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Maximus System
Operations Manual
Version 3.0
Lanius Corporation
Lanius Corporation, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Copyright (c) 1989, 1995 by Lanius Corporation. All rights
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or
retrieval system without the prior written permission of
Lanius Corporation.
Maximus and Squish are trademarks of Lanius Corporation.
MS-DOS, Windows, Windows 95 and Windows NT are trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
IBM, PC-DOS and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation.
Hayes is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
V.FC is a trademark of Rockwell International.
MD5 is a trademark of RSA Data Security, Inc.
BNU is a trademark of Unique Computing Pty Ltd.
X00 and SIO are trademarks of Raymond L. Gwinn.
All other trade names are trademarks of their respective
1. Introduction ............................................1
1.1. About Maximus.......................................1
1.2. System Requirements.................................2
1.3. Typographical Conventions...........................3
1.4. Ordering a Printed Version of this Manual...........4
1.5. Ordering Maximus for Commercial Use.................4
2. Maximus Overview ........................................5
2.1. Waiting for Callers.................................5
2.2. Logging On..........................................5
2.3. Command Stacking....................................6
2.4. Guest Accounts......................................7
2.5. The Main Menu.......................................7
2.6. The Message Section.................................9
2.7. The File Menu......................................21
2.8. The Change Setup Menu..............................25
2.9. The SysOp Menu.....................................28
2.10. The Chat Menu.....................................28
2.11. The Off-Line Reader Menu..........................29
3. Installation ...........................................31
3.1. Step 1: Unpacking the Distribution Files...........31
3.2. Step 2: Running the Installation Program...........32
3.3. Step 3: Configuring your Modem.....................33
3.4. Step 4: Installing Communications Drivers..........34
3.5. Step 5: Editing Configuration Files................37
3.6. Step 6: About Control Files........................39
3.7. Step 7: Compiling the Control Files................40
3.8. Step 8: Starting Maximus...........................40
3.9. Step 9: Support for Remote Callers.................42
3.10. Step 10: Miscellaneous Information................51
4. Customization ..........................................53
4.1. Events and Yelling.................................53
4.2. Access Control: Classes, Privilege Levels and Locks55
4.3. Display Files: *.mec and *.bbs.....................62
4.4. Message Areas and File Areas.......................64
4.5. Maintaining File Areas.............................70
4.6. Barricades and Extended Barricade Files............77
4.7. Menus..............................................79
4.8. QWK Mail Packing...................................81
4.9. Multilingual Support...............................82
5. Maximus Subsystems .....................................85
5.1. Waiting for Callers Subsystem......................85
5.2. Local File Attaches................................86
5.3. QWK Mail Packer....................................88
Contents iv
5.4. RIPscrip Support...................................92
5.5. User Expiration and Subscriptions..................94
5.6. Message Tracking System............................95
6. External Programs .....................................105
6.1. Execution Methods.................................105
6.2. Swapping..........................................106
6.3. Errorlevel Batch Files............................106
6.4. Restarting After Errorlevel Exit..................107
6.5. External Program Translation Characters...........109
6.6. Running Doors.....................................112
6.7. On-Line User Record Modification..................114
6.8. Doors and OS/2....................................115
7. Multinode Operations ..................................117
7.1. Installation......................................118
7.2. Multinode Chat Operation..........................121
7.3. Master Control Program............................123
8. Utility Documentation .................................125
8.1. ACCEM: MECCA Decompiler...........................125
8.2. ANS2BBS/MEC: ANSI to MEC conversion...............126
8.3. CVTUSR: User File Conversions.....................127
8.4. EDITCAL: Call Modification Utility................128
8.5. FB: File Database Compiler........................129
8.6. MAID: Language File Compiler......................132
8.7. MAXPIPE: OS/2 Redirection Utility.................134
8.8. MECCA: Display File Compiler......................135
8.9. MR: Maximus Renumbering Program...................136
8.10. ORACLE: Display File Viewer......................137
8.11. SCANBLD: *.MSG Database Builder..................138
8.12. SILT: Control File Compiler......................141
8.13. SM: Session Monitor..............................142
9. REXX User File Interface ..............................145
9.1. Introduction......................................145
9.2. Function Descriptions.............................146
9.3. Accessing "usr." Variables........................153
10. Introduction to MEX Programming ......................161
10.1. About MEX........................................161
10.2. MEX Road Map.....................................161
10.3. Creating a Sample MEX Program....................162
10.4. Compiling MEX Programs...........................165
10.5. Running MEX Programs.............................166
11. MEX Language Tutorial ................................169
11.1. Program Development Cycle........................169
11.2. Elements of a MEX Program........................171
11.3. Variable Declarations............................174
11.4. Variable Scope...................................178
11.5. Preprocessor.....................................179
11.6. Calculations and Arithmetic......................180
Contents v
11.7. Displaying Output................................185
11.8. Flow Control.....................................187
11.9. Function Calls...................................194
11.10. Arrays..........................................206
11.11. Structures......................................214
11.12. Casts...........................................223
11.13. Further Explorations in MEX.....................225
12. MEX for C and Pascal Programmers .....................227
12.1. Comments.........................................227
12.2. Include Files....................................227
12.3. Blocks...........................................227
12.4. Function Definitions.............................227
12.5. Types............................................229
12.6. Variable Declarations............................229
12.7. Function Prototypes..............................229
12.8. Function Return Values...........................229
12.9. Strings..........................................229
12.10. Compound Statements.............................230
12.11. Arithmetic, Relational and Logical Operators....230
12.12. The for Statement...............................231
12.13. Arrays..........................................231
12.14. Pointers........................................231
12.15. Pass-By-Reference Arguments.....................232
12.16. Variable-Length Arrays..........................232
12.17. Structures......................................232
12.18. Run-Time Library Support........................233
13. Interfacing MEX with Maximus .........................235
13.1. User Information.................................235
13.2. Message Area Information.........................236
13.3. File Area Information............................237
13.4. Changing Message and File Areas..................237
13.5. Displaying Output................................237
13.6. Retrieving Input.................................238
13.7. File I/O.........................................239
13.8. Menu Commands, Displaying Files and External Programs
13.9. Download Queue...................................239
13.10. Other Functions.................................240
14. MEX Compiler Reference ...............................241
14.1. Command Line Format..............................241
14.2. Environment Variables............................242
14.3. Error Messages and Warnings......................242
15. MEX Library Reference ................................251
15.1. Global Variables and Data Structures.............251
15.2. Functions by Category............................262
15.3. Function Descriptions............................272
16. MEX Language Reference ...............................351
16.1. Operator Precedence..............................351
Contents vi
16.2. Language Grammar.................................351
17. MECCA Language Reference .............................355
17.1. Usage Guide......................................355
17.2. Color Token Listing..............................357
17.3. Cursor Control and Video Tokens..................360
17.4. Informational Tokens.............................362
17.5. Questionnaire Token Listing......................366
17.6. Privilege Level Controls.........................368
17.7. Lock and Key Control.............................369
17.8. Conditional and Flow Control Tokens..............370
17.9. Multinode Tokens.................................378
17.10. RIPscrip Graphics...............................379
17.11. Miscellaneous Token Listing.....................381
18. Control File Reference ...............................387
18.1. SILT Directives..................................387
18.2. System Control File..............................387
18.3. Language Control File............................420
18.4. Off-Line Reader Control File.....................421
18.5. Colors Control File..............................422
18.6. Message Area Control File........................424
18.7. File Area Control File...........................430
18.8. Menu Control File................................433
18.9. Access Control File..............................450
18.10. Protocol Control File...........................454
18.11. Event File......................................459
18.12. Language Translation File Reference.............461
Appendices ...............................................463
Appendix A: Common Problems............................463
Appendix B: Error Messages.............................465
Appendix C : Command Line Switches.....................468
Appendix D: Local Keystrokes...........................471
Appendix E: User Editor Keystrokes.....................473
Appendix F: AVATAR Colors..............................474
Appendix G: Sample BAT/CMD Files.......................475
Appendix H: Support Files..............................481
Index ....................................................485
1. Introduction
1.1. About Maximus
Maximus is a flexible bulletin board package for the DOS and
OS/2 operating systems. Maximus allows remote users to con-
nect to the system by modem, read and write messages, par-
ticipate in public conference areas, send and receive files,
and much more.
In addition to the standard message and file features found
in most BBS programs, Maximus also includes:
* MEX, an extension language that combines the best elements
of the C, Pascal and BASIC languages. MEX includes support
for advanced language features such as structures, arrays,
dynamic strings, and pass-by-reference function arguments.
MEX can be used to customize and extend Maximus in an infi-
nite number of ways.
* MECCA, an easy-to-use scripting language that can be used
to colorize screens and add simple menus and prompts to
display files.
* Support for RIPscrip graphics. Maximus can detect RIPscrip
capabilities, automatically size menu output based on the
terminal window size, display most internal prompts using
RIPscrip graphics, and much more.
* Support for SM, a Presentation Manager LAN monitoring tool
for OS/2. SM can be used to manipulate and examine multiple
Maximus sessions running on remote workstations.
* Full support for CD-ROMs and other slow filesystems. Maxi-
mus will copy files to a staging area before a transfer and
it will only access the drive when absolutely necessary.
Areas can also be specifically excluded from new files
* A message tracking system for use in technical support en-
vironments. Maximus can keep an audit trail of all messages
in certain areas, assign "ownership" of messages to indi-
viduals, and produce detailed reports regarding the status
of various messages.
* Support for an unlimited number of message and file areas.
Maximus also supports "divisions" for constructing multi-
level message and file area hierarchies.
1. Introduction 2
* Support for a REXX user file interface. This interface can
be used to read from and write to the Maximus user database
from any OS/2-based REXX program.
* A powerful message "browse" feature that allows selection
of messages based on user-defined search criteria.
* A built-in QWK mail subsystem that allows users to read and
compose messages while off-line.
* Support for the Squish message format, a compact database
for storing messages.
* Optional support for user password encryption. This feature
uses the RSA Data Security, Inc. Message-Digest 5 algorithm
as a one-way hash for storing passwords in the user file.
* Full multilingual support. The Maximus language file can be
customized to support almost any language. Maximus also in-
cludes special support for the Swedish 7-bit and the Chi-
nese BIG5 character sets.
* An internal multinode chat facility, including virtual CB
channels and private chatting between two nodes.
* An internal full-screen editor for composing messages.
* Internal file transfer protocols, including Zmodem, Ymodem-
G and other popular protocols.
1.2. System Requirements
This chapter describes the minimum hardware requirements for
a standard Maximus installation.
1.2.1. MS-DOS or PC-DOS Requirements
The minimum system requirements for the DOS version of Maxi-
mus are:
* an IBM (or 100% compatible) personal computer with at least
450K of available conventional RAM,
* MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.3 or greater, and
* A FOSSIL communications driver (revision level 5 or
higher). (Common FOSSIL drivers are X00, BNU and OpusComm.)
1. Introduction 3
1.2.2. OS/2 Requirements
The minimum system requirements for the OS/2 version of Maxi-
mus are:
* an IBM (or 100% compatible) personal computer with at least
four megabytes of installed memory, and
* one of the following products:
* IBM OS/2, Version 2.0, 2.1 or 2.11
* IBM OS/2 Warp, Version 3 or above
* IBM OS/2 Warp Connect, Version 3 or above
1.2.3. Common Requirements
Regardless of the operating system type, the following hard-
ware is also required to run Maximus:
* A Hayes-compatible modem, 1200 bps or faster.
* A hard disk with at least 15 megabytes of free space. Addi-
tional space is required to store the contents of file and
message areas.
1.3. Typographical Conventions
This document is provided in ASCII form for the convenience
of noncommercial users. However, the master version of this
document was designed and laid out for the bound version of
the Maximus documentation.
The content is identical in these two versions of the manual.
However, a number of features and styles cannot be correctly
translated into the ASCII version of the document. In spe-
* The ASCII version of this document includes no lines, bor-
ders, boldface, italics, shading, or sidebars.
* Indentation, table formatting, and hyphenation may not ap-
pear correctly in the ASCII version.
* Typographical quotes are replaced with the ASCII equiva-
* The ASCII version of the MEX and REXX documentation does
not show the sideheads that appear in the printed version
of the manual, including the "Prototype," "Arguments,"
"Return Value," "Description" and "Example" headings.
1. Introduction 4
Please see the printed version of the manual for the official
layout and formatting.
1.4. Ordering a Printed Version of this Manual
The commercial version of Maximus optionally comes with a
printed and bound version of this manual.
However, even noncommercial users can order a copy of the
manual without purchasing the software itself.
The printed manual is 466 pages long, perfect-bound (glued
back binding), dimensions 7" by 9", with a black and red
cover printed on glossy white card.
To order a copy of the manual, please see the "MAXDOC" prod-
uct in the ORDER.FRM file (included in the distribution pack-
1.5. Ordering Maximus for Commercial Use
Maximus is completely free for noncommercial users. Most non-
commercial and private users can use Maximus without paying a
cent. To determine whether or not you are a commercial user,
please see the program license (contained in LICENSE.DOC).
However, to use Maximus in a commercial environment, you must
obtain a commercial license from Lanius Corporation. For in-
formation on ordering a copy of Maximus, please see the order
form included in the Maximus distribution archive (called OR-
You can also contact Lanius at:
FAX: +1-613-634-3058 Post: Lanius Corporation
email: sales@lanius.com 777 Downing St.
Kingston, Ont.
2. Maximus Overview
This chapter provides a brief list of the commands and fea-
tures supported by Maximus 3.0. This list is by no means com-
plete, but it serves as a useful introduction to those System
Operators (SysOps) who are unfamiliar with Maximus.
2.1. Waiting for Callers
When Maximus is set up to handle remote callers, it enters
"Waiting for Caller" (WFC) mode as soon as the system is
started. In this mode, Maximus initializes the modem and in-
structs it to wait for incoming calls.
When a ring is detected, the modem answers the phone. If a
connection is successfully established, Maximus waits until
the user presses <enter> twice, or until five seconds have
elapsed, whichever occurs sooner.
2.2. Logging On
After a connection is established, Maximus displays the sys-
tem name and version, followed by any information that the
SysOp has placed in the log-on display file,
\max\misc\logo.mec. This screen must not include any graphics
commands or high-bit characters, since Maximus has not yet
determined the graphics capabilities of the caller.
Maximus then prompts the user for a name. Unlike other BBS
programs, Maximus allows more than two words in a username,
so names such as "John Q. Public" are perfectly acceptable.
However, Maximus rejects callers with one-word names unless
the Single Word Names feature is enabled.
If the user does not exist in the user file, Maximus displays
the \max\misc\notfound.mec file. This file normally informs
the user that no existing user record with the specified name
could be found, and it normally indicates that a new account
will be created if the user continues with the log-on proc-
Next, Maximus displays a prompt to ensure that the user's
name was entered correctly. Given input of "John Doe", Maxi-
mus will respond with:
John Doe [Y,n]?
2. Maximus Overview 6
If the username was spelled incorrectly, the user can enter
"n" and begin the log-on process again.
2.2.1. Log-on Process for Existing Users
If the name of an existing user is entered, Maximus prompts
the user to enter the password for that user account. The
user has up to five tries to enter the correct password. If
none of the five attempts are successful, Maximus displays
the \max\misc\bad_pwd.mec file. By default, this file allows
the user to leave a message to the SysOp before the system
hangs up.
Once Maximus validates the password entered by the user, it
displays the \max\misc\welcome.mec file. This file can con-
tain ANSI or RIPscrip graphics to be shown to the user.
2.2.2. Log-On Process for New Users
If the user enters the correct password, Maximus validates
the user and displays the \max\misc\welcome.mec file.
If a non-existent username is entered, Maximus enters the
"new user" state. In this state, Maximus first displays the
\max\misc\applic.mec file, which normally gives the caller
some information about the system. This file can also present
an application form to be filled out by the user.
Maximus will then prompt for the user's city and
state/province, alias, phone number, and a number of other
user settings.
Lastly, Maximus will display \max\misc\newuser2.mec. This
file typically describes the system in more detail.
2.3. Command Stacking
Maximus allows the user to stack command responses by enter-
ing multiple words at an input prompt. This feature is nor-
mally used to expedite the log-on process, but command stack-
ing can also be used for most other Maximus commands.
Without command stacking, a typical log-on sequence looks
like this:
What is your name: John Doe
John Doe [Y,n]? y
Password: ......
2. Maximus Overview 7
Instead of entering each of these responses separately, all
of the responses can be placed on the same line, as shown be-
What is your name: John Doe;y;password
Maximus also supports command line editing at most system
prompts. After the user has logged on, and as long as ANSI or
AVATAR graphics are enabled, the user can use the cursor keys
to edit any of the text on the command line. Editing can be
performed using the <left>, <right>, <bs>, <del>, <ctrl-
left>, and <ctrl-right> keys.
To use the command line editing feature from remote, the
user's terminal program must support either "Doorway mode" or
VT-100 keyboard codes.
2.4. Guest Accounts
If the SysOp uses the user editor to create an account that
has no password, Maximus treats it as a guest account. If a
user logs on using a guest account, Maximus automatically
skips the password prompt. In addition, Maximus prompts the
guest user for a new set of configuration options at the be-
ginning of every log-on, including editor preference, graph-
ics support, and more.
This feature allows the SysOp to specifically create a single
account for new users, even if the Logon Level Preregistered
feature is enabled. This feature is useful when the SysOp
wants potential users to fill out an application form (using
the guest account) before granting access to the system.
2.5. The Main Menu
After displaying the log-on screens, Maximus also displays
the text in the \max\misc\bulletin.mec file. This file typi-
cally contains system bulletins or other messages of interest
to all users.
Following the system bulletins, the user is placed at the
main menu. Although Maximus's menus are completely customiza-
ble, this section describes the commands that are found on
the main menu in the default configuration.
Message Section
This command takes the user to the message section. The
message section is used to participate in public conference
2. Maximus Overview 8
areas and to enter messages to other users. Please see sec-
tion 2.6 for more information.
File Section
This command takes the user to the file section. The file
section contains libraries of files that can be downloaded
(retrieved). The user can also upload (send) files, search
for files of a specific name, and display a file list.
Please see section 2.7 for more information.
Change Setup
This takes the user to the change setup section. This menu
allows users to adjust settings in their user profiles. The
user can change the screen width and length, select a de-
fault file transfer protocol, change telephone numbers, and
more. Please see section 2.8 for more information.
This option logs the user off and hangs up the phone. Even
if the user does not log off using this command, Maximus
will still update the user's user record. However, this
command gives the user the opportunity to leave a comment
to the SysOp.
Comments to the SysOp are placed in the message area speci-
fied by the Comment Area keyword in the system control
The subject used for the log-off comment can be set in the
comment_fr string in the Maximus language file. This string
can include external program translation characters. Please
see section 6 for more information.
This command displays the user's statistics, including the
time of day, the length of the current call, the user's to-
tal time for the day, number of kilobytes uploaded and
downloaded, and so on.
This command allows the user to request a conversation with
the SysOp. By default, this command plays a simple tune on
the system speaker. (This tune can be configured in the
\max\tunes.bbs file.) The local speaker can also be toggled
on and off by pressing "!" at the local console while a
user is logged on.
2. Maximus Overview 9
OS/2 Maximus can also play yell tunes on a SoundBlaster or
only! SoundBlaster-compatible device. Please see section 18.11
for more information.
This command displays the list of all records in the user
file. Users can exclude themselves from this list using the
"InUserList" command on the Change Setup menu. In addition,
the SysOp can modify the access control file to restrict
the user list display to a certain set of privilege levels.
This command displays the Maximus version number and copy-
right information.
SysOp Menu
This command takes the user to the SysOp menu. Normally,
only the system operator or a trusted user will have access
to this command. Please see section 2.9 for more informa-
Chat Menu
This command takes the user to the multinode chat menu.
This menu allows the user to access all of Maximus's multi-
node features, including paging, toggling chat availabil-
ity, and private/public chatting. (This command is used ex-
clusively to allow users to communicate among themselves.
The Yell command is used to chat with the SysOp.)
Who is On?
This command displays a list of callers who are currently
logged onto the system. The Who is On? display includes
each user's name, status, and chat availability.
At the SysOp's discretion, other options and submenus can be
added to the main menu. Please see section 18.8 for more in-
formation on adding menu options.
2.6. The Message Section
Maximus supports four distinct message area types: local ar-
eas, NetMail areas, EchoMail areas, and conference areas.
Local areas are used for messages that are local to your BBS.
These messages can be public or private, but local messages
do not get transmitted to other bulletin boards.
2. Maximus Overview 10
NetMail areas are used for private, point-to-point communica-
tion between users on two FidoNet-compatible systems. When
entering a message in a NetMail area, Maximus prompts the
user for additional addressing information, including the
destination address of the message and (optionally) a number
of message handling attributes. Maximus also maintains a
"NetMail credit" account for each user that can be used when
billing users for NetMail usage.
Conference areas and EchoMail areas (also known as echoes)
are used for public conferences that are distributed among
many systems. A message entered in an EchoMail area is broad-
cast to all of the systems which carry that conference. To a
Maximus user, an EchoMail area appears identical to a local
message area, except that messages entered in EchoMail areas
have network control information added to the end of the mes-
sage. In addition, after a user enters a message in an
EchoMail area, Maximus adds the name of that area to the Log
EchoMail file. This file can be used later by a scanning pro-
gram, such as Squish, to export that message to the rest of
the network.
In addition to defining the message area type, a number of
message area attributes can be assigned to each message area.
A complete listing of these attributes can be found in sec-
tion 18.6, but some of the more common attributes are given
All messages entered in this area will be marked private.
Private messages can only be read by the message sender and
the addressee. (Users in a privilege level class that has
the ShowPvt flag can also read private messages addressed
to any user. Typically, these permissions are only granted
to the SysOp.)
All messages entered in these areas are marked as public.
Regardless of the addressee of the message, any user can
read a public message. If both the Pvt and Pub attributes
are specified, the user can enter either public or private
The SysOp can place messages in a read-only area, but nor-
mal users are unable to post messages in areas of this
type. (Users in a privilege level class that has the
WriteRdOnly flag can also post messages in this area.)
2. Maximus Overview 11
When a user enters a message in an area with the Anon at-
tribute set, Maximus prompts the user to enter the From:
field of the message. (In all other areas, Maximus auto-
matically fills in the From: field with the user's real
However, Maximus can optionally embed the user's real name
within the message such that the SysOp can read it if nec-
essary. This option is enabled by default. See the Style
NoNameKludge flag in section 18.6 for more information.
Message areas with this attribute allow users to attach
files to messages created in the area. Please see the de-
scription of the Enter Message command in section 2.6 for
more information. Also see section 5.2 for information on
local file attaches.
The SysOp can also assign passwords to message and file ar-
eas, enable message tracking, add support for high-bit char-
acters, and more. Access to individual message areas can also
be granted based on a user's privilege level or name. Please
see section 18.6 for more information.
2.6.1. The Message Menu
This section describes the commands that are found on the
standard message menu:
Area Change
This command allows the user to select another message
area. The user can select an area by name, but the "[" and
"]" keys can be used to select the message areas which pre-
cede or follow the current area, respectively.
The "?" character displays a list of areas. For navigating
within a hierarchical area structure, the "/" key moves to
the top-level menu, and the ".." sequence ascends one level
in the menu tree.
This command displays the next message in the current area.
After displaying a message with the Next command, pressing
<enter> at the message area prompt automatically displays
the next message.
2. Maximus Overview 12
This command displays the prior message in the current
area. After displaying a message with the Prior command,
pressing <enter> at the message area prompt will automati-
cally display the prior message.
Enter a Message
This command allows a user to enter (post) a message in the
current message area. Maximus first prompts the user to
fill out the message header, including the To field, the
Subject field, and the message attributes.
For users who have ANSI, AVATAR or RIPscrip graphics en-
abled, Maximus displays a message header with fields that
can be filled out by the user. The <up> and <down> keys can
be used to move between fields, as can the <shift-tab> and
<tab> keys.
If the message area definition permits both public and pri-
vate messages, Maximus allows the user to select either
type of message. For users who have graphics enabled, the
private flag can be toggled by pressing <space> when the
cursor is on the attributes field (above the message date)
The P key also has the same effect.
In areas which support file attachments, a file can be at-
tached to a message by pressing the A key while the cursor
is on the attributes field. (Maximus will prompt the user
to upload the file after the message has been created.)
In Local areas, the user can obtain the system user list by
pressing ? at the To prompt. Maximus normally generates
this list automatically from the system user file, but if a
\max\misc\userlist.mec file exists, Maximus will display it
instead of the real user list.
In NetMail areas, the attributes field can also be used to
select other mail handling options. Entering a ? at the at-
tribute prompt gives a complete list of keys.
In addition, NetMail areas also allow the user to select
the destination address for the message.
After entering the message header information, Maximus will
run the system editor and allow the user to enter the body
of the message.
2. Maximus Overview 13
Change a Message
This command allows the user to modify an existing message.
Although the SysOp can modify any message on the system, a
normal user can only modify messages which:
* have not been read by the recipient,
* have not been sent (in the case of NetMail or EchoMail),
* have the user's name in the From field.
Both the message header and the message body can be modi-
fied. When graphics are enabled, the user can also modify
the message attributes.
Reply to Message
This command allows the user to enter a response to the
currently-selected message. The Reply command is similar to
the Enter command; however, Maximus will automatically fill
out the fields in the message header when doing a Reply. In
addition, Maximus will also adjust the message reply chain
so that the new message is marked as a reply to the origi-
nal message.
Within the message editor, the user can also quote (copy)
text from the original message into the newly-created re-
Read Non-Stop
This command displays a number of messages all at once,
with no pauses or prompts between messages. If the user
last selected the Next command, Maximus displays all mes-
sages from the current message to the last message in the
area. Otherwise, if the user last selected the Prior com-
mand, Maximus displays all messages from the current mes-
sage to the first message in the area (in reverse order).
Read Original
This command examines the current message and finds the
original message in the reply thread. (If the current mes-
sage was a reply to another message, this command displays
that other message.) Messages that are replies to other
messages have a "*** This is a reply to #msg" line at the
bottom of the message or a "- msg" field in the message
2. Maximus Overview 14
Read Reply
This command displays the message which is a reply to the
current message, if any. Messages which have replies have a
"*** See also #msg" line at the bottom of the message or a
"+ msg" field in the message header.
Read Current
This command redisplays the current message.
This command scans any or all of the message areas on the
system and retrieves selected messages. Browse acts as a
powerful database engine for the message bases. Users can
select a set of messages and operations to perform, and
then have Maximus automatically identify and display the
messages that were requested.
The first browse menu prompts the user to select a set of
message areas. The user can select any of:
* the current area,
* all message areas,
* all tagged message areas,
* a wildcard specification (such as "comp.lang.*"), or
* the current group (all areas which are on the same level
in the message area hierarchy)
The second browse menu prompts the user to select a type of
message. The user can specify:
* all messages,
* new messages (those which are above the user's lastread
* your messages (unread messages which are addressed to
the user and which are above the user's lastread
pointer), and
* from a certain message number (such as from message 500
to the end of the area).
Maximus also allows the user to perform a search based on
keywords in the To, From and Subject fields, in addition to
searching the message body. Complex searches can be defined
by combining the logical or and and operators.
The third and final browse menu prompts the user to specify
an operation to perform on the selected messages. Messages
can be:
* listed (one to a line, with to/from/subject only),
2. Maximus Overview 15
* read (displayed in full, with the option to reply or
kill each message), or
* packed (compressed into a QWK packet for download and
off-line mail reading).
This command allows users to select a subset of the message
areas on the system. Each user can select his or her own
set of personal message areas. This area selection is used
to control the areas scanned by the Browse command and the
off-line message reader.
Edit User
This command reads in the current message, checks the From
field, invokes the system user editor, and automatically
positions the user editor on that user's user record. This
option is useful for validating users, since a user's user
record can be displayed at the press of a key. (This com-
mand is normally only available to SysOps.)
To invoke the user editor without seeking to a specific
user, instead use the User Edit command from the SysOp
This option logs the user off and hangs up the phone. Even
if the user does not log off using this command, Maximus
will still update the user's user record. However, this
command gives the user the opportunity to leave a comment
to the SysOp.
Comments to the SysOp are placed in the message area speci-
fied by the Comment Area keyword in the system control
The subject used for the log-off comment can be set in the
comment_fr string in the Maximus language file. This string
can include external program translation characters. Please
see section 6 for more information.
Main Menu
This command returns the user to the main menu.
Kill a Message
This command allows the user to delete a message from the
current area. A normal user can only delete messages which
contain that user's name in either the To or the From field
2. Maximus Overview 16
of the message to be deleted. However, the SysOp can delete
any message on the system.
Upload a Message
This command allows the user to directly upload a text file
as a message. This command is identical to the Enter com-
mand, except that Maximus prompts the user to start a file
transfer protocol instead of invoking one of the system
This command allows the user to copy a message in the cur-
rent area and send it to someone else. Maximus prompts the
user to enter the message number to be forwarded and the
name of the addressee.
The user can also forward the message directly into another
area by typing the area number when prompted. The Forward
command also supports two special modifiers:
* Entering FK from the message area menu instructs Maximus
to delete the original message after it has been for-
* Entering FB from the message area menu instructs Maximus
to send a "bombing run." Maximus prompts the user to
specify a local filename that contains a list of message
addressees. (In order to use this command, the user's
privilege level must be equal to the level required to
create a message from a file, as defined by the Message
Edit Ask FromFile keyword in the system control file.)
The format of each line of the bombing run file is as
<username> <dest_net/dest_node> [-x]
The <dest_net/dest_node> and [-x] fields are only used
for NetMail messages and should be omitted for local
bombing runs.
-x can be one of the switches shown below in Table 2.1:
Table 2.1 Bombing Run Options
Switch Description
-h The message should be marked as "hold for
-c The message should be marked as "crash."
2. Maximus Overview 17
-n The message should sent normally (default)
In the username field, spaces in a user's name must be
represented by underscores.
For example:
SysOp 1:225/337
Scott_Dudley 1:249/106 -c
Bob_Davis 1:106/114 -h
Vince_Perriello 1:141/191 -n
Note! If you are performing a NetMail bombing run, it is cour-
teous to send all messages directly to the destination
(without routing your mail through other systems).
This command moves messages from one area to another. The
Hurl command asks the user for the destination area and the
number of the message to be moved.
This command exports a message to a specific path and file-
name on the local system. (The Xport command is normally
only available to SysOps.)
The exported message includes a copy of the message header.
The message body is formatted for an 80-column screen.
To print a message on the printer, specify an Xport file-
name of "prn".
In addition, other menu options can be placed on the message
menu, including commands to call auxiliary menus, display
text files, and run external programs. Please see section
18.8 for more information.
2.6.2. Message Editors
Maximus has two internal message editors: MaxEd, the full
screen editor, and BORED, the line-oriented editor. Maximus
also supports a single, SysOp-defined external message edi-
tor. MaxEd
MaxEd is the Maximus full screen editor. To use MaxEd, the
user must have ANSI, AVATAR or RIPscrip graphics enabled,
2. Maximus Overview 18
have a screen width of 80 columns, and have a screen length
of at least 23 rows. The full screen editor has a number of
advantages over the line editor, with the most obvious being
that it is much easier to use. MaxEd is more like a word
processor than a conventional BBS line editor; the cursor
keys can be used to page through a message and insert or de-
lete text at various points in the message.
For editing messages, MaxEd uses a mixture of WordStar and
generic VT-100 keystrokes. A full list of the keys used by
MaxEd can be obtained by pressing <ctrl-n> from within the
When composing a reply to another message, text from the
original message can also be quoted (copied) into the reply.
The <ctrl-k>R sequence (or <alt-q> on the local keyboard)
toggles the quote window display.
To scroll the quote window down by four lines, press either
<ctrl-c> or <pgdn>.
To scroll the quote window up by four lines, press either
<ctrl-r> or <pgup>.
To copy text from the quote window into the message, press
either <ctrl-k>C or <alt-c>. Maximus will copy the text and
automatically scroll the quote window down by four lines.
MaxEd also has its own menu that allows the user to modify
the fields in the message header. This menu can be accessed
by pressing either <ctrl-k>H or <f10>.
The options available on the MaxEd menu include:
This command returns the user to the MaxEd's message-
editing screen.
This command allows the user to change the addressee of the
This command allows the user to change the subject of the
This command allows the user to change the From field of
the message. The privilege level of this command should be
2. Maximus Overview 19
set high enough so that only the SysOp can access this com-
This command allows the user to modify the message's at-
tributes. Attributes such as the Private flag can be
changed, in addition to NetMail attributes (such as Crash,
Hold and File Attach). This option is normally only avail-
able to the SysOp.
Read File
This command allows the user to read in a file from the lo-
cal hard drive and include it as part of the message. This
option is normally only available to the SysOp. BORED
BORED is the Maximus line editor. Unlike MaxEd, BORED does
not require ANSI or AVATAR graphics, so it can be used by any
user. (However, most users who have graphics capabilities
will likely prefer to use MaxEd.)
BORED allows the user to enter a message one line at a time.
If the user presses <enter> on a blank line, BORED displays
the editor menu. The following editor commands are available:
This command saves the message and returns to the message
This command aborts (discards) the message and returns to
the message menu.
This command lists the message. Each line in the message is
indicated by number.
This command is used to replace text in a message. First,
Maximus prompts the user to enter the line number which
contains the text to be replaced. Next, the user enters the
search text (the text which is to be replaced). Finally,
the user enters the replacement text.
2. Maximus Overview 20
To insert text at the beginning of a line, simply press
<enter> at the Text to replace: prompt.
This command inserts a blank line in the message. The user
can specify a line number to indicate where the blank line
is to be placed.
This command deletes a specified line in the message.
This command allows the user to continue writing by append-
ing new lines to the end of the message.
For messages which are replies, this command allows the
user to quote text from the original message. Maximus
prompts the user to enter the starting and ending line num-
bers (in the original message) for the text to be quoted.
This command allows the user to change the addressee of the
This command allows the user to change the subject of the
This command allows the user to change the From field of
the message. The privilege level of this command should be
set high enough so that only the SysOp can access this com-
This command allows the user to modify the message's at-
tributes. Attributes such as the Private flag can be
changed, in addition to NetMail attributes (such as Crash,
Hold and File Attach). This option is normally only avail-
able to the SysOp.
2. Maximus Overview 21
Read File From Disk
This command allows the user to read in a file from the lo-
cal hard drive and include it as part of the message. This
option is normally only available to the SysOp.
2.7. The File Menu
This section describes the commands that are found on the
standard file menu:
Area Change
This command allows the user to select another file area.
The user can select an area by name, but the "[" and "]"
keys can be used to select the areas which precede or fol-
low the current area, respectively.
The "?" character displays a list of file areas. For navi-
gating within a hierarchical area structure, the "/" key
can be used to go to the top-level menu, and the ".." se-
quence can be used to ascend one level in the menu tree.
This command allows the user to search all file areas on
the system for a specific file.
Maximus first prompts the user to enter a text string.
Next, it will go through all of the file areas on the sys-
tem, and if it finds a match for that string (in either a
filename or file description), it will display the name of
the area and the corresponding file information.
The L* command instructs Maximus to search all file areas
for new files. This command will display a list of files
that have been added to the system since the last L* com-
mand was executed.
File Titles
This command displays a list of files in the current area.
New files are identified by a flashing asterisk (*) next to
the file date.
If the user specifies an argument when invoking this com-
mand, the File Titles command displays only those files
which contain that string in the filename or description
fields. (However, the File Titles command only searches the
current file area, whereas the Locate command searches all
file areas.)
2. Maximus Overview 22
In addition, when the More [Y,n,t,=]? prompt is displayed
during a file list, the "t" option (if present) allows the
user to tag files for download. This option is only dis-
played if the user has an access level high enough to allow
file downloading.
This command displays the contents of an ASCII file in the
current area. Before displaying the file to the user, Maxi-
mus first checks the file to ensure that it contains only
ASCII text.
This option logs the user off and hangs up the phone. Even
if the user does not log off using this command, Maximus
will still update the user's user record. However, this
command gives the user the opportunity to leave a comment
to the SysOp.
Comments to the SysOp are placed in the message area speci-
fied by the Comment Area keyword in the system control
The subject used for the log-off comment can be set in the
comment_fr string in the Maximus language file. This string
can include external program translation characters. Please
see section 6 for more information.
Main Menu
This command returns the user to the main menu.
This command allows the user to download one or more files
from the system.
Maximus first prompts the user to select a file transfer
protocol. (However, if the user has selected a default file
transfer protocol from the Change Setup menu, Maximus will
automatically skip to the next step.)
Maximus includes internal support for Xmodem, Xmodem-1k,
Ymodem, Ymodem-G, SEAlink, and Zmodem. Other transfer pro-
tocols can be added as external protocols.
After selecting a protocol, users are prompted to enter the
names of the files to be downloaded, one file to a line.
Files that were previously tagged using the Tag command are
automatically included in the list.
2. Maximus Overview 23
When processing filenames entered by the user, Maximus
automatically expands wildcards, including the "*" and "?"
In addition, if the FB utility is used to maintain a system
file database, the filenames entered by the user can reside
in any file area. (Otherwise, the user must change to the
correct file area before selecting the Download command.)
In addition to entering filenames, the user can also:
* press <enter> to start the download,
* enter /q to abort the transfer without sending any
* enter /e to enter edit mode. This mode allows the user
to list and delete files in the download queue, or
* enter /g to start the download and automatically hang up
when the transfer is complete.
This command allows the user to queue one or more files for
later download. The Tag command is also accessible through
the t command when performing a File Titles or Locate com-
To download files which have been tagged using this com-
mand, simply select the Download command and press <enter>
at the File(s) to download: prompt.
This command allows the user to upload (send) files to the
system. If no default file transfer protocol is defined,
Maximus prompts the user for the protocol to be used for
the upload. If the user selects Xmodem or Xmodem-1K, Maxi-
mus also prompts the user for the name of the file to be
uploaded. (With all of the other file transfer protocols,
the filename is automatically transmitted by the sending
terminal program.)
Maximus will then start the upload. After the transfer is
complete, Maximus will prompt the user to enter a descrip-
tion for each file that is uploaded.
Maximus can use the upload filename to automatically screen
out certain types of uploads. The \max\badfiles.bbs file
contains a list of files to be ignored. This list of files
can include wildcards. A sample badfiles.bbs could look
like this:
2. Maximus Overview 24
This command displays the user's statistics, including the
amount of time that the user has been online for the cur-
rent call, the time online for the day, number of kilobytes
uploaded, number of kilobytes downloaded, and so on.
This command displays the internal file catalog of a com-
pressed file. The Contents command can display the direc-
tory of any .zip, .arc, .pak, .arj or .lzh file
Raw Directory
This command displays a listing of all files in the current
area, including files which are not listed in the files.bbs
catalog for that area. This command is normally only avail-
able to the SysOp.
Override Path
This command allows the user to override the download path
for the current file area. For example, the download path
can be overridden to c:\max to allow a privileged user to
download files from the Maximus system directory. This com-
mand is normally only available to the SysOp.
This command moves a file from one area to another. Maximus
prompts the user for the name of the destination area and
the name of the file to be moved. This command is normally
only available to the SysOp.
Kill File
This command deletes a file from the current file area.
Maximus will prompt the user for the name of the file to be
deleted. Maximus will ask the user to confirm the name of
the file to be deleted; if the user answers "n" to this
prompt, Maximus will give the user the option of leaving
the physical file alone and removing the entry from the
file listing. This command is normally only available to
the SysOp.
2. Maximus Overview 25
2.8. The Change Setup Menu
This menu allows the user to modify settings in the user pro-
file. The following commands are available on the standard
Change Setup menu:
This command modifies the user's "City" setting.
Phone Number
This command modifies the user's "Phone Number" setting.
This command is designed for use on systems that support
aliases. This command allows a user to change his/her
This command changes the user's password. The user is first
prompted to enter the old password. The user is given five
chances to correctly enter the old password before Maximus
hangs up.
Next, the user is prompted to enter the new password. The
user must enter the new password twice to prevent acciden-
tal typing errors.
Help Level
This command selects the system help level. Maximus sup-
ports the help levels shown below in Table 2.2:
Table 2.2 System Help Levels
Type Description
NOVICE Full menus
REGULAR Abbreviated menus
EXPERT No menus
This command selects the number of NUL characters which are
transmitted after every line of text. Most users will not
need to use this command.
2. Maximus Overview 26
This command changes the assumed screen width. This value
is used by Maximus when displaying system menus and when
drawing the full-screen editor display.
However, for local users, Maximus will automatically detect
the local screen size and adjust the "current width" value
accordingly. The local screen size value overrides (but
does not update) the value in the user file.
This command changes the assumed screen length.
This command toggles the translation of tab characters.
Maximus normally sends tab characters directly to the
user's terminal. However, if the user's terminal program
does not support tab characters, this option can be dis-
This command toggles the "More [Y,n,=]?" prompts on and
Video Mode
This command selects the user's video mode. Maximus sup-
ports the following video modes:
RIPscrip graphics mode can be toggled by a separate menu
Full-Screen Editor
This command toggles the use of the MaxEd full-screen edi-
tor. If MaxEd is turned off, BORED is used for message ed-
IBM Graphics
This command toggles the use of IBM "extended ASCII" char-
acters. DOS and OS/2 based computers support an "extended"
8-bit character set, including characters for box-drawing
and block graphics. Most non-IBM systems do not support
these extended ASCII characters, so Maximus can be config-
2. Maximus Overview 27
ured to map extended ASCII characters into normal ASCII
This command toggles the hotkeys setting. Turning on hot-
keys instructs Maximus to process keystrokes as soon as
they are received (without requiring an <enter> after most
This command selects an alternate system language. Maximus
supports up to eight different language files, and the user
can switch between installed language files at any time.
This command selects a default file transfer protocol. When
a default protocol is selected, the Download command imme-
diately displays the File(s) to download: prompt instead of
asking the user to select a protocol.
This command selects a default archiving program. This al-
lows the user to select a commonly-used archiver for com-
pressing QWK mail packets.
Show in Userlist
This command toggle's the displaying of the user's name in
the system user list. Users are displayed in the user list
by default, but this command can be used to hide the dis-
play of the user's name and last-call information.
Full-Screen Reader
This command toggles the use of the full-screen reader
(FSR). When the FSR is enabled, Maximus will display a
stylized blue box at the top of the screen when reading
messages. This header includes information from the To,
From and Subject fields, information on the message reply
links, and net/node information.
This command toggles the use of RIPscrip graphics. When
this command is selected, Maximus will test the remote
user's terminal program to ensure that it supports
RIPscrip. If RIPscrip graphics support is not detected,
Maximus will not enable RIPscrip graphics.
2. Maximus Overview 28
This command returns to the main menu.
2.9. The SysOp Menu
This menu contains commands that are normally only accessible
to the SysOp.
User Editor
This invokes the Maximus internal user editor. This command
is normally only available to the SysOp. Please see
Appendix E for more information.
OS Shell
This command invokes either a local or a remote shell to
the operating system. Note that <alt-j> can always be used
from the local console to shell to the operating system.
OS/2 When running external programs that are not specifically
only! designed to run as doors, OS/2 users should use the Max-
Pipe program to invoke the command, rather than redirect-
ing input with the "<" and ">" characters.
DOS Under DOS, if you are using an alternate command processor
only! (such as 4DOS or NDOS), the entry for this command (in the
menus control file) must be changed to reflect the name of
your command processor.
2.10. The Chat Menu
Maximus supports an internal multinode chat facility. Users
on different nodes can hold private discussions with one an-
other, and users can even engage in large group discussions
on a "virtual CB channels."
CB Chat
The CB Chat function allows two or more users to partici-
pate in a real-time multinode chat. Messages can be sent
back and forth to all users who are participating on a spe-
cific CB channel. Messages are sent to other users one line
at a time. Maximus supports up to 255 virtual CB channels.
Page User
The Page User command allows a user to initiate a private
chat with another node. Selecting Page instructs Maximus to
send a "chat request" message to the specified node number.
2. Maximus Overview 29
Maximus will then place the paging user in chat mode and
wait for the other user to respond to the page.
Answer Page
The Answer Page command is used in conjunction with the
Page User command. After a user receives a page request
from another node, the paged user can select Answer Page to
engage in a private chat with the first user.
Toggle Status
The Toggle Status command allows a user to toggle the chat
availability flag. Users who are unavailable for chat can-
not be paged using the Page User command.
2.11. The Off-Line Reader Menu
The Off-Line Reader menu is the key to Maximus's internal QWK
mail packer. Commands on this menu can be used to select a
default protocol and archiving program, select a set of mes-
sage areas, download messages from that set of areas, and up-
load reply packets.
Tag Area
The Tag Area command (equivalent to the command of the same
name on the message menu) allows the user to select a set
of message areas to be processed by the Browse and Download
Download New Messages
The Download command packs all new messages in the user's
set of tagged areas. The messages are then compressed into
an archive and sent to the user.
Upload Replies
The Upload Replies command allows the user to upload a .rep
reply packet. Max automatically determines the program used
to compress the .rep file, decompresses the reply packet,
and places the uploaded messages into the appropriate ar-
Protocol Default
The Protocol Default command allows the user to select a
default file transfer protocol.
2. Maximus Overview 30
Archiver Default
The Archiver Default command allows the user to select a
default archiving program.
3. Installation
This section of describes how to install a new copy of Maxi-
mus 3.0. (To upgrade from Maximus 2.0, simply run the install
program and follow the directions.)
3.1. Step 1: Unpacking the Distribution Files
If you purchased a copy of Maximus, all of the required files
are on the distribution disk and nothing more needs to be
done. Skip to step 2 for information on running the install
Otherwise, if you obtained Maximus electronically, the system
consists of three separate archives, as shown below in Table
Table 3.1 Maximus Distribution Files
File Description
max300r.zip DOS (real-mode) executables.
max300p.zip OS/2 (protected-mode) executables.
max300c.zip Common executables and files for both DOS and
To install Maximus, you need max300c.zip, plus either or both
of max300r.zip or max300p.zip, depending on the operating
systems that you wish to use.
The install program will examine the files that are avail-
able, and if both the DOS and OS/2 versions of the executa-
bles are present, it will allow you to select either or both
versions for installation. Of course, you can also install
Maximus for only one of the supported operating systems.
The first step in the installation is to unarchive all of the
required .zip files into a temporary subdirectory. (The in-
stall program will move the files from the temporary direc-
tory to a permanent directory of your choice, so this tempo-
rary directory can be located anywhere on your system.)
To decompress the .zip files, you need either the commercial
"PKUNZIP" program from PKWare or the freeware "unzip" program
from InfoZip.
The following files are contained inside the .zip archives:
3. Installation 32
* an ASCII version of the system documentation,
* the install program,
* the program license agreement, and
* a number of files with a .fiz extension. Most of the pro-
grams in the distribution kit are packed using the proprie-
tary FIZ compression algorithm, and the only way to extract
these files is to run the install program.
3.2. Step 2: Running the Installation Program
To execute the install program, run install.exe from the in-
stall disk (or from the temporary directory, for the elec-
tronic distribution version).
After displaying some copyright information, the install pro-
gram will prompt you for the type of install to perform. Se-
lect the New Install button here, since these installation
instructions only describe new installations.
In the next dialog box, the install program will prompt you
for a number of system paths. Aside from changing the drive
letter or root name of the \max directory hierarchy, inexpe-
rienced users should leave these paths alone.
Next, the install program will prompt you for some basic in-
formation about your system, including the BBS name, the name
of the SysOp, and information about your communications hard-
In the dialog box, simply type text in the appropriate boxes,
and use <tab> (or click with the mouse) to move between
fields. To select a particular option from a radio button
group, use the <left> and <right> keys to cursor over to the
appropriate location and press <space> to select that option.
Press <enter> or click on the OK button when you have speci-
fied the correct values.
OS/2 Most of the executables in the OS/2 version of Maximus end
only! with the letter "p." This "p" signifies that the executable
runs in protected mode and is a native OS/2 application. Add-
ing an extra "p" to the filename allows both Maximus-DOS and
Maximus-OS/2 to be installed into the same directory.
However, to keep this manual concise, only the base name of
an executable is mentioned, without the trailing "p." When
working through the installation, keep in mind that when the
documentation refers to an executable filename, a "p" should
be added for OS/2 users.
For example, while the DOS version of the "ANS2BBS" utility
is called ans2bbs.exe, the OS/2 version is called
3. Installation 33
3.3. Step 3: Configuring your Modem
This section describes how to configure your modem to work
with Maximus and other related software packages.
The modem is your BBS's gateway to the rest of the world, but
it can also be one of the most difficult components to con-
figure correctly. Due to the wide variety of modem manufac-
turers and products, this manual cannot possibly cover all
aspects of installing and configuring modems. However, this
documentation describes a common set of modem commands that
are supported by most popular modems.
To run smoothly, Maximus requires a Hayes-compatible modem.
Although it may be possible to use Maximus with a non Hayes-
compatible modem, only Hayes-compatible modems are officially
When setting up your modem, the first step is to determine
how your modem handles the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal.
DCD is a signal sent by the modem to your computer to indi-
cate when a connection has been established.
When your modem is idle, DCD is normally in the low state.
However, as soon as a user connects to your modem, DCD be-
comes high. Maximus uses the DCD signal to determine when a
user connects with the system, and it also uses DCD to deter-
mine when a caller hangs up.
Unfortunately, the default settings of many lower-speed mo-
dems instruct the modem to always set the DCD signal high,
regardless of whether or not the connection is active.
To ensure that your modem is reporting the DCD signal prop-
erly, you must check the configuration of your modem. Depend-
ing on your modem type, this can be done in a number of ways:
1200 bps modems. If your modem is 1200 bps or slower, chances
are that your modem's DCD handling is controlled by DIP
switches. DIP switches are the small plastic toggles on the
front, rear or bottom of your modem. (One or more panels may
need to be removed to access these switches.)
On most 1200 bps modems, DIP switch #6 controls the DCD sig-
nal. For proper operation, this switch should be in the up
position so that the modem reports the true DCD value.
(However, some modems are different, so please consult your
modem documentation before changing any DIP switches.)
In addition, you may also need to change one of the other DIP
switches so that your modem sends back verbal result codes
(as opposed to numbers). The DIP switch to control these re-
sult codes is manufacturer-dependent, so you will again need
3. Installation 34
to consult your modem's manual to determine which switch to
2400 bps, 9600 bps, 14.4 kbps, 19.2 kbps, or 28.8 kbps. If
your modem is 2400 bps or faster, the configuration process
can usually be performed using a standard terminal program
(including Procomm Plus, Telix, Crosstalk, and others).
After loading your terminal program and configuring it for
the correct communications port, type in the command "AT" and
press <enter>. If everything is well, your modem should re-
turn an "OK" response.
After you have established that your modem is working cor-
rectly, enter the command "AT&C1&S1&D2&W" and press <enter>.
(If this command does not work, try omitting either or both
of the "&C1" or the "&S1" strings, since some modems do not
support these settings.) This command configures your modem
so that DCD always reflects the modem's actual state, and it
also configures your modem's DTR handling so that Maximus can
use the DTR signal to end a session and hang up on a user.
External modems. If you have an external modem, one other po-
tential problem is the modem cable. If your cable does not
have the correct signals wired through, your modem may still
behave as if DCD is set incorrectly, regardless of DIP switch
The best way to determine whether or not your modem cable is
working correctly is simply to borrow a cable from another
SysOp with a working BBS and try it on your system.
If you determine that your cable is at fault, most computer
stores or service centers can order or manufacture a modem
cable. The wiring specifications for modem cables are:
DB25 connectors (25 pins). This is the most common type of
modem cable. As a minimum, pins 2 through 8 and pin 20 must
be wired straight through.
DB9 connectors (9 pins). All nine pins must be wired straight
3.4. Step 4: Installing Communications Drivers
3.4.1. OS/2 Communications Drivers
OS/2 The following paragraphs are for OS/2 users only. DOS users
only! can skip to section 3.4.2.
3. Installation 35
Unlike DOS, OS/2 does not require a FOSSIL driver. OS/2 in-
cludes its own device driver to handle serial I/O. Unfortu-
nately, the device driver included with OS/2 does not work
correctly in all situations. (Under OS/2 2.x, the supplied
COM.SYS driver sometimes uninstalls itself after certain com-
munication errors occur.)
Fortunately, a number of third-party device drivers are
The 16-bit COM16550.SYS device driver can be used instead of
the standard IBM driver. An evaluation version of COM16550 is
bundled with Maximus, but COM16550 is a third-party product
that is not sold or supported by Lanius. Please see the docu-
mentation in the \max\com16550.zip file for more information.
In addition, a third-party, 32-bit device driver called
SIO.SYS has many more features than COM16550 and can operate
at much higher speeds. SIO.SYS is not provided with Maximus,
but it can be obtained from the Hobbes OS/2 archive at
ftp.cdrom.com. SIO can also be found on most bulletin board
systems that offer OS/2 support.
Please note that COM16550 has a maximum speed of 19.2 kbps,
whereas SIO.SYS has a maximum speed of 57.6 kbps. For this
reason, if you are running a V.34 or V.FC modem, SIO.SYS is
preferable to COM16550.
In addition, Maximus runs with any serial device driver that
supports the standard OS/2 "ASYNC IOCtl" interface. This
means that Maximus-OS/2 can be used with intelligent serial
cards such as the DigiBoard or the ARCTIC card.
3.4.2. DOS FOSSIL Drivers
Under DOS, Maximus requires an external serial port driver
called a FOSSIL. FOSSIL is an acronym which stands for
"Fido/Opus/SEAdog Standard Interface Layer." The FOSSIL han-
dles all of Maximus's low-level serial communication needs,
including sending and receiving characters.
Using a FOSSIL allows Maximus to be used on a wide range of
serial port hardware without modifying the Maximus core. (For
example, third-party vendors have developed FOSSIL drivers
that support the DigiBoard intelligent serial card.)
Maximus ships with a copy of Unique Computing Pty's BNU FOS-
SIL driver. BNU supports most non-intelligent serial ports.
If BNU is not suitable or will not run on your system, other
FOSSIL drivers are available. Some of the most common FOSSILs
are X00 and OpusComm.
3. Installation 36
There are two separate types of FOSSIL drivers. Some FOSSIL
drivers, such as OpusComm and BNU, are loaded as Terminate
and Stay Resident (TSR) programs in the c:\autoexec.bat file.
Other drivers, including X00, are loaded in the c:\config.sys
file. Although different FOSSIL drivers have different set-up
instructions, it is fairly easy to install a FOSSIL for a ba-
sic configuration.
OpusComm installation. To install OpusComm on COM1, simply
insert the following commands at the beginning of your AUTO-
ocom_cfg L1=19200 (see note below!)
Ensure that opuscomm.com and ocom_cfg.exe are on your current
PATH, or else these commands will not work.
The second "ocom_cfg" line locks port 1 at a speed of 19200
bps. This line is required for 9600+ bps modems. (Note that
OpusComm does not support speeds faster than 19.2kbps.)
This line is only required if you are using a 9600+ bps mo-
dem. Users with 2400 bps or slower modems must not include
the call to ocom_cfg.
BNU installation. To install BNUcom on COM1, simply insert
the following command at the beginning of your AUTOEXEC.BAT:
bnu -l0=38400
Ensure that bnu.com is on your current PATH, or else this
command will not work.
The "-l0=38400" command instructs BNU to lock port 0 (COM1)
at a speed of 38.4 kbps. This parameter is required for 9600+
bps modems. Users with 2400 bps modems must omit the
"-l0=38400" parameter.
Warni BNU uses 0-based COM port numbers. To lock the speed of COM1,
ng! use "-l0=speed"; to lock the speed of COM2, use "-l1=speed";
and so on.
X00 installation. To install the X00 driver on COM1, simply
insert the following command at the beginning of your CON-
DEVICE=X00.SYS B,0,19200
Ensure that X00.SYS is in your c:\ directory, or else this
command will not work.
3. Installation 37
The "B,0,19200" parameter instructs X00 to lock COM1 at a
speed of 19200 bps. This parameter is required for 9600+ bps
modems. Users with 2400 bps modems must omit the "B,0,19200"
Warni X00 uses 0-based COM port numbers. To lock the speed of COM1,
ng! use "B,0,speed"; to lock the speed of COM2, use "B,1,speed";
and so on.
3.4.3. Checklist for high-speed modems
When using a high speed modem (9600 bps or above, including
any modems which support V.32, V.32bis, V.32ter, V.FC, or
V.34), the modem normally communicates with the host BBS at a
fixed speed, regardless of the speed of the user's modem. For
this reason, if you are running a high-speed modem, you must
instruct Maximus to talk to the modem at a fixed speed.
To use a fixed port speed, you must:
* ensure that the "&B1" parameter is included in your modem
initialization string,
* ensure that CTS flow control is enabled (using the "Mask
Handshaking CTS" option in the system control files), and
* use the -sspeed command line parameter when starting Maxi-
mus. (This parameter is only required when running Maximus
in a mode that handles remote callers. This parameter is
not required when starting Maximus in local mode.)
For example, to instruct Maximus to wait for a caller and
use a locked port rate of 38.4 kbps:
max -s38400 -w
The "-s38400" parameter instructs Maximus to talk to the
serial port at 38.4 kbps only. The modem itself will handle
all rate negotiation with the remote system.
3.5. Step 5: Editing Configuration Files
In order to run Maximus on your system, you need to make sev-
eral changes to your system configuration files, including
config.sys and autoexec.bat.
For example, Maximus and related utilities always need to
know how to find the main Maximus system directory. To accom-
plish this, these utilities examine the system environment
for the MAXIMUS environment variable. This variable must al-
ways point to the master system configuration file.
3. Installation 38
OS/2 DOS users should skip the next few paragraphs.
To set up the Maximus environment variable under OS/2, you
must add the following line to the end of the config.sys file
on your OS/2 boot drive:
This example assumes that Maximus was installed in the c:\max
directory. If you installed Maximus somewhere else, substi-
tute the appropriate path for "c:\max".
After making this change to config.sys, you must reboot the
computer for the change to take effect.
DOS OS/2 users should skip to the next section.
To configure Maximus to run under DOS, you must add a number
of lines to your c:\config.sys file. An ASCII editor, such as
the standard DOS edit.com, can be used to edit this file.
The first line to be added to config.sys is the "buffers="
statement. If there is no BUFFERS line in your config.sys
file, simply add the following line to the end of the file:
However, if a BUFFERS line already exists, ensure that it
specifies a value of at least 30.
Next, the "files=" statement must be added. If there is no
FILES line in your config.sys file, simply add the following
line to the end of the file:
However, if a FILES line already exists, ensure that it
specifies a value of at least 40.
Finally, if you plan to use Maximus in a multinode environ-
ment, Maximus also requires the share.exe program. (Even in
single-node environments, share.exe is still strongly recom-
To install share.exe, simply add the following line to the
end of c:\autoexec.bat:
Note for Novell users. Installing share.exe is not completely
necessary. As long as you load int2f.com after running the
Netware shell, you do not need to load share.exe.
3. Installation 39
Note for Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95 users. Windows
comes with a SHARE-compatible VxD, and as long as you run
Maximus exclusively within the Windows for Workgroups or Win-
dows 95 environments, you do not need to install share.exe.
Finally, to set up the system environment variable under DOS,
you must add the following line to the end of the
c:\autoexec.bat file:
This example assumes that Maximus was installed in the c:\max
directory. If you installed Maximus somewhere else, substi-
tute the appropriate path for "c:\max".
Once you have made all of these changes and saved the con-
figuration files, you should press <ctrl-alt-del> to reboot
the computer. Unless you reboot now, changes made to con-
fig.sys and autoexec.bat will not take effect.
3.6. Step 6: About Control Files
This is the most complicated step in setting up a Maximus
system. Four text-based configuration files control most of
the operations of your system: max.ctl, msgarea.ctl,
filearea.ctl and menus.ctl.
max.ctl controls almost everything about your system, from
the name of the log-on display file to the "time reward"
given to users who upload files.
msgarea.ctl controls all of the message areas that are acces-
sible to users.
filearea.ctl controls all of the file areas that are accessi-
ble to users.
menus.ctl controls all of the menus and options that can be
selected by users.
All of these text files are stored in an ASCII format, so the
DOS edit.com or the OS/2 e.exe can be used to modify these
These files contain a number of fairly complicated commands,
but these control files give you control over even the most
minute aspects of your BBS. However, the power to tailor your
BBS to a very specific set of needs also makes it relatively
easy to configure your system incorrectly. Consequently, new
SysOps are advised to refrain from making too many modifica-
tions to the control files until the basic BBS is up and run-
3. Installation 40
The installation program will have already customized most of
the system control files, so no specific modifications are
required at this point.
3.7. Step 7: Compiling the Control Files
Every time you modify max.ctl or any of the other control
files, you must run SILT, the Maximus control file compiler.
If you make changes to your control files and forget to run
SILT, Maximus will not recognize the changes that you have
Note! The system installation program will have already compiled
your control file for the first time. However, it is a good
idea to compile it again here, just so that you can learn how
to run SILT..
Compiling your control files with SILT is easy; just enter
the following from the command prompt:
silt ctlname
where ctlname is the name of your main system control file.
In the default installation, the main control file is always
called max, so most users only need to type "silt max".
When SILT runs, it automatically compiles all of the control
files, including menus.ctl, filearea.ctl, msgarea.ctl, and a
number of other control files. These secondary control files
cannot be compiled alone; you must always run SILT on the
main control file, regardless of which secondary control file
was changed.
When SILT runs, it will scan through all of the control files
and write a compiled version of the system information to
max.prm, marea.dat, farea.dat, and a number of other system
data files.
If you made mistakes in the control files, such as misspell-
ing a keyword or omitting a parameter, SILT will warn you
about these mistakes. To correct these problems, use either
the DOS edit.com or the OS/2 e.exe to load the control file,
move to the problem line number, fix the error, and then re-
compile using SILT.
3.8. Step 8: Starting Maximus
Once you have compiled your control files, you are finally
ready to start Maximus. Although your BBS is still fairly ge-
neric, it is now usable.
3. Installation 41
To start up Maximus for the first time, enter the following
sequence of commands. This example assumes that you have in-
stalled Maximus in the c:\max directory:
cd \max
max -c
The "-c" parameter tells Maximus to create a new user file,
so you should only do this the first time you run Maximus.
However, if you are converting from another BBS program, you
should run the CVTUSR program before entering the above com-
mand. (See section 8.3 for more information on the CVTUSR
Warni By default, Maximus encrypts all passwords in the Maximus
ng! user file. While this adds an extra layer of security to your
system, it means that you will be unable to convert your
Maximus user file to the file format of any other BBS pro-
gram. If you want to disable the password encryption, see the
No Password Encryption feature in the system control file.)
After entering "max -c", Maximus will display a copyright
banner and print out a warning about the lack of an existing
user file. Maximus will then display the prompt: "Your Name
Here [Y,n]?", where "Your Name Here" is the name entered in
the "SysOp" box in the installation program. Type the letter
"Y" to continue your logon.
After doing this, Maximus will display some text that de-
scribes your BBS. This text is contained in the
\max\misc\applic.mec file. (Files with an extension of .mec
will be discussed in greater detail later in this document.)
Maximus will also prompt you for a few pieces of information,
including your city, phone number, and password. Maximus will
also prompt you for ANSI screen control support, the MaxEd
editor, IBM-PC characters, hotkeys, and RIPscrip graphics
support. Answer "y" to the first four prompts, but answer "n"
to the RIPscrip graphics question.
After Maximus has finished configuring your account, it will
display a welcome screen and a bulletin file. Finally, it
will place you at the main system menu. All of the screens
that you see are completely customizable. The steps required
to customize these files are described later in this manual.
Now that Maximus is working, you will probably want to look
around for a while. Feel free to explore the different fea-
tures of your new BBS. If you want to send some test NetMail
messages, try going into the user editor (from the SysOp
menu) and giving yourself some NetMail credit.
3. Installation 42
When you have finished looking around at your new BBS, type
"g" from any menu to log off, and Maximus will exit back to
the command prompt.
3.9. Step 9: Support for Remote Callers
To handle non-local callers, Maximus must be run from a batch
file. Unlike local log-ins, Maximus requires a batch file to
recycle after remote callers.
There are two mutually-exclusive methods of running Maximus:
* Max can be run using the internal Waiting For Caller (WFC)
subsystem. WFC takes care of answering the phone and talk-
ing to the modem, so no external programs are required.
* Maximus can also be run under a front end. A front end
takes care of answering the phone and performing additional
processing. Front ends are normally only required for Fi-
doNet or UUCP support. If you are running a standalone sys-
tem, you do not require a front end.
In some cases, systems that run multiple nodes may wish to
run a front end only on a subset of the BBS lines. In many
cases, only one node needs to run a front end program, while
the others can all use the internal WFC module. The command
line is used to configure the system for WFC or front end op-
eration, so no changes to the control files are required to
support this.
3.9.1. Running the MODE command
OS/2 If you are running Maximus under OS/2, special care must be
only! taken to set up the communications port before calling Maxi-
mus. In most cases, the OS/2 MODE command is used to config-
ure the port. MODE is used to set the port speed, flow con-
trol characteristics, and buffer settings.
In most cases, the following command should be issued before
trying to run Maximus with a remote caller. This command must
be entered all on one line without spaces:
MODE COMport:speed,n,8,1,,TO=OFF,XON=ON,
In the above command, port is the 1-based com port number of
your Maximus system. speed is the maximum communications rate
supported by your modem. This line should be included in the
command file that starts Maximus.
3. Installation 43
For example, to configure com port 1 for 38.4 kbps, the fol-
lowing command should be used:
If your modem has special flow control requirements, please
see the documentation for the MODE command for more informa-
tion. (On-line help is available by typing "help mode" from
the OS/2 command prompt.)
3.9.2. Using WFC Mode
When run in this mode, Maximus handles incoming callers on
its own. The first step in enabling WFC mode is to use the
"-w" command line parameter. To start Maximus in the most ba-
sic WFC mode, the following command is used:
max -w
"-w" instructs Maximus to enter WFC mode. After this command
is executed, Maximus will load up, display a few windows,
initialize the modem, and then wait for an incoming call.
Maximus will automatically detect the incoming caller's speed
and switch speeds automatically.
By default, Maximus is set up to run on any Hayes-compatible
modem. If the WFC subsystem does not seem to be answering the
phone correctly, read through the comments in the Equipment
section of the system control file. Some of the modem command
strings may need to be modified, but almost all modems can be
made to work with Maximus.
In addition to the standard "-w" switch, you can also use the
"-b" (baud rate) and "-p" (COM port) switches to specify an
alternate port number and maximum baud rate for the current
node, overriding the defaults in the control file.
For example, to start WFC on port 2 with a baud rate of
38400, specify the following command:
max -w -p2 -b38400
To run WFC mode with a high-speed modem (9600+ bps), you must
use a locked COM port. The "-s" command line parameter tells
Maximus the speed to use for locking the port.
For example, the following command is used to run Maximus
with a high-speed modem on COM2 (locked at 38.4 kbps):
max -w -p2 -s38400
3. Installation 44
No matter which options you use, the command line must always
include a "-w" if you wish to handle remote callers. This
command must be placed in the batch or command file that
starts Maximus. (The batch/command file is described in more
detail later in this section.)
The WFC module can also handle timed events which cause Maxi-
mus to wake up on specific days of the week or at a specific
time of day. Please see section 5.1 for more information on
WFC mode.
3.9.3. Using an External Front End
In this mode, Maximus will not answer the telephone by it-
self. You must obtain a third-party "front end" or "mailer"
program to handle incoming calls. There are at least a dozen
freeware/shareware FidoNet front ends for DOS, and two or
three similar programs for OS/2. (At the time of this writ-
ing, the two most common front ends were BinkleyTerm and
Although setting up your front-end mailer is beyond the scope
of this document, you will find several sample batch files
for different front end mailers in Appendix G.
Your mailer's documentation may give some specific instruc-
tions for interfacing it with a Maximus system; if so, you
should just follow those directions. If not, read on.
When Maximus starts up with a caller already on-line, it ex-
pects to be given a minimum of one parameter: "-bspeed",
where speed is the speed of the caller.
Generally, these parameters are passed from the mailer via
the spawnbbs.bat or exebbs.bat files.
OS/2 Under OS/2, Maximus also expects to be passed the COM port
only! handle from the calling program. This means that the minimum
requirements for starting Maximus are:
maxp -bspeed -phandle
where speed is the speed of the caller and handle is the OS/2
file handle for the communications port. Unlike under DOS,
the -p parameter is a COM port handle (which is not the same
value as the COM port number). This means that this value
must be passed to Maximus by your front end mailer.
3. Installation 45
3.9.4. Maximus Errorlevels
Although the preceding commands allow Maximus to handle one
remote caller, either through the WFC subsystem or through a
front end program, Maximus normally exits back to the command
prompt after it processes a caller.
After Maximus terminates, it needs to tell your system what
to do next. For example, if a user entered a message in an
EchoMail area, you may want to use an external utility (such
as Squish) to export that message, or you may wish to run
some sort of logging utility.
To provide for these external programs, Maximus tells the op-
erating system to set a numeric value called an errorlevel.
As mentioned earlier, Maximus supports several different er-
rorlevels for various types of events, including users enter-
ing EchoMail messages, users entering NetMail messages, log-
ging off before the user enters a name, and so on.
In several places throughout the control files, you can in-
struct Maximus to use a certain errorlevel when a given event
occurs. Errorlevels are always numeric, and they always have
a value from 1 to 255. In most cases, the errorlevels values
do not need to be modified, but you can change them if you
must. (However, Maximus reserves errorlevels 1 through 4 to
indicate errors, so you should not use these values in the
control file.)
Once Maximus is set up to use errorlevels, you must also
write a batch file to detect the errorlevel returned by Maxi-
mus and take the appropriate action.
The following statement is used to test an errorlevel in a
.bat file (DOS) or in a .cmd file (OS/2):
if errorlevel erl action
erl is a number which corresponds to the errorlevel value for
the event, as specified in the system control file.
action is an action that is to be performed when the speci-
fied errorlevel is detected. This action can consist of any
normal batch file statement.
However, if you wish to test for multiple errorlevels, be
warned that both DOS and OS/2 examine errorlevels using a
greater-than-or-equal-to comparison. This means that the fol-
lowing statement:
if errorlevel 10 echo Hi!
3. Installation 46
will be executed if Maximus sets an errorlevel value of 10 or
For this reason, if you have more than one errorlevel to
process, the group of errorlevel statements must be listed in
descending order. For example, to check for errorlevels 1, 3,
9, 10, 11 and 12, your batch file would look like this:
max -w -p1 -b38400
if errorlevel 12 echo Do operation "A" here.
if errorlevel 11 echo Do operation "B" here.
if errorlevel 10 echo Do operation "C" here.
if errorlevel 9 echo Do operation "D" here.
if errorlevel 3 echo Do operation "E" here.
if errorlevel 1 echo Do operation "F" here.
Also, remember that all programs modify the errorlevel value
when they are run. In the example given above, if you wanted
to run a program called abcd.exe when errorlevel 12 was en-
countered, the abcd.exe program would change the errorlevel
to a new value after abcd terminated. Since the batch file is
executed one line at a time, the following errorlevel checks
(from 11 through 1) would be testing the errorlevel set by
abcd.exe, not the errorlevel set by Maximus!
To work around this limitation, you must use the goto state-
ment for each errorlevel check. The goto statement allows
your batch file to jump to a completely different location
within the same batch file when a certain errorlevel is en-
countered. An errorlevel-based goto statement looks like
if errorlevel erl goto label
As before, erl is the errorlevel value to be tested.
The label value is a unique, alphanumeric, single-word name
that indicates the destination of the jump. (Examples of
valid label names are "GotCaller," "DidScanBld" and
In English, the above statement reads:
If the errorlevel value is greater or equal to the value
specified by erl, jump to the label in the batch/command
file specified by label.
To specify the destination of the jump, you must declare the
label by placing the same name at another point in the same
batch file. This lets the operating system know where it
should jump to when it encounters the goto statement.
3. Installation 47
A label declaration looks like this:
label is the same label name that was specified in the origi-
nal goto statement. As soon as the command processor spots a
statement of the form "goto label," it will jump to the loca-
tion marked with ":label".
For example, the following sample batch file:
Line 1: :Top
Line 2: echo Diamonds are forever
Line 3: goto Top
causes the line "Diamonds are forever" to be repeated over
and over on the screen.
When the operating system starts the batch file, it processes
each line in sequence. After reading line 1, the OS recog-
nizes that "Top" is simply a label definition, so it skips to
the next line.
After reading line 2, it processes the echo statement and
displays "Diamonds are forever."
Finally, after reading line 3, it realizes that it has to
jump to the label marked "Top." Since the "Top" label is at
the top of the file, it goes back to line 1 and repeats the
entire process over and over again.
However, the goto statement does have practical applications.
The previous Maximus errorlevel example could be rewritten
like this:
max -w -p1 -b38400
if errorlevel 12 goto OpA
if errorlevel 11 goto OpB
if errorlevel 10 goto OpC
if errorlevel 9 goto OpD
if errorlevel 3 goto OpE
if errorlevel 1 goto OpF
echo Do operation "A" here.
goto End
echo Do operation "B" here.
goto End
echo Do operation "C" here.
3. Installation 48
goto End
echo Do operation "D" here.
goto End
echo Do operation "E" here.
goto End
echo Do operation "F" here.
goto End
In this situation, the OS first compares the errorlevel re-
turned by Maximus to those listed in the "if errorlevel" por-
tion of the batch file. When it finds a match for the error-
level, it jumps to the corresponding label.
For example, if Maximus exited using errorlevel 10, the batch
file interpreter would jump down to the "OpC" label and proc-
ess the "echo Do operation `C' here" statement. (Most of the
time, you would run an actual program after checking for an
errorlevel, rather than simply echoing a string back to the
After processing the echo statement, the command processor
reads and processes the next line of the batch file. The
"goto End" statement ensures that the command processor skips
over the following commands after the "OpD" label definition.
(Recall that the command processor simply ignores label defi-
nitions. Without the extra "goto End," the batch file would
just "fall through" to the statements under the OpD and OpE
labels. The extra goto statement specifically instructs the
command processor to jump to the "End" label at the end of
the file.)
However, it may also be desirable to have the batch file
"fall through" a set of errorlevels in certain cases. This
allows errorlevels to be defined such that a certain error-
level value, such as the "user entering EchoMail" value, also
executes the command associated with another errorlevel
value, such as the "user entered NetMail" value.
3.9.5. Sample WFC Batch File
Maximus uses errorlevels 1 through 4 for internal purposes,
but errorlevel values of 5 and greater can be configured by
the user. A standard Maximus installation uses the following
errorlevel values:
3. Installation 49
Errorlevel 255. Maximus terminated with an undefined error
condition. Your batch file should return to your front-end
mailer or restart Maximus in WFC mode.
Errorlevel 12. A user entered EchoMail (and possibly also
NetMail) during this session. In response, your batch file
should call an external program to export mail to the net-
work. If you are using the Squish mail processor, this com-
mand should be "squish in out squash". In addition, if you
use any *.MSG format message areas, you must also call
SCANBLD at this point. Finally, after calling all of these
external programs, your batch file should return to your
mailer or restart Maximus in WFC mode.
Errorlevel 11. A user entered NetMail (but no EchoMail) dur-
ing this session. In response, your batch file should call
your mail packer to export mail to the network. If you are
using the Squish mail processor, this command should be
"squish squash". In addition, if you use any *.MSG format
message areas, you must also call SCANBLD at this point. Fi-
nally, after calling all of these external programs, your
batch file should return to your mailer or restart Maximus in
WFC mode.
Errorlevel 5. A user logged off and entered neither EchoMail
nor NetMail. If you use any *.MSG format message areas, you
must call SCANBLD at this point. Your batch file should then
return to your mailer or restart Maximus in WFC mode.
Errorlevels 4 and 3. A non-fatal error occurred. Your batch
file should return to your mailer (or restart Maximus in WFC
mode) if either of these errorlevels are detected.
Errorlevel 2. The caller hung up before entering a valid name
at the log-on prompt. Your batch file should return to your
mailer or restart Maximus in WFC mode.
Errorlevel 1. The SysOp pressed <alt-x> at the main WFC
screen. Your batch file should exit back to the operating
The following runbbs.bat (or runbbs.cmd for OS/2) can be used
to start Maximus in WFC mode and accept callers:
@echo off
DOS rem * DOS users only:
only! rem *
rem * This line loads your FOSSIL driver.
3. Installation 50
OS/2 rem * OS/2 users only:
only! rem *
rem * Comment out the above call to BNU
rem * and uncomment the following MODE command.
rem *(This command should be all be on one line.)
rem *
rem * mode com1:19200,n,8,1,TO=OFF,XON=ON,
max -w -p1 -b19200
if errorlevel 255 goto Error
if errorlevel 16 goto Error
if errorlevel 12 goto EchoMail
if errorlevel 11 goto NetMail
if errorlevel 5 goto Aftercall
if errorlevel 4 goto Error
if errorlevel 3 goto Error
if errorlevel 2 goto Loop
if errorlevel 1 goto Done
rem * Invoke scanner and packer here. Next,
rem * go to the "Aftercall" label to process
rem * any after-caller actions.
rem *
rem * For the Squish mail processor, use the
rem * following command:
rem SQUISH OUT SQUASH -fc:\max\echotoss.log
goto Aftercall
rem * Invoke packer here, then go to
rem * the "Aftercall" label.
rem For the Squish mail processor, use the
rem following command:
goto Aftercall
rem * Invoke after-each-caller utilities here.
scanbld all
3. Installation 51
goto End
rem * Something bad happened, so let's say so.
echo An error occurred!
goto Down
rem * This label should re-load your phone
rem * answering program. If you are using
rem * the Maximus WFC, you want to jump back
rem * to the top of the loop:
goto Loop
rem * The system arrives here if there was a
rem * problem.
echo Error! Maximus had a fatal error and
echo could not continue!
To start Maximus, simply run the above runbbs.bat from the
command prompt. Maximus will initialize and accept as many
incoming connections as required.
