home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 CaseLinr
- 2 (untitled)
- 3 Unable to setup abort procedure for printing
- 4 Can't open the file '%s'
- 5 Unable to start new page of document
- 6 FileFilter
- 7 Songs -
- 8 Cannot create file %s
- 9 Cannot write file %s to disk
- 10 Copies
- 11 New
- 12 Not all songs will fit on %s
- 13 Side A
- 14 Side B
- 15 Cannot allocate memory, must end
- 16 Save current changes: %s
- 17 Invalid measurement
- 18 Measurement may not be less than zero
- 19 File Open
- 20 File Save As
- 21 Unable to start print job
- 22 Format Save As
- 23 SideLetter
- 24 FeatureName
- 25 Feature
- 26 Title
- 27 Songs
- 28 Cannot read file %s from disk
- 29 Work
- 30 Left
- 31 Centered
- 32 Right
- 33 FormatInitDir
- 34 FormatFilter
- 35 Format Files (*.fmt)|*.fmt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
- 36 Side A - Primary
- 37 Side B - Primary
- 38 Side A - Overflow
- 39 Side B - Overflow
- 40 Side A - Flap
- 41 Side B - Flap
- 42 Side A - Primary
- 43 Side B - Primary
- 44 Normal
- 45 Reverse Video
- 46 None
- 47 Centered with sides
- 48 Left Justified
- 49 Right Justified
- 50 Centered
- 51 Left
- 52 Top
- 53 Print
- 54 (none)
- 55 Close
- 56 Cassette Files (*.cas)|*.cas|DAT Files (*.dat)|*.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
- 57 (Read-Only)
- 58 This file is read-only
- 59 AutoOptions
- 60 FileInitDir
- 61 Text must be selected to use Font button
- 62 This file was created by anolder version of CaseLinr.\nContinue with overwriting it?
- 63 DrvExt
- 64 Print
- 65 Cassette Files(*.CAS)|*.cas|DAT Files(*.DAT)|*.dat|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
- 66 PrintInitDir
- 67 PrintFilter
- 68 2Up
- 69 Copy %d of %d
- 70 Unable to advance to next page of document
- 71 centimeters
- 72 inches
- 73 picas
- 74 points
- 75 Tab stop # %d is not a valid measurement
- 76 Adjacent with sides
- 77 Blank with sides
- 78 Cu&t Ctrl+X
- 79 &Copy Ctrl+C
- 80 &Paste Ctrl+V
- 81 &Undo Ctrl+Z
- 82 C&lear Del
- 83 Degrees of rotation may not be less than zero
- 84 DefaultFormat
- 85 Picture Add
- 86 Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
- 87 PictureInitDir
- 88 PictureFilter
- 89 File %s is NOT a supported graphics file
- 90 Text must be Added before its font can be set
- 91 Number of song overflow areas may not be less than zero
- 92 Liner will not fit within 'printable' area
- 93 2 liners will not fit within 'printable' area
- 94 (endpoints)
- 95 Bottom
- 96 Right
- 97 Unable to end print job
- 98 General error
- 99 Canceled from program
- 100 Canceled by user
- 101 Out of disk space
- 102 Out of memory
- 103 2 liners will not fit within 'printable' area and\nprinter orientation cannot be changed
- 104 Liner will not fit within 'printable' area and\nprinter orientation cannot be changed
- 105 Registration accepted. All features are now enabled.
- 106 Registration rejected. Insure that you have entered\nthe user name and key exactly as indicated to you.
- 107 (Unregistered)
- 108 Registration
- 109 File type '%s' is currently registered as a '%s'. Do you want CaseLinr to change this? Note that CaseLinr cannot undo the change.
- 201 Creation of CD failed on call to DialogBox()
- 202 Invalid structure size passed to CD
- 203 Failure initializing CD. Possibly\n due to insufficient memory.
- 204 Failure finding custom template for CD
- 205 Instance handle not passed to CD
- 206 Failure loading specified string
- 207 Failure finding specified resource
- 208 Failure loading specified resource
- 209 Failure locking specified resource
- 210 Failure allocating memory for internal CD structure
- 211 Failure locking memory for internal CD structure
- 212 No hook function passed to CD but ENABLEHOOK\n was passed as a flag
- 213 Failure setting up resources for CD
- 214 Failure parsing strings in [devices]\nsection of WIN.INI
- 215 PD_RETURNDEFAULT flag was set but either the \nhDevMode or hDevNames field was nonzero
- 216 Failure loading the printers device driver
- 217 The printer driver failed to initialize a DEVMODE data structure
- 218 Print CD failed during initialization
- 219 No printer device drivers were found
- 220 No default printer was found
- 221 Data in DEVMODE contradicts data in DEVNAMES
- 222 Failure creating an IC
- 223 Printer not found
- 224 No fonts exist
- 225 Failure subclassing during initialization of CD
- 226 Invalid filename passed to FileOpen or FileSave
- 227 Buffer passed to CD too small to accomodate string
- 228 CD failed on call to RegisterWindowMessage()
- 229 Default printer differs from DEVNAMES structure passed to CD
- 230 nSizeMax less than nSizeMin in CHOOSEFONT structure
- 1024 Sunday
- 1025 Monday
- 1026 Tuesday
- 1027 Wednesday
- 1028 Thursday
- 1029 Friday
- 1030 Saturday
- 1031 Sun
- 1032 Mon
- 1033 Tue
- 1034 Wed
- 1035 Thu
- 1036 Fri
- 1037 Sat
- 1040 January
- 1041 February
- 1042 March
- 1043 April
- 1044 May
- 1045 June
- 1046 July
- 1047 August
- 1048 September
- 1049 October
- 1050 November
- 1051 December
- 1056 Jan
- 1057 Feb
- 1058 Mar
- 1059 Apr
- 1060 May
- 1061 Jun
- 1062 Jul
- 1063 Aug
- 1064 Sep
- 1065 Oct
- 1066 Nov
- 1067 Dec
- 1068 This program is NOT registered
- 1069 This program is licensed to