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- This concerns SiteHog Version 1.0 32-bit version for Windows 95/NT
- (Released 3rd January 1997)
- Contents
- 1. Warning !
- 2. What is SiteHog ?
- 3. Features
- 4. Limitations
- 5. Debugging your HTML
- 6. Support
- 7. Copyright and License
- 8. It's Shareware
- First, the boring bit...
- Although every effort has been made to ensure that
- use of this program will not damage your data, this
- cannot be guaranteed. In particular; the memory
- requirements increase substantially as you explore
- sites to greater depth.
- *** You must back-up your Site first ***
- Remember that this is version 1.0 made
- available for test and evaluation purposes only.
- You can obtain the latest version from the RedHog
- Web Site.
- 2. What is SiteHog ?
- SiteHog is a tool to assist the maintenance of
- large and multiple Web Sites. Given an HTML file
- (e.g. a Home Page) to start from, it will run down
- all the links from that page to other pages and
- files. Referenced files will be checked for
- existence and, if they are HTML files, processed
- in a similar manner.
- The Site structure is displayed graphically.
- Referenced files within that site (provided they
- are accessible) can be opened using the (Windows)
- associated application, or an application selected
- by the user.
- The HTML within the page files can be validated,
- to selectable degree, and checked for
- compatibility with the most common browsers.
- 3. Features
- * Graphical display of the structure of a Web Site.
- * Customise the Site display by;
- - display/inhibition of links of different types;
- remote, anchors, mail.
- - display/inhibition of links to HTML, Image and
- Executable files.
- - setting depth of exploration.
- - setting depth to which automatically expand
- the Site view.
- - show or hide links to common files
- (e.g. Tables of contents, gifs).
- * Validate the HTML of an entire Web Site with a few clicks.
- * Selectable level of report from Errors, Warnings and Hints.
- * Check for compatibility with Netscape and Internet Explorer.
- * Check download time (including images) for every page.
- * View a summary of the inspected pages for the entire site.
- * Double-click an inspected file name to view the comment log.
- * Save comments to a file.
- * Click on a comment to go to the HTML concerned.
- * Open HTML Files in Browser(s) and/or an HTML Editor.
- 4. Limitations
- - It runs on Windows 95/NT only.
- - Currently, SiteHog will only traverse local links
- (that is, to pages on your local disk).
- - Help is in the form of an HTML Page.
- - SiteHog errs on the strict side of HTML standards !
- - Use of the <HTML> element without <HEAD> or <BODY> tags
- gives many, many comments.
- 5. Debugging your HTML
- SiteHog can (at present) only check HTML against the actual
- (and proposed) Standards. In many cases browsers support
- extended syntax AND semantics. You will often see SiteHog
- report non-standard HTML that appears to work perfectly
- well in your favourite browser. Fine, but unless you check
- every other browser for that same feature you run the risk
- of excluding part of your audience from your Pages.
- A particular example to be aware of is;
- Nested Elements. The HTML standards are quite clear on which
- elements can be nested within which others, and SiteHog
- attempts to check this. The nesting that browsers actually
- allow, e.g. for tags such as <P>, <B>, <I> and <TABLE>, is
- another matter entirely.
- The best policy is to aim to minimise the number of
- complaints from SiteHog and then to check how your HTML looks
- with at least the Netscape and Microsoft browsers.
- Beware the WYSIWYG !
- Increasing numbers of WYSIWYG and object-oriented tools are
- now appearing which try to hide the HTML from you. This is
- OK if you wish to be blissfully unaware of the percentage of
- your audience that won't see your pages in their full glory.
- Don't get me wrong, these tools are the future but be very
- careful; few of them give any indication of which HTML
- standard level they support or what tricks they may use to
- produce DTP style output.
- The absolute worst HTML I have found so far has been that
- "generated" by certain of these tools.
- 6. Support
- You may obtain the latest version of SiteHog from;
- * The redhog conference on CIX;
- * The Windows Shareware area on Compuserve;
- * http://www.compulink.co.uk/~allied-display/redhog/
- 7. Copyright and License (and Limitation)
- SiteHog 1.0 is copyright Dave Pellatt, 1997.
- You are licensed to use this program, or any copy of it,
- for your own use. You may not reverse engineer it,
- disassemble it or do anything else underhand with it.
- You may not re-distribute it, by any means whatsoever, for
- profit or as whole or part of a commercial package.
- You may re-distribute it electronically provided that you
- distribute it without modification and in the complete form
- originally provided by RedHog Software. If in doubt,
- obtain the install pack from the RedHog Web Site.
- 8. It's Shareware
- SiteHog is shareware. That means you can evaluate it
- for long enough to decide whether or not it will be
- useful to you. If it is, please register it to ensure
- its future development. Thank you; your support will
- be very much appreciated.