For sample batch files that demonstrate how to use Maximus
with a front-end mailer, please see Appendix G.
3.10. Step 10: Miscellaneous Information
You have now completed the installation procedure for Maxi-
mus. Although Maximus is now mostly installed, please keep
these things in mind:
For users of *.MSG areas. A renumbering utility is required.
If you carry any EchoMail areas with a lot of traffic, a re-
numbering utility will be especially crucial. Maximus is bun-
dled with the MR program. MR automatically deletes, renumbers
and links messages based on information given in the message
area control file. For more information on MR, please see
section 8.9.
For users of Squish areas. Although Squish normally renumbers
areas messages are created, you may occasionally need to use
the SQPACK utility. SQPACK compacts message area data files
3. Installation 52
by removing unused space between messages. Most systems will
only need to run SQPACK once a week, but it may be beneficial
to run SQPACK on a daily basis for systems with a lot of
traffic. SQPACK is part of the Squish product, the companion
mail processor for Maximus. The Squish product also includes
a number of other useful utilities, including a diagnostic
and repair utility for Squish areas.
Your Maximus system should now be capable of handling call-
ers, but many other options and features can be customized.
The following section describes how to maintain some of the
major components in a Maximus system.
4. Customization
This section describes how to customize the main components
of a Maximus system. This section is just an overview of the
possible customizations. For a full list of features and/or
control file keywords, please see section 18.
4.1. Events and Yelling
The distribution copy of Maximus comes with a preconfigured
event file. This event file serves two purposes:
* With the internal WFC subsystem, the event file is used to
schedule "external events." External events are used for
running external programs at predefined times. These events
are useful for performing daily system maintenance, general
cleanup, and anything else you may require.
* The event file also controls yell events. Yell events are
used to define the times of the day when callers are al-
lowed to page the SysOp. A yell event also controls how
many times the SysOp can be paged and the tune to be played
during the page.
All events are kept in the file called events##.bbs, where ##
is the node number of the task (in hexadecimal). For a sin-
gle-line system, ## will be "01".
Each node on a multinode system must have a separate events
file. However, all of the event files use the same format, so
you can simply copy a master events file to events01.bbs,
events02.bbs, and so on. (If Maximus cannot find the event
file for a specific node, it will try to read default event
information from events00.bbs, regardless of the node number
of the current session.)
4.1.1. Yell Events
The distribution version of Maximus comes with an event file
called events00.bbs. The standard event file contains a sin-
gle yell event that looks like this:
Event All 13:00 23:00 bells=3 maxyell=3 tune=random
This yell event is active between 13:00 and 23:00. (This
means that the user is allowed to page the SysOp between 1 pm
and 11 pm.)
4. Customization 54
If desired, additional yelling time slots can be added by
simply duplicating the "Event" line and changing the starting
and ending times.
The bells flag indicates the number of times that the bell or
tune will be played.
The maxyell flag indicates that a user is allowed to yell up
to three times during one session before the SysOp page fea-
ture is automatically disabled. (If the SysOp enters chat
with the user, the yell count for that session is reset.)
Finally, the tune flag indicates the tune to be played during
the page. Maximus includes a large library of tunes in the
\max\tunes.bbs file. Specifying "tune=random" instructs Maxi-
mus to play a tune at random. However, you can also specify
an explicit tune name, such as "tune=DigitalPhone".
4.1.2. External Events
The event file also supports external events. An external
event causes Maximus to exit with an errorlevel at a prede-
fined time of day or on a certain day of the week. Events are
only active when Maximus is started in WFC mode.
To add an external event, simply add a line to events##.bbs
with the appropriate starting time, and add an "exit=level"
flag to the end of the line.
level specifies the errorlevel that Maximus will exit with
when the event time occurs.
After creating an entry for the event in the events##.bbs
file, you should modify your runbbs.bat file to handle the
specified errorlevel and run the appropriate external com-
Please see section 18.11 for more information on the events
4.1.3. SoundBlaster Support
OS/2 This section applies only to OS/2 users.
Maximus-OS/2 includes internal support for the SoundBlaster
and SoundBlaster-compatible sound cards.
When playing yell tunes, Maximus will automatically determine
whether or not a SoundBlaster is installed. If a SoundBlaster
is found, Maximus will play the tunes from tunes.bbs on the
4. Customization 55
SoundBlaster, rather than making noises on the internal PC
However, the SoundBlaster detection is not completely auto-
matic. You must include the following line in your config.sys
file to enable SoundBlaster support:
where base is the card's base address, irq is the card's IRQ
level, and dma is the card's DMA channel. The "NOCLI" parame-
ter must be included literally. This parameter tells the
SoundBlaster code not to steal the CPU for long periods of
Except for the last "NOCLI" flag, the OS2BLASTER settings are
identical to the settings for the standard DOS "BLASTER" en-
vironment variable.
The settings for a standard SoundBlaster card are:
4.2. Access Control: Classes, Privilege Levels and Locks
This section describes the access control and security mecha-
nisms supported by Maximus 3.0.
4.2.1. User Classes
Maximus uses the class concept to control access to menu op-
tions, message areas, and other system components. A class
describes the access rights and privileges of a group of us-
ers. The distribution version of Maximus includes 12 prede-
fined user classes, but additional classes can be defined by
the SysOp.
A class definition typically includes the following attrib-
utes (among many others):
* maximum time limit,
* maximum number of calls per day,
* maximum daily download limit,
* file download:upload ratio,
* the name of a special display file to be shown at log-on,
* special system settings, such as the ability to write mes-
sages in read-only areas, unlimited on-line time, the abil-
ity to download any file on the system, and more.
4. Customization 56
(A complete list of class attributes can be found in section
In addition, classes are associated with specific privilege
levels. A privilege level is a numeric value from 0 to 65535.
The privilege level is generally proportional to the level of
access granted to users in that class.
To make classes easier to manage, Maximus also assigns a name
to each class. You can refer to classes either by name or by
privilege level.
The classes included in the distribution version of Maximus
are listed below in Table 4.1:
Table 4.1 Standard Privilege Levels
Class Name Privilege Level
Hidden 65535
SysOp 100
AsstSysOp 90
Clerk 80
Extra 70
Favored 60
Privil 50
Worthy 40
Normal 30
Limited 20
Demoted 10
Transient 0
The class names and privilege levels are completely configur-
able, so if desired, the above names can be changed to re-
flect the different types of users on your system.
4.2.2. Privilege Levels
In the system user file, Maximus assigns a specific privilege
level to each user. Since Maximus stores only the numeric
privilege level, this means that you are free to rename a
class or change its attributes at any time. (The privilege
level assigned to new users is controlled by the Logon Level
feature in the system control file.)
When a user logs on, Maximus compares the user's privilege
level to the level of all defined user classes. Maximus then
selects the class with the privilege level that is closest to
(but not over) the user's privilege level.
4. Customization 57
For example, assume that a user is assigned a privilege level
of 20. When the user logs on, Maximus will scan the class
definitions and notice that the "Demoted" class has a privi-
lege level of 20. This is an exact match of the user's privi-
lege level, so Maximus will treat the user as a member of the
Demoted class. The user will inherit all of the characteris-
tics of the class, including the associated time and file
download limits.
By separating the access limits from the user record, it be-
comes easy to adjust the permissions for a broad group of us-
ers by modifying a single class definition. Since the user
record stores only the class's privilege level, you can eas-
ily rename the class (or replace it with another one) without
modifying the user file.
In addition, a user's privilege level does not need to ex-
actly match one of the class privilege levels. Assume that a
user is assigned a privilege level of 45. Maximus will select
the user class with the level that is closest to (but which
does not exceed) the user's privilege level. Given these cri-
teria, Maximus will select the "Worthy" class (which has a
privilege level of 40).
Although the user's privilege level is slightly higher than
the Worthy privilege level, the user is still considered to
be a member of the Worthy class. The user assumes the same
access restrictions (including time limits and download lim-
its) as all other members of the Worthy class.
From this, we see that all possible privilege levels (from 0
to 65535) can be converted into a specific user class. If a
class's privilege level is defined to be x, and if the privi-
lege level of the next-highest class is defined to be y, all
privilege levels in the range x to y - 1 (inclusive) are con-
sidered to be part of the first class.
This means that a user class actually encompasses a range of
privilege levels. Assuming the standard class definitions
given above, the standard privilege levels fall into the
classes shown in Table 4.2:
Table 4.2 Privilege Level Ranges
Class Name Privilege Range
Hidden 65535
SysOp 100-65534
AsstSysOp 90- 99
Clerk 80- 89
Extra 70- 79
Favored 60- 69
Privil 50- 59
4. Customization 58
Worthy 40- 49
Normal 30- 39
Limited 20- 29
Demoted 10- 19
Transient 0- 9
Now, since all users in a given class are granted the same
access rights, you may wonder why Maximus allows multiple
privilege levels to be assigned to a class. The answer lies
in how Maximus processes access control definitions for com-
mands and menu options: the access level for a menu command
can be defined in terms of a class or in terms of a specific
numeric privilege level.
For example, although all members of the Worthy class (levels
40 through 49) have the same time limit and download restric-
tions, the SysOp can define a menu option that requires a
privilege level of 46, which means that only some of the mem-
bers of the Worthy class will be able to access the option.
From this, one can see that the 12 standard user classes can
be logically subdivided into many more individual access lev-
els. And should the original 12 classes not be enough to fit
your needs, more classes can be added as necessary.
In situations where Maximus needs to display a user's privi-
lege level, such as on the status line at the bottom of the
screen, Maximus will first examine the class records to see
if the user's privilege level is an exact match for one of
the classes. If so, Maximus will display the class name. Oth-
erwise, if Maximus cannot find an exact match, it will dis-
play the numeric privilege level.
4.2.3. SysOp and Hidden Attributes
Of the 12 classes defined by Maximus, only two classes have
extraordinary attributes:
Users in the SysOp class have access to all system features
and functions, including the ability to read private mes-
sages, modify users in the system user editor, and examine
any file on the local hard drive.
Users in the Hidden class have no access to the system what-
soever. If a user's privilege level is changed so that it
falls into the Hidden class, Maximus will immediately hang up
when the user calls. A user can be placed into the Hidden
class to lock that user out of the system.
4. Customization 59
In addition, menu options can be assigned an access level of
Hidden. A "Hidden" menu option cannot be accessed by any user
on the system, regardless of the user's privilege level.
Aside from the Hidden and SysOp classes, most of the other
classes have only minor variations in time and download lim-
its, so those classes can be assigned to normal users.
4.2.4. Locks and Keys
In addition to the user classes and privilege levels de-
scribed above, Maximus supports a set of keys that can be as-
signed to each user. A key is equivalent to a "yes/no" flag
that can be turned on or off on a user-by-user basis.
Maximus supports a total of 32 keys. Keys are referenced by a
single letter or number. The 32 keys consist of the letters A
through X and the numbers 1 through 8. Any or all of these
keys can be assigned to users on an individual basis.
Keys are independent of a user's privilege level or class.
For example, a user with a privilege level of 20 (in the
"Limited" class) could have keys 1, 3, D and L. A user with a
privilege level of 15 (in the "Demoted" class) could have
keys 3, 4, A and L.
Keys are useful when some commands or menu options are only
made available to a certain subset of users, regardless of
privilege level. To restrict access to an system feature, the
SysOp can "lock" the feature using a certain key or set of
For example, a company BBS could have several different file
areas dedicated to different products. Owners of a certain
product could be given key A, while owners of a different
product could be given key B. The file areas could be re-
stricted so that a user needs key A to access information re-
lated to the first type of product, while the other file area
could be restricted to those with key B. If a user happened
to own both products, the user could be given both keys A and
B to permit access to both types of areas.
Similarly, an area could be restricted to users with keys A,
B and C, such that only users who owned all three types of
products would be able to access the area.
Keys are also independent of a user's privilege level, so you
can still assign different time and download limits to dif-
ferent classes of users, regardless of which keys are as-
signed to each user.
4. Customization 60
4.2.5. Access Control Strings
Maximus uses an Access Control String (ACS) to describe the
access requirements for menu options, message and file areas,
and various other system components. An ACS can restrict a
certain feature based on a user's class, privilege level, key
settings, and numerous other attributes.
The simplest form of an ACS is simply a privilege level or
the name of a user class. For example, if a specific menu op-
tion is assigned an ACS of:
then only users with a privilege level of 46 or above would
be able to access that option.
Similarly, if you list the name of a user class, Maximus will
convert the class name into a privilege level and compare it
against the user's privilege level. For example, if a spe-
cific menu option is assigned this ACS:
then only users with a privilege level of 50 or above would
be able to access that option. (This example assumes that
your class definitions assign a privilege level of 50 to the
"Privil" class.)
In addition to the names of the defined user classes, an ACS
of NoAccess indicates that access is not granted to any user.
The NoAccess string may be useful if you have removed the
"Hidden" user class.
An ACS can also be used to ensure that only users with a cer-
tain set of keys are allowed to access an option. To add a
key restriction, simply append a "/" to the end of the privi-
lege level or class name, and then list the keys that the
user must possess to access the command.
For example, this ACS restricts a command to users who have a
privilege level of at least 55 and who have keys 2, 3, 5 and
The name of a user class can also be used anywhere that a
privilege level definition can be used, so the above ACS
could be restated as:
4. Customization 61
An ACS can also restrict a command to users who do not have a
certain set of keys. To add such a restriction, simply insert
a "!" in front of the key that you wish to negate. For exam-
ple, the following ACS:
restricts a command to users who:
* have a privilege level of at least 40 (assuming the stan-
dard class definitions),
* have keys 2, 3 and A, and
* have neither key 6 nor key C.
All of the above ACS examples have restricted a feature to
users with a privilege level that was greater than or equal
to a certain value. An ACS can also restrict a command to us-
ers with an exact privilege level, or perform other types of
logical tests.
To add a logical test to an ACS, insert one of the operators
shown below in Table 4.3:
Table 4.3 Access Control String Operators
Operator Description
= Grants access if the user's privilege level is
exactly the specified level.
> Grants access if the user's privilege level is
strictly greater than the specified level.
< Grants access if the user's privilege level is
strictly less than the specified level.
>= Grants access if the user's privilege level is
greater than or equal to the specified level
<= Grants access if the user's privilege level is
less than or equal to the specified level.
<> or != Grants access if the user's privilege level is
not equal to the specified level.
For example, the following ACS:
restricts access to those users who have a privilege level of
50 or less and who also have keys 1, 2 and 3. Assuming the
standard user classes, this could also be restated as:
4. Customization 62
In addition, an ACS can restrict an option to a user with a
specific name or alias. The following ACS restricts a feature
so that only the user named "John Doe" is able to access it:
Notice that the space in the user's name is replaced with an
underscore. An ACS may not include any spaces.
Similarly, the following ACS restricts a command so that only
the user with an alias of "Peter Rabbit" can access it:
Finally, boolean operators can also be included in an ACS
definition. You can combine two existing ACSs by inserting
the and operator ("&") between them:
This ACS restricts a command to users who have a privilege
level of at least 10 but less than 30 (the "Normal" privilege
level). Users must also have keys 1, 2 and 3 to access this
Similarly, the logical or operator can also be inserted be-
tween two ACSs:
This ACS restricts a command to users who either:
* have a privilege level of 30 ("Normal") or less and have
keys 1 and 2, or
* have a privilege level of at least 90 ("AsstSysOp") and do
not have key J.
Most major Maximus subsystems use the ACS concept to restrict
access to features. For example, every message and file area
can be assigned an ACS to control which users get access to
that area, and many settings in the system control file also
accept an ACS. However, a small number of features can only
be controlled on the basis of privilege level or user class.
4.3. Display Files: *.mec and *.bbs
All of the information files that Maximus displays to the
user are stored in the .bbs and .mec file formats. Collec-
tively, these are known as MECCA files or display files. Most
of the system MECCA files are stored in the \max\misc and
4. Customization 63
\max\hlp directories, but you can add your own display files
in other places.
The names of many of the standard display files can be found
in the system control file, but the names of some display
files cannot be changed. Please see Appendix H for more in-
formation on the names of these display files.
You will notice that most of these files come in pairs: for
every file with a .mec extension, there is always a file with
a .bbs extension. Just like control files, MECCA files must
be compiled before they can be used by Maximus.
The .mec file is the source for a display file. You can edit
the .mec file with a text editor to insert commands and dis-
play text. After you have finished modifying the .mec file,
the MECCA compiler must be run to convert it to a .bbs file.
Compiling a file with MECCA is easy. Simply type in the com-
mand "MECCA filename", where filename is the name of the .mec
file to be compiled. For example, to compile the file ap-
plic.mec into applic.bbs, enter the following at a command
cd \max\misc
mecca applic
MECCA source files contain plain text to be displayed to the
user, but they can also contain tokens to perform color
changes, cursor control, conditionally display certain lines,
and display system information. A MECCA token is a special
keyword that is enclosed inside a pair of square brackets.
For example, a .mec file that contains the following:
[white]Hello there, [user].
Are you having a nice [lightblue]day [white]today?
will display "Hello there, John Doe" in white (assuming that
the user's name is John Doe). It will then display "Are you
having a nice" in white, the word "day" in blue, and the word
"today?" in white.
MECCA supports many other tokens that display information to
the user or change screen attributes. MECCA allows you to em-
bed user-specific or system-specific information into any
display screen.
To see an actual MECCA file, load the \max\misc\newuser2.mec
file with an ASCII editor. As you can see, the file consists
mainly of ASCII text, but a few special MECCA tokens have
been inserted to colorize the screen and perform other ac-
4. Customization 64
One of the main advantages of using MECCA is that only one
set of display files needs to be created. Unlike other bulle-
tin board packages where the SysOp must create both an ASCII
and an ANSI version of a specific display file, Maximus auto-
matically filters out color and graphics codes for those us-
ers who do not support ANSI or AVATAR graphics.
For compatibility reasons, Maximus comes with a utility to
convert files containing ANSI graphics into MECCA files.
Please see section 8.2 for more information.
Although MECCA files are normally viewed by running Maximus
and displaying the menu option or command that contains the
display file, you can also use the ORACLE utility to display
a MECCA file from the command prompt.
For more information on creating MECCA files, please see sec-
tion 17.
For more information on using the MECCA compiler, please see
section 8.8.
For more information on ORACLE, please see section 8.10.
4.4. Message Areas and File Areas
The next step in customizing your system is to set up the
message and file sections. The Maximus distribution kit comes
preconfigured with a set of sample message and file areas,
but most SysOps will want to customize these areas.
All message areas are defined in the msgarea.ctl file. Like-
wise, all file areas are defined in the filearea.ctl file.
In Maximus, each area (whether a message area or a file area)
must have a unique name. Area names can be up to 64 charac-
ters long, and names can include both letters and numbers.
Maximus supports a theoretically unlimited number of message
and file areas, but it is better to start with a small number
of areas and expand them as your system grows.
4.4.1. Message Area Definitions
A message area definition looks like this:
MsgArea name
% Other message area definition keywords
% go here.
End MsgArea
4. Customization 65
where name is the name of the message area to be defined. All
of the keywords related to that area must be placed between
the MsgArea keyword and the following End MsgArea keyword.
Note! By default, all log-off comments are placed in message area
1. If you wish to change the name for area 1, you must also
change the Comment Area definition in the system control
Some common message area definition keywords are described
below. A complete list of keywords can be found in section
ACS string
Restrict access to this area so that only those users who
satisfy the ACS string are allowed to see or enter the
area. This statement is required for all message areas.
Desc text
Use text as the description for this area. Maximus will
display this description when the user requests a list of
Path filename
filename specifies the physical disk file and/or directory
to use for storing messages.
For a Squish-format message area (default), filename must
contain the path and filename of the area (without an ex-
For a *.MSG-format message area, filename must contain only
the path of the area. (Only one *.MSG area can be stored in
any given directory.)
Style flags
The flags option specifies a number of optional flags and
toggles for the message area. Multiple flags can be speci-
fied for a single message area by separating flag names
with spaces. Table 4.4 describes some of the more common
Table 4.4 Message Style Flags
Flag Description
Pvt Allow private messages in this area. Private mes-
sages can only be read by the SysOp, the sender,
4. Customization 66
and the addressee.
Pub Allow public messages in this area. Public mes-
sages can be read by anyone.
Squish Store this area in the Squish format (default).
*.MSG Store this area in the *.MSG format.
Most of these flags are optional. Please see section 18.6
for information on other supported styles.
Tag name
This keyword tells Maximus to use name as the "tag" for
this area. If a tag is assigned to an area, Maximus will
write the tag out to the Log EchoMail filename after the
user logs off. This feature is normally used in conjunction
with EchoMail areas; the tag specified here should be the
same as the tag that you have defined for that area in your
EchoMail processor.
4.4.2. File Area Definitions
A file area definition looks like this:
FileArea name
% Other file area definition keywords
% go here.
End MsgArea
where name is the name of the file area to be defined. All of
the keywords related to that area must be placed between the
FileArea keyword and the following End FileArea keyword.
Some common file area definition keywords are described be-
low. A complete list of keywords can be found in section
ACS string
Restrict access to this area so that only those users who
satisfy the ACS string are allowed to see or enter the
area. This statement is required for all message areas.
Desc text
Use text as the description for this area. Maximus will
display this description when the user requests a list of
4. Customization 67
Download path
This keyword tells Maximus where to find the files con-
tained within this file area. The files that the users are
to download must be contained within this directory.
Upload path
This keyword tells Maximus where to place uploaded files.
There are two options for defining an upload path:
* Set the upload path to point to the same directory as
the download path. With this configuration, files will
be made available to other users as soon as they are up-
loaded. (However, users must ensure that they change to
the correct file area before uploading files.)
* Set the upload path in all file areas to point to one
common directory. This directory can then be configured
as the download path for an area that can be accessed
only by the SysOp.
This option is the most secure, since it allows the Sy-
sOp to check uploaded files before they are put on-line
for other users. Users will only be able to see the file
after the SysOp has checked the file and used the Hurl
command to move it to another file area.
4.4.3. Custom Message and File Area Menus
By default, Maximus will dynamically generate a menu when us-
ers select the Area Change command from the message or file
area menus. This display can be controlled to an extent, us-
ing the Format MsgFormat and Format FileFormat definitions,
but these commands may still be too restrictive for some Sy-
Consequently, Maximus allows you to completely disable the
automatic menu generation feature and replace it with custom
.mec screens. The Uses MsgAreas and Uses FileAreas statements
(in the system control file) instruct Maximus to display the
specified file instead of generating an area menu of its own.
While these files give you a large degree of flexibility, us-
ing a custom display file means that you must remember to
modify the display file when you add or remove an area.
4.4.4. Message Area and File Area Hierarchies
Maximus allows you to group your message and file areas into
logical, multi-level hierarchies. By default, all message and
4. Customization 68
file areas are stored in a "flat" name space, but you can add
divisions to your message area and file area control files to
group areas in a logical manner.
For example, if your system supported the following message
the areas could be grouped in a more logical structure as
By adding the appropriate MsgAreaDivision records to your
message area control file, Maximus can automatically insert
the "cars." or "programming." prefix for each area. Maximus
will also present the list of areas to the user in a logical
manner. For example, the top level message area menu might
look something like this:
Message Areas --------------------
cars ... DIVISION: Cars
programming ... DIVISION: Langs
garden ... DIVISION: Gardening
If a user selected "cars" at the prompt, Maximus would dis-
play a submenu of all of the areas in that division, includ-
ing cars.lexus, cars.bmw and cars.jaguar.
Maximus also supports nested message area divisions. For ex-
ample, the "cars" division could be subdivided into two sepa-
rate groups of areas, such as "cars.luxury" and
All of the comments related to message areas also apply
equally to file areas. The description below refers to mes-
sage area divisions only, but you can apply the same concept
to file areas by replacing MsgDivisionBegin with FileDivi-
4. Customization 69
sionBegin, MsgDivisionEnd with FileDivisionEnd, and MsgArea
with FileArea.
To create a message area division, you must place the follow-
ing statement before the definition of the first message area
to be included in the division:
MsgDivisionBegin name acs display_file description
In addition, you must place the following statement after the
end of the last message area to be included:
The name parameter is the name of the message area division.
From the example above, one might use a name of "cars" or
"garden." Maximus will automatically add this name, followed
by a period ("."), to the names of any message areas defined
within this division.
The acs parameter is the ACS that controls access to the mes-
sage area division. A user can only see this area division if
the user's privilege level passes the access control check.
Warni The acs parameter only controls the access level required for
ng! users to see the division on the message area menu. Even if
users cannot see a message area division, if they know the
name of an area inside the division, and if they have a
privilege level high enough to access the message area (but
not the division), the users can change directly to that area
anyway. For this reason, the ACS of a message area definition
should be at least as restrictive as the ACS of the MsgDivi-
sionBegin statement.
The display_file parameter instructs Maximus to display the
specified file when the user requests a list of areas in the
division, rather than automatically generating a menu of its
own. This display file is normally used in conjunction with
the Uses MsgAreas definition in the system control file. If
you do not wish to use a custom display file, specify a "."
to instruct Maximus to generate the area list automatically.
The description parameter is a short description of the con-
tents of the division. Maximus will display this description
on the message area menu when the user requests a list of ar-
For example, to implement the message division structure de-
scribed in the previous example, use the following syntax:
MsgDivisionBegin cars Demoted . DIVISION: Cars
MsgArea lexus
% Definitions for the Lexus area go here
4. Customization 70
End MsgArea
MsgArea bmw
% Definitions for the BMW area go here
End MsgArea
MsgArea jaguar
% Definitions for the Jaguar area go here
End MsgArea
MsgDivisionBegin programming Demoted . DIVISION: Langs
MsgArea c
% Definitions for the C area go here
End MsgArea
MsgArea pascal
% Definitions for the Pascal area go here
End MsgArea
MsgDivisionBegin garden Demoted . Gardening
MsgArea lawnmowers
% Definitions for the lawnmowers area go here
End MsgArea
MsgArea shovels
% Definitions for the shovels area go here
End MsgArea
4.5. Maintaining File Areas
Message areas can be created quite easily, but file areas re-
quire a fair amount of maintenance to run properly. Not only
do you need to create file area definitions, but you must
also create listings of files which can be downloaded by the
user. (However, if you wish to create a blank file area, no
extra work is required, since Maximus will create a file
listing as soon as a user uploads a file to that area.)
4.5.1. Creating File Listings
To place files in a newly-created file area, you must create
an ASCII listing of the files in the area. If you already
have a directory containing the files to be added, you should
first copy those files to the directory specified in the file
area's Download statement.
Next, from the command prompt, change the current directory
to the directory specified in the area's Download path. Next,
4. Customization 71
enter the following command to create the initial file cata-
for %f in (*.*) do echo %f >>files.bbs
If you wish to run this command from a batch file, instead of
from the command prompt, enter this instead:
for %%f in (*.*) do echo %%f >>files.bbs
After a bit of disk activity, the file listing should be cre-
ated for you. Although this will create a listing of file
names, most users will also want to see file descriptions. To
add file descriptions, run an ASCII editor (such as the DOS
edit.com or the OS/2 e.exe) and load the files.bbs file.
Inside files.bbs, you should see a list of the files in the
directory. If you wish to add a description for a particular
file, simply add one or more spaces after the filename and
insert your description there. A description can be up to
1024 characters long; although only 48 characters can be dis-
played on one line of the file catalog, Maximus will auto-
matically wordwrap the rest of the text onto the following
The files.bbs in a hypothetical file area could look like
DEMO.LST Description of product demonstration
INFO.TXT Information about this system
RESULTS.ZIP Results from the last quarter
To add files to the file listing after performing the initial
"for %f" command, you can simply use a text editor to insert
a line in files.bbs and add the name and description for the
Similarly, to delete a file from the listing, just remove the
line containing the file entry from files.bbs. You should
also delete the actual file from the download directory.
When using the default File Date Automatic setting in the
system control file, Maximus will automatically colorize the
listing and place the file's size and date beside the file-
In addition, Maximus allows files to be marked as "free down-
loads". Files can be marked for "free download bytes" (the
file does not count against the user's download limit) or
"free download time" (the file does not count against the
user's time limit), or both.
4. Customization 72
To mark a file as a free download, you must add a slash se-
quence before a file's description. For a free time download,
insert "/t" before the description. For a free bytes down-
load, insert "/b" before the description. For both free time
and free bytes, use "/tb".
For example, to ensure that the Maximus 3.0 distribution
files do not count against the user's download quota, use the
MAX300C.ZIP /b This is Maximus 3.0.
If you want to count the download against the user's byte to-
tal (but not the user's time limit), use the following:
MAX300C.ZIP /t This is Maximus 3.0.
Similarly, if you want both free time and bytes to be given
to the user, use the following:
MAX300P.ZIP /tb This is Maximus 3.0.
Finally, you can add comments to files.bbs which are not spe-
cifically related to a file. If the first character on a line
is a dash ("-") or a space (" "), Maximus will treat the line
as a comment and display it to the user. In addition, if the
first character on the line is a dash, the line will be dis-
played in white. If the first character is a space, Maximus
will display the line in the current color (which is normally
4.5.2. Global Downloading, Fast Locates and Duplicate Files
The global downloading feature allows users to select a file
for download from any point in the system, regardless of the
file area where the file is stored. For example, if your sys-
tem had a file in area "os2" called fix.zip, a user could en-
ter "d fix.zip" from file area "dos" and still download the
correct file.
The fast locate feature allows Maximus to perform very fast
file area searches using the Locate command.
The duplicate checking (or dupe check) feature allows Maximus
to compare the filenames of uploaded files with the files
that are available for download. Maximus can be configured to
automatically reject files that already exist elsewhere in
the file areas.
To enable any of these features, you must use the FB utility
to create a compiled file database. FB scans the files.bbs
catalogs in all file areas and creates a binary file data-
4. Customization 73
base. This database is required for all of the features men-
tioned above.
Every time you change your file areas, you should run the
following command:
fb -a
This command tells FB to compile a database containing all of
the file areas defined in filearea.ctl. (On large systems,
this command may take a long time to execute. For information
on incremental FB compiles, please see section 8.5.)
After running FB, the global downloading and fast locate fea-
tures are automatically enabled. However, you may need to en-
able the Upload Check Dupe feature in the system control file
to use duplicate file checking.
4.5.3. CD-ROM Handling
To set up your system to retrieve files from a CD-ROM, you
must first create a FileArea definition for each directory on
the CD. However, to inform Maximus that the area is stored on
slow media, you must add the following keyword to the file
area definition:
Type CD
This line tells Maximus to do two things:
* Maximus will only access the actual drive when absolutely
necessary. For example, this means that Maximus will not
try to validate the directory when displaying an area list.
* Files to be downloaded from this area will be copied to a
staging area on your hard drive before the transfer. This
helps prevent thrashing when multiple users are downloading
from a rotary CD changer. (The destination directory for
this copy operation can be set with the Stage Path defini-
tion in the system control file.)
* SILT will not check to see whether or not the directory ex-
ists. This means that you can compile your system with sup-
port for many different CDs, even if your system only has
one CD-ROM drive.
DOS In addition, when setting up your system with a CD, do not
only! forget to edit the Save Directories keyword in the system
control file. This keyword tells the DOS version of Maximus
to save the current directory for every drive in a list of
drives. However, since CD-ROM drives have removable media,
4. Customization 74
you must remove the drive letter corresponding to the CD-ROM
from the Save Directories statement. File Listings
Some CD-ROMs may already be set up for use with a Maximus
system. Such CD-ROMs will come with a files.bbs file in every
directory that contains files to be downloaded. If this is
the case, you do not need to do anything further.
However, a number of other CD-ROMs are not set up for BBS use
(or do not have a standard Maximus files.bbs listing). If
this is the case, you need to construct your own listing of
files in each directory.
To construct your own file listing for one area, add the fol-
lowing line to the file area definition:
FileList c:\path\filename.bbs
The FileList keyword instructs Maximus to look for a
files.bbs-like catalog with the specified name. The CD-ROM is
read-only, so you need to point filename to a file on your
hard drive.
In this file, you must place a files.bbs-like listing of
files in the area. The file name should come first, followed
by the file description, just as in files.bbs.
When a user accesses the area, instead of looking in the
Download path for the files.bbs file, Maximus will look for
the file list specified in the FileList statement.
For example, a sample CD-ROM area definition might look like
FileArea apl
Type CD
Desc The APL Programming Language
Download g:\msdos\apl
Upload c:\max\file\upload
FileList c:\max\lists\apl.bbs
End FileArea
In this case, the c:\max\lists\apl.bbs file would be a file
catalog listing all of the files in the g:\msdos\apl direc-
4. Customization 75 Listing Date and Size Formats
Maximus supports three different styles of "file dating."
These formats are:
Automatic dating. Maximus retrieves a file's date and size
from the directory entry. This is the default style. When FB
builds the file database, and when a user does a file listing
for a single area, Maximus retrieves file information from
the download path.
List dating. Maximus assumes that a file's date and size are
stored as part of the file description in the files.bbs list-
ing (or the FileList catalog for the area). FB will read the
file description and parse dates and sizes in the form "mm-
dd-yy size" or "size mm-dd-yy." FB will incorporate this in-
formation into the compiled file database. Maximus will also
colorize the file information when displaying a directory
listing. When list dating is used, the download directory is
not examined at all.
Manual dating. Maximus does not attempt to process or display
file dates or sizes in any manner whatsoever. The
File_NewFiles option and the "L*" (or "F*") commands cannot
be used to search based on file dates when this dating method
is selected.
The Type keywords shown below in Table 4.5 can be used to
specify one of these dating styles.
Table 4.5 File Area Date Styles
Keyword Style
Type DateAuto Automatic file dates.
Type DateList List dating.
Type DateManual Manual file dates.
The DateAuto style is well suited for file areas stored on
your hard drive. Aside from file areas that never change,
this is usually the best option to use.
However, the DateList style is much more appropriate for CD-
ROMs. If the CD comes with a file catalog that contains file
sizes and dates, select the DateList style and use the
FileList keyword to specify the name of the file containing
the file list.
For example, if the CD-ROM vendor has placed a DateList-
compatible file list in the download directory (called
00index.txt), the following file area definition can be used:
4. Customization 76
FileArea apl
Type CD DateList
Desc The APL Programming Language
Download g:\msdos\apl
Upload c:\max\file\upload
FileList g:\msdos\apl\00index.txt
End FileArea
If you use a DateList file area, Maximus will not examine the
drive at all when the user requests a file listing. In addi-
tion, the CD-ROM does not need to be in the drive when FB is
asked to build the file database. For CD-ROMs, the DateList
option is the quickest in terms of overall system perform-
ance, and it is much easier to maintain than the other two
options. CD-ROM areas and DateAuto Processing
If you still choose to use DateAuto processing with a CD-ROM
file area, you must follow the following procedure to main-
tain the file catalog.
Normally, since DateAuto processing reads information from
the file download directories, all of your file areas must be
accessible when you run FB. However, if you have only one CD-
ROM drive and many CDs, you may wish to create file areas for
all of your CDs, even though only one CD can be on-line at a
Using the DateList option is preferable when you want to do
this. However, if you would like to use DateAuto processing,
you must follow this procedure when building your file cata-
log with FB:
1. Remove all CDs from the computer and run "fb -a". This com-
piles the file database information for file areas on your
hard drive.
2. Insert the first CD into the drive. Run FB only over those
areas which are contained on that CD. (If you have subdi-
vided your file areas using FileDivision statements, you
can tell FB to compile only a certain file area tree using
wildcards, such as with "fb simtel.*". Otherwise, you will
have to specify each area separately on the command line
like this: "fb area1 area2 area3".)
3. Remove the first CD and repeat step 2 for all remaining
4. After completing step 2 for all of your CDs, the file area
database will be completely built. However, to prevent FB
from trying to recompile CD areas when the CD-ROM is not in
4. Customization 77
the drive, you must always run FB with the "fb -s" parame-
ter (which causes it to skip the CD areas). After the file
database is built, if you omit the -s parameter even once,
the compiled file information for your CD-ROMs may be over-
4.6. Barricades and Extended Barricade Files
The Barricade keyword in the message and file areas tells
Maximus that you wish to protect the area with a password, or
that you want to grant different access levels to certain us-
ers while they are in that area.
When a user enters a barricaded area, the Uses Barricade file
is shown, and the user is given three tries to enter the cor-
rect access code.
The access codes required to enter a barricaded area are con-
tained in a barricade file. The Barricade keyword in the area
definition must point to a barricade file.
4.6.1. Barricade Files
A barricade file is a straight ASCII text file containing a
list of passwords, with each password followed by the privi-
lege level to grant to users who enter the correct password.
Each line of the barricade file is in the following format:
<password> <priv>
<password> is the password which grants a privilege level of
<priv> to the user. <priv> can only specify a numeric privi-
lege level or a class name. (Keys are not valid in the <priv>
For example:
helloworld SysOp
kentucky Clerk
cleanse Normal
scum Demoted
If a user enters an area with this barricade file and types
"helloworld" at the password prompt, the user will be granted
access to the area, and the user's privilege level will be
set to SysOp while in the area.
Similarly, if the user typed "kentucky," the user's privilege
level would be temporarily altered to Clerk while inside that
4. Customization 78
In addition, if you specify "NoAccess" in the <priv> field, a
user who enters the specified password will be denied access
and told that the area does not exist.
4.6.2. Extended Barricade Files
Maximus supports the "extended" barricade file concept. An
extended barricade file allows users to be promoted without
using passwords.
Before displaying the Uses Barricade file, Maximus will
quickly scan the barricade file to see if it uses the ex-
tended barricade syntax. If so, Maximus skips the Uses Barri-
cade display and processes the barricade file directly.
Each line in an extended barricade file has the following
!<user_name> <priv>
!All [priv]
The "!" in the first column of each line is not optional. The
"!" distinguishes an extended barricade file from a normal
barricade file.
<user_name> is the name of the user whose access level is to
be promoted. No spaces can be present in <user_name>, so re-
place spaces with underscores. (For example, to use Joe SysOp
in an extended barricade, you would have to use "Joe_SysOp"
for the <user_name>.)
If Maximus matches the name for the user trying to enter the
barricaded area, the user's privilege level is altered to
<priv> with no questions asked.
In addition, if the user's name is not explicitly found in
the barricade file, Maximus will "fall through" to the op-
tional "!All" keyword.
If you use "!All" by itself, without specifying a privilege
level, Maximus will let other users into the area using their
real privilege levels. If you do specify a privilege level
after the "!All" keyword, Maximus will let all users enter
the area and promote all of them to a level of [priv].
The "!All" statement must be at the very end of the barricade
file to function properly.
Finally, you can even use the "NoAccess" privilege level with
extended barricades. This allows you to create a barricaded
area that is completely invisible to certain users.
4. Customization 79
For example:
!Jesse_Hollington Clerk
!Steven_Bonisteel Clerk
!Hubert_Lai Privil
!All Demoted
This file assigns the privilege level of "Clerk" to the first
two users, assigns the "Privil" level to the third user, and
gives all other users a privilege level of "Demoted". (To
prevent anyone except the above three users from accessing
the area, the "Demoted" could be replaced with a "NoAccess".)
4.7. Menus
This section describes how to configure different parts of
the Maximus menu system.
4.7.1. Customizing Menu Options
The system menus are completely redefinable and offer a great
deal of flexibility. However, if you are just starting a new
Maximus system, it is best to skip making major menu changes
until your system is up and running.
However, even novices can change the access levels required
to access particular commands in the menus control file. The
access control string (ACS) for each menu option is normally
located in the second or third column of each menu option.
You can easily change these ACS definitions to suit your own
system's privilege level or user class scheme.
You can also modify the "Command as it appears to the user"
field with a certain degree of safety. This command is what
is shown on the screen when Novice-level menus are active.
However, when changing menu commands, ensure that the first
character in the command is unique among all options on that
menu. When the user enters a letter at a menu, Maximus will
process all commands that begin with that letter. Hence, if
you use a letter that has already been used by another com-
mand, confusing things will happen when a user gets to that
4.7.2. Custom Menu Display Files
Maximus allows you to create custom menus with relative ease.
Instead of displaying the standard yellow and gray menu,
Maximus can be configured to display a user-defined .mec or
.bbs file.
4. Customization 80
To add a custom menu file, simply insert a MenuFile keyword
at the top of the appropriate menu definition in menus.ctl.
Some of the following tips may be helpful when creating cus-
tom menus:
* When using a custom menu that contains the [cls] token, the
output from some of the internal commands (such as the Ver-
sion command) may disappear, since the [cls] token in the
menu erases it before it can be seen.
To solve this problem, you must link a Press_Enter menu op-
tion after the appropriate command. This will cause Maximus
to wait until the user presses <enter> before redisplaying
the menu. For more details, please see section 4.7.3.
For example, to make Maximus wait after displaying the ver-
sion screen, you can use something like this:
Version Demoted "Version"
NoDsp Press_Enter Demoted "V"
This method is described in more detail in the following
* When designing a custom menu with an input prompt at the
bottom, you may have some trouble getting the cursor to
stop in the appropriate place. Most text editors automati-
cally insert an <enter> after the last line of the file;
since Maximus reads the entire file, this causes the cursor
to skip down to the next line when the entire file is dis-
Three possible solutions to this problem are:
1.Use a text editor that does not insert carriage returns
at the end of files.
2.If you are using a .mec file to create the menu, insert
a [quit] token where you want the cursor to stop. As
soon as Maximus encounters this token, it will stop dis-
playing the file without displaying the extra carriage
3.If you are creating the menu file manually, you can in-
sert the compiled equivalent of the [quit] token di-
rectly into the .bbs file. The compiled equivalent is
4. Customization 81
4.7.3. Linking Menu Options
When working with custom menus, the output of some of inter-
nal Maximus menu options may occasionally not fit in with the
layout of your menu. For example, if you are using a custom
menu that always clears the screen, the output of some com-
mands may disappear before the user has a chance to read it.
The solution to this problem is menu option linking.
When the user selects a key, Maximus will search the entire
menu for a menu option that has a description starting with
that key. When it finds one, it executes the specified op-
However, Maximus continues to search for other commands with
that key, even after executing the first menu command. This
means that a number of menu commands can be tied to a single
keystroke. (To prevent the second and subsequent menu options
from appearing on the menu, use the NoDsp modifier in front
of the menu option.)
Consider this scenario: a user selects a message area and be-
gins to read messages. The standard message menu is quite
large and it leaves little space on-screen for messages. How-
ever, if you include something like this on the message menu:
Read_Next Demoted "Next Msg"
NoDsp Display_Menu READMSG Demoted "N"
Read_Previous Demoted "Previous Msg"
NoDsp Display_Menu READMSG Demoted "P"
after the user selects a message with Next or Prior, Maximus
will automatically display the READMSG menu. This menu can
then display only a limited subset of commands that are use-
ful when reading messages.
4.8. QWK Mail Packing
Maximus includes a built-in QWK mail facility for off-line
mail reading. This feature allows callers to log on, pack up
messages from one or more message areas, and download a com-
pressed mail bundle for off-line reading and reply. The
packer is fully integrated with the rest of the BBS, and the
packer will automatically adjust itself as message areas are
added to or deleted from your system.
All of the QWK-specific information is stored in the reader
control file. To customize the off-line reader, you should
edit a copy of reader.ctl with a text editor and make the
following modifications.
4. Customization 82
* You must give a unique name (of up to 8 characters) for the
Packet Name keyword. This keyword is used when creating QWK
packets to send to your users. (Do not include the .qwk ex-
tension.) Try to make this name describe your BBS in some
way, such as an abbreviation truncated to eight characters.
* You should also modify the Phone Number keyword to reflect
your system's true phone number. Maximus does not use this
information, but users who download QWK packets will re-
ceive this phone number along with their mail.
* You may also want to customize the Max Messages keyword. If
you run a busy system and wish to restrict callers from
downloading more than 200 messages at a time, you can set a
maximum value here. In the distribution control file, users
are prevented from downloading more than 1200 messages at a
time. To completely disable this limit, comment out the Max
Messages keyword.
Beyond this initial configuration, the QWK packer is com-
pletely self-maintaining. No extra maintenance is required.
However, if you would like to add extra features to the off-
line mail packets, such as bulletin listings and new file
lists, please see section 5.3.
4.9. Multilingual Support
Maximus 3.0 is fully multilingual. Up to eight different lan-
guage files can be defined in the system language control
file, and users can switch between languages at any time
(using the Chg_Language option on the Change Setup menu).
The language files contain all of the text strings that Maxi-
mus sends to the user, including prompts, system messages and
command keys. A separate language file can be created to use
"Oui" and "Non" instead of "Yes" and "No"; even the key-
strokes for various internal options can be changed.
Language files are divided into two distinct sections. Each
language file has a set of strings to be displayed to the
user, and each also has a second set of strings to be dis-
played to the SysOp. By default, the SysOp always sees the
text strings contained in the first language file defined in
language.ctl, regardless of the language selected by the
This means that the user can go through a set of menus in
German, but the SysOp will still be able to read the pop-up
menus and the system log file in English.
Maximus's multilingual support can be used to define differ-
ent prompts, menus and custom display files for each individ-
4. Customization 83
ual language. Language files can be modified by simply edit-
ing the appropriate <langname>.mad file with a text editor.
However, a separate set of menus needs to be designed by the
SysOp, since the screen display would look odd if the prompts
were in German but the menu options were in English. Like-
wise, display files should also be changed (using the
[iflang] token) to accommodate new languages.
The main method for supporting alternate menus and display
files is to use the "%Y" external program translation charac-
ter. When used in menu and display filenames, the "%Y" se-
quence translates to the user's current language number, with
0 being the first language defined in language.ctl, 1 being
the second language, and so on.
The "%Y" sequence can be used in many places, including in
the First Menu definition in the system control file, in all
Display_Menu options. In addition, the text "+Y" can be used
in all Display_File commands. (Note that Display_File re-
quires a "plus-Y" instead of a "percent-Y".)
For example, if you had the following language statements in
Language English
Language Deutsch
using a First Menu MAIN %Y statement in the system control
file tells Maximus to display MAIN0 for English callers,
while MAIN1 will be displayed to German callers.
You can also use this methodology for MECCA files. You can
either use a Display_File D:\Path\File%Y option to display
different physical files for each language, or you can embed
the [iflang] token within an individual display file to make
decisions based on the current language.
By default, Maximus stores a user's language preference in
the user file. However, if you want Maximus to prompt the
user for a new language during every log-on, you can place
the [menu_cmd chg_language] token at the top of welcome.mec.
5. Maximus Subsystems
5.1. Waiting for Callers Subsystem
Maximus includes internal support for a Waiting for Caller
(WFC) subsystem. This subsystem allows Maximus to initialize
the modem, wait for a call, answer the phone, and pass con-
trol to the main portion of the BBS. The WFC subsystem can be
used on all nodes of a system, on selected nodes, or on no
nodes. Nodes which do not use the WFC subsystem require an
external "front end" program to answer the phone.
5.1.1. Starting WFC
When starting Maximus, the WFC subsystem is enabled using the
"-w" command line switch. Optionally, the "-p" and "-b" pa-
rameters can be used to override the COM port and baud rate.
If you specify just "-w", WFC starts up using the port and
speed defined in the system control file.
Before enabling WFC mode, you must ensure that the modem
strings in the system control file are configured correctly.
The distribution version of Maximus is configured to support
most Hayes-compatible modems. However, if the WFC module does
not seem to work, you may need to modify certain definitions
(such as the Answer and Init strings) to make it perform as
In particular, the distribution version of Maximus attempts
to use "manual answer mode." Instead of telling the modem to
automatically answer the phone when it detects a ring, Maxi-
mus will perform the ring checking on its own. This is the
preferred method of operation, since the phone is only an-
swered when Maximus is ready to accept a call.
However, manual phone answering may not be compatible with
all modems. If you wish to disable manual answering, change
the last part of the Init string to read "S0=1" instead of
"S0=0". You must also comment out the Answer string. This in-
structs your modem to answer the phone automatically.
5.1.2. Screen Display and SysOp Keys
After WFC mode initializes, four multicolored windows appear
on the screen:
5. Maximus Subsystems 86
The first window, "Status," displays the time until the next
system event, the current modem status, the number of calls
made to your system (both today and in total), and the name
of the last caller on your system.
The second window, "Modem Responses," displays a scrolling
list of responses from the modem. Maximus uses this window
for storing result codes that are sent in response to command
strings. (Maximus will automatically filter out any "OK" re-
sults, so only meaningful responses will be displayed.)
The third window, "Current Activity," displays system log
messages as they occur.
The fourth window, "SysOp Keys," contains descriptions for
all of the keys that can be pressed while in WFC mode.
Pressing <alt-k> starts Maximus in local mode. Maximus takes
the phone off-hook and commences the normal log-on procedure.
Pressing <alt-j> invokes a shell to the DOS or OS/2 command
interpreter. Maximus takes the modem off-hook while you are
in the shell. You can perform file maintenance, make changes
to your batch files, or do other routine operations while in
the shell. Type "exit" to return to Maximus.
Pressing <alt-x> instructs Maximus to take the system down.
Maximus will put the phone off-hook, clear the screen, and
exit to your batch file with errorlevel 1.
When using the internal WFC subsystem, Maximus also supports
external events. External events can be used to run a par-
ticular program at a certain time of day, normally by exiting
to your batch file with a certain errorlevel.
For more information on external events, please see section
18.11. For more information on installing WFC, please see
section 3.9.
5.2. Local File Attaches
5.2.1. Description
Maximus allows users to create local file attaches. A local
file attach is a file that is associated with a message cre-
ated by a user.
To enable local file attaches, ensure that you have defined
an Attach Path keyword in max.ctl. This keyword tells Maximus
where to store uploaded files.
5. Maximus Subsystems 87
Next, add the Style Attach attribute to Squish-format mes-
sage areas that you want to use for local file attaches. (The
local file attach feature cannot be used with *.MSG areas.)
To create a file attach, users simply change to that message
area and enter a message. When the cursor is on the attrib-
utes field in the message header (which is where the "Pvt"
flag is normally displayed), the user can enable the "file
attach" flag. (In the English version of Maximus, the A key
is used to create a file attach.)
After setting the flag, the user can continue to fill out the
message header and create the message itself. After the mes-
sage has been saved, Maximus will prompt the user to upload
the file to be attached to the message.
When the transfer is complete, Maximus will compress the at-
tached file (using the archiver specified by Attach Archiver
in the system control file) and store it in the file attach
Later, when the addressee displays the message, the user is
given the option to download the file attach. Maximus will
then decompress the file and send it to the user.
In addition, a user can use the Msg_Download_Attach menu op-
tion to display a list of all unreceived files attached to
that user.
5.2.2. SysOp Configuration
The local file attach subsystem is mostly self-maintaining.
Using the Kill Attach keyword in the system control file, you
can configure Maximus to automatically delete files after
they have been received by users.
The Message Edit Ask LocalAttach keyword can also be used to
control the privilege level required to create a local file
If you expect to receive a lot of file attaches in one par-
ticular message area, the holding area for the attaches can
be overridden on an area-by-area basis using the AttachPath
keyword in your message area control file.
In addition, the [msg_fileattach] MECCA token can be used to
conditionally display text if any unreceived file attaches
are waiting for the current user.
Finally, Maximus also supports inbound FTS-0001 style
"NetMail file attaches" in areas that have both Style Net and
Style Attach.
5. Maximus Subsystems 88
When Maximus encounters a message in a NetMail area with the
network file attach bit set, it looks in the directory speci-
fied by Path Inbound in the system control file. In that di-
rectory, it tries to find a file with the name specified on
the message's subject line. If that file exists, Maximus
treats it as a file attach and sends it to the user.
Warni If you add the Style Attach attribute to a NetMail area, you
ng! may be compromising the security of your inbound directory.
Do not use the local file attach feature in NetMail areas un-
less you trust all of the users who have access to that area.
5.3. QWK Mail Packer
From the Off-Line Reader menu, Maximus allows users to down-
load mail to be read off-line. Maximus supports the popular
QWK format, so the users can use popular third-party products
such as Deluxe2, Qmail, SLMR and OFFLINE to read the packets
generated by Maximus.
Instructions on configuring the QWK packer are given in sec-
tion 4.8.
5.3.1. Bulletins, News Files and File Lists
QWK packets can include information other than just mail,
such as bulletins, file lists and news files. Maximus sup-
ports these files in an extremely simple manner: any file
placed in the \max\olr directory is automatically placed in
all mail packets sent to users.
In addition, if a user has unreceived local file attaches,
they are automatically placed in the QWK packet.
The QWK format defines the names of several standard files
that can be included in QWK packets. To use these features,
simply place a file in the \max\olr directory with one of the
filenames given in Table 5.1:
Table 5.1 QWK Packet Filenames
Filename Description
hello Displayed when the off-line reader first
starts up. This is typically the equivalent
of your welcome.bbs screen. This file should
be ANSI only; no AVATAR colors or MECCA
codes are allowed.
news Your BBS news file, equivalent to the
\max\misc\bulletin.bbs file. This is usually
available as an option from the QWK reader's
5. Maximus Subsystems 89
main menu. This is normally a flat ASCII
file with no graphics.
goodbye Displayed when the reader closes the packet
from your BBS. This file can include ANSI
blt-1.1 Bulletin file 1. This is usually displayed
as an option on the reader's main menu. In
this case, the file extension is ".1", but
you can use anything from ".1" to ".99" to
provide up to 99 different bulletins.
newfiles.dat This file contains a new files listing for
your BBS. Maximus does not generate this
file for you, but a third-party file list
generator can be configured to generate a
file list and place it in the \max\olr di-
Again, all of these files are optional. However, since Maxi-
mus packs up everything in the \max\olr directory when creat-
ing a packet for the remote system, simply placing one of the
above files in that directory will cause it to be displayed
on the remote side.
5.3.2. Message Packing for Remote Users
The default Maximus configuration includes an Off-Line Reader
menu, but mail can also be packed from the regular message
menu. All of the QWK mail packing functionality is built into
the Browse command; in fact, the Download command on the Off-
Line Reader menu is a simple macro that invokes the Browse
The default Download command passes the options t n p to
Browse. This requests a scan of tagged areas, searching for
new messages, and for the messages to be packed in QWK for-
mat. Obviously, the flexibility of the Browse command allows
many other search operations to be performed. Users can spec-
ify a selective download by using the search function
(complete with and and or operators). Using Browse, messages
can also be packed only from the current area, rather than
all tagged message areas.
After selecting the Pack option from the Browse menu, Maximus
will gather all of the specified messages, display some sta-
tistics on the packed messages, and ask the user whether or
not the messages should be prepared for download. If so,
Maximus will compress the packet with the user's default ar-
chiving program, count to ten (giving the user a chance to
abort), and send the file using the default transfer proto-
5. Maximus Subsystems 90
The Off-Line Reader menu also includes an upload option. This
option allows the user to upload a .rep file created by an
off-line reader. The .rep file is automatically decompressed,
regardless of the archive type or the user's default ar-
chiver, and the messages within are placed in the appropriate
message area.
When processing uploaded messages, the QWK upload command al-
ways checks to ensure that the user has enough access to
write a message in a given message area. To do this, it first
examines the definition for the target message area. If the
area has a custom MenuName defined, Maximus will read that
menu. Otherwise, Maximus will read the menu called "MESSAGE".
Next, Maximus will search that menu for an option of type
Msg_Upload. Maximus checks the ACS for that option and com-
pares it against the user's access level. If the check suc-
ceeds, the user is allowed to upload the message.
This access control mechanism has one main implication: un-
less you use a specific MenuName definition for all of your
message areas, you must have a menu with a name of "MESSAGE,"
and that area must have a Msg_Upload option with an ACS that
makes it accessible to users.
5.3.3. Local Mail Packing
The QWK feature can also be used by local callers. After com-
pressing a packet for a local user, Maximus will leave the
packed QWK file in the off-line reader directory. (By de-
fault, the file will be in the \max\olr\node## directory,
where ## is the current task number in hexadecimal.)
In local mode, if you want to "upload" a .rep packet, select
the Upload option from the reader menu. If the caller is lo-
cal, Maximus will prompt for the path and filename of the
.rep packet. Enter the location of the packet (as created by
your off-line reader), and Maximus will decompress and import
the messages in that packet.
5.3.4. Unattended Mail Packing
In conjunction with the "-j" command line parameter, Maximus
can compress mail packets for users on a daily basis, without
operator or user intervention.
At predefined intervals, you can set up a system event (when
running in WFC mode) to call Maximus with the "-j" command
line parameter. The -j parameter tells Maximus to insert a
list of keystrokes in the keyboard buffer, as if the key-
strokes were entered by a local user. You can set up these
5. Maximus Subsystems 91
keystrokes so that Maximus will log on as a certain user,
execute a download command, log off, and have your batch
files copy the created QWK packet to a file area.
By doing this, you can pack mail for certain users in ad-
vance, or you can use it to save mail for yourself while on
vacation. Since the packing process is completely controlled
by the keystrokes you specify for the -j parameter, almost
any type of mail download is possible.
For example, suppose that the following keystrokes are re-
quired to move from the bulletin menu (displayed just after
the user enters a password) to the off-line reader menu,
download a packet, and log off:
To instruct Maximus to log on as a specific user and execute
these keystrokes, you only need to add the prologue that
specifies the user name and password. Consequently, the fol-
lowing command sequence can be used to automatically pack
mail for a user, assuming the default menu and bulletin file
max "-jJoe User;y;Password;n;o;d;y;m;g"
Note! If your log-on sequence includes a "Press ENTER to continue"
prompt, you should specify the "|" character where you would
normally press the <enter> key.
In addition, you can pack mail for multiple users by simply
replicating the above line in your batch file. However, your
batch file must also copy the QWK packet from the
\max\olr\node## directory into a safe place after each mail
5.3.5. NetMail Messages
The QWK format was not designed with NetMail messages in
mind, so users must follow a special convention when reading
and replying to NetMail messages. When downloading messages
from a NetMail area, the first line of each message will look
like this:
From: <addr>
where <addr> is the network address of the message sender.
Since there is no place in the QWK header to store the true
message origination address, Maximus places that information
in the message body instead.
5. Maximus Subsystems 92
When creating or replying to a NetMail message, Maximus ex-
pects to find a "To: <addr>" line as the first line in the
message body. For example, to send a NetMail message to the
address 1:123/456, the first line of the message must look
like this:
To: 1:123/456
The "To:" header will be stripped before the message is writ-
ten to the Maximus message base, so your QWK messages will
look like normal messages to everyone else.
When replying to a message, there is an easy way to set the
destination address; simply quote the original message and
change the "From:" line to a "To:" line (after removing any
quoting marks). This ensures that the destination address is
correct, and Maximus will ensure that your reply is sent to
the intended destination.
5.4. RIPscrip Support
Maximus includes internal support for RIPscrip graphics com-
mands. RIPscrip is a terminal protocol designed by TeleGrafix
Communications, Inc. The RIPscrip protocol includes facili-
ties for displaying buttons, icons and various other forms of
graphics over a serial line. RIPscrip also allows the remote
user to use a mouse to access system commands and features.
The distribution version of Maximus comes with support for
RIPscrip graphics, including a number of sample screens, but
this support must be enabled before it can be selected by us-
ers. To enable RIPscrip graphics support, set the Min RIP
Baud definition (in the system control file) to the minimum
speed that you require for users to be able to view RIPscrip
graphics. (In most cases, setting this to 2400 or 9600 is
usually a good idea.)
After RIPscrip support is enabled, users will be able to se-
lect RIPscrip graphics using the Chg_RIP command on the
Change Setup menu. In addition, new users will be prompted
for RIPscrip graphics support when they log on.
Maximus does not display RIPscrip graphics on the SysOp
screen. (In fact, the local output routines include a "smart"
filter that automatically strip out RIPscrip graphics se-
quences from local output.)
However, Maximus includes the following RIPscrip-specific
* When instructed to display a .bbs file, Maximus will first
look for a file with a .rbs extension. To add a RIPscrip-
5. Maximus Subsystems 93
specific version of one of your system display files, sim-
ply create the RIPscrip file using the same base name as
the standard display file, but use a .rbs extension instead
of .bbs.
To create .rbs files, you have one of two options:
1.Use a third-party RIPscrip editor to create the .rbs
file directly.
2.Use MECCA to compile a .mer file into a .rbs file. In
addition to the standard .mec extension, MECCA also rec-
ognizes .mer files as containing MECCA source. You can
embed MECCA commands inside RIPscrip graphics in this
* If you decide not to create separate .rbs files, small
RIPscrip sequences can still be included in standard dis-
play files. To mark a section of a MECCA file so that it is
only displayed to callers with RIPscrip support, use the
[rip] and [endrip] tokens around the RIPscrip-specific
* Similarly, the [norip] and [endrip] tokens can be used to
mark a section of a MECCA file that is only displayed to
callers who do not support RIPscrip graphics.
* With RIPscrip enabled, many of the system prompts are dis-
played using RIPscrip-specific buttons and features.
* An alternate set of RIPscrip strings are used in the lan-
guage file. The standard english.mad language file is con-
figured to return different display strings for some system
display fields if the user supports RIPscrip graphics. This
allows the SysOp to define one set of responses for text-
based callers and a second set of responses for RIPscrip
* The full-screen editor and full-screen reader are RIPscrip-
aware. The message header is drawn using RIPscrip commands,
and the header remains on the screen even when entering the
message editor.
* Maximus automatically parses the "set text window" and "set
font" RIPscrip sequences. It uses this information to ad-
just the user's virtual terminal size, control the "More
[Y,n,=]?" prompts, size the full-screen editor, and so on.
* A number of RIPscrip-specific display files are included
with the standard distribution.
* Maximus can automatically send RIPscrip scene and icon
files to the remote user. The MECCA [ripsend] and
5. Maximus Subsystems 94
[riphasfile] tokens can be used to conditionally send a set
of scene or icon files to the remote user. The equivalent
MEX functions, rip_send and rip_hasfile, can also be used
for this task.
* When a user logs on, if that user's profile indicates that
RIPscrip graphics are supported, Maximus will automatically
send a query to the user's terminal program. If the termi-
nal program does not report that it supports RIPscrip
graphics, Maximus will display a warning to the user and
offer to disable RIPscrip support.
* Maximus keeps track of a "RIP path." This path is where
Maximus looks for icon and scene files that are referenced
by the [ripsend] and [ripdisplay] tokens. This path can be
changed using the [rippath] MECCA token. (To implement mul-
tilingual RIPscrip support, you may want to have a separate
directory of RIPscrip files for each supported language.)
* For consistency, when RIPscrip graphics are selected, Maxi-
mus forces the user to enable hotkeys, the full-screen
reader and screen clears.
* Menu options can be made available only to RIPscrip callers
by using the RIP modifier in front of a menu option. Simi-
larly, menu options can be made available only to callers
without RIPscrip support by using the NoRIP modifier.
* If a user enables RIPscrip support after failing the inter-
nal RIPscrip-detection test, Maximus will note this in the
system log file. When Maximus queries the remote system
and fails to obtain an intelligent response, Maximus will
retry the command up to three times before aborting. At
this point, Maximus assumes that the caller enabled
RIPscrip graphics in error, so RIPscrip graphics are auto-
matically disabled and Maximus displays a warning to the
5.5. User Expiration and Subscriptions
Maximus includes an internal user subscription and expiry
subsystem. Callers can be set to expire based on the current
date, or also based on system time used (in minutes). When a
caller expires, Maximus can optionally demote that caller to
a lower privilege level, hang up, or delete the user's ac-
To access the user subscription system, start up the Maximus
user editor by running "max -uq".
5. Maximus Subsystems 95
To set up a user subscription, first press the E key to se-
lect the expiry menu. Next, press E again to set the "expire
by" method:
If you want the user to expire after a certain date, select
D. If you want the user to expire after having used a certain
number of minutes on the system, select M. If you want to
disable the subscription system, select N.
Next, press E again to go back to the expiry menu, and press
A to select an expiry action. This field controls how Maximus
treats the user when the subscription expires. If you want
Maximus to hang up and delete the user's account, select A.
To have Maximus demote the user to a lower privilege level,
select D and enter the new privilege level for the user. If
you do not want Maximus to do anything when the subscription
expires, select N.
Finally, press E one last time to go back to the expiry menu,
and press D to select the date/time for the user expiration.
If you previously selected date in the "expire by" field, en-
ter the user's expiry date here. Otherwise, enter the number
of on-line minutes to be credited to the user.
After setting up the expiry controls for a user, the sub-
scription system is completely self-maintaining. When a user
expires, the user's privilege level will be modified accord-
ingly as soon as the user logs in.
In addition, when a user expires using the "by date" expira-
tion method, the file \max\misc\xpdate.bbs is shown. Simi-
larly, when a user expires due to running out of on-line min-
utes, Maximus will display the \max\misc\xptime.bbs file.
5.6. Message Tracking System
5.6.1. Introduction
Maximus includes an internal Message Tracking System (MTS).
This feature makes it easy for organizations to ensure that
technical support queries are answered on a timely basis, and
it provides audit trails for technical support queries. MTS
is only supported for message areas stored in the Squish mes-
sage format.
Message areas can be designated as MTS areas, which means
that Maximus will automatically place all messages entered
into those areas in the MTS database. Whenever a message is
created in an MTS area, Maximus will automatically set a de-
fault message priority, status, and message owner. These MTS
5. Maximus Subsystems 96
fields are hidden from normal users, but they can be viewed
and modified by technical support personnel.
The owner field is used to "assign" a message to a specific
support representative. After the representative assumes own-
ership of a message, it becomes that representative's respon-
sibility to ensure that the message is handled appropriately.
MTS uses relational database links to store owner informa-
tion, thereby making it easy to perform mass ownership trans-
fers. For example, if a particular representative goes on va-
cation for a number of weeks, a single database entry can be
changed by the MTS administrator to assign all of the repre-
sentative's messages to another user. The change can then be
reversed when the original representative returns.
Maximus handles this by assigning a four-character "alias" to
each representative (or in MTS terminology, to each modera-
tor). A message is actually owned by an specific alias, which
is in turn linked to a moderator (representative).
In terms of manipulating MTS data, the system works best when
the moderator can log onto Maximus to read and reply to mes-
sages. After a moderator replies to a message, Maximus pro-
vides an option that allows the moderator to change the
status of that message, if necessary. The Track menu option
can also be used to modify the message's owner and priority,
manually insert messages in the tracking database, generate
reports, and perform database administration functions.
MTS also works with off-line QWK mail readers. QWK support is
implemented by placing a small template at the beginning of
each tracked message in a .qwk packet. (This template is only
placed in the QWK message if the user's access level is at
least equal to the privilege level specified by Track View.)
To modify the status of a message from a QWK reader, the off-
line database moderator can simply quote that template in the
reply message, marking an "X" in the appropriate box with a
standard text editor. Maximus will automatically strip the
template from the uploaded message and make the required
changes to the message database.
MTS can also be used as a central tracking system for mes-
sages created on remote systems. Even if a message was en-
tered on another system and transmitted as an EchoMail mes-
sage, when that message arrives on a Maximus system that runs
MTS, it will be entered in the database when the message is
accessed or read by any user. (Distributed tracking databases
are not supported, since all of the tracking files must be
stored on one system. However, tracking of distributed mes-
sage bases is supported by placing all imported messages into
the local tracking database.)
5. Maximus Subsystems 97
By default, Maximus will add a message to the tracking data-
base if:
1.the message area is declared with the "Audit" keyword,
2.the message area has a default owner assigned, and
3.the user entering the message is not the default owner.
MTS also allows the moderators to generate reports based on
tracking information. Reports can be generated on-line, writ-
ten to a file, or even included in a QWK packet. The reports
can be configured so that only a certain subset of tracked
messages are displayed; for example, a moderator can easily
request a report of all "Open" or "Working" messages, with a
priority of "Urgent" or "Critical," owned by a specific mod-
erators, across all of the message areas on the system.
5.6.2. Information Stored by MTS
The Message Tracking System stores the following information
for each message in its database:
* The message owner, stored as a four-character alias.
* The message status. The status field contains one of the
following values:
* New
* Open
* Working
* Closed
This field allows the moderators and the database adminis-
trator to assess the current status of a problem report.
* The message priority This field contains one of the follow-
ing priority levels:
* Notify
* Low
* Normal
* Urgent
* Critical
This field can be used to assign a relative importance to a
particular message.
* The message audit trail. The audit trail is actually stored
as part of the message body. The Msg_Kludges menu option
can be used to toggle display of the audit trail.
5. Maximus Subsystems 98
* A message comment. This is also stored as part of the mes-
sage body, but it can be examined or modified using the
Modify command on the Track menu.
The tracking mechanism is completely transparent to the end
user. The MTS data can be displayed in the message header
when a message is shown, but this information is only avail-
able to the MTS moderators.
5.6.3. Configuration
This section describes the settings and definitions that are
required to enable support for MTS:
To use MTS, the keywords listed in Table 5.2 must be present
in the system control file. Please see section 18.2.4 for
more information on these keywords:
Table 5.2 MTS System Keywords
Keyword Description
Track Base Specifies the base path and filename for
the MTS database.
Track View An ACS that controls who can view tracking
information in messages.
Track Modify An ACS that controls who is allowed to ac-
cess the Track/Admin menu and modify track-
ing information.
Track Exclude An optional file listing users whose mes-
sages are to be excluded from the tracking
To configure a message area to support MTS, the keywords
listed in Table 5.3 must be added to the definition in the
message area control file. Please see section 18.6 for more
information on these keywords.
Table 5.3 MTS Message Area Keywords
Keyword Description
Style Audit Indicates that the area supports MTS mes-
Owner <alias> Indicates the alias of the default owner
for the area. See the following section
for information on creating modera-
tor/alias links.
5. Maximus Subsystems 99
5.6.4. Using MTS
Administrators can access the MTS database using the
Msg_Track command (which is normally the "%" option on the
message menu).
The main MTS menu contains the options shown below in Table
Table 5.4 MTS Main Menu
Command Description
Insert Manually inserts a message into the MTS
Modify Modify the tracking information for a spe-
cific message
Report Display a report based on messages in the
MTS database
Administration Change area and owner links or remove mes-
sages. Insert
The Insert command allows a moderator to add an existing mes-
sage to the tracking database. Normally, this command need
not be used, since messages in MTS areas are automatically
added to the tracking database when they are created.
The Insert command prompts the user to enter the message num-
ber of the message to add, plus the new owner for the mes-
sage. The owner can be any of the existing moderators in the
tracking database. The new message is assigned a priority of
normal and a status of new. Modify
The Modify command allows a moderator to change the status of
an existing message. This command allows moderators to modify
the message's owner, status, priority and message comment.
All changes made to the message are added to the audit trail.
Every time a moderator replies to a message that he/she owns,
Maximus will prompt the moderator for a new message status.
Almost all status changes occur when a moderator replies to a
message, so most moderators will not need to use this command
on a frequent basis.
5. Maximus Subsystems 100 Report
The Report command allows a moderator to generate a report of
messages in the tracking database. The moderator can select a
set of criteria for displaying information from the database,
including message area, status, priority and owner.
The tracking report contains a list of each message that
matches the specified criteria, including the tracking iden-
tifier of each message, the date it was placed in the track-
ing system, the message status, priority and owner, and the
location of the message (area and message number). Administration
The administration menu contains options for tasks which do
not normally need to be performed on a daily basis. Modera-
tors must have a privilege level of at least Track Modify to
access the administration menu.
Owner/alias links. This menu allows the owner/area links to
be created or modified. In the tracking database, the message
owner is recorded as a four-letter abbreviation. The
owner/alias link is used to associate a specific moderator
with an abbreviation.
Use the Add command to provide a four-character alias, fol-
lowed by the name of the owner to associate with that alias.
Use the Delete option to remove an existing owner/alias link.
Use the List option to list existing owner/alias links.
Area/owner links. This menu allows the default area owner
links to be modified. Although SILT will automatically update
these entries based on the Owner keyword in the message area
definition, this menu can be used to manually add, delete, or
list the current owner/area links.
The area/owner links control the default owner for newly-
created messages in the specified area. Unless an area has a
default owner, messages entered in the area will not be added
to the MTS database.
Remove message. This option removes a message from the MTS
database. The user is prompted to enter a message number, and
the message matching that number is then removed from the da-
5. Maximus Subsystems 101
5.6.5. QWK Message Processing
In addition to manipulating tracking data while on-line, MTS
can also be accessed through the QWK mail packer. When Maxi-
mus packs a message that is stored in the MTS database, it
adds a special "tracking header" and "tracking footer" to the
top and bottom of the message. A user's privilege level must
satisfy the Track View ACS in order to be able to see this
The first header line, ACTRACK, contains the MTS identifier
for the message being downloaded. This is a used as a unique
identifier in the MTS database.
The second header, STATUS, contains the status of the mes-
sage. The curly braces, ("{ }") indicate the current status
of the message. The other fields have square brackets ("[ ]")
to indicate the other possible settings for the message
In the message trailer, the OWNER line contains the four-
letter identifier for the owner of the message.
The priority line, PRTY, indicates the current priority of
the message. As before, the braces indicate the current pri-
ority, and the square brackets indicate the possible priority
The comment line is a one-line field that the moderators can
use to assign a comment to each message. The comment can be
as long as will fit inside the square brackets.
The QWK moderator can modify these headers and footers in a
reply message, causing Maximus to change the status of the
message or perform some other operation when the .rep packet
is uploaded. To communicate a change back to Maximus, the
moderator must reply to the message, using the off-line
reader's quoting feature to copy the tracking lines into the
The ACTRACK line must always be quoted, since it gives Maxi-
mus the information that it needs to link the reply with the
original message.
Following the ACTRACK line, any of the other tracking lines
can be quoted (and in any order). To change the status or
priority of a message, simply put an "x" inside the set of
square brackets for the desired status/priority. Do not add
or delete any characters from the line; simply quote it ver-
batim and use overtype mode for making any necessary modifi-
5. Maximus Subsystems 102
The owner and comment lines can be changed by overtyping in a
similar manner.
If an "x" is placed in the "Discard Reply Text" checkbox,
Maximus will throw away the reply message after processing
the tracking database changes. This should be used if a mod-
erator does not wish to post a message but still wants to
make a change to the message status.
When saving a message to disk, Maximus will automatically
strip out the tracking lines (and the preceding quote marks).
The tracking reply messages are uploaded normally, just like
any other .rep packets. Upon upload, Maximus will display a
few status lines indicating the changes that it is making to
the tracking database.
5.6.6. EchoMail support
Maximus also supports tracking of EchoMail messages. Messages
can be imported into the tracking database by a standard
EchoMail tosser, and Maximus will automatically add the mes-
sages to the tracking database as they are read by users.
Maximus will automatically add remotely-entered messages
which meet the following criteria:
1.The message area is already configured to add locally-
entered messages, including the Style Audit and Owner
2.The message does not contain an "ACGHOST" kludge line.
3.The "local" attribute is not set.
4.The "date written" field is not the same as the "date
arrival" field.
5.6.7. Audit Trails
Maximus keeps an audit trail for all messages in the tracking
database. This audit trail takes the form of timestamped en-
tries which are added to the bottom of each message. An entry
is added to the audit trail when:
1.the message is entered in the database,
2.the message is removed from the database,
3.the message status is changed,
4.the message priority is changed,
5.the message owner is changed, or
6.the message comment is changed.
To view the auditing information on-line, use the "!" key
(Msg_Kludges) to toggle the display of auditing information
5. Maximus Subsystems 103
and other kludge lines. Auditing information is also avail-
able to off-line reader users whose privilege level is at
least that given by the Message Show Ctl_A definition in the
system control file.
5.6.8. Import/Export Facilities
MTS provides facilities for exporting and importing the
tracking database to a delimited ASCII file.
The TRACKEXP program is used to export the tracking database.
It creates the files shown below in Table 5.5:
Table 5.5 Tracking Export Data Files
Filename Description
trkmsg.dbf Message ID / status / owner / location
trkarea.dbf Default area / owner links
trkown.dbf Owner / alias links
The format of trkmsg.dbf is given below. The system creates
one line per message. All fields are enclosed in double
<id> is the 16-character tracking ID for the message in
<owner> is the four-character alias for the owner of the
message. This is used as a link to the trkown.dbf database.
<area> is the full area name in which the message is
<msgnum> is the unique message identifier representing the
tracked message.
<status> is the status of the message. (0=New; 1=Open;
2=Working; 3=Closed.)
<priority> is the priority of the message. (0=Notification;
1=Low; 2=Normal; 3=Urgent; 4=Critical.)
<date> is the actual date of the message, in mm/dd/yy for-
<time> is the actual time of the message, in hh:mm:ss for-
5. Maximus Subsystems 104
The format of trkarea.dbf is as follows:
<area> is the full name of the message area.
<owner> is the four-character alias for the area's default
owner. This is used as a link to the trkown.dbf database.
The format of trkown.dbf is as follows:
<owner> is the four-character alias for the owner.
<name> is the full ASCII username of the owner.
TRACKIMP can also be used to import data from .dbf files back
into the tracking database.
TRACKIMP reads files with the same names and same formats as
generated by TRACKEXP. In addition, TRACKIMP will only import
new messages; it will display an error message if you try to
import a message with an <id> that already exists in the da-
Consequently, if you want to export the tracking database,
make changes, and re-import the resulting information, you
must delete the current tracking database before importing
the .dbf files again. To do this, remove the trk*.db and
trk*.i?? files from the \max directory before starting the
5.6.9. Limitations
Only Squish message areas are supported by MTS. *.MSG areas
do not provide any facility for assigning a unique number to
a message, so renumbering messages in a *.MSG area would in-
validate all of the links in the tracking database. For this
reason, *.MSG tracking is not supported.
6. External Programs
Maximus offers a large number of internal features, but occa-
sionally, you may wish to execute external programs while a
user is on-line. Maximus can run almost all types of external
programs, from customized file transfer protocols to "door"
programs written for other types of BBS software.
Maximus can be configured to run an external program from a
menu option, from a MECCA file, or even from a MEX program.
6.1. Execution Methods
Maximus supports three primary methods for running external
programs. You should use the execution method that corre-
sponds to the type of program that you want to run.
