home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object FFBINag: TFFBINag
- Left = 246
- Top = 28
- ActiveControl = cmdOrderNow
- BorderIcons = []
- BorderStyle = bsDialog
- Caption = 'Evaluation Period Expired'
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- Caption = 'ClipMate v4.2 - � 1991-1997 by THORNSOFT Development'
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- Caption = '&Order Now !!'
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- Font.Style = []
- Lines.Strings = (
- 'When You Purchase ClipMate, You Will Receive:'
- ' 1. Continued Full Use Of All Functions.'
- ' 2. A Registration Key To Remove These Notifications.'
- ' 3. A Printed User'#39's Manual.'
- ' 4. A Diskette With The Latest Version.'
- ' 5. Notification Of Upgrades.'
- ' 6. Access To Technical Support.'
- 'In Addition, Your Registration Key Will Enable You To Use Any 4.' +
- 'x Version Of ClipMate. '
- 'Just Download And Run, Using Your 4.x Registration Key!'
- '')
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- Font.Style = []
- Lines.Strings = (
- 'You Are Using ClipMate Beyond The 30-Day/30-Use Evaluation Perio' +
- 'd, Which Is A '
- 'Violation Of Our Copyright.'
- 'To Ensure Compliance With Our Licensing Terms, Some Non-Essentia' +
- 'l Operating '
- 'Modes Will Be Unavailable (Disabled) Until You Have Purchased A ' +
- 'Licensed '
- 'Version Of ClipMate, And Successfully Entered Your Personal Regi' +
- 'stration Key. '
- 'Currently Disabled Features:'
- ' Printing - you can'#39't print.'
- ' Multiple Collections - all except one are marked read-only.'
- ' Collection Management - you can'#39't create or modify collections' +
- '.')
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