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- ; JAutoExp.Dat - templates for automatically expanding data
- ; Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; While debugging, Data Tips and items in the Watch and Variable
- ; windows are automatically expanded to show their most important
- ; elements. The expansion follows the format given by the rules
- ; in this file. You can add rules for your types or change the
- ; predefined rules.
- ;
- ; For good examples, read the rules in this file.
- ;
- ; An AutoExpand rule is a line with the name of a type, an equals
- ; sign, and text with replaceable parts in angle brackets. The
- ; part in angle brackets names a member of the type and an
- ; optional Watch format specifier.
- ;
- ; AutoExpand rules use the following syntax. The equals sign (=),
- ; angle brackets (<>), and comma are taken literally. Square
- ; brackets ([]) indicate optional items.
- ;
- ; type=[text]<member[,format]>...
- ;
- ; type Name of the type.
- ;
- ; text Any text. Usually the name of the member to display,
- ; or a shorthand name for the member.
- ;
- ; member Name of a member to display.
- ;
- ; format Watch format specifier. One of the following:
- ;
- ; Letter Description Sample Display
- ; ------ -------------------------- ------------ -------------
- ; d,i Signed decimal integer 0xF000F065,d -268373915
- ; u Unsigned decimal integer 0x0065,u 101
- ; o Unsigned octal integer 0xF065,o 0170145
- ; x,X Hexadecimal integer 61541,X 0X0000F065
- ; l,h long or short prefix for 00406042,hx 0x0c22
- ; d, i, u, o, x, X
- ; f Signed floating-point 3./2.,f 1.500000
- ; e Signed scientific-notation 3./2.,e 1.500000e+000
- ; g Shorter of e and f 3./2.,g 1.5
- ;
- ; If there is no rule for a class, the base classes are checked for
- ; a matching rule.
- ;
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- [AutoExpand]
- ; java.lang.*
- java.lang.Boolean =<value>
- java.lang.Character =<value>
- java.lang.Double =<value>
- java.lang.Float =<value>
- java.lang.Integer =<value>
- java.lang.Long =<value>
- java.lang.String =<value>
- java.lang.StringBuffer =value=<value>
- java.lang.Throwable =detailMessage=<detailMessage>
- java.lang.Thread =name=<name>
- java.lang.ThreadGroup =name=<name>
- java.lang.Win32Process =handle=<handle>
- ; java.util.*
- java.util.Date =value=<value>
- java.util.Hashtable =count=<count>, threshold=<threshold>, loadFactor=<loadFactor>
- java.util.HashtableEntry =hash=<hash>, key=<key>, value=<value>
- java.util.HashtableEnumerator =index=<index>
- java.util.Random =seed=<seed>
- java.util.StringTokenizer =currentPosition=<currentPosition>, str=<str>
- java.util.Vector =elementCount=<elementCount>, capacityIncrement=<capacityIncrement>
- java.util.VectorEnumerator =count=<count>, vector=<vector>
- ; java.io.*
- java.io.BufferedInputStream =count=<count>, pos=<pos>, marklimit=<marklimit>, markpos=<markpos>
- java.io.BufferedOutputStream =count=<count>
- java.io.ByteArrayInputStream =count=<count>, pos=<pos>
- java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream =count=<count>
- java.io.DataOutputStream =written=<written>
- java.io.DataOutputStream =written=<written>
- java.io.File =path=<path>
- java.io.FileDescriptor =fd=<fd>
- java.io.FileInputStream =fd=<fd>
- java.io.FileOutputStream =fd=<fd>
- java.io.InterruptedIOException =bytesTransferred=<bytesTransferred>
- java.io.LineNumberInputStream =lineNumber=<lineNumber>, markLineNumber=<markLineNumber>, pushBack=<pushBack>
- java.io.PipedInputStream =closed=<closed>, in=<in>, out=<out>, readSide=<readSide>, writeSide=<writeSide>
- java.io.PipedOutputStream =sink=<sink>
- java.io.PrintStream =autoFlush=<autoFlush>, trouble=<trouble>
- java.io.PushbackInputStream =pushBack=<pushBack>
- java.io.RandomAccessFile =fd=<fd>
- java.io.SrtingBufferInputStream =count=<count>, pos=<pos>
- ; java.net.*
- java.net.DatagramPacket =address=<address>, length=<length>, port=<port>
- java.net.DatagramSocket =fd=<fd>, localPort=<localPort>
- java.net.InetAddress =address=<address>, family=<family>, hostName=<hostName>
- java.net.ServerSocket =<impl>
- java.net.Socket =<impl>
- java.net.SocketImpl =fd=<fd>, address=<address>, port=<port>, localPort=<localPort>
- java.net.SocketInputStream =eof=<eof>, <impl>
- java.net.SocketOutputStream =<impl>
- java.net.URL =protocol=<protocol>, host=<host>, port=<port>, file=<file>, ref=<ref>
- java.net.URLConnection =connected=<connected>, url=<url>, doInput=<doInput>, doOutput=<doOutput>, allowUserInteraction=<allowUserInteraction>, useCaches=<useCaches>
- ; java.awt.*
- java.awt.BorderLayout =hgap=<hgap>, vgap=<vgap>
- java.awt.Button =label=<label>
- java.awt.CardLayout =hgap=<hgap>, vgap=<vgap>
- java.awt.CheckBox =label=<label>, state=<state>
- java.awt.CheckBoxGroup =currentChoice=<currentChoice>
- java.awt.CheckBoxMenuItem =state=<state>
- java.awt.Choice =selectedIndex=<selectedIndex>
- java.awt.Color =value=<value>
- java.awt.Component =x=<x>, y=<y>, width=<width>, height=<height>, visible=<visible>, enabled=<enabled>, valid=<valid>
- ;java.awt.Container =ncomponents=<ncomponents>, <super>
- java.awt.Container =ncomponents=<ncomponents>
- ;java.awt.Dialog =resizable=<resizable>, modal=<modal>, title=<title>, <super>
- java.awt.Dialog =resizable=<resizable>, modal=<modal>, title=<title>
- java.awt.Dimension =width=<width>, height=<height>
- java.awt.FocusManager =focusRoot=<focusRoot>, focuesOwner=<focusOwner>
- ;java.awt.Frame =title=<title>, resizable=<resizable>, <super>
- java.awt.Frame =title=<title>, resizable=<resizable>
- java.awt.GridBahConstraints =gridx=<gridx>, gridy=<gridy>, gridwidth=<gridwidth>, gridheight=<gridheight>, weightx=<weightx>, weighty=<weighty>
- java.awt.GridBagLayout =defaultConstraints=<defaultConstraints>, layoutInfo=<layoutInfo>
- java.awt.GridBagInfo =width=<width>, height=<height>, startx=<startx>, starty=<starty>
- java.awt.GridLayout =hgap=<hgap>, vgap=<vgap>, rows=<rows>, cols=<cols>
- java.awt.Insets =top=<top>, left=<left>, bottom=<bottom>, right=<right>
- java.awt.Label =label=<label>, alignment=<alignment>
- ;java.awt.List =rows=<rows>, multipleSelections=<multipleSelections>, <super>
- java.awt.List =rows=<rows>, multipleSelections=<multipleSelections>
- java.awt.MenuItem =label=<label>, enabled=<enabled>
- ;java.awt.MenuBar =tearOff=<tearOff>, isHelpMenu=<isHelpMenu>, <super>
- java.awt.MenuBar =tearOff=<tearOff>, isHelpMenu=<isHelpMenu>