Table 6.1 describes the benefits of the different execution
methods. (When in doubt, use the "DOS" method.)
Table 6.1 External Program Types
Type Description
DOS This is the so-called "standard" execution
method for both DOS and OS/2 systems. Maximus
loads a second copy of the command processor
(either command.com for DOS or cmd.exe for
OS/2) and tells it to run the specified pro-
This is the only way to run a .bat or .cmd
file as an external program. This is also the
only way to execute internal command processor
commands, such as DIR, TYPE, CHDIR, and so on.
Maximus will automatically search for the pro-
gram on the current path.
In the DOS version, an extra copy of com-
mand.com must be loaded, which will increase
the memory requirements for your program by
roughly 5k.
This is the method used by the Xtern_DOS menu
option and the [xtern_dos] MECCA token. The
MEX shell function can also be configured to
perform a DOS exit.
6. External Programs 106
Run This execution method is similar to the DOS
method, except that the command interpreter is
not loaded. In general, programs executed with
the Run method will load slightly faster than
with the DOS method.
However, you cannot load .bat or .cmd files
with this method.
This is the method used by the Xtern_Run menu
option and the [xtern_run] MECCA token. The
MEX shell function can also be configured to
perform a Run exit.
Errorlevel This exit type is only supported under DOS.
This tells Maximus to exit completely from
memory and return to the calling batch file or
This method is very slow because the entire
Maximus image must be reloaded after the ex-
ternal program has finished executing. In ad-
dition, the transient portion of command.com
must also be reloaded.
This is the method used by the Xtern_Erlvl
menu option and the [xtern_erlvl] MECCA token.
See section 6.3 for more information on error-
level batch files.
6.2. Swapping
DOS By enabling the Swap keyword in the system control file,
only! Maximus can swap itself to EMS, XMS or disk when executing a
program by the DOS or Run execution methods. When Maximus is
swapped out, it will occupy less than 3k of conventional mem-
Swapping using the DOS or Run methods is generally preferred
to using the Errorlevel method. Swapping is also much faster
than using the Errorlevel method if your system has free EMS
or XMS memory.
6.3. Errorlevel Batch Files
When exiting using the Errorlevel method, Maximus can create
an optional batch file to pass command line parameters to an
external program.
6. External Programs 107
To create an errorlevel batch file, you must specify an er-
rorlevel to be used for the exit, in addition to the name of
the program to run (including any optional parameters). Con-
sequently, an errorlevel exit looks very similar to a DOS or
Run exit, except that an errorlevel is added to the beginning
of the command to be executed.
When Maximus encounters an argument after the errorlevel, it
will write a file called errorl##.bat in \max directory,
where ## is the current node number in hexadecimal. (In the
case of node 0, the file is called errorlvl.bat.) Maximus
will place the argument string specified in the Xtern_Erlvl
exit into that batch file.
After Maximus exits, your runbbs.bat file can trap the error-
level and use a "call errorl##.bat" command to execute the
external program.
For example, given the following menu command:
Xtern_Erlvl 65_Mydoor.Exe_/p%p_/b%b Demoted "Door"
When Maximus executes this menu option, it will create an er-
rorl##.bat file (with ## replaced by the node number) that
Mydoor.Exe /p1 /b9600
Your batch file should check for errorlevel 65, issue a "call
errorl##.bat", and then reload Maximus. The procedure for re-
loading Maximus after an errorlevel exit is described in the
following section.
6.4. Restarting After Errorlevel Exit
After executing an external program using the Errorlevel exit
method, Maximus can restart itself exactly where it left off.
To users, it will appear as if Maximus had remained in memory
the entire time.
This feature is made possible by the "-r" command line pa-
rameter. When Maximus is invoked using "-r", it reads a file
called restar##.bbs from the \max directory. The Errorlevel
exit routines will write this file to disk just before Maxi-
mus executes the errorlevel command. The restar##.bbs file
contains all of the information that Maximus needs to restart
in its original state.
When restarting Maximus with -r, you may also need to specify
a number of other command line parameters. In particular:
* If you are using any of the following parameters:
6. External Programs 108
-p, -s, -n, or an explicit .prm name
then you must also include these parameters in your call to
"max -r".
For example, if your standard Maximus start-up command
looks like this:
max system2 -w -p2 -n3
then the call to restart Maximus with the -r parameter must
look like this:
max system2 -p2 -n3 -r
Warni Never attempt to use an errorlevel exit before a new caller
ng! has reached the \max\misc\newuser2.bbs file. Maximus cannot
perform a restart until it knows who the user is, and that
means that the user must have entered a name, password,
graphics selection, and so on.
This sample batch file utilizes errorlevel batch files and
the restart option:
rem * These first "%1 %2 %3" parameters will be
rem * passed to the batch file by your mailer.
rem * However, they are not really important
rem * when dealing with errorlevel batch files, so
rem * we will just assume that they are correct.
rem *
rem * Also, ensure that the ":DoErlvl" label
REM * comes after the main "Max -b%1 ..." command.
max -b%1 -p%2 -t%3 -n2
if errorlevel 65 goto Outside
REM * [..more errorlevels here..]
if errorlevel 1 goto end
goto end
REM * Ensure that the number after the "-n" parameter
REM * specifies the Maximus task number to use, if
REM * not the one specified in the control file.
REM * Finally, if you are using a non-zero task
REM * number, keep in mind that the filename that
REM * Maximus writes will be "ERRORLxx.BAT", where
REM * "xx" is the task number in hexadecimal.
call C:\Max\Errorl02.Bat
6. External Programs 109
Max -r -n2
goto DoErlvl
After you have created a batch file such as this, using er-
rorlevel exits becomes just as easy as any of the other exit
types. In MECCA, instead of using something of this format:
[xtern_run]D:\Path\Progname.Exe Arg1 Arg2
one could easily use an Errorlevel exit as shown below:
[xtern_erlvl]65 D:\Path\Progname.Exe Arg1 Arg2
As you can see, once you have added the errorlevel code to
your batch files, adding new options requires only a minimal
amount of work.
6.5. External Program Translation Characters
When specifying command line parameters for external pro-
grams, and also in certain MECCA tokens, Maximus can include
information about the current user by using special external
program translation characters.
A external program translation character consists of a per-
cent sign and a single, case-sensitive letter or symbol.
Maximus interprets the character following the percent sign
and replaces it with the requested information.
Table 6.2 describes the external program translation charac-
ters supported by Maximus:
Table 6.2 External Program Translation Characters
Character Translation
%! Embeds a newline in a string.
%a The number of calls that the user has made to
the system, prior to the current call.
%A The user's first name, in uppercase.
%b The user's baud rate. If the user is a local
caller, this translates to "0".
%B The user's last name in upper-case. If the
user has no last name, this token translates
into "NLN" ("No Last Name").
%c The user's city.
%C The response to the last [menu] MECCA token.
%d The current message area name.
%D The current file area name.
%e The user's password.
6. External Programs 110
%E The user's screen length, in rows.
%f The user's first name, in mixed case.
%F Path to the current file area.
%g Graphics mode. (0 = TTY; 1 = ANSI; 2 = AVA-
%G Daily download limit (in kilobytes).
%h The user's phone number.
%H Number of kilobytes downloaded today
%I Total downloads (in kilobytes).
%I Total uploads (in kilobytes).
%j Minutes on-line for this call.
%k The current node number. ("0" means no node
%K The current node number in hexadecimal for-
mat, padded with leading zero to make it two
characters. ("00" for no task number.)
%l The user's last name in mixed case. If the
user has no last name, this token translates
into "NLN".
%L If the user is remote, this token translates
into the string "-pX -bY", where X is the
port number (1=COM1, 2=COM2, and so on) and Y
is the user's baud rate.
If the user is local, this translates into a
simple "-k".
%m The name of the first file to transfer when
invoking an external protocol.
%M Path to the current message area.
%n User's full name in mixed case.
%N The name of your BBS, as defined in the sys-
tem control file.
%o The user's privilege level.
%p The current port number (0=COM1, 1=COM2, and
so on).
%P The current port number (1=COM1, 2=COM2, and
so on).
%q Path to the current message area (with no
trailing backslash).
%Q Path to the current file area (with no trail-
ing backslash).
%r The user's real name, if applicable.
%R All remaining stacked text in the keyboard
buffer, as entered at the last menu.
%s The SysOp's last name in mixed case. If the
SysOp has no last name, this translates into
%S The SysOp's first name in mixed case.
%t The amount of time the user has left (in min-
%T The amount of time the user has left (in sec-
%u The user's lastread pointer number. This to-
ken translates into a unique integer for each
6. External Programs 111
user on the system. This number is guaranteed
not to change, even if the user file is
%U Translates to a simple underscore.
%v Upload path for the current file area (with
trailing backslash).
%V Upload path for the current file area (with
no trailing backslash).
%w The path to the current files.bbs-type file.
This takes into account the alternate names
which may be used by the FileList option.
%W The "steady baud rate," as passed via the -s
command line parameter.
%x Drive letter of current drive, in upper case.
%X The last-read message number for the current
message area.
%Y The user's current language number. (0 is the
first language in language.ctl; 1 is second,
and so on.)
%Z Translates to the user's full name, in caps.
In addition to the above translation characters, Maximus also
supports a similar set of translation characters for display
In any Display_File command or .bbs filename, Maximus can use
any of the above external program translation characters.
However, the first character of the sequence must be a "+"
rather than a "%".
For example, to display a file called d:\#.bbs, where # is
the current node number, you can include the following com-
mand in the menu control file:
Display_File D:\+k.bbs Demoted "Display it!"
Remember, the "+" is only used when specifying a translation
character for a display filename. The percent sign is used in
all other cases.
Lastly, one shortcut can also be used for menu names. If you
wish to substitute the current node number in a menu file-
name, insert the "*" character.
For example, the following line:
First Menu MAIN*
causes node 0 to display a menu called main00.mnu; node 1
will display main01.mnu, and so on. (The task number is in
hexadecimal, so node 12 would display main0c.mnu.)
6. External Programs 112
6.6. Running Doors
A door is just a fancy name for external programs that can
communicate with an on-line user. Door programs contain rou-
tines to communicate with the modem, allowing the door to en-
sure that the user does not drop carrier and to check the
user's time limit.
However, some doors presents special problems. Several con-
flicting standards exist for door interfaces. The door inter-
face describes how the calling BBS program (Maximus) inter-
faces with the door program. For example, most doors need to
know the user's name, whether or not the user supports ANSI
graphics, and so on.
Maximus includes the capability to directly write any text-
based door interface file using a simple MECCA file. (In ad-
dition, MEX can be used to write almost any binary-based door
interface file.)
The distribution version of Maximus comes with MECCA files
which allow you to create door interface files for the fol-
lowing formats:
* dorinfo1.def (QuickBBS and RBBS)
* chain.txt (WWIV)
* callinfo.bbs (WildCat!)
* door.sys (GAP and others)
In addition, you can write your own MECCA or MEX programs to
generate almost any other type of text or binary-based door
interface file.
This functionality is achieved through the [write] MECCA to-
ken. The [open] and [post] tokens are also used when writing
door interface files.
The [write] token simply writes a line of text to a file
opened with [open], but it also makes translations to the
string using external program translation characters.
For example, to instruct Maximus to write a QuickBBS or RBBS-
compatible dorinfo1.def file, simply copy the following MECCA
script into a file called dorinfo.mec and compile it. (The
standard distribution version of Maximus includes this file
in \max\misc\dorinfo.mec.)
[write]%N[ comment Write the BBS name ]
[write]%S[ comment Write the SysOp's first name ]
[write]%s[ comment Write the SysOp's last name ]
[islocal write]COM0[ comment Write the COM port ]
6. External Programs 113
[isremote write]COM%P[comment (local is always COM0)]
[write]%b BAUD,N,8,1[comment Write the baud rate ]
[write] 0[ comment Say that we're not networked ]
[write]%A[ comment Write the user's first name ]
[write]%B[ comment Write the user's last name ]
[write]%c[ comment Write the user's city ]
[write]%g[ comment Write the user's graphics ]
[write]%o[ comment Write the user's security lvl]
[write]%t[ comment Write the user's time remain ]
[write]-1[ comment Say that we're using a FOSSIL]
[quit comment And we're done! ]
You can create similar files for other door interface types
by simply creating another MECCA file with the appropriate
Before running an external program, Maximus can create the
dorinfo1.def file (or any of the above-mentioned files) in
one of three ways:
Create dorinfo1.def from a .mec file. Simply include the fol-
lowing line before the call to [xtern_dos] or [xtern_run]:
As mentioned earlier, the distribution version of Maximus
also comes with MECCA scripts to generate several other types
of door interfaces. The format for using these interface
files is similar:
[link]C:\Max\Misc\WWIV - To create CHAIN.TXT
[link]C:\Max\Misc\CallInfo - To create CALLINFO.BBS
[link]C:\Max\Misc\DoorSys - To create DOOR.SYS
Create dorinfo1.def from a menu option. Similarly, you can
achieve the same results through a menu option. Simply link
the appropriate door interface .bbs file to the menu option
containing the command to run. (For more information on link-
ing menu commands, please see section 4.7.3.
For example, to instruct Maximus to create a dorinfo1.def
file for a program called "C:\Max\Prg.Exe", use this in the
menu control file:
Display_File C:\Max\Misc\Dorinfo Normal "RunPrg"
NoDsp Xtern_Run C:\Max\Prg.Exe Normal "R"
This concept can be applied to the other door interface types
by substituting the name of the door script for
Create dorinfo1.def automatically for all menu programs. If
you wish to have Maximus write dorinfo1.def every time it ex-
6. External Programs 114
its for an external program from a menu option, simply edit
the Uses Leaving statement in the system control file:
Uses Leaving C:\Max\Misc\Dorinfo
This instructs Maximus to create dorinfo1.def whenever Maxi-
mus runs an external program from a menu option.
6.7. On-Line User Record Modification
Some door programs are written specifically for Maximus, and
these programs occasionally need to directly change part of a
user's profile, such as the user's remaining time,
ANSI/AVATAR preference, phone number, and so on. Some of
these programs need to do this even while the user is on-
Maximus supports on-line user record modification for most
exit types. When instructed to do so, it will re-read the
lastus##.bbs file for the current node after returning from
an external program.
If you are running the external program as a menu option,
then the fastest way to enable on-line modification is to
place the ReRead modifier in front of the usual Xtern_* op-
tion. In other words, instead of invoking the program like
Xtern_Run D:\Path\Prog.Exe Demoted "Prog"
you must place add a ReRead modifier as follows:
ReRead Xtern_Run D:\Path\Prog.Exe Demoted "Prog"
Similarly, you can perform the same operation when using the
[xtern_*] MECCA tokens by using an "@" as the first character
of the program name. in other words, instead of invoking the
program like this:
you must use this instead:
However, keep in mind that most programs do not need this
feature. For security reasons, you should not use this fea-
ture unless the external program's documentation states that
on-line modification is required.
6. External Programs 115
6.8. Doors and OS/2
OS/2-based communications programs can only run other OS/2-
based programs as doors. Normally, DOS-based doors cannot be
run under the OS/2 version of Maximus.
However, if you are using the third-party SIO.SYS communica-
tion driver, some DOS doors can be made to work with the OS/2
version of Maximus. See the documentation that comes with SIO
for more information.
Aside from this restrictions, running OS/2-specific doors is
usually much easier than running DOS-based doors. OS/2 pro-
grams do not have a 640k memory limitation, so there is no
need for swapping or the Xtern_Erlvl feature.
One feature of OS/2 communications programs is that they all
use "port handles" when passing control from one program to
another. A port handle is created by the DosOpen system call
when an application opens a COM port. The port handle is dif-
ferent from the port number; the handle is assigned automati-
cally by the operating system, and it is not the same as the
port number.
To allow other applications to access the port, the program
that "owns" the port spawns the door program directly, giving
it the port handle number for the open communications port.
The spawned program must use this handle to communicate with
the port. (For example, when spawning Maximus from a front
end mailer program, the "-p" command line parameter is used
to pass a port handle number.)
Due to OS/2's file handle sharing architecture, any attempt
to access the port without using the handle number will fail.
This is why DOS doors cannot normally be used under Maximus-
OS/2; DOS programs do not know about port handles, so they
cannot inherit the port from an OS/2 communications program.
However, see the SIO.SYS documentation for information on how
to get around this problem.
7. Multinode Operations
Maximus supports an integrated paging and internode chat fa-
cility, making Maximus the ideal choice for multinode sys-
tems. Maximus is also LAN-friendly, meaning that it can run
on any Netware, LANtastic, LAN Manager or LAN Server network,
in addition to any other DOS-based network that supports file
To run a multinode version of Maximus, you need at least one
of the following:
* MS-DOS/PC-DOS with a multitasking environment (Windows or
* OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 95, or any other operating system
with built-in multitasking capabilities, or
* two or more computers running networking software.
With the first two options, you can run multiple copies of
Maximus on a single computer. With the latter option, you can
run a single copy of Maximus on multiple networked computers.
Combinations of the two approaches are also possible, such as
networking two machines that each run four copies of Maximus.
If you decide to run multiple copies of Maximus on a single
computer, you should ensure that your hardware is fast enough
to run all nodes at full speed. The exact hardware require-
ments vary based on the system manufacturer, bus architec-
ture, clock speed, available system memory, and the speed of
the modems on your system.
However, some general rules are:
* If you are running the DOS version of Maximus, unless you
have a very fast computer, it is unwise to run more than
four nodes per machine. DOS was not designed to handle mul-
titasking applications, and a lot of CPU time is wasted
performing unnecessary context switching and polling for
hardware events.
* If you are running the OS/2 version of Maximus, you can
easily run 16 nodes (or more) on a fast computer, as long
as you are using intelligent serial port hardware. The fol-
lowing intelligent serial boards are known to work with the
OS/2 version of Maximus:
* IBM's ARCTIC (RIC) card
* DigiBoard's "DigiBoard/i" series
7. Multinode Operations 118
* Without an intelligent serial board, the OS/2 version of
Maximus can probably handle 8 nodes on one machine, depend-
ing on your system's clock speed and other hardware capa-
* If you are not using an intelligent serial board, for ei-
ther the DOS or OS/2 version of Maximus, you will require a
16550 UART (serial interface chip) on all serial ports that
are serviced by Maximus.
Many high-speed internal modems come with 16550 chips built
in, but if you are using external modems, many older serial
port boards only have the inferior 8250 or 16450 chip. The
8250 and 16450 are usually socketed, so most computer deal-
ers will be able to replace them for you by simply swapping
in new chips.
The 16550 chip includes a number of buffering features that
prevent characters from being lost during periods of high
system load. The 16550 can also accept data much more
quickly than the 16450.
7.1. Installation
Installation of a multinode version of Maximus is identical
to the installation procedure for a single-node version of
Maximus. However, you may want to keep these points in mind:
* If you are installing Maximus on a network, you should in-
stall it on a drive that can be accessed using the same
drive letter on all workstations and servers that will be
running copies of Maximus. If you are running Maximus on a
non-dedicated server, you should probably run the Maximus
session through the redirected version of the drive.
For example, assume that you have installed Maximus on
\\MYSERVER on the d:\max directory. In addition, assume
that all workstations access the Maximus drive with a "net
use w: \\myserver\max" command.
Given this configuration, you should set up all of the
Maximus control files to look for Maximus on the W: drive.
(In fact, it is better to install Maximus directly to the
W: drive and let the install program configure these set-
tings for you.)
If you wish to run Maximus on the server machine, you
should still execute a "net use w: \\myserver\max" and run
the system from the W: drive, even though the information
is stored locally in d:\max. (Otherwise, you would need two
7. Multinode Operations 119
separate sets of control files ---one that pointed to
d:\max and one that pointed to the W: drive.)
* Maximus-OS/2 supports UNC paths, so you can directly spec-
ify directories and filenames such as
\\myserver\max\max\misc\welcome.bbs. However, many other
programs do not accept UNC paths, so you should use this
option with caution.
* You will normally need a separate batch or command file for
each copy of Maximus that you wish to run. However, you
only need one copy of the Maximus executables and system
When writing batch files to start Maximus, the command line
switches shown below in Table 7.1 allow you to tailor Maxi-
mus to run as a different node number.
Table 7.1 Multinode Command Line Switches
Parameter Description
-p<num> Specify an alternate COM port.
-b<speed> Specify an alternate maximum baud rate.
-n<node> Specify an alternate node number.
-l<file> Specify an alternate log filename.
The -n and -l parameters allow you to adjust the task num-
ber and log filenames at runtime. All nodes need a distinct
node number, and all nodes need a separate log file.
In addition, if you are running multiple nodes of Maximus
on the same machine, you will probably also need to config-
ure each node to use a separate COM port number and speed,
using the -p and -b parameters.
Please see Appendix C for more information on these command
line parameters.
* Using DOS or OS/2 environment variables, you can actually
run multiple copies of Maximus with only one batch file. If
you set an environment variable to the current node number,
like this:
you can then refer to that variable within a batch file as
"%THISNODE%". Similarly, you can also set up variables for
the port number, baud rate, log file, and so on.
You can then create a runbbs.bat or runbbs.cmd that con-
tains a command like this:
7. Multinode Operations 120
max -p%thisport% -n%thisnode% -l%thislog%
As long as the environment variables are set up correctly
before executing your runbbs.bat, you only need to maintain
one copy of the file.
* If you wish to display node-specific information to users,
you can use the "*" token in the names of .bbs display
files and system menus. The "*" will be replaced with a
two-digit hexadecimal task number. This allows you to add a
command such as this:
Display_File Misc\Bullet* Demoted "Bulletins"
On node 1, selecting this option would display
* All copies of Maximus must be started from the same direc-
tory. This allows you to share some files between nodes, in
addition to providing a clean directory structure.
* If you are part of a FidoNet technology network, you may
only want to run a front end mailer on one line. The inter-
nal WFC subsystem can be enabled on a node-by-node basis:
simply include a -w on the command line for those nodes
that are to run in WFC mode.
* In your system startup file (either autoexec.bat for DOS or
startup.cmd for OS/2), you should include commands to de-
lete the following files from the Maximus directory struc-
These temporary files are created during normal Maximus op-
eration. However, if a Maximus session ends abnormally,
some of the files above may be left around. These files
should be deleted to prevent confusion when Maximus starts
up again.
In the case of a network installation, the commands to de-
lete the above files should be placed in the startup file
on the server, not on the workstations.
* If you wish to use the multinode chat or the paging fea-
tures, your operating system must support file and record
locking. Under DOS, this means that you must load the
share.exe program, as described in the installation in-
structions. (Under OS/2 and Windows 95, file locking is
built into the operating system, so no special utilities
are necessary.)
7. Multinode Operations 121
* Ensure that all copies of Maximus have a unique and non-
zero node number. If the task number is set to zero, Maxi-
mus will assume that your system is running in a single-
node environment, so that node will not be able to communi-
cate with the rest of the system.
However, if you wish to create a "hidden" node for local
logons, you may want to configure that node to run as node
0. This node will be invisible to the rest of the system,
but it will otherwise function normally.
* For information on installing Maximus on a networked OS/2
system, please see the Master Control Program guide in sec-
tion 7.3.
7.2. Multinode Chat Operation
Maximus includes a built-in multinode chat and paging facil-
ity. Users can be paged by others, participate in real-time
conferences (both public and private), display a list of on-
line users, and more.
DOS For DOS users, the first step in configuring the multinode
only! chat is to enable the Path IPC statement in the system con-
trol file. For optimal performance, this directory should be
placed on a RAM disk, but it can also be placed in a normal
For either OS/2 or DOS users, the next step is to edit the
menus control file and ensure that the Display_Menu CHAT op-
tion is uncommented.
Having made these changes, recompile the control files and
log on locally to test the system. (You will need to use two
different user names, since Maximus only allows a user to log
onto one node at a time.)
Before testing chat mode, enter the Chat Section and look at
the menu display. The table should show the list of on-line
callers. If the display is blank, something is not configured
* Under DOS, ensure that you have loaded share.exe, as indi-
cated in the installation instructions.
* Under DOS, ensure that the Path IPC for all nodes points to
the same directory.
* Under OS/2, ensure that the mcp.exe program is in the main
\max directory or somewhere else on your PATH statement.
7. Multinode Operations 122
If the menu display seems to be in order, try toggling your
"chat availability" flag a few times. After your status has
been toggled, the "Status" portion of the table should indi-
cate whether or not you are available for chat. Then switch
to the other node and redisplay the chat menu. You should see
that the status of the first node is also reflected on the
screen of the second node.
Finally, after confirming that everything else is working
properly, you can enter multinode chat. To initiate a chat,
select the Page option and enter the number of the node to be
paged. Under DOS, it may take up to 15 seconds for the chat
request to register on the other node, but under OS/2, the
other user should be notified instantly.
On the other user's console, you should see a "You are being
paged by John Doe (node ##)" message. This is the standard
paging message; to modify it, you can either edit the eng-
lish.mad language file, or you can create a separate display
file as \max\misc\chatpage.bbs.
To answer the chat request on the other node, select the An-
swer Page option and enter the node number of the user who
sent the request. This will place the user in chat mode as
well. The first user should see a "Jane Doe joins the conver-
sation" message, which indicates that the other user answered
the chat request.
The user who answered the page will not see anything immedi-
ately; to find out who is participating in the conversation,
simply type a "/w" command at the beginning of a line. To
list all of the callers on the system, whether or not they
are in chat mode, type "/s".
Once in chat, users can send messages to each other by simply
typing the text that they wish to send. Maximus will auto-
matically word-wrap at the end of lines, and the text will be
transmitted one line at a time. Try typing a few lines from
each node to ensure that the chat function is working prop-
Once you are finished testing, you can use the "/q" command
on each node to exit chat mode. (When a node exits chat, the
other nodes participating in the same chat should see a "John
Doe leaves the conversation" message.)
In addition to the private chat facility, Maximus also sup-
ports a group chat, or a "virtual CB channel." The CB chat is
useful when you have three or more nodes and want to have
more than two callers participating in a conversation. Maxi-
mus supports up to 255 concurrent "channels," which means
that there can be up to 255 separate conversations going on
at the same time.
7. Multinode Operations 123
However, the CB chat has no paging ability; it is up to the
callers to look at the status screen in the Chat Section and
find out which channel is being used by the other users.
For more information on using Maximus's multinode chat,
please see the chat help file. (To display the help file, en-
ter "/?" from inside chat mode.)
7.3. Master Control Program
OS/2 The OS/2 version of Maximus uses the Master Control Program
only! server (MCP) for all multinode communication. When Maximus
loads, it automatically starts the MCP server and runs it as
a background task. The server then creates a number of named
pipes that are used for communication among Maximus nodes.
On a non-networked machine, this is ideal, since all Maximus
tasks reside on the same machine, and they all communicate
with the local MCP server by default.
However, if you are running copies of Maximus on multiple
workstations, they will try to talk to the MCP running on the
workstation, not on the server. To prevent this, you must
start a copy of MCP on the server yourself, and you must tell
each node where to find the MCP server.
Starting the MCP server. The MCP server should be started
from the config.sys file on the network server, as shown be-
RUN=c:\max\mcp.exe . \pipe\maximus\mcp <nodes> server
The nodes parameter tells MCP to support up to nodes concur-
rent tasks. This parameter should have the same value as the
MCP Sessions definition in the system control file. The nodes
parameter should be greater than the maximum number of Maxi-
mus nodes that you expect to run at one time. (It is an error
to specify too few nodes, but you can specify more nodes
without worry.)
Configuring the workstations to use the MCP server. In the
main system control file, the MCP Pipe definition can be used
to configure the location of the MCP server. The default pipe
is \pipe\maximus\mcp, but you must change this to point to
the server.
If MCP is running on the server called \\myserver, you must
edit the MCP Pipe definition to read:
MCP Pipe \\myserver\pipe\maximus\mcp
7. Multinode Operations 124
In addition, you can also use the -a command line parameter
to override the MCP Pipe setting in the system control file.
8. Utility Documentation
This section describes the command line interface of the
various utility programs that are included in the Maximus
8.1. ACCEM: MECCA Decompiler
8.1.1. Description
ACCEM is the inverse of the MECCA utility: ACCEM reads a com-
piled .bbs file and converts it into a human-readable .mec
file. This functionality can be useful if you have lost the
source for one of your .bbs display files, or if you are try-
ing to change a compiled .bbs file which was given to you by
someone else.
After running ACCEM on a .bbs file, you can freely edit the
resulting .mec file and recompile it as you wish. The .mec
file created with ACCEM should be identical to the original
.mec file, with one small exception: label names are not
stored in the .bbs file, so ACCEM will create numbered la-
bels. For example, the following MECCA sequence:
[goto foo]
could be decompiled into the following:
[goto L1]
Although the labels are different, the .mec file will still
compile correctly.
8.1.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for ACCEM is:
accem infile [outfile] [-s]
infile is the name of the .bbs file to convert. If no exten-
sion is given, ACCEM assumes an extension of .bbs.
8. Utility Documentation 126
outfile is the optional name of the .mec output file. If this
parameter is omitted, ACCEM will assume the name specified
for infile, but using a .mec extension.
The -s switch instructs ACCEM to split lines which are longer
than 100 characters. When ACCEM needs to split a line, it
will place an opening brace in the 100th column of the line,
and it will place the closing brace at the beginning of the
next line. This option is useful if your text editor can only
display a limited number of columns.
For example, to convert test.bbs to test.mec, any of the fol-
lowing commands will work:
accem test
accem test.bbs
accem test.bbs test.mec
To split lines which are over 100 characters in length, the
following commands would also work:
accem test -s
accem test.bbs -s
accem test.bbs test.mec -s
8.2. ANS2BBS/MEC: ANSI to MEC conversion
8.2.1. Description
ANS2BBS and ANS2MEC convert ANSI graphics into MECCA tokens.
ANS2BBS and ANS2MEC can convert almost any file containing
ANSI graphics into an equivalent MECCA display file that can
be processed by Maximus.
ANS2BBS will convert a file containing ANSI graphics directly
into a .bbs file that can be displayed by Maximus. ANS2MEC
converts an ANSI file into a MECCA source file. The created
.mec file can then be edited and compiled as usual.
ANS2BBS is useful for a one-time translation, but ANS2MEC is
best if you wish to add some special effects to the display
file or clean up some of the display codes.
8.2.2. Command Line Format
The format for ANS2BBS (and ANS2MEC) is as follows:
ans2bbs infile [outfile]
ans2mec infile [outfile]
8. Utility Documentation 127
infile is the name of the input ANSI graphics file. If no ex-
tension is provided, an .ans extension is assumed by default.
outfile is the optional name of the output file. For ANS2BBS,
the default output file has a .bbs extension, whereas for
ANS2MEC, the default output file has a .mec extension.
ANS2BBS and ANS2MEC will try do the best job that they can
when converting an ANSI file, but due to some ambiguities in
the ANSI cursor-movement syntax, they cannot always correctly
convert all ANSI graphics files. ANS2BBS and ANS2MEC have
problems with some "highly-animated" screens, particularly
those generated by the "Diagonal," "Gate," "Squiggle," and
other fancy drawing modes of the TheDraw program by Ian
Davis. However, ANS2BBS and ANS2MEC can handle almost all
straight-through ANSI files, so unless you are using one of
those scanning modes, you should not have any problems.
Once you have converted an ANSI screen, it is best to put it
in a place where you can test it in local mode (or display it
using the ORACLE utility). If the file did not convert cor-
rectly and has formatting glitches, you have three choices:
* If the file is animated, load the file using TheDraw, turn
off animation mode by pressing Alt-J and then N. Save the
file and try ANS2BBS/ANS2MEC again.
* Convert the file using ANS2MEC, and edit the resulting
MECCA file to correct the problem.
* Leave the ANSI file as-is and display the ANSI version of
the file directly to callers. Although the ANSI codes will
not display properly on the local screen, they should be
displayed normally for remote callers.
8.3. CVTUSR: User File Conversions
8.3.1. Description
CVTUSR converts foreign user files into the Maximus 3.0 user
file format. CVTUSR can handle user files in the Maximus 1.0,
Maximus 2.0, QuickBBS, RA 2.00, and Opus 1.0x formats.
8.3.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for CVTUSR is:
CVTUSR params
8. Utility Documentation 128
The params parameter can be one of the command line parame-
ters shown in Table 8.1 below:
Table 8.1 CVTUSR Command Line Switches
Switch Description
-l Reset the lastread pointers in a Maximus 3.0 user
file. This option is normally only used to fix
cross-linked lastread pointers. Using this function
when it was not explicitly requested (by a note in
the Maximus log file) may destroy the lastread
pointers for existing users.
-n Convert an old Maximus version 1.x user file to the
Maximus 3.0 format.
-o Convert an Opus 1.10-style user.dat file to Maximus
3.0 format.
This procedure converts almost all of the Opus 1.10
user file fields, with the exception of the expiry
dates, personal welcome screens, and any utility-
specific fields which may be stored in the user
-p Convert a Maximus version 2.x user file to the
Maximus 3.0 format.
-q This switch tells CVTUSR to convert a QuickBBS or
RA 2.00 users.bbs to a Maximus 3.0 user file. This
conversion is not as complete as some of the oth-
ers; for example, it will not convert the ANSI
graphics and "More" prompt settings.
WARNING! If your version of RA encrypts the pass-
words in the RA user file, CVTUSR will not be able
to convert the user file.
-s This flag tells CVTUSR to swap the "alias" and
"name" fields in the current Maximus 3.0 user file.
8.4. EDITCAL: Call Modification Utility
8.4.1. Description
EDITCAL modifies the "number of callers to system" count in
the bbstat##.bbs files. This program is useful if you have
8. Utility Documentation 129
recently changed from another BBS package, but you want to
set the caller count to reflect the actual number of callers
to your system.
8.4.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for EDITCAL is:
editcal node [num_calls]
node is the node number whose "number of callers" count is to
be modified.
num_calls is the new "number of callers" value for the speci-
fied node. If this parameter is omitted, EDITCAL will display
the current "number of callers" count for the node.
8.5. FB: File Database Compiler
8.5.1. Description
FB is the Maximus File Database compiler. FB compiles the AS-
CII listings in the files.bbs directory listings into a for-
mat which can be used by the global downloading routines, the
upload duplicate file checker, and the Fast Locate feature.
Maximus can use files.bbs directly in most situations, but
many file area functions will run much faster if you use FB.
By default, FB will extract information about file sizes and
dates from the directory entries in the area's download di-
rectory. However, if you have enabled Type DateList in a file
area definition, FB can also extract file size and date in-
formation from the ASCII file listing.
OS/2 When you have file areas stored on an HPFS drive, FB will
only! automatically use the HPFS "creation date" as the file upload
date, and it will use the HPFS "last write date" as the
file's true date. When requested to perform a new files
search, Maximus will compare the requested date with the
file's upload date. However, when displaying the file cata-
log, Maximus will show the file's true date.
8.5.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for FB is:
fb switches [area ...]
8. Utility Documentation 130
The switches parameter must be one or more of the switches in
Table 8.2 below:
Table 8.2 FB Command Line Switches
Switch Description
-a Compile all file areas.
-f<file> Use <file> instead of the default farea.dat file
area database.
-p<file> Use <file> as the Maximus .prm file. This switch
overrides the MAXIMUS environment variable. FB
uses the .prm file to obtain information about
the main Maximus system directory, the name of
the file area database, and other file area set-
-r This switch forces FB to read information di-
rectly from the file directory, rather than read-
ing from the file area list. This switch only af-
fects areas declared using the Type FileList key-
-s Skip areas marked as "Type Slow" or "Type CD."
-u Instead of processing the download paths for the
requested file areas, process the upload paths
instead. This parameter is used internally by the
runfb.bat and runfb.cmd files. (See below for
more information.)
-x Do not perform the final merge to maxfiles.idx.
[area ...] is the optional list of areas to process. If a
list of file areas is provided, FB will only include the
listed areas in the file database. The wildcard "*" may be
used at the end of a name to match any number of characters.
(To build all file areas, use the "-a" switch instead.)
fb -a
This command builds the file database for all file areas.
fb -s -a
This command builds the file database for all file areas, ex-
cept those on CD-ROM.
8. Utility Documentation 131
fb 1 2 3 4
Process only the files in areas 1, 2, 3 and 4.
fb os2.* dos.*
Process all file areas that start with "os2." or "dos."
8.5.3. Database Files
When compiling a file area, FB will parse files.bbs, and for
each file area, it will create the files shown in Table 8.3:
Table 8.3 FB Database Files
Filename Description
files.dat A compiled version of each file's name, size,
timestamp, privilege level and flags.
files.dmp A compiled version of each file's description.
files.idx A sorted binary index of all files in the cur-
rent area.
If you are using the FileList keyword in the file area defi-
nition, Maximus will remove the extension of the FileList
file and add .dat, .dmp and .idx as appropriate. For example,
if you specified the following in a file area definition:
FileList D:\Area1.Lst
FB would create files called d:\area1.dat, d:\area1.dmp and
d:\area1.idx. This allows owners of CD-ROMs to store all of
the file area information in an alternate location.
8.5.4. Database Building for Uploads
Normally, after a user has uploaded a batch of files, the
file database needs to be updated with the name and location
of the uploaded files. Once the user has entered all of the
file descriptions, Maximus tries to find a file called
\max\runfb.bat or \max\runfb.cmd. If found, Maximus will exe-
cute it with the following parameters:
runfb farea_dat areanum -u
The farea_dat parameter is the name of the file area data
The areanum parameter is the name of the current file area.
8. Utility Documentation 132
The -u parameter indicates that FB should build the database
based on the upload paths.
The standard runfb.bat file simply calls FB with the same pa-
rameters as passed to it. Unfortunately, the database build
process can take a long time for systems that have many
In the default distribution, runfb.bat looks like this:
fb %1 %2 %3
However, this line can be modified so that the file database
is updated after the user logs off:
DOS echo fb %1 %2 %3 >>do_fb.bat
OS/2 echo fbp %1 %2 %3 >>do_fb.cmd
The above command creates a log of file areas to be updated.
Your runbbs.bat should execute the following command after
processing each caller:
DOS if exist do_fb.bat call do_fb.bat
only! if exist do_fb.bat del do_fb.bat
OS/2 if exist do_fb.cmd call do_fb.cmd
only! if exist do_fb.cmd del do_fb.cmd
These lines cause Maximus to perform all file database updat-
ing after the caller logs off, which saves on both memory and
on-line time. Ensure that the above commands are run after
every caller, regardless of whether or not the caller entered
NetMail, EchoMail, or no mail.
8.6. MAID: Language File Compiler
8.6.1. Description
MAID is the Maximus Language File compiler. MAID takes a lan-
guage definition, such as english.mad, and turns it into a
form usable by Maximus. The language file can be used to sup-
port non-English languages, or it can be used to simply
change the prompts in the English version of Maximus.
8. Utility Documentation 133
8.6.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for MAID is given below:
MAID langname [switches]
The langname parameter is the full path and name of the lan-
guage file. Do not include the .mad extension.
The optional switches parameter can be zero or more of the
switches shown in Table 8.4 below:
Table 8.4 MAID Command Line Switches
Switch Description
-d Generate the dynamic language include file. The
langname.h file is not created unless you use
this switch.
-n<name> Use the name <name> as the name of the lan-
guage. This is the name that is displayed on
the Chg_Language menu when the user is asked to
select a language.
By default, MAID uses the base filename of the
language file as the language name. However,
the -n parameter can be used to specify an ex-
plicit language name. To include spaces in the
language name, enclose the entire parameter in
quotes like this:
maid english "-nAmericanEnglish"
-p<prm> After compiling a language file, MAID will
automatically update the Maximus parameter file
specified by the MAXIMUS environment variable.
However, if you want MAID to update a different
.prm file, the -p switch can be used to over-
ride the MAXIMUS environment variable.
Without this switch, and without a correctly-
set MAXIMUS environment variable, the system
control file must be recompiled every time you
change the language file.
-s Generate the static language include file. The
langname.lth file is not created unless you use
this switch.
8.6.3. Language-Related Files
MAID reads language source information from a file called
langname.mad. The distribution version of Maximus comes with
one language file called english.mad.
8. Utility Documentation 134
The different input and output files used by MAID are de-
scribed in Table 8.5:
Table 8.5 MAID Input and Output Files
Extension Description
.mad The Maximus International Definitions file.
This file contains the "source" for the lan-
guage and is the input to MAID. This file can
be edited with an ordinary text editor.
.ltf The Language Translation File. This is the
compiled version of the .mad source file.
.lth The dynamic language include file for C pro-
.h The static language include file for C pro-
.mh The dynamic language include file for MEX
For information on modifying the system language files,
please see section 18.12.
8.7. MAXPIPE: OS/2 Redirection Utility
8.7.1. Description
MAXPIPE is an OS/2-only program used to redirect the I/O of
command line programs to the COM port. This program is useful
when spawning an OS/2 shell, or when running certain programs
that only use console I/O. (For example, Maximus-OS/2 auto-
matically calls MAXPIPE when spawning archivers to compress
QWK packets.)
MAXPIPE also provides a "watchdog" facility. If the user
drops carrier while the external program is active, MAXPIPE
kills the running process and returns to Maximus.
8.7.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for MAXPIPE is:
MAXPIPE handle program [args ...]
handle is the COM port handle, as generated by the "%P" ex-
ternal program translation character. If a handle of "0" is
used, MAXPIPE will run in local mode.
8. Utility Documentation 135
program is the name of the external program to be spawned.
Ensure that the full filename and path is provided.
[args ...] are the optional arguments to pass to the exter-
nal program.
Note! MAXPIPE works only with programs that use "stdin/stdout" out-
put. Programs which write directly to the console (or pro-
grams which use Presentation Manager output calls) will not
function correctly with MAXPIPE.
8.8. MECCA: Display File Compiler
8.8.1. Description
MECCA compiles .mec source files into binary .bbs files that
can be displayed by Maximus. MECCA source files can contain
human-readable tokens to change the text color, display sim-
plistic menus and prompts, and other display-oriented tasks.
8.8.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for MECCA is:
MECCA infile [outfile] [-t] [-r]
infile is the name of the input file. If no extension is
specified, MECCA assumes .mec by default. infile can also in-
clude wildcards.
outfile is the optional output filename for the compiled
MECCA file. This parameter is optional, and if not specified,
it defaults to infile.bbs.
The optional -t parameter instructs MECCA to compare the date
stamps of the input and output files, and if the output file
is newer than the input file, to skip compiling that file.
This is useful for recompiling an entire directory of .mec
The optional -r parameter instructs MECCA to produce a .rbs
file (instead of a .bbs file) for RIPscrip graphics support.
In addition, this switch disables RLE compression, since RLE
can sometimes interfere with RIPscrip graphics sequences.
Please see section 17 for information on the format of MECCA
8. Utility Documentation 136
8.9. MR: Maximus Renumbering Program
8.9.1. Description
MR is a *.MSG format message renumbering program. MR is not
required if your system uses only Squish-format areas.
MR automatically reads the information given in the message
area data file, and it then renumbers, deletes and relinks
messages in *.MSG-style areas.
Renumbering is useful for eliminating large gaps in the mes-
sage numbers of *.MSG areas (which are created when users de-
lete messages). MR can also purge messages based on message
age or the total number of messages in the area, allowing you
to maintain a roughly-constant size for your message bases.
8.9.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for MR is:
mr options area [area ...]
The options parameter can be zero or more of the command line
switches shown in Table 8.6:
Table 8.6 MR Command Line Switches
Switch Description
-p<file> Use the .prm file specified in <file> instead of
the setting in the MAXIMUS environment variable.
-m<file> Use <file> as the message area data file, rather
than using the data file specified in the .prm
The area parameter must include one or more area names to be
renumbered. To renumber all areas on the system, specify an
area of "all".
For example, to renumber all message areas:
mr all
To renumber message areas "muffin," "tub" and "local":
mr muffin tub local
8. Utility Documentation 137
8.9.3. Renumbering Operation
When renumbering, MR will examine the Renum Days and Renum
Max settings for each *.MSG message area. If either of those
two keywords are set, MR will purge messages from the area
based on the specified criteria. Messages can be killed by
message number, by age, or both.
MR automatically updates the Maximus lastread files and mes-
sage area links. To maintain *.MSG areas, simply include a
call to MR in your daily event batch file, and all of your
renumbering and purging needs will be taken care of automati-
8.10. ORACLE: Display File Viewer
8.10.1. Description
ORACLE is an off-line .bbs file viewer that allows you to
view compiled .bbs files without logging on. ORACLE is a
quick way to test changes made to standard .mec files.
8.10.2. Command Line Format
The command line format for ORACLE is:
ORACLE bbsfile [options ...]
bbsfile is the name of the compiled .bbs file that you wish
to view. If no extension is supplied, .bbs is assumed.
The options parameter specifies zero or more of the switches
from Table 8.7:
Table 8.7 ORACLE Command Line Switches
Switch Description
-hX Sets the current help level to X, where X is the
first letter of a valid help level. (N = Novice;
R = Regular; E = Expert.)
-i Disables high-bit IBM characters. When this op-
tion is enabled, ORACLE will automatically trans-
late IBM Extended ASCII to the standard ASCII
-kX Sets the user's keys to X, where X is a simple
listing of keys to assign to the user. Valid keys
are from 1 to 8 and A to X. For example, using
"-k1237AD" would give the user keys 1, 2, 3, 7, A
and D.
8. Utility Documentation 138
-mX Sets the local video mode to X, where X is a
valid video mode. (B = BIOS; I = IBM.) This only
applies to the DOS version of Maximus.
-pX Reads the Maximus .prm information from the file
X. This setting will override the MAXIMUS envi-
ronment variable.
-q This option enables hotkeys mode.
-slX This option sets the virtual screen length to X
rows. This does not change your physical screen
length; however, it does tell Maximus when to
display "More [Y,n,=]?" prompts. The default
screen length is 24 lines.
-swX This option sets the virtual screen width to X
columns. This does not change your physical
screen width; however, it controls when virtual
screen wraps occur.
-t The -t parameter forces ORACLE into TTY video
mode. This disables all ANSI and AVATAR graphics
commands, and ORACLE displays files just as they
would be shown to a TTY caller.
-vX This sets the user's privilege level to X, where
X is either a numeric privilege level or a user
class abbreviation.
Settings from the ORACLE command line can also be set perma-
nently using an environment variable. By issuing a "SET ORA-
CLE=" command, you can create a set of defaults for every
file that you view with ORACLE:
For example, issuing the following sequence of commands:
SET ORACLE=-v100 -q
ORACLE D:\Max\Misc\Bulletin
is identical to entering all of this at once:
ORACLE D:\Max\Misc\Bulletin -v100 -q
Although the first example looks like more typing, you can
easily place the SET command into your autoexec.bat (DOS) or
config.sys (OS/2), and then only type "oracle <filename>"
whenever you want to display a file.
8.11. SCANBLD: *.MSG Database Builder
SCANBLD builds databases of *.MSG-format message areas.
SCANBLD is not required if your system uses only Squish-
format areas.
The primary function of SCANBLD is to speed up the internal
Maximus mailchecker and Msg_Browse commands. Accessing mes-
8. Utility Documentation 139
sages in *.MSG areas is very slow, so SCANBLD builds an index
of the messages in each message area to decrease processing
SCANBLD must be run after certain events occur, including af-
ter running a message renumbering utility, after receiving
EchoMail, after a user enters a message, and so on. Running
these commands is somewhat inconvenient, but SCANBLD is re-
quired for SysOps who still insist on running *.MSG-format
message areas.
8.11.1. Command Line Format
The command line format for SCANBLD is:
SCANBLD [switches...] [area...] [!area...]
[All | Local | Matrix | Echo | Conf |
The optional switches parameter can specify any of the com-
mand line switches from Table 8.8 below:
Table 8.8 SCANBLD Command Line Switches
Switch Description
-c Instructs SCANBLD to do a full compile of each
area processed. By default, SCANBLD will try
to update the mail database in the areas proc-
essed, without necessarily rebuilding the en-
tire area. The -c switch should always be used
after renumbering a message area.
-m<file> Use the message area data file specified by
file, rather than using the default data file
specified in the .prm file.
-nd Instructs SCANBLD to not delete the @tosslog
filename after processing the entries within.
This is useful if you have other utilities
which need the tosslog after SCANBLD has fin-
-p<file> Use the .prm file specified by file, rather
than using the setting in the MAXIMUS environ-
ment variable.
-q Quiet mode. Instead of displaying the statis-
tics for each area, display a single hash sign
("#") instead.
-u<file> Use the user file specified by <file>, rather
than the default user file specified in the
.prm file.
8. Utility Documentation 140
The remainder of the SCANBLD command line contains a list of
areas (or types of areas) to process:
If you specify All, SCANBLD will rebuild the database for all
message areas.
If you specify Local, SCANBLD will rebuild the database for
local message areas only.
If you specify Matrix, SCANBLD will rebuild the database for
NetMail areas only.
If you specify Echo, SCANBLD will rebuild the database for
EchoMail areas only.
If you specify Conf, SCANBLD will rebuild the database for
Conference areas only.
If you specify @tosslog, SCANBLD will read the file specified
by tosslog and read a list of area tags from within. SCANBLD
will rebuild message areas which have a Tag keyword that
matches one of the tags specified in the tosslog file.
If you specify the name of an area on the command line,
SCANBLD will rebuild the message database for that area.
If you specify !area on the command line, SCANBLD will ex-
plicitly skip the specified message area, even if it was in-
cluded by another command line parameter. (This option is
useful in conjunction with the "All," "Local," "Matrix," and
other related keywords.)
8.11.2. Examples
The options specified on the SCANBLD command line are cumula-
tive, so entering the following:
scanbld echo matrix 45 !22 @et.log
causes SCANBLD to process all EchoMail and NetMail areas
(except for area 22), in addition to area number 45 and the
areas listed in et.log.
To ensure that the mail database is always synchronized with
your message base, you should run SCANBLD as follows:
After a user enters EchoMail (usually errorlevel 12):
SCANBLD local matrix @et.log
After a user enters NetMail (usually errorlevel 11):
8. Utility Documentation 141
SCANBLD local matrix
After a user enters local mail (usually errorlevel 5):
After importing EchoMail:
SCANBLD local matrix @et.log
After running any message-renumbering utility:
SCANBLD all /c
Finally, if you use an external message editor to access
*.MSG areas, you must run SCANBLD over all areas that were
modified by the editor. If your editor produces an echo-
toss.log-like file, run SCANBLD after your editor using the
command shown for "After a user enters EchoMail."
However, if your external editor does not produce an echo-
toss.log (or similar) file, you must scan all areas using the
following command:
If these instructions are not followed to the letter, SCANBLD
may miss messages for your users which would be otherwise be
flagged as new mail.
8.12. SILT: Control File Compiler
8.12.1. Description
SILT is the Maximus control file compiler. SILT compiles the
raw ASCII control files into the binary parameter files that
are used by Maximus. You must run SILT every time you make a
change to one of the Maximus control files.
8.12.2. Command Line Format
The SILT command line format is:
SILT ctl_file [switches]
ctl_file is the name of the control file to be compiled
(without an extension). By default, if no parameters other
than ctl_file are specified, Maximus will compile all fea-
tures in the control file. (However, it will not generate the
Maximus 2.x-compatible area.dat by default.)
8. Utility Documentation 142
The optional switches parameter can specify zero or more of
the command line switches from Table 8.9:
Table 8.9 SILT Command Line Switches
Switch Description
-2a Create a Maximus 2.x-compatible area.dat file.
Area names are truncated to 10 characters.
-2u Create a Maximus 2.x-compatible area.dat file.
Area names are truncated to 10 characters, but
dots (".") are converted to underscores ("_").
-2s Create a Maximus 2.x-compatible area.dat file.
Only the last part of the area name (after the
last dot) is written for message and file areas
within divisions.
-a Compile message and file areas only.
-am Compile only message areas.
-af Compile only file areas.
-m Compile only menu definitions.
-p Compile only the system control files (and the
other control files required for max.prm).
-u Run in "unattended mode." SILT will automati-
cally create directories that do not exist, and
it will not pause for user input.
-x Compile everything (default).
8.13. SM: Session Monitor
8.13.1. Description
OS/2 Session Monitor (SM) is a Presentation Manager program for
only! Maximus-OS/2 SysOps. SM works in conjunction with MCP to al-
low SysOps to view and manipulate remote Maximus sessions,
either on the local machine or across a LAN.
8.13.2. Command Line Format
SM has the following command line format:
No command line parameters are supported.
8.13.3. Using SM
When SM is started, it will read information about your sys-
tem from the .prm file specified by the MAXIMUS environment
variable. It will then attempt to connect to the MCP server
8. Utility Documentation 143
specified by the MCP Pipe definition in the system control
file. SM can connect to a MCP server on a local machine, and
if the MCP Pipe definition points to a network server, SM can
also connect to a MCP server running on another machine.
Once connected to the MCP server, SM displays a system over-
view. For each node, SM will display:
* The name of the user on that node, or "(off-line)" if Maxi-
mus is not running.
* The status of the user (such as "Transferring a file" or
"Available for chat").
* The last "ping" time. All Maximus nodes will send a "ping"
to the MCP server at a predefined interval. If the MCP
server does not receive a ping from a Maximus node for a
certain period of time, it will highlight the ping time in
red. This indicates that there may be trouble on the indi-
cated node.
To interact with a Maximus node, select the node with the
mouse and press mouse button 2. If a user is logged on, a
pop-up menu will present the following options:
* View. This option allows you to view the screen for the se-
lected node. The screen may not be displayed properly if
the node is in WFC mode or if the caller is running an ex-
ternal program.
* Message. This option allows you to send a message to the
user logged onto the node.
* Global>Message. This option allows you to send a message to
all active Maximus nodes.
9. REXX User File Interface
9.1. Introduction
OS/2 Maximus-OS/2 includes a REXX User File Application Program-
only! ming Interface (API). This API allows programs written in
REXX to scan the user file, read user information for par-
ticular users, update fields in existing user records, and
add new users.
To use the REXX API, the maxuapi.dll file must be on your
system's LIBPATH, and the following prologue must be inserted
at the beginning of the REXX program:
/* rexx */
call RxFuncAdd 'MaxLoadFuncs', 'MAXUAPI', 'MaxLoadFuncs'
call MaxLoadFuncs
This code instructs the REXX interpreter to load a copy of
maxuapi.dll and to import all of the REXX user file API func-
Table 9.1 lists the functions supported by the REXX user file
Table 9.1 REXX User API Functions
Function Description
MaxLoadFuncs Load all of the user file API func-
tions into the REXX namespace.
MaxUnloadFuncs Unload all of the user file API
UserFileClose Close the user file. This function
must be called when a REXX program
is finished accessing the user file.
UserFileCreateRecord Create a new record in the user
UserFileFind Find a single user within the user
UserFileFindClose Terminate a multi-user find session.
UserFileFindNext Find the next user in a multi-user
find session.
UserFileFindOpen Begin a multi-user find session.
UserFileFindPrior Find the previous user in a multi-
user find session.
UserFileGetNewLastrea Obtain a lastread pointer for a new
d user.
9. REXX User File Interface 146
UserFileInitRecord Initialize the "usr." stem variable.
UserFileOpen Open a user file.
UserFileSize Retrieves the number of records
stored in the user file.
UserFileUpdate Updates (commits) changes to an ex-
isting user record.
For examples of using the REXX user file API, please see the
sample *.cmd files that are distributed with Maximus.
9.2. Function Descriptions
This section describes all of the functions supported in the
REXX user file API.
Prototype call MaxLoadFuncs
Description The MaxLoadFuncs procedure loads all of the user file API
functions into memory. This procedure must be called before
any of the other API functions can be used.
Note that the MaxLoadFuncs procedure must also be loaded into
memory before it can be called. To load the MaxLoadFuncs pro-
cedure (followed by the rest of the user file API functions),
use the following REXX code:
/* rexx */
call RxFuncAdd 'MaxLoadFuncs', 'MAXUAPI', 'MaxLoadFuncs'
call MaxLoadFuncs
Prototype call MaxUnloadFuncs
Description This procedure unloads all of the user file API functions
from memory. MaxUnloadFuncs should be called at the end of a
command file that contains calls to the user file API func-
9. REXX User File Interface 147
Prototype rc=UserFileClose(huf)
Arguments huf is the handle of the user file to close, as returned by
Return Val. If the user file was closed successfully, this function re-
turns "1". Otherwise, the return value is "0".
Description This function must be called at the end of your REXX program
to close the user file. Failure to call UserFindClose may
cause data to be lost.
After calling UserFindClose, the handle returned by User-
FileOpen is no longer valid.
Prototype rc=UserFileCreateRecord(huf)
Arguments huf must be a user file handle returned by UserFileFindOpen.
Return Val. This function returns "1" if the user record was created suc-
cessfully, or "0" otherwise.
Description The "usr." stem variable must be filled out (as a minimum)
with the new user's name and alias. The user record in this
structure will be added to the specified user file as a new
user record.
Ideally, your program should first call the UserFileInitRe-
cord function to initialize the "usr." stem variable. Next,
your program should call UserFileGetNewLastread to obtain a
new lastread pointer for the user. Finally, your program
should fill out the "usr.name" and "usr.alias" variables,
along with any other desired settings.
9. REXX User File Interface 148
Prototype rc=UserFileFind(huf, name, alias)
Arguments huf specifies a user file handle, as returned by
name specifies the name of the user to find. If this field is
blank, the user's name is ignored when trying to find a
alias specifies the alias of the user to find. If this field
is blank, the user's alias is ignored when trying to find a
Return Val. This function returns "1" if the specified user was found;
otherwise, it returns "0".
Description When UserFileFind successfully finds a user, it places all of
the information related to that user in the "usr." stem vari-
able. For information on accessing these fields, please see
section 9.3.
This function tries to find a single user in the user file.
If both name and alias are non-blank, UserFileFind only tries
to find a user record that matches both the name and alias
If name is specified but alias is an empty string, UserFile-
Find ignores the alias field and only tries to find a user
whose name matches name.
If alias is specified but name is an empty string, UserFile-
Find ignores the name field and only tries to find a user
whose alias matches alias.
If both name and alias are empty strings, UserFileFind re-
turns the first user in the user file.
Prototype rc=UserFileFindClose(huff)
9. REXX User File Interface 149
Prototype huff is a user file find handle returned from UserFileFin-
Return Val. This function returns "1" if the user find handle was closed
successfully, or "0" otherwise.
Description This function must be called to deallocate the memory and
files associated with a user file finding operation.
Prototype rc=UserFileFindNext(huff, name, alias)
Arguments huff is the user file find handle, as returned by UserFile-
name specifies the next name to look for in a sequential
search of the user file. A blank string matches the next
available user name.
alias specifies the next alias to look for in a sequential
search of the user file. A blank string matches the next
available user alias.
Return Val. If a user matching the specified criteria was found, this
function returns "1" and stores the user's information in the
"usr." stem variable. If no user was found, this function re-
turns "0".
Description This function returns the next user in a UserFileFindOpen
search. The name and alias parameters do not need to be the
same as specified in the original UserFileFindOpen call.
Prototype huff = UserFileFindOpen(huf, name, alias)
Arguments huf is the user file handle returned by UserFileOpen.
Arguments name is the name of the user to find, or a blank string to
match any user name.
9. REXX User File Interface 150
alias is the alias of the user to find, or a blank string to
match any alias.
Return Val. If a user matching the name/alias criteria is found, this
function returns a positive handle for the search operation.
If no matching users were found, this function returns "-1".
Description If a user is found, the "usr." stem variable is filled out
with the information in the user record. The UserFileFindNext
function can be called to find subsequent users.
The name and alias parameters should be specified using the
same rules as given for UserFileFind.
Prototype rc=UserFileFindPrior(huff, name, alias)
Arguments huff is the user file find handle, as returned by UserFile-
name specifies the next name to look for in a reverse sequen-
tial search of the user file. A blank string matches the user
prior to the current record.
alias specifies the next alias to look for in a reverse se-
quential search of the user file. A blank string matches the
user prior to the current record.
Return Val. If a user matching the specified criteria was found, this
function returns "1" and stores the user's information in the
"usr." stem variable. If no user was found, this function re-
turns "0".
Description This function performs the same function as UserFileFindNext,
except that the search starts at the current user record and
searches backward to the beginning of the user file.
Prototype usr.lastread_ptr = UserFileGetNewLastread(huf)
Arguments huf must be a user file handle returned by UserFileOpen.
9. REXX User File Interface 151
Return Val. This function returns the next available lastread pointer in
the user file.
Description This function should be used to obtain a lastread pointer
when creating a new user record.
Prototype call UserFileInitRecord(huf)
Arguments huf must be a user file handle returned by a call to User-
Description This function initializes the REXX "usr.*" stem variable to a
set of standard values. This function can be called before
filling out a user record for a new user.
Prototype huf = UserFileOpen(userfile, mode)
Arguments userfile is the path and root filename of the Maximus user
file, without the extension. In a typical Maximus installa-
tion, this field is "\max\user".
mode is the file opening mode to use when opening the user
file. If mode is "create" the user file will be created only
if it does not exist. Otherwise, if the mode is not "create"
(or if the user file already exists), the existing user file
is opened in read/write mode.
Return Val. On success, UserFileOpen returns a handle for the user file.
This handle must be passed to all future UserFile* functions.
If the user file could not be opened, this function returns
Description This function open the Maximus user file for interaction. Us-
erFileOpen must be called before accessing any of the other
REXX API functions.
The user file may not necessarily be called user.bbs. It is
best to allow the name of the user file to be passed as an
argument to your REXX program.
9. REXX User File Interface 152
This function must be called before any of the other user
file functions can be used. The value returned by this func-
tion should be stored in a variable so that it can be passed
as the argument to the other UserFile* functions.
Prototype size = UserFileSize(huf)
Arguments huf is the user file handle, as returned by the UserFileOpen
Return Val. This function returns the number of users in the user file,
or -1 if an invalid user file handle was provided.
Description This function counts the number of users in the specified
user file.
Prototype rc=UserFileUpdate(huf, name, alias)
Arguments huf is a user file handle returned from UserFileOpen.
name is the name of the user to modify. This parameter is not
alias specifies the alias of the user to modify. This parame-
ter is not optional.
Return Val. This function returns "1" if the update was successful, or
"0" otherwise.
Description This function takes the user information stored in the "usr."
stem variable and writes it into the user record for the
named user. If the specified user does not exist, this func-
tion will fail.
The name and alias parameters must specify the name and alias
of the user, as it currently exists in the user file. In most
cases, these will simply be "usr.name" and "usr.alias". How-
ever, in cases where the REXX program modifies the user's
9. REXX User File Interface 153
name or alias, these fields must point to the user record's
original name and alias.
9.3. Accessing "usr." Variables
All of the fields in the user record are exported to the REXX
namespace using the "usr." stem variable. Most of these vari-
ables are exported as strings, but some are stored as binary
Table 9.2 lists the types that are used to store various
parts of the user record.
Table 9.2 REXX Types
Type Description
string This variable represents a variable-length
string. If a maximum length is imposed on the
string, this is indicated in square brackets
beside the type name.
char This variable represents an 8-bit integer. Any
number in the range -128 to 127 is valid.
int This variable represents a 16-bit integer. Any
number in the range -32768 to 32767 is valid.
long This variable represents a 32-bit integer. Any
number in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647
is valid.
bool This variable represents a boolean value. The
character "Y" represents YES; the character "N"
represents NO. No other values are valid.
priv This variable represents a privilege level.
Values in the range 0 through 65535 are valid.
help This variable represents a help level. This
field can contain any of the following values:
"Novice", "Regular", or "Expert".
video This variable represents a video mode. This
field can contain any of the following values:
"TTY", "ANSI", or "AVATAR".
date This variable represents a date. If the date is
modified, it must be stored in exactly this
dd mmm yy hh:mm:ss
9. REXX User File Interface 154
dd is the two-digit, zero-padded day of month
mmm is the three-character abbreviation for the
month name. This field must be one of "Jan",
"Feb", "Mar", ..., "Dec".
yy is the last two digits of the current year
hh, mm and ss represent the hours, minutes and
seconds in 24-hour time.
All of these two-digit numbers should be zero
padded such that "1" through "9" become "01" to
For example: "09 Jul 95 06:15:02"
keys This variable contains a list of keys held by
the user. All of the standard Maximus key val-
ues can be enabled by simply listing those val-
ues in the string. All keys from 1 to 8 and A
to X are valid.
The keys need not be placed in the string in
any particular order. For example, if a user
had keys A, B, F, 3 and 6, the keys string
could be set to "ABF36". Any other permutation
(such as "6FB3A") is also treated identically.
Table 9.3 lists the fields made available to the REXX program
after a call to UserFileFind, UserFileFindNext, or UserFile-
FindPrior. All of these variables are stored under the "usr."
stem variable. For example, to access the "city" field, your
REXX program must reference "usr.city".
Table 9.3 REXX User Record Structure
Name Type Description
num int The user number of the current
user. This variable must not be
name string[35] The primary log-on name of the
given user.
9. REXX User File Interface 155
city string[35] The user's "city" or location.
alias string[20] The user's alias or secondary
log-on name.
phone string[15] The user's phone number.
lastread_ptr int The user's lastread pointer
offset. For new users, this
field can be filled in by call-
ing UserFileGetNewLastread.
timeremainin int The number of minutes that the
g user had remaining when he/she
last logged off.
pwd string[15] This is the user's password.
WARNING! If the "encrypt" field
(below) is set to "Y", the
password field is stored as a
16-byte encrypted string which
cannot be displayed. Otherwise,
if the "encrypt" field is set
to "N", the password is stored
in plaintext and can be dis-
played as a normal string.
There are no facilities avail-
able in REXX for manipulating
encrypted passwords, so care
should be taken when updating
this field.
To assign a new password to a
user, set the "pwd" field to
the plaintext password, and en-
sure that the "encrypt" field
is set to "N".
Note that Maximus will auto-
matically convert the password
to an encrypted format the next
time it accesses the user rec-
times int The number of times that the
user has called the system.
help help The user's current help set-
9. REXX User File Interface 156
video video The user's current video set-
nulls char The number of NULs sent after
each end-of-line character.
hotkeys bool The user's hotkeys setting.
notavail bool If this is set to "Y", the user
cannot be paged for multinode
fsr bool If this is set to "Y", the
full-screen reader is enabled.
nerd bool If this is set to "Y", the
user's yells are silenced.
noulist bool If this is set to "Y", the user
will not be displayed in the
standard user list.
tabs bool If this is set to "Y", groups
of 8 spaces will be sent to the
user as tabs.
encrypt bool If this is set to "Y", the
user's "pwd" field is currently
stored in an encrypted format.
Otherwise, the password is
stored as plaintext.
rip bool If this is set to "Y", RIPscrip
graphics are enabled.
badlogon bool If this is set to "Y", Max will
behave as if the user entered
an incorrect password on the
last log-on attempt.
ibmchars bool If this is set to "Y", Max will
send high-bit IBM extended AS-
CII characters directly to the
user. Otherwise, it will at-
tempt to translate those char-
acters to 7-bit equivalents.
bored bool If this is set to "Y", the
BORED line editor is enabled.
Otherwise, the MaxEd full-
screen editor is enabled.
9. REXX User File Interface 157
more bool If this is set to "Y", the user
will receive "More [Y,n,=]?"
prompts after every page of
configured bool If this is set to "Y", Maximus
has already asked the user the
introductory log-on questions,
such as "Use ANSI?", "Use
MaxEd?", and so on.
cls bool If this is set to "Y", the user
wants screen-clearing codes to
be sent.
priv priv The user's current privilege
time int The number of minutes for which
the user was on-line, between
00:00 and 23:59, on the date
specified by usr.ludate.
deleted bool If this flag is set to "Y", the
user is marked as deleted.
permanent bool If this flag is set to "Y", the
user is marked as permanent.
(This means that the user can-
not be deleted by automated
purging programs.)
width char The width of the caller's
len char The height of the caller's
credit int The user's credit value for
NetMail messages.
debit int The user's debit value for Net-
Mail messages. The user's Net-
Mail balance can be calculated
using this formula:
balance = credit - debit
xp_priv priv The privilege level to which
the user will be demoted when
the user's subscription ex-
pires. The user will only be
demoted to this value if
9. REXX User File Interface 158
usr.expdemote is set to "Y".
xp_date date The date by which the user's
account will expire. This value
will only be checked if
usr.expdate is set to "Y".
xp_mins long The number of on-line minutes
remaining in the user's sub-
scription. This field is only
debited if usr.expmins is set
to "Y".
expdate bool If this is set to "Y", the ex-
pire-by-date feature is acti-
expmins bool If this is set to "Y", the ex-
pire-by-time feature is acti-
expdemote bool If this is set to "Y", the user
is demoted to the privilege
level specified by the xp_priv
field when the subscription ex-
expaxe bool If this is set to "Y", Maximus
will hang up and purge the
user's user record when the
subscription expires.
ludate date The beginning time of the
user's last call.
xkeys keys The keys held by the user.
lang char The user's current language
number, with 0 being the first
language declared in the lan-
guage control file, 1 being the
second language, and so on.
def_proto char This represents the user's de-
fault protocol. A value of -1
indicates no default protocol;
-2 is Xmodem; -3 is Ymodem; -4
is Xmodem-1K; -5 is SEAlink; -6
is Zmodem; and -7 is Ymodem-G.
A value of 0 or greater repre-
sents an external protocol.
9. REXX User File Interface 159
up long The total number of kilobytes
uploaded by the user.
down long The total number of kilobytes
downloaded by the user.
downtoday long The number of kilobytes down-
loaded by the user today.
msg string The user's current message
files string The user's current file area.
compress char The user's default compression
format. A value of -1 indicates
no default compressor.
dataphone string[18] The user's business/data phone
dob_year int The year in which the user was
dob_month int The month in which the user was
dob_day int The day of month in which the
user was born.
msgs_posted long The number of messages that the
user has posted.
msgs_read long The number of messages that the
user has read.
sex int The user's gender. (0 = un-
known; 1 = male; 2 = female.)
date_1stcall date The date of the user's first
date_pwd_chg date The date of the user's last
password change.
nup long The number of files that the
user has uploaded.
ndown long The number of files that the
user has downloaded.
ndowntoday long The number of files that the
9. REXX User File Interface 160
user has downloaded today.
time_added int The time credits given to the
user for the current day.
point_credit int The number of points that have
been credited to the user.
point_debit int The number of points that have
been debited from the user.
10. Introduction to MEX Programming
10.1. About MEX
The Maximus Extension Language (MEX) is an advanced program-
ming language designed to interface with the Maximus bulletin
board system. MEX is a true programming language that pro-
vides support for many advanced language features, including
functions, dynamic strings and arrays.
MEX can be used to add user-defined features and extend the
functionality of a standard Maximus system. For example, MEX
can be used to implement a full-screen chat program, a call-
back verifier, or to implement a user-specific database using
standard file I/O function calls.
MEX was designed to overcome limitations in MECCA, which was
the original Maximus extension language. MECCA was primarily
intended to handle simplistic screen formatting and graphics,
but it could also handle very simple forms of flow control
and menus.
Although MECCA is still supported, MEX is the extension lan-
guage of choice for many advanced tasks. As an example of
MEX's power, parts of the standard Maximus distribution have
been rewritten in MEX, including the file and message area
headers, the Change Menu, and more.
MEX can interface to internal Maximus routines to obtain in-
formation about the current user, to display screen output,
or to perform repetition and flow control. In fact, MEX pro-
grams can accomplish almost anything that can be done in a
general-purpose programming language such as C or Pascal.
However, all of this power does not mean that MEX is hard to
use. The MEX language incorporates the best features from the
C, BASIC and Pascal languages, including time-saving features
such as dynamic strings, pass-by-reference parameters, and
10.2. MEX Road Map
The rest of this section introduces a simple MEX program, de-
scribes how to compile MEX programs, and describes how to run
MEX programs from Maximus.
To find more information about MEX:
10. Introduction to MEX Programming 162
* For general information on MEX programming and language
features, please see section 11.
* For information on the MEX run-time library, please see
section 15.
* For reference information on the MEX language itself, in-
cluding the language grammar, please see section 16.
10.3. Creating a Sample MEX Program
Like MECCA, MEX is a compiled language. This means that the
description of what the program does, otherwise known as the
source file, must be processed by the MEX compiler before the
program can be run. Source files always have an extension of
The source for a MEX program is simply an ASCII text file. An
external editor, such as the DOS edit.com or the OS/2 e.exe,
is used to create and edit a MEX source file.
The best way to start programming in MEX is to write a sample
program. To do this, start up a text editor (such as one of
the two programs mentioned above). Then enter the following
lines, using punctuation and spaces exactly as shown below:
#include <max.mh>
// This is a hello world program.
int main()
print("Hello, world\n");
return 0;
After the text has been entered, double-check each line to
ensure that it appears just like given above.
When run, this program will simply print "Hello, world" and
return to Maximus. However, before trying to compile and run
this program, it will help to become familiar with the basic
elements of the MEX language:
#include <max.mh>
This line, "#include <max.mh>", must be present in all MEX
programs. This line instructs the MEX compiler to read in a
.mh file (a MEX header) that tells it how to interface with
10. Introduction to MEX Programming 163
Without the max.mh file, MEX would not know how to display
output to the user, how to access information in the user re-
cord, or how to perform many other operations.
Unless otherwise noted, max.mh is the only header file that
needs to be included in most MEX programs.
// This is a hello world program.
This line is a comment. A comment begins with two forward
slashes, and everything on the same line, following the
slashes, is ignored by the compiler.
The MEX compiler completely ignores comments, so it is quite
possible to write a "commentless" program. However, comments
serve to remind the reader about how a program works, and
they can also act as an aid to other people who try to modify
an existing MEX program.
In general, it is a good idea to place comments throughout a
MEX program, especially in areas where the program logic is
not self-evident.
int main()
(inner portion of source omitted)
The structure shown above is known as a function. Functions
are the building blocks which are used to create MEX pro-
grams. All of the actions that a MEX program performs are
contained within functions. Only a brief description of func-
tions will be given here, but a detailed discussion of func-
tions can be found in section 11.
The first line of the function, "int main()", tells the MEX
compiler to create a function called "main". All MEX programs
must have a main function. When a MEX program receives con-
trol from Maximus, the program will always start running at
the main function.
The braces, "{" and "}", serve as bounds for the main func-
tion. Everything that is part of the main function must be
inside the braces.
print("Hello, world\n");
This statement is the "meat" of our simple program, since it
instructs Maximus to perform a specific action. This line is
a function call, which consists of a function name, followed
by a pair of parentheses which contain the function argu-
10. Introduction to MEX Programming 164
In this case, the function name is print. The print function
is used to send output to the screen.
The function arguments are "Hello, world\n". The print func-
tion will take the provided arguments and display them on the
screen. (The "\n" is a newline escape sequence, as will be
explained later in more detail.)
In short, while the function name tells Maximus what to do,
the function arguments tell Maximus how to do it.
Several other things are noteworthy about this function call:
* The line ends with a semicolon. In MEX, all statements must
end with a semicolon. In most places, the MEX compiler ig-
nores whitespace (such as spaces, tabs, and ends of lines),
so it uses the semicolon to mark the end of a statement.
* Notice that the function argument, "Hello, world\n", is en-
closed in double quotes. In MEX, this is known as a string.
Strings consist of zero or more letters, numbers, or punc-
tuation marks that are surrounded by a pair of double
quotes. Strings are used for storing, manipulating, and
displaying words and other types of textual information.
* In the example above, the print function was only called
with one argument. Some functions only accept a fixed num-
ber of arguments, but in the case of print, it can accept
as many arguments as desired.
To pass more than one argument to a function, simply add a
comma-delimited list of arguments within the parentheses.
For example, to print the words "Alex", "Betty" and
"Chuck", the following line could be used:
print("Alex ", "Betty ", "Chuck ");
In addition, some functions do not accept any arguments.
Even in these cases, the parentheses must still be present,
since they denote that a function call should be made. For
example, given a function called foo that accepted no argu-
ments, it could be called like this:
* In the function argument, the last two characters, "\n,"
are known as an escape sequence. When the MEX compiler sees
a backslash followed by the letter n, it recognizes this as
the newline escape sequence. This escape sequence then gets
translated to a linefeed, which causes the cursor to skip
down to the next line after the string is displayed.
10. Introduction to MEX Programming 165
In short, every time MEX sees a "\n" enclosed in double
quotes, the "\n" causes the cursor to be sent to the begin-
ning of the next line.
For example, if our sample program contained the following
print("This is a\ntest of the\n\noutput text.\n");
then the output would look like this:
This is a
test of the
output text.
While other escape sequences are also supported, only the
newline escape sequence is important for now.
We finish our analysis of the sample program by examining the
last line in the main function:
return 0;
This line is a return statement. This statement indicates to
Maximus that the MEX program completed successfully. This
normally appears as the last line in the main function. (The
return statement has other uses which will be discussed
later; but for simple, single-function programs, only one re-
turn statement is necessary.)
This completes our analysis of the sample MEX program. See
the following sections for information on compiling and exe-
cuting MEX programs under Maximus.
10.4. Compiling MEX Programs
The main purpose of the MEX compiler, mex.exe, is to read in
a source .mex file and compile it into a .vm file. This .vm
file can be read and executed by Maximus. The compilation
converts the MEX source file into a form that can be executed
while a user is on-line.
The secondary purpose of the MEX compiler is to check the
program source for errors. If the compiler detects an error
while compiling your source, it will print an error message
and abort the compilation. A text editor must then be used to
edit the source file and correct the error.
Assuming that you called your file test.mex, simply type the
following to compile the program:
10. Introduction to MEX Programming 166
mex test.mex
The compiler will then process the source file. If the source
file is incorrect, the compiler will display error messages
and abort the compilation. If this happens, ensure that the
source file matches the example given in the section above.
(The line numbers given in the warning messages can be used
to determine the approximate location of the error.)
10.5. Running MEX Programs
Once a MEX program has been compiled, it can be executed by
There are three primary ways to invoke a MEX program from
Maximus: from a menu option, from a .bbs or .mec file, or
from a File or Uses statement in max.ctl:
10.5.1. Running MEX Programs from Menu Options
The easiest way to add a new MEX program to the system is to
give it its own menu option. To add a menu option, a line
similar to the following can be added to one of the menu
definitions in menus.ctl.
