21 To perform this action, please select only 1 item from the list.
22 No item(s) selected for performing this action.
23 Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected item(s) ?
26 No item(s) selected for deletion.
27 No item(s) selected for adding to the Recipients list.
28 &Please select whom you mean by ' %1 '
33 Properties
38 (No Matches Found).
39 N&o matches found for ' %1 '
40 Please enter a Display Name for this contact.
42 An error occured while deleting %1
43 Business Card (vCard) Files (*.vcf)
44 Export "%1" as Business Card (vCard)
45 Import Business Card (vCard)
46 Could not open file "%1".
47 File %1 is not a valid Business Card (vCard).
48 Could not create file: "%1".
50 Groups cannot be exported as Business Cards (vCards).
51 Business card "%1" was only partially imported.
52 The Windows Address Book already has a contact named "%1".\nDo you want to replace it with the Business Card file "%2"?
53 Business cards do not support characters other than the standard ASCII set.\nThis contact cannot be exported.
54 Unknown
55 The file "%1" already exists.\nWould you like to replace it?
57 There is already an account with the name "%1".\nPlease choose another name.
3990 Name
3991 E-Mail Address
3992 Home Phone
3993 Business Phone
3994 New Contact
3995 New Group
3996 Properties
3997 Delete
3998 Find
3999 Print
4000 Send Mail
4010 T&ype name or select from list:
4011 &Show names from the:
4012 Windows Address Book
4013 Remo&ve
4014 S&how More Names
4015 Personal
4016 Home
4017 Business
4018 Other
4019 The E-Mail Address you have entered is not a valid Internet E-Mail Address. Do you still want to add this address?
4020 85
4022 http://
4023 (Default E-Mail)
4028 Group
4029 Please enter a Group Name for this group.
4030 Selec&t
4031 Select Group Members
4032 &Members:
4033 Could not add group '%1' to this group because group '%1' already contains this group.
4034 0
4035 %3%,% %1% %2
4036 %1% %2% %3
4037 [Directory Services]
4038 No Internet Directory Services have been specified. Would you like to specify an Internet Directory Service now?
4039 Please select one or more items from the list before trying to add or remove them.
4040 Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from the Directory Services list?
4041 You must first select which items you want to remove from the Directory Services list.
4042 Please enter some information to look for.
4043 An error occured while attempting to process your selection.
4044 Please select a single item to move up or down the list.
4045 No items selected for adding to your Address Book.
4046 An error occured while attempting to add the user(s) to your Address Book.
4047 The selected users were successfully added to your Address Book.
4048 There are no entries in the Directory Service that match your search criteria.
4049 Unable to display search results because too many entries in the Directory Service match your search criteria. You can narrow your search by specifiying more search criteria.
4050 The specified Directory Service has denied access. Check the Properties for this Directory Service and verify that your Authentication Type settings and parameters are correct.
4051 The search could not be completed within the time specified for this Directory Service.
4052 The specified Directory Service could not be found. Check the Properties for this Directory Service, and make sure you're connected to the network.
4053 An error occurred while performing the search. Your computer, your Internet service provider, or the specified Directory Service may be disconnected. Check your connections and try again.
4054 Directory Service
4055 Directory Services
4056 Options
4057 General
4058 Please fill in both the 'Friendly Name' and the 'Directory Server' fields.
4059 The password text and the confirmation text does not match. Please enter them again.
4060 Unable to display the complete search results because too many entries in the Directory Service match your search criteria. You can narrow your search by specifiying more information to search for and trying again.
4062 Your Windows Address Book data file ' %1 ' appears to be corrupt and cannot be used. The Windows Address Book will now attempt to restore the data from your backup data file, which was automatically saved from your last session. Any changes you may have already made in this current session will be lost, but any further changes made after you restore from the backup will be saved.
4063 The Windows Address Book file ' %1 'could not be restored from the backup. Unable to proceed.
4064 The Windows Address Book was successfully restored from the backup data file.
4065 An unexpected error has occured. Please close this application and try to start it again.
4066 Your Address Book already contains an contact named '%1'. Do you want to replace this contact?
4067 Directory Services can only be searched using ASCII text. Please enter your search parameters in ASCII format only.
4068 %1 Properties
4069 Windows Address Book Files (*.wab)
4070 E-mail Address(es):
4071 Personal Information:\n
4072 Address:\n
4073 Phone:
4074 Fax:
4075 Cellular:
4076 Web Page:
4077 Business Information:\n
4078 Title:
4079 Department:
4080 Office:
4081 Company:
4082 Address:\n
4083 Phone:
4084 Fax:
4085 Pager:
4086 Web Page:
4087 Notes:\n
4088 %1\n %2 %3 %4\n %5\n
4090 The selected entries do not have any e-mail addresses to send mail to.
4091 Certificates
4092 General
4093 Certificate Properties
4094 Trust
4095 Advanced
4096 (Default)
4097 Trusted by Me
4098 Not Trusted by Me
4099 Chain Trusted
4100 There are no entries in the Address Book that match your search criteria.
4101 A Directory Service entry with the friendly name of '%1' already exists in your Address Book. Please enter some other unique friendly name for this Directory Service.
