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- <html>
- <%!PosDenyIpAccess urlparam%>
- <title>Internet Services Administrator - Deny Access</title>
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" BACKGROUND="/htmla/spec1.gif" LINK=#802020 VLINK=#802020>
- <!-- Header -->
- <TD>
- <A HREF="/htmla/htmla.htm">
- <IMG SRC="/htmla/iis_t.gif" ALT="Microsoft Peer Web Services" ALIGN=BOTTOM BORDER=0></A></TD>
- <TD><FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR=#802020>
- <B><%if servid EQ 4%>WWW<%elif servid EQ 1%>FTP<%elif servid EQ 2%>Gopher<%endif%> Administrator - Deny Access</B></FONT><BR>
- <FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR=#802020>Administration for <%servname%>://<%hostname%></FONT>
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- <HR>
- <P>
- Deny <%if servid EQ 4%>WWW<%elif servid EQ 1%>FTP<%elif servid EQ 2%>Gopher<%endif%>
- access to the following :<P>
- <form method="POST" action="/HtmlaScripts/htmla.dll?<%servname%>/adveddu+<%ipdenyref%>">
- <input type="radio" name="denyisipsingle" value=1 <%if denyisipsingle EQ 1%>CHECKED<%endif%>> Single Computer<p>
- <input type="radio" name="denyisipsingle" value=0 <%if denyisipsingle EQ 0%>CHECKED<%endif%>> Group of Computers<p>
- IP Address : <input type="text" name="denyipaddr" value="<%denyipaddr%>"><p>
- A subnet mask is only necessary when you deny access to a group of computers<p>
- Subnet Mask : <input type="text" name="denyipmask" value="<%if denyisipsingle EQ 0%><%denyipmask%><%endif%>"><p>
- <input type="submit" value="OK"> <input type="reset" value="reset">
- <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel">
- </form>
- </html>