3978 Only valid settings were applied.\n\nReason: %s
3983 File Transfer Source Proprety Page
3984 File Transfer Source Property Page
4050 Remote Encoder Proprety Page
4069 Remote Encoder Property Page
4099 Record Queue Proprety Page
4109 Record Queue Property Page
4150 Multichannel Audio Property Page
4170 Multichannel Audio Property Page
4172 Uncompressed .wav files
4173 Wav Files (*.wav)
4175 Enter a file name before continuing.
4176 Error occurs.
4250 Windows Media Device Control
4258 Windows Media Device Control
4259 editdecisionlist
4278 Play
4279 Stop
4280 Fast Forward
4281 Rewind
4282 Step Forward
4283 Step Rewind
4286 Remove
4301 Eject
4500 TV Tuner Properties
5073 Variable Speed Reverse
5074 Variable Speed Forward
5075 Variable Reverse/Forward Speed Selecction
5389 Click Browse to select an input file.
5657 Choose a Windows Media server
5662 Remove the publishing point after encoding stops
5664 Port number to broadcast the stream through
5665 Find a port automatically
5671 Click Browse to select an output file.
6000 Remove All Entries
6001 Edit
6002 Up
6003 Down
6004 Description
6005 Slowest
6006 Slow
6007 Normal
6008 Fast
6009 Fastest
6050 Playing
6051 Stopped
6052 Paused
6053 Cueing
6054 Fast forwarding
6055 Rewinding
6056 Pre-rolling
6057 Post-rolling
6058 Playing forward
6059 Playing reverse
6060 Reached end of the tape
6070 Mark In
6071 Mark Out
6072 Tape ID
6073 Please modify the MarkIn and MarkOut value to make MarkOut value be greater than MarkIn value.
6074 Duration
6075 NTSC 30
6076 NTSC 30 Dropped
6077 PAL 25
6078 Film 24
6079 Only valid settings were applied.\n\nReason: %s
6102 Title of encoded output
6105 Author of encoded output
6107 Copyright of encoded output
6109 Rating of encoded output
6111 Description of encoded output
6203 Clients connected to this encoder
6207 URL used by clients to connect to the encoder over the Internet
6209 Copy Internet URL to clipboard
6210 URL used by clients to connect to the encoder over a local area network
6212 Copy LAN URL to clipboard
6213 Connecting:
6214 Disconnecting:
9000 Attributes
9001 WM Encoder Attributes
9010 Display Information
9011 WM Encoder Display Information
9020 Sources
9021 WM Encoder Sources
9025 Sources
9026 WM Encoder Sources
9030 Compression
9031 WM Encoder Compression
9035 Plug-ins
9036 WM Encoder Plug-ins
9040 Output
9041 WM Encoder Output
9050 Advanced
9051 WM Encoder Network
9053 Video Size
9054 WM Encoder Video Size
9056 Processing
9057 WM Encoder Processing
9059 Security
9060 WM Encoder Security
9070 General
9071 WM Encoder General Preferences
9073 Performance
9074 WM Encoder Complexity Preferences
9080 General
9081 WM Monitor Main Page
9083 Display Information
9084 WM Monitor Display Information Page
9086 Connections
9087 WM Monitor Connections Page
9089 Event Log
9090 WM Monitor Event Log Page
9091 Statistics
9092 WM Monitor Encoding Statistics Page
9093 Server
9094 WM Monitor Server Page
9095 EDL
9096 WM Monitor EDL Page
9100 Browse for Source File
9101 Browse for Output File
9103 Description:
9104 Details:
9105 Add Attribute
9106 Edit Attribute
9107 Name
9108 Value
9109 The name '%s' already exists.\n\nType a different name or change the existing attribute.
