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- <html>
- <%onerror error%>
- <title>Internet Services Administrator - Logging</title>
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" BACKGROUND="/htmla/spec1.gif" LINK=#802020 VLINK=#802020>
- <%if reqparam RF "cancel"%>
- <%goto end%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if reqparam RF "bdir"%>
- <%redirect%>/HtmlaScripts/htmla.dll?dir/bdir+<%servname%>/log?logdir?<%msgbody.logdir%><%/redirect%>
- <%endif%>
- <%!Clear enablelog%>
- <%!Clear enablenewlog%>
- <%if reqparam RF "enablelog"%>
- <%if reqparam RF "enablenewlog"%>
- <%if msgbody.enablelog EQ "1"%>
- <%if msgbody.enablenewlog EQ "1"%>
- <%if reqparam RF "logperiod"%>
- <%goto ok%>
- <%else%>
- You must specify when to create a new log file.<p>
- <%goto retm%>
- <%endif%>
- <%endif%>
- <%endif%>
- <%endif%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if reqparam RF "enablelog"%>
- <%if reqparam RF "logtype"%>
- <%goto ok%>
- <%else%>
- You must specify a log destination.<p>
- <%goto retm%>
- <%endif%>
- <%endif%>
- <%label ok%>
- <%!Update%>
- <%label end%>
- <%redirect%>/htmla/htmla.htm<%/redirect%>
- <%label error%>
- <%if reqstatus EQ 2500%>
- <%if rpcstatus EQ 5%>
- Access denied to this service.
- <%elif rpcstatus EQ 3%>
- Invalid ( or missing ) log file directory.
- <%elif rpcstatus EQ 31%>
- The specified log settings are incorrect.
- <%elif rpcstatus EQ 1062%>
- This service has been stopped.
- <%elif rpcstatus EQ 2%>
- The specified directory does not exist.
- <%elif rpcstatus EQ 161%>
- One of the entered parameters is incorrect. Please, fix and retry.
- <%else%>
- RPC error <%rpcstatus%>
- <%endif%>
- <%elif reqstatus EQ 8000%>
- <%if invalidlogupdate EQ 1%>
- You cannot modify the file settings while logging to an ODBC source.
- <%elif invalidlogupdate EQ 2%>
- You cannot modify the ODBC settings while logging to a file.
- <%elif invalidlogupdate EQ 4%>
- Invalid modification to the log file settings.
- <%else%>
- One or more of the parameters are incorrect.
- <%endif%>
- <%else%>
- Error encountered : <%reqstatus%>
- <%endif%>
- <br>
- <%label retm%>
- <a href="/htmla/htmla.htm">Return to main menu</a>
- </html>