40221 Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' Account?
40222 Internet Accounts
40223 An error occurred while attempting to set this account as the default.
40224 Please choose which Dial-Up Networking connection should be used with this server.
40226 Please specify the type of connection you use for e-mail.
40227 A connection cannot be added at this time because Dial-Up Networking is not installed. You must either install Dial-Up Networking or choose the LAN or manual connection method.
40228 To install Dialup Networking, use the Add/Remove Programs control panel.
40230 Mail Account Properties
40231 News Account Properties
40232 Directory Service Account Properties
40233 Please enter a valid LDAP server.
40234 Please enter a valid NNTP server.
40235 Please enter your name.
40236 Please enter a valid SMTP server.
40237 Please enter a valid POP3 server.
40238 Please enter a valid IMAP server.
40239 The specified NNTP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
40240 The specified POP3 server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
40241 The specified SMTP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
40242 The specified IMAP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
40243 Do you want to use it anyway?
40244 E-mail cannot be sent without this information.
40245 E-mail cannot be received without this information.
40246 Please enter a valid e-mail address.
40247 The specified LDAP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
40248 News cannot be read or posted without this information.
40249 Please enter your account name.
40250 %d seconds
40251 1 minute
40252 %d minutes
40253 You did not provide a user name, although you indicated that one is required by your server. Do you want to specify a user name now?
40254 Please enter a friendly name. It cannot be empty.
40255 Please enter a port number greater than zero.
40256 The specified e-mail address does not appear to be valid, do you want to use it anyway?
40257 Please enter a valid Reply To email address in the format johnsmith@microsoft.com.
40258 POP3
40259 IMAP
40260 &Incoming mail (POP3):
40261 &Incoming mail (IMAP):
40262 Delivery
40263 Folders
40264 Please enter a removal time between 1 and 100 days.
40271 Please enter a size to break messages between 16 and 16,000 KB.
40282 Type
40283 mail
40284 news
40285 directory service
40286 (default)
40287 Mail
40288 News
40289 Directory Service
40290 All
40291 The specified reply-to address does not appear to be valid, do you want to use it anyway?
40293 Please enter a maximum number of matches to return between 1 and 9999.
40294 An account already exists with this name.Please enter a unique friendly name.
40295 %s Properties
40296 Please enter your account name for logging onto this server.
40297 You have selected the "%s" Internet mail account. Do you want to change the settings for this account?
40298 You have selected the "%s" Internet news account. Do you want to change the settings for this account?
40299 You have selected the "%s" directory service account. Do you want to change the settings for this account?
40300 Internet Connection Wizard
40301 If your Internet service provider requires you to use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) to access your e-mail account, select the Log On Using Secure Password Authentication option. Otherwise, select the Log On Using option and type the e-mail account name and password your Internet service provider has given you.
40302 If your Internet service provider requires you to use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) to access your news server, select the Log On Using Secure Password Authentication option. Otherwise, select the Log On Using option and type the account name and password your Internet service provider has given you.
40303 If your Internet service provider or system administrator requires you to use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) to access your LDAP server, select the Log On Using Secure Password Authentication option. Otherwise, select the Log On Using option and type your LDAP server account name and password.
40304 New Mail Account
40305 New News Account
40306 New Directory Service Account
40307 Your Internet mail account contains the settings you use to send and receive e-mail. You can either create a new Internet mail account, or, if one has already been created on your computer, you can choose to use it instead. If you choose to use an existing account, you can change its settings later in this wizard.
40308 Your Internet news account contains the settings you use to read and interact with Internet newsgroups. You can either create a new Internet news account, or, if one has already been created on your computer, you can choose to use it instead. If you choose to use an existing account, you can change its settings later in this wizard.
40309 You can either create a new directory service, or if one is already set up on your computer, you can choose to modify an existing directory service's settings.
40310 People can reply to your news articles either by posting another article or by sending you an e-mail message. Your e-mail address is the address they use to send e-mail messages to you. This address has been assigned to you by your Internet service provider.
40311 Your e-mail address is the address other people use to send e-mail messages to you. This address has been assigned to you by your Internet service provider.
40313 Internet Mail Connection
40314 Internet News Connection
40315 To successfully set up your Internet mail account, you must have already signed up for an e-mail account with an Internet service provider and obtained important connection information. If you are missing any information the wizard asks you to provide, contact your Internet service provider.
40316 To successfully set up your Internet news account, you must have already signed up for an account with an Internet service provider and obtained important connection information. If you are missing any information, contact your Internet service provider.
40317 To successfully set up your directory service, you must have already signed up for an LDAP account with your service provider and obtained important connection information. If you are missing any information, contact your Internet service provider or network administrator.
40318 The new Internet account has not been created yet.Are you sure you want to exit the wizard?
40319 POP &account name:
40320 IMAP &account name:
40321 Mail Account
40322 yes
40323 no
40324 (logon using SPA)
40325 (logon not required)
40332 General
40333 You must enter an email address before you can choose a digital ID
40334 Select Default Account Digital ID
40335 Please choose the digital ID to use when sending secure messages.
40336 The digital ID you have chosen for this account does not match the email address\non the account. Please choose a new digital ID, change the email address, or disable digital IDs for this account.