ATVOpt.CapDontCaptureLabel.Caption=Nu captura dacπ spa■iul e mai pu■in decΓt
ATVOpt.TxtSaveAsLabel.Caption=Salvarea paginilor Teletext ca
ATVOpt.TxtFilenameLabel.Caption=Generare nume fi║ier
ATVOpt.TxtAllToOne.Caption=Salveazπ toate paginile εntr-un singur fi║ier
ATVOpt.TxtNote.Caption=Notπ: Salvarea tuturor paginilor εn format mitmap nu s-a implementat datoritπ necesitπ■ilor ridicate de memorie. Salvarea ca text sau HTML poate degrada u║or formatarea, pentru cπ nu existπ font specific.
FramerateForm.FramerateDescr.Caption=Framerate of video cannot be automatically determined. It is required for right loading of subtitles. Please select it from box bellow
OpenfilesForm.Caption=Open files
OpenfilesForm.DirectoryLabel.Caption=Directory and files