9110 The name '%s' is reserved for use by the system.\n\nType a different name.
9111 Source
9112 Archive
9113 Script
9115 Windows Media files (*.wmv;*.wma)|*.wmv;*.wma|Windows Media video files (*.wmv)|*.wmv|Windows Media audio files (*.wma)|*.wma|All files (*.*)|*.*||
9123 Archive:
9127 File:
9145 -
9146 Same as video input
9150 Currently selected video source
9151 Currently selected audio source
9152 Currently selected script source
9155 Output file or archive for this session
9157 Port through which content is being broadcast and number of clients connected
9159 URL used by clients to access unicast streams from the server
9161 Amount of time elapsed since session started
9162 Estimated time remaining to encode content
9163 Percentage of session completed
9166 Total bit rate for all streams (current/expected)
9167 Total number of scripts inserted in this session
9168 Last script inserted in this session
9169 Profile being used in this session
9170 Current frame rate of encoded video
9171 Current, lowest, and highest quality achieved during this session
9172 Frames dropped in this session
9173 Percentage of CPU being used by all running programs
9174 Approximate amount of encoding time remaining on disk
9176 Amount of disk space remaining
9177 Expected frame rate of encoded video
9180 Archive to fi&le
9181 Encode to fi&le
9182 http://%s:%u/
9183 http://%s:%u/
9184 (Could not detect)
9185 (Custom)
9186 (Link: %ls)
9187 (Use default publishing point settings)
9188 (Publishing point name)
9189 (Server name:Port) - Port is optional
9190 Record
9191 Pause
9192 Stop
9193 Video optimization of currently selected video source
9194 Status of DRM protection being applied to current session
9196 %ld x %ld
9197 %ld x %ld to %ld x %ld
9200 Sources and Archive
9203 Video Clipping
9204 Video Optimization
9208 Browse for file...
9209 You must quit and restart the encoder for your changes to take effect.
9210 You are running out of disk space.
9211 Click Start Archiving on the Control menu to begin archiving this broadcast.
9212 You must quit and restart the encoder for your changes to take effect.
9220 Source
9221 New Source
9222 Change Source
9223 File
9224 Device
9230 Type a name for the source before continuing.
9231 Specify a video source before continuing.
9232 Specify an audio source before continuing.
9234 The specified file does not contain any video.\n\nSelect another file before continuing.
9235 The specified file does not contain any audio.\n\nSelect another file before continuing.
9237 The device '%s' is already in use.\n\nSelect another source or device before continuing.
9238 The name '%s' already exists.\n\nType another name before continuing.
9250 Off
9251 On
9300 (Regional and Language Options)
9301 (No profile matches input source types)
9430 (only available with multiple sources)
9431 (only available when archiving during broadcast)
9434 Stop
9435 Loop
9436 Roll over to next source
9437 Roll over to first source
9439 Source %d
9440 [blank]
9441 In File
9442 &Browse...
9443 Co&nfigure...
9445 Auto
9446 Top first
9447 Bottom first
9448 To enable this feature, click Edit on the Compression tab, and then select the Allow interlaced processing check box.