4102 Directory Services require INETCOMM.DLL, which is not currently installed.
4200 Creates a new contact.
4201 Creates a new group.
4202 Copies the selected entry to the clipboard.
4203 Sends mail to the selected entries.
4204 Edit properties for the selected entry.
4205 Deletes the current selection from the Address Book.
4206 Adds the current selection to the Address Book.
4207 Searches for people on Directory Services.
4208 Shows Directory Service information.
4209 Closes the Address Book.
4210 Selects all the entries in the Address Book.
4211 Shows or hides the toolbar.
4212 Shows or hides the status bar.
4213 Displays entries by using large icons.
4214 Displays entries by using small icons.
4215 Displays entries in a list.
4216 Displays detailed information about each entry.
4217 Sorts entries by name.
4218 Sorts entries by e-mail address.
4219 Sorts entries by business phone number.
4220 Sorts entries by home phone number.
4221 Sorts entries by given name.
4222 Sorts entries by last name.
4223 Displays sorted entries in ascending order.
4224 Displays sorted entries in descending order.
4225 Refreshes the displayed information.
4226 Imports a Business Card (vCard) from a file.
4227 Exports a Business Card to a file.
4228 Imports another Address Book.
4229 Displays help file contents for the Address Book.
4230 Unknown.
4231 This certificate is valid.
4232 This certificate is not valid.
4233 Yes.
4234 No.
4235 Internet e-mail addresses must be in ASCII format only.
4236 Several matches were found on ' %1 '.
4237 Certificate files
4238 Select certificate file to import
4239 Specify certificate file name
4240 Please select an item from the ' Search ' list before attempting to perform this search.
4241 Searching Directory Service '%1'.\nThis may take a few seconds. Please wait ....
4242 Full Name:
4243 Job Title:
4244 Department:
4245 Office Location:
4246 Company Name:
4247 Business Phone:
4248 Business Fax:
4249 Pager:
4250 Home Phone:
4251 Home Fax:
4252 Cellular:
4253 Business Web Page:
4254 Personal Web Page:
4255 Notes:
4256 E-mail:
4257 Home Address:
4258 Business Address:
4259 %1\n %2 %3 %4\n %5
4260 Group Name:
4261 Group Members:
4262 Address Book Document
4263 %1\n%2 %3 %4\n%5
4264 Bus:
4265 Bus Fax:
4266 Home:
4267 Printing ...
4268 (None)
4269 Unable to stop the print job !
4270 Printing page %d ...
4271 Formatting ' %1 ' ...
4272 %d items
4273 You have chosen to add one or more Directory Service entries to this group. These Directory Service entries will be added to the Address Book prior to adding them to this group.
4274 Do you want to cancel adding the remaining selected Directory Service entries to your Address Book ?
4275 Unable to complete this operation due to insufficient disk space. Please free some disk space and click OK to try again.
4276 Issuer
4277 Subject
4278 Effective date
4279 Expiration date
4280 Arial
4281 Find People
4282 Find People - (%d entries found)
4284 40
4285 1150
4286 40
4287 Exports to another Address Book or file.
4288 Selec&t
4289 \StringFileInfo\040904B0\FileVersion
4290 \StringFileInfo\040904B0\LegalCopyright
4291 An error occured while attempting to invoke the default e-mail program.
4292 0
4293 General
4294 Removes entries from group or deletes entries from Address Book
4295 Are you sure you want to remove the selected group from your Address Book ?\n(The group members will not be deleted from your Address Book).
4296 An error occured while attempting to remove the selected group.
4297 Are you sure you want to remove the selected item(s) from this group only?\n(The selected item(s) will not be deleted from your Address Book).
4298 Are you sure you want to remove the selected item(s) from this\ngroup and permanently delete them from your Address Book ?
4299 Prints information from your Address Book.
4300 Displays copyright and version information.
4301 Displays or hides the groups list.
4302 (Default Server)
4303 (Backup Server)
4304 Conferencing
4305 Starts an Internet Call session.
4306 [None - certificates without associated e-mail addresses]
4307 The certificate you are trying to import has been issued to:\n Name: '%1'\n E-Mail Address: '%2'.\nThe current contact does not have this e-mail address '%2'.\nWould you like to add '%2' to the list of e-mail addresses for this contact ?\n\nSelect YES to add the e-mail address and import this certificate.\nSelect NO to import this certificate without adding the e-mail address.\nSelect CANCEL to cancel importing this certificate.
4309 0
4310 The properties for the selected entry could not be retrieved or displayed.
4311 In order to place an Internet call, please specify both a \nConferencing E-Mail and a Conferencing Directory Server.
4312 One or more directory service entries could not be properly retrieved. These entries were not added to your address book.