8022 This page contains one or more ActiveX controls. Internet Explorer could not verify that the controls are from a trustworthy source. Do you wish to view them anyway?
8023 This page contains an ActiveX control with data that is not known to be safe. Do you want to allow it be used?
8024 This page contains both scripts and a control that is not known to be safe for scripts to use. Do you want to allow the scripts on this page to access it?
8025 Could not save the picture.
8026 Could not set the wallpaper.
8027 You have been protected from unsafe content.
8028 A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?
8029 This connection is not secure.\n\nYour current security settings do not allow this form to be submitted over a connection that is not secure.
8030 Your current security settings prohibit running controls on this page. As a result, this page may not display correctly.
8031 An ActiveX control on this page is not safe. Your current security settings prohibit running unsafe controls on this page. As a result, this page may not display as intended.
8032 This page provides potentially unsafe information to an ActiveX control. Your current security settings prohibit running controls in this manner. As a result, this page may not display correctly.
8033 Repost form data?
8109 &URL
8110 Properties of the anchor element
8111 New Window
8112 Same Window
8113 Link to file|*|All Files (*.*)|*.*|Pictures (*.gif, *.jpg)|*.gif;*.jpg|HTML (*.htm, *.html)|*.htm;*.html|
8114 Save HTML Document|htm|HTML File (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
8116 Save Picture|gif|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8117 Save Picture|jpg|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8118 Save Picture|bmp|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8119 Save Picture|xbm|XBM (*.xbm)|*.xbm|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8120 Save Picture|art|ART (*.art)|*.art|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8121 Save Picture|wmf|WMF (*.wmf)|*.wmf|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8122 Save Picture|emf|EMF (*.emf)|*.emf|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8123 Save Picture|avi|AVI (*.avi)|*.avi|
8124 Save Picture|mpg|MPEG (*.mpg)|*.mpg|
8125 Save Picture|mov|MOV (*.mov)|*.mov|
8126 Save Picture||Original (*.*)|*.*|
8127 untitled.bmp
8128 untitled.html
8129 <0s>\Internet Explorer Wallpaper.bmp
8130 This type of document does not have a security certificate.
8154 (<0d> item<0p//s/> remaining)
8155 Downloading picture <0s>...
8157 Opening page <0s>...
8160 Installing components...<0s>
8167 Downloading data <0s>...
8169 Done
8170 Loading dataset...
8171 Databinding...
8172 Shortcut to <0s> <1s>
8173 <0s> at <1s>
8174 Sends mail to <0s>
8175 (local)
8176 (Gopher)
8177 (FTP)
8178 (secure Web site)
8194 Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?
8195 Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.
8200 Font
8201 FontName
8202 FontSize
8203 FontBold
8204 FontItalic
8205 FontUnder
8207 BackColor
8208 ForeColor
8209 BorderColor
8210 BorderStyle
8211 TextAlign
8212 SpecialEffect
8300 <undefined>
8301 null
8302 true
8303 false
8400 This document contains the following shortcuts:
8401 Shortcut Text
8402 Internet Address
8403 &w&bPage &p of &P
8404 &u&b&d
8405 0.750000
8406 0.750000
8407 0.750000
8408 0.750000
8410 Largest
8411 Larger
8412 Medium
8413 Smaller
8414 Smallest
8419 Print To File...
8420 OK
8500 Reset
8501 Submit Query
8502 Browse...
8600 Form posted from Microsoft Internet Explorer.
8601 Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed
9000 A value could not be saved into the data source's '<0s>' field.\n<1s>\n\nDiscard changed value?
9001 A type conversion error occurred.
9002 The data source record was previously deleted.
9003 The data source field is read-only.
9004 The value is not consistent with the data source's constraints.
9005 Operation was cancelled.
9006 Operation failed with status <1d>.
10001 Contains commands for the clipboard, finding text, and editing bookmarks or links
10002 Contains commands for controlling the display of your page
10003 Contains commands for inserting elements into the page
10004 Contains commands for formatting the selected elements on the page
10015 Copies the selection to the Clipboard
10016 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
10017 Deletes the selection
10025 Inserts an ActiveX Object
10026 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
10028 Edits the current selection's properties
10029 Redoes the previously undone action
10031 Selects all of the items on this page
10043 Undoes the last action
10067 Searches the current window for text
10090 Sets formatting for current selection
12121 Replaces text in the current window
12123 Inserts or edits a bookmark
12124 Inserts or edits a link
12125 Removes links in selection
12126 Browse this page
12127 Edit this page
12128 Removes bookmarks in selection
12130 Shows or hides the toolbar
12131 Shows or hides the status bar
12132 Shows or hides formatting indicators
12133 Hides all elements except text
12135 Changes the options for Internet Explore
12136 Opens selected link in current window
12137 Opens selected link in a new window
12139 Display source (HTML) for this page
12141 Selects smallest font size
12142 Selects small font size
12143 Selects medium font size
12144 Selects large font size
12145 Selects largest font size
12150 Inserts a horizontal line
12151 Inserts line break, ignoring images
12152 Inserts line break below left-aligned images
12153 Inserts line break below right-aligned images
12154 Inserts line break below images
12155 Inserts a space that won't line break
12156 Inserts a symbol or international character
12168 Inserts a picture from a file
12180 Sets formatting for current paragraph
12182 Inserts a marquee control
12183 Creates or changes bulleting or numbering
12186 Increases indent
12187 Removes indent
12239 Shows list of bookmarks to jump to
12284 Stops opening a file
12292 Changes the language encoding of the document