9450 AA - Bottom
9451 BB - Bottom
9452 BC - Bottom
9453 CD - Bottom
9454 DD - Bottom
9456 Type a number between -144 and 0.
9462 Auto
9463 AA - Top
9464 BB - Top
9465 BC - Top
9466 CD - Top
9467 DD - Top
9470 Input audio sampling rate
9471 Number of channels from audio source
9472 Total number of audio samples dropped
9473 Width and height of source video
9474 Expected input frames per second
9475 Current input frames per second
9476 Total captured frames since encoding started
9477 Total number of frames dropped
9478 Output audio sampling rate
9479 Number of channels from audio output
9480 Expected maximum audio bit rate
9481 Current audio bit rate
9482 Average audio bit rate
9483 Expected maximum bit rate for all sources in each stream
9484 Current bit rate of all sources in each stream
9485 Average bit rate of all sources in each stream
9486 Expected maximum video bit rate
9487 Current video bit rate
9488 Average video bit rate
9489 Width and height of output video image
9490 Maximum frames per second of the video stream
9491 Current frames per second of the video stream
9492 Average frames per second of the video stream
9493 Total number of frames dropped during encoding
9494 Frames dropped during pre-compression process
9495 Frames dropped during compression process
9496 Frames dropped during post-compression process
9497 Unconstrained
9500 Windows Media server name
9501 Name of the publishing point that is streaming
9502 Time at which the peak counters were last reset on the Windows Media server
9503 Current CPU usage of the Windows Media server
9504 Total client connections allowed on this publishing point
9505 Maximum client connections since this publishing point was started
9506 Clients currently connected to this publishing point
9507 Total client connections since this publishing point was started
9508 Current client connections on this publishing point as a percentage of the maximum allowed
9509 Total bandwidth allocated to clients on this publishing point
9510 Maximum bandwidth allocated to clients since this publishing point was started
9511 Bandwidth currently allocated to clients on this publishing point
9512 Current bandwidth allocated to clients on this publishing point as a percentage of the maximum allowed
9520 Log of encoder events
9521 Save event log to file
9522 Clear event log
9523 Date
9524 Time
9525 Type
9526 Event
9527 Encoder
9528 Starting
9529 Running
9530 Paused
9531 Stopping
9532 Encoded
9533 Preprocess pass completed
9534 Pausing
9535 Unknown Event
9536 Unknown Event Type
9537 Error
9538 Output file '%s' running
9539 Output file '%s' paused
9541 Output file stopped
9542 ?
9543 File
9544 Switch to '%s'
9545 Sources
9546 Configuration
9547 Changed
9548 %s connected
9549 Connection
9550 %s disconnected
9551 The maximum log file size has been reached. Open a new log file to continue logging.
9600 Mark In
9601 Mark Out
9602 Tape ID
9603 Description
9604 Percentage
9606 Duration
9635 Device Control
9642 Type
9643 Name
9650 Br&owse...
9651 Conf&igure...
9652 Bro&wse...
9653 Confi&gure...
9700 To encode from this EDL, click Start Encoding on the encoder toolbar.
9701 Use a screen capture profile to optimize performance when capturing screens.
9702 Profiles are issued by third-party providers. The information you provide when creating or editing a profile is exchanged over the Internet.
9703 Use the Windows Media Audio 9 Professional codec when encoding multichannel audio.
10703 Type the password that will be used to protect your DRM profile.
10704 Log Files (*.TXT)|*.TXT||txt
10800 [Same as input]
10801 Square pixels (1:1)
10802 DV NTSC 4:3 (10:11)
10803 DV NTSC 16:9 (40:33)
10804 DV PAL 4:3 (12:11)
10805 DV PAL 16:9 (16:11)
10806 Anamorphic 2:1 (2:1)
10807 Anamorphic 16:9 (4:3)
10808 [Custom]
10809 The value for the pixel aspect ratio must be between 1 and 255.
10810 (%d:%d)
11001 Type a profile name before continuing.
11003 The script bit rate is too large.\n\nType a number between %i and %i before continuing.
11004 Select a bit rate before continuing.
11005 Type a name before continuing.
11006 The profile could not be saved.\n\nRestart the encoder and try again.
11007 The profile could not be loaded.\n\nCheck the .prx file or create a new profile.
11008 This profile name already exists.\n\nType a different name.
11009 The profile cannot be removed until Windows has been restarted.
11010 Type a number between 0 and 100 before continuing.
11012 This name is already in use.\n\nType a different name before continuing.
11014 Could not create a video stream.\n\nCheck your video stream settings and try again.
11015 The script bit rate is not valid.\n\nType a number between 1000 and 9999 bps.
11018 If you select a minimum bit rate that is less than 80 Kbps, your maximum bit rate cannot exceed 300 Kbps.\n\nChoose different bit rates before continuing.
