home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <html>
- <%onerror error%>
- <title>Internet Services Administrator - Directory</title>
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" BACKGROUND="/htmla/spec1.gif" LINK=#802020 VLINK=#802020>
- <%if reqparam RF "bdir"%>
- <%redirect%>/HtmlaScripts/htmla.dll?dir/bdir+<%servname%>/diradd?rootdir?<%msgbody.rootdir%><%/redirect%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if reqparam RF "cancel"%>
- <%goto end%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if reqparam RF "doalias"%>
- <%!AliasVirtDir "/" msgbody.rootaddr%>
- <%elif msgbody.rootishome EQ "1"%>
- <%!CheckForVirtDir "/" msgbody.rootaddr%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if msgbody.rootdir EQ "" %>
- Path for virtual directory is invalid. Please correct. <p>
- <%goto main%>
- <%endif>
- <%!AddVirtDir%>
- <%!Update%>
- <%label end%>
- <%redirect%>/HtmlaScripts/htmla.dll?<%servname%>/dir<%/redirect%>
- <%label error%>
- <%if reqstatus EQ 14000%>
- <form method="POST" action="/HtmlaScripts/htmla.dll?<%servname%>/diraddu">
- A home directory already exists for this service.
- Creating a new home directory will cause the existing directory
- to no longer be a home directory.
- An alias will be created for the existing home directory.<p>
- <input type="hidden" name=rootdir value="<%msgbody.rootdir%>">
- <input type="hidden" name=rootishome value="<%msgbody.rootishome%>">
- <input type="hidden" name=rootname value="<%msgbody.rootname%>">
- <%if platformtype NE 3%>
- <!-- Not on Windows 95(CHICAGO) -->
- <input type="hidden" name=rootacctname value="<%msgbody.rootacctname%>">
- <input type="hidden" name=rootacctpw value="<%msgbody.rootacctpw%>">
- <%endif%>
- <input type="hidden" name=rootaddr value="<%msgbody.rootaddr%>">
- <%if reqparam RF "rootisread"%>
- <input type="hidden" name=rootisread value="<%msgbody.rootisread%>">
- <%endif%>
- <%if reqparam RF "rootiswrite"%>
- <input type="hidden" name=rootiswrite value="<%msgbody.rootiswrite%>">
- <%endif%>
- <%if reqparam RF "rootisexec"%>
- <input type="hidden" name=rootisexec value="<%msgbody.rootisexec%>">
- <%endif%>
- <%if reqparam RF "rootisssl"%>
- <input type="hidden" name=rootisssl value="<%msgbody.rootisssl%>">
- <%endif%>
- <input type="submit" name="doalias" value=" OK ">
- <input type="submit" name="cancel" value=" CANCEL ">
- </form>
- <%else%>
- Error encountered : <%reqstatus%>
- <%endif%>
- <%label main%>
- <a href="/htmla/htmla.htm">Return to main menu</a>
- </html>