For example, the following line can be added to the defini-
tion for "Menu Main" to run the MEX program that was created
in the previous section:
MEX m\test Normal "Test"
This line instructs Maximus to execute a program called
m\test. Maximus will assume that the file is relative to the
main Maximus directory, so if you installed Maximus in
c:\max, it will expect to find the file in the c:\max\m di-
After making changes to menus.ctl, the Maximus control files
should also be recompiled with SILT.
Maximus reads in the compiled source file (as generated by
the MEX compiler), so it will actually be looking for a file
called c:\max\m\test.vm. If the file is not found, an appro-
priate error message will be displayed (and also placed in
the system log).
If everything went well, upon pressing the "T" key at the
main menu, the output of the "Hello world" program should ap-
pear on the screen.
10. Introduction to MEX Programming 167
For more information on the format of menu options, please
see section 18.8.
10.5.2. Running MEX Programs from .MEC Files
If desired, MEX programs can also be run directly from .mec
or .bbs files. The [mex] MECCA token tells Maximus to run a
MEX program:
For example, these lines could be added to welcome.mec:
After recompiling the welcome.mec file with MECCA, the
c:\max\m\test.vm program will be run every time a user logs
on, in addition to displaying the rest of the normal welcome
10.5.3. Running MEX Programs from MAX.CTL
In many of the Maximus control files, numerous keywords allow
.bbs filenames to be specified. Maximus allows a MEX program
to be substituted for a .bbs file in any of these places.
To indicate to Maximus that it is to run a MEX program in-
stead of a .bbs file, simply add a colon (":") to the begin-
ning of the filename. For example, to completely replace the
\max\misc\logo.bbs file with a MEX program, the Uses Logo
statement in max.ctl can be modified to read as follows:
Uses Logo :M\Test
In this line were used, instead of displaying the standard
\max\misc\logo.bbs file, Maximus would instead run the
\max\m\test.vm program.
This technique can also be applied to any other part of the
system that requests a .bbs filename. For example, even
though the MEX menu option can be used to run MEX programs
directly, we can also use the Display_File menu option to
display a MEX program, even though it is normally used to
display .bbs files:
Display_File :M\Test Normal "Test"
11. MEX Language Tutorial
This section is an introduction to programming in MEX. No
prior programming experience is assumed, although familiarity
with other programming languages will help in some areas.
While this section tries to teach some basic programming
principles, it is not a substitute for a general text on pro-
gramming methodology.
Before reading this section, new programmers should first
read and try out the "Hello world" program from the introduc-
Those who are already familiar with C or Pascal should read
section 12. That section provides a brief overview of the
differences between MEX and each of the other two languages.
However, material in this section will also be helpful in
demonstrating basic language principles.
11.1. Program Development Cycle
Like many things, designing a MEX program is an iterative
task. Seldom do developers write a program correctly on the
first attempt; this section is an introduction to the devel-
opment cycle of a typical computer program.
The first step in designing a computer program is to deter-
mine the end goal of the program. What must the program do?
What are its inputs? What are its outputs?
These three questions must be answered before any further
steps can be taken in program design. Without a clear idea of
what a program is supposed to accomplish, proceeding to the
design and implementation stages all but guarantees a poorly-
designed program in the long run.
After the program's inputs and outputs have been determined,
the next step is to decompose the program's operations into
functional units. This process is described in more detail in
section 11.2.1 (below), but in essence, it involves breaking
a large problem into many smaller subproblems.
The next step is the implementation stage. Here, you must en-
ter the program source code (or a portion thereof) into the
computer. The program source code now takes the form of an
ASCII source file with a .mex extension.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 170
Now, the MEX compiler is invoked to compile the program
source. If any compilation errors occur, you must go back to
the previous step and re-edit the program.
Additionally, a compile-time error might alert you to a prob-
lem with the program design. In this case, you must return to
the design stage and modify the program specification.
Next, the compiled MEX program is run from within Maximus.
Even if the program compiles correctly, there still may be
numerous functional errors in the program. If problems are
observed, you must return to a previous stage, either to re-
edit the program source, or to re-design the portion of the
program that is causing the problem.
In theory, if a program is designed correctly the first time,
very few design changes will be required in the later devel-
opment stages. However, as a program grows in size, it be-
comes much more difficult to design the program in sufficient
detail to ensure that all of the program components will in-
teroperate correctly without any design revision.
In addition, other factors may necessitate a design change,
such users requesting additional features to be added to your
This entire development cycle is often referred to as the
"waterfall effect." Problems noted in the implementation
stage may require a return to the design stage; problems in
the compilation stage may require a return to the implementa-
tion or design stage; problems in the execution stage may re-
quire a return to any of the preceding stages.
In addition, the impact of "feature requests" should not be
underestimated. A common sentiment among programmers is that
no one else except themselves will use a program, so why
bother to design it or comment it properly? Unfortunately,
these types of programs all too often end up being distrib-
uted and used by others, so it usually pays to design and im-
plement a program correctly the first time.
For programs with a large base of installed users, the pro-
gram development cycle never stops. Small changes are always
being made to the program design; small tweaks are always be-
ing made to the program source code; and minor problems are
always being found during program execution.
Familiarizing yourself with the program development cycle is
the best way to ensure success when developing a program, no
matter how large or how small.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 171
11.2. Elements of a MEX Program
A standard MEX program consists of two main components: a set
of instructions that tell the computer what to do, and the
information on which those instructions operate.
The set of instructions is often referred to as code, while
the information on which it operates is often referred to as
11.2.1. About Code
In MEX, the program code is implemented using functions. Al-
though the sample program in the introduction had only one
function, main, most MEX programs have a number of intercon-
nected functions. Functions are building blocks that are used
to design programs in a modular manner.
For example, given a MEX program that retrieves a user's date
of birth, the program could be broken up into a number of
* One function could display a prompt and ask the user to en-
ter a line of text.
* Another function could validate the text entered to ensure
that it is a valid date.
* A third function could store the date information in the
user record.
* A fourth and final function, the main function, could tie
all of the above functions together by invoking them in the
right order.
Within each function are a number of statements. These state-
ments are the step-by-step instructions that tell the com-
puter what to do. For example, the statements in the "date
validation function" could do something similar to the fol-
* Separate the date into year, month and day components
* Check if the year is greater than 1890. If not, reject the
* Check if the month number is greater than 0 and less than
13. If not, reject the date
* Check if the day number is within the bounds for the indi-
cated month. (1 to 31, 1 to 30, 1 to 28, and so on)
11. MEX Language Tutorial 172
By breaking down the major components of a program into func-
tions, and then by breaking down each function into a se-
quence of statements, programs can be written to solve com-
plex everyday problems.
11.2.2. About Data
Program data consists of constants and variables. Like the
name implies, constants never change. Given an expression
such as "2 + 2", the number "2" is a constant.
Variables, on the other hand, can change while your program
is being run. Variables must be given names, as in conven-
tional mathematics. For example, given an expression such as
"i + 2," the symbol i is a variable. Depending on the value
of i, the expression itself can have different values. For
example, if i has a value of 6, the value of the expression
"i + 2" is 8.
In MEX, a variable also has a type. The type of a variable
indicates the kind of information that the variable is al-
lowed to hold. Table 11.1 lists some of the basic data types
supported by MEX:
Table 11.1 MEX Data Types
Type Description
char Variables of this type can hold a single charac-
ter, including letters, numbers, digits, punctua-
tion, and control characters. Variables of the
this type can also be used to store very small
numbers in the range of 0 to 255. Examples of
characters are `a,' `6,' and `:'. Characters are
described in more detail in a later section.
int An int can hold numbers in the range -32768 to
32767. This is an "integer" data type, meaning
that it can only hold whole numbers, both positive
and negative. This means that numbers that contain
a fractional component, such as 8.6 and -4.3, are
not allowed.
long A long can hold numbers in the range -2147483648
to 2147483647. This is an "integer" data type,
meaning that it can only hold whole numbers, both
positive and negative. This means that numbers
that contain a fractional component, such as 8.6
and -4.3, are not allowed.
string This is a "dynamic string" data type. Strings are
commonly used for many word or text-oriented ap-
11. MEX Language Tutorial 173
plications, such as printing output to the screen,
reading a sequence of keystrokes from the key-
board, or any other task which requires characters
to be "grouped."
Strings are dynamic in nature, meaning that they
grow and shrink along with their contents. Conse-
quently, no "maximum length" need be set when de-
claring a string.
Examples of dynamic strings are "Maximus" and
"Alexander the Great."
Strings are described in more detail in a later
struct A structure is an aggregate, user-defined data
type that contains multiple objects of other
types. For example, a structure could hold an in-
teger, a character and a string. Structures will
be discussed in more detail in a later section.
array An array is an aggregate, user-defined data type
that contains multiple objects of the same data
type. For example, an array could contain 500 dis-
tinct integers.
void This is a special data type that is normally only
used for functions that do not return values. The
void data type cannot hold a value and cannot be
used in calculations. This type is discussed in
more detail in a later section.
The three integral types described above, char, int and long,
come in both signed and unsigned versions. A signed type can
represent a negative number, whereas an unsigned type cannot.
(However, an unsigned type can store numbers twice as large
as a signed type.)
The modifiers signed and unsigned can be inserted in front of
one of the three integral type names to specify a signed or
an unsigned type.
The char type is unsigned by default, whereas int and long
are both signed by default.
For example, MEX supports the signed char type (with a range
of -128 to 127), the unsigned int type (with a range of 0 to
65536) and the unsigned long type (with a range of 0 to
11. MEX Language Tutorial 174
11.3. Variable Declarations
All MEX programs must declare variables before they can be
used. The variable declaration tells the compiler two things:
the name of the variable, and the type of information that
the variable will be used to store.
In a MEX program, variables can be declared in two different
* In a block at the top of the .mex source file. Variables
declared here are known as global variables. Global vari-
ables are accessible to all of the functions in a program,
and these variables maintain their value throughout the
execution of the entire program.
* In a block at the top of each function. Variables declared
here are known as local variables. Local variables are only
accessible within the function in which they are declared.
These variables lose their values as soon as the containing
function finishes executing.
A variable block simply denotes an area of the source code
that contains one or more variable declarations. There is no
explicit keyword to tell the MEX compiler that it is process-
ing a variable block or that variables are being declared;
this is detected by context alone. Variables can be declared
at the top of the source file, and just after the opening
brace ("{") of functions.
Note to advanced programmers: variables can also be placed at
the beginning of any basic block in a function, and at other
top-level points in the source file (outside of functions).
However, this capability should only be used when absolutely
A variable declaration block looks like this:
int: i, j, k;
The word int is the variable type. (In declarations, every-
thing to the left of the colon (":") is treated as the vari-
able type.)
The comma-delimited list that follows the type, "i, j, k," is
the list of variables to declare.
The variable declaration ends with a semicolon (";"). This
semicolon tells the compiler where the declaration ends.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 175
For the most part, variable names can be assigned arbitrar-
ily. However, a few restrictions are imposed:
* The name must be from 1 to 32 characters long.
* The name is case-sensitive. This means that "delta,"
"Delta," "DELTA," and "DeLtA" refer to four distinct ob-
* Names can include letters and underscores. Names can also
include digits, except in the first character of the name.
(This means that "top10" is a valid name, whereas "7up" is
In the example above, three integers were created, with names
i, j and k. Of course, variables of different types can also
be declared within one block. The example below shows how to
declare variables of different types within a declaration
char: c;
string: str;
int: i;
int: j;
In the declaration above, a character c is created, in addi-
tion to a string str and integers i and j. Notice that a
semicolon follows each declaration.
A comma-delimited list could have also been used to write an
equivalent declaration block:
char: c;
string: str;
int: i, j;
As can be seen above, variables of the same type can be de-
clared in a comma-delimited list, as well as in separate dec-
larations, with no change in functionality.
All integral variables are automatically initialized to 0
when they are declared. All string variables are initialized
to the null string ("").
11.3.1. Character Variables
Both the char and string data types are used for storing dis-
playable information. However, characters and strings are
used for quite distinct purposes.
A char is normally used when only one letter, number, punc-
tuation symbol or control character needs to be stored. In
11. MEX Language Tutorial 176
addition, a char can store any integer number that is in the
range 0 to 255. Hence, chars are also useful for storing very
small numbers.
To assign a value to a variable of type char, simply enclose
the letter, number or punctuation mark in single quotes. For
char: c;
c := 'q'; // c holds the letter q
c := ':'; // c holds a colon
This approach is adequate for assigning most types of charac-
ter constants. However, some character values cannot be con-
veniently entered in this approach. For example, how does one
enter a newline character, or for that matter, how does one
enter a character that contains a single quote?
The answer lies in escape characters. Within character con-
stants (and also within strings), the backslash is used as an
escape character. Whenever the compiler recognizes an escape
character in a character or string constant, it also reads
the immediately-following character and treats the two as a
By using two-character escape sequences, you can easily place
non-printable and special characters in the source file.
Table 11.2 lists the escape characters supported by MEX:
Table 11.2 MEX Escape Characters
Escape Name ASCII Description
character code
\n Newline 10 As seen in the sample MEX pro-
gram in the introduction, this
character sends the cursor down
one line and moves it to the
left-hand side of the screen.
\r Carriage 13 A carriage return moves the
return cursor to the beginning of the
current line.
\a BEL 7 The BEL character sends an
audible beep to the user. (When
displayed using print, this is
normally not heard on the local
\b Backspace 8 The backspace character moves
the cursor back by one column.
\f Formfeed 12 The formfeed character clears
the screen.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 177
\t Tab 9 The tab character sends the
cursor to the next horizontal
tab stop.
\' Single 39 A single quote character (').
\" Double 34 A double quote character (").
\\ Backslash 92 A backslash character (\).
11.3.2. String Variables
Strings are normally used when a large number of characters
need to be manipulated as a single block, or when parts of a
block of characters need to be manipulated independently.
Strings can be assigned just like any other variables:
string: s;
s := "Julius Caesar";
After this code is run, the variable s will contain "Julius
Caesar." To modify the string at a later point in the pro-
gram, only reassigning the string is necessary, as shown be-
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: s;
s := "Napoleon";
// ... perform conquests here ...
s := "King Henry IV";
return 0;
In the above program segment, the assignment of strings of
varying length to s is automatically managed by the MEX run-
time environment. No explicit "maximum length" need be speci-
fied when declaring the variables, regardless of the size of
the string.
Strings can include any of the escape characters described in
the previous section.
In addition, MEX allows you to manipulate parts of strings as
characters. The "[ ]" operator can be used to extract a char-
11. MEX Language Tutorial 178
acter from a specific point in a string, or to place a new
character into a string. The expression:
str [ idx ]
instructs MEX to extract character number idx from the string
and to convert it to a character, with an idx of 1 represent-
ing the first character in the string.
This notation can be used for both examining characters in
strings and modifying the characters in an existing string.
MEX will automatically expand the string and pad it with
spaces if an expression attempts to add a character beyond
the end of the string.
For example:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: s;
char: c;
s := "Philistine";
c := s[1]; // c is now 'P'
s[3] := c; // s is now "PhPlistine"
// Now expand string by writing beyond end.
s[13] := 'o'; // s is now "PhPlistine o"
return 0;
11.4. Variable Scope
A variable's scope is defined as the region of the source
code which is capable of accessing or modifying that vari-
able. The MEX rules for scoping are derived from the C lan-
guage (which was in turn derived from Algol 68).
In MEX, two simple scoping rules are applied:
* The scope of global variables begins at the point in the
source file where they are declared. The scope of the vari-
able extends to the end of the file. A variable which is
declared as global can be used by any function in the en-
tire program, and the variable's contents are preserved
across function calls. Variables can be declared globally
by simply placing the declaration at the top of the file,
outside of any function body.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 179
* The scope of a local variable begins at the opening brace
("{") of the block in which it is declared. The scope ex-
tends over all nested blocks, and it terminates at the
closing brace ("}") of the block in which it was declared.
Variables declared inside a function are said to have a lo-
cal scope, since they can only be accessed from within that
function. Variables with a local scope are automatically
allocated and deallocated when a function is called; hence,
local variables do not have their values preserved across
different calls of the same function.
11.5. Preprocessor
The MEX compiler includes a rudimentary preprocessor which is
controlled by preprocessor directives. These directives in-
struct it to perform compile-time substitutions and compari-
sons of keywords in the source code.
All preprocessor directives begin with a hash ("#") character
at the beginning of the line.
MEX supports the following preprocessor directives:
#define name value
The #define directive instructs the compiler to examine the
source code and replace all instances of the word name with
the value of value. For all intents and purposes, the com-
piler behaves as if value had been entered in the source
code rather than name. All such substitutions are performed
before a source line is processed by the rest of the com-
For example, the following piece of code:
#define ASSIGN_VARIABLE myint
int: myint;
is equivalent to the following code in all respects:
int: myint;
myint := 3;
#include <filename>
The #include directive instructs the compiler to read in
the header file filename and process it as if its contents
were placed directly within the source file being compiled.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 180
This directive is useful for splitting up a large file into
multiple parts.
In the introduction, the #include directive was also used
to include a file called max.mh, the standard system in-
clude file. The max.mh file contains all of the definitions
required to interface your program with Maximus. While
these definitions could be copied into each and every MEX
program, it is much more convenient to put these defini-
tions all in one place and then #include the file from all
MEX programs.
The filename to be included must be placed within angle
brackets, as shown in the example above. MEX will first
look for the file in the current directory; if it cannot be
found there, MEX will try to find the file in the same di-
rectory as the .mex file that is currently being compiled.
Finally, MEX will attempt to find the file in the directory
specified by the MEX_INCLUDE environment variable.
11.6. Calculations and Arithmetic
MEX supports a wide variety of arithmetic and logical opera-
tors which permit many different operations to be performed
on the variables and data used by a program.
After declaring a set of variables that can hold arbitrary
values, the next thing a programmer may want to do is assign
values to those variables.
The simplest way to assign a value to a variable is to use
the assignment operator. The assignment operator is entered
as two separate characters: a colon followed immediately by
an equals sign (":=").
The assignment operator is similar to the "equals sign" in
conventional mathematics; it assigns the value on the right-
hand side of the assignment operator to the variable on the
left-hand side.
For example, after running the following program:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i;
char: c;
long: l;
i := 4;
c := 'q';
11. MEX Language Tutorial 181
l := 12345678;
return 0;
the variable i will contain the number 4, c will contain the
character 'q', and l will contain the number 12345678.
One variable can also be assigned to another, as shown in the
following program:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i, j;
i := 3; // i now contains 3
j := i; // j now contains 3 too
return 0;
In addition, many other operations can be performed on vari-
ables. Many of the standard arithmetic operations, including
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, can also
be performed on variables of types char, int and long. (Note
that arithmetic operations cannot be performed on strings.
However, the "+" symbol functions as a catenation operator to
combine the contents of two strings.)
MEX also supports a set of boolean logic operators, including
"and" and "or." Lastly, MEX also supports bitwise logic op-
erators, such as bitwise and and bitwise or.
In general, an operator can be combined and used with other
variables as follows:
<expression-left> <operator> <expression-right>
<operator> is one of the arithmetic operators from the table
below. <expression-left> and <expression-right> can be arbi-
trary expressions made up of other operators. For an example,
given "3 + 5," the <expression-left> would be "3", the
<operator> would be "+," and the <expression-right> would be
Table 11.3 lists the operators supported by MEX:
11. MEX Language Tutorial 182
Table 11.3 MEX Operators
Operator Description
+ Addition and catenation. This operator yields the
arithmetic addition of two integer operands, such
as an int and an int, or a long and a long.
Also, when both <expression-left> and
<expression-right> are strings, the + operator
functions as a catenation operator to combine the
two strings.
- Subtraction. This operator yields the arithmetic
difference of the right-hand operand and the
left-hand operand.
* Multiplication. This operator yields the arithme-
tic multiplication of the left-hand operand with
the right-hand operand.
/ Division. This operator yields the arithmetic di-
vision of the left-hand operand by the right-hand
% Modulo-division. This operator yields the remain-
der of the left-hand operand divided by the
right-hand operand.
= Equality. The result of an equality comparison is
1 if the two compared objects contain the same
value, or 0 if they do not.
<> Inequality. The result of an inequality compari-
son is 1 if the two compared objects do not con-
tain the same value, and 0 if they do.
<=, <, Logical comparators. These are the less-than-or-
>=, > equal, less-than, greater-than-or-equal and
greater-than operators. All of these operators
yield a result of 1 if the comparison between the
left-hand operand and the right-hand operand is
true; otherwise, they yield 0.
and Logical and. The logical and operator yields a
result of 1 if both of its operands are non-zero;
otherwise, it yields 0.
or Logical or. The logical or operator yields a re-
sult of 1 if either (or both) of its operands are
non-zero; otherwise, it yields 0.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 183
& Bitwise and. This operator yields the bitwise and
of two integral operands. Each bit in the result
is a 1 only if the bits in the equivalent posi-
tions in both operands are both equal to 1.
| Bitwise or. This operator yields the bitwise or
of two integral operands. Each bit in the result
is a 1 if either of the bits in the equivalent
positions of the operands are equal to 1.
shl Shift-left. This operator shifts the left-hand
operand to the left by the number of bits speci-
fied by the right-hand operand. This operator im-
plements a logical shift and does not necessarily
preserve the sign of the operand, regardless of
whether it is signed or unsigned.
shr Shift-right. This operator shifts the left-hand
operand to the right by the number of bits speci-
fied by the right-hand operand. This operator im-
plements a logical shift; bits shifted in on the
left-hand side of the word are always 0.
The normal mathematical order of evaluation applies to all
calculations. (A table listing the exact operator precedence
can be found in section 16.)
When expressions involve operands which have different types,
the operand with the smallest range is always promoted to the
type of the other operand. If two operands are the same type
but one is unsigned and the other is signed, the unsigned op-
erand is always converted to a signed operand.
This code demonstrates the simple arithmetic operators:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i, j, k;
i := 3;
j := 4 * i; // j = 12
k := j / 3 + 1; // k = 5
return 0;
In addition, parentheses can be used in any expression to ex-
plicitly specify the order of evaluation:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
11. MEX Language Tutorial 184
int: i, j, k;
i := 3;
j := 4 * i; // j = 12
k := j / (3 + 1); // k = 3
return 0;
The logical operators are also quite useful for evaluating
true/false expressions. Unlike other languages, MEX has no
explicit "boolean" data type. Instead, any integral expres-
sion can be evaluated as a boolean expression. Expressions
which evaluate to zero are considered to be false, while all
non-zero expressions are considered to be true. Boolean-like
macro definitions for TRUE and FALSE can be found in max.mh.
For example:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i, j, k, l, m;
i := 0;
j := 4;
k := i and k; // k = 0
l := i or j; // l = 1
m := l and k; // m = 0
return 0;
Although MEX does not have an explicit not operator, it is
easy to test if a boolean condition is false by simply com-
paring it with 0:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i, j, k, l;
i := 2;
j := 3;
k := (i = 3); // k = 0 since i <> 3
l := (k = 0) // l = not k = 1
return 0;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 185
Last but not least, the + operator can be used to catenate
(combine) strings. For example:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: s1, s2, s3;
s1 := "Foo";
s2 := "Bar";
s3 := s1 + s2; // s3 = "FooBar"
return 0;
The string catenation operator can also be applied to multi-
ple strings at a time:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: s1, s2, s3, s4;
s1 := "string1";
s2 := "string2";
s3 := "string3";
s4 := s1 + s2 + s3;
return 0;
11.7. Displaying Output
As seen in the sample program in the introduction, the print
function is used to display output to the user. However,
print is not limited to displaying just predefined text. The
print function can also display the contents of variables and
combine multiple data types into one statement.
In general, multiple arguments can be used within a print
statement by providing a comma-delimited list of variables or
constants to be displayed. Providing such a list is equiva-
lent to listing each variable in a sequence of separate print
In other words, given a declaration such as this:
string: a, b, c;
a := "Alpha ";
11. MEX Language Tutorial 186
b := "Bravo ";
c := "Charlie ";
the following code segment:
print(a, b, c);
will display "Alpha Bravo Charlie ". However, the following
code segment will also produce the same output:
However, print is not limited to displaying only strings.
Both characters and integers can also be displayed:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
char: c;
int: i;
string: s;
s := "The best solution to the problem is ";
c := '#';
i := 1;
print(s, c, i);
return 0;
This code will display:
The best solution to the problem is #1
One further point is that the print function does not add any
extra spacing when displaying variables. Had an extra space
not been included at the end of the string s, the output
would have appeared as follows:
The best solution to the problem is#1
Similarly, the print function does not automatically move the
cursor to the next line after displaying the specified vari-
ables. If this cursor movement is desired, the newline escape
sequence ('\n') should be inserted at the end of the print
statement, as shown below:
string: s;
char: c;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 187
s := "Text #";
c := '2';
print(s, c, '\n');
This code will display "Text #2" and move the cursor to the
beginning of the next line.
11.8. Flow Control
In the preceding MEX examples, the programs have all executed
the statements in the main function from top to bottom. How-
ever, we may want to execute only some of the statements en-
closed in a function, or in some cases, we may want to repeat
some of its statements more than once.
The flow of a program is the order in which the computer exe-
cutes statements within a function. Adding flow control
statements to a MEX program allows the designer to modify the
flow and specify the conditions necessary for groups of
statements to be executed or iterated (repeated).
There are two types of flow control statements: conditional
statements and iterative statements. Conditional statements
allow a set of statements to be executed or skipped based on
a specified condition, while iterative statements allow a
group of statements to be executed multiple times.
11.8.1. Conditional Execution
The most basic form of conditional flow control is the if
statement. The if statement allows the conditional selection
of a group of statements.
The if statement has two separate forms. The standard form
looks like this:
if (expr)
If the expression inside the parentheses evaluates to non-
zero, statement1 is executed. Otherwise, statement1 is
The second form of the if statement looks like this:
if (expr)
11. MEX Language Tutorial 188
This is also referred to as the if / else statement. If expr
evaluates to non-zero, only statement1 is executed. Other-
wise, only statement2 is executed.
Note that if itself is a statement, so multiple if / else
statements can be chained together as shown below:
if (a+b > c)
print("a+b > c");
else if (b+c < a)
print("b+c < a");
else if (d*e = 0)
print("d*e = 0");
print("none of the above");
In addition, the if statement can be used to conditionally
execute multiple statements by using a compound statement. A
compound statement is a pair of braces, between which can be
any number of other statements. This means that constructs
such as this can be used:
if (a > c)
print("a > c\n");
d := 0;
print("a <= c\n");
d := 1;
In this example, if a is greater than c, MEX will display "a
> c" and set d to 0. Otherwise, it will display "a <= 3" and
set d to 1.
The if statement can also be nested, as shown below:
if (a > c)
if (a > d)
print("a is bigger than c and d\n");
print("a is bigger than c only\n");
print("a is smaller than c\n");
11. MEX Language Tutorial 189
11.8.2. Iterative Flow Control
Iteration is used when one or more statements need to be exe-
cuted multiple times. Iteration is also known as looping or
MEX supports three different types of iterative flow control:
the while statement, the do .. while statement, and the for
statement: while
The simplest form of iteration is the while statement (or
while loop). This statement instructs MEX to repeat the fol-
lowing statement as long as a given expression is non-zero.
A standard while statement looks like this:
while (expr)
As with the if statement, statement1 can be either a single
statement or a compound statement.
Before every iteration of the loop, including before the
first iteration, expr is evaluated. If expr evaluates to
zero, the loop is skipped. Otherwise, statement1 is executed
once, and then the whole process repeats. (This implies that
if expr is initially zero, the loop will never be executed.)
For example, the following code fragment causes the body of
the while loop, the "i := i + 1" statement, to execute ten
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i;
i := 1;
while (i <= 10)
i := i + 1;
return 0;
The "i := i + 1" could have easily been replaced with a com-
pound statement, such as one which increments the counter and
then calls print to display the value of the counter:
11. MEX Language Tutorial 190
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i;
i := 1;
while (i <= 10)
print("i = ", i, '\n');
i := i + 1;
return 0;
} do .. while
Conceptually, the do .. while statement (or do .. while loop)
is very similar to the while statement. A do .. while state-
ment looks like this:
while (expr);
The only difference between a do .. while statement and a
standard while statement is the point in time at which expr
is evaluated. With a do .. while statement, the statement
statement1 is executed first, and then expr is tested. This
means that the loop will always be iterated at least once,
regardless of the value of expr.
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i;
i := 0;
print("i = ", i, '\n');
i := i + 1;
while (i > 0 and i <= 9);
return 0;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 191
This code will increment i from 1 to 10, as in the previous
example. However, the loop condition has been modified so
that the loop will exit if "i > 0 and i <= 10" is false.
On the first iteration, i is set to zero. However, the loop
condition is not tested until the end of the loop, after i
has been incremented to 1, so the loop condition is true. for
The for statement (or the for loop) is also quite similar to
the while statement, but the for statement allows the loop
initialization and termination conditions to be written in a
much more concise manner.
A for statement looks like this:
for (initexpr; testexpr; postexpr)
When processing a for loop, the compiler will proceed as
1. Before anything else is done, initexpr is evaluated. Since
this expression is evaluated only once, it is commonly used
to initialize a variable used in the loop test. (Note that
"expressions" such as this can include assignments and
function calls.)
2. Next, testexpr is evaluated. If this expression evaluates
to zero, the loop is skipped.
3. statement1 is executed. This statement is also known the
body of the loop. Overall, statement1 is continually exe-
cuted as long as testexpr evaluates to non-zero.
4. postexpr is evaluated. This expression is normally used to
increment some sort of loop counter.
5. Branch back to step 2.
A simple for statement looks like this:
for (i := 1; i <= 10; i := i + 1)
print("i = ", i, '\n');
This loop simply counts from one to ten, displaying the value
of i while doing so. To break down the loop operation in de-
1. Before the loop begins, i is initialized to 1.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 192
2. Next, i is compared with ten. This test succeeds, so the
print statement in the body of the loop is executed.
3. i is then incremented by one.
4. The whole process repeats by comparing i with ten, and then
performing the actions from 2 through 4 again.
From this, one can see that the for statement is just a
shorthand notation for the while statement. An equivalent
representation for the for statement is shown below:
while (testexpr)
11.8.3. Goto and Labels
There are few cases when the preceding flow-control state-
ments cannot be used to implement an arbitrary program struc-
ture. However, for those rare cases when the preceding
statements are not sufficient, MEX provides a goto statement.
The goto statement unconditionally transfers program control
to a specific point in the program. The goto statement can be
used to jump to another statement that either precedes or
follows the goto statement itself, as long as the destination
of the jump is within the same function as the goto.
The goto statement is often said to be the antithesis of
structured programming, but when used very sparingly, it can
sometimes simplify error-handling or allow the programmer to
exit a deeply-nested loop.
A goto statement looks like this:
goto label;
where label is the user-defined destination for the jump.
A label declaration looks like this:
where labelname is an arbitrary name that follows these con-
* The name must be from 1 to 32 characters long.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 193
* The name is case-sensitive. This means that "delta,"
"Delta," "DELTA," and "DeLtA" refer to four distinct ob-
* Names can include letters and underscores. Names can also
include digits, except in the first character of the name.
(This means that "top10" is a valid name, whereas "7up" is
The labelname is used to specify the destination in the goto
statement. When the program encounters a "goto labelname"
statement, it will immediately jump to the statement follow-
ing labelname.
The following code fragment demonstrates how goto is used to
break out of a for loop:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i, sum;
// Start sum off at zero.
sum := 0;
// Count from 1 to 10
for (i := 0; i <= 10; i := i+1)
// Increment sum by the value of the counter.
sum := sum+i;
// If the count is at least 14, exit
// the loop.
if (sum >= 14)
goto out;
return 0;
There are much more elegant ways to implement this function,
such as by moving the sum check into the testexpr of the for
loop. Regardless, this code fragment shows how to add up all
of the numbers from one to ten, but exiting the loop as soon
as sum is greater than or equal to 14. (In the case above,
sum will equal 15 when the loop finally terminates.)
11. MEX Language Tutorial 194
11.9. Function Calls
As previously described in section 11.2.1, functions are the
main building blocks of MEX programs. All MEX programs must
contain a main function, but most programs will also have
many other related functions. These functions are used to
break a large problem down into smaller, more-manageable
In addition to the functions defined in the .mex source file,
a large number of external functions can also be called by a
MEX program. These functions perform various actions such as:
displaying output to the user, prompting the user for input,
accessing the Maximus user file, manipulating the file tag
queue, and more. The code for these functions is contained
within Maximus itself, but the functions can be called just
like ordinary MEX functions declared in the source file. (A
complete list of external functions is contained in section
In this section, the calling function refers to the point in
the code from which a function call is made. The called func-
tion refers to the destination of a function call, or the
code that gets executed when the function call is performed.
This section describes how to call functions, how to write
your own functions, and how to pass data from one function to
11.9.1. Calling Functions
A function call looks like this:
funcname is the name of the function to call. This name sim-
ply identifies a function that has already been declared or
defined in either the .mex source file or in the global
max.mh header file.
arglist is an optional, comma-delimited list of arguments to
be used in the function call. Arguments are data objects that
are shared between functions. Arguments allow the calling
function to communicate with the called function, and vice
Although the comma-delimited list of arguments is optional,
the pair of parentheses is not. Even if a function accepts no
arguments, an empty pair of parentheses must follow the func-
tion name.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 195
In the calling function, a function call can be written ei-
ther as a separate statement (as shown above), or for func-
tions that return values, the call can also be included in
expressions. This is discussed in more detail in section
Normally, arguments are used for one-way information transfer
(to send information from the calling code to the function
that is called), but if desired, the function arguments can
also be used to transfer information in the other direction.
The function call syntax should already be familiar, since
the print function (as was used in many of the code segments
given in prior sections) is just one example of a function
When a MEX program encounters a function call, the following
steps are taken:
1. The current program location is saved.
2. The arguments specified in arglist are copied so that the
called function can access the information therein.
3. Control is transferred to the called function. The state-
ments in the called function are executed until it issues a
return statement or executes the very last statement in the
4. The program location is restored to the position saved in
step 1.
For example, the following example demonstrates how to se-
quentially call a number of functions. (The declarations for
these functions will be discussed in the following section.)
#include <max.mh>
// insert function definitions here
int main()
return 0;
In this case, the main function is nothing but an empty shell
that calls other functions. The above code instructs main to
execute the statements in the initialize_data, open_file,
11. MEX Language Tutorial 196
write_file, close_file and deinitialize_data functions, in
the order specified above.
The called functions can also include function calls in their
own code, and the functions called from there can also call
other functions. In theory, an infinite number of function
calls can be nested in this manner, but in practice, only a
few dozen nested calls can be made at a time, depending on
the size of the function arguments and the stack size speci-
fied on the MEX command line.
The print function is just one example of a function that re-
quires arguments. Some functions can also accept multiple ar-
guments, as shown below:
#include <max.mh>
// insert function definitions here
int main()
int: sailors;
int: yachts;
sailors := 8;
yachts := 2;
initialize_data(sailors, yachts);
sail_yacht_1(sailors / yachts);
sail_yacht_2(sailors - (sailors / yachts));
return 0;
The first two statements initialize the variables sailors and
yachts to 8 and 2, respectively.
The next statement is a function call to initialize_data. The
two variables sailors and yachts are passed as arguments. In
this hypothetical example, the initialize_data function pre-
sumably uses these values to set up data structures describ-
ing the number of sailors and the number of yachts that are
in use.
Next, the sail_yacht_1 function is called, with a number rep-
resenting about half of the sailors. The function could use
that information to determine how many sailors were in the
boat's crew.
Finally, the sail_yacht_2 function is called, using the num-
ber of remaining sailors as an argument. The function would
11. MEX Language Tutorial 197
also presumably use the number of sailors to determine how it
As can be seen from the example above, although functions are
used to break up the code of a program into smaller parts,
the function argument list is how information is passed from
one function to another.
11.9.2. Defining Functions
Previous sections have focused on calling external functions,
or as-of-yet undeclared and undefined functions in the user
code. This section describes how to define functions of one's
own that can be called from other points in the program.
A function definition has this form:
return_type funcname(paramlist)
This definition can be broken down as follows:
return_type is the type used for the function's return value.
The return value is an optional piece of information that is
passed back to the calling function. (If desired, the func-
tion arguments can also be used to pass information back to
the caller.) Not all functions have return values; when that
is the case, the return_type is "void."
funcname is the name of the function. This name is used when
calling this function via a function call. Function names
must abide by the following conventions:
* The name must be from 1 to 32 characters long.
* The name is case-sensitive. This means that "delta,"
"Delta," "DELTA," and "DeLtA" refer to four distinct ob-
* Names can include letters and underscores. Names can also
include digits, except in the first character of the name.
(This means that "top10" is a valid name, whereas "7up" is
paramlist is the optional, comma-delimited parameter list for
the function. The parameter list consists of pairs of parame-
ter types and parameter names. For functions that accept no
parameters, the space within the parentheses must be left
blank. The topic of function parameters is discussed in the
following section in greater detail.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 198
The pair of braces delimit the body of the function. The
statements contained therein can be any of the statement
types described in previous sections.
However, function definitions may not be nested. This means
that function definitions must be placed at the "top level"
of the source file, outside of any other function defini-
A simple function definition looks something like this:
void hokey_pokey()
This code defines a function called hokey_pokey. This func-
tion can be called from the main function as shown below:
int main()
return 0;
When run, this program will print:
11.9.3. Function Prototypes
If the called function is not defined in the same program
source file as the calling function (such as with external
functions), or if the function is defined later in the same
file, the compiler must be told some extra information about
the called function, including its argument types and return
Regardless of whether a function is internal or external, the
compiler needs some sort of information about the function ---
either a function definition or a function prototype ---be-
fore that function can be called.
If an external function is called, a function prototype is
required. If an internal function is called, and the defini-
tion of that function occurs at a later point in the source
file than the function call itself, a function prototype is
11. MEX Language Tutorial 199
also required. (If the called function is defined in the same
file, and the definition occurs above the point in the file
where it is called, a prototype is not required. In this
case, the function definition provides sufficient information
to the compiler.)
A function prototype looks just like a function definition,
except that the prototype has no function body. Instead, the
statements and braces are replaced with a single semicolon.
A function prototype looks like this:
type funcname(paramlist);
type is the return type of the function. This type must match
the return type given in the function definition.
funcname is the name of the function. This too should match
the name of the function given in the function definition.
paramlist is the parameter list for the function. Except in
special cases with variable-parameter functions, this list
should also match the parameter list given in the function
Function prototypes must be placed at the "top level" of the
source file, outside of any other function definition, and
before any attempt is made to call the function being proto-
Since a prototype tells the compiler about a function, before
the definition for that function is presented, using proto-
types allows two functions to call each other recursively:
#include <max.mh>
void func2(); // Prototype for func2
void func1()
func2(); // Call func2, even though it has
// been declared. (The prototype
// above tells the compiler about
// func2 and the arguments/return
// value that it accepts.
void func2()
func1(); // Call func1. A prototype is not
// required because the function
// was defined at an earlier
// point in the same file.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 200
Note that for all of the external functions described in sec-
tion 15, the appropriate function prototypes are already in-
cluded in the max.mh include file. Hence, as long as the pro-
gram contains the crucial "#include <max.mh>" line at the top
of the file, all of the external functions will be automati-
cally prototyped.
11.9.4. Function Arguments Pass-By-Value Arguments
Up until now, functions have been treated as if they were
simply logical blocks of a program, performing the same pur-
pose each time they were called. Function arguments allow
functions to perform different actions depending on the val-
ues of their arguments.
An important distinction must be made between function argu-
ments and function parameters. From the calling function, the
variables specified when writing the function call are known
as arguments. Within the called function, these arguments are
referred to as parameters. This implies that the arguments
that are "sent" by the calling function are equivalent to the
parameters that are "received" by the called function.
A function can accept as many parameters as desired; however,
each parameter (and its associated type) must be specified
when the function is defined and prototyped.
A definition for a function that has parameters looks like
type funcname(type1: var1, type2: var2)
In this case, type1 is the type of the first parameter, and
var1 is the name used to reference the parameter.
Similarly, type2 is the type of the second parameter, and
var2 is the name used to reference the second parameter.
Naturally, more than two parameters can be used by simply ex-
panding the comma-delimited list to provide more than two pa-
rameter type/name pairs. The comma-delimited list is also
known as the function's parameter list.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 201
A special word of caution is required for function parame-
All function arguments and parameters are positional. This
means that the first parameter in a function definition must
correspond to the first argument passed in a call to that
function. Similar logic applies to the second and subsequent
arguments and parameters.
Also, the parameter names specified in the called function
are simply "dummy names." The value to use for each parameter
is provided by the argument list from the calling function.
The calling function can pass any variable or expression for
a given argument, but that value will become known to the
called function by the parameter name specified in the func-
tion definition.
For example, given the following code:
#include <max.mh>
void myfunc(int: arg1, int: arg2)
print("arg1 = ", arg1, " and arg2 = ", arg2, '\n');
int main()
int: i, j;
i := 4;
j := 7;
myfunc(i, j);
return 0;
The program output will be:
arg1 = 4 and arg2 = 7
In the main function, the variable i is passed for arg1, and
the variable j is passed for arg2. Within myfunc, the arg1
and arg2 names refer to the parameters specified in the call
to that function, regardless of what those arguments were
called in the calling function.
In myfunc, the value of arg1 will be equal to the value of i
(from the main function), and the value of arg2 will be equal
to the value of j (also from the main function).
11. MEX Language Tutorial 202
However, within the called function, changes made to the
function parameters do not automatically cause a change in
the arguments specified in the calling function.
For example, given the following program:
#include <max.mh>
void change_it(int: a)
a := 3;
int main()
int: i;
i := 5;
print("i is ", i, '\n');
return 0;
This program prints:
i is 5
As can be seen from the output, the assignment to a in
change_it has no effect on the value of i in main. Pass-By-Reference Arguments
MEX also supports a type of argument passing called pass-by-
reference. Pass-by-reference arguments explicitly cause the
argument passed into the function call to be modified when
the parameter is updated from within the called function.
To declare a pass-by-reference argument in the function defi-
nition and prototype, simply include the ref keyword before
the parameter type. For example, if the definition for
change_it were modified to look like this:
void change_it(ref int: a)
then the program would display:
i is 3
as could be expected. The only caveat to using pass-by-
reference arguments is that a variable must always be speci-
fied for that argument when writing the function call, rather
than using a constant or some other expression.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 203
This means that, given the pass-by-reference definition of
change_it, the following function calls are illegal:
change_it(3); // 3 is a constant
change_it(i * 2 + 2); // i * 2 + 1 is an expression
A function with pass-by-reference parameters will update the
function argument if the parameter is changed from within the
called function. Obviously, the function cannot change the
"value" of the number 3. Likewise, it also cannot change the
"value" of the expression "i * 2 + 1."
Hence, arguments passed for pass-by-reference arguments must
be simple variable names and not expressions or constants.
11.9.5. Function Return Values
In all of the examples presented in previous sections, the
functions had no return value. A return value is another
method that can be used to pass information from the called
function back to the calling function.
Function return values can be used in a manner similar to
conventional mathematical functions. For example, if we had a
function that calculated the square root of a number, one
would like to be able to write:
i := sqrt(25); // i = 5
To declare a function that returns a value:
1. In the function prototype and definition, select an appro-
priate return type for the function. This type must immedi-
ately precede the funcname part of the definition or proto-
type, as discussed in the preceding section.
2. Inside the function, the return statement must be used to
identify the value being returned.
A return statement looks like this:
return opt-expr;
where opt-expr is an optional expression which has a type
equivalent to the function return type.
In those special cases where the function is declared as re-
turning void, meaning that the function does not return a
value, the opt-expr must not be present. If that is the case,
the return statement must look like this:
11. MEX Language Tutorial 204
For functions that are declared as returning void, the return
statement simply instructs the function to return immediately
to the calling function. No data is passed from the called
function to the caller.
In cases where the function does return a value, upon encoun-
tering a return statement, the program will take the expres-
sion indicated in the return statement and store its value so
that the calling function can access it. The program will
then immediately return to the calling function.
For example, to implement the square root function from
int sqrt(int: value) // the "int" before the sqrt
{ // identifies the type of
// return value.
int: result;
// Code here that calculates the square root
// of 'value' and places the result in 'result.'
return result;
In this case, the function is said to return the value that
is contained in the result variable. The naming of the vari-
able used in the return statement is completely arbitrary;
the variable can be named anything, just as long as the re-
turn statement indicates the value to be returned.
However, the return statement need not always be at the very
end of the function. Since the return function causes the
program to immediately end the function being called, the re-
turn statement is useful for error-checking and aborting a
function before all statements have been executed.
For example, to add a degree of error-checking to our func-
#include <max.mh>
int sqrt(int: value)
int: result;
if (value < 0)
print("Invalid sqrt() argument!\n");
return -1; // No real-valued number will
// have this root.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 205
// Code to place the root of 'value' into 'result'.
return result;
In the case shown above, if an invalid argument is passed to
the sqrt function, it will print an error message and return
a value of -1. Otherwise, it will proceed with the calcula-
tion and return the square root of the number.
From this, one can see that the main function from previous
examples is an ordinary function that returns an integer
value. The only difference between main and other functions
is that Maximus will check the return value from main, and if
it is non-zero, Maximus will place an entry in the system
log. (main is also the function that Maximus first calls when
a MEX program is started.)
However, functions are not constrained to returning only in-
tegers. Functions can also be used to return data of types
char, int, long and string. For example, to define a function
that returns a string describing the day of the week:
string weekday(int: daynum)
if (daynum = 1)
return "Sunday";
else if (daynum = 2)
return "Monday";
else if (daynum = 3)
return "Tuesday";
else if (daynum = 4)
return "Wednesday";
else if (daynum = 5)
return "Thursday";
else if (daynum = 6)
return "Friday";
else if (daynum = 7)
return "Saturday";
return "*InvalidDay*";
Compared to previous examples in this section, the only sig-
nificant changes are that the function return value is de-
clared as "string," and the values following the return
statements are all string constants.
The main restriction with return values is that only one data
item can be returned to the caller. However, if multiple data
11. MEX Language Tutorial 206
items need to be passed back to the caller, pass-by-reference
arguments are the obvious solution.
11.10. Arrays
Programs often need to manipulate large amounts of informa-
tion in a similar manner. If a program needed to manipulate
500 numbers, the programmer could easily declare a variable
to hold each individual number:
int: num1;
int: num2;
int: num3;
// and so on
However, if all of the numbers represented similar pieces of
information (such as, say, the height of an office building),
an array can greatly simplify the code used to manipulate
this information.
An array is a data type that holds collections of other data
objects. All of the objects contained within an array must be
of the same data type.
In addition, the objects within the array can be indexed. For
example, given an array of 500 numbers, the program can ex-
plicitly retrieve the 42nd number. Arrays can also be indexed
by another variable. For example, the program can ask to re-
trieve the ith number from within the structure, and if the
integer variable i happens to contain the value 3 at run-
time, the third object in the array is retrieved.
Arrays can be considered as a group of data objects all lined
up in a row. Each object in that row can be accessed indi-
vidually by number, but the entire row can still be referred
to as a single array of objects.
11.10.1. Declaring Arrays
An array declaration looks like this:
array [lower .. upper] of type: varname;
lower specifies the lower bound of the array. This is the
lowest index value that can be used to store information in
the array. Since most counting exercises start at the number
one (as in first, second, third, and so on), this value is
normally set to 1. (However, the code generated by the MEX
compiler will run a little faster if the lower bound of the
array is set to 0.)
11. MEX Language Tutorial 207
upper specifies the upper bound of the array. This is the
highest possible index value that can be used to store infor-
mation in the array. The value used for upper depends on the
number of data items that need to be stored in the array. up-
per must be greater than or equal to the value specified for
All of the values between lower and upper (inclusive) can be
used as indices for the array. In general, the total number
of data objects stored in the array can be calculated as fol-
Number of objects = upper - lower + 1
A data object within an array is also sometimes referred to
as an element in the array.
type is the data type of the objects contained in the array.
As discussed earlier, all of the objects in the array will
have the same type.
varname is the name of the array variable to be declared.
varname must abide by the standard MEX variable-naming rules.
For example, this declaration creates an array of 100 inte-
array [1 .. 100] of int: my_ints;
In this case, the array variable is called my_ints, and valid
index values are 1 through 100.
Arrays of other data types can also be created; the indices
for the array can also include negative values:
array [-50 .. 50] of string: my_strings;
Here, the array variable is called my_strings, and valid in-
dex values are -50 through 50.
11.10.2. Accessing Arrays
Array variables themselves cannot be assigned or used in
arithmetic expressions. However, the data objects within the
array can be assigned to, manipulated, displayed, and treated
like any other kind of variable.
After having declared an array, the array operator is used to
access an individual data object within the array. Within an
expression, the array operator is used like this:
11. MEX Language Tutorial 208
arrayvar is the name of a previously-declared array variable,
such as my_ints or my_strings.
idx is the index to be applied to the array, surrounded by
square brackets. idx can be a constant (such as the number
"4"), a variable (such as an integer), or the result of a
more complex expression.
This index value must always be within the bounds specified
by upper and lower (from the array variable declaration). Us-
ing an out-of-bounds index value results in undefined behav-
When used with the array operator, the arrayvar and idx vari-
ables select a single data object from within the array. The
array operator is always used as part of an expression. After
applying the array operator, the resulting object can then be
assigned to, manipulated as part of another expression,
passed as a function argument, and treated like any other
For example, given the my_ints array declaration from above,
the contents of the array can be set up as shown below:
my_ints[1] := 42;
my_ints[2] := 119;
my_ints[3] := 55;
// and so on
However, as mentioned previously, the array index need not be
a simple constant, as in the "1, 2, 3" case above. To ini-
tialize all of the elements in the array to the value 42, a
for loop can be used, along with an integer index:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
array [1..100] of int: my_ints;
int: i;
// This 'for' loop increments 'i' from 1
// to 100.
for (i := 1; i <= 100; i := i + 1)
// Set each integer to 42.
my_ints[i] := 42;
return 0;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 209
A more complicated expression can also be used as an index.
For example, to initialize only even-numbered data objects:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
array [1..100] of int: my_ints;
int: i;
// Note that 'i' goes from 1 to 50, since we
// are multiplying it by 2 below.
for (i := 1; i <= 50; i := i + 1)
// Initialize data objects indexed by i*2,
// which will result in indices of 2, 4,
// 6, 8, and so on.
my_ints[i*2] := 42;
return 0;
Similarly, the values in arrays can also be manipulated in
other expressions. The following example creates an array
containing the powers of 2:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
array [1..8] of int: my_ints;
int: i;
for (i := 1; i <= 8; i := i + 1)
if (i = 1)
my_ints[1] := 1;
my_ints[i] := my_ints[i-1] * 2;
print("Array at ", i, " is ",
my_ints[i], '\n');
return 0;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 210
11.10.3. Arrays as Function Parameters
This section describes how to pass the information contained
in arrays to other functions. Fixed-Length Arrays
To pass information in an array to a function, one possible
option is to pass each element in the array as a separate ar-
gument, as shown below:
array [1..100] of int: my_ints;
// initialize array
This example passes the first element of my_ints to the proc-
ess_an_int function.
However, the entire array can also be passed as a parameter
in a function call. To do this:
1. Ensure that the array types match. In the function proto-
type and definition, the array parameter type must be iden-
tical to the argument type that the caller provides in the
function call. For example, if passing an array called
"my_ints", and if my_ints has a type of "array [1..50] of
string," this exact type definition must also be included
in the function prototype and definition.
2. Specify the name of the array variable when writing the
function call. Just include the name of the array variable
itself (without using the array operator).
For example:
#include <max.mh>
void handle_ints(array [1..50] of int: my_array);
int main()
// Note that the type of the my_ints variable
// matches the type in the function prototype
// above.
array [1..50] of int: my_ints;
// initialize array here
11. MEX Language Tutorial 211
return 0;
void handle_ints(array [1..50] of int: my_array)
int: i;
// Now loop through all of the integers and
// display them.
for (i := 1; i <= 50; i := i + 1)
print("Int ", i, " is ", my_array[i], '\n');
The handle_ints function takes the my_array parameter and
displays the value of every integer in the array.
Unlike other types, arrays are always passed by reference.
Even if no ref qualifier is present in the parameter list,
any changes that the called function makes to the array will
also be reflected in the caller's copy of the array.
This allows a called function to adjust certain values in an
array with little or no impact on program performance:
#include <max.mh>
void adjust_ints(array [1..50] of int: my_ints);
int main()
array [1..50] of int: foo;
// Initialize the array and display foo[2]
foo[1] := 3;
foo[2] := 8;
foo[3] := 9;
print("foo #2 is ", foo[2], '\n');
// Call adjust_ints and redisplay foo[2]
print("foo #2 is ", foo[2], '\n');
return 0;
void adjust_ints(array [1..50] of int: my_ints)
my_ints[2] := 4;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 212
This program will display:
foo #2 is 8
foo #2 is 4 Variable-Length Arrays as Function Parameters
One common approach when using arrays is to write separate
functions to manipulate the contents of an array of a speci-
fied type. Unfortunately, even though arrays containing the
same type of object are used in many places, not all of these
arrays are guaranteed to have the same bounds.
For example, suppose that we have two arrays containing the
average daily temperature for each day in February and March
(respectively). The arrays would be declared like this:
array [1..28] of int: feb_temp;
array [1..30] of int: mar_temp;
Now, suppose that we want to print out all of the tempera-
tures for a given month. For our first attempt, we try creat-
ing a function with the following prototype:
int print_temps(array [1..30] of int: month_temp);
Unfortunately, even though we can call
"print_temps(mar_temp)" using the above prototype, we get a
MEX compile-time error if we try to call
This error occurs because the bounds of the declared array do
not match the bounds of the array specified in the function
prototype. Separate print_temps functions could be created
with different array bounds, but this would lead to unneces-
sary duplication of program code.
To solve the problem in an elegant manner, MEX permits vari-
able-length arrays in function prototypes and function defi-
nitions. The lower bound for the array must still be speci-
fied, and the lower bound must still match between the argu-
ment and the parameter. However, the upper bound can be omit-
ted. This tells MEX that the called function can accept an
array of any length.
A variable-length array can be declared as shown below. Note
that this style of array declaration is only valid in func-
tion parameter lists and prototypes:
array [lower .. ] of type: varname
11. MEX Language Tutorial 213
The only difference between this format and the standard ar-
ray declaration format is the absence of upper. Aside from
this omission, the components of the two declaration formats
are identical.
Even though the upper bound can be omitted in the called
function, it is still the called function's responsibility to
ensure that the array is only accessed within a valid set of
bounds. The array referenced by the parameter is the same ar-
ray as was declared in the calling function. Consequently, if
the original array had bounds of 5 to 10, the called function
must not use an index outside of the 5 through 10 range when
accessing the parameter. The conventional way to deal with
this problem is to have the calling function pass an extra
argument that indicates the bounds of the array.
The following example shows how to use variable-length arrays
to solve the "array of temperatures" problem discussed above:
#include <max.mh>
void print_temps(int: days,
array [1..] of int: temps);
int main()
array [1..28] of int: feb_temp;
array [1..30] of int: mar_temp;
// Initialize the February array
feb_temp[1] := -15;
feb_temp[2] := -13;
// and so on
// Initialize the March array
mar_temp[1] := -3;
mar_temp[2] := 2;
// and so on
// Now print them both out:
print_temps(28, feb_temp);
print_temps(30, mar_temp);
return 0;
void print_temps(int: days, array [1..] of int: temps)
int: i;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 214
// Loop through all of the days in the array,
// as specified by the 'days' parameter, and
// print out the temperature for that day.
for (i := 1; i <= days; i := i + 1)
print("Temperature for day ", i, " is ",
temps[i], '\n');
11.11. Structures
When a function must manage a large amount of information, it
is often helpful to group that information together in a
logical manner. For example, to design an electronic address
book, one possible (but clumsy) approach is to declare a
separate variable for each item in the address book, like
string: name;
string: address;
string: city;
string: province;
Then, every time a data record needed to be read in or writ-
ten out, each variable could be manipulated separately. Simi-
larly, every time a function needed to access information in
the address record, each variable would need to be passed as
a separate parameter.
However, MEX provides a much easier way to group variables.
The structure is an aggregate data type that acts as a
"container" for other variables.
Structure variables (which are simply variables that are de-
clared of the structure type) can then be manipulated, as-
signed and copied as a single data object. These actions act
upon all of the fields contained within the structure. If de-
sired, the fields within the structure can also be accessed
Unlike arrays, structures can contain objects of different
data types. Because of this, there is no way to specify an
integer "index" to obtain a particular data object that is
contained within the structure. (However, one can construct
an array of structures; see section 11.11.4 below for more
11. MEX Language Tutorial 215
11.11.1. Defining Structure Types
Before a structure variable can be declared, the format of
the structure itself must be defined. For example, in the ad-
dress book example, we would need to tell the compiler that
an "address book structure" contained the four string vari-
ables mentioned above.
The definition of a structure type looks like this:
struct tag
Structure definitions must be placed at the top of the source
file, outside of any function definition.
tag is an arbitrary, user-defined "tag" for the structure.
The tag identifies a particular structure type and its con-
tents. A program can use many different structure types at
the same time ---such as both an address book structure and a
phone book structure, as could be envisaged for our example
above ---so the tag is needed to differentiate between dif-
ferent structure types.
The tag can be set to any arbitrary name, as long as the name
is unique among other functions, global variables and struc-
tures. The tag is used later when declaring variables of the
specified structure type. The tag name must also abide by the
usual variable-naming conventions:
* The name must be from 1 to 32 characters long.
* The name is case-sensitive. This means that "delta,"
"Delta," "DELTA," and "DeLtA" refer to four distinct ob-
* Names can include letters and underscores. Names can also
include digits, except in the first character of the name.
(This means that "top10" is a valid name, whereas "7up" is
The field-decl-list contains a number of field definitions. A
field is simply a data object contained within the structure.
In our example at the beginning of the section, the name and
address variables are fields in the address book structure.
A single semicolon must follow the closing brace of the
The field-decl-list looks exactly like a variable declaration
block at the beginning of a function. For example, if we were
11. MEX Language Tutorial 216
to give our address book structure a tag of "abook," the
definition would look like this:
struct abook
string: name;
string: address;
string: city;
string: province;
This structure definition has a tag of abook, and the struc-
ture contains the fields name, address, city and province.
However, as with variable declaration blocks, the fields in a
structure need not all be of the same type. Our address book
could be expanded to include more useful information, as
shown below:
struct abook
string: firstname; // "John"
char: initial; // 'Q'
string: lastname; // "Public"
int: house_number; // 777
string: street; // Downing St.
string: city; // Kingston
string: province; // Ontario
This structure contains a number of string variables as be-
fore, but it also contains an int and a char to store indi-
vidual pieces of the address information.
This structure type definition will be used by several exam-
ples in the following sections. This type definition should
be included in any source file that uses the abook structure.
11.11.2. Declaring Structure Variables
Once a structure type has been defined, variables of that
structure type can be created. Just like a normal int (or
other variable type), structure variable declarations are
placed in the variable declaration block at the beginning of
a function.
A structure variable declaration looks like this:
struct tag varname;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 217
The tag refers to a structure tag that was previously de-
clared in a structure type definition.
varname is the name of the structure variable to be declared.
Given our address book example, suppose that we wanted to
create two entries in the address book. We could then declare
two structure variables as follows:
struct abook: john;
struct abook: steve;
This would create variables called john and steve, each con-
taining distinct copies of the fields in the address book
11.11.3. Using Structure Variables
For the most part, structure variables can be manipulated
like other data types. While it is obviously not possible to
use arithmetic operators on entire structures (what would
"steve + john" mean?), these structure variables can be as-
signed, passed as parameters in function calls, and so on.
In addition to the standard operators, the field selector op-
erator ("." ---a period) is a special operator that can only
be used with structures. This operator is used to directly
access a single field contained within a structure.
Within an expression, the field selector operator is used
like this:
structvar . field
structvar is the name of a previously-declared structure
variable, such as "john" (from our previous example).
Following the period ("."), the field is the name of one of
the fields declared in the original structure definition,
such as "firstname" or "street."
By applying the field selector operator to a structure vari-
able and a field name, single fields within the structure can
be manipulated individually.
The field selector operator is always used as part of an ex-
pression. In other words, after applying the field selector
operator to a structure variable and a field name, the result
is always assigned to another variable, used as the target of
an assignment, or included in some other expression.
11. MEX Language Tutorial 218
For example, given an address book structure named john, we
can assign a value to one of its fields like this:
john.lastname := "Public";
It may be useful to think of the structure operator as a way
to select a certain field from a structure (which can then be
used in the following operation).
After using the field selector, the result is an object which
has a type equivalent to the type of the field. With our ad-
dress book example, if we had declared a structure variable
called john, the object "john.firstname" has a type of
string. This means that john.firstname can be manipulated
just like any other string.
In addition to assigning a string to john.lastname, as we did
above, the following type of manipulation is also perfectly
fullname := john.firstname + " " + john.lastname;
This expression takes the firstname field (which is a string)
from within the john structure, and it then uses the catena-
tion operator to add a space, followed by the contents of
The following sample program shows how values can be assigned
to and retrieved from fields in a structure:
#include <max.mh>
struct abook
string: firstname;
char: initial;
string: lastname;
int: house_number;
string: street;
string: city;
string: province;
int main()
struct abook: john;
struct abook: steve;
john.firstname := "John";
john.initial := 'Q';
john.lastname := "Public";
11. MEX Language Tutorial 219
john.house_number := 777;
john.street := "Downing St";
john.city := "Kingston";
john.province := "Ontario";
steve.firstname := "Steve";
steve.initial := 'S';
steve.lastname := "Smith";
steve.house_number := 5;
steve.street := "Smith St";
steve.city := "Smiths Falls";
steve.province := "Ontario";
print("John's last name is ",john.lastname,'\n');
print("Steve's last name is ",steve.lastname,'\n');
return 0;
This sample program should print:
John's last name is Public
Steve's last name is Smith
11.11.4. Advanced Structure Definitions
Structures can be used to store simple data types, such as
int, char, string and long, but structures can also be used
to store arrays and even nested copies of other structures.
Structures containing other structures or arrays are declared
in the same manner as less-complicated structures. In the
case of structures containing structures, as long as the
"child" structure (to be included within the "parent" struc-
ture) is defined at an earlier point in the source file
(relative to the parent definition), the structure definition
can be written as one might expect:
struct date
int: year, month, day;
struct addressbook2
string: name;
struct date: date_entered;
struct date: date_updated;
array [1..2] of string: phone;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 220
This example uses a child structure, date, contained within
the parent structure, addressbook2. The parent structure con-
tains two copies of the date structure, called date_entered
and date_updated. It also includes an array of strings for
storing data and FAX phone numbers.
The structure member operator (".") and array operators ("["
and "]") can be combined in a logical manner to access the
fields within these structures.
The address book structure from above can be declared and
used like this:
struct addressbook2: john;
john.name := "John Q. Public"; // standard field
john.date_entered.year := 1995; // nested field
john.date_entered.month := 6; // nested field
john.date_entered.day := 18; // nested field
john.date_updated.year := 1995; // nested field
john.date_updated.year := 7; // nested field
john.date_updated.day := 14; // nested field
john.phone[1] := "+1-613-389-8315"; // array field
john.phone[2] := "+1-613-634-3058"; // array field
Other advanced constructs can also be used. For example, an
array of structures can be declared to hold an entire address
catalog. Fields within the structures can then be accessed
like this, assuming the addressbook2 definition from above:
array [1..10] of struct addressbook2: book;
book[1].name := "Steve S. Smith";
book[1].date_entered.year := 1995;
book[1].phone[1] := "+1-613-634-3058";
// etc.
book[2].name := "John Q. Public";
book[2].date_entered.year := 1995;
book[2].date_updated.month := 6;
// etc.
This makes it possible to perform the same operations on many
structures, which has many applications in data processing
programs. For example, given the address book definition from
above, the following program segment could be used to print
out the names of everyone in the address book:
int: idx;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 221
for (idx := 1; idx <= 10; idx := idx + 1)
// If the name in this address book record is
// not empty, print it out.
if (book[idx].name <> "")
print("Name is ", book[idx].name, '\n');
11.11.5. Structures as Function Parameters
Structures can also be passed as parameters to functions.
Just like other variable types, the contents of the struc-
tures can be accessed from within the called function using
standard syntax.
In the function prototype and function definition, simply in-
clude the variable type and name in the parameter list. (For
example, "struct addressbook: mybook" could be added to the
parameter list to specify an address book structure.)
Next, when writing the function call, just include the name
of the structure variable to be passed to the caller. For ex-
#include <max.mh>
struct date
int: year, month, day;
// Prototype for the function declared below.
void showdate(struct date: d);
int main()
struct date: d1, d2;
// Initialize dates
d1.year := 1995;
d1.month := 7;
d1.day := 1;
d2.year := 1994;
d2.month := 3;
d2.day := 24;
// Display them to the user
11. MEX Language Tutorial 222
return 0;
void showdate(struct date: d)
print(d.month, '/', d.day, '/', d.year, '\n');
Upon running the above program, the following is displayed:
However, like arrays, structures are always passed by refer-
ence, regardless of whether or not the ref qualifier is used.
This means that the called function will always be able to
modify the contents of the structure passed in by the parent.
For example:
#include <max.mh>
struct date
int: year, month, day;
void changeit(ref struct date: d)
d.year := 1993;
int main()
struct date: d;
d.year := 1995;
d.month := 4;
d.day := 16;
print(d.month, '/', d.day, '/', d.year, '\n');
print(d.month, '/', d.day, '/', d.year, '\n');
return 0;
This sample program will print:
11. MEX Language Tutorial 223
11.12. Casts
A cast is an explicit instruction to the MEX compiler to con-
vert a data object from one type to another. Casts are not
required for most MEX programs, but they are useful in some
A cast is used within an expression like this:
(type) argument
argument is the expression or object that is to be converted.
type is the type to which argument is to be converted. MEX
currently only allows programs to cast to or from the char,
int, and long types.
For example, the following code segment converts a char so
that it can be assigned to a long:
char: c;
long: l;
c := 'A';
l := (long)c; // l now contains 65, the ASCII
// value of 'c'.
In many cases, casting is not necessary. In the example
above, MEX would perform an implicit type conversion anyway
if the cast were not specified. The following line would have
exactly the same effect:
l := c; // perform implicit conversion
// from char to long.
However, casts are sometimes used when calling the print
function to display output of a certain type. The print func-
tion is type-sensitive, meaning that it produces different
forms of output depending on the type of data object that is
passed to it.
For example, if we have the following code:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
char: c;
int: i;
long: l;
c := 65;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 224
i := 65;
l := 65;
print(c, '\n');
print(i, '\n');
print(l, '\n');
return 0;
The program will display the following output:
The number 65 is the ASCII value of the letter `A', and since
print knows that it is displaying a character, the first line
in the output is the character representation of c.
Likewise, print knows when it is displaying integers and long
integers, so it formats the output appropriately.
Casting is useful when you have an object of one data type
but wish it to be displayed as an object of another type.
For example, suppose that we actually wanted our program to
display the ASCII value of c. We could then rewrite that one
line like this:
print( (int)c, '\n' );
which would produce the desired output of "65." The cast con-
verts the character to an integer, so when print goes to dis-
play the object, it applies the standard integer formatting
Likewise, casts can be useful when dealing with signed and
unsigned integers. MEX stores negative numbers using the
standard two's complement notation; this means that "-1" is
represented (in a 16-bit int) as 65535; "-2" is represented
as 65534; and so on.
If your program reads in a value as an unsigned integer but
wishes to display the signed representation of that number,
the following code can do the job:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
unsigned int: ui;
11. MEX Language Tutorial 225
// Code to read the integer would go here. For this
// example, we just assign an unsigned value to the
// 'ui' variable.
ui := 65532;
print("Unsigned is ", ui, '\n');
print(" Signed is ", (int)ui, '\n');
return 0;
This code will display:
Unsigned is 65532
Signed is -4
Likewise, a similar cast can be used to convert a negative
signed number into the standard two's-complement (unsigned)
11.13. Further Explorations in MEX
This completes the MEX language tutorial. While far from a
comprehensive programming design manual, this section should
have given you an overview of the capabilities of the MEX
language, and it should have also given you some ideas for
writing programs of your own.
From here, the best thing to do is to try writing some MEX
programs. After you feel comfortable with the basics of the
MEX language, also have a look at section 13 later in this
In that section, a number of helpful interfacing tips are
presented for writing MEX programs that interface with the
internal Maximus functions and data structures. Since the
goal of writing MEX programs is typically to extend the func-
tionality of Maximus in some way, section 13 is a valuable
Also, section 15 will also prove to be useful for first-time
MEX programmers. That section describes how to use all of the
functions in the MEX run-time library; you will probably find
that many of these functions come in handy when writing your
own MEX programs, so it pays to know what is in the run-time
library before you start writing.
Good luck in the world of MEX programming!
12. MEX for C and Pascal Programmers
This section serves as a brief summary of the MEX language
for intermediate programmers. A familiarity is assumed with
either the C or the Pascal programming language.
This section is very much a "whirlwind tour" of the concepts
used in the MEX language. The details given below are proba-
bly not enough to allow a C or Pascal developer to start pro-
gramming in MEX right away.
Instead, this section should be used as a list of key MEX
features that are similar to or different from other lan-
guages. Much more detailed explanations of these key concepts
can be found in section 11.
A comment is started by the two-character sequence "//" and
continues until the end of the line. This concept is borrowed
from C++ (and indirectly from BCPL).
12.2. Include Files
MEX borrows the "include file" concept from the C language.
The #include directive instructs MEX to read in the named
file and process it as if it were included directly in the
source file.
The following line must be present at the top of each MEX
file designed to interface with Maximus:
#include <max.mh>
12.3. Blocks
For denoting logical blocks within a function, MEX uses the
"{" and "}" characters, as in C. These are equivalent to the
"begin" and "end" keywords in Pascal.
12.4. Function Definitions
As in C, a subprogram in MEX is always called a function. A
"procedure" is equivalent to a function that returns void.
A function definition looks like this:
12. MEX for C and Pascal Programmers 228
returntype name (param-list)
// body goes here
where returntype is the return type of the function, name is
the name of the function to be defined, and param-list is a
comma-delimited list of function parameters.
12.5. Types
MEX supports the following types: char, int, long, string,
struct, array, and void. char, int, and long are integral
data types. struct and array are aggregate data types that
contain many data objects. void is a special data type used
only for function return values and ref void function parame-
Both signed and unsigned versions of the three integral types
can be declared. Without an explicit signed or unsigned type
qualifier, the char type is unsigned, while both int and long
are signed by default.
The char, int, long, struct and void types are borrowed from
The array type is borrowed from Pascal.
The string type is borrowed from BASIC.
12.6. Variable Declarations
A single variable declaration looks like this:
type: name-list;
type can be one of the standard type names, including char,
int, long, and string. type can also be an array type ("array
[lower .. upper] of type") or a structure type ("struct
tag"). The type name is always followed by a colon (":").
name is a comma-delimited list describing the names of the
variables to be declared. The variable name must abide by
these conventions:
* The name must be from 1 to 32 characters long.
* The name is case-sensitive. This means that "delta,"
"Delta," "DELTA," and "DeLtA" refer to four distinct ob-
12. MEX for C and Pascal Programmers 229
* Names can include letters and underscores. Names can also
include digits, except in the first character of the name.
(This means that "top10" is a valid name, whereas "7up" is
The variable declaration syntax is a mix of both C and Pascal
declaration styles. Multiple variables declarations can be
placed in a block after any opening brace in a function. No
keywords are required to define the start or end of a vari-
able declaration block; the compiler recognizes the declara-
tions by context.
A sample function that declares two strings and an integer is
given below:
void myfunc()
string: str1, str2;
int: myint;
// function code goes here
12.7. Function Prototypes
Before a function may be called, a prototype must be declared
that lists the function return value, name, and parameter
list. This concept is similar to the C++ "prototype" and the
Pascal "forward declaration." (However, if the function is
defined at a point in the same source file above the call to
that function, no prototype is required.)
A function prototype looks just like a function definition,
except that the "{" and "}" of the function body are replaced
by a single semicolon (";").
12.8. Function Return Values
As in C, values are returned by functions using the return
keyword. This differs from Pascal where the function return
value is set by "assigning" a value to the name of the func-
12.9. Strings
MEX supports dynamic strings, as in BASIC. When declaring a
string, no explicit string length need be defined. Similarly,
strings can be catenated, assigned, and otherwise manipulated
without worrying about the length of the string.
12. MEX for C and Pascal Programmers 230
Individual characters can be retrieved from (and inserted
into) a string using the "str [ idx ]" operator, where str is
a string variable and idx is an integer specifying the char-
acter number to be modified, where an idx of 1 represents the
first character in the string.
The length of a string can be determined using the strlen
function in the MEX run-time library. A number of other
string-processing functions can also be found in the run-time
12.10. Compound Statements
MEX borrows the concept of compound statements from C. At any
point in the language where a single statement is accepted, a
group of n statements (or a compound statement) can be speci-
fied as shown below:
// ...
A compound statement begins with a left brace and ends with a
right brace. Any number of statements can be contained. Com-
pound statements can be nested.
12.11. Arithmetic, Relational and Logical Operators
MEX borrows concepts from both C and Pascal in this area.
The assignment and equality operators are borrowed from Pas-
cal. To assign a value to a variable, use the ":=" operator.
To test if two variables are equal, use the "=" operator.
The equality operator can operate upon all data types except
array, struct and void.
The assignment operator can operate upon all data types ex-
cept array and void.
The other arithmetic, relational and logical operators can
operate only on the three integral data types, char, int and
long. The "+" operator can also be used to catenate strings.
12. MEX for C and Pascal Programmers 231
12.12. The for Statement
MEX borrows the syntax for the for statement from the C lan-
guage. The syntax is:
for (init-expr; test-expr; post-expr)
init-expr is evaluated only once (before any other part of
the loop is executed).
test-expr is evaluated every time the loop is executed, be-
fore the first statement in the loop body is processed. The
loop exits when test-expr equals zero.
post-expr is evaluated after every iteration of the loop.
statement is the statement (or compound block) that is per-
formed every time the loop is executed.
12.13. Arrays
MEX uses a Pascal-like syntax for declaring arrays:
array [lower .. upper] of type: varname;
lower is the lower bound of the array. This value must be an
upper is the upper bound of the array. This value must be an
type is the base type used for the data objects within the
varname is the name of the variable to be declared.
Data objects within an array can be accessed using the stan-
dard array operator notation ("[" and "]"). The index value
specified within must be of an integral type: either char,
int, or long.
12.14. Pointers
MEX does not support pointer variables.
12. MEX for C and Pascal Programmers 232
12.15. Pass-By-Reference Arguments
As in Pascal, arguments passed to a function can be passed by
reference. This allows the called function to modify the
value of the argument specified by the caller.
To use a pass-by-reference argument, the ref keyword is in-
cluded before the variable type in the function's parameter
list, for both the function prototype and the function defi-
12.16. Variable-Length Arrays
In a function parameter list, MEX allows the programmer to
omit the upper bound for an array declaration. This allows
functions to accept variable-length arrays:
int process_array(array [1..] of int: my_array,
int: size_of_my_array)
// process my_array here
12.17. Structures
MEX uses the C syntax for declaring and defining structures.
(Structures are conceptually similar to the Pascal "record"
type.) Before using a structure, the structure type must be
defined as shown below:
struct tag
tag is the tag name associated with this structure type.
decl-list contains a block of declarations which define the
objects contained within the structure. This decl-list is
identical to a variable declaration block in terms of syntax.
To declare a structure variable, the following syntax is
struct tag: varname;
This declaration instantiates a structure of the previously-
defined tag type, creating a structure variable with name
To access a field within a structure, the structure member
operator (".") is used. For example, if the structure foo
12. MEX for C and Pascal Programmers 233
contained a field called my_string (of type string), a value
could be assigned to that field as follows:
foo.my_string := "String to go into the foo struct.";
12.18. Run-Time Library Support
MEX supports an extensive run-time library that performs ba-
sic I/O tasks and data manipulation. The run-time library
also includes numerous interfaces to internal Maximus func-
13. Interfacing MEX with Maximus
This section describes various issues related to interfacing
MEX programs with Maximus. While all MEX programs must be run
under Maximus, this section concentrates on those programs
that tie into special Maximus-specific features and func-
13.1. User Information
Maximus creates a number of important data structures that
can be accessed by a MEX program. Of these structures, the
most important is the user structure. Maximus creates a
global variable called usr which contains a copy of informa-
tion about the current user.
The usr variable is accessible to any MEX program that con-
tains the "#include <max.mh>" line at the top of the source
The usr structure contains everything that Maximus knows
about the current user, including the user's name, privilege
level, key settings, date of the user's last call, and more.
In general, this structure can be read from or written to at
will. For example, to display a personal greeting to the
print("Hello there, ", usr.name, ", how are you?\n");
If the user was called Steve Smith, the above line would dis-
Hello there, Steve Smith, how are you?
Similarly, other fields in the user structure can be accessed
or displayed:
print("You come from ", usr.city, " and you have "
"these keys: ", usr.xkeys, '\n');
If the user's city field was set to "Smith Falls," and if the
user had keys 1, 2, and C, the following would be displayed:
You come from Smith Falls and you have these keys: 12C
Most variables in the user record can also be modified. For
example, the following line will give key "D" to the current
user and adjust the user's privilege level to 40:
13. Interfacing MEX with Maximus 236
usr.xkeys := usr.xkeys + "D";
usr.priv := 40;
Most of the other fields in the user file can be accessed in
a similar manner. For example, the usr.ludate structure can
be used to determine the date of the user's last call. From
there, the stamp_to_long function could be used to convert
that structure into a long, which could then be compared with
the current date to determine how many seconds had elapsed
since the user's last call.