11019 Could not locate or create the custom profile directory.\n\nReinstall the program.
11022 Specify a maximum bit rate between 10 Kbps and 10 Mbps before continuing.
11024 The frame rate must be between 1 to 60.
11025 The key frame interval must be between 0 to 30.
11026 The video quality must be between 0 to 100.
11027 The profile name contains a " character, which is not valid.\n\nEnter a different name before continuing.
11028 The profile description contains a " character, which is not valid.\n\nEnter a different description before continuing.
11029 The data buffer size must be between %d and %d.
11030 The video width and height must be between %i and %i.
11031 The specified video size already exists.\n\nEnter a different size before continuing.
11033 The crop value is not valid.\n\nEnter an even number before continuing.
11034 The bit rate name contains a \ character, which is not valid.\n\nEnter a different name before continuing.
11037 The height and width of the video must be each be an even number unless you are using the screen codec.
11038 The cropping values are too large for the profile's video size (%i x %i). The minimum video size allowed is (%i x %i).
11039 The cropping values are too large for the profile's video width (%i). The minimum cropped video width allowed is %i.
11040 The cropping values are too large for the profile's video height (%i). The minimum cropped video height allowed is %i.
11041 Type a name for the profile before continuing.
11042 Type a name before continuing.
11043 A profile cannot contain more than 10 video streams.\n\nRemove some bit rates before continuing.
11060 The file(s) selected could not be opened successfully.
11100 The port %u is already in use.\n\nChoose a different port before continuing.
11101 The broadcast port must be in the range %u to %u.\n\nType a valid port number before continuing.
11102 The file '%s' was not found.\n\nEnter a valid file name before continuing.
11103 The log will be appended to the file '%s' .\n\nDo you want to continue?
11105 The file '%s' is read-only.\n\nEnter a different file name before continuing.
11106 The file name '%s' specifies a folder.\n\nEnter a valid file name before continuing.
11107 Either the specified path or file name '%s' is not valid\n\nCheck that the path exists and that the file name is valid.
11108 You cannot overwrite the file '%s'.\n\nEnter a different file name before continuing.
11109 Enter a file name before continuing. The name can contain no more than 255 characters.
11110 This option requires an audio device to be installed.
11111 Select a profile before continuing.\n\nIf no profiles are available, you can use Windows Media Profile Editor to create a new profile.
11114 Specify a maximum packet size between %ld and %ld before continuing.
11115 Specify an identification name for this encoder before continuing.
11117 There was an error copying to the clipboard.\n\nTry to copy again.
11118 The file '%s' is already in use as a source file.\n\nChoose a different file name before continuing.
11120 You cannot specify a custom maximum packet size when using an uncompressed profile.\n\nEither select the default option or choose a different profile before continuing.
11121 It is not possible to use DRM to protect content that is optimized for Windows Media Player 7.1.\n\nEither turn off DRM protection on the Security tab or choose a different profile before continuing.
11125 Type a server name before continuing.
11126 Type a publishing point name before continuing.
11128 The specified DRM profile does not exist.\n\nSelect a different profile before continuing.
11129 An error has occurred. If the error continues, consider reloading the session file, starting a new session, or restarting the encoder.
11200 Type a name for source %d.
11201 Source '%ls' must contain at least an audio or video media type.
11202 Specify at least one source before continuing.
11203 The name '%ls' is being used by more than one source.\n\nType a different name for one of the sources.
11204 Specify a media input for source '%ls'.
11205 The media input '%s' for source '%ls' is not valid.
11206 The device '%s' can only be used once in a session.
11207 The device '%s' can only be used once in a session.\n\n('%s' and '%s' are the same device.)
11208 Automatic archiving for source '%ls' is not valid.
11209 The video optimization for source '%ls' is not valid.
11210 The video crop values for source '%ls' are not valid.
11211 The rollover operation for source '%ls' is not valid.
11212 Specify at least one audio or video source.
11213 Maintaining the interlacing for source '%ls' is not valid, because the source is not interlaced.
11214 It is not possible to set up a time code and apply the inverse telecine filter in the same session for source '%ls'.
