR: Windows Common Controls version %i.%i or later required for class "%s"
2068 NONCE ERROR: Both position-coordinates must be specified
2069 NONCE ERROR: Both size-coordinates must be specified
2070 NONCE ERROR: Default coordinates not allowed for this object