Section 15 contains a list of all global data structures and
their contents, including all of the fields in the user
13.2. Message Area Information
Maximus stores information about the current message area in
two places: in a structure called marea, which contains
static information about the area itself, and it also stores
data in a secondary structure called msg, which contains in-
formation about the status of the area and the user's current
As before, these structures are defined in the max.mh include
The following code is used to display the name of the current
message area:
print("You are in the ", marea.name, " area.\n");
Unlike the user structure, the information in the marea
structure cannot be changed.
The msg structure can also be used to display information
about the area that is relevant to the user. For example, to
display the user's current message:
print("You just read message #", msg.current, '\n');
The msg structure also contains information on the number of
messages in the area and the highest message number. The
msg.current field can be adjusted to change the current mes-
sage number, but the other fields must not be modified.
As before, information on the formats of these structures can
be found in section 15.
13. Interfacing MEX with Maximus 237
13.3. File Area Information
Similarly, information on the current file area can be found
in the farea structure. Just like the marea structure, it
must not be modified by MEX programs.
13.4. Changing Message and File Areas
The msg_area and file_area functions display a list of areas
and prompt the user to select a new area. The msgareaselect
and fileareaselect functions explicitly move the user to a
specific message or file area.
13.5. Displaying Output
The standard MEX output function, print, is also used for
most user-related display tasks. The full set of AVATAR color
and cursor controls is available to MEX programs through this
Some of the AVATAR sequences, such as simple color-changing
commands, have already been predefined in max.mh. To use
them, simply include the appropriate macro in your program
source. For example, to display different parts of the text
in white or green:
print(COL_WHITE "This text is displayed in white, "
"but this text " COL_GREEN "here" COL_WHITE
"is shown in green.\n");
If the constant for the color you wish to use is not defined
in one of the COL_* constants in max.mh, please see the AVA-
TAR_ATTR sequence in the table below:
Some of the other predefined AVATAR sequences are shown in
Table 13.1:
Table 13.1 AVATAR Control Sequences
Command Description
AVATAR_ATTR Set the current color based on the char-
acter following the AVATAR_ATTR sequence.
This character is encoded using the stan-
dard AVATAR color number, as given in
Appendix F. Do not forget to cast this
number to a char, as shown in the example
following this table.
AVATAR_BLINK The following text will blink. The blink-
ing attribute remains active until the
next AVATAR color command.
13. Interfacing MEX with Maximus 238
AVATAR_UP Move the cursor up by one line.
AVATAR_DOWN Move the cursor down by one line.
AVATAR_LEFT Move the cursor left by one column.
AVATAR_RIGHT Move the cursor right by one column.
AVATAR_CLEOL Clear from the cursor to the end of the
line, using the currently-selected at-
AVATAR_GOTO Move the cursor to a specified location.
The next two characters following the
AVATAR_GOTO sequence must indicate the
row and column, respectively. (The two
following row/column values must be
casted to the char type. Casting is de-
scribed in section 11.12.)
AVATAR_CLS Clear the screen, move the cursor to row
1, column 1, and set the current color to
Based on the user's video setting, these AVATAR codes will be
either sent as-is, translated into ANSI codes, or stripped
from the display stream, depending on the user's graphics ca-
pabilities. This translation is performed automatically by
As an example of graphics capabilities, this code clears the
screen, moves the cursor to row 5, column 6, sets the color
to light green, and then displays the text "Hello."
print(AVATAR_CLS AVATAR_GOTO, (char)5, (char)6,
COL_LGREEN "Hello.\n");
To demonstrate the AVATAR_ATTR sequence, the following code
changes the current color to light red on blue. By consulting
the AVATAR color table in Appendix F, we see that light red
on blue is color 28, so we proceed as follows:
print(COL_WHITE "This is a " AVATAR_ATTR, (char)28,
"gaudy" COL_WHITE " color.\n");
13.6. Retrieving Input
Maximus supports a number of functions which retrieve input
from the user. Of these functions, the most commonly-used are
input_str, input_list and input_ch.
These functions use the same interface that Maximus itself
uses for retrieving input. These functions can all display
prompts and perform special actions depending on what the
calling code requires:
The input_str function is used to get either a single word or
an entire string from the user.
13. Interfacing MEX with Maximus 239
The input_list function prompts the user to enter a character
from a specified list of choices. This is used internally for
the "More [Y,n,=]?" prompt and also for most other questions
that require single-character responses.
The input_ch function obtains a single character from the
user. This function can also interpret the "scan codes" used
by terminal programs that support the "DoorWay" protocol.
Also, the getch function is used to perform raw character in-
put. It retrieves a character directly from the user, without
going through the command stacking buffer or displaying any
13.7. File I/O
For manipulating files on disk, a number of run-time library
functions come in handy. open, read, write, seek, tell and
close are useful for reading, writing, and updating the con-
tents of files. fileexists and filesize are used to determine
general information about named files. And the filefind*
functions can be used to expand wildcards to find files in a
directory tree.
13.8. Menu Commands, Displaying Files and External Programs
The menu_cmd and display_file functions are used to run in-
ternal Maximus menu commands and display .bbs files, respec-
The shell function spawns an external program, such as a
.exe, .bat, or .cmd file.
13.9. Download Queue
The tag_queue_file function is used to add a file to the
download queue. The other tag_queue_* functions also allow a
MEX program to retrieve information about existing files in
the queue.
To send a file to the user, the program must first queue the
file using tag_queue_file. Next, it must call menu_cmd and
instruct it to run the internal MNU_FILE_DOWNLOAD menu op-
tion. This will initiate the normal download sequence. Maxi-
mus will prompt the user for a protocol if necessary, and it
will also allow the user to select other files to download.
If this behavior is not desired, the MEX program can:
13. Interfacing MEX with Maximus 240
* Set the usr.def_proto field to one of the PROTOCOL_* con-
stants in max.mh. This causes Maximus to skip the "Select
protocol:" prompt and forces the user to download using a
specific protocol.
* Insert a "|" into the input global variable. This adds a
carriage return to the stacked input string, so the
"File(s) to download (#2):" prompt will be skipped and the
file will be sent immediately.
13.10. Other Functions
While this section has touched on the major functions that
are used to interface with Maximus, many of the other func-
tions in the run-time library can be used to modify Maximus's
internal behavior. Please consult the function list in sec-
tion 15 for more information.
14. MEX Compiler Reference
14.1. Command Line Format
The format for invoking the MEX compiler is given below:
MEX filename [-a] [-hsize] [-s] [-q]
filename is the name of the MEX source file to compile. If no
file extension is specified, .mex is assumed.
The command line switches supported by MEX are shown below in
Table 14.1:
Table 14.1 MEX Command Line Switches
Parameter Description
-a Display addresses instead of symbolic names
when writing quad output. This parameter is
only valid when used in conjunction with the -q
-h<size> Set the program heap size to <size>. The heap
is used for storing dynamic strings. The de-
fault heap size is 8192 bytes, but this limit
may need to be increased if a large number of
strings are used within one MEX program.
-s<size> Set the program stack size to <size>. The stack
is used for storing local variables and for
performing recursive function calls. The de-
fault stack size is 2048 bytes, but this limit
may need to be increased if a program uses many
local variables or makes a large number of re-
cursive function calls.
-q Instead of writing out a .vm file as p-code,
write the output to the console as a sequence
of ASCII quadruples (quads). This is equivalent
to the "assembler output" option of most na-
tive-code compilers. A quad is a 4-tuple con-
sisting of an operator, two input arguments,
and a destination. The quad listing can some-
times be used to help debug a program.
The MEX compiler converts the MEX program source into com-
piled p-code which is interpreted at run-time by Maximus.
Generating p-code has two main benefits over generating na-
tive object code:
14. MEX Compiler Reference 242
* p-code is not operating system or processor-specific, so
the same MEX program can run under either 16-bit DOS or 32-
bit OS/2 environments without recompilation.
* Although executing p-code is somewhat slower than executing
native object code, over 120 functions are included in the
standard MEX run-time library that can be used to access
internal Maximus features, perform input and output, ma-
nipulate strings, and manage information. Since these li-
brary functions are embedded within Maximus, they run at
native object code speeds. The more a MEX program takes ad-
vantage of the run-time library, the faster it runs.
14.2. Environment Variables
When searching for files specified in #include directives,
the MEX compiler will first look for the include file rela-
tive to the current directory. If the file cannot be found
there, MEX will examine the MEX_INCLUDE environment variable.
This variable must contain a semicolon-delimited list of
paths where MEX include files can be found. Maximus will then
search all of the directories listed in this environment
For example, by entering this at the command prompt:
SET MEX_INCLUDE=d:\max\m;e:\mextest
when MEX encounters an #include directive, if the file cannot
be found in the current directory, it will look for the in-
clude file in the d:\max\m and e:\mextest directories.
14.3. Error Messages and Warnings
The following error messages and warnings are generated by
the MEX compiler:
14.3.1. General Syntax Errors
2000 syntax error near symbol
MEX could not make any sense of the source code that is
near the symbol token. Check your code for misplaced
semicolons or other common errors.
2001 invalid identifier type
You attempted to use a function or structure name as a
14. MEX Compiler Reference 243
14.3.2. Preprocessor Errors
2100 can't open file symbol for read
MEX could not find the named file. Ensure that the file
exists and that your MEX_INCLUDE environment variable is
set correctly.
2101 invalid #include directive
MEX could not make any sense of an include directive.
Ensure that a filename is specified.
2102 invalid #include file
MEX could not make any sense of an include filename. En-
sure that the filename is surrounded by angle brackets.
2103 too many nested include files
MEX can only handle up to 16 nested include files at a
time. Reduce the number of nested #include directives.
2104 invalid #ifdef/#ifndef
The #ifdef or #ifndef statement is invalid. Ensure that
a proper constant or define follows the #ifdef or
#ifndef directive.
2105 too many nested #ifdef/#ifndef
MEX only supports up to 8 nested #ifdef or #ifndef
2106 unmatched #ifdef directive
A matching #endif could not be found for an #ifdef di-
2107 unmatched #endif directive
A matching #ifdef could not be found for this #endif di-
2108 unmatched #else directive
A matching #ifdef could not be found for this #else di-
2109 unmatched #elifdef
A matching #ifdef could not be found for this #elifdef
14. MEX Compiler Reference 244
2110 invalid #define
This #define directive has an incorrect format. Ensure
that it includes a variable to be defined.
2111 macro symbol is already defined and is not identical
The symbol macro was defined using a previous #define
statement, but the current #define directive attempts to
change the value of symbol to something else.
2112 #error directive: string
An #error directive was encountered in the program
2113 unknown directive symbol
An unknown preprocessor directive was encountered in the
source file.
14.3.3. Lexical Errors
2200 unterminated character constant
A character constant was specified, but it included a
newline or end-of-file instead of a character.
2201 unterminated string constant
A string constant was specified, but it did not include
a closing double quote.
2202 invalid character constant
A character constant was specified, but it did not in-
clude a closing single quote.
2203 invalid hex escape sequence "\xsymbol"
The specified hexadecimal escape sequence is not a valid
hexadecimal number.
2204 invalid character symbol
An invalid character was found in the source file, such
as an unrecognized punctuation symbol or a high-bit
14. MEX Compiler Reference 245
14.3.4. Type Mismatch Errors
2300 type must not be `void'
The void type can only be used in certain locations,
such as in function return values and in "void ref"
function parameters.
2301 symbol symbol is not a structure type
You attempted to use symbol as a structure tag, even
though no structure type definition for that tag was
2302 invalid type symbol for type statement
The argument for a if, while, for, or do .. while ex-
pression was not correct. Only char, int, and long can
be used in these expressions.
2303 can't use function as a variable
You attempted to use a function name in a context that
required a variable name.
2304 the type `void' cannot have a value
You attempted to manipulate a function returning void as
part of an expression.
2305 invalid type conversion: type1 -> type2
It is impossible to convert an object of type1 to type2.
This is usually the result of incompatible types for ex-
plicit casts, passing parameters to functions, and pass-
ing back function return values.
2306 symbol must be an array
You attempted to use the array operator ("[" and "]")
on the variable symbol which is not an array.
2107 can't use [] on a non-array
An expression on the specified line cannot be used with
the array operator.
2308 invalid index type for array symbol
The index type used to reference an array must be inte-
gral: either char, int, or long. The array symbol cannot
be indexed using any other types.
14. MEX Compiler Reference 246
2309 out-of-range subscript (num) for array symbol
You attempted to access a subscript that was outside of
the bounds for the array symbol.
2310 dot operator can only be used with structures
You attempted to use the dot operator (".") with a vari-
able that was not a structure.
2311 symbol is not a member of struct name
The field symbol was not found in the structure defini-
tion for the structure with a tag name of name.
2312 symbol not a goto label
The target of a goto must be a label, not a variable or
a function name.
2313 lvalue required
The target of an assignment must be a simple variable or
the result of the array or structure operators. You can-
not assign a value to an expression. (For example, "i+2
:= 2" is invalid, since "i+2" is an expression and can-
not be assigned a value.)
2314 cannot apply unary minus to symbol
The unary minus operator cannot be applied to the symbol
object. The unary minus can only be applied to the char,
int, and long types.
2315 declared array must have upper bound
An array declared in a function body must have an upper
bound. Only arrays declared as function parameters can
omit the upper bound.
2316 cannot apply sizeof() to a boundless array
The sizeof operator can only be used on arrays of finite
14.3.5. Symbol Table Errors
2400 redeclaration of symbol
The variable or function symbol has already been defined
in this scope.
14. MEX Compiler Reference 247
2401 redeclaration of structure symbol
The structure type symbol has already been declared in
this scope.
2402 undefined structure name: symbol
The structure tag symbol is unknown.
2403 symbol symbol is not a structure type
The tag symbol specified for a structure was the name of
another variable or function, rather than a proper
structure tag.
2404 undefined label symbol
The label symbol was not found anywhere in the function
in which it was used.
2405 undefined variable symbol
The variable symbol has not been declared.
2406 struct symbol must be declared before use
Your program attempted to use a structure type that has
not yet been defined.
2407 invalid redeclaration of function symbol
A function was declared using the same name as a global
variable or structure tag.
2408 redeclaration of argument symbol
The function argument symbol has been declared twice in
the parameter list.
2409 redeclaration of function body for symbol
The function body for symbol has already been encoun-
tered in the source file. A function can only be defined
2410 invalid range: `num .. num'
The lower bound for an array was greater than the upper
14. MEX Compiler Reference 248
14.3.6. Function-Related Errors
2501 argument mismatch: function=type, prototype=type
The type of parameter specified in the function's argu-
ment list differs from that specified in the function
2502 too many arguments in function declaration
Too many arguments were specified in the function decla-
ration. The function prototype specified a fewer number
of arguments.
2503 too few arguments in function declaration
Too few arguments were specified in the function decla-
ration. The function prototype specifies a larger number
of arguments.
2504 call to symbol with no prototype
A function was called, but the function was neither de-
fined nor prototype earlier in the source file.
2505 variable symbol is not a function
You attempted to make a call to symbol, even though it
is a variable and not a function.
2506 lvalue required (arg num of symbol)
In a call to function symbol, argument number num is
pass-by-reference. This means that a variable of the ap-
propriate type (and not an expression or constant) must
be passed for the specified argument.
2507 not enough arguments in call to symbol
Not enough arguments were specified in the call to sym-
bol, relative to the function prototype.
2508 too many arguments in call to symbol
Too many arguments were specified in the call to symbol,
relative to the function prototype.
2509 void function cannot return a value
You attempted to return a value from a function that was
declared as returning void.
14. MEX Compiler Reference 249
2510 non-void function must return a value
You used a simple "return;" statement with no value,
even though the function itself must return a value.
14.3.7. Warnings
3000 constant truncated: symbol
The numeric constant symbol was too long and had to be
3001 identifier truncated: symbol
The identifier symbol was too long and had to be trun-
cated at 32 characters.
3002 meaningless use of an expression
You attempted to use the equality operator in a way that
does not make sense. For example, the following line of
i = 2;
will produce this warning because you are simply compar-
ing the value of i to 2, but then throwing away the re-
sult of the comparison. You probably meant to write:
i := 2;
which assigns the value 2 to i.
15. MEX Library Reference
This section describes all of the functions and structures
available in the standard MEX run-time library.
15.1. Global Variables and Data Structures
Maximus exports certain global variables to all MEX programs.
These variables can be used to track the internal system
state, including information about the current message and
file area, screen settings, user information, and more.
All of the following global variables are declared in the
max.mh include file. The following line must be present at
the top of a MEX source file to access these variables:
#include <max.mh>
15.1.1. Strings Exported by Maximus
This section describes the strings that are exported by Maxi-
mus to all MEX programs.
Declaration string: input;
Description This string contains the current "stacked keyboard input
string" used by Maximus. The input string contains a sequence
of keys that will be used to try to satisfy the input re-
quirements of following calls to the input_ch, input_str, and
input_list functions. The internal Maximus input commands
also use this buffer for their own input.
The internal Maximus input functions also try to take their
input from this string before prompting the user for input.
The input_* functions will draw as many characters as neces-
sary from this string to satisfy an input request. (In the
case of input_ch or input_list, only a single character will
normally be removed. In the case of input_str, a single word
or an entire line is normally removed.)
15. MEX Library Reference 252
This string can be modified by MEX programs.
15.1.2. Structures Exported by Maximus
This section describes the structures that are exported by
Maximus to all MEX programs:
struct _instancedata
Declaration struct _instancedata: id;
Description This structure contains information about the current Maximus
session. The contents of the structure are shown below in
Table 15.1:
Table 15.1 struct _instancedata
Field Type Description
instant_video int This controls the "instant video"
setting. If instant video is en-
abled, output displayed by print
will be shown on the local screen
as soon as the print function is
However, screen updating can be a
slow process, so it is sometimes
more efficient to disable local
screen writes, perform many print
calls, and to then display the lo-
cal screen again (using the vid-
sync function) after all of the
print calls have been completed.
To disable the instant screen up-
dating feature, set
id.instant_video to 0. While this
variable is set to 0, the print
function will not cause the local
screen to be updated.
However, be warned that some in-
ternal Maximus functions will up-
date the screen regardless of this
setting. Examples of this are in-
put_ch, input_str and input_list.
This field can be modified by MEX
task_num unsigned The current task number.
15. MEX Library Reference 253
local int TRUE if the caller is logged on at
the local console.
port int Under DOS: the current COM port
Under OS/2: the current communica-
tions handle.
speed unsigned The user's connection speed, in
long bits per second (bps).
alias_system int TRUE if the system supports ali-
ases ("Alias System" in the system
control file).
ask_name int TRUE if the system will ask the
user for a real name.
use_umsgid int TRUE if the system displays UMS-
GIDs instead of message numbers.
struct _marea
Declaration struct _marea: marea;
Description This structure contains information about the current message
area. Structures of this type are also returned by the msga-
reafind* functions. The contents of the structure are shown
below in Table 15.2:
Table 15.2 struct _marea
Field Type Description
name string This name of the message area.
descript string The description for the message
path string The path and/or filename of the
message area. (*.MSG areas will be
provided as a path; Squish areas
will be provided as a path and
tag string The tag for this area (for use in
EchoMail applications).
attachpath string The path for local file attaches.
barricade string The barricade filename for this
division int Non-zero if this is a message di-
vision starting or ending record.
(1=beginning; 2=ending.)
type int Message area type. One of either
15. MEX Library Reference 254
attribs int Message area attributes. See the
MA_* definitions in max.mh.
struct _farea
Declaration struct _farea: farea;
Description This structure contains information about the current file
area. Structures of this type are also returned by the
fileareafind* functions. The contents of this structure are
shown in Table 15.3:
Table 15.3 struct _farea
Field Type Description
name string This name of the file area.
descript string The description for the file area.
downpath string The download path for this file
uppath string The upload path for this file area.
filesbbs string Path to the files.bbs-like list for
this file area.
barricade string The barricade filename for this
division int Non-zero if this is a file division
starting or ending record.
(1=beginning; 2=ending.)
attribs int File area attributes. See the FA_*
definitions in max.mh.
struct _msg
Declaration struct _msg: msg;
Description This structure contains the current message number and other
related information. The contents of the structure are shown
below in Table 15.4:
15. MEX Library Reference 255
Table 15.4 struct _msg
Field Type Description
current long The current message number, or if Use
UMSGIDs is enabled, the UMSGID of the
current message number. This field
can be modified by MEX programs.
high long The highest message number in the
current area, or if Use UMSGIDs is
enabled, the UMSGID of the highest
message number.
num long The number of messages in the current
direction int Message reading direction. 1 = next;
0 = prior.
struct _usr
Declaration struct _usr: usr;
Description This structure contains information about the current user.
Structures of this type are also manipulated by the user*
Table 15.5 describes the contents of this structure. All
fields in this structure can be modified by MEX programs.
Table 15.5 struct _usr
Field Type Description
name string The user's name.
city string The user's city and
alias string The user's alias.
phone string The user's voice telephone
lastread_ptr unsigned An integer that is unique
int among all users in the sys-
tem. This number is used as
an index for the lastread
pointers in the Squish SQI
files, to find records in the
\max\olr\dats directory, and
in numerous other places.
pwd string The user's password. If the
"usr.encrypted" flag is set,
15. MEX Library Reference 256
this may not be a readable
times unsigned The number of previous calls
int to the system made by this
help char The user's help level.
(Novice = 6; Regular = 4; Ex-
pert = 2.)
video char The user's video mode. (0 =
TTY; 1 = ANSI; 2 = AVATAR.)
nulls char The number of NUL characters
sent after a carriage return.
hotkeys char TRUE if hotkeys are enabled.
notavail char TRUE if the user is not
available for multinode chat-
fsr char TRUE if the user has enabled
the full-screen reader.
nerd char TRUE if the user is a nerd
(meaning that the user's
yells are silenced).
noulist char TRUE if the user does not
show up in the userlist.
tabs char TRUE if the user's terminal
can handle tab characters.
encrypted char TRUE if the user's password
is encrypted.
rip char TRUE if the user has enabled
RIPscrip graphics.
badlogon char TRUE if the user's last log-
on attempt resulted in a
failed password.
ibmchars char TRUE if the user has enabled
the high-bit IBM character
bored char TRUE if the line editor is
enabled; otherwise, the full-
screen MaxEd is used.
more char TRUE if the "More" prompt is
configured char TRUE if the user's city and
password fields have been
cls char TRUE if the user's terminal
can handle screen clears.
priv unsigned The user's privilege level.
dataphone string The user's data phone number.
time unsigned The length of time (in min-
int utes) that the user has been
on-line today.
deleted char TRUE if the user has been de-
15. MEX Library Reference 257
permanent char TRUE if the user is undelet-
msgs_posted long The total number of messages
posted by this user.
msgs_read long The total number of messages
read by this user.
width char The width of the caller's
screen. Also see the
term_width and screen_width
functions in the run-time li-
brary reference.
len char The height of the caller's
screen. Also see the
term_length and screen_length
functions in the run-time li-
brary reference.
credit unsigned User's NetMail credit, in
int cents.
debit unsigned User's NetMail debit, in
int cents.
xp_priv unsigned Priv level to which the user
int will be demoted when the cur-
rent subscription expires.
xp_date struct Date and time for the user's
_stamp subscription expiry.
xp_mins unsigned Number of minutes remaining
long in the user's subscription.
expdate char TRUE if the user expires
based on the xp_date field.
expmins char TRUE if the user expires
based on the xp_mins field.
expdemote char TRUE if the user is to be de-
moted to the value in the
xp_priv field when the sub-
scription expires.
expaxe char TRUE if Maximus should hang
up on the caller when the
subscription expires.
sex char The user's gender: either
ludate struct Date of the user's last call.
xkeys string The user's keys (as a
lang char The user's current language
number. The lan-
guage_num_to_string function
is to translate this number
into a string.
def_proto char The user's default protocol.
This can be one of the PROTO-
COL_* defines from max.mh, or
15. MEX Library Reference 258
it can be a positive index to
indicate an external proto-
col. The proto-
col_num_to_string function is
used to translate all of
these numbers (for both in-
ternal and external proto-
cols) into strings.
up unsigned Total kilobytes uploaded for
long all calls.
down unsigned Total kilobytes downloaded
long for all calls.
downtoday unsigned Total kilobytes downloaded
long today.
msg string The user's current message
files string The user's current file area.
compress char The user's default compres-
sion program. The compres-
sor_num_to_string function is
used to translate this number
into a string.
dob string The caller's date of birth
(in "yyyy.mm.dd" format).
date_1stcall struct Date/time of the user's first
_stamp call to the system.
date_pwd_chg struct Date/time of the user's most
_stamp recent password change.
nup unsigned Total number of files up-
long loaded to the system.
ndown unsigned Total number of files down-
long loaded from the system.
ndowntoday unsigned Number of files downloaded
long from the system today.
time_added unsigned Credits added to the user's
int time today (for chatting with
the SysOp or for upload time
point_credit unsigned Total number of point cred-
long its.
point_debit unsigned Total number of point debits.
date_newfile struct Date/time of last "new files"
_stamp search.
call unsigned Number of previous calls to-
int day.
15. MEX Library Reference 259
struct _sys
Declaration struct _sys: sys;
Description This structure contains information about the current system
screen display. The contents of this structure are described
in Table 15.6:
Table 15.6 struct _sys
Field Type Description
current_row int The current cursor row position.
current_col int The current cursor column position.
more_lines int The number of lines displayed since the
last "More [Y,n,=]" prompt.
15.1.3. Other Data Structures
The structures listed in this section are not exported di-
rectly by Maximus. However, the structures are used (directly
or indirectly) by some of the functions in the run-time li-
brary. Please consult section 15.3 for more information on
the structures used by a particular function.
struct _date
Description This structure is used in various places to represent a sys-
tem date. The contents of the structure are described in
Table 15.7:
Table 15.7 struct _date
Field Type Description
day char The day of the month. (1 = the first day.)
month char The month of the year. (1 = January.)
year char The current year less 1980. (0 = 1980.)
15. MEX Library Reference 260
struct _time
Description This function is used in various places to represent a system
time. The contents of this structure are described in Table
Table 15.8 struct _time
Field Type Description
hh char Hour in 24-hour format. (0 = midnight; 12 =
noon, 17 = 5 P.M.)
mm char Minute. (Must be within 0 - 59 inclusive.)
ss char Second. (Must be within 0 - 59 inclusive.)
struct _stamp
Description This structure contains copies of both a date and time struc-
ture to provide a complete system timestamp. The contents of
this structure are described in Table 15.9:
Table 15.9 struct _stamp
Field Type Description
date struct _date A copy of the date structure.
time struct _time A copy of the time structure.
struct _cstat
Description This structure is used by the chat_querystatus function. The
contents of this structure are described in Table 15.10:
15. MEX Library Reference 261
Table 15.10 struct _cstat
Field Type Description
task_num int The user's task number
avail int TRUE if the user is available for chat
username string The user's name
status string A status message describing the user's
current actions.
struct _ffind
Description This structure is used by the filefind* functions to retrieve
file status information. The contents of this structure are
described in Table 15.11:
Table 15.11 struct _ffind
Field Type Description
finddata long Instance-specific find data. This
information is internal to Maxi-
mus and must not be modified by
the MEX program.
filename string The name of the file.
filesize unsigned long The size of the file.
filedate struct _stamp The file's modification
fileattr unsigned int The file's attributes. See the
FA_* definitions in max.mh.
struct _callinfo
Description This function is used by the call* functions to read records
from the caller log file. The contents of this structure are
described in Table 15.12:
Table 15.12 struct _callinfo
Field Type Description
name string The user's name.
city string The user's city.
15. MEX Library Reference 262
login struct The user's log-on time.
logoff struct The user's log-off time.
task int The Maximus task number that cre-
ated this record.
flags int A combination of the CALL_* defi-
nitions from max.mh.
logon_priv unsigned The user's privilege level at
int log-on.
logon_xkeys string The user's key settings at log-
logoff_priv unsigned The user's privilege level at
int log-off.
logoff_xkeys string The user's key settings at log-
filesup unsigned Number of files uploaded in this
int session.
filedn unsigned Number of files downloaded in
int this session.
kbup unsigned Number of kilobytes uploaded in
int this session.
kbdn unsigned Number of kilobytes downloaded in
int this session.
calls unsigned Number of calls user made to the
int system (as of when the record was
read unsigned Number of messages read during
int the session.
posted unsigned Number of messages posted during
int the session.
paged unsigned Number of times that the SysOp
int was paged during the session.
added int Number of minutes that were cred-
ited to the user's time for the
day due to file uploads or chat-
ting with the SysOp.
15.2. Functions by Category
This section gives a categorized listing of functions in the
MEX run-time library. The functions are first listed by cate-
gory; however, the next section gives a detailed description
of each function, including the function prototype, argu-
ments, return value, and overall function behavior.
15.2.1. Screen Output and Display Formatting
The functions listed in Table 15.13 are used for printing
text, displaying output, and getting/setting screen format-
ting information.
15. MEX Library Reference 263
Table 15.13 Screen Output and Display Formatting Functions
Function Description
do_more Optionally displays a "More [Y,n]" prompt.
issnoop Determines if "Snoop Mode" is active.
print Sends text to the user.
reset_more Resets the counter for a "More" prompt.
screen_length Returns the length of the system console.
screen_width Returns the width of the system console.
set_output Enables or disables local/remote output.
set_textsize Sets the size of the text window (for
RIPscrip graphics).
snoop Enables or disables "Snoop Mode."
term_length Returns the length of the user's virtual
term_width Returns the width of the user's virtual
vidsync Updates the local video screen after a
call to print.
15.2.2. Keyboard Input
The functions listed in Table 15.14 are used for getting in-
put from the user and for processing keystrokes.
Table 15.14 Keyboard Input Functions
Function Description
getch Returns the next raw keystroke entered by
the user.
input_ch Gets a character from the user (with format-
input_list Gets a character from the user (from a list
of choices).
input_str Gets an entire word or string from the user.
iskeyboard Determines if local keyboard mode is en-
kbhit Checks to see if the user has pressed a key.
keyboard Enables/disables local keyboard mode.
localkey Determines if the last keystroke was entered
by a remote user.
15.2.3. External Programs, .BBS files, and Menu Options
The functions listed in Table 15.15 are used to interface to
non-MEX scripts or programs, such as .bbs files, Maximus menu
commands, and external programs.
15. MEX Library Reference 264
Table 15.15 External Program Functions
Function Description
display_file Displays a .BBS, .GBS or .RBS file.
menu_cmd Runs most internal Maximus menu commands.
shell Shells to an external program (.exe, .bat,
.cmd, etc.)
15.2.4. File I/O and Disk Operations
The functions listed in Table 15.16 support opening, reading,
writing, and performing other types of file manipulation and
Table 15.16 File and Disk Operations
Function Description
close Closes a file handle.
filecopy Copies a file from one location to another.
filedate Retrieves the date for a file.
fileexists Determines if a file exists.
filesize Returns the size of a file.
open Opens a file for read or write.
read Reads a block from a file.
readln Reads an entire line from a file.
remove Deletes a file.
rename Renames a file.
seek Sets a file's "next read/write location"
tell Returns a file's "next read/write location"
write Write a block to a file.
writeln Write an entire line to a file.
15.2.5. File Searching Operations
The functions listed in Table 15.17 are used to expand file-
name wildcards and/or perform file directory searches.
Table 15.17 File Searching Operations
Format Description
filefindclose Terminates a file-find search.
filefindfirst Starts looking for a named file (or a
15. MEX Library Reference 265
filefindnext Find the next file after starting a
15.2.6. Strings
The functions listed in Table 15.18 are used for common
string manipulation operations, such as padding, stripping,
finding substrings, and more.
Table 15.18 String Operations
Function Description
strfind Finds the index of a substring within another
stridx Finds the index of a character within a
strlen Returns the length of a string.
strlower Converts a string to lowercase.
strpad Right-pads a string with a certain character.
strpadleft Left-pads a string with a certain character.
strridx Returns the index of the rightmost character
within a string that contains a specific
strtok Tokenizes a string.
strupper Converts a string to uppercase.
strtrim Remove unwanted characters on either end of a
substr Extracts a substring from another, given the
substring's size and location.
15.2.7. Time and Date
The functions listed in Table 15.19 are used to check the
current system time, in addition to setting and querying in-
formation about the user's current time limit.
Table 15.19 Time and Date Functions
Function Description
long_to_stamp Converts a long-format timestamp into a
stamp_string Converts a stamp structure into a string.
stamp_to_long Converts a stamp structure into a long.
time Returns the current time as a long.
time_check Check the user's current time limit.
timeadjust Adjust a user's time limit.
timeadjustsoft Adjust a user's time limit without over-
15. MEX Library Reference 266
running events.
timeleft Returns the length of time remaining in
this session.
timeon Returns the amount of time that the user
has been on-line.
timestamp Returns the current time as a stamp
xfertime Calculates the approximate time required
for a file transfer.
15.2.8. Time Delay
The function listed in Table 15.20 is used for pausing pro-
gram operation.
Table 15.20 Time Delay Functions
Function Description
sleep Causes the system to delay for a certain period
of time.
15.2.9. Type Conversions
The functions listed in Table 15.21 are used to convert data
between the string type and one of the integral types.
Table 15.21 Type Conversion Functions
Function Description
itostr Converts an integer to a string.
ltostr Converts a long to a string.
strtoi Converts a string to an integer.
strtol Converts a string to a long.
uitostr Converts an unsigned integer to a string.
ultostr Converts an unsigned long to a string.
15.2.10. Modem and Communications
The functions listed in Table 15.22 are used to directly con-
trol the modem.
Table 15.22 Modem and Communications Functions
Function Description
carrier Checks whether or not DCD is present.
dcd_check Enables or disables automatic DCD checking.
mdm_command Sends a command to the modem.
15. MEX Library Reference 267
mdm_flow Enables or disables flow control.
15.2.11. Message Areas
The functions listed in Table 15.23 are used to select the
current message area and to search the message area data
Table 15.23 Message Area Functions
Function Description
msg_area Displays the message-area menu.
msgareafindclose Terminates a message-area finding ses-
msgareafindfirst Starts a message-area finding session.
msgareafindnext Finds the next area in a message-area
finding session.
msgareafindprev Finds the previous area in a message-
area finding session.
msgareaselect Sets the user's current message area.
15.2.12. File Areas
The functions listed in Table 15.24 are used to select the
current file area and to search the file area data file.
Table 15.24 File Area Functions
Function Description
file_area Displays the file-area menu.
fileareafindclose Terminates a file-area finding ses-
fileareafindfirst Starts a file-area finding session.
fileareafindnext Finds the next area in a file-area
finding session.
fileareafindprev Finds the previous area in a file-
area finding session.
fileareaselect Sets the user's current file area.
15.2.13. File Tag Queue
The functions listed in Table 15.25 are used to manipulate
the queue of files to be downloaded.
Table 15.25 File Tag Queue Functions
Function Description
15. MEX Library Reference 268
tag_dequeue_file Removes a file from the tag queue.
tag_get_name Retrieves information about a file in
the queue.
tag_queue_file Inserts a file in the queue.
tag_queue_size Returns the number of files in the
15.2.14. User File
The functions listed in Table 15.26 are used to expand
strings in user records, modify records in the user file, and
to search the user file for selected records.
Table 15.26 User File Functions
Function Description
compressor_num_to_name Converts the "usr.compress" field
to a string.
language_num_to_name Converts the "usr.lang" field to a
protocol_num_to_name Converts the "usr.def_proto" field
to a string.
usercreate Creates a new user record.
userfilesize Returns the size of the user file.
userremove Deletes a user record.
userupdate Updates an existing user record.
userfindclose Terminates a user-file finding
userfindnext Finds the next user record in a
user-file finding session.
userfindopen Starts a user-file finding ses-
userfindprev Finds the previous user record in
a user-file finding session.
userfindseek Seeks to a specific user in a
user-file finding session.
15.2.15. Caller File Manipulation
The functions listed in Table 15.27 are used to read the con-
tents of the caller log file.
Table 15.27 Caller File Functions
Function Description
call_close Closes the caller log file.
call_numrecs Returns the number of records in the
caller log file.
call_open Opens the caller log file.
15. MEX Library Reference 269
call_read Reads from the caller log file.
15.2.16. Log File
The functions listed in Table 15.28 are used to append to the
system log file.
Table 15.28 Log File Functions
Function Description
log Adds a line to the system log.
15.2.17. Maximus Control File Information
The functions listed in Table 15.29 read from the Maximus
.PRM file.
Table 15.29 Control File Functions
Function Description
prm_string Returns a string from the MAX.PRM file.
15.2.18. Privilege Level Information
The functions listed in Table 15.30 return information about
user classes (from the class definition file).
Table 15.30 Privilege Level Functions
Function Description
class_abbrev Returns the abbreviation for a user
class_info Returns information about a user
class_loginfile Returns the login filename for a user
class_name Returns the name for a user class.
class_to_priv Converts a user class to a privilege
privok Checks if the user's access level sat-
isfies a given ACS.
15.2.19. Chat and Multinode Chat
The functions listed in Table 15.31 provide a very limited
interface to the system and multinode chat facilities.
15. MEX Library Reference 270
Table 15.31 Chat Functions
Function Description
chat_querystatus Query the multinode chat status of a
chatstart Enable local chat mode.
15.2.20. Multilingual Support
The functions listed in Table 15.32 allow strings to be re-
trieved from the language file.
Table 15.32 Multilingual Functions
Function Description
hstr Extract a string from a user language heap.
lstr Extract a string from the system language file.
15.2.21. Static data
The functions listed in Table 15.33 allow data to be created
that stays "alive" for an entire Maximus session.
Table 15.33 Static Data Functions
Function Description
create_static_data Creates a static data object.
create_static_string Creates a static string.
destroy_static_data Destroys a static data object.
destroy_static_string Destroys a static string.
get_static_data Gets information from a static data
get_static_string Gets information from a static
set_static_data Stores information in a static data
set_static_string Stores information in a static
15.2.22. ANSI and RIPscrip Support
The functions listed in Table 15.34 are used to query ANSI
and RIPscrip support and to perform RIPscrip-specific file
functions. (For information on sending ANSI or AVATAR cursor
control codes to the user, instead see section 13.5.)
15. MEX Library Reference 271
Table 15.34 ANSI and RIPscrip Functions
Function Description
ansi_detect Determines if the user's terminal supports
rip_detect Determines if the user's terminal supports
rip_hasfile Determines if the user already has a spe-
cific RIPscrip scene or icon file.
rip_send Sends a RIPscrip file to the user.
15. MEX Library Reference 272
15.3. Function Descriptions
This section contains detailed descriptions of all of the
functions contained in the MEX run-time library.
As a reminder, do not forget to include the following line at
the beginning of any MEX source file that accesses the li-
brary routines given in this section:
#include <max.mh>
Prototype int ansi_detect();
Arguments None
Return Val. TRUE if the user's terminal supports ANSI; FALSE otherwise.
Description The ansi_detect function is used to query the remote terminal
to determine if it supports ANSI graphics. If the remote ter-
minal reports that ANSI graphics are supported, this function
returns TRUE.
Note that some terminal programs may not support the control
sequence used to query ANSI support. This means that this
function may sometimes return FALSE, even if the user's ter-
minal program does support ANSI. However, a return value of
TRUE always indicates that the user's terminal supports ANSI.
After the user has logged on, the user's ANSI graphics pref-
erence can be read from the usr.video field.
Prototype void call_close();
Arguments None
Return Val. None
Description This function releases the resources that were allocated to a
MEX program by the call_open function. call_close should al-
15. MEX Library Reference 273
ways be called when the application is finished using the
caller log.
Prototype long call_numrecs();
Arguments None
Return Val. If the file was successful accessed, the number of records
contained in the caller log;
0 otherwise.
Description The call_numrecs function enumerates the records in the
caller log file. The call_read function can be used to read
any of the records in the caller file, up to and including
the record number returned by this function.
Prototype int call_open();
Arguments None
Return Val. TRUE if the caller file was opened successfully; FALSE other-
Description call_open is used to access the caller log, as defined by the
File Callers keyword in the system control file.
The caller log is different from the system log file, al-
though both files contain similar information. While the sys-
tem log file contains an ASCII listing of system events,
meant to be read by humans, the caller log contains binary
information that can be read by MEX programs and third-party
The call_open function is used to obtain access to the caller
log. After call_open has been called, any of the other call_*
functions can be used to retrieve information from the caller
15. MEX Library Reference 274
Prototype int call_read(long: recno, ref struct _callinfo: ci);
Arguments recno The record number to be read from the caller log file.
A value of 0 specifies the first record in the file. The
range of valid record numbers can be determined by calling
call_numrecs. In general, the range is from 0 to
call_numrecs()-1 (inclusive).
ci The _callinfo structure into which the found record is
to be placed.
Return Val. TRUE if the record was successfully read; FALSE otherwise
Description This function reads a record from the caller log file. The
record specified by the recno parameter will be read from the
caller log and placed into the structure referenced by the ci
The _callinfo structure is defined in max.mh. A description
of the fields in the structure can be found in the previous
Example A typical sequence of calls for accessing the caller file
(without error-checking) is:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
struct _callinfo: ci;
long: num_recs;
int: i;
num_recs := call_numrecs();
for (i := 0; i < num_recs; i := i+1)
call_read(i, ci);
// Process information in the "ci" structure
return 0;
15. MEX Library Reference 275
Prototype int carrier();
Arguments None
Return Val. TRUE if DCD is present (high); FALSE if DCD is not present
(low). This function always returns TRUE for local sessions.
Description This function is used to sample the status of the modem DCD
line. DCD is present if a caller is currently on-line.
In most cases, DCD will always be present, since Maximus will
normally recycle if a caller hangs up. However, if the auto-
matic carrier-checking feature has been disabled with
dcd_check, the carrier function can be used to manually check
the status of the DCD line.
Prototype int chat_querystatus(ref struct _cstat: cs);
Arguments cs A reference to a caller status structure. On input, the
cs.task_num field contains the task number whose status is to
be queried. On output, the rest of the fields in the struc-
ture will be updated to describe the status of the requested
Return Val. TRUE if the status information was successfully read; FALSE
if the task was not on-line, an invalid task number was
specified, or if Maximus could not communicate with the chat
Description This function is used to retrieve the status of an on-line
user, including the user's name, status, and chat availabil-
ity flag.
Before calling chat_querystatus, the cs.task_num field should
be filled out with the task number of the task to be queried.
After the call, the cs structure will be filled out with all
of the information about the requested task number.
15. MEX Library Reference 276
Prototype void chatstart();
Arguments None
Return Val. None
Description The chatstart function is used to inform Maximus that the
user is entering "chat" mode. This function is typically only
used for MEX-based chat programs.
When chat mode is in effect, the user's time limit is not
decremented, and the "chat requested" flag on the status line
is reset.
Prototype string class_abbrev(int: priv);
Arguments priv The privilege level to be queried. This number can be
in the range 0 through 65535.
Return Val. A string indicating the name of the user class associated
with the specified privilege level.
Description This function is used to display a textual representation of
a privilege level, rather than the numeric value of the
privilege level itself. This function uses the information
provided in the access control file to translate numeric
privilege levels into strings.
Example If the standard privilege levels have not been modified, the
following code will display "SysOp." (100 is the privilege
level of the SysOp class, as defined in the standard access
control file.)
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: s;
s := class_abbrev(100);
15. MEX Library Reference 277
return 0;
Prototype long class_info(int: priv, int: cit);
Arguments priv Privilege level which is to be queried.
cit One of the CIT_* constants describing the type of query
to perform.
Return Val. This function returns the requested value from the class in-
formation structure, or -1 if an invalid value was specified
for cit.
Description This function is used to query a given privilege level for
various types of information, such as its default time lim-
its, download limits, and other miscellaneous values.
Maximus first searches the definitions in the access control
file to find the privilege class which is closest to (but
which does not exceed) the privilege level specified by priv.
It then returns the information requested by the cit parame-
The cit parameter can be any of the constants described in
Table 15.35 below:
Table 15.35 Class Information Types
cit Description
CIT_NUMCLASSES If this value is specified, the priv
parameter is ignored, and class_info
returns the number of privilege level
classes that are defined in the ac-
cess control file.
CIT_DAY_TIME The maximum daily time limit.
CIT_CALL_TIME The maximum per-connection time
CIT_DL_LIMIT The daily download limit, in kilo-
CIT_RATIO The maximum download : upload ratio.
CIT_MIN_BAUD The minimum speed required to log on.
CIT_MIN_XFER_BAUD The minimum speed required to down-
load or upload files.
15. MEX Library Reference 278
CIT_MAX_CALLS The maximum number of times that a
user can call in a given day.
CIT_FREE_RATIO The number of kilobytes that can be
downloaded before the download ratio
takes effect.
CIT_UPLOAD_REWARD Percentage of the user's time re-
warded for uploading files.
CIT_ACCESSFLAGS User access flags, as defined in the
access control file. See the CFLAGA_*
definitions in max.mh for more infor-
CIT_MAILFLAGS User mail capability flags, as de-
fined in the access control file. See
the CFLAGM_* definitions in max.mh
for more information.
CIT_USERFLAGS User-specific flags, which were spe-
cifically designed for use by MEX
programs. See the documentation for
these flags in the access control
file for more information.
CIT_LEVEL The numeric privilege level associ-
ated with this class. Since Maximus
retrieves the class with the privi-
lege level closest to (but not ex-
ceeding) the priv parameter, the
value returned by this function will
not necessarily be the same as the
value provided for priv.
CIT_CLASSKEY The "key" associated with the class.
This is normally the first letter of
the class abbreviation, but it can be
changed manually by the SysOp.
CIT_INDEX The "index number" of the specified
privilege level.
CIT_OLDPRIV The old-style Maximus 2.x privilege
level that corresponds to priv. This
can be used when writing programs to
manipulate data structures that are
used by external programs designed to
work with Maximus 2.x.
CIT_BYINDEX If this value is combined with any of
the CIT_ parameters above (using the
bitwise or operator), the value of
priv is assumed to be a class index
rather than a privilege level.
This code displays the maximum daily time limit for the cur-
rent user:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
15. MEX Library Reference 279
long: lim;
lim := class_info(usr.priv, CIT_DAY_TIME);
print("Maximum daily limit: ", lim, " minutes.\n");
return 0;
The following code can be used to iterate through all of the
class definitions in the access control file:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i, n;
unsigned int: priv;
n := class_info(0, CIT_NUMCLASSES);
for (i := 0; i < n; i := i+1)
priv := class_info(i,
print("Priv for class ", i, " is ",
priv, '\n');
return 0;
Prototype string class_loginfile(int: priv);
Arguments priv The privilege level to be queried
Return Val. A string representing the log-in file specific to callers in
this privilege level. The null string ("") is returned if no
log-in file is defined for the requested privilege level.
Description This function is used to retrieve the name of the custom log-
in file for members of a specific privilege level. The custom
log-in file is typically used to display information that
only pertains to a specific group of users.
15. MEX Library Reference 280
While Maximus will normally display this file automatically
at log-on, MEX programs can also use this information to dis-
play the file manually.
Example This code will display the custom log-on file for the current
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: file;
char: nonstop;
file := class_loginfile(usr.priv);
nonstop := 0;
if (file <> "")
display_file(file, nonstop);
return 0;
Prototype string class_name(int: priv);
Arguments priv The privilege level to be queried
Return Val. A string containing the name of the privilege level.
Description This function is used to obtain the description for a spe-
cific privilege level from the access control file.
Prototype unsigned int class_to_priv(string: classabbrev);
Arguments classabbrev A string containing an abbreviation for a
class privilege level.
Return Val. The numeric privilege level associated with the name, or
65535 if the name could not be matched to any existing class.
15. MEX Library Reference 281
Description This function is used to translate text-based privilege level
names into numeric privilege level values, such as those
stored in many of the internal Maximus structures.
Prototype int close(int fd)
Arguments fd A file handle previously returned by open.
Return Val. TRUE if the file was successfully closed; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function is used to close a file handle that was previ-
ously opened by open. MEX programs should close file handles
as soon as all file operations on that handle have been com-
Prototype string compressor_num_to_name(int: compressor);
Arguments compressor An integer index for a compression program in
Return Val. A string containing the name of the compressor, or the null
string ("") if the compressor index is invalid.
Description This function is used to translate the usr.compress field in
the user structure to obtain a human-readable string.
Prototype int create_static_data(string: key, long: size);
Arguments key A string containing a used-defined key. This key iden-
tifies the data item to be created. This string must be used
to identify this data item in all future calls to the
15. MEX Library Reference 282
*_static_data functions. The recommended format for the key
string is:
"program_name : program_specific_value", where pro-
gram_name is the name of the MEX program being exe-
cuted, and program_specific_value is a brief descrip-
tion of the item to be stored.
size The size of the data object to be created. The value
used for this parameter is normally obtained by using the
sizeof operator on the type of the object to be stored.
Return Val. 0 if the data object was created successfully;
-1 if not enough memory was available to satisfy the request;
-2 if an invalid parameter was specified;
-3 if the key name already exists.
Description Normal MEX variables are destroyed as soon as the calling MEX
program returns to Maximus, but the create_static_data func-
tion allows programs to create persistent data objects that
remain around for an entire Maximus session.
This function is used to store integral data types (char, int
and long) and aggregates (user-defined struct and array
types). To manipulate strings, see create_static_string.
The size parameter should indicate the size of the data to be
stored within the static data object. The sizeof operator is
normally used to calculate this value. For example, if a long
is to be stored, size should be set to sizeof(long).
Static data objects created by create_static_data are ini-
tially set to binary zeroes.
Example The following code demonstrates how to create a static data
object called "myfoo" from test.mex. The data object is large
enough to hold a "foo" structure:
struct foo
int: bar;
int: boz;
// ...
struct foo: myfoo;
sizeof(struct foo));
15. MEX Library Reference 283
Prototype int create_static_string(string: key);
Arguments key A string containing a used-defined key. This key is
used to identify the data item to be created. This string
must be used to identify this data item to all future calls
to the *_static_data functions. The recommended format for
the key string is:
"program_name : program_specific_value", where pro-
gram_name is the name of the MEX program being exe-
cuted, and program_specific_value is a brief descrip-
tion of the string to be stored.
Return Val. 0 if the string was created successfully;
-1 if not enough memory was available to satisfy the request;
-2 if an invalid parameter was specified;
-3 if the key name already exists.
Description This function is similar to create_static_data, except that
it creates persistent string variables. Maximus will manage
the string size internally, so no size parameter is required
for create_static_string.
A string created by create_static_string is initially empty.
For more information, see the description for cre-
Example This code shows how to create a static string called
"mystring" from test.mex:
Prototype int dcd_check(int: state);
Arguments state A flag indicating whether or not DCD checking is to be
used. If non-zero, DCD checking is performed. If zero, DCD
checking is not performed.
Return Val. An integer describing the prior state of DCD checking. A
value of 1 indicates that DCD checking was previously being
15. MEX Library Reference 284
performed; a value of 0 indicates that DCD checking was not
being performed.
Description This function is used to control whether or not Maximus
checks the DCD line. Normally, the absence of DCD indicates
that the caller has hung up. However, some special MEX pro-
grams may wish to ignore this signal, such as in call-back
verifier programs.
When automatic DCD checking is off, the carrier function can
be used to manually check for DCD.
Prototype int destroy_static_data(string: key);
Arguments key The key for the static data object to be destroyed.
This must be the same as the key parameter passed to cre-
Return Val. 0 if the data object was destroyed successfully;
-1 if the key name was not found
Description This function destroys a static object key and the corre-
sponding object data, and it then returns the associated mem-
ory to Maximus. This code must be called whenever a static
data object is no longer required.
Example To destroy the static data object that was created in the ex-
ample for the create_static_data function:
Prototype int destroy_static_string(string: key);
Arguments key The key for the static string to be destroyed. This
must be the same as the key parameter passed to cre-
Return Val. 0 if the string was destroyed successfully;
-1 if the key name was not found
15. MEX Library Reference 285
Description This function destroys a static string key and the corre-
sponding string data, and it then returns the associated mem-
ory to Maximus. This code must be called whenever a static
string is no longer required.
Example To destroy the static string that was created in the example
for the create_static_string function:
Prototype int display_file(string: filename, ref char: nonstop);
Arguments filename The name of the .bbs file to be displayed to the
user. If no extension is provided, ".bbs" is assumed.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
nonstop A reference to a variable used for controlling non-
stop display action. See the description and examples below
for more information.
Return Val. 0 if the file was displayed successfully;
-1 otherwise.
Description This function is used to display a .bbs file from within a
MEX program. Any .bbs file can be displayed, as long as it
does not try to recursively call another MEX program.
The nonstop parameter is used to control non-stop file dis-
play. In most cases, this variable should be initialized to 0
before calling display_file and then left alone.
If nonstop is set to 0 before calling display_file, normal
"More" processing will take effect. Maximus will prompt the
user with "More [Y,n,=]" after every page of information has
been displayed. If the user selects "=" at a More prompt, the
nonstop parameter will be updated with a value of 1.
If nonstop is set to 1 before calling display_file, Maximus
will assume that the user already asked for non-stop display,
so it will not prompt the user after every page.
15. MEX Library Reference 286
The nonstop variable can be used to implement the non-stop
display of multiple files at a time.
Example This code shows how to display a single file:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
char: nonstop;
nonstop := 0;
display_file("c:\\max\\misc\\logo.bbs", nonstop);
return 0;
This code shows how to display multiple files in succession,
allowing for continuous display:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
char: nonstop;
nonstop := 0; // only initialize to 0 for
// the first display
display_file("c:\\max\\misc\\logo.bbs", nonstop);
return 0;
The above code would display c:\max\misc\logo.bbs to the
user, followed by c:\max\misc\welcome.bbs. If the user re-
quested non-stop output while displaying logo.bbs, the wel-
come.bbs file would also be displayed in non-stop mode. If
this is not desired, nonstop should be set to 0 before each
call to display_file.
Prototype int do_more(ref char: nonstop, string: color);
15. MEX Library Reference 287
Arguments nonstop A reference to a variable used to store the non-
stop display status. This variable is normally initialized by
a call to the reset_more function.
color A string containing the color to be used for displaying
the More prompt. (This is normally one of the COL_* constants
from mex.mh.)
Return Val. TRUE if less than a page of information has been displayed
since the last reset_more call, if the user answered "yes"
or "=" at the prompt displayed by do_more, or if non-stop
display is in effect; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function is used to display "More [Y,n,=]" prompts to
the user in appropriate places. This is useful when display-
ing a long list of information that is longer than one
The do_more function keeps track of the number of lines that
have been displayed since the last reset_more call. If the
line count is less than the length of the screen, do_more
will do nothing and return TRUE.
If the line count is greater than or equal to the length of
the screen, do_more will display a "More [Y,n,=]" prompt and
reset the displayed line count, as long as the nonstop vari-
able has a value of 0:
If the user answers "N" at the prompt, do_more will return
If the user answers "Y" at the prompt, do_more will return
If the user answers "=" at the prompt, do_more will return
TRUE and set the value of nonstop to 1.
However, do_more will not display a More prompt to the user
if the nonstop variable contains a value of 1 upon entry to
the do_more function.
For a final special case, if the nonstop variable has a value
of -1, do_more will always prompt the user for more, as in
the case where nonstop was 0, as above. However, the value of
nonstop will never be changed. Consequently, setting nonstop
to -1 ensures that the More prompt will be displayed to the
user after every page, even if the user specifically selects
the "=" option.
Example For example, to display output with paging support provided
by the do_more function:
#include <max.mh>
15. MEX Library Reference 288
int main()
int: line;
int: done;
char: nonstop;
done := 0;
for (line := 1;
line <= 100 and done=0;
line := line + 1)
print("Line #", line, '\n');
if (do_more(nonstop, COL_WHITE) = 0)
done := TRUE;
return 0;
Prototype void file_area();
Arguments None
Return Val. None
Description This function displays the file area menu. Calling file_area
is equivalent to calling menu_cmd(MNU_FILE_AREA, ""), al-
though calling file_area is slightly faster.
Prototype void fileareafindclose();
Arguments None
Return Val. None
15. MEX Library Reference 289
Description The fileareafindclose function terminates an existing
fileareafindfirst search. This function should be called
whenever the program has finished using the file area data
Prototype int fileareafindfirst(ref struct _farea: fa, string: name,
int: flags);
Arguments fa A reference to a file area information structure. If
this function finds a file area matching the name and flags
parameters, information about that file area will be placed
in this structure.
name Name of a specific file area to find. If name is the
null string (""), this function will find the first available
file area.
flags A flag indicating whether or not FileDivisionBegin and
FileDivisionEnd records are to be returned. If this flag is
equal to AFFO_DIV, division records will be returned. Other-
wise, if this flag is equal to AFFO_NODIV, division records
will be skipped.
Return Val. TRUE if an area was found; FALSE otherwise.
Description The fileareafindfirst function searches for a specific file
area, as specified by the name parameter. It also finds divi-
sion records within the area file if the AFFO_DIV flag is
Only areas which can be accessed by the user will be returned
by this function. This function will also skip file areas
that have the Type Hidden style.
Example The following code will display a list of all file areas:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
struct _farea: fa;
if (fileareafindfirst(fa, "", AFFO_NODIV))
15. MEX Library Reference 290
print("Area: ", fa.name, '\n');
while (fileareafindnext(fa));
return 0;
Prototype int fileareafindnext(ref struct _farea: fa);
Arguments fa A reference to the file area structure to be updated
with file area information. This structure must have been
originally filled in by a fileareafindfirst, fileareaf-
indnext, or fileareafindprev call.
Return Val. TRUE if another file area was found; FALSE if no file area
could be found.
Description The fileareafindnext function finds the next file area that
is accessible to the user. The search is carried out from the
position where the last fileareafindnext, fileareafindprev,
or fileareafindfirst call terminated. Consequently, if the
last fileareafind* call returned information for area "X",
this function would return information for the next user-
accessible area following area "X".
Prototype int fileareafindprev(ref struct _farea: fa);
Arguments fa A reference to the file area structure to be updated
with file area information. This structure must have been
originally filled in by a fileareafindfirst, fileareaf-
indnext, or fileareafindprev call.
Return Val. TRUE if another file area was found; FALSE if no file area
could be found.
Description The fileareafindprev function finds the previous file area
that is accessible to the user. The search is carried out
15. MEX Library Reference 291
from the position where the last fileareafindnext, fileareaf-
indprev, or fileareafindfirst call terminated. Consequently,
if the last fileareafind* call returned information for area
"X", this function would return information for the first
user-accessible area that precedes area "X".
Prototype int fileareaselect(string: name);
Arguments name Name of the file area to be selected as the user's cur-
rent file area.
Return Val. TRUE if the area was successfully selected; FALSE otherwise.
Description The fileareaselect function is used to change the user's cur-
rent file area. Upon return, this function also updates the
global farea variable with information about the new file
Prototype int filecopy(string: old, string: new);
Arguments old Name of the file to be copied.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
new Target path and filename for the copy.
Return Val. TRUE if the file was successfully copied; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function copies a file from old to new.
15. MEX Library Reference 292
Prototype int filedate(string: filename, ref struct stamp: fdate);
Arguments filename The name of the file to be queried.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
fdate A reference to a stamp structure that will be updated
to contain information about the file's date.
Return Val. This function returns TRUE if the file date was successfully
obtained; FALSE otherwise.
Description The filedate function is used to obtain the last-write date
for a specific file.
Prototype int fileexists(string: filename);
Arguments filename The name of the file to be queried.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
Return Val. TRUE if the file exists; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function is used to determine whether or not the speci-
fied file exists on disk.
15. MEX Library Reference 293
Prototype void filefindclose(ref struct _ffind: ff);
Arguments ff A reference to the _ffind structure that was returned
by a previous call to filefindfirst.
Return Val. None
Description This function releases the system resources that were allo-
cated when performing a filefindfirst call.
Prototype int filefindfirst(ref struct _ffind: ff, string: filename,
int: attribs);
Arguments ff A reference to a _ffind structure to be updated by this
function. Upon return, this structure is updated with infor-
mation about the file found (if any).
filename A wildcard specification (or individual filename)
for which this function is to search.
attribs A set of attributes used to describe the types of
files to find. This should be FA_NORMAL in most cases, but it
can also be one or more of the following, connected using the
bitwise or operator: FA_READONLY, FA_HIDDEN, FA_SYSTEM,
FA_VOLUME, FA_SUBDIR, or FA_ARCHIVE. This mask restricts the
filenames returned to those which have the specified attrib-
Return Val. TRUE if a file was successfully found; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function is normally used to expand file or directory
wildcards. Given a filename specification such as "A*.*", the
filefindfirst function will search for the specified file us-
ing the host operating system.
The first file matching filename will be returned in the ff
structure, including information about the file's name, size,
date and attributes. (However, for finding file information
for a single, non-wildcard filename, the filesize and fileex-
ists functions are generally much faster.)
15. MEX Library Reference 294
To find the second and subsequent files that match the speci-
fied wildcard, see the filefindnext function.
Example This code displays all of the files in the current directory:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
struct _ffind: ff;
if (filefindfirst(ff, "*.*", FA_NORMAL))
print("Found file: ",
ff.filename, '\n');
while (filefindnext(ff));
return 0;
Prototype int filefindnext(ref struct _ffind: ff);
Arguments ff A reference to the _ffind structure that was returned
by a previous call to filefindfirst.
Return Val. TRUE if another file was found; FALSE otherwise.
Description The filefindnext function continues a search that was started
by filefindfirst. This function returns the next filename
matching the pattern specified in the original filefindfirst
Prototype long filesize(string: filename);
15. MEX Library Reference 295
Arguments filename The filename whose size is to be queried.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
Return Val. -1 if the file does not exist; otherwise, this function re-
turns the file size.
Description The filesize function is used to retrieve the size of a file.
Prototype int get_static_data(string: key, ref void: data);
Arguments key The key for the static data object to be retrieved.
This must be the same as the key parameter originally passed
to create_static_data.
data A reference to the local data object that is to be up-
dated with a copy of the static data object. Note that this
parameter is a void reference, meaning that any type of ob-
ject (char, int, long, array or struct) can be referenced.
Return Val. 0 if the data object was retrieved successfully;
-1 if the key name was not found.
Description The get_static_data function is used to retrieve data that
was previously stored by the set_static_data function. If key
is a valid static data key that was created by cre-
ate_static_data, this function will retrieve the information
in the static data object and copy it into the local variable
referenced by data.
Example The following code creates a static data object, writes a
value to it, and then retrieves it again (without error
#include <max.mh>
int main()
long: l1, l2;
string: dataname;
dataname := "test:mylong";
15. MEX Library Reference 296
create_static_data(dataname, sizeof(long));
l1 := 1234;
set_static_data(dataname, l1);
// Do some other things here, or even exit back
// to Maximus and restart the MEX program.
get_static_data(dataname, l2);
print("l2 = ", l2, '\n');
return 0;
Prototype int get_static_string(string: key, ref string: data);
Arguments key The key for the static string to be retrieved. This
must be the same as the key parameter passed to cre-
data A reference to the string to be updated with a copy of
the static string.
Return Val. 0 if the string was retrieved successfully;
-1 if the key name was not found.
Description The get_static_string function is used to retrieve strings
that were previously stored by the set_static_string func-
tion. If key is a valid static string key that was created by
create_static_string, this function will retrieve the infor-
mation in the static string and copy it into the local string
referenced by data.
Example The following code creates a static string, writes a value to
it, and then retrieves it again (without error checking):
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: s1, s2;
string: stringname;
stringname := "test:mystring";
s1 := "foo";
set_static_string(stringname, s1);
// Do some other things here, or even exit back
15. MEX Library Reference 297
// to Maximus and restart.
get_static_string(stringname, s2);
print("s2 = '", s2, "'\n");
return 0;
Prototype char getch();
Arguments None
Return Val. The character entered by the user.
Description This function performs raw character input. It simply returns
the character typed by the user. If no character is avail-
able, Maximus will wait until the user presses a key.
All of the normal Maximus input routines are used, so if the
system operator enables local keyboard input, characters en-
tered at the local console will also be retrieved by this
Note that this function does not perform any input process-
ing. Regardless of the user's hotkey setting, IBM characters
setting, or other flags, Maximus will simply return the char-
acter received over the modem. This includes scan codes and
raw key codes from terminal programs running in "doorway
mode" (and from the local console).
Except in special cases where raw keyboard input is required,
the input_ch function should be used instead of this func-
tion. input_ch provides access to formatted data input, in-
cluding command stacking for non-hotkey users, prompts, and
Prototype string hstr(ref string: heapname, int: index);
Arguments heapname Name of the heap from which the string is to be
15. MEX Library Reference 298
index Index number (within the heap) of the string to be
Return Val. The string that matches the requested heap name and index, or
the null string ("") if the heap/index pair could not be
Description The hstr function is used to retrieve strings from MEX-
specific language files. The heapname and index parameters
combine to form a key that refers to a unique string in one
of the user-defined language heaps in english.mad.
This function is only used to retrieve MEX-specific strings
from english.mad. These strings are always contained in heaps
that start with an "=" character, rather than the ":" charac-
ter that is used to begin the standard system language heaps.
Calls to hstr are normally generated automatically by MAID
when it creates the english.mh include file for MEX programs.
When MAID parses a language file, it gathers information
about all of the user-defined heaps. It then translates the
name in front of each string into a MEX #define directive,
which expands into a call to the hstr function using the cor-
rect heapname and index parameters.
Prototype int input_ch(int: type, string: options);
Arguments type This parameter specifies a number of options that con-
trol the character input routine. Zero or more of the CIN-
PUT_* constants can be specified, combined using the bitwise
or operator. For a detailed list of CINPUT_ constants, see
the description below.
options This string specifies an optional list of parame-
ters. The contents of this string vary based on the settings
used for type, as described below.
Return Val. This function returns the character that is entered by the
Description The input_ch function performs formatted character input. It
calls the standard Maximus character input routines to get a
key from the user. Among other things, this means that:
Hotkey mode is properly handled. If the user has hotkeys
enabled, the function will return as soon as a key is
15. MEX Library Reference 299
pressed. Otherwise, Maximus will accept a line of input and
only return the first character.
Standard Maximus input functionality can also be enabled,
such as prompt display and <ctrl-c> handling.
Command stacking is supported.
The type field controls how the input function operates. The
field can be a combination of one or more of the values shown
in Table 15.36. Multiple values can be combined using the
bitwise or operator.
Table 15.36 Character Input Types
Type Description
CINPUT_DISPLAY The character entered by the user
should always be displayed, even if
hotkey mode is enabled. This option
is implied for the input_list func-
CINPUT_ACCEPTABLE Restrict the characters input by the
user to the list of characters speci-
fied in the options string. For exam-
ple, if the CINPUT_ACCEPTABLE flag is
specified, and if options contains
"abeq", the user will only be able to
enter an "A," "B," "E" or "Q" at the
CINPUT_PROMPT Display the prompt contained in op-
tions before asking for input.
CINPUT_SCAN Accept scan codes. This option in-
structs Maximus to return scan codes
produced by function keys, cursor
keys, and other special characters.
(These scan codes can be created by
pressing the appropriate function and
cursor keys on the local SysOp key-
board, and they can also be created
by remote users who use terminal pro-
grams in "DoorWay mode.")
Although standard ASCII characters
(such as letters, numbers, and punc-
tuation) are still returned as a sin-
gle character, when a function key or
other non-ASCII character is pressed,
input_key will return 0. In the fol-
lowing call to input_key, the scan
code of the key will be returned.
CINPUT_NOXLT Do not translate special characters,
such as carriage returns and
newlines, into their ASCII equiva-
15. MEX Library Reference 300
lents. (For example, unless this op-
tion is used, <enter> will be re-
turned as "|.") This option is im-
plied for the input_list function.
CINPUT_NOCTRLC Do not allow the user to press <ctrl-
c> to abort the current entry and re-
display the prompt.
CINPUT_P_CTRLC The prompt specified in options will
not be initially displayed; the
prompt is only displayed if the user
presses <ctrl-c>.
CINPUT_NOLF Do not display a linefeed after the
user's input character selection is
CINPUT_FULLPROMPT Do not add a bracketed list of ac-
ceptable characters to the prompt
string. This option is only valid
when used as parameter for the in-
put_list function.
CINPUT_ALLANSWERS Allow the user to exit by pressing
only <enter>, even if CIN-
PUT_ACCEPTABLE is also specified.
CINPUT_DUMP Flush the output buffer when a char-
acter is received. This option is
mostly useful in hotkey mode. This
option is also implied for the in-
put_list function.
CINPUT_NOUPPER Do not convert received characters to
CINPUT_AUTOP Display the prompt, even if the user
has hotkeys enabled.
CINPUT_ANY Any response to this function is
valid, even if not contained in list.
This option is only valid when used
as a parameter for the input_list
Prototype int input_list(string: list, int: type, string: help_file,
string: invalid,
string: prompt);
Arguments list This string contains a list of acceptable input charac-
ters. To allow a character that is not present in list, in-
clude the CINPUT_ANY option in the type parameter. The first
uppercase character in the string will be chosen as the de-
15. MEX Library Reference 301
fault option and will be selected if the user presses <enter>
at the prompt.
type This parameter specifies a number of options that con-
trol the character input routine. Zero or more of the CIN-
PUT_* constants can be combined using the bitwise or opera-
tor. For a detailed list of acceptable CINPUT_ constants, see
the description of the input_ch function, above.
help_file If not a blank string, this specifies the name of
the help file to be displayed when a question mark ("?") is
entered by the user. If this is not a blank string, Maximus
will also add a "=help" to the end of prompt.
invalid This string is displayed to the user when an inva-
lid character is entered.
promptThis string contains a prompt to be displayed to the
user. Unless the CINPUT_FULLPROMPT option is included in the
type parameter, a bracketed list of acceptable option letters
is automatically added to the end of this string.
Return Val. This function returns the option character entered by the
Description The input_list function prompts the user to enter a character
from a predefined set of options. A typical prompt generated
by input_list looks something like this:
Do you prefer lettuce, cabbage or broccoli [L,c,b]?
The first part of the prompt, "Do you prefer lettuce, cabbage
or broccoli," is provided in the prompt parameter.
The second part of the prompt, "[L,c,b]?" is automatically
added by input_list. By specifying the valid input characters
in the list string as "Lcb," the input_list function will
automatically format the "[L,c,b]" text and add the final
question mark. Since the "L" is uppercase, it will be chosen
as the default option if the user presses <enter>.
Example The following code implements the prompt described above:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: ch;
ch := input_list("Lcb",
"That is an invalid type of "
15. MEX Library Reference 302
"produce. ",
"Do you prefer lettuce, "
"cabbage or broccoli");
return 0;
Prototype int input_str(ref string: s, int: type, char: ch, int: max,
string: prompt);
Arguments s On return, this variable will be updated to contain the
text entered by the user.
type This parameter contains one or more INPUT_* options,
combined using the bitwise or operator, which control how
Maximus reads input from the user. These options are de-
scribed in more detail in the function description, below.
ch This special-purpose parameter is only used when a cer-
tain subset of the INPUT_* options are specified in the type
field, as indicated in the table below. Otherwise, this pa-
rameter should be 0.
max The maximum length of the string to be returned in s.
promptThe prompt to be displayed to the user before request-
ing input.
Return Val. This function returns the length of the string placed in s.
Description The input_str function displays a prompt and waits for the
user to enter a word or a string. This string is returned in
the s parameter where it can be later examined by the MEX
The type parameter specifies a number of options that control
how the input function reacts to user input. It also controls
whether or not command accepts a word or a string, and
whether or not command stacking is allowed.
The type parameter must contain exactly one of the following
mutually-exclusive options: INPUT_LB_LINE, INPUT_NLB_LINE,
and INPUT_WORD. All of the other parameters in Table 15.37
are optional and can be specified in any combination.
15. MEX Library Reference 303
Table 15.37 Line Input Types
Type Description
INPUT_LB_LINE Read an entire line of input from the
user. Command stacking is enabled, so
if any unused input is in the stack-
ing buffer (accessible as the global
variable input), it will be returned
without displaying the prompt or ask-
ing the user for more input.
INPUT_NLB_LINE Read an entire line of input from the
user. Command stacking is disabled,
so the contents of the line buffer
(accessible as the global variable
input) are ignored. The prompt is al-
ways displayed and the user is always
asked for input.
INPUT_WORD Read a single word from the user.
Command stacking is always enabled.
If there is unused input in the
stacking buffer (accessible as the
global variable input), the first
word therein will be returned without
displaying the prompt or asking the
user for more input. In this context,
a "word" is delimited by one or more
spaces. If the stacking buffer is
empty, the prompt will be displayed
and Maximus will wait for the user to
enter an entire string. The first
word of this string (delimited by
spaces) will be returned, and the
rest of the string will remain in the
line buffer.
INPUT_ECHO The character specified in ch is ech-
oed back instead of the actual char-
acter typed by the user. This is use-
ful for designing prompts for pass-
words or other sensitive information.
This option and INPUT_NOECHO are mu-
tually exclusive. (If neither option
is specified, Maximus will echo the
characters normally.)
INPUT_NOECHO Do not echo any characters back to
the remote. This option and IN-
PUT_ECHO are mutually exclusive.
INPUT_ALREADYCH Pretend that the user has already en-
tered the character given in ch. This
is useful if an input sequence is
chained off a hotkeyed menu option,
15. MEX Library Reference 304
or some other form of input that re-
trieves the first input character
INPUT_SCAN Allow scan codes to be placed in the
returned string. See the description
of CINPUT_SCAN in the input_ch func-
tion for more information on scan
code formats.
INPUT_NOCTRLC Do not allow the user to press <ctrl-
c> to abort the current input and re-
display the prompt.
INPUT_NOLF Do not send a linefeed after the user
has finished entering the string.
INPUT_WORDWRAP Allow word-wrapping.
INPUT_NOCLEOL Never issue clear-to-end-of-line
(CLEOL) codes.
INPUT_DEFAULT On input, pretend that the contents
of s were already entered by the
user. This option is useful if the
first part of an input string is to
be automatically generated. (However,
the user can use the backspace key to
modify this input.) On output, s will
be updated with the full string by
the user.
Prototype int iskeyboard();
Arguments None
Return Val. TRUE if the local keyboard mode is active; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function is used to determine whether or not the local
keyboard mode (toggled by the "A" character on the SysOp con-
sole) is active.
Note that local sessions are always considered to be running
in local keyboard mode.
15. MEX Library Reference 305
Prototype int issnoop();
Arguments None
Return Val. TRUE if snoop mode is active; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function determines whether or not Snoop mode is active.
If snoop mode is enabled, the output sent to the remote user
will also be echoed on the local screen. Snoop mode is en-
abled on the local console by pressing the "N" key.
Prototype string itostr(int: i);
Arguments i The integer to be converted.
Return Val. This function returns the string representation of the inte-
Description The itostr function is used to convert an integer to a
string. The converted string contains the ASCII representa-
tion of the integer, from -32768 to 32767. See the uitostr
function for converting unsigned integers.
This function is useful when strings must be mixed with the
results of integral computations.
Example This code concatenates a string and a converted integer:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i1;
string: s;
i1 := 1000;
s := "MEX is used by " + itostr(i1) + "s of "
+ "programmers";
15. MEX Library Reference 306
return 0;
Prototype int kbhit();
Arguments None
Return Val. TRUE if a character is waiting; FALSE otherwise.
Description The kbhit function is used to determine if a character has
been pressed by the remote user (or on the local console, if
local keyboard mode is enabled).
If a character has been pressed, any of the input_str, in-
put_list, input_ch or getch functions can be used to retrieve
the character.
Prototype int keyboard(int: state);
Arguments state The new state for keyboard mode. If this parameter is
1, local keyboard mode is enabled. If this parameter is 0,
local keyboard mode is disabled.
Return Val. The prior state of the local keyboard setting.
Description The keyboard function is used to set or reset the local key-
board mode. This function is primarily useful when a MEX pro-
gram wishes to explicitly allow the SysOp to enter charac-
ters, even if local keyboard mode was originally off.
The return value of this function can be used at a later
point in time to reset local keyboard mode to its original
15. MEX Library Reference 307
Prototype string language_num_to_name(int: lang);
Arguments lang An integer index for a language defined in the language
control file.
Return Val. A string containing the name of the language, or the null
string ("") if the language index is invalid.
Description This function is used to translate the usr.lang field in the
user structure to obtain a human-readable string.
Prototype int localkey();
Arguments None
Return Val. TRUE if the last getch or kbhit returned a character that was
entered on the SysOp console or by a local session; FALSE if
the character was entered by a remote user.
Description The localkey function is used to determine the source of the
most recent keystroke. This function can be useful if the
processing of a character depends on whether the key was en-
tered by a remote user or by the SysOp (or a caller logged on
at the console).
Prototype void log(string: text);
Arguments text Line to be placed in the system log. The first charac-
ter of the string should indicate the priority of the log
message, such as "!" or "#." The second and following charac-
ters of the string represent the line to be logged.
Return Val. None
15. MEX Library Reference 308
Description This function adds the specified line to the Maximus system
log file.
Example Given the following code:
log("!Could not find user record!");
The code above would create a log entry similar to the one
shown below:
! 12 Jul 95 15:33:02 MAX Could not find user record!
Prototype void long_to_stamp(long: time, ref struct _stamp: st);
Arguments time A long integer containing the time value to be con-
verted. The value contained in this parameter represents the
number of seconds elapsed since January 1st, 1970 (UTC).
st A reference to a _stamp structure. Upon return, this
structure will be updated with values representing the time
given by time.
Return Val. None
Description This function is used to convert the result of the time func-
tion into a human-readable result. The values placed in the
st structure correspond to the current date and time, ex-
pressed in terms of the current year, day, month, hour, min-
ute and second.
Prototype string lstr(int: index);
Arguments index An integer representing one of the strings in the eng-
lish.mad language file.
Return Val. The string specified by the index parameter, or the null
string ("") if an invalid index number was specified.