11215 The following error occurred while setting up the source %s: \n
11216 It is not possible to set up time compression and apply the inverse telecine filter in the same session for source '%ls'.
11250 Select at least one output option (for example, server, port, or file).
11252 Type a publishing point name before continuing.
11253 The broadcast port must be in the range %u to %u.
11254 The port %u is already in use by another application.
11255 The file '%s' is already being used as a source file.
11300 The profile specified is not valid.
11301 Windows Media Encoder does not support file transfer.
11350 Two-pass encoding is not available for live broadcasts, screen captures, or when encoding from multiple sources.
11351 Type a value between -144 and 0 decibels.
11450 Select at least one target bit rate before continuing.
11451 The target bit rate %s is not valid.\n\nType a value between %s and %s.
11460 The mark-in or mark-out number is not valid.
11500 The %s transform plug-in '%s' for source '%ls' is not valid.
11550 No property page is available for this transform plug-in.
11551 Performing this operation requires that you have administrative credentials on this computer.\n\nReason: %s
11900 The file name extension has been changed or appended to the file name. The name and location of the output file is '%s'.
12000 Are you sure you want to remove this bit rate?
12001 Are you sure you want to remove this profile?
12100 Bit Rate Range
12102 Audience Name
12103 Are you sure you want to reset the bit rates to the program defaults?
12104 Mm
12105 Kk
12106 %sM
12107 %sK
12109 %s Mbps
12110 %s Kbps
12111 %s bps
12114 (None)
12115 0123456789
12116 %s - %s
12151 The bit rate %s is not valid.\n\nEnter a value between %s and %s.
12152 The ranges for '%s' and '%s' overlap.\n\nChange the bit rates as necessary.
12154 The bit rate range %s - %s does not have a name.\n\nSpecify a name.
12200 Local playback
12201 Broadband
12202 DSL modems
12203 LAN
12204 Dual ISDN modems
12205 Single ISDN modems
12206 56 Kbps dial-up modems
12207 28.8 Kbps dial-up modems
12208 14.4 Kbps dial-up modems
12209 0
12210 0
12211 0
12212 0
12213 0
12214 0
12215 0
12216 0
12217 0
12218 0
12219 0
12220 0
12221 0
12222 0
12223 0
12224 0
12225 0
12226 0
12227 0
12228 0
12229 0
12230 0
13000 &Details
13001 &Description
13002 None (PCM)
13003 Full frames (uncompressed)
13006 New Profile Wizard
13007 Edit Profile Wizard
13016 Microsoft Corporation 1999-2000
13017 http://www.microsoft.com
13018 yes
13019 no
13020 Aggregate Bandwidth
13021 MBR
13022 Uncompressed
13023 Uncompressed%d
13100 %.2f Kbps
13101 %d Hours, %d Minutes, %d Seconds
13102 %d minute, %d seconds
13103 %d seconds
13104 %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d (dd:hh:mm:ss)
13105 %d hours, %d minutes
13106 %d hour, %d minutes
13107 %d hours, %d minute
13108 %d hour, %d minute
13109 %d minutes, %d seconds
13110 %d minutes, %d second
13111 %d minute, %d second
13112 %.0f%% ( %.0f%% / %.0f%% )
13113 %.2f Kbps / %.2f Kbps
13114 %.2f GB
13115 %.2f MB
13116 %.2f KB
13117 %d%%
13118 %4d Kbps, %2d kHz, %s
13119 %d Kbps, %2d kHz, %s
13120 %i Kbps
13121 %i Mbps
13122 %i bps
13123 Buffer size: %d seconds
13124 Video stream %s: %i fps, %i seconds per key frame, Quality: %i\n
13125 Frames per second: %i
13126 %s - pass %d
13127 %d%% - pass %d
13128 %ld - %ld client(s)
13129 http://%s/%s
13130 mms://%s/%s
13131 http://%s:%d/%s
13132 %.2f Kbps / Unconstrained
13150 No optimization.
13151 Deinterlacing removes artifacts and improves the quality of video by processing interlaced fields into separate frames. Use only with a video source that was previously interlaced.
