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- WinDownload Usage
- The purpose of WinDownload is to queue up the files that
- you wish to download to keep from delaying the loading of
- html pages as you surf the web. You can use WinDownload
- to schedule downloading for later times or to maximize
- bandwidth by downloading as many files simultaneusly as is
- efficient.
- There are several ways to insert a file into WinDownload:
- URL = Uniform Resource Locator ... i.e. http://www.microsoft.com
- 1) Click "New" and type the URL in manually
- 2) Start Browser and drag and drop link from to main view
- 3) Start Browser, view drop zone, drag and drop to drop zone
- 4) Start Broswer, right click link, "copy shortcut", paste to view
- 5) From any text editor, highlight as many URLS as you want,
- copy them to the clipboard and then paste into WinDownload
- Once you have files in WinDownload, you can highlight the ones
- you want to download and either download them now or schedule
- them for later. You can also select a file and choose
- "Download As" to specify an alternate filename and directory.
- Features:
- Right click in main view to see a popup menu of common commands
- Minimize to tray icon - right click on icon to see popup menu
- Right click in drop zone to see a popup menu
- Double click in drop zone to restore WinDownload from minimized
- Commands:
- New - Insert a new URL into the queue
- Open - Open a saved ".dow" WinDownload file
- Save - Save current queue to a WinDownload file
- Cut - Copy selected URLs to the clipboard then remove from queue
- Copy - Copy selected URLs to the clipboard
- Paste - Insert as many URLs as are available in the clipboard
- Clear - Remove selected URLs from the queue
- Config - Display configurable items of WinDownload
- Now - Download selected files NOW
- Later - Select a time and date to download selected items LATER
- Download As - Choose a path and filename for selected files
- Comment - Add comment to a URL which will be placed in log
- View Toolbar/Status Bar/Drop Zone - View or hide them
- Help->Register - Enter password for username
- Configurable Items:
- Download Directory - Default directory to place downloaded files
- Log Downloads - Choose to record downloading info to a text file
- Download Progress - Tile/Cascade/Minimize on download start
- Download Progress - Close on completion will close dialog when complete
- Download Progress - Minimize with main will minimize all progress
- dialogs when you minimize WinDownload
- Connection Timeout - Number of seconds before connection timeout
- Data Reception Timeout - Number of seconds before data reception timeout
- Number of Simulatenous connections -
- Number of threads to split the selected files up to download
- If you have a 28.8 modem, you should limit to 2 or 3. If you
- select 6 files and # of threads to 2, each thread will download
- 3 files a piece, one after the other.
- Number of retry attempts - Retry this many times on failure
- Use Proxy - http and ftp proxy settings
- Need Password - Not implemented at this time.
- Sound events - Configurable sound files for different events
- Main Window on Top - Keeps WinDownload from being covered up
- Start Minimized - Minimize WinDownload on startup
- Minimize to Tray - When minimized, create a tray icon
- Flat Toolbar - Internet Explorer type toolbar
- Confirmations - Ask for user input on said event
- Comment on Paste - Prompt for comment when pasting URL into view
- Comment on Drop - Prompt for comment when dropping URL into view
- Drop Zone Free Floating - Create Drop Zone and place it on desktop
- Drop Zone Internet Explorer - Create Drop Zone and place it in Explorer
- Drop Zone Netscape3 - Create Drop Zone and place it in Netscape3
- Drop Zone Netscape4 - Create Drop Zone and place it in Netscape4
- Destination Overwrite - If file exists, overwrite it
- Destination Auto Rename - If file exists, create a new name for it.
- Destination Resume - If file exists, seek to end and continue