15. MEX Library Reference 309
Description The lstr function is used to retrieve a string from the stan-
dard strings in the system language file. (System language
heaps are always declared in english.mad using the ":" char-
acter. To contrast, user-specific heaps ---which are re-
trieved using the hstr function ---are always declared using
the "=" character.)
To find the index for a particular string in the language
file, add a "@MEX" prefix before the definition of the string
in english.mad. When MAID writes out the english.lh file, it
will generate a #define which automatically calls the lstr
function using the appropriate string number.
Prototype string ltostr(long: l);
Arguments l The long integer to be converted.
Return Val. This function returns the string representation of the long
Description The ltostr function is used to convert a long integer to a
string. The converted string contains the ASCII representa-
tion of the long integer, from -2147483648 to 2147483647. See
the ultostr function for converting unsigned longs.
This function is useful when strings must be mixed with the
results of integral computations.
Example See the description for the itostr function for a related ex-
Prototype int mdm_command(string: cmdstring);
Arguments cmdstring The command to be sent to the modem. This string
uses all of the same translation characters as in the modem
initialization and busy strings from the Maximus control
files, such as "|" for <enter> and "~" for a one-second
pause. Please see the Busy keyword in section 18.2.2 for more
15. MEX Library Reference 310
Return Val. TRUE if the string was transmitted successfully; FALSE other-
Description The mdm_command function transmits a command string to the
modem. This function is normally only used when talking di-
rectly to the modem, rather than when a user is on-line.
Prototype void mdm_flow(int: state);
Arguments state A flag describing the desired state of XON/XOFF flow
control. If this flag is set to 1, XON/XOFF flow control will
be enabled if the SysOp has enabled Mask Handshaking XON. If
this flag is set to 0, XON/XOFF flow control will always be
Return Val. None
Description This function enables or disables software handshaking. Soft-
ware handshaking normally needs to be disabled before trying
to communicate directly with the modem.
Prototype void menu_cmd(int: cmdnum, string: args);
Arguments cmdnumThe MNU_* constant describing the menu option to exe-
cute. The max_menu.mh header file must be included (with the
#include directive) to define the MNU_* constants.
args Arguments for the menu command. These arguments are
specified in string format. Most menu commands do not require
arguments; the only functions which require arguments are
those which have an argument specified in the second column
in the menus control file. For all other menu option types,
this string should be the null string ("").
Return Val. None
Description The menu_cmd function executes an internal Maximus menu com-
mand. Sample actions include entering a message, performing a
15. MEX Library Reference 311
new files search, and invoking most of the other commands in
The main restrictions for menu_cmd are:
* The Display_File menu command cannot be invoked. (Instead,
see the display_file MEX function.)
* The Edit_* menu commands cannot be invoked unless the user
is already running either the MaxEd or the BORED editor.
* The MEX, Xtern_Erlvl, Link_Menu, Return and Display_Menu
menu commands cannot be invoked.
Prototype void msg_area();
Arguments None
Return Val. None
Description This function displays the message area menu. Calling
msg_area is equivalent to calling menu_cmd(MNU_MSG_AREA, ""),
although calling msg_area is slightly faster.
Prototype void msgareafindclose();
Arguments None
Return Val. None
Description The msgareafindclose function terminates an existing msgare-
afindfirst search. This function should be called whenever
the program has finished using the message area data file.
15. MEX Library Reference 312
Prototype int msgareafindfirst(ref struct _marea: ma, string: name,
int: flags);
Arguments ma A reference to a message area information structure. If
this function finds a message area matching the name and
flags parameters, information about that message area will be
placed in this structure.
name Name of a specific message area to find. If name is the
null string (""), this function will find the first available
message area.
flags A flag indicating whether or not MsgDivisionBegin and
MsgDivisionEnd records are to be returned. If this flag is
equal to AFFO_DIV, division records will be returned. Other-
wise, if this flag is equal to AFFO_NODIV, division records
will be skipped.
Return Val. TRUE if an area was found; FALSE otherwise.
Description The msgareafindfirst function searches for a specific message
area, as specified by the name parameter. It also finds divi-
sion records within the area file if the AFFO_DIV flag is
Only areas which can be accessed by the user will be returned
by this function. This function will also skip message areas
that have the "Hidden" style.
Example The following code will display a list of all message areas:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
struct _marea: ma;
if (msgareafindfirst (ma, "", AFFO_NODIV))
print("Area: ", ma.name, '\n');
while (msgareafindnext (ma));
15. MEX Library Reference 313
return 0;
Prototype int msgareafindnext(ref struct _marea: ma);
Arguments ma A reference to the message area structure to be updated
with message area information. This structure must have been
originally filled in by a msgareafindfirst, msgareafindnext,
or msgareafindprev call.
Return Val. TRUE if another message area was found; FALSE if no message
area could be found.
Description The msgareafindnext function finds the next message area that
is accessible to the user. The search is carried out from the
position where the last msgareafindnext, msgareafindprev, or
msgareafindfirst call terminated. Consequently, if the last
msgareafind* call returned information for area "X", this
function would return information for the next user-
accessible area following area "X".
Prototype int msgareafindprev(ref struct _marea: ma);
Arguments ma A reference to the message area structure to be updated
with message area information. This structure must have been
originally filled in by a msgareafindfirst, msgareafindnext,
or msgareafindprev call.
Return Val. TRUE if another message area was found; FALSE if no message
area could be found.
Description The msgareafindnext function finds the previous message area
that is accessible to the user. The search is carried out
from the position the last msgareafindnext, msgareafindprev,
or msgareafindfirst call terminated. Consequently, if the
last msgareafind* call returned information for area "X",
this function would return information for the first user-
accessible area that precedes area "X".
15. MEX Library Reference 314
Prototype int msgareaselect(string: name);
Arguments name Name of the message area to be selected as the user's
current message area
Return Val. TRUE if the area was successfully selected; FALSE otherwise.
Description The msgareaselect function is used to change the user's cur-
rent message area. Upon return, this function also updates
the global marea and msg structures with information about
the new message area.
Prototype int open(string: name, int: mode);
Arguments name The name of the file to be opened.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
mode One or more IOPEN_* constants specifying the mode to be
used when opening the file. The bitwise or operator can be
used to combine multiple IOPEN_ constants. This parameter is
described below in more detail.
Return Val. -1 if an error occurs; otherwise, open returns an integer
which identifies the opened file. This identifier must be
stored and passed to the other MEX I/O functions when the
file is to be accessed.
Description The open function opens a file. Depending on the value of
mode, this function can be used to open an existing file or
create a new one.
The mode parameter indicates the file-opening mode. mode
should contain exactly one of the constants from Table 15.38.
15. MEX Library Reference 315
Table 15.38 File Open Modes
Mode Description
IOPEN_READ Open the file for reading
IOPEN_WRITE Open the file for writing
In addition, any of the modifiers from Table 15.39 can also
be used if IOPEN_WRITE is specified:
Table 15.39 File Open Modifiers
Mode Description
IOPEN_APPEND Append to the end of the file.
IOPEN_CREATE Create the file if it does not exist, or
truncate the file if it does.
IOPEN_BINARY Open the file in binary mode. This option
suppresses the translation of end-of-line
Example The following code creates a file called c:\test.fil and
makes the file ready for writing:
int: fd;
fd := open("c:\\test.fil",
Prototype void print(...);
Arguments Any number of parameters (with any type) can be specified.
See the function description for more information.
Return Val. None
Description print is used to display text to the user. print can display
any type of information, including characters, integers,
strings, or even user-defined structures or data types.
15. MEX Library Reference 316
Any number of parameters may be specified to print, and all
will be displayed using formatting routines appropriate to
the data type.
The print function displays the information specified in its
parameters, but it does not automatically place the cursor on
the next line. To add this functionality, include a `\n' pa-
rameter at the end of the function call.
print handles the data types shown in Table 15.40 by default:
Table 15.40 Print Data Types
Type Description
char Display a character in its natural format. For
example, the character `A' will be displayed
simply as "A." Control characters and high-bit
characters will also be displayed as-is, al-
though all print output will pass through the
standard Maximus output filter. This means that
high-bit characters may sometimes be replaced
with ASCII equivalents, and terminal control se-
quences may be stripped. (See section 13 for
more information.)
int Display an integer in decimal. The range for
signed integers is minus 32768 to 32767.
long Display a long integer in decimal. The range for
longs is minus 2147483648 to 2147483647.
unsigned Display an unsigned integer in decimal. The
int range for unsigned integers is 0 to 65535.
unsigned Display an unsigned long in decimal. The range
long for unsigned longs is 0 to 4294967296.
string Display a string. The string will be displayed
just as if each of the characters inside had
been displayed individually as a char, as above.
print itself is just a meta-function ---there is no real
function called "print" in the MEX run-time library. However,
when the compiler encounters a print statement, it splits
apart all of the arguments and calls a separate function for
For an argument with a type of mytype, the MEX compiler will
generate a call to a function of the form:
where MYTYPE is the uppercase name of the type to be dis-
played. The standard run-time library includes the following
print handlers:
15. MEX Library Reference 317
Support for user-defined data types can also be added to
print by defining a new print function to handle the appro-
priate argument type. For example, given a data type and an
appropriate print handler function:
struct complex
int: real;
int: imaginary;
void __printSTRUCT_COMPLEX(ref struct complex: c)
print('(', c.real, ',', c.imaginary, ')');
With these definitions, the print function can be used to
print a structure of type complex by simply passing the
structure as a parameter:
struct complex: c;
c.real := 5;
c.imaginary := 10;
print("The complex number is ", c, ".\n");
Prototype int privok(string: acs);
Arguments acs The Access Control String (ACS) to be checked.
Return Val. TRUE if the user's privilege level passes the privilege level
check; FALSE otherwise.
Description The privok function is used to check a user's privilege level
against a given Access Control String. The ACS check per-
formed by this function is the same as in all other areas of
15. MEX Library Reference 318
Maximus, so all of the standard ACS modifiers (">=", "!", and
so on) can be specified in acs.
Prototype string prm_string(int: stringnum);
Arguments stringnum The string number to be retrieved from the Maximus
.prm file. A string number of 0 specifies the first string.
Return Val. The string that was retrieved, or the null string ("") if the
string number is invalid.
Description This function retrieves a string from the Maximus .prm file.
The string number specifies an offset within the fixed-length
string index table. The string numbers are version-specific
and are subject to change without notice.
Prototype string protocol_num_to_name(int: protocol);
Arguments protocol An integer index for a protocol defined in proto-
Return Val. A string containing the name of the protocol, or the null
string ("") if the protocol index is invalid.
Description This function is used to translate the usr.def_proto field in
the user structure to obtain a human-readable string.
Prototype int read(int: fd, ref string: s, int: len);
Arguments fd A file descriptor, as returned by the open function.
15. MEX Library Reference 319
s A reference to a string. Upon return, this string is
filled in with the bytes read from the file.
len The maximum number of bytes to place into the string s.
Return Val. If the return value is the same as len, the read was com-
pletely successful.
If the return value is less than len (but greater than zero),
only a portion of the requested number of bytes could be
If the return value is 0, end-of-file was encountered.
If the return value is -1, an error occurred when trying to
read from the file.
Description The read function reads a block of bytes from the specified
file handle. This function reads blocks of bytes at a time
with no consideration for "lines" in the source file. To read
a file a line at a time, see the readln function.
Prototype int readln(int: fd, ref string: s);
Arguments fd A file descriptor, as returned by the open function.
s A reference to a string. Upon return, this string will
be filled in with the line read from the file.
Return Val. If the return value is greater than zero, this is the number
of bytes placed into the string.
If the return value is 0, end-of-file was encountered
If the return value is -1, an error occurred when trying to
read from the file.
Description The readln function reads an entire line from the specified
file handle. If the line ends with a newline character, it is
automatically stripped.
15. MEX Library Reference 320
Prototype int remove(string: file);
Arguments file The name of the file to be deleted.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
Return Val. TRUE if the file was successfully deleted; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function deletes the specified filename.
Prototype int rename(string: old, string: new);
Arguments old The name of the file to be renamed.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
new The new name to be assigned to the file.
Return Val. TRUE if the rename operation was successful; FALSE otherwise.
Description The rename function is used to rename or move an existing
file. If the file is not in the current directory, full paths
must be specified for both old and new.
This function cannot be used to move files across drives.
15. MEX Library Reference 321
Prototype void reset_more(ref char: nonstop);
Arguments nonstop A reference to the non-stop control character. This
character is initialized to a value of 0 by reset_more.
Return Val. None
Description The reset_more function resets the internal "More" counter
that controls the number of screen lines remaining until a
"More [Y,n,=]?" prompt is displayed. The current point in the
display will be treated as the "top" of the current output
page, insofar as more prompts are concerned.
The nonstop variable is used in later calls to the do_more
function (which is where the more prompts are actually dis-
Prototype int rip_detect();
Arguments None
Return Val. TRUE if the user's terminal supports RIPscrip graphics; FALSE
Description The rip_detect function is used to query the remote terminal
to determine if it supports RIPscrip graphics. If the remote
terminal reports that RIPscrip graphics are supported, this
function returns TRUE.
After the user has logged on, the user's current preference
for RIPscrip graphics can be read from the usr.rip field.
Prototype int rip_hasfile(string: fname, ref long: filesize);
15. MEX Library Reference 322
Arguments fname The name of the remote file to query. This name must
not have an explicit path.
filesize A reference to the size of the file to be queried.
If filesize is set to -1, Maximus will query the remote for
the size of the file and place it into this variable upon re-
Return Val. 1 if the remote user has the file;
0 if the remote user does not have the file;
-1 if a RIPscrip protocol error occurred
Description The rip_hasfile function allows a MEX program to determine
whether or not the remote user has a specified RIPscrip file.
If an explicit filesize is provided, this function only re-
turns TRUE if the remote user has the file and the file has
the indicated size.
Otherwise, if filesize is set to -1 before calling
rip_hasfile, Maximus checks the remote side and sets the
filesize parameter to the size of the remote file. It returns
TRUE if the file exists and FALSE otherwise.
Prototype int rip_send(string: filename, int: display);
Arguments filename The filename to be sent to the remote RIPscrip
user. If no path is specified, Maximus will assume the cur-
rent RIP Path.
display TRUE if the file is to be displayed as soon as it
is sent; FALSE otherwise.
Return Val. TRUE if the file was successfully displayed/sent; FALSE oth-
Description This function is used to send a RIPscrip scene or icon file
to the remote user. After sending the file, it can be option-
ally displayed by setting the display parameter to TRUE.
This performs a function equivalent to the [ripsend] MECCA
15. MEX Library Reference 323
Prototype int screen_length();
Arguments None
Return Val. The length of the local screen, in rows.
Description The screen_length function returns the length of the local
console screen.
Prototype int screen_width();
Arguments None
Return Val. The width of the local screen, in columns.
Description The screen_width function returns the width of the local con-
sole screen.
Prototype int seek(int: fd, long: pos, int: where);
Arguments fd A file descriptor, as returned by the open function.
pos The position to which the file should be seeked. This
position is relative to the offset specified for the where
parameter. Negative offsets are permitted if either SEEK_CUR
or SEEK_END are specified for where.
where This parameter defines the relation between the pos pa-
rameter and the physical offset within the file. This is de-
scribed in more detail below.
Return Val. The new file offset, relative to the beginning of the file.
15. MEX Library Reference 324
Description The seek function moves the file pointer for the specified
file to a new location. This function is used to jump to an
arbitrary offset within a file, or to jump directly to the
beginning or end of a file.
The where parameter must be one of the values from Table
Table 15.41 Seek Offsets
Value Description
SEEK_CUR pos is relative to the current file position.
SEEK_SET pos is relative to the beginning of the file.
SEEK_END pos is relative to the end of the file.
Prototype int set_output(int mode);
Arguments mode This function sets the output control mode. This must
be one of the DISABLE_* parameters described below.
Return Val. The original setting for screen output. This return value can
be used to restore the screen output mode at a later time by
calling set_output again.
Description This function allows the Maximus video output to be sup-
pressed, for either the remote user, the local screen, or
The mode parameter must be one of the values from Table
Table 15.42 Output Disable Modes
Value Description
DISABLE_NONE Enable all output.
DISABLE_LOCAL Disable only local output.
DISABLE_REMOTE Disable only remote output.
DISABLE_BOTH Disable both local and remote output.
15. MEX Library Reference 325
Prototype int set_static_data(string: key, ref void: data);
Arguments key The key for the static data object to be set. This must
be the same as the key parameter passed to cre-
data A reference to the local data object to store in the
static data object. Note that this parameter is a void refer-
ence, meaning that any type of object (char, int, long, array
or struct) can be referenced.
Return Val. 0 if the data object was stored successfully;
-1 if the key name was not found.
Description The set_static_data function is used to store data that can
be retrieved later during the same Maximus session by the
get_static_data function. Data stored by set_static_data is
persistent, in that it retains its value even after the cre-
ating MEX program has ended.
If key is a valid static data key that was created by cre-
ate_static_data, this function will copy the information from
the local structure referenced by data into the static data
Prototype int set_static_string(string: key, string: data);
Arguments key The key for the static string to be set. This must be
the same as the key parameter passed to create_static_string.
data The local string to be stored in the static string.
Return Val. 0 if the string was stored successfully;
-1 if the key name was not found;
-2 if there was not enough memory to store the string.
Description The set_static_string function is used to store strings that
can be retrieved later during the same Maximus session by the
get_static_string function. Strings stored by
15. MEX Library Reference 326
set_static_string are persistent, in that they retain their
values even after the creating MEX program has ended.
If key is a valid static string key that was created by cre-
ate_static_string, this function will copy the information
from the local string referenced by data into the static
Prototype void set_textsize(int: cols, int: rows);
Arguments cols The number of columns in the window.
rows The number of rows in the window.
Return Val. None
Description The set_textsize sets the assumed text window size of the re-
mote system. This is primarily used to set the size of the
display for "More" prompting when using RIPscrip windows on
the remote terminal.
Specifying values of 0 for either cols or rows will set the
window width or length (respectively) back to the default, as
specified in the user record.
Prototype int shell(int: method, string: cmd);
Arguments methodAn IOUTSIDE_* constant describing the method to use for
executing the program. This parameter is described below in
more detail.
cmd The name of the command to run, plus any optional pro-
gram arguments.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
15. MEX Library Reference 327
Return Val. The return value of the program, or -1 if the program could
not be executed.
Description The shell function invokes an external program or a secondary
copy of the command interpreter. The exact method used for
invoking the external program depends on the value of the
method parameter. At least one of IOUTSIDE_RUN or IOUT-
SIDE_DOS must be specified; the other parameters from Table
15.43 are optional and can be combined using the bitwise or
Table 15.43 Outside Methods
Value Description
IOUTSIDE_RUN Spawn the program directly. This op-
tion can only be used to run .exe and
.com files in the operating system's
native format. This method is faster
IOUTSIDE_DOS Execute the program through the com-
mand interpreter. This option can be
used to spawn .bat, .cmd. ,exe and
.com files, in addition to internal
shell commands (such as "dir" and
"copy"). Under OS/2, this function can
also be used to invoke DOS programs.
IOUTSIDE_REREAD After running the external program,
re-read the user record from the las-
tuser.bbs file. This flag can be com-
bined with the IOUTSIDE_RUN or IOUT-
SIDE_DOS flags using the bitwise or
Example The following code displays a directory of the \MAX\MISC di-
shell(IOUTSIDE_DOS, "dir c:\\max\\misc");
Prototype void sleep(int: duration);
Arguments duration The amount of time to sleep, measured in hundredths
of seconds.
Return Val. None
15. MEX Library Reference 328
Description The sleep function instructs Maximus to pause for a certain
period of time. Since duration is measured in hundredths of
seconds, a value of 500 would tell Maximus to sleep for five
Under OS/2, this function can be used to temporarily yield
control to other programs during a polling loop. Calling
sleep(1) tells Maximus to yield for long enough for other
programs to run, but also to return control to the MEX pro-
gram quickly enough so that there is no noticeable lag in re-
sponse time.
Prototype int snoop(int: state);
Arguments state The new state for the console snoop mode. A value of
TRUE enables snoop mode, while a value of FALSE disables
snoop mode.
Return Val. The original setting of snoop mode. This value can be used at
a later time to restore the original snoop mode setting.
Description The snoop function is used to set the state of the internal
"snoop" feature. When snoop is enabled, the local console
will show exactly what is displayed on the remote screen.
Prototype string stamp_string(ref struct _stamp: t);
Arguments t A reference to a structure containing date and time
Return Val. A string version of the date and time, using the format
specified in max.ctl.
Description The stamp_string function converts a _stamp structure into a
human-readable string, using the SysOp-defined time format in
the max.ctl file.
15. MEX Library Reference 329
Prototype long stamp_to_long(ref struct _stamp: st);
Arguments st A reference to a structure containing date and time
Return Val. A long integer representing the number of seconds elapsed
since January 1st, 1970 UTC.
Description The stamp_to_long function converts a _stamp structure back
into the format that is returned by the time function. This
function is useful when the date/time entries into two _stamp
structures need to be compared in terms of chronological or-
Prototype int strfind(ref string: str, string: substring);
Arguments stringThe string to be searched.
substring The substring to search for within string.
Return Val. 0 if substring was not found; otherwise, the index in string
at which substring is found. An index of 1 indicates the
first byte in string.
Description The strfind function tries to find an occurrence of substring
within the master string str.
Example This shows how the strfind return value is used:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: i;
i := strfind("This is a big string", "big");
print(i); // i = 11
return 0;
15. MEX Library Reference 330
Prototype int stridx(string: src, int: startpos, int: ch);
Arguments src The string to be searched.
startpos The position in src at which the search is to
ch The character to search for within src.
Return Val. 0 if the character could not be found; otherwise, the index
of the position containing the character.
Description The stridx function searches the string specified by src for
any occurrences of the character ch. If ch is found, it re-
turns the index of that character within the string.
This function searches the string from left to right, start-
ing at the position specified. To search the string from
right to left, see the strridx function.
Example To search for all instances of a character within a given
string, the following code can be used:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
int: pos;
string: src;
src := "Abcdxefghxijklmnoxpqxrxxst";
pos := 1;
for (pos := stridx (src, pos, 'x');
pos := stridx (src, pos+1, 'x'))
print("Found an 'x' at position ",
pos, '\n');
return 0;
15. MEX Library Reference 331
Prototype int strlen(string: s);
Arguments s The string to be measured.
Return Val. The length of the string.
Description The strlen function determines the length of a given string
and returns it to the caller.
An empty or uninitialized string has a length of 0.
Prototype string strlower(string: src);
Arguments src The string to be converted.
Return Val. A lowercase version of the src string.
Description This function converts a string to lowercase.
Prototype string strpad(string: str, int: length, char: pad);
Arguments str The string to be padded
lengthThe length to which the string should be padded.
pad The character which should be used for padding the
Return Val. The padded version of the string.
Description The strpad function pads a string so that it is at least
length characters long.
15. MEX Library Reference 332
If the string is already more than or equal to length charac-
ters in length, the string is returned unchanged.
If the string is less than length characters in length, the
pad character is appended to the end of the string as many
times as necessary to make the string exactly length charac-
ters long.
Prototype string strpadleft(string: str, int: length, char: pad);
Arguments str The string to be padded
lengthThe length to which the string should be padded.
pad The character which should be used for padding the
Return Val. The padded version of the string.
Description The strpadleft function pads a string so that it is at least
length characters long.
This function differs from strpad only in that the padding
characters are added to the beginning of the string rather
than at the end of the string.
Prototype int strridx(string: src, int: startpos, int: ch);
Arguments src The string to be searched.
startpos The position in src at which the search is to
start. A value of 0 for startpos instructs Maximus to start
searching from the end of the string.
ch The character to search for within src.
Return Val. 0 if the character could not be found; otherwise, the index
of the position containing the character.
15. MEX Library Reference 333
Description The strridx function searches the string specified by src for
any occurrences of the character ch. If ch is found, it re-
turns the index of that character within the string.
This function searches the string from right to left, start-
ing at the position specified, or at the end of the string if
startpos is 0. To search the string from left to right, see
the stridx function.
Example To search for all instances of a character within a given
string, the following code can be used. (The character indi-
ces are returned in order from right to left.)
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: src;
int: pos;
src := "Abcdxefgxijklmnxxopqxrxstux";
pos := 0;
for (pos := strridx(src, pos, 'x');
pos := strridx(src, pos-1, 'x'))
print("Found an 'x' at position ",
pos, '\n');
return 0;
Prototype int strtoi(string: s);
Arguments s The string containing the decimal representation of a
Return Val. The integer equivalent of the string, or 0 if the string
could not be converted.
Description The strtoi function converts an ASCII string into an integer.
The string must have a digit as its first character, and the
number represented in the string must be in decimal.
15. MEX Library Reference 334
This function reads the string until it encounters a non-
digit or the end of the string. All of the digits up to that
point are converted and returned to the caller as an integer.
This function can handle numbers in the range of -32768
through 65535. However, the exact range of usable numbers de-
pends on the type of integer to which the return code is as-
If the return code is assigned to an unsigned integer, values
in the range 0 to 65535 are converted. Otherwise, if the re-
turn code is assigned to a signed integer, values in the
range -32768 to 32767 are converted. To handle larger num-
bers, see the strtol function.
Prototype int strtok(string: src, string: toks, ref int: pos);
Arguments src The source string to be tokenized.
toks A string containing a list of acceptable token delimit-
ers. These token delimiters are used to delimit where one to-
ken ends and the following token begins. The end of the
string is always considered to be a delimiter.
pos A reference to an integer containing the most-recently
examined position in the string. On the initial call to
strtok, this value should be set to 0. This variable is nor-
mally updated by strtok, so applications should not need to
modify pos after the first call to strtok.
Return Val. A string containing the token, stripped of all token delimit-
ers. If no more tokens exist in the string, the null string
("") is returned.
Description The strtok function is used for parsing strings. It returns
the substring in src, starting at position pos, which is de-
limited by any of the characters in the toks string.
Example The following code tokenizes a string, using spaces and tabs
as delimiters:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: src, sub;
15. MEX Library Reference 335
int: pos;
pos := 0;
src := "This is a test";
for (sub := strtok (src, " \t", pos);
sub <> "";
sub := strtok (src, " \t", pos))
print("Word is '", sub, "'\n");
// The program prints:
// Word is 'This'
// Word is 'is'
// Word is 'a'
// Word is 'test'
return 0;
Prototype int strtol(string: s);
Arguments s The string containing the decimal representation of a
Return Val. The long integer equivalent of the string, or 0 if the string
could not be converted.
Description The strtol function converts an ASCII string into a long in-
teger. The string must have a digit as its first character,
and the number represented in the string must be in decimal.
This function reads the string until it encounters a non-
digit or the end of the string. All of the digits up to that
point are converted and returned to the caller.
This function can handle numbers in the range of -2147483648
to 4294967296. However, the exact range of usable numbers de-
pends on the type of long integer to which the return code is
If the return code is assigned to an unsigned long, values in
the range 0 to 4294967296 are converted. Otherwise, if the
15. MEX Library Reference 336
return code is assigned to a signed integer, values in the
range -2147483648 to 2147483647 are converted.
Prototype string strtrim(string: src, string: chrs);
Arguments src The string to be trimmed.
chrs A string containing a list of characters to be trimmed
from the beginning and end of src.
Return Val. The trimmed string.
Description The strtrim function adjusts a string to remove leading and
trailing characters specified in the chrs string. The re-
turned string contains a copy of the original string with the
leading and trailing characters stripped.
Example This code demonstrates the usage of the strtrim function:
string: trimmed;
trimmed := strtrim("What to do now?", "Wh?");
// trimmed contains "at to do now"
Prototype string strupper(string: src);
Arguments src The string to be converted.
Return Val. An uppercase version of the src string.
Description This function converts a string to uppercase.
Prototype string substr(string: s, int: pos, int: length);
15. MEX Library Reference 337
Arguments s The source string from which the substring is to be
pos The starting position within s from which the substring
is to be taken. A value of 1 specifies the first character in
lengthThe maximum length of the substring to be extracted
from s. The substr function will normally extract exactly
length characters, but if this character count would exceed
the length of the string, fewer characters will be extracted.
Return Val. The substring extracted from s.
Description The substr function extracts a substring from the source
string s. The substring is defined by specifying a starting
position within the string, and also by specifying the number
of following characters which are to be taken as part of that
Example This code shows how the substr function operates:
#include <max.mh>
int main()
string: str;
str := substr("The quick brown fox", 11, 5);
print(str); // str now contains "brown"
return 0;
Prototype int tag_dequeue_file(int: posn);
Arguments posn Position of the file within the tag list. The first
file in the list is position 0.
Return Val. TRUE if the file was successfully dequeued; FALSE otherwise.
Description The tag_dequeue_file function is used to remove files from
the internal queue of files to be downloaded.
15. MEX Library Reference 338
The number of files in the queue can be obtained using the
tag_queue_size function, and information about specific queue
entries can be obtained using the tag_get_name function.
Prototype int tag_get_name(int: posn, ref int: flags, ref string: file-
Arguments posn Position of the file within the tag list. The first
file in the list is position 0.
flags Upon return, this variable is updated with a copy of
the flags indicating the attributes for the file. These at-
tributes are described in more detail in the tag_queue_file
filename A reference to a string. Upon return, this string
is updated with the full filename and path of the file in the
specified queue position.
Return Val. TRUE if the file information was successfully queried; FALSE
Description The tag_get_name function is used to determine the names and
attributes of files in the download queue.
Prototype int tag_queue_file(string: filename, int: flags);
Arguments filename The full path and filename of the file to be added
to the queue.
All backslashes must be escaped in MEX programs. For
example, to specify a file called \max\misc\foo.bbs,
the parameter must contain "\\max\\misc\\foo.bbs".
flags A list of zero or more FFLAG_* file attributes to be
assigned to this file. Multiple attributes can be combined
using the bitwise or operator.
15. MEX Library Reference 339
Return Val. TRUE if the file was successfully queued; FALSE otherwise.
Description The tag_queue_file inserts a specific file into the user's
download queue. The full path and filename of the file must
be given. In addition, a number of optional flags from Table
15.44 can be set to describe the file being downloaded:
Table 15.44 File Queue Flags
Flag Description
FFLAG_NOTIME The file is not counted against the user's
time limit.
FFLAG_NOBYTES The file is not counted against the user's
file download limit.
FFLAG_STAGE The file is to be copied to the staging
path before being sent to the user, as is
typically done for CD-ROM drives.
FFLAG_SLOW The file is on slow media, so Maximus will
try not to access the drive any more than
Prototype int tag_queue_size();
Arguments None
Return Val. The number of files in the download queue.
Description This function returns the number of files that are currently
in the download queue. The other tag_* functions use zero-
based position numbers, so a queue containing 5 files will
have file entries at positions 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Prototype long tell(int: fd);
Arguments fd A file descriptor, as returned by the open function.
Return Val. The position within the file where the next read, readln,
write, or writeln will take place.
15. MEX Library Reference 340
Description The tell function is used to determine the current offset of
a file.
Prototype int term_length();
Arguments None
Return Val. The length of the user's terminal (in rows).
Description The term_length function returns the current length of the
user's terminal. If a set_textsize call has been made, the
length parameter passed to that function is returned here.
Otherwise, the value from the user record is returned.
Prototype int term_width();
Arguments None
Return Val. The width of the user's terminal (in columns).
Description The term_width function returns the current width of the
user's terminal. If a set_textsize call has been made, the
width parameter passed to that function is returned here.
Otherwise, the value from the user record is returned.
Prototype long time();
Arguments None
Return Val. The number of seconds elapsed since January 1st 1970 (UTC).
Description This function returns the current value of the system timer.
15. MEX Library Reference 341
Prototype int time_check(int: state);
Arguments state The new state for time checking. If TRUE, time checking
is enabled. Otherwise, time checking is disabled.
Return Val. The original time checking state. This returns TRUE if the
time checking was enabled prior to this function call; FALSE
otherwise. This value can be used to restore the original
time checking state at a later time.
Description The time_check function is used to enable or disable time
checking. Disabling time checking effectively "freezes" the
user timer countdown, which would be desirable when writing a
MEX-based chat program or call-back verifier.
Prototype long timeadjust(long: delta);
Arguments delta The number of seconds to be added to the user's current
time limit. A negative value for delta indicates that the
user's time limit is to be decreased by the indicated amount.
Return Val. The user's new time limit, measured in seconds.
Description The timeadjust function is used to adjust the user's current
time limit. Note that this function disregards the event file
and the -t command line parameter. If this function is used
blindly, the user could easily be allowed to overrun a sched-
uled event.
To get the user's current time limit measured in seconds,
call timeadjust(0).
Prototype long timeadjustsoft(long: delta);
15. MEX Library Reference 342
Arguments delta The number of seconds to be added to the user's current
time limit. A negative value for delta indicates that the
user's time limit is to be decreased by the indicated amount.
Return Val. The user's new time limit, measured in seconds.
Description The timeadjustsoft function is used to adjust the user's cur-
rent time limit. This function will not allow the user's time
limit to be adjusted to exceed an external event.
Prototype long timeleft();
Arguments None
Return Val. The user's remaining time limit, in minutes.
Description The timeleft function returns a value indicating the length
of time that the current user is allowed to stay on-line, in
Prototype long timeon();
Arguments None
Return Val. The number of minutes that the user has been logged on.
Description The timeon function returns the amount of time elapsed for
the current call, in minutes.
Prototype void timestamp(ref struct _stamp: stamp);
15. MEX Library Reference 343
Arguments stamp A reference to a _stamp structure. Upon return, this
structure will be updated with a copy of the current date and
Return Val. None
Description This function retrieves the current date and time.
Prototype string uitostr(unsigned int: i);
Arguments i The unsigned integer to be converted.
Return Val. This function returns the string representation of the un-
signed integer.
Description The itostr function is used to convert an unsigned integer to
a string. The converted string contains the ASCII representa-
tion of the integer, from 0 to 65535. See the itostr function
for converting signed integers.
This function is useful when strings must be mixed with the
results of integral computations.
Prototype string ultostr(unsigned long: l);
Arguments l The unsigned long integer to be converted.
Return Val. This function returns the string representation of the long
Description The ultostr function is used to convert an unsigned long in-
teger to a string. The converted string contains the ASCII
representation of the unsigned long integer, from 0 to
4294967295. See the ltostr function for converting signed
This function is useful when strings must be mixed with the
results of integral computations.
15. MEX Library Reference 344
Example See the description for the itostr function for a related ex-
Prototype int usercreate(ref struct _usr: u);
Arguments u A reference to a user structure containing the user to
be added.
Return Val. TRUE if the user was successfully added; FALSE otherwise.
(This function may fail if you try to add a user with a name
or alias that already exists.)
Description The usercreate function adds a user to the user file. The u
structure should be completely filled out before the usercre-
ate function is called.
This function automatically assigns a new lastread pointer to
the user before writing it to the user file. (The contents of
u.lastread_ptr are ignored.)
Prototype long userfilesize();
Arguments None
Return Val. The size of the user file, measured in user records.
Description The userfilesize returns the number of records (both deleted
and non-deleted) that are present in the user file.
Prototype void userfindclose();
Arguments None
15. MEX Library Reference 345
Return Val. None
Description The userfindclose function releases the resource associated
with the most recent call to userfindopen.
Prototype int userfindnext(ref struct _usr: u);
Arguments u A reference to a user structure. This should be a
structure returned by a previous call to userfindopen, user-
findnext or userfindprev. Upon exit, it is updated with a
copy of the new user record.
Return Val. TRUE if the following user record was found; FALSE otherwise.
Description The userfindnext function finds the next record in the user
file and returns it in the u structure.
Prototype int userfindopen(string: name, string: alias, ref struct
_usr: u);
Arguments name The name of a user to search for within the user file.
If name is the null string (""), the name field in the user
record is not compared.
alias The alias of a user to search for within the user file.
If alias is the null string (""), the alias field in the user
record is not compared.
u A reference to a user structure. Upon return, this will
be updated with information about the found user record.
Return Val. TRUE if the user record was found; FALSE otherwise.
Description The userfindopen function is used to initiate a search of the
user file. Specifying a name for either name and/or alias in-
structs Maximus to look for that specific name or alias
within the user file.
15. MEX Library Reference 346
If both name and alias are the null string (""), Maximus will
return the first user in the user file.
After finding the first record, the userfindnext and user-
findprev functions can be used to find the preceding and fol-
lowing user records, thereby allowing the entire user file to
be searched.
Prototype int userfindprev(ref struct _usr: u);
Arguments u A reference to a user structure. This should be a
structure returned by a previous call to userfindopen, user-
findnext or userfindprev. Upon exit, it is updated with a
copy of the new user record.
Return Val. TRUE if the preceding user record was found; FALSE otherwise.
Description The userfindprev function finds the previous record in the
user file and returns it in the u structure.
Prototype int userfindseek(long: rec, ref struct _usr: u);
Arguments rec The record number to be read from the user file
u A reference to a user record. Upon return, this struc-
ture is updated with a copy of the found user record.
Return Val. TRUE if the user record was successfully retrieved; FALSE
Description The userfindseek function seeks directly to the specified
user record. userfindopen need not be called prior to using
To find the following or preceding user records to the record
returned by this function, the userfindopen function must be
used (with the u.name and u.alias fields set appropriately)
to find this record, and then userfindnext or userfindprev
can be used to locate subsequent records.
15. MEX Library Reference 347
Prototype int userremove(ref struct _usr: u);
Arguments u A reference to a user record. This user record is to be
removed from the user file.
Return Val. TRUE if the record was successfully removed; FALSE otherwise.
Description This function deletes the user contained in the user record
specified by u.
Prototype int userupdate(ref struct _usr: u, string: origname, string:
Arguments u A reference to a user record. The user specified by the
origname and origalias fields will have its user record over-
written by the record specified by u.
origname The original name of the record to be updated.
origalias The original alias of the record to be updated.
Return Val. TRUE if the record was successfully updated; FALSE otherwise.
Description The userupdate function is used to update an existing record
within the user file. The origname and origalias strings are
used as keys for locating the original user record. If the
user's name or alias has been changed in the update, the
origname and origalias fields must reflect the user's origi-
nal name and alias, as it was originally read from the user
Prototype void vidsync();
15. MEX Library Reference 348
Arguments None
Return Val. None
Description The vidsync function synchronizes screen output with the lo-
cal video buffer.
vidsync is only needed when the id.instant_video variable is
set to 0. If id.instant_video is set to 1, Maximus will han-
dle synchronization automatically.
The automatic video synchronization can be disabled since up-
dating the screen can be a slow process. It is often more ef-
ficient to disable screen updates, perform a number of func-
tions which modify the screen buffer, and to then call vid-
sync when all of the screen updates are complete.
Note that many of the internal MEX functions that require in-
put (such as input_str and related functions) will automati-
cally update the screen regardless of the id.instant_video
Prototype int write(int: fd, ref string: s, int: len);
Arguments fd A file descriptor, as returned by the open function.
s A reference to a string. This string should contain the
bytes to be written to the file.
len The number of bytes to be written to the file.
Return Val. If the return value is the same as len, the write was com-
pletely successful.
If the return value is less than len, only a portion of the
requested number of bytes could be written. The disk is
probably full, or some other form of disk error occurred.
Description The write function writes a block of bytes to the specified
file handle. This function writes blocks of bytes at a time
with no consideration for "lines" in the destination file. To
write a file a line at a time, see the writeln function.
15. MEX Library Reference 349
Prototype int writeln(int: fd, string: s);
Arguments fd A file descriptor, as returned by the open function.
s The string to be written to the file.
Return Val. If the return value is equal to strlen(s), the entire line
was written to the file.
If the return value is less than strlen(s), only part of the
string could be written. The disk is probably full, or else
some other disk error occurred.
Description The writeln function writes an entire line to the specified
file handle. Maximus will automatically append a newline to
the end of the line.
Prototype long xfertime(int: protocol, long: bytes);
Arguments protocol An index specifying the protocol to use for the
purposes of time calculation. This can be usr.def_proto or
one of the PROTOCOL_* constants from max.mh.
bytes The size of the file whose transfer time is to be esti-
Return Val. The estimated number of seconds that will be required to
transfer the file.
Description The xfertime function is used to estimate the period of time
that will be required to download a file of a specific size.
The protocol parameter is used to calculate variations in the
transfer time based on the efficiency of the various proto-
16. MEX Language Reference
16.1. Operator Precedence
The following operator precedence is used in MEX expressions.
Table 16.1 lists the operators in order from low to high
Table 16.1 MEX Operator Precedence
Operator Associativity
:= right to left
and or left to right
= <> left to right
<= < >= > left to right
shl shr left to right
& | left to right
+ - left to right
* / % left to right
[ ] ( ) . left to right
16.2. Language Grammar
This section contains an Extended Backus-Naur Form definition
of the MEX grammar:
program <- top_list
top_list <- | top_list func_or_decl
func_or_decl <- function | declaration
function <- typedefn id ( arg_list )
trailing_part <- function_block | ;
function_block <- { declarator_list statement_list }
arg_list <- | ... | argument , arg_list
<- argument
argument <- opt_ref typename id
opt_ref <- | ref
16. MEX Language Reference 352
block <- { declarator_list statement_list }
declarator_list <- | declarator_list declaration
declaration <- typename id_list ;
<- struct id { declarator_list } ;
typename <- typedefn :
typedefn <- char | int | long | signed char
<- signed int
<- signed long | unsigned char
<- unsigned int
<- unsigned long | void | string
<- array [ range ] of typedefn
<- struct id
range <- <constant_int> .. <constant_int>
<- <constant_int> ..
id_list <- id_list , id | id
statement_list <- | statement_list statement
opt_statement <- | statement
statement <- ; | block | expr ;
<- if paren_expr statement else_part
<- goto id ;
<- id : statement
<- while paren_expr statement |
<- do statement while paren_expr ;
<- for ( expr ; opt_expr ; opt_expr )
<- return opt_expr ;
else_part <- | else statement
function_call <- id ( expr_list )
expr_list <- | expr | expr , expr_list
primary <- paren_expr | ( typedefn ) primary |
<- sizeof ( typedefn ) | function_call
<- literal | ident
opt_expr <- | expr
paren_expr <- ( expr )
expr <- expr * expr | expr / expr
<- expr % expr
16. MEX Language Reference 353
<- expr + expr | expr - expr
<- expr <= expr
<- expr < expr | expr shr expr
<- expr shl expr
<- expr & expr | expr | expr
<- expr and expr
<- expr or expr | expr = expr
<- expr <> expr
<- expr >= expr | expr > expr
<- - primary
<- primary | ident := expr
literal <- <constant_char> | <constant_int>
<- <constant_long> | const_string
const_string <- <constant_string> | const_string
<- <constant_string>
ident <- <identifier> | ident [ expr ]
<- ident . id
id <- <identifier>
17. MECCA Language Reference
This chapter is a guide to the MECCA language. For informa-
tion on the MECCA compiler itself, please see section 8.8.
17.1. Usage Guide
The MECCA language gives the SysOp a large amount of flexi-
bility when designing display screens. MECCA can be use to
embed personalized information about the user in text
screens, change the text color, run external programs, col-
lect answers to a questionnaire, and perform a variety of
other functions.
The input file for the MECCA compiler normally has a .mec ex-
tension and consists of plain ASCII text. The file can also
contain special MECCA tokens which are parsed and translated
by the MECCA compiler.
In MECCA, a token is delimited by a set of square brackets
("[" and "]"). Anything outside of square brackets is treated
as text and is displayed to the user as-is. Different types
of tokens can be inserted in a MECCA file to achieve differ-
ent purposes. For example, the following line of text:
This is your [usercall] call to the system.
might be displayed by Maximus as follows, after being com-
piled with MECCA:
This is your 14th call to the system.
Other tokens can be used to display the user's name, show in-
formation about the current node, and perform conditional ac-
The MECCA compiler only processes tokens that are contained
inside of square brackets. (To include a left square bracket
in the output, simply insert two left brackets instead of
one. Only the left square bracket needs to be doubled.)
For example, to display the following line to a user:
Want to check for your mail [Y,n]?
Enter this inside a .mec file:
Want to check for your mail [[Y,n]?
17. MECCA Language Reference 356
When using MECCA tokens, also keep these points in mind:
* Tokens are not case-sensitive. That means that the follow-
ing tokens are equivalent in all respects:
* Spaces are ignored. Inside MECCA tokens, any spaces, tabs
or newlines will have no effect. This means that the fol-
lowing tokens are equivalent in all respects:
[ user ]
[ user]
[user ]
* More than one token can be inserted inside a set of square
brackets, as long as tokens are separated from each other
using spaces. For example, this line:
can also be written as follows:
[lightblue blink user]
MECCA also allows you to place ASCII codes into the compiled
.bbs file. To insert a specific ASCII code, simply enclose
the ASCII code number inside a pair of square brackets. For
example, the token [123] will be compiled to ASCII code 123
in the output file.
For conditional testing and flow control, MECCA also allows
you to define your own labels. When used with the [goto] to-
ken, labels allow your MECCA file to conditionally display
parts of the file, based on user input or other various other
A label definition looks similar to an ordinary token, except
that the label name is preceded by a slash ("/"). The label
name must start with a letter, and it must contain only let-
ters, numbers, and underscores. The label name must also be
unique, and it cannot use the same name as any existing MECCA
A sample label definition looks like this:
When referring to a label as part of a [goto] token, you must
omit the preceding slash. (The "/" instructs MECCA to mark
17. MECCA Language Reference 357
the file location where the label is placed and use that
point as the target for future [goto] tokens.
Example #1. This MECCA file displays a prompt to the user and
requests a yes or no response. If the user answers "Y," Maxi-
mus displays c:\max\misc\games.bbs and asks the question
again. Otherwise, Maximus quits the current file. (These
MECCA tokens are all described in the following sections, so
concentrate on the [goto] and the label definitions for now.)
[/askgames]Want to play more games? [[Y,n]? [menu]YN
[choice]Y[goto askgames]
Example #2. This code demonstrates a forward-referenced la-
bel. The label is actually defined after the [goto] token
uses it:
Want a "Zippy the Pinhead" quote? [[y,n]? [menu]YN
[choice]Y[goto zippy]
Okay, here's the quote!
[quote quit]
For more examples, look at some of the *.mec files in the
\max\hlp and \max\misc directories.
17.2. Color Token Listing
MECCA allows you to use up to 128 different color combina-
tions for displaying text. To display text in a different
color, simply enclose the name of the color in square brack-
ets. For example, [yellow] displays the following text in
yellow. (A complete list of permissible colors is given later
in this section.)
To display text on a colored background, use a token of the
form "fore on back"; foreground is the name of the foreground
color and background is the name of the background color.
For example, to display light green text on a blue back-
ground, enter this:
[lightgreen on blue]
Note! Only the first eight normal colors (see Table 17.1 below) can
be used for the background color. The colors beginning with
"light," "dark," "white" and "yellow") can only be used as
foreground colors.
17. MECCA Language Reference 358
MECCA also supports blinking text. To make text blink, simply
insert the [blink] token after the color token. Text that
follows this token will blink. (A color token always resets a
previous [blink] token, so if you place the [blink] token im-
mediately before a color token, the [blink] token will have
no effect.)
For example, the following line displays blinking green text:
[green blink]Hello, world!
However, this line displays non-blinking text:
[blink green]Hello, world!
If the user has disabled ANSI or AVATAR graphics support,
Maximus will automatically strip out the color and cursor-
movement codes before transmitting the screen to the user.
Consequently, the same colorized screen can be shown to users
with either TTY or ANSI/AVATAR terminals.
Table 17.1 lists the colors supported by MECCA:
Table 17.1 MECCA Colors
Foreground and Background Foreground only
[black] [darkgray]
[blue] [lightblue]
[green] [lightgreen]
[cyan] [lightcyan]
[red] [lightred]
[magenta] [lightmagenta]
[brown] [yellow]
[gray] [white]
Other tokens relating to colors are:
[BG <c>]
This token is a MECCA directive that modifies the current
background color without changing the foreground color. The
new background color is set to <c>.
For example, this code:
[red on blue]Hello, [BG green]user
displays the text "Hello," in red on blue, while it dis-
plays "user" in red on green.
17. MECCA Language Reference 359
[blink] - ^v^b
Any text that follows this token will blink. The blinking
attribute is reset when Maximus encounters a color token.
This token is a MECCA directive that sets the intensity bit
of the current color. If the current foreground color is on
the left hand side of Table 17.1, MECCA sets the new color
to the equivalent color on the right hand side of the ta-
For example, the following code:
[red]Is it not a [lightred]BEAUTIFUL DAY?
can be replaced with this simpler form:
[red]Is it not a [bright]BEAUTIFUL DAY?
This token is a MECCA directive that disables the intensity
bit for the current color. Similar to the [bright] token,
it translates colors from the right hand side of the color
table to the equivalent color on the left hand side of the
For example, this code:
displays the word "Hello!", with each character alternating
between normal green and light green.
[FG <c>]
This token is a MECCA directive that modifies the current
foreground color without changing the background color. The
new foreground color is set to <c>.
For example:
[lightred on blue]Hi, [FG yellow]Mr. Smith...
The above line displays the text "Hi," in lightred on blue,
and it displays the phrase "Mr. Smith" in yellow on blue.
This token is a MECCA directive which restores the color
that was previously saved using the [save] token.
17. MECCA Language Reference 360
These two tokens are useful when creating screens with
backgrounds, since repeatedly typing two different colors
can get verbose. (To alternate between two colors, you can
save the first color by using [save], and after inserting
the command to change to another color, you can restore the
first color by inserting a [load] token.)
For example:
[yellow on blue save]This is yellow on blue.[cleol]
[lightred on green]This is lightred on green.[cleol]
[load]This text is also yellow on blue.[cleol]
This is a MECCA directive which tells MECCA to interpret
the next token as a background color. See the introduction
at the beginning of this section for more information.
This keyword is a MECCA directive that tells MECCA to save
the current color and store it for retrieval by the [load]
This keyword is a MECCA directive that disables a previous
[blink] token.
For example:
[yellow]This does not blink. [blink]This does.
[steady]However, this text is non-blinking.
17.3. Cursor Control and Video Tokens
This section describes video and terminal control commands
that can be used to move the cursor and manipulate the
caller's screen.
[bell] - ^g
This causes a beep (ASCII 07) to be generated on the user's
[bs] - ^h
This causes a backspace (ASCII 08) to be generated on the
user's terminal. This token moves the cursor left by one
17. MECCA Language Reference 361
[cleol] - ^v^g
This instructs Maximus to send a clear to end of line com-
mand. If the current background color is non-black, the
rest of the line is set to that color.
[cleos] - ^v^o
This instructs Maximus to clear out part of the screen,
from the current cursor position to the end of the screen.
The cleared screen is set to the current color, and the
cursor position is not changed. This is not a true AVATAR
sequence, but Maximus will automatically generate the ap-
propriate commands to clear the screen.
[cls] - ^l
This clears the user's screen and sets the current color to
[cr] - ^m
This sends a carriage return to the user.
[down] - ^v^d
This tells Maximus to move the cursor by down one row.
[left] - ^v^e
This moves the cursor one column to the left.
[lf] - ^j
This sends a linefeed to the user.
[locate <r> <c>] - ^v^h<r><c>
This command moves the cursor to the <r>th row and the
<c>th column of the screen. (The top left corner of the
screen is row 1, column 1.)
[tab] - ^i
This command sends a tab character to the user.
[right] - ^v^f
This moves the cursor one column to the right.
17. MECCA Language Reference 362
[sysopbell] - ^w^g
This token sounds a beep on the local console. The beep is
not transmitted to the on-line user.
[up] - ^v^c
This moves the cursor up by one row.
17.4. Informational Tokens
Maximus includes a large number of tokens that display se-
lected information about the user and about the system in
general. Maximus supports the following informational tokens:
[alist_file] - ^rlF
Display the file area menu. If a Uses FileAreas file is de-
fined in the system control file, this token will display
it. Otherwise, Maximus will automatically build an area
list and display it to the user.
[alist_msg] - ^rlM
Display the message area menu. If a Uses MsgAreas file is
defined, this token will display it. Otherwise, Maximus
will automatically build an area list and display it to the
[city] - ^f^c
Display the user's city.
[date] - ^f^d
Display the current date in the "dd mmm yy" format.
[dl] - ^f^x
Display the user's total number of kilobytes downloaded,
including today's downloads.
[expiry_date] - ^wyD
Display the user's current expiration date, or "None" if
the user has no expiration date.
[expiry_time] - ^wyT
This displays the time left in the current user's subscrip-
tion. If the user has time remaining, this token displays
"x minutes," where x is the number of minutes remaining in
17. MECCA Language Reference 363
the user's subscription. If the user has no time subscrip-
tion, this token displays "None."
[file_carea] - ^w^fA
Display the name of the current file area.
[file_cname] - ^w^fN
Display the description for the current file area.
[file_darea] - ^w^fD
Display the name of the current file area division.
[file_sarea] - ^w^fd
Display the name of the current file area (without the di-
vision prefix).
[first] - ^f^f
Display the user's first name.
[lastcall] - ^w^a
Display the date of the user's last call.
[lastuser] - ^w^k
Display the name of the last user to call the current node.
This information is read from the bbstat##.bbs file from
the Maximus system directory.
[length] - ^f^l
Display the duration of this user's call, in minutes.
[minutes] - ^f^k
Display the number of minutes for which the user has been
on-line during the last 24 hours.
[msg_carea] - ^w^mA
Display the name of the current message area.
[msg_cmsg] - ^w^mL
Display the current message number.
17. MECCA Language Reference 364
[msg_cname] - ^w^mN
Display the description for the current message area.
[msg_darea] - ^w^mD
Display the name of the current message area division.
[msg_hmsg] - ^w^mH
Display the highest message number in the current area.
[msg_nummsg] - ^w^m#
Display the number of messages in the current area.
[msg_sarea] - ^w^md
Display the current message area (without the division pre-
[netbalance] - ^w^nB
Display the current user's matrix balance (credit minus
debit) in cents.
[netcredit] - ^w^nC
Display the current user's matrix credit in cents.
[netdebit] - ^w^nD
Display the current user's matrix debit in cents.
[netdl] - ^f^r
This displays the user's net downloads for today (today's
downloads minus today's uploads).
[node_num] - ^wjN
Display the current node number.
[phone] - ^wP
Display the user's phone number.
[ratio] - ^f^y
Display the current user's download ratio, in the format of
17. MECCA Language Reference 365
[realname] - ^wR
Display the user's real name (if applicable).
[remain] - ^f^o
Display the number of minutes that the user has left for
the current call.
[response] - ^w^e
Display the last line entered by the user for a [readln]
response. This token even works across files ---if one file
contain a [readln] token, the [response] token can be in-
serted in a separate file to display the result. See also
[syscall] - ^f^q
Display the total number of calls that the current node has
received (as an ordinal number).
[sys_name] - ^r^c
Display the system name.
[sysop_name] - ^r^d
Display the SysOp's full name.
[time] - ^f^t
Display the current time in the format "hh:mm:ss".
[timeoff] - ^f^p
Displays the time by which the user must be off the system.
This string includes a newline at the end; unless you want
to have a blank line displayed in your output file, you
should not press <enter> immediately after entering this
token in the MECCA source file.
[ul] - ^f^w
Display the count of kilobytes uploaded, including today's
[user] - ^f^b
Display the user's full name.
17. MECCA Language Reference 366
[usercall] - ^f^e
Display the number of times the current user has called
your system (as an ordinal number).
17.5. Questionnaire Token Listing
The tokens in this section can be used to design on-line
questionnaires and to log information to a file. All of the
questionnaire tokens are described later in this section, but
most questionnaires will follow the general format given be-
One of the first tokens in a questionnaire file should be the
[open] token. This token opens the specified filename for
output, and this is where Maximus logs all of the question-
naire answers. (This file is human-readable, so you can view
the file with a normal text editor.)
A [post] token normally follows the [open] token. The [post]
writes the user's name, city, and the current date/time to
the questionnaire file. (For an anonymous questionnaire, this
step can be omitted.)
You can then insert the main body of the questionnaire. The
[readln] token is used to request input from the user. All of
the input lines are written to the questionnaire file that
was opened using [open].
The [store] can also be used to store the response to a menu
displayed by [menu].
Finally, you can also use the [write] to write lines directly
to the questionnaire file. These lines can include external
program translation characters, as described in section 6.5.
You can place as many questions in a questionnaire as de-
sired. These questionnaire tokens can be placed in any .mec
The following tokens are related to designing questionnaires:
[ansopt] - ^f^v
After this token is encountered, Maximus will not require
an answer for [menu] and [readln] tokens. The user can sim-
ply press <enter> to skip the prompt.
[ansreq] - ^f^u
After this token is encountered, Maximus will require an
answer for all [menu] and [readln] tokens.
17. MECCA Language Reference 367
[choice]<c> - ^oU<c>
Display the rest of the current line only if the response
to the last [menu] choice is equal to the character <c>.
[leave_comment] - ^wK
Place the user in the message editor and allow the user to
write a message to the SysOp. The message is saved in the
area defined by Comment Area in the system control file.
If the message is aborted by the user, or if the message
saved by the user is blank, Maximus will skip the rest of
the line containing the [leave_comment] token.
This construct allow you to determine if the user entered a
message and react accordingly:
Please leave a comment to the SysOp, [fname].
[/Do_Comment leave_comment goto Successful]
You did not leave a real message! Try again...
[enter goto Do_Comment]
[/Successful]Thanks for leaving a comment, [fname].
[menu]<k> - ^oR<k>
This token prompts the user to press a key. The value en-
tered by the user can be later manipulated using the
[choice] and [store] tokens.
<k> is a list of valid keys that the user can use to re-
spond to the menu. If the [ansopt] token is in effect, the
user can also press <enter> to skip the question.
If the user enters a key which is not in <k>, Maximus dis-
plays an error message and prompts the user to try again.
The characters in <k> can be any character between ASCII 33
and ASCII 126, including letters, numbers and punctuation
[open]<f> - ^oO<f>
This command instructs Maximus to open a questionnaire an-
swer file called <f>. See also [post], [store] and
[readln]. Maximus honors external program translation char-
acters in this filename.
17. MECCA Language Reference 368
[post] - ^oP
Write the user's name, city, and the current time/date to
the questionnaire answer file.
[readln]<d> - ^oN<d>
Retrieve a line of input from the user, and then write it
to the questionnaire answer file, placing the optional one-
word description <d> beside the user's answer.
By default, the [readln] token allows stacked commands. For
example, if a user entered input that was not used by a
prior prompt, any remaining input in the key input buffer
will be read by the [readln] command. To disable this func-
tionality, include a [clear_stacked] token just before the
[readln] token.
[sopen]<f> - ^oo<f>
Open a questionnaire answer file called <f>. This token is
identical to the [open] token.
[store]<d> - ^oM<d>
Writes the user's response to the last [menu] token into
the questionnaire answer file, placing the optional one-
word description <d> beside the user's answer.
[write]<l> - ^wW<l>
Write the line <l> directly to the questionnaire answer
file, interpreting any external program translation charac-
ters contained within. Please see section 6.5 for more in-
17.6. Privilege Level Controls
These tokens allow certain parts of a MECCA file to be dis-
played or skipped, depending on the user's current privilege
[?below], [?equal], [?file], [?line], [?xclude],[above],
[ae], [be], [below], [eq], [equal], [ge], [gt], [le], [lt],
[ne], [notequal], [unequal]
These keywords are obsolete. These keywords are only sup-
ported for compatibility with previous versions of Maximus.
17. MECCA Language Reference 369
[acs <acs-string>]
[access <acs-string>] - ^pa<acs-string><space>
Display the rest of the line only if the user's access
level passes the ACS given by <acs-string>. Any type of ACS
test can be included here.
[acsfile <acs-string>]
[accessfile <acs-string>] - ^pf<acs-string><space>
Display the rest of the file only if the user's access
level passes the ACS given by <acs-string>. Any type of ACS
test can be included here.
[priv_abbrev] - ^vpa
Display the user's class level abbreviation. (For example,
this could display "SysOp" or "AsstSysOp," depending on the
definition in the access control file.)
[priv_desc] - ^vpd
Display the user's class level description, as defined in
the access control file.
[priv_down] - ^wpD
Lower the privilege level of the current user to that of
the next lower user class.
[priv_level] - ^vpl
Display the user's numeric privilege level.
[priv_up] - ^wpU
Raise the privilege level of the current user to that of
the next higher user class.
[setpriv <priv>] - ^ws?
Adjusts the current user's privilege level to a certain
value. <priv> should be the single-character key value as-
sociated with a user class defined in the access control
17.7. Lock and Key Control
[ifkey]<keys> - ^wkI
If the specified keys are set, the rest of the line is dis-
played. Any number of keys can be specified, but they must
17. MECCA Language Reference 370
be separated from the rest of the line by a space. For ex-
[ifkey]123a You have keys 1,2, 3 and A.
[notkey]<keys> - ^wkN
This token is similar to [ifkey], except that the line is
displayed only if the specified keys are not set.
For example:
[notkey]8b You have neither key 8 nor key b.
[keyon]<keys> - ^wkO
This command gives the specified keys to the user. <keys>
must be separated from the rest of the line with a space.
[keyon]6abc User, you now have keys A, B, C and 6.
[keyoff]<keys> - ^wkF
This command takes the specified keys away from the user.
<keys> must be separated from the rest of the line with a
This command turns off the specified keys.
[keyoff]fgh User, keys F, G and H have been removed.
17.8. Conditional and Flow Control Tokens
These tokens allow you to conditionally display different
parts of a file, depending on various user attributes and
system settings.
[b1200] - ^w^b1
Display the rest of the line only if the user is connected
at 1200 bps or above.
Using this construct, you can use the [b1200] token to dis-
play a line only to users who are calling at a speed slower
than 1200 bps:
[b1200 goto FastUser]
You are a 300 baud user!
[goto Done]
You are a 1200 bps or above user!
17. MECCA Language Reference 371
[b2400] - ^w^b2
Display the rest of the line only if the user is connected
at 2400 bps or above.
[b9600] - ^w^b9
Display the rest of the line only if the user is connected
at 9600 bps or above.
[col80] - ^w8
Display the rest of the line only if the user's screen is
at least 79 columns wide.
[color] - ^oE
[colour] - Canadian spelling of above
Display the following text (up to the next [endcolor] to-
ken), only if the user has ANSI or AVATAR graphics. See
also [nocolor].
[endcolor] - ^oe
[endcolour] - Canadian spelling of above
This token marks the end of a "color-only" display se-
quence. See also [color].
[endrip] - ^oI
This token marks the end of a "RIPscrip-only" display. See
also [rip].
[expert] - ^wHE
Display the rest of the line only if the user's current
help level is expert.
[exit] - ^wE
Exit all display files, including those which were dis-
played using a [link] token. See also [quit].
[filenew]<f> - ^wf
Display the rest of the current line if the file <f> is
newer than the user's last log-on date. The file <f> must
be separated from the rest of the line by a space. This
means that a construct such as this can be used to display
a file only if the user has not seen it before:
17. MECCA Language Reference 372
[goto <l>] - ^oV
Jump to the label <l> in the current file.
[hotkeys] - ^rh
Display the rest of the current line only to those users
who have hotkeys enabled.
[ifentered]<s> - ^we<s>
This token compares <s> to the response given by the user
to the last [readln] token. If the two strings are equal,
the rest of the line is displayed. <s> is separated from
the rest of the line by a single space.
For example, given the following code:
What kind of yogurt do you like best? [readln]
[ifentered]peach You are a real peach!
[ifentered]lemon You are what you eat!
If the user enters "peach" at the prompt, Maximus will dis-
play "You are a real peach!" If the user enters "lemon,"
Maximus will display "You are what you eat!" If the user
entered neither string, Maximus would display nothing.
[ifexist]<filename> - ^wi<filename>
The rest of the line is displayed only if the file
<filename> exists. The filename must be separated from the
rest of the line by a space.
[iffse] - ^w^mE
Display the rest of the line only if the user has enabled
the full-screen editor.
[iffsr] - ^w^mR
Display the rest of the line only if the user has the full-
screen reader enabled.
[iflang]<l> - ^wB<l>
Display the rest of the line if the user's language is set
to language number <l>. The language number is 0-based, so
a "0" means the first language listed in the language con-
trol file, "1" means the second language, and so on.
17. MECCA Language Reference 373
[iftask]<tasknum> - ^wb<tasknum>
Display the rest of the line if the current node is
<tasknum> (in decimal). The task number is separated from
the rest of the line by a space.
[iftime <op> <hh>:<mm>]
Display the rest of the line only if the current time of
day matches a specified condition.
<op> specifies the type of comparison operation to perform.
The supported operators are listed below in Table 17.2:
Table 17.2 [iftime] Operations
Operator Description
EQ or EQUAL Display the rest of the line only if
the current time equals hh:mm.
NE or NOTEQUAL Display the rest of the line only if
the current time is not equal to hh:mm.
LT or BELOW Display the rest of the line only if it
is currently earlier than (and not ex-
actly) hh:mm.
GT or ABOVE Display the rest of the line only if it
is currently later than (and not ex-
actly) hh:mm.
GE or AE Display the rest of the line only if it
is currently later than (or equal to)
LE or BE Display the rest of the line only if it
is earlier later than (or equal to)
<hh> and <mm> tell Maximus which hour and minute to compare
with, specified in 24-hour format.
For example:
[iftime GE 20:00]It is after 8 pm!
[iftime GE 20:00 iftime LE 21:00]Between 8 and 9 pm.
[iftime LT 20:00 iftime NE 12:00]Before 8 & not 12.
[incity]<s> - ^wR
Display the rest of the line if the string <s> can be found
in the user's city field. <s> should be separated from the
rest of the line by a single space.
17. MECCA Language Reference 374
[incity]Toronto Hi, [first]. You are a Torontonian!
[islocal] - ^wIL
Display the rest of the line only if the user is logged in
at the local console.
[isremote] - ^wIR
Display the rest of the line only if the user is logged in
from remote.
[jump] - ^oV
This token is a synonym for [goto].
[label <l>]
This token provides an alternate way to define a label. The
sequence "[label <l>]" is identical to "[/<l>]".
[maxed] - ^wm
Display the rest of the line only if the user is currently
in the MaxEd editor. This token can be useful when design-
ing a custom menu for the editor.
[msg_attr <letter>] - ^w^mB<letter>
This token displays the rest of the line only if the user
has sufficient access rights to create a message with the
specified attribute type.
<letter> must correspond to a character in the msgattr_keys
variable in the system language file. The default keys for
the English language are listed below in Table 17.3:
Table 17.3 [msg_attr] Keys
Key Attribute
P Private
C Crash
R Received
S Sent
A Attach (file)
F Forward
O Orphan
K Kill/Sent
L Local
H Hold
X Xx2 (undefined)
G File Request
17. MECCA Language Reference 375
! Receipt Request
$ Return Receipt
T Trail Request
U Update Request
For example:
[ ]Key Action
[ ]======= ==================================
[msg_attr P]P To toggle the PRIVATE flag
[msg_attr C]C To toggle crash status
[msg_attr A]A To attach a file
[msg_attr R]R To toggle the Received flag
[msg_attr S]S To toggle the Sent flag
[msg_attr F]F To toggle the Forward flag
[msg_attr O]O To toggle the Orphan flag
[msg_attr K]K To kill the message after packing
[msg_attr H]H To keep message on hold for pickup
[msg_attr G]G To request a file
[msg_attr !]! To request a receipt
[msg_attr $]$ To toggle the receipt flag
[msg_attr T]T To request a trail
[msg_attr U]U To place an update request
[ ]<enter> To proceed to the next field
[white enter quit]
[msg_conf] - ^w^maC
Display the rest of the line only if the current message
area is a conference area.
[msg_echo] - ^w^maE
Display the rest of the line only if the current message
area is an EchoMail area.
[msg_fileattach] - ^w^mF
Display the rest of the line only if the user has pending
file attaches in the message area. This token will not de-
tect inbound FTS-0001 style attaches.
For example:
[msg_fileattach][yellow blink]You have files attached!
[msg_local] - ^w^maL
Display the rest of the line only if the current message
area is a local area.
17. MECCA Language Reference 376
[msg_matrix] - ^w^maM
Display the rest of the line only if the current message
area is a NetMail area.
[msg_next] - ^w^miN
Display the rest of the line only if the current message-
reading direction is forward (as opposed to backward).
[msg_nomsgs] - ^w^mnM
Display the rest of the line only if the current message
area contains no messages.
[msg_nonew] - ^w^mnN
Display the rest of the line only if the current message
area does not contain any new messages.
[msg_noread] - ^w^mnR
Display the rest of the line only if the user has not read
any of the messages in the current message area.
[msg_prior] - ^w^miP
Display the rest of the line only if the current message-
reading direction is backward (as opposed to forward).
[no_keypress] - ^wG
Display the rest of the line only if there are no key-
strokes waiting in the input buffer. See also [nostacked].
This differs from [nostacked] in that [no_keypress] only
checks for currently-pending input which has not been proc-
essed, whereas [nostacked] checks for commands entered at a
previous prompt.
[nocolor] - ^o^^
[nocolour] - Canadian spelling of above
Display the following text (up to the next [endcolor] to-
ken) only to callers who do not have ANSI or AVATAR graph-
ics selected.
[norip] - ^oH
Display the following text (up to the next [endrip] token)
only to callers who do not have RIPscrip graphics selected.
For example:
17. MECCA Language Reference 377
[norip]You are not a RIP caller![endrip]
[nostacked] - ^wS
Display the rest of the line only if there are no key-
strokes waiting in the key stacking buffer. See also
[notontoday] - ^wQ
Display the current line only if the user has not logged on
the system previously in the day. (The user must have been
logged on for at least one minute for this token to take
[novice] - ^wHN
Display the current line only if the user's help level is
set to novice.
This token is obsolete.
[permanent] - ^wq
Display the current line only if the current user is marked
as being permanent. The permanent flag indicates that the
user should not deleted by any automatic, third-party user
purging utilities.
[regular] - ^wHR
Display the rest of the line only if the user has a help
level of regular.
[rip] - ^oG
Display the following text (up until the next [endrip] to-
ken) only to those users who have RIPscrip graphics en-
abled. Note that RIPscrip graphics are never shown on the
local console, regardless of the caller's RIPscrip setting.
[rip]You are a RIP caller![endrip]
[riphasfile]<name> [,<size>] - ^wY
Display the rest of the line only if the remote caller:
* has RIPscrip graphics enabled, and
* has already received the file <name> with a size of
17. MECCA Language Reference 378
The ",<size>" part of the argument is optional. If a <size>
is provided, Maximus will also check the size of the file
on the remote system and ensure that it matches the speci-
fied size. If it does not, Maximus will act as if the file
did not exist.
The "<name>,<size>" argument must be separated from the
rest of the line by a space.
Example #1:
[riphasfile]m_menu.rip,872 |1R00000000m_menu.rip[quit]
This code queries the remote system for a file called
m_menu.rip that is 872 bytes in length. If the file exists,
Maximus displays the rest of the line (which contains the
RIPscrip sequence to display that file).
Example #2:
[riphasfile]m_menu.rip !|1R00000000m_menu.rip[goto quit-
This code queries the remote system for a file called
m_menu.rip (of any size). If the file exists, Maximus dis-
plays the rest of the line.
This token can be used in conjunction with the [ripsend]
token to allow users to optionally download all of the
RIPscrip scenes used on your BBS.
[tagged] - ^w^
Display the rest of the line only if the user has one or
more files currently tagged.
[top] - ^oT
Jump back to the top of the file and start the file display
over again.
17.9. Multinode Tokens
This section describes MECCA tokens that may be useful for
systems with more than one node:
[apb] - ^wA
This token sends a message to all users currently on-line,
assuming that the IPC features are enabled.
17. MECCA Language Reference 379
Example #1:
[apb][yellow bell]%!User %n just logged on the system%!
Example #2:
Enter a message to send to all users: [readln]
[apb][yellow bell]%!User %n says "%J"%!
[chat_avail] - ^wcA
Display the rest of the line only if the user is available
for paging by other users.
[chat_notavail] - ^wcN
Display the rest of the line only if the user is not avail-
able for paging by other users.
[who_is_on] - ^ww
Execute the internal Who_Is_On menu command.
17.10. RIPscrip Graphics
This section describes tokens that are useful when creating
RIPscrip graphics displays. See also the [riphasfile], [rip],
[norip] and [endrip] tokens.
[ripdisplay]<file> - ^wv
Instruct the remote system to immediately display a
RIPscrip icon or scene file.
If the remote system does not have the specified file,
[ripdisplay] will automatically send it. Please see
[ripsend] for information on where Maximus looks to find
the file to be sent.
[rippath]<path> -^wU
Change the directory where Maximus looks to find RIPscrip
scene files and icons. The default is the RIP Path speci-
fied in the system control file.
For example:
[iflang]1 [rippath]C:\Max\Rip.1
17. MECCA Language Reference 380
[ripsend]<file> - ^wV
Send one or more icons or RIPscrip scene files to the re-
mote system for storage only. These files must exist in the
RIP Path directory or the directory specified by the most
recent [rippath] token. (If the file does not exist in the
directory specified by [rippath], Maximus will look for the
file in the default RIP Path directory.)
If the filename specified for [ripsend] or [ripdisplay]
starts with "@", the file is assumed to be an ASCII file on
the local system that contains a list of files to be sent.
Otherwise, <file> must be a simple filename (with no path)
for a file in the current RIPscrip directory, as specified
by the RIP Path statement in the system control file.
If <file> starts with "!",Maximus ignores the fact that the
file may have already been sent during the current session,
and it will query the remote system anyway (and send the
file if the user does not have it).
[ripsend]menu.rip f_icon.icn m_icon.icn
This line simply sends the named files.
This line sends all files listed in the c:\max\allicons.lst
[ripsend]!menu.rip f_icon.icn m_icon.icn
This line sends all files in the named list, regardless of
whether or not Maximus has sent them previously in the ses-
sion. (However, if the remote user has a matching file name
and size, Maximus will not send the file.)
[textsize <cols> <rows>] - ^wg
Set the assumed text window size of the remote system. This
token can be used to make "More [Y,n,=]?" prompts appear in
the correct position when working with a RIPscrip scene
that modifies the text window size.
[textsize 0 0]
This resets the window size back to the default from the
user file.
17. MECCA Language Reference 381
[textsize 60 0]
This sets the window width to 60 and sets the window height
to the default from the user file.
[textsize 0 32]
This sets the window height to 32 rows and sets the window
width to the default from the user file.
This MECCA command should be used whenever a called
RIPscrip scene reduces the size of the remote text window.
17.11. Miscellaneous Token Listing
This section contains miscellaneous MECCA tokens that are not
specific to one of the other sections:
[ckoff] - ^b
Disable <ctrl-c> and <ctrl-k> checking. This prevents the
user from using these keys to abort the current file.
[ckon] - ^c
Enable <ctrl-c> and <ctrl-k> checking. This allows the user
to press these keys to abort the current file.
[clear_stacked] - ^wO
Clear the user's command stacking buffer to eliminate any
previously-stacked commands.
[comment <c>]
This token is a comment. Anything enclosed in a comment to-
ken is ignored by the MECCA compiler.
[copy <f>]
This token is a MECCA directive. When MECCA encounters this
token, it copies the file <f> directly into the output
file, without performing any translations or parsing. En-
sure that the filename <f> is inside the square brackets.
This token is obsolete.
17. MECCA Language Reference 382
[delete]<f> - ^wD<f>
Delete file <f> from disk. External program translation
characters may be used here.
[display]<f> - ^oS<f>
Display the named .bbs file. Control is not returned to the
current file after <f> has displayed. External program
translation characters may be used in the filename for <f>,
but you must use a "+" instead of a "%" to begin the trans-
lation sequence. See also [link].
[dos]<c> - ^oC<c>
Run the operating system command <c>. This command can in-
clude arguments and external program translation charac-
ters. See also [xtern_*].
[enter] - ^a
Display "Press ENTER to continue" and wait for the user to
press <enter>.
[hangup] - ^f^n
Hang up and disconnect the current user.
This token is obsolete.
[ibmchars] - ^wd
Display the rest of the line only to those users who have
the IBM Characters option enabled.
[include <f>]
This token is a MECCA directive. MECCA reads in the file
<f> and processes it as if it were part of the current
This token is obsolete.
[key_poke]<keys> - ^wP
Insert keystrokes into the keyboard command-stacking
buffer, just as if the user had entered the keys manually.
This token can be used to automatically guide a user
through several commands at once.
17. MECCA Language Reference 383
The <keys> sequence can include a "|" character. This char-
acter will be translated into an empty response.
For example, the following MECCA sequence skips over the
"enter date:" prompt in the new files scan:
[language] - ^oL
Invoke the internal Chg_Language menu option.
[link]<f> - ^wL
Display the specified .bbs file. Control is returned to the
current display file after <f> has displayed. Up to 8 dis-
play files can be nested using the [link] token.
[log]<s> - ^wA<s>
Add the statement <s> to the system log. The first charac-
ter of <s> must be the log "priority level" for the left-
hand column of the log. The rest of <s> is the log string
to insert. External program translation characters can also
be inserted in this string.
For example:
[log]+User's name is "%n"
[menu_cmd <s>]<arg> - ^rr
Invoke the menu command specified by <s>.
For example, [menu_cmd goodbye] invokes the "Goodbye" menu
option. Please see section 18.8 for a list of valid menu
[menupath]<p> - ^wM<p>
Sets the current path for *.mnu files to <p>.
[mex]<file> - ^wn
Run the MEX program specified by <file>. For example:
[mex]d:\path\filename arg1 arg2 arg3
[more] - ^d
Display a "More [Y,n,=]?" prompt.
17. MECCA Language Reference 384
[moreoff] - ^k
Disable the automatic "More [Y,n,=]?" prompting feature.
[moreon] - ^e
Enable the automatic "More [Y,n,=]?" prompting feature.
[msg_checkmail] - ^wC
Invoke the internal mail checker.
[newfiles] - ^wF
Invoke a new files scan.
[onexit]<f> - ^oF<f>
This sets the On Exit filename for the current display
file. When the current file has finished displaying, Maxi-
mus will display the file indicated by <f>.