13152 Inverse telecine detects and removes extra frames from a 30 fps video source to achieve its original 24 fps. Use only with a video source that was previously telecined. The source frame rate must be 30 fps.
13153 Video optimization is determined automatically for the video source content.
13154 None
13155 Deinterlace
13156 Inverse telecine
13157 Auto
13158 Interlace
13200 (default)
13203 RGB 8
13204 RGB 565
13205 RGB 555
13206 RGB 24
13207 RGB 32
13208 I420
13209 IYUV
13210 YV12
13211 YUY2
13212 UYVY
13213 YVYU
13214 YVU9
13215 (same as source)
13250 <no deleted system audiences>
13300 Telecine
13301 Interlace
13302 Standard
13303 Mixed\nIt is recommended that you deinterlace the video.
13304 No data available
13306 &Close
13500 %s (%s bytes)
13600 Title
13601 Author
13602 Copyright
13603 Rating
13604 Description
13650 (No cropping)
13651 Custom
13652 Widescreen 1.67:1 (20%H)
13653 Widescreen 1.78:1 (25%H)
13654 Widescreen 1.85:1 (28%H)
13655 Widescreen 2.40:1 (44%H)
13656 Widescreen 2.20:1 (40%H)
13705 %dx%d
13706 (No resizing)
13707 Auto
13708 Custom
13709 %.0f:1
13710 1:%.0f
13711 %.2f:1
13712 1:%.2f
13713 1:1
13714 Same as profile
13715 Unknown
13716 Same as input size (after cropping)
13717 Same as 1st source input size (after cropping)
13718 Same as the video output size settings in the encoding page
13750 Invalid
13751 At least one custom video output size is not valid.
13800 Bit Rate
13801 Audience
13802 Import Profile
13803 Windows Media Encoder Profiles (*.prx)|*.prx|All files (*.*)|*.*||prx
13804 Export Profile
13805 Windows Media Encoder Profiles (*.prx)|*.prx|All files (*.*)|*.*||prx
13806 Link to Profile
13807 Windows Media Encoder Profiles (*.prx)|*.prx|All files (*.*)|*.*||prx
13808 (Custom)
13809 (Link: %ls)
13814 Output Size
13815 Frame Rate
13816 %s fps
13817 %d x %d
13818 Same as input
13820 You can only link to profiles that are in the '%ls' directory.
13821 The media types for profile '%s' do not match your sources (for example, an audio-only profile with an audio and video source).\n\nEither choose a different profile or change the media types.
14000 None (PCM)
14001 Full frames (uncompressed)
14002 353 Kbps, 22 kHz, Mono
14003 705 Kbps, 22 kHz, Stereo
14004 705 Kbps, 44 kHz, Mono
14005 1411 Kbps, 44 kHz, Stereo
14100 Define at least one audio or video media input.
14101 Define at least one bit rate for this session. Click Add after selecting your media types.
14102 To be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1, you must choose an audio input.
14103 To be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1, you cannot use VBR encoding.
14104 The custom packet size must be between %s and %s.
14106 The name of the profile cannot be left blank.
14107 It is not possible to use VBR encoding with uncompressed video.
14109 Only one bit rate can be used with VBR encoding. Either remove all but one of the bit rates from the profile, or use CBR encoding.
14110 The video for all bit rates in a profile should either be the same size as the input video or a width and height should be specified.
14130 All bit rates must use the same audio codec.
14131 To be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1, all bit rates must have the same audio format.
14132 The audio bit rate for bit rate %s must be less than or equal to that for bit rate %s.
14133 The audio peak rate for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14134 The audio peak rate for bit rate %s must be greater than its audio bit rate.
14135 The audio buffer maximum for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14150 All bit rates must use the same video codec.
14151 To be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1, all bit rates must have the same video width and height.
