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Text File  |  1996-10-14  |  3KB  |  127 lines

  1. object frmEasyLink: TfrmEasyLink
  2.   Left = 446
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  4.   HelpContext = 97
  5.   BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
  6.   BorderStyle = bsToolWindow
  7.   Caption = 'Easy Links'
  8.   ClientHeight = 240
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  23.   object flbFiles: TFileListBox
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  28.     Hint = 
  29.       'Select the link text in your document, then double-click a filen' +
  30.       'ame or click on a filename and drag it to the document to create' +
  31.       ' a basic hypertext link'
  32.     DragMode = dmAutomatic
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  35.     Mask = '*.htm;*.ht3'
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  37.     OnDblClick = flbFilesDblClick
  38.   end
  39.   object dlbDirectory: TDirectoryListBox
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  46.     OnChange = dlbDirectoryChange
  47.   end
  48.   object rbtnAll: TRadioButton
  49.     Left = 168
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  53.     Caption = '&All Files'
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  55.     OnClick = rbtnAllClick
  56.   end
  57.   object rbtnSelect: TRadioButton
  58.     Left = 168
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  61.     Height = 17
  62.     Caption = '&Selected Files'
  63.     Checked = True
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  66.     OnClick = rbtnSelectClick
  67.   end
  68.   object pnlFileTypes: TPanel
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  83.       State = cbChecked
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  86.     end
  87.     object chkText: TCheckBox
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  92.       Caption = 'Te&xt'
  93.       Enabled = False
  94.       TabOrder = 1
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  96.     end
  97.     object chkImage: TCheckBox
  98.       Left = 81
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  102.       Caption = '&Images'
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  106.     end
  107.     object chkSound: TCheckBox
  108.       Left = 81
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  111.       Height = 17
  112.       Caption = '&Sounds'
  113.       Enabled = False
  114.       TabOrder = 3
  115.       OnClick = rbtnSelectClick
  116.     end
  117.   end
  118.   object dcmbDrive: TDriveComboBox
  119.     Left = 148
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  122.     Height = 19
  123.     TabOrder = 5
  124.     OnChange = dcmbDriveChange
  125.   end
  126. end