[pause] - ^f^g
Pause for half a second.
[quit] - ^oQ
Quit the current file immediately. If the current file was
displayed with a [link] token, this command will exit back
to the calling display file. See also [exit].
[quote] - ^f^a
Display the next quote from the file in the Uses Quote
definition in the system control file.
[repeat]<c>[<n>] - ^y<c><n>
Output a sequence of repeated bytes. Maximus will output
the character <c> a total of <n> times. The value for <n>
must normally be contained in square brackets.
For example, this text
displays the "=" character 15 times.
[repeatseq <len>]<s>[<n>] - ^v^y<len><s><n>
Repeat the text string <s> a total of <n> times. The string
<s> must have a length of <len>.
17. MECCA Language Reference 385
For example:
[repeatseq 7]Hello! [10]
The above line displays the phrase "Hello!" followed by a
space (a total of ten times).
These tokens are obsolete.
[tag_read]<filename> - ^wz
Read a list of tagged files from <filename>. The current
list of tagged files is destroyed.
[tag_write]<filename> - ^wZ
Write the current list of tagged files to <filename>. If no
filename is specified, Maximus writes the files to the file
specified by the default_tag_save field in the system lan-
guage file. External program translation characters may be
used in this string.
[tune]<name> - ^wu<name>
Play the specified tune from the tunes.bbs file on the lo-
cal console.
For example:
[xtern_dos]<c> - ^wXD<c>
[xtern_erlvl]<c> - ^wXE<c>
[xtern_run]<c> - ^wXR<c>
Run the external program <c>. If you wish to pass arguments
to the external program, simply add the arguments after the
name of the program to execute, separating each argument
with a space. Please see section 6 for more information on
running external programs with Maximus.
18. Control File Reference
The system control files, \max\*.ctl, are the heart of your
BBS. This reference section describes all of the keywords and
commands contained within. The keywords are organized by con-
trol file and are listed alphabetically.
The control files must be compiled using the SILT compiler
before Maximus will recognize any changes that you may make.
Please see section 8.12 for more information on the SILT com-
18.1. SILT Directives
Directives are commands that are interpreted only by the SILT
compiler; they simply modify SILT's operation and do not pro-
duce any output on their own.
These directives can be used in any configuration file:
Include <filespec>
The Include keyword instructs SILT to process the file
<filespec> as if it were included as part of the current
control file. The Include keyword cannot be used within a
Section statement.
Version14 <filespec>
Version17 <filespec>
These keywords are obsolete.
18.2. System Control File
The system control file, max.ctl, is the most important part
of any Maximus system. A heavily-commented system control
file comes as part of the standard Maximus installation, and
in many cases, you can rely on only the comments contained
within. However, this section provides a comprehensive refer-
ence for all of the commands and definitions in the system.
18.2.1. System Section Keyword Listing
Dos Close Standard Files
Close all files before running an external program. This
feature should normally be enabled, since it allows exter-
18. Control File Reference 388
nal programs to write to the system log file and manipulate
the area data files.
File Access <file >
This is the root name of the privilege level database. This
keyword must come below the File Password keyword. SILT
will create the access data file in the Maximus system di-
rectory when run with the -p or -x switches.
File Callers <rootname>
Name of the optional caller log file. This is a binary log
that can be read by third-party utilities (and by using the
call_open and related MEX functions). When the user is
logged off, a 128 byte record is appended to this log file.
File Password <filespec>
This keyword tells Maximus where to find the system user
file. The <filespec> parameter must not have an extension.
This file contains log-on and password information for all
users on the system. If you are just starting out with
Maximus and do not yet have a user file, start Maximus us-
ing the "-c" command line parameter.
Log File <log_name>
This keyword tells Maximus what to call your system log
file. The system log file is a human-readable version of
the File Callers file. The log describes who called your
system, when they called, and what they did while on-line.
This statement can be overridden from the command line with
the -l parameter.
Log Mode <log_type>
This keyword tells Maximus how much information to place in
the system log file. Maximus supports three logging modes
for <log_type>, as shown below in Table 18.1:
Table 18.1 Logging Modes
Type Description
Trace Maximus logs all events.
Verbose Maximus logs most system events, including file
transfers and external programs.
Terse Maximus only logs major system events, such as
users logging off and errors.
18. Control File Reference 389
MCP Pipe <path>
OS/2 The <path> parameter specifies the pipe name to use for
only! the MCP server process. The -a command line parameter can
be used to override this value.
MCP Sessions <num>
OS/2 This keyword sets an upper limit on the maximum number of
only! Maximus sessions that will be running at the same time.
Maximus passes this information to MCP when it starts up.
(MCP uses <num> to determine how many named pipes to cre-
Multitasker <type>
DOS This keyword is only required if you are running Maximus
only! under a multitasking environment. <type> can be any of the
* DESQview
* DoubleDOS
* MSWindows
* None
Name <bbs_name>
This keyword contains the name of your BBS. This name will
be shown in a number of .bbs display files and on the "*
Origin:" line for EchoMail areas.
No Password Encryption
This flag disables the default password encryption feature.
Enabling this keyword will not decrypt any currently-
encrypted passwords in the user file, but it will prevent
Maximus from automatically encrypting the passwords for new
users. (Maximus will still be able to handle existing en-
tries from the user file that contain encrypted passwords.)
This keyword tells Maximus that you are running MS-DOS ver-
sion 3.3 (or prior) and that you do not have share.exe
loaded. This keyword should only be used as a last resort,
since data file corruption may occur if you try to run in a
multitasking environment without support for share.exe. You
are using this keyword at your own risk. Lanius cannot pro-
vide support for systems that run with this keyword en-
18. Control File Reference 390
Path Inbound <path>
This path tells Maximus where to find the files that are
received by a front end mailer. Maximus will use this di-
rectory if you turn on FTS-0001 file attach support by ena-
bling the Style Attach attribute in a NetMail message area.
Warni If you make this facility available to non-trusted users,
ng! you may compromise the security of files in your inbound
directory. Regular local file attach areas are safe for
all users, but due to the nature of FTS-0001 attaches, you
should only allow trusted users to access a NetMail area
that has the local file attach feature enabled.
Path IPC <path>
DOS This keyword is only required for DOS users. Maximus-OS/2
only! automatically uses the MCP communications server to handle
its inter-process communications needs.
This keyword defines the path for the inter-process commu-
nications area. Maximus will use this directory to store
temporary files for the multi-node chat facility. This key-
word must point to an empty directory that you are not us-
ing for any other purpose.
You must have share.exe loaded to use the Path IPC feature.
Path Language <path>
This keyword tells Maximus where to find your system lan-
guage files.
Path Misc <path>
This keyword tells Maximus where to find miscellaneous sys-
tem display files. Aside from many of the standard .bbs
files, this is also where the function-key files (f*.bbs,
cf*.bbs, af*.bbs, and sf*.bbs) are located. Please see
Appendix D for more information on these files.
Path Outbound <path>
This keyword is obsolete.
Path System <full_path>
This keyword tells Maximus where to find the main system
files. The <full_path> must be a fully-qualified file
specification, including the drive specifier and leading
backslash. For example, two valid paths are:
18. Control File Reference 391
Path Temp <path>
This keyword tells Maximus the name of a directory that it
can use for storing temporary files. Maximus will routinely
delete files from this directory, so you must not store
anything else here.
DOS This keyword tells Maximus to activate the FOSSIL
only! "watchdog" feature. This means that the FOSSIL will reboot
the computer if a user drops carrier while running an ex-
ternal program.
This keyword controls the default state of the "Snoop" set-
ting. When Snoop is enabled, the local console will display
exactly what is shown to the remote caller. If Snoop is
disabled, the local screen will contain just a status line
display, similar to the system log file. Disabling Snoop
will increase performance on a multi-node system.
Snoop can be manually enabled from the SysOp console using
the "N" key.
DOS This keyword instructs Maximus to swap itself out of mem-
only! ory before executing external programs. Maximus will auto-
matically try to swap itself to XMS, EMS and disk (in that
order) when running an external program. Maximus requires
less than 2K of conventional memory when it is swapped out.
SysOp <name>
This keyword specifies the name of the system operator.
This keyword does not automatically grant any special ac-
cess rights; only those users with a privilege level high
enough to put them in the SysOp user class are treated as
However, this keyword controls the name that is displayed
by the [sysop_name] MECCA token and in the To: field in a
Leave_Comment message.
Task <task_no>
This keyword specifies the default node number for the sys-
tem. The node number can be overridden using the -n command
line parameter.
18. Control File Reference 392
If you are running a multinode system, ensure that all of
your task numbers are non-zero. If you run a copy of Maxi-
mus with a node number of 0, it will not be able to commu-
nicate with the rest of the system.
Video <mode>
DOS This keyword only applies to DOS users. Maximus-OS/2 al-
only! ways uses Video IBM.
This keyword specifies the method to be used for local
video display. Table 18.2 lists the video modes supported
for <mode>:
Table 18.2 Video Modes
Mode Description
BIOS Maximus writes all output to the screen us-
ing the video BIOS. This mode is almost as
fast as Video IBM, but it will work on some
PCs on which the IBM mode does not.
IBM Maximus writes directly to the video hard-
ware. This is lightning-fast and is the
quickest way to run Maximus, but it may not
be compatible with some hardware or multi-
IBM/snow This mode is identical to "Video IBM," ex-
cept that Maximus will wait for the vertical
retrace before writing to the video buffer.
This option may reduce flicker on some old
IBM CGA cards.
18.2.2. Equipment Section Keyword Listing
Answer <cmd>
In WFC mode, when Maximus detects a RING from the modem (as
defined by the Ring keyword), it will send this modem com-
mand in response.
This command is used if you want Maximus to answer the
phone itself, rather than trusting the modem hardware to
pick up the line. For a standard Hayes modem, this keyword
should read:
Answer ATA|
See the Busy keyword for special characters that can be
used in the <cmd> string.
18. Control File Reference 393
Baud Maximum <speed>
This keyword specifies the maximum speed that is supported
by your modem. <speed> can be any of 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400. Maximus-OS/2 also supports a
speed of 57600.
Busy <cmd>
This keyword specifies the string that Maximus sends to the
modem after a caller logs off.
Table 18.3 lists the characters in the <cmd> string that
Maximus translates into certain actions:
Table 18.3 Modem Translation Characters
Character Description
v Set DTR low
^ Set DTR high
~ Pause for one second
` Pause for 1/20th of a second
| Send a carriage return
Connect <string>
This keyword specifies the string that is returned by the
modem when a connection is successfully established. To de-
termine the speed of the caller, Maximus will parse the
text that the modem sends after this string.
Init <cmd>
This keyword specifies the string that Maximus sends when
it needs to initialize the modem. Please see the Busy key-
word for information on special characters that can appear
in this string.
A normal Init string looks like this:
Init ~v~````|~^``ATH0|
If you want the modem to answer the phone automatically
(and if you have commented out the Answer string), use this
Init ~v~````|~^``ATH0S0=1|
If you want Maximus to answer the phone itself, use the
first Init string and enable the Answer keyword.
18. Control File Reference 394
Mask Carrier <mask>
DOS This keyword tells Maximus which Modem Status Register
only! (MSR) bit to use for detecting on-line callers. This value
is 128 for all modems made for use in North America and
Europe, and it is also 128 for the vast majority of modems
in all other countries. Do not change this value unless
your modem's manual specifically instructs you to do so.
Mask Handshaking <flow_control>
This keyword tells Maximus to enable or disable various
types of flow control. The supported types for
<flow_control> are:
You must enable XON flow control if you want your users to
be able to use <ctrl-s> and <ctrl-q> to start and stop
screen display.
You must enable CTS flow control if you are using a high
speed modem. Some (but not all) modems also support DSR
flow control.
No Critical Handler
DOS Use this command to disable the internal critical error
only! handler. The critical error handler instructs DOS to fail
the operations that would normally halt the system with an
"Abort, Retry, Fail?" error message. Instead, it will print
one of the following error messages:
Critical error reading/writing drive X:
Critical error accessing device COMx
Output <port>
This keyword sets the default COM port for modem output.
DOS The DOS version of Maximus supports <port> values of
only! "Com1" through "Com8" and "Local".
OS/2 The OS/2 version of Maximus provides support for "Com1" up
only! to the highest COM port that you have installed, in addi-
tion to the "Local" port.
For either operating system, when using ports higher than
COM2, note that your FOSSIL (or OS/2 communications driver)
and modem hardware must also specifically support the port
18. Control File Reference 395
that you wish to use. Check with your FOSSIL or driver
manuals for details on this.
This setting can be overridden from the command line. The
-p command line parameter instructs Maximus to use an al-
ternate COM port, while the -k parameter instructs Maximus
to log on locally.
Ring <string>
This keyword specifies the response sent by your modem when
the phone is ringing. When Maximus receives this string, it
will send the string specified by the Answer keyword.
Send Break to Clear Buffer
This keyword can only be used by owners of U.S. Robotics
Courier or Sportster modems.
This keyword instructs Maximus to send a BREAK signal when-
ever it needs to clear the transmit buffer. This feature
makes hotkeys slightly more responsive.
To enable this feature, you must include the "&Y0" parame-
ter in your USR modem's initialization string. Otherwise,
the modem may transmit the BREAK signal to the remote modem
instead of clearing its transmit buffer.
At the time of writing, only the U.S. Robotics modems im-
plement this feature correctly. Do not try to use Send
Break to Clear Buffer with modems from other manufacturers.
18.2.3. Matrix/EchoMail Keyword Listing
Address [zone:]<net/node>[.point]
This keyword specifies the FidoNet-compatible network ad-
dress used by Maximus. This address is inserted in message
headers when writing NetMail or EchoMail messages. You may
specify up to 16 addresses, but the first address will be
used by default.
If you are running Maximus in a point configuration, the
first Address line must specify your full 4D point address.
The second Address line should specify your "fakenet" ad-
dress. If you have no fakenet address, the second Address
line should specify your host's address.
18. Control File Reference 396
After EchoMail Exit <errorlevel>
This keyword tells Maximus which errorlevel to use when a
user enters EchoMail messages. This errorlevel will super-
sede the After Edit errorlevel.
After Edit Exit <errorlevel>
This keyword tells Maximus which errorlevel to use when a
user enters NetMail messages. This errorlevel is superseded
by the After EchoMail errorlevel.
After Local Exit <errorlevel>
This keyword tells Maximus which errorlevel to use when a
user enters local messages. This errorlevel is superseded
by both the After EchoMail and After Edit errorlevels.
FidoUser <filespec>
This keyword specifies the name and location of a
user/address list (in standard fidouser.lst format). This
file can be used for performing automatic address lookups
when writing NetMail messages.
The list must be stored as a sorted ASCII text file. Each
line must be exactly 60 columns wide in the format shown
Davis, Bob 1:106/114
Doe, Jane 1:13/42
Doe, John 1:1/2
Dudley, S 1:249/106
Gate NetMail
This keyword instructs Maximus to "gate route" interzone
NetMail through the FidoNet zone gate. This function is
handled by the Squish mail processor, so this keyword
should normally be left commented out.
Log EchoMail <filespec>
This keyword instructs Maximus to create a log of EchoMail
messages entered by the user. If this keyword is enabled
and a Tag keyword is specified for a message area, Maximus
will write the tag for that message area to <filespec> when
the caller logs off.
This file can then be used by an external mail processor
(such as Squish) to scan the specified areas for outgoing
18. Control File Reference 397
Message Edit <action> <attribute> <priv>
The Message Edit keyword series tells Maximus what to do
when a user enters a NetMail message.
<action> can be one of "Ask" or "Assume." For Ask, Maximus
will ask the user whether or not the specified attribute
should be set. For Assume, Maximus will automatically set
the attribute without asking the user.
If the full-screen reader is enabled, <action> has a
slightly different functionality. Attributes marked with
Assume will be forced on when the user enters a message.
Maximus will not explicitly prompt the user for an attrib-
ute when Ask is used, but it will allow the user to select
that attribute from the message attribute field (above the
message date).
Valid values for <attribute> are:
* Private
* Crash
* FileAttach
* KillSent
* Hold
* FromFile
* FileReq
* UpdateReq
* LocalAttach
Message Send Unlisted <priv> <cost>
This keyword controls the privilege level required to send
NetMail to nodes which are not in the system nodelist. If
the user's privilege level is less than <priv>, Maximus
will not allow the user to send the message. If the user's
privilege level is at least <priv>, Maximus will charge the
user <cost> cents for sending the message.
Message Show <item> to <priv>
This keyword tells Maximus to display message control in-
formation to certain groups of users.
<item> can be any of the items in Table 18.4 below. To be
able to view the specified item, a user must have a privi-
lege level of at least <priv>.
Table 18.4 Message Show Items
Item Description
Ctl_A This allows the user to view the <ctrl-a>
18. Control File Reference 398
"kludge lines" in EchoMail messages. This
ability can also be toggled using the
Msg_Kludges menu option.
Seenby This allows the user to view the "SEEN-BY"
information at the bottom of an EchoMail
Private This allows the user to read private mail,
regardless of the message's addressee. This
ability is normally only granted to SysOps.
(Normally, users can only see private mes-
sages which are to or from themselves.)
Nodelist Version <version>
This keyword specifies the FidoNet nodelist format to use
when sending NetMail messages.
<version> can be any of the following formats:
* 5
* 6
* 7
* FD (FrontDoor)
The first three options specify the "Version5," "Version6"
and "Version7" nodelist formats (respectively). The "FD"
option specifies the FrontDoor nodelist format. Maximus ex-
pects to find the nodelist files in the directory specified
by Path NetInfo.
However, Maximus can send NetMail even without a nodelist;
to do so, you must first uncomment the Message Send Un-
listed keyword and set the privilege level appropriately.
Next, go to directory specified by Path NetInfo and create
a zero-length file called nodelist.idx. The following DOS
command can be used to accomplish this task:
OS/2 The above command only works from a DOS session. The OS/2
only! command interpreter will not create 0-length files, so you
must go to DOS to execute this command.
Once this has been done, Maximus will be able to send and
receive NetMail without a nodelist.
Path NetInfo <path>
This keyword tells Maximus where to find your system node-
list files.
18. Control File Reference 399
18.2.4. Session Section Keyword Listing
After Call Exit <errorlevel>
This keyword tells Maximus which errorlevel to use after a
caller logs off (without leaving any messages).
Alias System
This keyword tells Maximus to display the user's alias in
situations where it would normally display the user's name.
This setting applies to user lists, to the multinode chat
facility, and in message areas. (However, you can explic-
itly force the use of real names in a message area using
the Style RealName keyword.)
The Ask Alias keyword can also be used in conjunction with
Alias System to prompt new users for an alias at log-on.
Table 18.5 describes the various combinations of the two
Table 18.5 Ask Alias and Alias System Options
Ask Alias
Yes No
New users are New users are not
prompted for an alias prompted for an alias
at log-on. By de- at log-on. If the user
fault, messages en- selects an alias in
tered by users will the Change Setup sec-
Yes use the alias unless tion, this setting
Style RealName is causes Maximus to
specified for that function as if both
area. Users show up Ask Alias and Alias
in Who Is On as their System were enabled in
aliases. The alias the system control
field is searched and file.
displayed when doing
a Userlist.
Alias New users are No alias use whatso-
System prompted for an alias ever.
at log-on. By de-
fault, messages en-
tered will use the
user's real name un-
No less Style Alias is
used in the message
area definition. Us-
ers show up as their
18. Control File Reference 400
real names in Who is
On. The user's real
name is searched and
displayed when doing
a Userlist.
Area Change Keys <keylist>
This keyword tells Maximus which keys to support on the
Area Change menu for message and file areas. The first key
in <keylist> is used to select the prior area. The second
key in <keylist> is used to select the next area. The third
key in <keylist> is used to select the area menu.
In addition to the keys specified here, the user will al-
ways be able to use the "[", "]" and "?" keys to select the
prior area, next area, and area list (respectively).
Ask Phone
This keyword tells Maximus to prompt new users to enter a
phone number at log-on. This information is stored in the
user file.
Ask Alias
This keyword tells Maximus to prompt new users to enter an
alias at log-on. See the Alias System keyword for more de-
Attach Archiver <arctype>
This keyword specifies the storage type to use for com-
pressed file attaches. The archiver specified by <arctype>
must be a valid archiver defined in compress.cfg.
Attach Base <root>
This keyword specifies the root name of the file attach da-
tabase. This keyword should specify only the path and up to
four letters for the root of the database name. A number of
additional database files are created using the root name.
For example, given the following statement:
Attach Base C:\Max\Att
Maximus will create the following database files:
18. Control File Reference 401
Attach Path <path>
This keyword specifies the default holding location for lo-
cal file attaches. Unless otherwise specified, local file
attaches will be stored in this area. This directory can be
overridden on an area-by-area basis using the AttachPath
keyword in the message area control file.
Charset Swedish
Enable internal support for the Swedish 7-bit character
set. You must also edit english.mad and modify the LBRACKET
and RBRACKET definitions to provide proper support for this
character set.
Charset Chinese
Enable internal support for the Chinese character set. The
Chinese character set provides for the "BIG5" two-byte
codes used by most Chinese programs.
Chat Capture On
This keyword instructs Maximus to automatically enable the
chat capture buffer when entering SysOp chat mode, instead
of forcing the SysOp to press <alt-c> to manually enable
the buffer. This feature does not work when an external
chat program is enabled.
Chat External <prog_name>
This keyword tells Maximus to use an external program for
chatting instead of using the internal chat routine. Maxi-
mus will run <prog_name> instead of the internal chat pro-
gram when the SysOp presses <alt-c> on the local console.
To use a MEX program as an "external" chat program, specify
a ":" in front of the name of the program. For example:
Chat External :M\Mexchat
Check ANSI
This keyword instructs Maximus to query the remote terminal
about ANSI support whenever a user logs on with ANSI graph-
ics enabled. If the user's terminal does not report that it
supports ANSI, Maximus will prompt the user to disable ANSI
This keyword is disabled by default. A number of ANSI-
supporting terminal programs do not support the query that
18. Control File Reference 402
Maximus uses in this check, and on occasion, Maximus may
assume that a true ANSI-compatible terminal does not sup-
port ANSI.
Check RIP
This keyword instructs Maximus to query the remote terminal
about RIPscrip graphics support. If the user's terminal
program does not support RIPscrip, Maximus will prompt the
user to disable RIPscrip graphics.
This keyword is enabled by default. All RIPscrip programs
must support the "do you support RIP" query used by Maxi-
mus, so this keyword helps to ensure that Maximus only
sends RIPscrip graphics to terminal programs that support
Comment Area <area>
This keyword tells Maximus where to place log-off message
left by users. This area will also be used for messages
created with the [leave_comment] MECCA token.
Edit Disable <option>
This keyword tells Maximus to disable certain editor-
related options.
<option> must be one of the following:
* MaxEd
* UserList
Selecting MaxEd tells Maximus to disable the MaxEd editor.
All users will be forced to use the line editor.
Selecting UserList tells Maximus to disable the "user list"
feature when leaving private messages in local message ar-
eas. (By default, users can enter "?" at the To: prompt to
get a list of users on the system.)
FileData <name>
This keyword tells Maximus the root filename to use when
creating the file area data file. Maximus stores all infor-
mation related to file areas in files named <name>.dat and
File Date <type> [format]
This keyword tells Maximus how to display dates to the
user. Maximus supports a number of data formats, including
U.S., Canadian/British, Japanese and Scientific.
18. Control File Reference 403
In addition, Maximus can be instructed to retrieve file
dates and sizes directly from the directory entry, or it
can obtain that information from the file list itself.
If <type> is Automatic, Maximus will look at the file's di-
rectory entry to determine the file's size and date.
If <type> is Manual, Maximus will assume that the size and
date information is stored as part of the comment in the
files.bbs listing for the file area.
The automatic and manual dates can be overridden on an
area-by-area basis using the Type DateAuto, Type DateList
and Type DateManual keywords.
[format] is the optional format to use when displaying file
dates. It can be any of the following options:
mm-dd-yy (U.S. - default)
dd-mm-yy (Canadian/British)
yy-mm-dd (Japanese)
yymmdd (Scientific)
If <type> is Automatic, the format above will be used when
displaying the dates from the file directory.
If <type> is Manual, Maximus will use the above date format
when inserting dated entries in the files.bbs catalog for
uploads. You must manually insert dates for any preexisting
files in the file areas.
The format specified by [format] is also used when prompt-
ing the user for a date during a new files scan.
File Date Automatic dd-mm-yy
This line tells Maximus to automatically determine the
dates and sizes of files from their directory entries, and
also to display dates using a Canadian format.
File Date Manual yy-mm-dd
This line tells Maximus to expect to find file sizes and
dates inserted directly into files.bbs, and when inserting
upload descriptions into the file catalog, to insert dates
using the Japanese date format.
FileList Margin <col>
This keyword instructs Maximus to indent long files.bbs de-
scriptions by a particular offset for the second and subse-
18. Control File Reference 404
quent lines. This may be useful if an external program is
used to add a "download counter" to file descriptions; the
margin can be increased to create a hanging indent, thereby
placing the download counter in a separate column.
First File Area <area>
New users will be placed in the file area specified by
<area> when they first log on. All users must be able to
access at least one file area at all times.
First Menu <menu>
This keyword defines the name of the menu to be shown after
Maximus finishes displaying welcome.bbs.
First Message Area <area>
New users will be placed in the message area specified by
<area> when they first log on. All users must be able to
access at least one file area at all times.
Format Date <date_format>
The Format Date keyword controls the format of dates dis-
played by Maximus.
This format is used to display dates in message headers and
in various other places throughout the system. The date
format is output to the user exactly as specified, except
for several special translation characters.
Table 18.6 describes the case-sensitive date translation
characters supported by Maximus:
Table 18.6 Date Format Characters
Format Description
%A Either "am" or "pm," as appropriate.
%B The month (in decimal).
%C The month as an abbreviated text string.
%D The day-of-month (in decimal).
%E The hour (in the range of 1 to 12).
%H The hour (in the range of 0 to 23).
%M The minute.
%S The second.
%Y The year (without the century).
%% A single percent sign.
18. Control File Reference 405
This translates to the time in a 12-hour format. An example
time shown with this format would be "08:23pm".
This translates to the time in a 24-hour format, including
seconds. An example time shown with this format would be
This translates to the current date in a numeric format. An
example date shown with this format would be "07-16-95".
%D %C %Y
This translates to the current date in mixed format, with a
numeric day-of-month, an abbreviated month, and a numeric
year. An example date shown with this format would be "01
Aug 95."
Format FileFormat <format>
Format FileHeader <format>
Format FileFooter <format>
Format MsgFormat <format>
Format MsgHeader <format>
Format MsgFooter <format>
These keywords tell Maximus how to display the message and
file area lists that are generated when no custom Uses
MsgAreas or Uses FileAreas files are defined.
When displaying a standard message or file area listing,
the MsgHeader (or the FileHeader, as appropriate) is dis-
played at the top of the screen. Next, for each area to be
displayed, one copy of the MsgFormat or FileFormat string
is displayed. Finally, after displaying all of the areas,
Maximus displays the MsgFooter or FileFooter string.
These strings can contain a number of optional formatting
characters in addition to standard ASCII text. The percent
sign ("%") is used as an initiator for the formatting se-
quences. Anything not preceded by a percent sign is passed
directly on to the user.
The format of each control sequence is given below:
Everything except for <format_char> is optional and may be
18. Control File Reference 406
The optional "-", if present, specifies that the output of
this formatting character must be left-justified.
The optional min value specifies the minimum width for the
output of this formatting character. When used in conjunc-
tion with the "-" character, the output will be left-
justified. Without the "-" character, the field will be
The optional .max value specifies the maximum width for the
output of this formatting character. If the data field is
longer than max, the field is truncated. The period (".")
in front of the max value is not optional.
format_char specifies the type of output to display. This
character is case-sensitive. The supported characters are
listed in Table 18.7:
Table 18.7 MsgFormat/FileFormat Characters
Character Description
# Display the name of the current area.
* In a MsgFormat statement, this character dis-
plays an asterisk ("*") if the user has un-
read messages in the specified area. Other-
wise, this character displays a space (" ").
(When displaying a list of areas from the
Msg_Tag menu option, this token is also used
to indicate whether or not a message area is
a The name of the current area with the divi-
sion prefix removed.
d The name of the current division.
c When specified in the format "%#.$c", Maximus
will skip the next "$" characters in the
MsgFormat or FileFormat sequence after every
"#"th area is processed. (For example, the
sequence "%2.3cABC" instructs Maximus to dis-
play the sequence "ABC" for every second
f Display a .bbs file. The name of the file to
display must immediately follow the "%f" to-
ken. The name of the file must be separated
from the remainder of the string with a
space. (When instructed to display a file,
Maximus will always display that file before
showing any of the other text in the MsgFor-
mat or FileFormat string.)
n Display the area's description (from the Desc
keyword in the area definition).
t Display the tag for a message area, as speci-
fied in the Tag keyword in the area defini-
18. Control File Reference 407
x Display the next two characters in the se-
quence as a single character. The following
two characters must be hexadecimal digits
that represent a single character.
This translates into the "echo tag" for the current message
area, left justified and exactly fifteen characters long
(padded with spaces).
This translates into the name of the current message area,
right justified to make the field exactly 30 characters
%*%2# / %-25.25n %2c%x0a
This statement causes Maximus to display the area number
for each area, followed by a space and a forward slash, an-
other space, and the area name (left-justified to a maximum
length of 25 characters). After every second area, Maximus
displays a linefeed (ASCII 12, or 0a in hexadecimal), ef-
fectively creating a two-column area display. Finally, if
an area contained new messages, a "*" would be displayed
beside the area number.
Format Time <format>
The Format Time keyword controls the format of times dis-
played by Maximus.
This format is used to display times in message headers and
in various other places throughout the system. The times
format is output to the user exactly as specified, except
for several special translation characters.
Please see the description of the Format Date keyword for
information on the supported translation characters.
Highest FileArea <area>
This keyword specifies the highest file area number that
can be viewed using the File_Locate and File_Area menu op-
tions. See also the Type Hidden keyword in the file area
control file.
18. Control File Reference 408
Highest MsgArea <area>
This keyword specifies the highest message area number that
can be viewed using the Msg_Browse and Msg_Area menu op-
tions. See also the Style Hidden keyword in the message
area control file.
Input Timeout <mins>
This tells Maximus to hang up on callers after <mins> min-
utes of inactivity. The default value is 4 minutes. This
keyword can specify a range of 1 to 255 minutes.
Kill Attach <type> [priv]
This keyword determines how to handle automatic disposing
of a file when a file attach is received.
<type> must be one of the keywords from Table 18.8:
Table 18.8 Kill Attach Types
Type Description
Never An attached file is never deleted automati-
cally. (The attached file may be deleted by
manually deleting the message containing the
Always An attached file is always deleted after a suc-
cessful download.
Ask Ask the user if the file should be removed. If
a privilege level is specified and the user's
privilege level is less than this level, the
user is not asked and the file is removed auto-
Kill Private <when>
This keyword controls Maximus's handling of private mes-
sages in local message areas.
<when> can be any of the values from Table 18.9:
Table 18.9 Kill Private Types
Type Description
Always Maximus always kills a private message after it
has been read by the recipient.
Ask Maximus asks the user whether or not to kill a
private message.
18. Control File Reference 409
Never Maximus never kills a private message automati-
Local Editor [!][@]<editor_cmd>
This keyword tells Maximus to use <editor_cmd> as an exter-
nal message editor for local users, rather than using the
internal MaxEd editor.
With this keyword enabled, Maximus will execute
<editor_cmd> whenever a local user needs to compose a mes-
sage. If the message being created is a reply to another
message, Maximus will quote the original and place it in a
file called msgtmp##.$$$ before invoking the editor, where
## is the current task number in hexadecimal.
After your editor returns, Maximus expects to find the fi-
nal message in msgtmp##.$$$, regardless of whether or not
the message was a reply.
Normally, the Local Editor keyword only applies to users
who are logged in at the local console. However, if the
first character of the editor name is a "@", certain remote
users will also be allowed to use the "local" editor. See
the MailFlags Editor and MailFlags LocalEditor keywords in
the access control file for information on enabling this
Finally, if you place the sequence %s inside the
<editor_cmd> string, Maximus will replace the "%s" with the
name of the temporary file to be edited. This can be useful
in a multitasking situation if you do not want to hard-code
a task number in the control file.
Local Input Timeout
This statement instructs Maximus to apply the input timeout
counter to local users in addition to remote users.
(Normally, the input timer is disabled for local logons,
meaning that that the SysOp can log on, go away for 30 min-
utes, and still have Maximus waiting at the input prompt.)
Logon Level <priv>
Logon Preregistered
This keyword specifies the privilege level to be assigned
to new users. If you use the Logon Preregistered statement
instead, new users will not be allowed to log on. (Maximus
will instead hang up after displaying the Uses Application
18. Control File Reference 410
Logon TimeLimit <time>
This keyword specifies the maximum amount of time, in min-
utes, that the user is given to log on, read through the
Uses Application file, enter a password, and so on.
Mailchecker Kill <priv>
Mailchecker Reply <priv>
These keywords control the privilege level required to ac-
cess the Kill and Reply functions in the Msg_Browse command
and in the mailchecker.
The Mailchecker Kill keyword controls the privilege level
required to delete a message using the Browse command.
The Mailchecker Reply keyword controls the privilege level
required to reply to a message using the Browse command.
Note! When Maximus determines whether or not a user has access
to the Reply and Kill commands, it also examines the mes-
sage menu to find the privilege levels for the Msg_Reply,
Msg_Kill and Msg_Upload options.
For this feature to work properly, you must have a menu ex-
plicitly called "MESSAGE", and that menu must contain op-
tions for Msg_Reply, Msg_Kill and Msg_Upload (with privi-
lege levels that can be accessed by the user).
Even if you have renamed your main message menu to some-
thing else, you still need a menu called "MESSAGE". (Note
that this menu need not be reachable from your normal menu
structure. The sole purpose of this menu is to store the
privilege levels required to access the Reply and Kill com-
mands in the mailchecker.)
MaxMsgSize <size>
This keyword controls the maximum size of messages uploaded
using the Msg_Upload menu option.
The value for MaxMsgSize does not apply to messages entered
locally, nor does it apply to users in a class with the
MailFlags MsgAttrAny flag.
Menu Path <path>
This keyword tells Maximus where to find the default menu
(*.mnu) files
18. Control File Reference 411
MessageData <file>
This keyword tells Maximus the root filename to use when
creating the message area data file. Maximus stores all in-
formation related to message areas in files named
<name>.dat and <name>.idx.
Min Logon Baud <speed>
This keyword specifies the minimum speed at which a user
must call in order to log on to the system. See also the
LogonBaud keyword in the access control file.
Min NonTTY Baud <speed>
This keyword specifies the minimum speed at which a user
must call in order to use a terminal mode other than TTY.
Min RIP Baud <speed>
This keyword specifies the minimum speed at which a user
must call in order to use RIPscrip graphics. RIPscrip sup-
port can be disabled by setting this value higher than the
maximum baud rate.
A new user must be logged in at a speed that is at least
equal to or higher than the Min NonTTY Baud and Min RIP
Baud speeds in order to enable RIPscrip. Maximus attempts
to auto-detect RIPscrip capability on the remote and will
set the default response in the new user logon sequence ac-
No RealName Kludge
This keyword instructs Maximus not to insert the
^aREALNAME: line into messages entered in an anonymous mes-
sage area.
Normally, this line aids in tracking down users who try to
abuse the ability to leave anonymous messages. However,
there are circumstances when you want to ensure that a user
can leave messages which are completely confidential, and
enabling this keyword will do that. This option can be
overridden on an area-by-area basis; see the Style keyword
in the message area control file for more information.
RIP Path <path>
This keyword tells Maximus where to find all of the default
*.rip and *.icn files to be sent using the [ripdisplay] and
[ripsend] MECCA tokens.
18. Control File Reference 412
This path can be changed at runtime using the [rippath]
MECCA token.
Save Directories <drives>
DOS When Maximus runs an external program, this keyword in-
only! structs it to record the "current directory" for the
specified drives.
The <drives> parameter is a list of all drive letters on
your system, except for removable media (floppy drives and
Single Word Names
This keyword instructs Maximus to permit usernames that
contain only a single word. This option may be useful on
systems that support aliases. (Maximus will also suppress
the default "What is your LAST name:" prompt when this key-
word is enabled.)
Stage Path <path>
This keyword tells Maximus to use <path> as a temporary di-
rectory for staging file transfers.
This path is only used when a file area is declared using
Type Staged or Type Hidden. In areas with this type, Maxi-
mus will copy the files from the CD-ROM to the specified
staging directory before sending the files. This reduces
wear and tear on normal CD-ROMs, and it prevents thrashing
for multi-disk CD changers.
The declared path should always have at least as much space
as allowed for in your daily download limits. (If Maximus
is unable to copy a file to the staging area, the transfer
will send the file from its original location.)
This keyword instructs Maximus to display a status line at
the bottom of the screen. The status line is only active
for remote users.
Strict Time Limit
This keyword instructs Maximus to terminate callers who run
over their time limits while in the middle of a download.
If this happens, Maximus will create a log entry and abort
the file transfer. This feature only works for internal
18. Control File Reference 413
Track Base <root>
This keyword specifies the path and root filename of the
MTS database. This keyword should only specify the path and
up to four letters for the root of the database name.
For example, assuming the following line:
Track Base c:\max\trk
Maximus will create the following database files:
Track Exclude <filespec>
This keyword gives the name of the "exclusion list" for
controlling automatic message assignment in MTS areas.
In some situations, a MTS moderator may not wish to track
messages that are entered by certain users. The exclusion
list is a flat text file, one name per line, which lists
the names of all users to be excluded from the tracking
Messages entered by these users can be manually placed in
the tracking system using the Track/Insert command.
Track Modify <priv>
This keyword controls the privilege level required to mod-
ify tracking information for messages which are not owned
by the user performing the modification. (In this case,
"owned" refers to the user in the "owner" field of that
message in the MTS database.)
This privilege level is also required to delete messages
from the tracking database and to access the Track/Admin
Track View <priv>
This keyword controls the privilege level required to view
tracking information of messages owned by others. To view
tracking information in a message, that message must either
be owned by the current user, or that user must have a
privilege level of at least the value specified by this
18. Control File Reference 414
Upload Check Dupe
Upload Check Dupe Extension
These keywords instruct Maximus to check for duplicate
files when processing uploads.
The Upload Check Dupe keyword tells Maximus to compare only
the root part of the filename. Using this method, "foo.zip"
and "foo.lzh" will be considered duplicates.
The Upload Check Dupe Extension keyword tells Maximus to
compare the full filename and extension of the uploaded
To use this feature, you must use the FB utility to create
a file database.
Upload Check Virus <batchfile>
This keyword instructs Maximus to call a batch or command
file every time a file is uploaded.
<batchfile> specifies the name of the batch file to run.
For example:
Upload Check Virus vircheck.bat
(For OS/2, use vircheck.cmd.)
This keyword tells Maximus to call vircheck.bat every time
a file is uploaded. Maximus will call the batch file using
the following format:
vircheck.bat path name extension miscdir task
path is the path of the uploaded file (including the trail-
ing backslash).
name is the root name of the file (without the extension).
extension is the extension of the file, beginning with a
period (".").
miscdir is the path to the Maximus \max\misc directory.
task is the current node number.
Please note that the file name and extension are passed as
two separate arguments. This allows the batch file to eas-
ily check for uploads with a certain extension.
The batch file can process the uploads as desired, includ-
ing scanning for viruses, refusing files with bad exten-
18. Control File Reference 415
sions, and so on. After the batch file returns, Maximus
will check again to see if the uploaded file still exists.
If the file still exists, Maximus displays
\max\misc\file_ok.bbs. Normally, this file contains a mes-
sage informing the user that the file contained no viruses.
Maximus will then ask for an upload description and credit
the user's account.
If the uploaded file no longer exists, presumably because
it was removed by vircheck.bat, Maximus will display
\max\misc\file_bad.bbs. This file presumably mentions that
the virus check failed.
This feature was designed for automated virus-checking pro-
grams, but other tricks can also be done with batch files.
The uploaded file's extension can be tested as a separate
argument, so it can be used to block uploads of files with
certain extensions.
The \max\misc\file_bad.bbs file can also be swapped by
vircheck.bat for another file, so a different file can be
displayed for virus checks and archive corruption checks.
The display file could also be used to display the log of
the virus checking program, thereby giving the user more
information about the virus itself.
Upload Log <log_name>
This keyword specifies the name of a log file used for
storing the names of uploaded files.
One line is written to this file for every upload received.
Included is the name of the file uploaded, the name of the
user who uploaded it, the size of the file, and the current
date and time. This makes it very easy to keep track of
which user uploaded which file.
Upload Space Free <amount>
This keyword tells Maximus to prevent users from uploading
files if there are less than <amount> free kilobytes of
space on the upload drive. (If there is less than <amount>
kilobytes available, Maximus displays the Uses NoSpace file
and refuses the upload.)
Uses Application <filespec>
This file is displayed to a new user after answering Y to
the "Firstname Lastname [Y,n]?" prompt, but before prompt-
ing the user for city and phone number information.
18. Control File Reference 416
Uses BOREDhelp <filespec>
This file is displayed to first-time callers who enter the
BORED editor when their help level is set to novice.
Uses BadLogon <filespec>
This file is displayed to users who failed the last log-on
attempt due to an invalid password.
Uses Barricade <filespec>
This file is displayed to users after they enter a barri-
caded message or file area, but before they are prompted
for the password.
Uses BeginChat <filespec>
This file is displayed to the user when the SysOp enters
CHAT mode. This is a good place to put something like, "Hi
[user], this is the SysOp speaking."
The default Uses BeginChat message is "CHAT: start".
Uses ByeBye <filespec>
This file is displayed to users after they select the Good-
bye menu option.
Uses Cant_Enter_Area <filespec>
This file is displayed to users when they try select an
area that does not exist. The default response is "That
area does not exist!"
Uses Configure <filename>
This file is displayed to new users after they log in, but
before the standard user configuration questions are asked.
If the "configured" bit is set in the user record after
this file is displayed (via a MEX script, for example), the
standard configuration questions are skipped, thereby al-
lowing the standard new user configuration to be replaced.
Uses ContentsHelp <filespec>
This file is displayed to users who request help for the
File_Contents command.
18. Control File Reference 417
Uses DayLimit <filespec>
This file is displayed to users who try to log on after
having overrun their daily time limits.
Uses EndChat <filespec>
This file is displayed to the user when the SysOp exits
chat mode. The default response is "END CHAT."
Uses EntryHelp <file>
This file is displayed to the user just before entering the
message editor, regardless of whether the user is using the
full screen editor or the line editor. This file can offer
additional help or set up the screen display for RIPscrip
Uses FileAreas <filespec>
This file is displayed to a user when a file area listing
is requested. This display file replaces the automatically-
generated file area list.
Uses Filename_Format <filespec>
This file is displayed to users who try to upload files us-
ing an invalid filename.
Uses HeaderHelp <file>
This file is displayed to users just before the message
header entry screen is displayed. This file can contain in-
formation regarding message attributes, using aliases,
anonymous areas, and so on.
Uses Leaving <filespec>
This file is displayed just before Maximus exits to run an
external program from a menu option.
Uses LocateHelp <filespec>
This file is displayed to users who request help using the
File_Locate command.
Uses Logo <filespec>
This file (normally called \max\misc\logo.bbs) is displayed
immediately after Maximus connects with the user. This file
should normally contain a small amount of information de-
scribing your BBS. This file must not contain ANSI or AVA-
TAR graphics.
18. Control File Reference 418
Uses MaxEdHelp <filespec>
This file is displayed to users who ask for help (by press-
ing "^k?") from within the MaxEd editor.
Uses MsgAreas <filespec>
This file is displayed to a user when a file area listing
is requested. If present, this file replaces the automati-
cally-generated file area list.
Uses NewUser1 <filespec>
This file is displayed to a new user right before Maximus
asks the user to enter a password.
Uses NewUser2 <filespec>
This file is displayed to a new user in lieu of the Uses
Welcome file.
Uses NoMail <filespec>
This file is displayed to a user after the [msg_checkmail]
MECCA token determines that there is no mail waiting for
the user.
Uses NoSpace <filespec>
This file is displayed when the amount of space free on the
upload drive is less than the value specified by the Upload
Space Free keyword.
Uses NotFound <filespec>
This file is displayed to a new user after the user's name
is entered, but before the "First Last [Y,n]?" prompt is
Uses ProtocolDump <filespec>
This file is displayed to the user instead of the standard
"canned" list of protocol names. This file is displayed for
both the File_Upload and File_Download menu options.
Uses Quote <filespec>
This keyword specifies the name of an ASCII text file that
contain quotes and random pieces of wisdom. Each quote in
the file should be separated by a single blank line. This
file can be accessed using the MECCA [quote] token.
18. Control File Reference 419
Uses ReplaceHelp <filespec>
This file is displayed to the user just after selecting the
Edit_Edit option on the editor menu. This file describes
the search and replace feature of the line editor.
Uses Returning <filespec>
This file is displayed to the user upon returning from an
external program invoked by a menu option.
Uses Rookie <filespec>
This file is displayed to a user who has called between two
and eight times, in lieu of the Uses Welcome file.
Uses Shell_Leaving <filespec>
This file is displayed to the user immediately after the
SysOp presses <alt-j> on the local console to shell to the
operating system.
Uses Shell_Returning <filespec>
This file is displayed to the user after the SysOp returns
from a shell.
Uses TimeWarn <filespec>
This file is displayed to the user just before displaying
the main menu, as long as that user has made more than one
call on the current day.
Uses TooSlow <filespec>
This file is displayed to users whose speed is lower than
the minimum speed required in Min Logon Baud, or if the
user's speed is less than the LogonBaud keyword for the
user's class in the access control file.
Uses Tunes <filespec>
This keyword specifies the name and location of the Maximus
tunes file. This tune file can be used to play simple melo-
dies on the PC speaker when a user yells. For more informa-
tion on the format of this file, please see the comments in
the distribution version of tunes.bbs.
Uses Welcome <filespec>
This file is displayed to normal users who have called more
than eight times. This file is displayed immediately after
the user enters the log-on password.
18. Control File Reference 420
Uses XferBaud <filespec>
This file is displayed to users whose speed is less than
the speed required for the XferBaud setting for their user
class in the access control file.
This keyword instructs Maximus to use unique message iden-
tifiers when displaying messages in Squish areas.
This means that every message entered in a Squish area will
have a unique message number assigned to it. This number
will never be reused, regardless of message deletions. This
feature only works for Squish-style bases, so this keyword
has no impact on *.MSG areas.
Yell Off
This keyword completely disables the Yell function.
18.3. Language Control File
18.3.1. Description
The default language control file is called language.ctl.
This file defines the languages supported in Maximus's multi-
lingual system. This file also allows the SysOp to select a
default language by placing the Language keywords in a par-
ticular order.
18.3.2. Language Section Keyword Listing
Language <filename>
This keyword specifies the name of a Maximus-specific lan-
guage file. For example, the statement "Language English"
tells Maximus to look for a file called english.ltf in the
Path Language directory.
Up to eight language files may be specified in this sec-
tion. Under DOS, remember that language filenames must not
be more than eight characters long.
The first language listed in this section is used as the
default for both new users and the SysOp's log file.
18. Control File Reference 421
18.4. Off-Line Reader Control File
18.4.1. Description
The default off-line reader control file is reader.ctl. If
you do not wish to enable the off-line reader, the Include
Reader.Ctl statement in max.ctl may be commented out.
18.4.2. Reader Section Keyword Listing
Archivers <filespec>
This keyword specifies the file that contains definitions
for external compression utilities. The file is identical
in format to the format of the compress.cfg file used by
the Squish mail processor. If you are running both Maximus
and Squish, this keyword can point to the same compression
file as used by Squish.
Packet Name <filename>
This keyword defines an eight-character identifier for your
system. Maximus uses this identifier when building QWK
packets. Downloaded packets will be called <filename>.qwk,
and uploaded replies will be called <filename>.rep.
This keyword should normally specify an abbreviation of
your BBS name. The abbreviation must be eight characters or
less and cannot include spaces. Only valid DOS filename
characters are permitted. (A-Z, 0-9, and !@#$%&()_.)
Work Directory <path>
This keyword specifies the name of the directory used for
creating QWK packets. Maximus creates subdirectories under
the path you specify for per-node storage.
However, any files contained in the main work directory (as
specified by <path>) are included in all downloaded QWK
Max Messages <num>
This keyword defines the maximum number of messages that
Maximus will pack into one QWK packet. If you do not wish
to limit the number of messages, specify Max Messages 0.
Phone Number <phone number>
This keyword defines the phone number of your BBS, as it
should be shown in downloaded QWK mail packets. The number
18. Control File Reference 422
should be in the "(xxx) yyy-zzzz" format, since some off-
line readers depend on the phone number looking like this.
However, Maximus itself does not care about the format, so
it will copy the string verbatim to the control.dat file in
the QWK packet.
18.5. Colors Control File
18.5.1. Description
The default colors control file is colors.ctl. Maximus uses
this file to select colors for certain Maximus prompts.
This control file contains only those colors which are shown
to the SysOp. A large number of other colors are stored in
the \max\lang\colors.lh language include file. Please see the
comments inside that file for more information.
18.5.2. Colors Section Keyword Listing
Popup Border <color>
Color for the border of a pop-up window. The default color
is yellow on blue.
Popup Highlight <color>
Color for highlighted text inside pop-up windows. The de-
fault color is yellow on blue.
Popup LSelect <color>
Color for selected items on pop-up pick lists. The default
color is grey on red.
Popup List <color>
Color for standard items on pop-up pick lists. The default
color is black on grey.
Popup Text <color>
Color for the text in a pop-up window. The default color is
white on blue.
Status Bar <color>
Color for the main status bar. The default color is black
on white.
18. Control File Reference 423
Status Chat <color>
Color for the chat request indicator ("C"). The default
color is blinking black on white.
Status Key <color>
Color for the rest of the status-line key flags, such as K.
The default color is black on white.
WFC Activity <color>
Color for the activity window on the "Waiting for Caller"
screen. The default color is white on blue.
WFC ActivityBor <color>
Color for the activity window border on the "Waiting for
Caller" screen. The default color is lightcyan on blue.
WFC Keys <color>
Color for the keys window on the "Waiting for Caller"
screen. The default color is yellow on blue.
WFC KeysBor <color>
Color for the keys window border on the "Waiting for
Caller" screen. The default color is white on blue.
WFC Modem <color>
Color for the modem window on the "Waiting for Caller"
screen. The default color is gray on blue.
WFC ModemBor <color>
Color for the modem window border on the "Waiting for
Caller" screen. The default color is lightgreen on blue.
WFC Line <color>
Color for the bar at the top of the "Waiting for Caller"
screen. The default color is white.
WFC Name <color>
Color for the Maximus name on the "Waiting for Caller"
screen. The default color is yellow.
18. Control File Reference 424
WFC Status <color>
Color for the status window on the "Waiting for Caller"
screen. The default color is white on blue.
WFC StatusBor <color>
Color for the status window border on the "Waiting for
Caller" screen. The default color is yellow on blue.
18.6. Message Area Control File
18.6.1 Description
The default message area control file is called msgarea.ctl.
This file defines all of the message areas available on a
Maximus system.
Every message area must begin with a MsgArea keyword, and
every message area must end with a End MsgArea keyword.
18.6.2. Alphabetical Keyword Listing
This keyword specifies the access level required to see or
access this message area.
AttachPath <path>
This keyword specifies the path to use for storing local
file attaches that are created in this message area.
<path> should point to an empty directory that Maximus can
use for storing the file attaches.
Barricade <menu_name> <barricade_file>
This keyword specifies a barricade file to be used for the
current message area. As long as the current menu is
<menu_name>, the barricade privilege level from
<barricade_file> will override the user's normal privilege
level. Please see section 4.6 for more information on bar-
ricade files.
Desc <desc>
Description <desc>
These keywords specify the description of the message area,
as you wish it to appear on the message area menu.
18. Control File Reference 425
End MsgArea
This keyword tells SILT that the message area definition is
MenuName <orig_menu> <replace_menu>
While Maximus is in this message area, when it is in-
structed to display the menu <orig_menu>, it will instead
display <replace_menu>.
MsgArea <area>
This keyword tells SILT to begin a message area definition.
<area> is the "leaf" name of the message area; if the area
is contained within a message division, the name of the di-
vision will be added to the front of the string when writ-
ing the area to the message area data file.
MsgDivisionBegin <name> <acs> <display_file> <desc>
This keyword is used to begin a message area division. Di-
visions can be used to create a multi-level, hierarchical
message area structure.
<name> is the name of the message area division. This
should be a very short tag identifying the area type. (It
should be short because it is added to the beginning of all
area names declared within the division.)
<acs> is the access control string required to view the
message division. Please note that the ACS specified for
this division has nothing to do with the ACS required to
enter a contained message area. (However, the ACS for the
message areas in the division will typically be at least as
restrictive as the ACS for the division.)
<display_file> is the name of the message area display file
to show when the user requests an area list of this divi-
sion. This file is only used if the corresponding Uses
MsgAreas statement is enabled in the system control file.
If you are not using custom message area menus, specify a
"." as the filename.
<desc> is the description for this division, as it will ap-
pear on the message area menu.
This keyword ends a message division.
18. Control File Reference 426
Origin <primary_addr> <seenby_addr> [text]
For an EchoMail area, this keyword instructs Maximus to use
an origin line other than the default origin in the system
control file.
<primary_addr> is the address to place in the MSGID kludge
line at the top of the message. This address is also placed
on the origin line.
<seenby_addr> is the address to use in the SEEN-BY line.
A period (".") can be specified for either or both of
<primary_addr> and <seenby_addr> to use the default ad-
The optional [text] contains the new text to use on the
origin line. If [text] is omitted, Maximus uses the default
origin line text.
For example:
Origin . . New origin for this area
This statement simply changes the origin text.
Origin 1:249/106.4 1:24906/2 New point text
This statement changes the primary address to 1:249/106.4,
changes the SEEN-BY address to 1:24906/2, and changes the
origin line text to "New point text".
Override <menu_name> <option_type> <acs> [letter]
The Override keyword instructs Maximus to alter the privi-
lege level required to access a menu option while the user
is in this message area.
<menu_name> is the name of the menu containing the command
to be overridden. In most cases, this will be "MESSAGE".
<option_type> is the menu option type to override. Any of
the keywords from the menu control file can be used here.
If you do not specify a [letter], the override will apply
to all options on the menu with a type of <option_type>.
<acs> is the new ACS required to access the menu option.
[letter] is the optional first letter of the command to be
overridden. If this letter is specified, the override will
only apply to menu commands which: are on the menu called
<menu_name>, which have an option type of <option_type> and
which have a first letter of [letter].
18. Control File Reference 427
For example:
Override MESSAGE Msg_Reply SysOp/135 R
This command overrides the Reply option on the message
menu. In the area where this definition is placed, a user
must pass the ACS test of "SysOp/135" before being allowed
to reply to a message in this area. The override is further
restricted so that it only applies to commands that start
with the letter "R". (Had there been other Msg_Reply op-
tions on the menu that started with other letters, they
would not be overridden.)
Owner <id>
This keyword sets a default MTS owner for this message
area. The Owner keyword must be specified in every area
that uses the Style Audit style. This owner/area link can
also be modified using the Track/Admin/Owner menu.
Path <path>
This keyword tells Maximus where to find the files that
store the data in this message area.
If the area uses the Squish format (default), <path> must
specify the directory and root filename of the message
If this area uses the *.MSG format, <path> must specify the
name of the directory used for storing the message files.
All *.MSG areas must have a separate directory of their
own; two *.MSG areas cannot be stored in the same direc-
Renum Days <num>
This keyword tells Maximus to keep no more than <num> days
worth of messages in this area.
For *.MSG areas, messages are purged by the MR renumbering
For Squish areas, messages are purged using the SQPACK
utility. (SQPACK is available as part of the Squish pro-
If you are using the Squish mail processor, you only need
to set the renumbering option in one place ---either in
your message area control file or in your squish.cfg file.
18. Control File Reference 428
Renum Max <num>
This keyword tells Maximus to store no more than <num> mes-
sages in the area at one time. For Squish-format areas,
Maximus will automatically purge messages as new messages
are added. For *.MSG-format areas, the external MR utility
must be run to purge messages.
If you are using the Squish mail processor, you only need
to set the renumbering option in one place ---either in
your message area control file or in your squish.cfg file.
Style <styles>
This keyword sets an optional number of style flags for the
current area. The style describes the types of messages
that can be created, the physical message storage format,
and various other options.
<styles> can be zero or more of the options from Table
Table 18.10 Message Area Styles
Style Description
*.MSG Store the message area using the *.MSG
message format. (The default is to store
the area using Squish format.)
Alias Use the user's alias in the message
header, rather than the user's real name.
Anon Allow anonymous messages. Users are al-
lowed to modify the "From:" field of the
message to change it to a name of their
choosing. However, Maximus will still in-
sert a kludge line in the message contain-
ing the user's real name. See the NoNameK-
ludge style for information on disabling
this feature.
Attach Enable local file attaches in this area.
This style must be used in conjunction
with Style Squish. Please see section 5.2
for more information.
Audit Enable MTS tracking for this area. You
also need to define the Owner keyword in
this area to use the MTS feature. This
style must also be used in conjunction
with Style Squish. Please see section 5.6
for more information on the Message Track-
ing System.
Conf This area is a conference area. Conference
areas are similar to EchoMail areas, but
conferences use PIDs and have no tear
18. Control File Reference 429
lines. This style cannot be used in con-
junction with the Net, Local or Echo
Echo This area is an EchoMail area. This style
cannot be used in conjunction with the
Conf, Net or Local styles.
HiBit Allow 8-bit IBM extended ASCII characters
in messages entered in this area.
Hidden This area should not be shown on the stan-
dard message area list. The Msg_Area prior
and next commands will skip this area.
However, the area can still be accessed by
Loc or Local This is a local message area. This style
cannot be used in conjunction with the
Conf, Net, or Echo styles.
Net This is a NetMail area. This style cannot
be used in conjunction with Conf, Local or
Echo styles.
NoMailCheck This area is skipped during the standard
mail-checking routine. This style is use-
ful for areas which never contain personal
mail for users.
NoNameKludge This style toggles the No RealName Kludge
setting in the system control file. This
style is useful for preserving true ano-
nymity in areas that accept "anonymous"
Pub Allow public messages in this area. If
this flag is used in conjunction with
Style Pvt, both public and private mes-
sages are allowed. If neither flag is
specified, this area allows only public
Pvt Allow private messages in this area. If
this flag is used in conjunction with
Style Pub, both public and private mes-
sages are allowed. If neither flag is
specified, this area allows only public
ReadOnly Only users in a class with MailFlags
WriteRdOnly are allowed to write messages
in this area.
RealName Force the use of the user's real name when
creating messages in this area.
Squish The current area uses the Squish message
format. This is the default.
This keyword tells Maximus the name of the "area tag" for
the current message area. This tag is used when writing the
18. Control File Reference 430
Log EchoMail file. This tag should be the same as specified
for the area in your EchoMail processor's area control file
(typically areas.bbs or squish.cfg).
18.7. File Area Control File
18.7.1. Description
The default file area control file is called filearea.ctl.
This file defines all of the file areas accessible on a Maxi-
mus system.
18.7.2. Alphabetical Keyword Listing
ACS <acs>
This keyword specifies the access level required to see or
access this file area.
Barricade <menu_name> <barricade_file>
This keyword specifies a barricade file to be used for the
current file area. As long as the current menu is
<menu_name>, the barricade privilege level from
<barricade_file> will override the user's normal privilege
level. Please see section 4.6 for more information on bar-
ricade files.
Desc <desc>
Description <desc>
These keywords specify the description of the file area, as
you wish it to appear on the file area menu.
Download <path>
This keyword tells Maximus that the files in this area can
be downloaded from <path>.
End FileArea
This keyword tells SILT that the current file area defini-
tion is complete.
FileArea <area>
This keyword tells SILT to begin a file area definition.
<area> is the "leaf" name of the file area; if the area is
contained within a file division, the name of the division
18. Control File Reference 431
will be added to the front of the string when writing the
area to the file area data file.
FileDivisionBegin <name> <priv> <display_file> <description>
This keyword is used to begin a file area division. Divi-
sions can be used to create a multi-level, hierarchical
file area structure.
<name> is the name of the file area division. This should
be a very short tag identifying the area type. (It should
be short because it is added to the beginning of all area
names declared within the division.)
<acs> is the access control string required to view the
file division. Please note that the ACS specified for this
division has nothing to do with the ACS required to enter a
contained file area. (However, the ACS for the file areas
in the division will typically be at least as restrictive
as the ACS for the division.)
<display_file> is the name of the file area display file to
show when the user requests an area list of this division.
This file is only used if the corresponding Uses FileAreas
statement is enabled in the system control file. If you are
not using custom file area menus, specify a "." as the
<desc> is the description for this division, as it will ap-
pear on the file area menu.
This statement tells SILT to end a file area division.
This keyword specifies the location of a files.bbs-like
list for this file area. This is useful for CD-ROM handling
where there is no compatible files.bbs in the download di-
rectory for this area.
FB also uses this name as the "base" filename for creating
compiled file information. FB removes the extension from
the file you specify here, and it then adds .dat, .dmp and
.idx extensions to store the compile file information.
MenuName <orig_menu> <replace_menu>
While Maximus is in this file area, when it is instructed
to display the menu <orig_menu>, it will instead display
18. Control File Reference 432
Override <menu_name> <option_type> <acs> [letter]
The Override keyword instructs Maximus to alter the privi-
lege level required to access a menu option while the user
is in this file area.
<menu_name> is the name of the menu containing the command
to be overridden. In most cases, this will be "FILE".
<option_type> is the menu option type to override. Any of
the keywords from the menus control file can be used here.
If you do not specify a [letter], the override will apply
to all options on the menu with a type of <option_type>.
<acs> is the new ACS required to access the menu option.
[letter] is the optional first letter of the command to be
overridden. If this letter is specified, the override will
only apply to menu commands which: are on the menu called
<menu_name>, which have an option type of <option_type> and
which have a first letter of [letter].
Type <types>
This keyword specifies optional flags for a file area.
<types> can contain zero or more of the types from Table
Table 18.11 File Area Types
Type Description
CD This area is stored on CD-ROM. This is equiva-
lent to Type Slow Staged NoNew.
DateAuto Use automatic file dating for this area. FB
and Maximus will retrieve a file's size and
date information from the directory specified
in the Download path.
DateList Use list-based file dating for this area. Both
Maximus and FB parse the file dates and sizes
correctly out of the files.bbs for this area
without looking for the directory entry.
DateManual Use no file dating at all. The file descrip-
tions for this area may contain size and date
information, but they are not interpreted by
Maximus or FB in any way.
Free This type is equivalent to specifying Type
FreeTime FreeSize.
FreeBytes Both of these keywords allow all files in this
FreeSize area to be downloaded without adding the files
to the user's file download limit. This is
equivalent to placing a "/b" in the descrip-
18. Control File Reference 433
tion for all files in the area.
FreeTime This keyword allows users to download all of
the files in this area with no impact on their
time limit. This is equivalent to placing a
"/t" in the description for all files in the
Hidden This area is hidden from the normal File_Area
area listing. Users cannot see the area on the
menu or change to it using the File_Area
next/prior keys. However, the area can still
be accessed by name.
NoNew This area is on a permanent storage medium and
should be excluded from new file checks.
Slow File area is on a slow-access medium. Maximus
and SILT assume that the file area always ex-
ists (and therefore they do not check the di-
rectory when doing an area list). Maximus also
tries to access the directory entries in this
area as little as possible.
Staged Files from this area are copied to the Stage
Path before a file download is initiated.
Use of a staging area allows file transfers to
proceed at full speed, and this feature will
also prevent wear and tear on a multi-disk CD-
ROM changer.
When using the internal transfer protocols,
Maximus copies each file to the staging area
before it is transferred, deleting it immedi-
ately after the file is sent.
For external protocols, Maximus copies all of
the files to the staging area at once, invokes
the external protocol, and then deletes all of
the files upon return.
This keyword tells Maximus where to place files that are
uploaded in this area.
18.8. Menu Control File
18.8.1. Description
The default menu control file is called menus.ctl. This file
defines all of the menu options and commands that are acces-
sible to users.
A menu definition begins with the following line:
18. Control File Reference 434
Menu <name>
and ends with the following:
End Menu
All of the keywords between these two lines are considered
part of the menu definition. A menu normally consists of a
number of global menu options followed by one or more options
to be displayed on the menu.
18.8.2. Global Menu Options
Global menu options may appear anywhere in a menu definition.
These options can appear in any order.
HeaderFile <filespec> [type]
This keyword specifies the name of a custom .bbs file to
display (or a MEX program to run) when entering a menu
This file is displayed when entering the menu, and it is
also displayed after the user executes a command on the
menu. The HeaderFile is always displayed before the
[type] can be zero or more of the following optional quali-
* Novice
* Regular
* Expert
If one or more [type] values are specified, Maximus will
display the HeaderFile only to users who have at least one
of the specified attributes. (By default, a HeaderFile is
displayed to all users.)
For example, given the following line:
HeaderFile Misc\Msghdr RIP Regular
Maximus would display the HeaderFile to users who either
have a help level of regular or who have RIPscrip graphics
A MEX program can be used for the HeaderFile definition by
specifying a ":" as the first character in <filespec>. If
the user is just entering the message, the argument passed
18. Control File Reference 435
to the main function is "1". Otherwise, the argument passed
to the main function is "0".
Menu <filestem>
This keyword begins a menu definition. <filestem> is the
root name of the menu file (without the .mnu extension).
<filestem> should not include a path.
MenuColor <attr>
This command is normally only needed when using the
"MenuFile <filespec>" keyword in conjunction with hotkeys.
While these settings are in effect, if a user presses a key
during the display of the MenuFile, Maximus will abort the
display of the file and process the user's input immedi-
However, the MenuFile may use odd color combinations, so
this keyword tells Maximus to reset the color to <attr> be-
fore displaying the character entered by the user. <attr>
is a numeric AVATAR color code, as described in Appendix F.
MenuFile <filename> [type]
This keyword instructs Maximus to display the specified
.bbs file instead of generating a "canned" display for this
menu. This option allows the SysOp to define a custom
graphics screen instead of the standard yellow and gray
menu display.
If you use this option on a message area menu, you are
strongly urged to also use the MenuLength keyword to ensure
that the menu output is displayed properly.
[type] can be zero or more of the following optional quali-
* Novice
* Regular
* Expert
If one or more [type] values are specified, Maximus will
display the MenuFile only to users who have at least one of
the specified attributes. By default, a MenuFile is dis-
played to all users.
MenuLength <length>
This keyword is only used in conjunction with the MenuFile
keyword. This keyword informs Maximus that the custom
MenuFile display file is exactly <length> lines long. Maxi-
18. Control File Reference 436
mus uses this value to ensure that messages do not scroll
off the screen when the custom menu is displayed.
OptionWidth <width>
This keyword tells Maximus to display each menu option in a
space of exactly <width> characters. The default value for
<width> is 20.
Title <name>
This keyword defines the name of the menu as it appears to
the user. The value specified for <name> can also include
external program translation characters.
18.8.3. Menu Option Modifiers
These modifiers are simple flags that can be placed in front
of menu options. Menu option modifiers modify the operation
of a menu item in some manner.
Ctl <option>
This modifier is obsolete.
Conf <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus to display the following
menu option only in areas which have the Style Conf attrib-
Echo <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus to display the following
menu option only in areas which have the Style Echo attrib-
Local <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus to display the following
menu option only in areas which have the Style Local at-
Matrix <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus to display the following
menu option only in areas which have the Style Net attrib-
18. Control File Reference 437
NoCLS <option>
This modifier is only used in conjunction with the
"Display_Menu" option. The NoCLS modifier instructs Maximus
not to clear the screen before displaying the specified
NoDsp <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus not to display the follow-
ing menu option on the generated menu display. This modi-
fier is useful for creating hidden commands and linked menu
NoRIP <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus to display the following
menu option only when the user does not have RIPscrip
graphics enabled.
ReRead <option>
This modifier is only used in conjunction with the
Xtern_Dos and Xtern_Run menu options.
This modifier instructs Maximus to re-read the user's las-
tus##.bbs after running the external command. This option
is useful when the external program modifies the user file
and wishes to communicate the changes back to Maximus.
RIP <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus to display the following
menu option only to those users who have RIPscrip graphics
UsrLocal <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus to display the following
menu option only when the user is logged in at the local
console. This modifier is useful for creating menu commands
that can only be used locally by the SysOp.
UsrRemote <option>
This modifier instructs Maximus to display the following
menu option only when the user is logged in from remote.
This modifier is useful for hiding commands that are only
useful for remote callers, such as call-back verification
18. Control File Reference 438
18.8.4. Menu Option Format
Maximus supports up to 127 menu options on a single menu. The
format for each menu option looks like this:
[modifier] <option_name> [arg] <acs> "<desc>" ["kp"]
[modifier] can be zero or more of the optional menu option
modifiers, as described in the previous section.
<option_name> is the name of the menu command to execute when
the user selects this option. An alphabetical list of menu
commands can be found in section 18.8.5.
[arg] is the optional argument for the menu command. This
field must not be specified unless the menu command specifi-
cally requires an argument. The description for each menu
command indicates whether or not the command requires an ar-
<acs> is the access control string required to view or exe-
cute the menu option.
<desc> is the description of the menu command, as it appears
on the menu. The description must be enclosed in quotes.
Maximus uses the first letter of the description as the se-
lection character for the command; this means that the menu
option will be executed when the user presses this character.
Normally, the first letter of <desc> must be unique among op-
tions on a single menu.
However, Maximus also allows menu options to be connected to
the function keys and arrow keys on an IBM-style keyboard.
These special keys work on the local console, and they also
work for any user with a terminal program that supports
"DoorWay mode."
If a back-quote ("`") is specified as the first character of
<desc>, Maximus will interpret the following number as the
scan code of the key to assign to the menu option. (A list of
scan codes can be found in most technical PC reference manu-
als. In general, scan codes are related to the placement of
keys on the keyboard.)
The following key assignments are used on the default message
area menu:
NoDsp Msg_Change Transient "`46" ; alt-c
NoDsp Read_Previous Transient "`75" ; left
NoDsp Read_Original Transient "`115" ; ctrl-left
NoDsp Read_Next Transient "`77" ; right
NoDsp Read_Reply Transient "`116" ; ctrl-right
NoDsp Msg_Reply Transient "`16" ; alt-q
18. Control File Reference 439
NoDsp Msg_Reply Transient "`19" ; alt-r
NoDsp Msg_Kill Transient "`37" "=" ; alt-k
[kp] is the optional Key_Poke text. This argument must be en-
closed in quotes. When the user selects this menu option,
Maximus will automatically insert the text in [kp] into the
keyboard buffer. This functionality is identical to that pro-
vided by the Key_Poke menu option.
18.8.5. Alphabetical Menu Option Listing
Invoke the internal multinode chat facility (in CB simula-
tor mode). Please see section 7.2 for more information.
Prompt the user for a node number to page and then send a
chat request to the specified user. After the message is
sent, Maximus places the user inside the multinode chat un-
til the other user responds to the page. Please see section
7.2 for more information.
Invoke the internal multinode chat (in private chat mode).
Please see section 7.2 for more information.
Toggle the user's multinode chat availability flag.
Change the user's alias to a new value. The new alias must
not conflict with the name or alias of any other user on
the system.
Select the default compression method for downloading QWK
packets. Normally, the user is prompted to select an ar-
chiver for every download. This menu option can be used to
select a default archiver and suppress the prompt.
Change the user's city to a new value.
18. Control File Reference 440
Toggle the user's clearscreen setting.
Toggle the user's full-screen editor flag. This option tog-
gles between the line editor and the full-screen MaxEd edi-
Toggle the user's full-screen reader flag. When enabled, an
attractive message header is displayed to users with ANSI
or AVATAR graphics. All of the fields in the message header
are presented at once, and the user can move back and forth
between the fields using the cursor keys or tab key.
Change the user's help level. Maximus supports the novice,
regular and expert help levels.
Toggle the user's hotkeys setting. With hotkeys enabled,
menu commands are executed as soon as the key is pressed,
without waiting for the user to press <enter>.
Toggle the user's "IBM extended ASCII" flag. This controls
whether Maximus sends high-bit characters directly or
whether it translates those characters to ASCII equiva-
Select a new language file. Any of the language files
specified in the language control file can be selected
Change the user's screen length to a new value.
Toggle the display of "More [Y,n,=]?" prompts.
18. Control File Reference 441
Change the number of NUL characters sent after every trans-
mitted line.
Change the user's password to a new value.
Change the user's telephone number.
Select a new default protocol. Normally, Maximus prompts
the user to select a file transfer protocol for every up-
load and download. A default protocol can be selected to
suppress this prompt.
This option is obsolete.
Toggle the user's RIPscrip graphics setting. Enabling
RIPscrip also forces ANSI graphics and screen clearing to
be enabled.
Toggle the user's "tab" setting. This flag tells Maximus if
it can transmit tab characters to the user; if not, it will
translate tabs into sequences of up to eight spaces.
Toggle the user's "display in userlist" flag. If this op-
tion is set to no, the user is never displayed in the us-
erlist. If this option is set to yes, the user may be dis-
played in the user list, depending on whether or not the
Flags Hide attribute is specified for the user's class in
the access control file.
Select a new video mode. Maximus supports the TTY, ANSI and
AVATAR video modes.
Change the user's screen width to a new value.
18. Control File Reference 442
Clear the user's command-stack buffer. This will eliminate
any leftover input in the keyboard input buffer. This op-
tion is normally linked with another menu option.
Display_File <filespec>
This command displays the .bbs file specified by the
<filespec> argument. This argument can also include exter-
nal program translation characters. (However, remember that
translation characters used in filenames must begin with a
"+" character, not a "%" character.)
For example, to display a file called bps<b>.bbs, where <b>
is the current baud rate, the following line can be used:
Display_File D:\Bps+B Demoted "BaudFile"
Display_Menu <name>
This menu option instructs Maximus to display the menu
specified by <name>. The <name> argument must not include a
path or extension.
Display_Menu calls are "flat," in that the called menu does
not implicitly know how to return to the calling menu
(without using an explicit Display_Menu with the calling
menu's name). If this behavior is not desired, see the
Link_Menu menu option for a more robust approach.
Abort entry of the current message. This option is only
valid within the line editor.
Append to a message in the line editor, or return to the
full-screen MaxEd display. This option is only valid within
one of the editor menus.
Delete a line from a message in the line editor. This op-
tion is only valid within the line editor.
Modify one line within the message. This option is only
valid within the line editor.
18. Control File Reference 443
Edit the From: field of a message. This option is only
valid within one of the editor menus.
Modify the message attributes associated with a message.
This option should only be accessible to the SysOp. This
option is only valid within one of the editor menus.
Insert a line into the message. This option is only valid
within the line editor.
List the lines in the current message. This option is only
valid within the line editor.
Copy text from the message that the user is replying to and
place it in the current message. This option is only valid
within the line editor.
Save the message and place it in the message base. This op-
tion is only valid within the line editor.
Edit the Subject: field of the message. This option is only
valid within one of the editor menus.
Edit the To: field of the message. This option is only
valid within one of the editor menus.
Prompt the user to select a new file area.
Display the contents of a compressed file. Maximus supports
files compressed using the ARC, ARJ, PAK, ZIP, and LZH com-
pression methods.
18. Control File Reference 444
Download (send) a file from the file areas.
Move a file from one file area to another.
Delete a file from the current file area.
Search all file areas for a file with a certain filename or
description. This command can also be used to display a
list of new files.
Search for new files in all file areas. This command is
identical to the [newfiles] MECCA token.
Temporarily change the download path for the current area.
This function allows the SysOp to access any directory on
the BBS as if it were a normal file area. See also the
File_Raw menu option.
Display a raw directory of the current file area. This op-
tion shows all files in the directory, not just those con-
tained in files.bbs.
Add ("tag") a file and place it in the downloaded queue.
The files tagged by this command can be downloaded later
using the File_Download command.
Display a list of all files in the current file area, in-
cluding the name, timestamp and description of each file.
To produce this listing, Maximus reads the files.bbs file
for the current area.
Display the contents of an ASCII text file in the current
file area.
18. Control File Reference 445
Upload (receive) a file.
Maximus can automatically exclude specific types of files
from being uploaded. When the user uploads a file, Maximus
compares the filenames of the files to be uploaded with the
names specified in the \max\badfiles.bbs file. If an up-
loaded file is named in that file, Maximus will display the
\max\misc\bad_upld.bbs file and abort the upload.
Filenames specified in badfiles.bbs can be full filenames
or wildcard file specifications. Spaces or newlines can be
used to separate file specifications. For example:
Uploaded files which are excluded by this list are auto-
matically deleted and the user is not given credit for the
Log off the system.
Key_Poke <keys>
Insert the keystrokes specified by <keys> into the user's
keystroke buffer. Maximus behaves just as if the user had
entered the keystrokes manually. Ensure that all spaces are
replaced with underscores.
For example:
Key_Poke bayl Demoted "*List new msgs"
If this command is executed from the message menu, it will
select the Browse / All / Your / List command and display a
list of all new messages addressed to the current user.
External program translation characters can also be in-
cluded in the <keys> sequence. To place an <enter> key-
stroke in the input sequence, a ";" or "|" character will
work with most (but not all) commands.
Note! Keys can also be implicitly placed in the keyboard buffer
by placing an extra set of quotation marks after the name
of a menu option. For example, the following menu option:
Msg_Browse Demoted "*List new msgs" "ayl"
18. Control File Reference 446
automatically places the "a," "y" and "l" characters in the
keyboard buffer before executing the Browse command.
Place the user in the message editor and address a message
to the SysOp. The message is placed in the area defined by
Comment Area in the system control file.