14152 The video bit rate for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14153 The video bit rate for bit rate %s must be less than or equal to that for bit rate %s.
14154 The video peak rate for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14156 The video peak rate for bit rate %s must be greater than its video bit rate.
14157 The video width for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14158 The video height for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14159 The video fps for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s fps.
14160 The video key frame for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s seconds.
14161 The video image quality for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14162 The video codec quality for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14163 The video buffer size for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14164 The video buffer maximum for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14165 The video buffer maximum for bit rate %s must be greater than its video buffer size.
14166 The video width for bit rate %s must be an even number.
14167 The video height for bit rate %s must be an even number.
14170 All bit rates must have the same script bit rate.
14171 The script bit rate for bit rate %s must be between %s and %s.
14172 It is not possible to mix uncompressed and compressed streams.
14173 The selected video codec does not support interlaced processing.
14174 Allowing interlaced processing is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.
14175 Allowing nonsquare pixel ouput is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.
14199 Unknown error 0x%lX (0x%lX, 0x%lX)
14200 Bit Rate
14201 Audience
14202 Save Profile As
14203 Windows Media Encoder profiles (*.prx)|*.prx|All files (*.*)|*.*||prx
14204 %s - Windows Media Profile Editor
14205 %s (not saved) - Windows Media Profile Editor
14206 Untitled
14207 General
14208 Windows Media Profile Editor
14209 %s - New Profile
14210 %s - Edit Profile
14211 %s (%s bps)
14212 Custom
14213 %ld: %ls
14214 \n
14215 Custom Encoding Settings
14216 OK
14217 Cancel
14218 Windows Media Profile
14219 %s [%s]
14230 Auto
14231 Main
14232 Simple
14233 Complex
14240 (smoothest)
14241 (Smoother)
14242 (Balanced)
14243 (Sharper)
14244 (Sharpest)
14245 Quality-based
14246 Quality_based%d
14250 You must fix the errors in the profile before continuing.
14251 You have made changes to the profile.\n\nDo you want to save these changes before closing?
14252 The profile '%ls' already exists.\n\nChoose a different name for the profile before continuing.
14253 Define at least one bit rate before continuing.\n\nClick Add after selecting your media types.
14254 The ACELP codec is not supported.
14255 The specified bit rate is too low. Type a higher bit rate.
14260 DRM Profile Manager
14261 Once a profile is deleted, it cannot be restored. To save the profile for later use, you can export the profile before deleting it. Are you sure you want to delete this profile?
14262 The selected DRM profile is not valid.\n\nSelect a valid profile before continuing.
14263 Windows Media DRM profiles(*.drm)|*.drm|All files (*.*)|*.*||
14264 Export DRM Profile
14265 wmdrmprfile
14266 Input DRM Profile
14267 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=8403
14268 Learn More
14269 Specify both the provider name and URL.
14280 Browse for Watermark Configuration File
14281 The specified file is not a valid watermark configuration file. Select a different file before continuing.
14290 Audio encoding mode: %s
14291 Video encoding mode: %s
14304 CBR
14305 Bit rate VBR (Peak)
14306 Quality VBR
14307 Bit rate VBR
14308 Audience: %s
14309 Audio codec: %s
14310 Audio format: %s
14311 Video codec: %s
14312 Video bit rate: %s
14313 Video peak rate: %s
14314 Video size: %s x %s
14315 Video size: Same as video input
14316 Frame rate: %s fps
14317 Key frame: %s s
14318 Image quality: %s
14319 Video quality: %s
14320 Buffer size: %s s
14321 Buffer size: Default
14322 Buffer max: %s s
14323 Script bit rate: %s
14324 %s %s
14325 Unlimited
14326 Packet size: %s
14327 Video bit rate: Uncompressed
14328 Audience: Uncompressed
14329 Audience: Quality-based
14350 (not available with multiple sources)
14351 One-pass encoding is used with quality-based VBR encoding. Two-pass encoding is used with bit rate-based VBR encoding.