Link_Menu <name>
This menu option can be used to nest menus. When menu
<name> is displayed by this option, the Return menu option
can be used to return back to the calling menu. Maximus
supports up to eight nested Link_Menu options.
For example, if the following option is placed on your main
Link_Menu CHAT Demoted "/Chat menu
then placing the following option on your chat menu allows
Maximus to return to the main menu when the "M" key is se-
Return Demoted "Main menu"
Prompt the user to select a new message area.
Invoke the Browse function. This option allows the user to
selectively read, list, or pack messages for the QWK mail
packer. Messages can be selected by area, by message type,
and by a user-defined search of the message header and
Modify an existing message. Maximus only allows users to
modify messages that have not been:
* read by the addressee,
* scanned out as EchoMail, or
* sent as NetMail
However, if the user's class has the MailFlags MsgAttrAny
attribute specified, Maximus will allow the user to modify
the message anyway.
18. Control File Reference 447
Invoke the built-in mailchecker. This option is equivalent
to the [msg_checkmail] MECCA token.
Redisplay the current message.
Lists unreceived file attaches addressed to the current
user. This command then prompts the user to download each
file attach.
Invoke the user editor and automatically perform a search
on the user listed in the From: field of the current mes-
sage. This option is normally only accessible to the SysOp.
Create a new message in the current area.
Forward a copy of the current message to another user.
Move a message from one area to another.
Delete a message from the current area. The message must be
either To: or From: the current user. (Maximus will also
allow users in a class with the MailFlags ShowPvt attribute
to delete messages which are addressed to other users.)
Toggle display of the <ctrl-a> "kludge" lines at the begin-
ning of messages. These lines normally hold message routing
and control information. This option is normally only
available to the SysOp.
Reply to the current message. The reply is placed in the
current area.
18. Control File Reference 448
Msg_Reply_Area <area>
Reply to the current message in another area.
If the <area> argument specifies an explicit message area
name, the reply is automatically placed in the indicated
area. If a "." is specified, the user is prompted to select
a message area for the reply.
Limit QWK message downloads on the basis of message date.
Users can set this field so that messages that arrived on
the system prior to a certain date are not downloaded. This
date remains in effect for the current session only.
Tag (select) specific message areas of interest. The list
of tagged areas can be later recalled when using the
Msg_Browse command.
"Unreceive" the current message. This option resets the
"received" flag for the current message, regardless of the
message's author. This option should normally only be
available to the SysOp.
Create a message by uploading a file, rather than invoking
one of the internal editors. Maximus still prompts the user
for the message header information, but after the header is
created, it prompts the user to upload an ASCII text file.
Upload a .rep reply packet generated by a QWK off-line
Export a message to an ASCII text file. This option allows
the user to specify an explicit path and filename, so only
the SysOp should be able to access this command.
To print a message, select the Msg_Xport option and specify
a filename of "prn".
18. Control File Reference 449
Set the text color to white and prompt the user to press
<enter>. This option is normally linked with another menu
Import an ASCII text file from the local disk and place it
in the current message. This option can only be used from
one of the editor menus. This option allows the user to
specify an explicit path and filename, so it should only be
available to the SysOp.
Read a specific message number in the current area.
Read the next message in the current area.
Display all of the messages in the area without pausing af-
ter each message. If the last reading command was
Read_Next, messages are displayed in forward order. Other-
wise, if the last reading command was Read_Previous, mes-
sages are displayed in reverse order.
Read the original message in the current thread. See also
Read the previous message in the current area.
Display the next message in the current thread. See also
Return from a menu that was called with the Link_Menu op-
Continue reading messages in the same direction, as speci-
fied by the last Read_Previous or Read_Next menu option.
18. Control File Reference 450
Invoke the system user editor. This option should only be
accessible to the SysOp.
Display a list of all users on the system. Users who dis-
able the "In UserList" setting in their user profile are
not displayed. In addition, users in classes with the Flags
Hide attribute are never displayed.
Display the Maximus version number and credit information.
Maximus prompts the user to press <enter> after displaying
this screen.
On a multinode system, this displays the names, task num-
bers, and status of users who are logged on.
Xtern_Dos <cmd>
Xtern_Erlvl <errorlevel>[_<cmd>]
Xtern_Run <cmd>
Run the external program specified by <cmd>. If <cmd> has
arguments, ensure that all spaces are replaced with under-
Please see section 6 for more information on running exter-
nal programs.
Page the system operator. Maximus will play one of the yell
tunes if yelling is currently enabled.
18.9. Access Control File
18.9.1. Description
The default access control file is access.ctl. This file de-
fines the user classes and privilege levels for all users on
the system.
18. Control File Reference 451
18.9.2. Alphabetical Keyword Listing
Access <name>
This keyword begins a class definition. <name> is the
unique symbolic name for this class. This name may be used
interchangeably with the argument specified for Level.
Calls <no>
This keyword specifies the maximum number of times per day
that users of this class are allowed to log on. If <no> is
-1, users can log on an unlimited number of times.
Cume <mins>
This keyword specifies the maximum amount of time per day
that users of this class are allowed to log on the system.
See also the Time keyword.
Desc <desc>
This keyword specifies an optional description for the
privilege level. If no description is specified, the name
of the class itself is used.
End Access
This keyword marks the end of an access level definition.
FileLimit <kbs>
This keyword specifies the maximum number of kilobytes that
users in this class are allowed to download per day.
FileRatio <amt>
This keyword specifies the download:upload ratio for users
in this class. After exceeding the RatioFree level of down-
loads, the user must upload files such that the down-
load:upload ratio is at least <amt>. Otherwise, Maximus
will not allow the user to download files.
Flags <words>
Set a number of attributes for users of this class.
Zero or more of the options from Table 18.12 can be speci-
fied for <words>:
18. Control File Reference 452
Table 18.12 Access Flags
Word Description
DloadHidden Users can download files which are hidden or
not listed in the files list for the current
file area.
Hangup Users of this class are not allowed to log
on. Maximus will hang up immediately when a
user of this class calls the system.
Hide Users of this class are not displayed in the
system user list.
NoFileLimit The download byte/ratio limits do not apply
to users in this class.
NoTimeLimit Disables time limit and input timeout check-
ing for users in this class.
NoLimits This is equivalent to specifying both
NoFileLimit and NoTimeLimit.
ShowAllFiles When displaying a file list, display all
files, even those which were hidden by plac-
ing an "@" as the first character in the
file area list.
ShowHidden Users in this class can see all users in the
user list, regardless of "do not display in
list" settings.
UploadAny Users in this class can upload any type of
file, bypassing checks for .bbs, .gbs, and
.rbs files, and also bypassing the checks
for files listed in badfiles.bbs.
Key <letter>
This keyword defines the one-character key used to specify
this user class level. This key is used by some of the ob-
solete MECCA tokens (including [?below], [?above], [?line],
and [?file]).
Level <lvl>
This keyword specifies the numeric privilege level for this
user class. <lvl> must be between 0 and 65535 (inclusive).
<lvl> must be unique among all user classes.
LoginFile <filename>
This keyword specifies the file to be displayed to users in
this class as soon as they log on.
LogonBaud <baud>
Users of this class must have a speed of at least <baud>
before they are allowed to log on.
18. Control File Reference 453
MailFlags <words>
These flags control a number of options related to entering
messages and viewing mail.
Any of the values from Table 18.13 can be specified for
Table 18.13 Access Mail Flags
Type Description
Editor If an external message editor is defined,
both local and remote users in this class
are permitted to use it.
LocalEditor If an external message editor is defined,
local users in this class are permitted
to use it.
MsgAttrAny Users in this class are allowed to modify
any message or set any attribute in a
NetMail message.
NetFree Users in this class are not charged for
entering NetMail messages. The user's
NetMail credit and debit fields are not
NoRealName Users in this class will never have the
REALNAME kludge added to messages that
they create.
ShowPvt Users in this class can see all messages,
regardless of the message addressee or
private flag.
WriteRdOnly Users in this class can post messages in
areas marked as Style ReadOnly.
OldPriv <value>
This keyword specifies the "Maximus 2.0 compatibility
privilege level". Maximus 3.0 itself does not use this
value; however, SILT will use this number when writing data
files that are compatible with Maximus 2.0.
This field is not optional. (If you create additional user
classes, copy the Oldpriv value from one of the existing
classes with a similar privilege level.)
RatioFree <kbs>
Users in this class are allowed to download <kbs> kilobytes
of files before the FileRatio limit is applied.
18. Control File Reference 454
Time <mins>
Users in this class are allowed to log on for up to <mins>
minutes per session.
UploadReward <value>
This keyword tells Maximus how much time to give back to
users who upload files.
A <value> of 100% adds back only the amount of time that
the user spent uploading the file, so the user will have
the same amount of time left when the upload is complete.
To give users extra time for uploading files, use a <value>
in excess of 100%.
To provide no compensation for uploads, set the reward to
UserFlags <value>
This keyword specifies an optional set of flags. These
class flags can be used in MEX programs to test for various
class attributes. Maximus itself does not use this field.
This value may be given in decimal or hexadecimal.
(Hexadecimal constants are specified using the "0x" or "$"
XferBaud <baud>
Users in this class must have a speed of at least <baud> to
download files.
18.10. Protocol Control File
The default protocol control file is protocol.ctl. Maximus
can directly use external protocols such as DSZ, MPt, Kermit,
and others. Maximus has a configurable, control-file-driven
protocol system which can interface to almost any type of ex-
ternal protocol.
In addition to "standard" protocols such as DSZ, Maximus also
supports "Opus-compatible" protocols, such as OKermit, OASCII
and others. These protocols must also be defined in the pro-
tocol control file, but they use a slightly different decla-
ration format.
18. Control File Reference 455
18.10.1. Alphabetical Keyword Listing
ControlFile <filespec>
This keyword defines the name of the control file to create
for this protocol. Maximus will write text to this control
file indicating the actions that the protocol is to perform
(such as "send file X" or "receive files to directory Y").
The exact text written to this file is controlled by the
DownloadString, UploadString and Type Opus keywords.
If you have a multinode system, ensure that the task number
is included in the name of the control file (using the %K
token). Otherwise, the control file could get overwritten
by another task.
DescriptWord <num>
When parsing the upload log created by the protocol, this
keyword defines the "word number" of the description for
the uploaded file.
For each line in the upload log, Maximus will split the
line into a number of words. Maximus will search for the
<num>th word after it finds the UploadKeyword string. Eve-
rything from that word until the end of the string is con-
sidered the description for the uploaded file. If the up-
load log does not include descriptions, you must specify a
value of 0 for <num>.
For example, if the upload log looks like this:
= 10 Sep 14:10:10 FROG Got \upl\docs.zip Maximus docs
DescriptWord should have a value of 2, since the "Maximus
docs" description begins two words after the UploadKeyword
of "Got."
DownloadCmd <cmd>
This keyword specifies the command to execute when a user
requests a download using the current protocol.
For an Opus-compatible protocol, the following format must
be used:
DownloadCmd <n>.Exe <n>%K.Ctl -p%p -b%b -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t
where <n> is the name of the external protocol, such as
"ASCII" or "Kermit."
18. Control File Reference 456
DownloadKeyword <keyword>
When parsing the download log created by an external proto-
col, Maximus uses this keyword to identify the log entries
that indicate that the user has downloaded a file.
For example, if the protocol writes out lines in this for-
mat when the user downloads a file (as do Opus-compatible
Sent c:\path\filename.zip
you should specify a DownloadKeyword of "Sent." To search
for a string containing spaces, enclose <keyword> in
DownloadString <cmd>
Maximus will place this string in the protocol control file
when it wishes to send a file to the user.
This line is written to the control file once for each file
selected by the user. If the "%s" token is included in the
command string, it is replaced with the name of the file to
be sent.
For example, with the following definition:
DownloadString Send %s
Maximus will create a protocol control file that contains
entries of the form:
Send d:\file\maxutil\uedit.zip
Send d:\file\netutil\nodelist.zip
For Opus-compatible protocols, use a DownloadString of
"Send %s".
End Protocol
This keyword marks the end of a protocol definition.
FilenameWord <num>
When parsing the upload log created by the protocol, this
keyword defines the "word number" of the name of the up-
loaded file.
For each line in the upload log, Maximus will split the
line into a number of words. Maximus will search for the
<num>th word after it finds the UploadKeyword string. That
word is the name of the uploaded file.
18. Control File Reference 457
For example, if the upload log looks like this:
= 10 Sep 14:10:10 FROG Got \upl\docs.zip Maximus docs
FilenameWord should have a value of 1, since the
\upl\docs.zip filename begins one word after the UploadKey-
word of "Got."
LogFile <filespec>
This keyword defines the name of the log file created by
the external protocol. The "%K" external program transla-
tion character can be used to embed the task number in the
When the protocol returns, Maximus scans this file for
download and upload file information, as specified by the
DownloadString and UploadString keywords.
Protocol <name>
This keyword identifies the beginning of a protocol defini-
tion. The <name> parameter is used to identify the name of
the protocol on the protocol menu. Consequently, the first
character of <name> must be unique.
Type Batch
Type Bi
Type Opus
These modifiers are used to set certain flags for the ex-
ternal protocol.
Zero or more of the optional modifiers from Table 18.14 can
be included:
Table 18.14 Protocol Types
Keyword Description
Batch The specified protocol accepts more than one
file at a time. The user is not prompted to en-
ter the names of files to upload.
Bi The protocol can both send and receive files at
the same time. Maximus scans the protocol log
file for both upload and download entries.
Opus Maximus should generate Opus-compatible infor-
mation at the beginning of the protocol control
18. Control File Reference 458
UploadCmd <cmd>
This keyword specifies the command to execute when a user
requests an upload using the current protocol.
For an Opus-compatible protocol, the following format must
be used:
UploadCmd <n>.Exe <n>%K.Ctl -p%p -b%b -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t
where <n> is the name of the external protocol, such as
"ASCII" or "Kermit."
UploadString <cmd>
This keyword defines the string that Maximus places in the
protocol control file to request that a file be uploaded.
For non-batch protocols, a "%s" in <cmd> translates into
the path and filename of the file to be received.
For batch protocols, a "%s" in <cmd> translates into the
upload directory.
For Opus-compatible protocols, <cmd> should be "Get".
UploadKeyword <keyword>
When parsing the upload log created by an external proto-
col, Maximus uses this keyword to identify the log entries
that indicate that the user has uploaded a file.
For example, if the protocol writes out lines in this for-
mat when the user uploads a file (as do Opus-compatible
Got c:\path\filename.zip
you should specify a UploadKeyword of "Got." To search for
a string containing spaces, enclose <keyword> in quotes.
18.10.2. Examples
Sample protocol entries for BiModem, DSZ (Zmodem MobyTurbo),
OASCII, OKermit and MPt are contained in the distribution
version of the protocol.ctl file. However, these protocol en-
tries are commented out by default. To enable a protocol,
simply uncomment all of the lines belonging to that protocol.
If you are using an Opus-compatible external protocol, the
entry in protocol.ctl should have the following format.
18. Control File Reference 459
(Replace each instance of <name> with the name of the exter-
nal protocol.)
Protocol <name>
Type Batch
Type Opus
LogFile <name>%K.Log
ControlFile <name>%K.Ctl
DownloadCmd <name>.Exe <name>%K.Ctl -p%p -b%b -t%k -m%d -
f%D -%t
UploadCmd <name>.Exe <name>%K.Ctl -p%p -b%b -t%k -m%d -
f%D -r%t
DownloadString Send %s
UploadString Get %s
DownloadKeyword Sent
UploadKeyword Got
FilenameWord 1
DescriptWord 4
End Protocol
18.11. Event File
Maximus 3.0 includes an internal event file manager. When us-
ing Maximus in WFC mode, the event manager can be used to run
external programs at predetermined times. The event manager
also controls when the Yell command can be used to page the
All events are defined in an ASCII file named events##.bbs,
where ## is the Maximus node number (in hexadecimal). Maximus
will automatically compile the ASCII-based event file into a
binary events##.dat file when it starts up.
By default, Maximus will always load the event file for the
node specified by the Task keyword in the control file, or
for the node specified using -n on the command line. However,
one event file can be used for an entire multinode system as
long as the event file contains only yell events. To override
the "##" used in events##.bbs, use the -e command line pa-
Every line in the event file has the following format:
Event <day> <start> [end] [flags...]
<day> specifies the day on which this event is to be exe-
cuted. Valid days are "Sun," "Mon," "Tue," "Wed," "Thu,"
"Fri," and "Sat.". To run an event on every day of the week,
specify "All." To run an event only on weekdays, specify
"WkDay." To run an event only on weekends, specify "WkEnd."
To run an event on a combination of days, separate each day
18. Control File Reference 460
with a "|". (For example, "Sun|Mon|Tue" specifies an event
that runs on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.)
<start> is the starting time for the event in 24-hour format.
[end] is the optional ending time for the event, also in 24-
hour format. External events do not require an ending time,
but yell events do.
Following the starting and ending time are zero or more
flags. Any or all of the flags from Table 18.15 can be speci-
Table 18.15 Event Flags
Flag Description
exit=<erl> This tells Maximus to exit with an error-
level of <erl> as soon as the event
starts. This flag is valid only when us-
ing WFC mode.
bells=<num> This specifies the number of bells (or
tunes) that Maximus plays when a user
yells during this event. This flag acti-
vates the yell function for the specified
time period.
maxyell=<num> This specifies the maximum number of
times that a user can yell (without the
SysOp answering) during one session.
tune=<name> This specifies the tune to play during
the current event. <name> can be any
single word up to 32 characters long.
Maximus will search the tunes.bbs file to
find the tune with the specified name.
If no tune is specified, Maximus will
make simple beeping noises. To have Maxi-
mus select a tune at random, use
For example, given the following event line:
Event Wed|Thu|Fri 20:00 23:59 exit=9 bells=3 maxyell=2
Maximus exits with errorlevel 9 at the beginning of the
event. If a user yells, Maximus plays the "StarTrk" tune
(from tunes.bbs) up to 3 times for each yell. The user would
be allowed to yell only twice during one session.
18. Control File Reference 461
18.12. Language Translation File Reference
If you wish to change the language source in english.mad, you
should pay attention to these points:
* Ensure that you do not change the order of the statements
within the file. Disaster will result if the strings get
out of order. You can add and delete blank lines or com-
ments, but leave the order of the strings alone.
* After changing the language file source, the file must be
recompiled with MAID to create the .ltf version of the lan-
* Finally, if you wish to create a modified language for
other people to use, you can simply copy english.* to my-
lang.* (or whatever the new language is to be called). You
can then add a Language Mylang statement in the language
control file.
The exact definitions for the strings in the english.mad are
version-dependent, so they are not described here. Many of
the strings can be changed by simply replacing the text in
the string with the appropriate translation.
However, for strings that include formatting characters (such
as "%s," "%c" and others), ensure that the order of these
characters is not modified. The text between the groups of
formatting characters can be changed, as long as the format-
ting characters remain in the same order relative to each
In addition, some of the strings in the language file have an
implied maximum length. There is no easy way to determine the
maximum length of a language file string. However, if you ex-
pand one of the language strings by a significant amount and
your copy of Maximus no longer works when using that language
file, try reducing the length of the string.
Finally, you can use the user heap concept to add language
file support for MEX programs. User heaps are user-definable
language string heaps, similar to the heaps in the system
language file, except that they are used exclusively by MEX
A user heap is defined in the language file by using a header
of the form:
(This is used instead of the regular heap header of
18. Control File Reference 462
MAID automatically exports user heaps to the language.mh file
when it is run. For every language string defined in a user
heap, MAID generates a "str_<name>" macro that can be used
from within a MEX program to reference the string.
To use a user heap from a MEX program, you must:
1. create a <heapname>.lh file, containing the "=<heapname>"
header and any strings that you want to place in the heap,
2. edit \max\lang\user.lh and add an "#include" directive to
include the .lh file from step 1,
3. add a "#define INCL_<heapname>" directive at the top of
your MEX program,
4. add a "#include <language.mh>" directive at the top of your
MEX program, just below the #define from step 3, and
5. call the function called init_lang_<heapname> from within
your MEX program's main function.
Having done this, any of the strings declared in the
<heapname>.lh file can be accessed from your MEX program by
appending the "str_" prefix to the beginning of the string
Warni MEX programs that use a user heap must be recompiled if the
ng! portion of the language file containing that heap is modi-
For an example of user heaps, please see \max\m\mexchat.mex
and the associated \max\m\mexchat.lh file.
Appendix A: Common Problems
This section describes some of the common problems that some
Maximus SysOps experience:
PROBLEM Users cannot upload QWK messages. Maximus reports "invalid
message area" whenever a user tries to upload a message.
SOLUTION Maximus needs some way to determine whether or not a user is
allowed to upload a message to an area. To do this, it looks
for the menu named "MESSAGE" and tries to find a Msg_Upload
command on it. Maximus uses the privilege level for this com-
mand to determine whether or not the user can access the com-
However, if you have renamed your message menu, Maximus will
not know where to look and it will not allow users to upload
messages. To solve the problem, you can either:
* add a MenuName keyword that specifies the correct message
menu name for all of your message areas, or
* create a menu called "MESSAGE" and add a Msg_Upload option
to it. This menu does not need to be referenced by any
other menus; just as long as the menu is called "MESSAGE,"
Maximus will be able to read the menu and permit QWK
PROBLEM Maximus is not adding an origin line or a tear line to mes-
sages originating from my system, but this only seems to be
happening in certain areas.
SOLUTION You probably specified the wrong area type in your message
area control file. Ensure that you have included a Style Echo
in the message area definition.
PROBLEM When I run an external program, Maximus tries to access one
of my CD-ROMs.
SOLUTION You forgot to edit the Save Directories definition in the
system control file. Before running an external program,
Maximus tries to save the current directory for all drives
indicated in that statement. If you accidentally specify the
Appendices 464
drive letter for a floppy or CD-ROM drive, Maximus will try
to access the disk when it shells out.
PROBLEM When I try to view a file containing ANSI graphics, it comes
out garbled and I can see only the text version of the ANSI
SOLUTION Do not use ANSI graphics directly. Use the supplied ANS2BBS
utility to convert your ANSI screens into a Maximus .bbs
PROBLEM When using the AVATAR graphics mode, users report that every-
thing has changed colors, the full-screen editor does not
work, and other display-related problems.
SOLUTION Your user is probably using Telix for DOS. Early versions of
Telix have bugs in the AVATAR emulation code.
PROBLEM When a user presses <ctrl-c>, Maximus stops sending output to
the user, even though everything still looks fine on the lo-
cal console.
SOLUTION Turn off the Send Break to Clear Buffer feature in the system
control file. Many modems do not support this feature.
PROBLEM Callers sometimes do not see the end of the
\max\misc\byebye.bbs file. They report that Maximus hangs up
before it finishes displaying the file.
SOLUTION Place several [pause] MECCA tokens at the end of
\max\misc\byebye.bbs. Modems which have transmit buffers make
no effort to empty the buffer before hanging up on remote
callers; once Maximus sends the file to the modem, it assumes
that the file has also been received by the caller, so it
hangs up right away. Adding the pauses gives the modem enough
time to display the text to the user.
Appendices 465
Appendix B: Error Messages
This section describes some of the common error messages that
you may see in the system log file.
ANSI sequence found, area XX msg YY
This warning is generated by the Maximus security system.
This warning indicates that it found ANSI codes embedded in
the header of a particular message.
Barricade file priv, 'XXX'?
Maximus could not make any sense out of an ACS specified in
a barricade file.
Can't find 'XXX'
Maximus expected to find a file in a certain location, but
it was not able to find it in the right place.
Can't find barricade file XXX
Maximus could not find the file specified in a Barricade
statement for a message or file area.
Can't find class record
Maximus was unable to find the class record (in the access
control file) for a particular user's privilege level.
Check the user's privilege level and ensure that it corre-
sponds to a class entry in the access control file.
Can't open 'XXX'
Can't read 'XXX'
Can't write 'XXX'
These messages indicate that Maximus was looking for a par-
ticular file, but it was unable to open/read/write it.
These messages could also indicate some sort of "disk full"
Err: Lastread ptr xlinked, usr#nnn
A user's last-read pointer has become crosslinked. This
usually indicates that an external utility has damaged your
user file. To fix this problem, run "cvtusr -l".
Appendices 466
Invalid UL path, area X
The upload path specified for area X does not exist.
Invalid current pwd 'XXX'
The user tried to change his or her password in the Change
Setup section, but the user failed to correctly enter the
current password.
Invalid custom cmd: 'X'
There is an invalid character in a one of the Format
XxxFormat definitions in the system control file. Fix the
sequence and recompile.
Invalid outside cmd: 'X'
You attempted to use an invalid character as an external
program translation character. Such sequences are normally
used for external programs or when writing to a file with
the [write] MECCA token.
Invalid outside errorlevel
This means that you specified an invalid errorlevel for an
errorlevel exit. Valid errorlevels are 5 through 254 inclu-
These messages are displayed when Maximus runs out of mem-
ory. In the DOS version of Maximus, give it more conven-
tional memory.
Max nest lim. exceeded, XXX aborted
This message is displayed when you have tried to [link] a
.bbs file more than 8 levels deep.
No mem for delete buf
No mem for lastread scan
Not enough mem
These mean that Maximus is short on memory. See MSG:ndir.
Null ptr/XXX
A critical error occurred in the Maximus code. Please re-
port this error to Lanius Corporation, along with the cir-
cumstances under which the Null Ptr message was generated.
Appendices 467
See MEM:ndir.
Unknown option type 'XXX'
Maximus found an invalid menu option number in a menu file.
Try recompiling the menu file.
Upload 'ABC.BBS' renamed to 'ABC.BBX'
This means that a user tried to upload a file with an ex-
tension of .bbs. Only users in a class that has the Flags
UploadAny attribute are allowed to upload files with an ex-
tension of .bbs.
User gave device/path 'XXX'
User supplied path 'XXX'
These messages are generated by the Maximus security system
when a user specifies an explicit path or device.
For example, if the user tries to specify an upload file-
name called c:\max\virus.com, Maximus generates a log entry
of "User supplied path 'c:\max'." Maximus will automati-
cally strip off the path, but this message indicates that a
user may be trying to do devious things.
Appendices 468
Appendix C : Command Line Switches
This section describes the format of the Maximus command
line. Maximus can be invoked as shown below:
max [prm_name] [switches ...]
[prm_name] specifies the optional name of the Maximus parame-
ter file to use. By default, Maximus will read the system in-
formation from max.prm.
[switches] can be zero or more of the following optional com-
mand line switches. If no switches are specified, Maximus
starts in local mode.
Table C.1 lists the command line switches supported by Maxi-
Table C.1 Maximus Command Line Switches
Switch Description
-b<x> If used in conjunction with the -w switch, this
specifies the maximum system baud rate. Other-
wise, this switch informs Maximus of the speed
of the incoming caller, as passed on by the
program that answered the phone. See also the
-s switch for information on baud rates and
high-speed modems.
-c Create a user.bbs file. This command is nor-
mally only needed the first time that Maximus
is run. Maximus automatically grants SysOp
privileges to a user who logs on when the -c
switch is used.
-e<x> Use <x> as the decimal "task number" for read-
ing event files. Please see section 18.11 for
more information.
-j<x> "Jam" keystrokes into the keyboard buffer. This
option is useful for automatically logging on
as a user. To imbed spaces in the jam command,
you must enclose the entire parameter in double
For example, to automatically log on as "Joe
max -k "-jJoe SysOp;y;Pwd"
The "-j-" modifier can be used to completely
clear the keyboard buffer. This forces Maximus
to display the logo.bbs file, even for local
Appendices 469
-k Log on in local mode (default).
-l<x> Write the system log to <x>, instead of the
filename specified in the system control file.
If <x> is blank, no log file is used.
-m<x> Override the Multitasker definition in the sys-
tem control file. The following are acceptable
values for <x>:
d ---DoubleDOS
q ---DESQview
m ---PC-MOS
w ---Windows 3.1 or Windows 95
n ---No multitasker
-n<x> Select the node number for this task. This
overrides the Task definition in the system
control file.
-p<x> Selects the COM port number (or port handle for
OS/2) for the current session.
-r Restart a session that was previously ended us-
ing a Xtern_Erlvl exit. Please see section 6
for more information.
-s<x> Use <x> as the locked baud rate. Maximus will
always communicate with the COM port at the
rate specified here. However, it will continue
to calculate file transfer times using the
value specified for -b.
-t<x> Do not allow the current user to remain on-line
for longer than <x> minutes. This command al-
lows a front end mailer to ensure that a user
does not overrun an internal mailer event.
-u Automatically run the system user editor with-
-uq out logging in. The -u switch runs the user
editor in normal mode; the -uq switch runs the
user editor with hotkeys enabled.
-vb (DOS only.) Selects the Maximus video mode. -vb
-vi enables the BIOS video mode; -vi enables the
IBM video mode.
-w Run in Waiting for Caller mode. Please see sec-
tion 5.1 for more information.
-xc Disable carrier drop detection. Maximus will
not monitor the DCD line to determine if a user
has dropped carrier.
-xd Disable automatic DTR dropping when Maximus
ends. When a user logs off, Maximus simply
sends the Busy string without changing DTR.
-xj Disable the local <alt-j> shell feature from
within Maximus. (However, this does not disable
the <alt-j> sequence from within WFC mode.)
-xt Disable Maximus's internal trap logging fea-
ture. Maximus will pause and display an error
pop-up instead of just logging the crash to the
log file (OS/2 only).
Appendices 470
-xz Disable the internal Zmodem protocol.
Appendices 471
Appendix D: Local Keystrokes
Table D.1 describes the keystrokes that can be used on the
SysOp console while a user is on-line.
Table D.1 Local Keystrokes
Key Description
<esc> Abort the current SysOp operation. This key
will dismiss a pop-up window, abort a file
transfer, turn off keyboard mode, or exit
<space> Displays the user's statistics in a pop-up
A Enable local keyboard mode.
L Lock the user's privilege level. The user's
privilege level will be restored when the user
logs off or when you press "U."
N Enable Snoop Mode. Maximus will display output
on the local screen.
O Disable Snoop Mode.
S Set privilege level. This displays a pop-up
window that can be used to adjust the user's
privilege level and keys.
U Restore a user's privilege level after a prior
lock operation.
Z Zero the user's cumulative on-line time for
today. This is useful if the user almost over-
ran the Cume limit for the user class, but if
you still want to allow the user to call back
again later in the day.
1..8 Toggle the specified key number. These toggles
only work for keys 1 through 8. See the "S"
keystroke to toggle other keys.
+ Promote the user's privilege level to a higher
user class.
- Demote the user's privilege level to a lower
user class.
! Toggles the noise made by the Yell command.
= Display the current user's password. This fea-
ture does not work for users with encrypted
? Display the user's statistics (as with
<space>) and turn off Snoop.
<up> Add one minute to the user's time.
<pgup> Add five minutes to the user's time.
<down> Subtract one minute from the user's time.
<pgdn> Subtract five minutes from the user's time.
<alt-c> Initiate chat mode with the current user. Use
the <esc> key to exit chat mode.
Appendices 472
<alt-j> Shell to the operating system.
<alt-n> Toggle the "Nerd" setting for the current
user. When the nerd flag is enabled, the
user's yells do not make any noise on the lo-
cal console.
<alt-d> Generate fake line noise and drop carrier on
the user.
<ctrl-x> Immediately disconnect the current user.
<Fx> Pressing a function key while a user is on-
line will display one of the \max\misc\f*.bbs
files. For example, pressing <f1> displays the
f1.bbs file. Similarly, <ctrl-fX>, <shift-fX>
and <alt-fX> will display the related cf*.bbs,
sf*.bbs and af*.bbs files.
Appendices 473
Appendix E: User Editor Keystrokes
In addition to the highlighted command letters that appear on
the user editor screen, Table E.1 lists a number of other
keystrokes supported by the user editor:
Table E.1 User Editor Keystrokes
Key Description
" Undo changes. This undoes all changes made to the
current user record.
' Find the next user. This continues a search started
with the "~" key.
+ Display the next user.
- Display the previous user.
/ Redraw the screen.
= Toggle the display of the user's password. (This op-
tion only works for users with unencrypted pass-
? Display help on user editor commands.
| Purge users. This function deletes all users who
have the "deleted" flag set in their user record.
~ Find a user. Maximus prompts you for the name of the
user to find (or a part thereof). Maximus will also
search in the alias and phone number fields.
C Create a user. A new user record is appended to the
end of the user file.
D Toggles the "deleted" flag for the current user. The
user is not actually removed from the user file un-
til you do a purge ("|").
J Jump to the last user in the user file.
Appendices 474
Appendix F: AVATAR Colors
This section lists all of the AVATAR color codes that can be
used in .bbs files.
To use this chart, first look in the left-hand column to find
the row with the required foreground color. Next, look across
the top of the chart to find the column with the required
background color. The color number is at the intersection of
the foreground row and the background column.
Background Intensity Black Blue Green Cyan Red Magenta Yellow White
Black low 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112
high 8 24 40 56 72 88 104 120
Blue low 1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113
high 9 25 41 57 73 89 105 121
Green low 2 18 34 50 66 82 98 114
high 10 26 42 58 74 90 106 122
Cyan low 3 19 35 51 67 83 99 115
high 11 27 43 59 75 91 107 123
Red low 4 20 36 52 68 84 100 116
high 12 28 44 60 76 92 108 124
Magenta low 5 21 37 53 69 85 101 117
high 13 29 45 61 77 93 109 125
Yellow low 6 22 38 54 70 86 102 118
high 14 30 46 62 78 94 110 126
White low 7 23 39 55 71 87 103 119
high 15 31 47 63 79 95 111 127
Appendices 475
Appendix G: Sample BAT/CMD Files
This section illustrates how batch files can be used to inte-
grate Maximus with a third-party front end mailer.
Sample Waiting for Caller Batch File
echo Off
rem * Insert your time zone here
set TZ=EST05
rem * Load FOSSIL driver
rem * OS/2 users only:
rem *
rem * Comment out the above call to BNU and uncomment
rem * the following MODE command. (This command should
rem * all be on one line.)
rem *
rem * mode
rem * This is where you call Maximus itself. Change
rem * the '%1' and '%2' as necessary, to make Maximus
rem * work with your mailer. (OS/2 users should replace
rem * "max" with "maxp".)
max -w
if errorlevel 50 goto event
if errorlevel 12 goto scan
if errorlevel 11 goto pack
if errorlevel 5 goto after
if errorlevel 4 goto error
if errorlevel 3 goto error
if errorlevel 2 goto after
if errorlevel 1 goto done
goto after
rem * Run external maintenance program here.
goto Loop
rem * This command should invoke your scanner. For example:
squish out squash -fEchoToss.Log
Appendices 476
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix @echotoss.log
goto loop
rem * This should invoke your mail packer. For example:
squish squash
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix
rem * (OS/2 users should replace "squish" with "squishp"
rem * and "scanbld" with "scanbldp".)
goto Loop
rem * Insert after-caller utilities here.
goto Loop
ECHO A fatal error occurred!
ECHO Maximus down
Sample FrontDoor Batch File
echo off
REM * Insert your time zone here
rem * Load FOSSIL driver
if errorlevel 100 goto Local
if errorlevel 40 goto Maint
if errorlevel 34 goto UnpackMail
if errorlevel 33 goto B2400
if errorlevel 32 goto B1200
if errorlevel 31 goto B300
if errorlevel 10 goto Done
goto loop
rem * A local log-on to Maximus
cd \Max
Max -k
goto after_Max
cd \Max
Appendices 477
Max -b2400 -p1
goto After_Max
cd \Max
Max -b1200 -p1
goto After_Max
cd \Max
Max -b300 -p1
goto After_Max
if errorlevel 12 goto scan
if errorlevel 11 goto pack
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local
goto loop
rem * This should invoke your mail unpacker.
squish in out squash link -fEchoToss.Log
scanbld user.bbs area.dat @echotoss.log matrix
goto Loop
rem * This should invoke your mail scanner.
squish out squash -fechotoss.log
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix @echotoss.log
goto loop
rem * This should invoke your mail packer.
squish squash
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix
goto Loop
rem * Daily maintenance routine goes here
goto Loop
ECHO FrontDoor ... down
Sample BinkleyTerm Batch File
echo off
rem * Insert your time zone here!
Appendices 478
rem * Unload and reload the FOSSIL driver and video FOSSIL.
rem * The following four lines can be omitted under OS/2.
rem * Start BinkleyTerm. Under OS/2, use "BTP unattended
rem * share" to ensure that the com port handle is properly
rem * passed to Maximus.
BT unattended
If ErrorLevel 255 goto Top
If ErrorLevel 96 goto BBS ; 9600 bps
If ErrorLevel 54 goto BBS ; 19200 bps
If ErrorLevel 30 goto Mail ; Incoming ARCmail/pkt/file
If ErrorLevel 24 goto BBS ; 2400 bps
If ErrorLevel 14 goto Maint ; Daily maintenance routine
If ErrorLevel 12 goto BBS ; 1200 bps
If ErrorLevel 3 goto BBS ; 300 bps
If ErrorLevel 2 goto Top
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem * Execute TOSS or IMPORT function here
squish in out squash link -fechotoss.log
scanbld user.bbs area.dat matrix @echotoss.log
goto Top
rem * Execute SCAN and PACK functions here
squish out squash -fechotoss.log
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix @echotoss.log
goto Top
rem * Execute PACK functions here
squish squash
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix
goto Top
rem * Insert daily maintenance routine here
Goto Top
Appendices 479
rem * A human caller is here and wants into the BBS. Bink
rem * will create BBSBATCH.BAT/CMD which calls
rem * with the proper parameters, such as speed, time until
rem * next event, and port number). Maximus is invoked
rem * from SPAWNBBS.
cd \binkley
goto top
rem * I exited Bink and back to DOS.
cd \binkley
echo Binkley ... Down
Sample BinkleyTerm SPAWNBBS.BAT
echo OFF
cd \Max
rem * If running Max at a locked port rate, add a
rem * -s<speed> to the following command. For example,
rem * to lock the port at 38.4kbps, the following statement
rem * could be used: "max -b%2 -p%3 -t%4 -s38400". OS/2
rem * users should do the same, but use "maxp" instead of
rem * "max".
max -b%2 -p%3 -t%4
If ErrorLevel 255 goto End
If ErrorLevel 65 goto Outside
If ErrorLevel 12 goto Export
If ErrorLevel 11 goto Mash
If ErrorLevel 10 goto End
If ErrorLevel 5 goto Acall
goto End
Max -r
goto ELoop
squish out squash -fechotoss.log
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix @echotoss.log
goto end
Appendices 480
squish squash -fechotoss.log
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix
goto end
scanbld user.bbs area.dat local
goto end
Appendices 481
Appendix H: Support Files
Table H.2 lists some of the hardcoded filenames that are used
by Maximus:
Table H.2 Hardcoded Filenames
Filename Description
<area>.dsc This file will be displayed to a user
when entering an area, but only if the
user's lastread pointer is set to 0. (For
Squish areas only.)
<area>.sqr This file is displayed to users every
time they enter a message area. (For
Squish areas only.)
<areaname>.sqx This file is displayed to a user who at-
tempts to enter a message in a read-only
area. (Squish areas only.)
active##.bbs This file is created by Maximus whenever
a user logs onto node "##". The file is
deleted when the user logs off.
attrib.bbs This file is displayed to users who press
a "?" at the attribute prompt in the
full-screen message entry header.
baduser.bbs Maximus will use this file (in the main
system directory) to screen out unwanted
names for new user logons. Maximus will
display the \max\misc\bad_user.bbs file
if a user attempts to use a name defined
in this file. This file is a straight AS-
CII list of names not to be allowed on
the BBS, one name to a line. Each name in
the file is matched to either the first,
last, or the entire name of the user. (If
the first character of the string in
baduser.bbs is a "~", Maximus will per-
form a substring search.)
blt-1.1, Bulletins to be placed in QWK mail pack-
blt-1.99 ets. These files should be placed in the
\max\olr directory.
browse.bbs The help file for the Msg_Browse command.
chathelp.bbs The help file for the multinode chat.
chatpage.bbs The file displayed to the user when a
chat request is received from another
chg_sent.bbs The file displayed when a user tries to
edit a message which has already been
sent, packed, or scanned out.
chg_no.bbs The file displayed when a user tries to
change a message which was written by
Appendices 482
someone else.
descript.bbs This file is displayed to users who have
a lastread pointer of 0 when they enter
the message area containing this file.
(For *.MSG areas only.)
excbytes.bbs This file is displayed to users who at-
tempt to download too many kilobytes in
one session.
excratio.bbs This file is displayed to users who at-
tempted to download a file that would ex-
ceed the file download ratio.
exctime.bbs This file is displayed to users who at-
tempted to download a file that would ex-
ceed the time limit.
file_bad.bbs This file is displayed when an uploaded
file fails the upload virus check. For
more information, see Upload Check Virus
in the system control file.
file_ok.bbs This file is displayed when an uploaded
file passes the upload virus check. For
more information, see Upload Check Virus
in the system control file.
goodbye The file displayed to QWK users when they
close the mail packet from your system.
This file should be in the \max\olr di-
hello The file displayed to QWK users as they
open the mail packet from your system.
This file should be in the \max\olr di-
maxfiles.idx This is the system-wide file index (as
created by FB).
mtag.dat This is a binary file used by Maximus to
store message area tagging information
names.max This file contains a list of aliases to
be used when entering NetMail messages.
This file must be in the \max directory.
Each line has the following format:
<alias>,<name>,<addr> [,<subj>]
When Maximus spots a message addressed to
<alias>, the message will be automati-
cally readdressed to <name> with a desti-
nation address of <addr>. The optional
<subject> can be used to enter the de-
fault for the message subject field. If a
"*" is placed in front of <alias>, the
alias definition can only be accessed by
users in a class with the MailFlags
MsgAttrAny attribute.
newfiles.dat This file is displayed to QWK users when
the user requests a listing of new files.
Appendices 483
This file should be placed in the
\max\olr directory.
news This file is displayed to a QWK user when
the user requests the news file. This
file should be placed in the \max\olr di-
notin.bbs Maximus displays this file when a user
yells for the SysOp and the SysOp does
not respond. This file should be in the
\max\misc directory.
rawdir.bbs If this file is placed in the Download
path for a file area, it is automatically
displayed to the user before the output
of the File_Raw command.
readonly.bbs If this file exists in the directory for
a read-only *.MSG message area, Maximus
will display this file when the user at-
tempts to enter a message.
rules.bbs If this file exists in the directory for
a *.MSG area, Maximus will display it
file to all callers who enter the area.
tag_file.bbs This is the help file for the File_Tag
tag_msg.bbs This is the help file for the Msg_Tag
timeup.bbs This file is displayed to a user whose
time limit has expired.
why_ansi.bbs This is the help file for the "ANSI
graphics [Y,n,?]" question.
why_fb.bbs This is the help file for the "Leave a
message to the SysOp [Y,n,?]" question.
why_fsed.bbs This is the help file for the "Use MaxEd
[Y,n,?]" question.
why_hot.bbs This is the help file for the "Use Hot-
keys [Y,n,?]" question.
why_hu.bbs This is the help file for the "Goodbye
[Y,n,?]" question.
why_pc.bbs This is the help file for the "Use IBM
Chars [Y,n,?]" question.
why_pvt.bbs This is the help file for the "Private
[Y,n]?" question when entering a message
in TTY mode.
xpdate.bbs This file is displayed when a user's sub-
scription expires by date. This file is
in the \max\misc directory.
xptime.bbs This file is displayed when a user's sub-
scription expires by time. This file is
in the \max\misc directory.
yell.bbs Maximus will display this file (from the
\max\misc directory) if a user tries to
yell when yell is turned off.
OldPriv, 453
* RatioFree, 451, 453
*.MSG, 49, 65, 428 Time, 451, 454
UploadReward, 454
9 UserFlags, 454
9600 bps, 34, 37, 371 XferBaud, 420, 454
ACS, 60, 61, 69, 79, 90, 98,
A 101, 317, 369, 424, 425,
ACCEM, 125, 126 426, 430, 431, 432, 438,
access control file. See ac- 465
cess.ctl Address, 395
access control string. See alias, 25
ACS ANS2BBS, 126, 127
access.ctl ANS2MEC, 126, 127
Access, 451 ANSI, 6, 7, 12, 17, 19, 26,
Calls, 451 41, 64, 88, 89, 110, 112,
Cume, 451, 471 114, 126, 127, 128, 138,
Desc, 451 153, 157, 238, 256, 270,
End Access, 451 271, 272, 358, 371, 376,
FileLimit, 451 401, 417, 440, 441, 464,
FileRatio, 451, 453 465, 483
Flags, 451 ARC, 443
Flags DloadHidden, 452 ARCTIC, 35
Flags Hangup, 452 arrow keys
Flags Hide, 441, 450, 452 using menu options with,
Flags NoFileLimit, 452 438
Flags NoLimits, 452 AUTOEXEC.BAT, 36, 120, 138
Flags NoTimeLimit, 452 AVATAR, 7, 12, 17, 19, 26,
Flags ShowAllFiles, 452 64, 88, 110, 114, 138,
Flags ShowHidden, 452 153, 237, 238, 256, 270,
Flags UploadAny, 452, 467 358, 361, 371, 376, 417,
Key, 452 435, 440, 441, 464, 474
Level, 451, 452
LoginFile, 452 B
LogonBaud, 411, 419, 452 barricade, 77, 78, 253, 254,
MailFlags, 453 424, 430, 465
MailFlags Editor, 409, extended, 78
453 batch files
MailFlags LocalEditor, errorlevel, 107
409, 453 BinkleyTerm, 44, 478
MailFlags MsgAttrAny, BNU, 2, 35, 36, 50, 475, 478
410, 446, 453, 482 BORED, 17, 19, 26, 156, 311,
MailFlags NetFree, 453 416
MailFlags NoRealName, 453 BUFFERS=, 38
MailFlags ShowPvt, 10,
447, 453 C
MailFlags WriteRdOnly, cable, 34
10, 429, 453 callinfo.bbs, 112, 113
Index 486
CB chat, 122, 123 display files. See MECCA,
CD-ROM, 73, 74, 75, 76, 131, files
412, 431, 432, 433, 463 Display_Menu, 442
chain.txt, 112, 113 door. See external program
characters door interface, 112, 113
high-bit, 26 door.sys, 112, 113
chat, 2, 9, 28, 29, 54, 117, doors
120, 121, 122, 123, 143, OS/2 and, 28
161, 261, 269, 270, 275, dorinfo1.def, 112
341, 379, 390, 399, 401, DoubleDOS, 389, 469
417, 423, 439, 446, 471, download, 22, 27, 29, 430,
481 444
colors control file. See downloads
colors.ctl free, 71
colors.ctl staged, 73
Popup Border, 422 DTR, 393, 469
Popup highlight, 422 duplicate file checking, 414
Popup List, 422
Popup LSelect, 422 E
Popup Text, 422 EchoMail areas, 10
Status Bar, 422 EDITCAL, 129
Status Chat, 423 editor
Status Key, 423 ASCII, 38, 39, 63, 71, 80
WFC Activity, 423 EMS
WFC ActivityBor, 423 swapping to, 391
WFC Keys, 423 english.mad, 132, 133, 461
WFC KeysBor, 423 errorlevel, 45, 46, 47, 48,
WFC Line, 423 50, 54, 86, 106, 107, 108,
WFC Modem, 423 109, 140, 141, 396, 399,
WFC ModemBor, 423 450, 460, 466, 475, 476,
WFC Name, 423 477
WFC Status, 424 events
WFC StatusBor, 424 external, 53
colors.lh, 422 yell, 53, 54
COM.SYS, 35 exebbs.bat, 44
COM16550.SYS, 35 expiration. See subscription
compress.cfg, 400, 421 expiration date, 94, 362
conference areas, 10 extended ASCII, 26, 156,
CONFIG.SYS, 36, 38, 123, 138 429, 440
control.dat, 422 extended barricades, 78
credit. See NetMail, credit external program, 8, 15, 17,
custom menu, 79, 80, 81, 22, 28, 42, 45, 49, 53,
374, 436 83, 105, 106, 107, 109,
CVTUSR, 41, 127, 128 111, 112, 113, 114, 134,
135, 239, 263, 264, 278,
D 327, 355, 366, 367, 368,
data carrier detect. See DCD 382, 385, 387, 388, 391,
DCD, 33, 34, 266, 275, 283, 401, 404, 412, 417, 419,
284, 469 437, 442, 450, 457, 459,
DESQview, 117, 389, 469 463, 466
DigiBoard, 35
DIP switches, 33 F
farea.dat, 40
Index 487
FB, 23, 75, 76, 77, 129, flow control
131, 414, 431, 432, 482 CTS, 394
FidoNet, 10, 42, 44, 120, DSR, 394
395, 396, 398 XON, 394
file area control file. See FOSSIL, 2, 35, 36, 49, 113,
filearea.ctl 391, 394, 475, 476, 478
file areas, 39, 64, 66 FrontDoor, 44, 398, 477
hierarchical, 68 FSR, 27
overriding, 24 function keys
searching, 21 using menu options with,
file attach, 12, 86, 87, 88, 438
253, 375, 390, 400, 401,
408, 424, 428, 447 G
filearea.ctl, 40 GAP, 112
ACS, 430 goto, 47, 48, 50, 51, 476,
Barricade, 77, 430, 465 477, 478, 479, 480
Desc, 406, 430 guest account, 7
Description, 430
Download, 67, 70, 74, H
430, 432, 483 Hayes, 3, 33, 43, 85, 392
End FileArea, 430 HeaderFile, 434
FileArea, 66, 69, 73, 430 help levels, 25
FileDivisionBegin, 69,
431 I
FileDivisionEnd, 69, 431 install.exe, 32
FileList, 74, 111, 131, installation, 2, 31, 32, 36,
431 40, 41, 48, 51, 118, 120,
MenuName, 431 121, 151, 387
Override, 432
Type, 432 K
Type CD, 73, 432 Kermit, 454, 455, 458
Type DateAuto, 75, 403,
432 L
Type DateList, 75, 76, label, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51,
129, 403, 432 108, 125, 192, 246, 247,
Type DateManual, 403, 432 356, 357, 372, 374
Type FileList, 130 language, 27
Type Free, 432 language control file. See
Type FreeBytes, 432 language.ctl
Type FreeSize, 432, 433 language.ctl, 83, 420
Type Hidden, 289, 407, Language, 420, 461
412, 433 lastread, 14, 110, 128, 137,
Type NoNew, 433 145, 147, 150, 151, 155,
Type Slow, 433 255, 344, 466, 481, 482
Type Staged, 412, 433 lastread pointer
Upload, 67, 433 crosslinked, 128, 465
files LIBPATH, 145
deleting, 24 locked port, 37
downloading, 22 logo.bbs, 468
moving, 24 LZH, 443
tagging, 22, 23
files.bbs, 74, 254, 431, 444 M
FILES=, 38 MAID, 132
Index 488
mailchecker, 138, 410, 447 Format Time, 407
mailer, 44, 49, 51, 108, Gate NetMail, 396
115, 120, 390, 469, 475 Highest FileArea, 407
marea.dat, 40 Highest MsgArea, 408
Master Control Program. See Init, 85, 393
MCP Input Timeout, 408
matrix Kill Attach, 87, 408
See Net, NetMail, 436 Kill Private, 408
max.ctl, 40, 167 Local Input Timeout, 409
Address, 395 Log EchoMail, 10, 66,
After Call, 399 396, 430
After EchoMail, 396 Log File, 388
After Edit, 396 Log Mode, 388
After Local, 396 Logon Level, 7, 56, 409
Alias System, 253, 399, Logon Preregistered, 409
400 Logon TimeLimit, 410
Answer, 85, 392, 393, 395 Mailchecker Kill, 410
Area Change Keys, 400 Mailchecker Reply, 410
Ask Alias, 399, 400 Mask Carrier, 394
Ask Phone, 400 Mask Handshaking, 394
Attach Archiver, 87, 400 MaxMsgSize, 410
Attach Base, 400 MCP Pipe, 123, 124, 143,
Attach Path, 86, 401 389
Baud Maximum, 393 MCP Sessions, 123, 389
Busy, 392, 393, 469 Menu Path, 410
Charset Chinese, 401 Message Edit, 16, 87, 397
Charset Swedish, 401 Message Send Unlisted,
Chat Capture, 401 397, 398
Comment Area, 8, 15, 22, Message Show, 103, 397
65, 402, 446 MessageData, 411
Connect, 393 Min Logon Baud, 411, 419
ContentsHelp, 416 Min NonTTY Baud, 411
Dos Close Standard Files, Min RIP Baud, 411
387 Multitasker, 389, 469
Edit Disable, 402 Name, 389
FidoUser, 396 No Critical Handler, 394
File Access, 388 No Password Encryption,
File Callers, 273, 388 41, 389
File Date, 402 No RealName Kludge, 411,
File Date Automatic, 71 429
File Password, 388 No SHARE.EXE, 389
FileData, 402 Nodelist Version, 398
FileList Margin, 403 Output, 394
First File Area, 404 Path Inbound, 88, 390
First Menu, 83, 404 Path IPC, 121, 390
First Message Area, 404 Path Language, 390, 420
Format Date, 404, 407 Path Misc, 390
Format FileFooter, 405 Path NetInfo, 398
Format FileFormat, 405 Path Output, 390
Format FileHeader, 405 Path System, 390
Format MsgFooter, 405 Path Temp, 391
Format MsgFormat, 405 Reboot, 391
Format MsgHeader, 405 Ring, 392, 395
Index 489
RIP Path, 379, 411 Uses NoSpace, 415, 418
Save Directories, 73, Uses NotFound, 418
412, 463 Uses ProtocolDump, 418
Send Break to Clear Uses Quote, 384, 418
Buffer, 395, 464 Uses ReplaceHelp, 419
Single Word Names, 5, 412 Uses Returning, 419
Snoop, 391 Uses Rookie, 419
Stage Path, 73, 412, 433 Uses Shell_Leaving, 419
StatusLine, 412 Uses Shell_Returning, 419
Strict Time Limit, 412 Uses TimeWarn, 419
Swap, 106, 391 Uses TooSlow, 419
SysOp, 391 Uses Tunes, 419
Task, 391, 459, 469 Uses Welcome, 418, 419
Track Base, 413 Uses XferBaud, 420
Track Exclude, 413 Video, 392
Track Modify, 100, 413 Yell, 9
Track View, 96, 413 Yell Off, 420
Upload Check Dupe, 73, max.prm, 38, 39, 40, 269,
414 468
Upload Check Dupe Exten- MaxEd, 17, 18, 19, 26, 41,
sion, 414 156, 157, 256, 311, 374,
Upload Check Virus, 414, 402, 409, 418, 440, 442,
482 483
Upload Log, 415 MaxPipe, 28, 134
Upload Space Free, 415, maxuapi.dll, 145
418 MCP, 121, 123, 142, 389
Use UMSGIDs, 420 MECCA, 62, 63, 64, 83, 88,
Uses Application, 409, 93, 94, 105, 106, 109,
410, 415 112, 113, 114, 125, 126,
Uses BadLogon, 416 127, 135, 161, 162, 167,
Uses Barricade, 77, 78, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359,
416 360, 368, 371, 378, 381,
Uses BeginChat, 416 382, 383, 391, 402, 418,
Uses BOREDHelp, 416 444, 447, 452, 464, 466
Uses ByeBye, 416 compiler, 63
Uses Cant_Enter_Area, 416 files, 62
Uses Configure, 416 MECCA token, 63, 94, 106,
Uses DayLimit, 417 109, 112, 114, 126, 167,
Uses EndChat, 417 355, 356, 357, 378, 381,
Uses EntryHelp, 417 452
Uses FileAreas, 67, 362, [?below], 368
405, 417, 431 [?equal], 368
Uses Filename_Format, 417 [?file], 368
Uses HeaderHelp, 417 [?line], 368
Uses Leaving, 114, 417 [access], 369
Uses LocateHelp, 417 [accessfile], 369
Uses Logo, 417 [acs], 369
Uses MaxEdHelp, 418 [acsfile], 369
Uses MsgAreas, 67, 362, [alist_file], 362
405, 418, 425 [alist_msg], 362
Uses NewUser1, 418 [ansopt], 366, 367
Uses NewUser2, 418 [ansreq], 366
Uses NoMail, 418 [apb], 378
Index 490
[b1200], 370 [got, 372
[b2400], 371 [goto], 356, 357, 367,
[b9600], 371 374
[bell], 360 [gray], 358
[bg], 358 [green], 358
[black], 358 [hangup], 382
[blink], 358, 359, 360 [hex], 382
[blue], 358 [hotkeys], 372
[bright], 359 [ibmchars], 382
[brown], 358 [ifentered], 365, 372
[bs], 360 [ifexist], 372
[chat_avail], 379 [iffse], 372
[chat_notavail], 379 [iffsr], 372
[choice], 367 [ifkey], 369, 370
[city], 362 [iflang], 83, 372
[ckoff], 381 [iftask], 373
[ckon], 381 [iftime], 373
[clear_stacked], 368, 381 [incity], 373
[cleol], 361 [include], 382
[cleos], 361 [islocal], 374
[cls], 80, 361 [isremote], 374
[col80], 371 [jump], 374
[color], 371 [key?], 382
[colour], 371 [key_poke], 382, 383
[comment], 381 [keyoff], 370
[copy], 381 [keyon], 370
[cr], 361 [label], 374
[cyan], 358 [language], 383
[darkgray], 358 [lastcall], 363
[date], 362 [lastuser], 363
[decimal], 381 [leave_comment], 367, 402
[delete], 382 [left], 361
[dim], 359 [length], 363
[dl], 362 [lf], 361
[dos], 382 [lightblue], 358
[down], 361 [lightcyan], 358
[endcolor], 371, 376 [lightgreen], 358
[endcolour], 371 [lightmagenta], 358
[endrip], 93, 371, 376, [lightred], 358
377 [link], 371, 382, 383,
[enter], 367, 382 384, 466
[exit], 371, 384 [load], 359
[expert], 371 [locate], 361
[expiry_date], 362 [log], 383
[expiry_time], 362 [magenta], 358
[fg], 359 [maxed], 374
[file_carea], 363 [menu], 109, 366, 367,
[file_cname], 363 368
[file_darea], 363 [menu_cmd], 83, 383
[file_sarea], 363 [menupath], 383
[filenew], 371 [mex], 167, 383
[first], 363 [minutes], 363
[fname], 363, 367 [more], 383
Index 491
[moreoff], 384 [ratio], 364
[moreon], 384 [readln], 365, 366, 367,
[msg_attr], 374 368, 372, 379
[msg_carea], 363 [realname], 365
[msg_checkmail], 384, [red], 358
418, 447 [regular], 377
[msg_cmsg], 363 [remain], 365
[msg_cname], 364 [repeat], 384
[msg_conf], 375 [repeatseq], 384
[msg_darea], 364 [response], 365
[msg_echo], 375 [right], 361
[msg_fileattach], 87, 375 [rip], 93, 377
[msg_hmsg], 364 [ripdisplay], 94, 379,
[msg_local], 375 411
[msg_matrix], 376 [riphasfile], 94, 377
[msg_next], 376 [rippath], 94, 379, 380,
[msg_nomsgs], 376 412
[msg_nonew], 376 [ripsend], 93, 94, 322,
[msg_noread], 376 378, 379, 380, 411
[msg_nummsg], 364 [save], 359, 360
[msg_prior], 376 [setpriv], 369
[msg_sarea], 364 [sopen], 368
[netbalance], 364 [steady], 360
[netcredit], 364 [store], 366, 367, 368
[netdebit], 364 [string], 385
[netdl], 364 [subdir], 385
[newfiles], 383, 384, 444 [sys_name], 365
[no_keypress], 376, 377 [syscall], 365
[nocolor], 376 [sysop_name], 365, 391
[nocolour], 376 [sysopbell], 362
[node_num], 364 [tab], 361
[norip], 376 [tag_read], 385
[nostacked], 376, 377 [tag_write], 385
[notkey], 370 [tagged], 378
[notontoday], 377 [textsize], 380
[novice], 377 [time], 365
[ofs], 377 [timeoff], 365
[on], 360 [top], 378
[onexit], 384 [tune], 385
[open], 112, 366, 367, [ul], 365
368 [unsigned], 385
[pause], 384, 464 [up], 362
[permanent], 377 [user], 365
[phone], 364 [usercall], 355, 366
[post], 112, 366, 367, [white], 358
368 [write], 112, 366, 368,
[priv_abbrev], 369 466
[priv_desc], 369 [xclude], 368
[priv_down], 369 [xtern_dos], 105, 113,
[priv_level], 369 385
[priv_up], 369 [xtern_erlvl], 106, 385
[quit], 80, 371, 384 [xtern_run], 106, 113,
[quote], 357, 384, 418 385
Index 492
[yellow], 357, 358 Edit_Insert, 20, 443
menu options Edit_List, 19, 443
linked, 81, 437, 442, 449 Edit_Quote, 20, 443
MenuFile, 435 Edit_Save, 19, 443
menus Edit_Subj, 18, 20, 443
dynamic, 67 Edit_To, 18, 20, 443
menus control file. See End Menu, 434
menus.ctl File_Area, 21, 407, 433,
menus.ctl, 40 443
Chat_Answer, 29 File_Contents, 24, 416,
Chat_CB, 28, 439 443
Chat_Page, 28, 439 File_Download, 22, 418,
Chat_Pvt, 439 444
Chat_Toggle, 29, 439 File_Hurl, 24, 67, 444
Chg_Alias, 25, 439 File_Kill, 24, 444
Chg_Archiver, 27, 30, 439 File_Locate, 21, 72, 407,
Chg_City, 25, 439 417, 444
Chg_Clear, 440 File_NewFiles, 75, 444
Chg_Editor, 440 File_Override, 24, 444
Chg_FSR, 27, 440 File_Raw, 24, 444, 483
Chg_Help, 25, 440 File_Tag, 23, 444, 483
Chg_Hotkeys, 27, 440 File_Titles, 21, 444
Chg_IBM, 26, 440 File_Type, 444
Chg_Language, 27, 82, File_Upload, 418, 445
133, 383, 440 File_View, 22
Chg_Length, 26, 440 Goodbye, 8, 15, 416, 445
Chg_More, 26, 440 HeaderFile, 434
Chg_Nulls, 25, 441 Key_Poke, 439, 445
Chg_Password, 25, 441 Leave_Comment, 391, 446
Chg_Phone, 25, 441 Link_Menu, 311, 442, 446,
Chg_Protocol, 27, 29, 441 449
Chg_Realname, 441 Local, 436
Chg_RIP, 92, 441 Matrix, 436
Chg_Tabs, 26, 441 Menu, 434, 435
Chg_Userlist, 9, 27, 441 MenuColor, 435
Chg_Video, 26, 441 MenuFile, 80, 434, 435
Chg_Width, 26, 441 MenuLength, 435
Clear_Stacked, 442 MEX, 167, 311
Conf, 436 Msg_Area, 11, 408, 429,
Ctl, 436 446
Display_File, 83, 111, Msg_Browse, 14, 15, 408,
167, 311, 442 446, 448, 481
Display_Menu, 81, 83, Msg_Change, 13, 446
121, 437, 442 Msg_Checkmail, 447
Echo, 436 Msg_Current, 447
Edit_Abort, 19, 442 Msg_Download_Attach, 87,
Edit_Continue, 18, 20, 447
442 Msg_Edit_User, 447
Edit_Delete, 20, 442 Msg_Enter, 11, 12, 447
Edit_Edit, 19, 419, 442 Msg_Forward, 16, 447
Edit_From, 18, 20, 443 Msg_Hurl, 17, 447
Edit_Handling, 19, 20, Msg_Kill, 15, 410, 447
Index 493
Msg_Kludges, 97, 102, 375, 389, 396, 397, 398,
397, 398, 447 426, 428, 429, 446
Msg_Reply, 13, 410, 427, hierarchical, 68
447 Local, 9, 12, 140, 396,
Msg_Reply_Area, 448 428, 429, 436
Msg_Restrict, 448 NetMail, 9, 10, 12, 13,
Msg_Tag, 15, 29, 448, 483 16, 17, 19, 20, 41, 45,
Msg_Track, 96, 99 48, 49, 50, 87, 88, 91,
Msg_Unreceive, 448 92, 132, 140, 257, 376,
Msg_Upload, 16, 90, 410, 390, 396, 397, 398, 429,
448, 463 446, 453, 482
Msg_Upload_QWK, 29, 448 packing, 51
Msg_Xport, 17, 448 read-only, 10
NoCLS, 437 renumbering, 51
NoDsp, 81, 437 message tracking system. See
NoRIP, 94, 437 MTS
OptionWidth, 436 messages
Press_Enter, 80, 449 anonymous, 11
Read_Current, 14 audit trail, 97, 102
Read_DiskFile, 449 downloading, 89
Read_Individual, 449 editing, 19
Read_Next, 11, 449 forwarding, 16
Read_Nonstop, 13, 449 printing, 17, 448
Read_Original, 13, 449 priority, 97
Read_Previous, 12, 449 private, 10
Read_Reply, 14, 449 public, 10
ReRead, 114, 437 quoting, 18, 20
Return, 446, 449 renumbering, 136
RIP, 94, 437 tracking, 95
Same_Direction, 449 uploading, 90
Title, 436 MEX, 1, 112, 161, 169, 434,
Track Base, 98 461
Track Exclude, 98 arguments
Track Modify, 98 pass-by-reference, 202,
Track View, 98 232
User_Editor, 28, 450 arrays, 206, 231
Userlist, 9, 450 accessing, 207
UsrLocal, 437 as function parameters,
UsrRemote, 437 210
Version, 80, 450 declaring, 206
Who_Is_On, 9, 379, 399, blocks, 227
400, 450 casts, 223
Xtern_DOS, 105, 437, 450 printing using, 223
Xtern_Erlvl, 106, 107, comments, 163, 227
115, 311, 450, 469 compiler, 165
Xtern_Run, 106, 437, 450 directive
Yell, 8, 450, 459 #include, 179, 200, 227,
message area control file. 242
See msgarea.ctl directives, 179
message areas, 39, 64 escape sequences, 164,
EchoMail, 9, 10, 45, 48, 176
49, 50, 51, 66, 96, 102, function, 163
132, 139, 140, 141, 253, functions, 227
Index 494
arguments, 200 create_static_string,
arguments for, 163 270, 282, 283, 284, 285,
calling, 163, 194 296, 325, 326
definitions, 198 dcd_check, 266, 275, 283
prototypes, 198, 229 destroy_static_data, 270,
return values, 203, 229 284
language files and, 461 destroy_static_string,
statement 270, 284
compound, 230 display_file, 264, 286
do while, 190 Display_Menu, 311
for, 191, 231 do_more, 263, 286, 287,
goto, 192 288
if, 187 file_area, 267, 288
return, 165, 195 fileareafindclose, 267,
while, 189 288, 289, 290
strings, 164, 177, 229 fileareafindfirst, 267,
assigning, 177 289, 290, 291
indexing, 177, 178 fileareafindnext, 267,
structures, 214, 232 290, 291
as arguments, 221 fileareafindprev, 267,
declaring variables as, 290
216, 232 fileareaselect, 237, 267,
defining types, 215 291
types, 228 filecopy, 264, 291
variables, 174 filedate, 261, 264, 292
declaring, 228 fileexists, 264, 292, 293
MEX directives filefindclose, 264, 293,
#include, 162 294
MEX functions filefindfirst, 264, 293,
ansi_detect, 271, 272 294
call_close, 268, 272 filefindnext, 265, 294
call_numrecs, 268, 273, filesize, 261, 264, 293,
274 294, 295, 321, 322
call_open, 268, 272, 273, get_static_data, 270,
274, 388 295, 325
call_read, 269, 273, 274 get_static_string, 270,
carrier, 266, 275, 284 296, 297, 325
chat_querystatus, 260, getch, 239, 263, 297,
270, 275 306, 307
chatstart, 270, 276 hstr, 270, 297, 298, 309
class_abbrev, 269, 276 input_ch, 238, 239, 251,
class_info, 269, 277, 279 252, 263, 297, 298, 301,
class_loginfile, 269, 279 304, 306
class_name, 269, 280 input_list, 238, 239,
class_to_priv, 269, 280 251, 252, 263, 299, 300,
close, 264, 281 301, 306
compressor_num_to_name, input_str, 238, 251, 252,
268, 281 263, 302, 306, 348
create_static_data, 270, iskeyboard, 263, 304
281, 282, 283, 284, 295, issnoop, 263, 305
296, 325 itostr, 266, 305, 309,
343, 344
kbhit, 263, 306, 307
Index 495
keyboard, 263, 306 sleep, 266, 327
language_num_to_name, snoop, 263, 328
268, 307 stamp_string, 265, 328
language_num_to_string, stamp_to_long, 236, 265,
307 329
localkey, 263, 307 strfind, 265, 329
log, 269, 307 stridx, 265, 330, 333
long_to_stamp, 265, 308 strlen, 230, 265, 331,
lstr, 270, 308, 309 349
ltostr, 266, 309, 343 strlower, 265, 331
mdm_command, 266, 309, strpad, 265, 331, 332
310 strpadleft, 265, 332
mdm_flow, 267, 310 strridx, 265, 330, 332,
menu_cmd, 264, 310 333
msg_area, 267, 311 strtoi, 266, 333
msgareafindclose, 267, strtok, 265, 334
311 strtol, 266, 334, 335
msgareafindfirst, 267, strtrim, 265, 336
311, 312, 313 strupper, 265, 336
msgareafindnext, 267, 313 substr, 265, 336, 337
msgareafindprev, 267, 313 tag_dequeue_file, 268,
msgareaselect, 237, 267, 337
314 tag_get_name, 268, 338
open, 264, 281, 314, 318, tag_queue_file, 239, 268,
319, 323, 339, 348 338, 339
print, 163, 185, 263, 315 tag_queue_size, 268, 338,
privok, 269, 317 339
prm_string, 269, 318 tell, 264
protocol_num_to_name, term_length, 257, 263,
268, 318 340
read, 264, 318, 319, 339 term_width, 257, 263, 340
readln, 264, 319, 339, time, 265, 308, 340
366, 372 time_check, 265, 341
remove, 264, 320 timeadjust, 265, 341
rename, 264, 320 timeadjustsoft, 265, 341,
reset_more, 263, 287, 321 342
rip_detect, 271, 321 timeleft, 266
rip_hasfile, 94, 271, timeon, 266
321, 322 timestamp, 266
rip_send, 94, 271, 322 uitostr, 266, 305, 343
screen_length, 257, 263, ultostr, 266, 309, 343
323 usercreate, 268
screen_width, 257, 263, userfilesize, 268, 344
323 userfindclose, 268, 344
seek, 264, 323 userfindnext, 268, 346
set_output, 263, 324 userfindopen, 268, 345,
set_static_data, 270, 346
295, 296, 325 userfindprev, 268, 345,
set_static_string, 270, 346
296, 325 userfindseek, 268, 346
set_textsize, 263, 326, userremove, 268, 347
340 userupdate, 268, 347
shell, 105, 106, 264, 326
Index 496
vidsync, 252, 263, 347, Override, 426
348 Owner, 98, 100, 102, 427,
write, 264, 339, 348 428
writeln, 264, 339, 348, Path, 65, 427
349 Renum Days, 137, 427
xfertime, 266, 349 Renum Max, 137, 428
MEX globals Style, 65, 428
farea, 254 Style *.MSG, 66, 428
id, 252 Style Alias, 399, 428
input, 251 Style Anon, 428
marea, 253 Style Attach, 87, 88,
msg, 254 390, 428
sys, 259 Style Audit, 98, 102,
usr, 255 427, 428
MEX structs Style Conf, 428, 436
_callinfo, 261 Style Echo, 429, 436, 463
_cstat, 260 Style HiBit, 429
_date, 259 Style Hidden, 408, 429
_farea, 254 Style Loc, 429
_ffind, 261 Style Local, 429, 436
_instancedata, 252 Style Net, 87, 429, 436
_marea, 253 Style NoMailCheck, 429
_msg, 254 Style NoNameKludge, 11,
_stamp, 260 428, 429
_sys, 259 Style Pub, 66, 429
_time, 260 Style Pvt, 65, 429
_usr, 255 Style ReadOnly, 429, 453
modem, 1, 3, 5, 33, 34, 35, Style RealName, 399, 429
36, 37, 42, 43, 85, 86, Style Squish, 66, 428,
112, 266, 275, 297, 309, 429
310, 392, 393, 394, 395, Style Tag, 429
423, 464 Tag, 66, 140, 396, 406
V.32, 37 MSR, 394
V.34, 35, 37 MTS, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
V.FC, 35, 37 101, 104, 413, 427, 428
modem cable. See cable QWK packets and, 101
modem status register. See reports, 97, 100
MSR multinode, 117
more prompt, 26
MR, 51, 136, 137, 427, 428 N
msgarea.ctl, 40 NetMail
ACS, 65, 66, 424 credit, 10, 41, 453
AttachPath, 87, 401, 424 QWK packets and, 91
Barricade, 77, 424, 465 NoAccess, 60
Desc, 65, 66, 406, 424 nodelist, 397, 398
Description, 424 Novell, 38
End MsgArea, 64, 424, 425
FileDivisionEnd, 69 O
MenuName, 425, 463 off-line reader, 29
MsgArea, 64, 69, 424, 425 off-line reader control
MsgDivisionBegin, 68, 69 file. See reader.ctl
MsgDivisionEnd, 69, 425 Opus, 35, 127, 128, 454,
Origin, 426 455, 456, 457, 458
Index 497
OpusComm, 2, 35, 36 Q
ORACLE, 64, 127, 137, 138 questionnaire, 355, 366,
origin line, 426, 463 367, 368
OS/2, 1, 3, 26, 28, 31, 32, QuickBBS, 112, 127, 128
34, 35, 38, 39, 42, 43, quote, 13, 18, 20, 92, 96,
44, 45, 49, 50, 54, 71, 101, 102, 176, 177, 244,
86, 105, 115, 117, 118, 384, 409
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, QWK, 15, 27, 81, 82, 88, 89,
134, 138, 142, 145, 162, 90, 91, 92, 96, 101, 421,
242, 253, 327, 328, 390, 439, 446, 448, 463, 481,
392, 393, 394, 414, 469, 482
475, 476, 478
P ratio
packer, 29, 49, 50, 81, 82, download, 55
88, 101, 446. See also RBBS, 112
off-line reader reader control file. See
PAK, 443 reader.ctl
Path NetInfo, 398 reader.ctl
phone number, 6, 41, 110, Archivers, 421
114, 155, 159, 220, 256, Max Messages, 82, 421
364, 400, 415, 421, 473 Packet Name, 82, 421
PID, 428 Phone Number, 82, 421
printing Work Directory, 421
messages, 448 real name, 11, 110, 365,
printing messages, 17 399, 428, 429
privilege level, 56 result codes, 33, 86
protocol, 27 reward, 454
Opus-compatible, 455, 458 REXX, 145, 146
protocol control file. See REXX API
protocol.ctl MaxLoadFuncs, 146
protocol.ctl, 458 MaxUnloadFuncs, 146
ControlFile, 455 UserFileClose, 147
DescriptWord, 455 UserFileCreateRecord, 147
DownloadCmd, 455 UserFileFind, 148
DownloadKeyword, 456 UserFileFindClose, 148
DownloadString, 455, 456, UserFileFindNext, 149,
457 150
End Protocol, 456 UserFileFindOpen, 149,
FilenameWord, 456 150
LogFile, 457 UserFileFindPrior, 150
Protocol, 457 UserFileGetNewLastread,
Type Batch, 457 147, 150, 155
Type Bi, 457 UserFileInitRecord, 147,
Type Opus, 455, 457 151
UploadCmd, 458 UserFileOpen, 147, 150,
UploadKeyword, 455, 456, 151, 152
457, 458 UserFileSize, 152
UploadString, 455, 457, UserFileUpdate, 152
458 RIPscrip, 6, 12, 17, 26, 27,
41, 92, 93, 94, 135, 156,
256, 263, 270, 271, 321,
322, 326, 371, 376, 377,
Index 498
378, 379, 380, 381, 402, 383, 385, 404, 407, 442,
411, 417, 434, 435, 437, 445
441 TSR, 36
runbbs.bat, 49, 51, 54, 107, TTY, 26, 110, 138, 153, 256,
120, 132 358, 411, 441, 483
runbbs.cmd. See runbbs.bat
runfb.bat, 131 U
Upload, 16, 23, 29, 67, 90,
S 410, 414, 415, 433, 445,
Save Directories, 73, 412 448
SCANBLD, 49, 138, 139, 140, reward, 39
141 user editor, 15, 28, 41, 58,
scanner, 50, 475, 477 94, 447, 450, 469, 473
screen writes, 252 user file
SEAlink, 22, 158 creating, 41
security, 41, 55, 88, 390 encryption, 41
SEEN-BY, 426 Uses Leaving, 417
serial cards
intelligent, 35, 117 V
Session Monitor. See SM Version, 9, 398
shell, 28 W
SILT, 40, 73, 100, 141, 142, WFC, 49, 53, 54, 85
166, 387, 388, 425, 430, WildCat!, 112
431, 433, 453 Windows, 389
SILT directive Windows 95, 39, 120
Include, 387 Windows for Workgroups,
Version14, 387 39
Version17, 387 WWIV, 112, 113
SIO, 35, 115
SM, 142 X
source file X00, 2, 36, 37
MEX, 162 Xmodem, 22, 23, 158
spawnbbs.bat, 44 XMS
SQPACK, 51 swapping to, 391
Squish, 45, 49, 65, 66, 396,
420, 421, 427, 428 Z
squish.cfg, 427, 428 ZIP, 72, 443
startup.cmd, 120 Zmodem, 2, 22, 158, 458, 470
subscription, 94, 362
swapping, 106
system control file. See
tab characters, 26
tear line, 428, 429
TheDraw, 127
TRACKEXP, 103, 104
translation characters, 8,
15, 22, 109, 111, 112,
309, 366, 367, 368, 382,