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- object FRegNow: TFRegNow
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- 'Single-user pricing is $25. For Site License pricing, see SITEL' +
- 'IC.TXT. '
- 'Shipping via postal mail is free in North America, and $2 elsewh' +
- 'ere (Airmail). '
- 'We accept the following options for payment:'
- ' > Credit Card via WWW using Secure Transactions. http://www.t' +
- 'hornsoft.com'
- ' > CompuServe'#39's SWREG Online Registration Service (GO SWREG, ID' +
- '# 173)'
- ' > A check drawn on a US bank.'
- ' > Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express.'
- ' > International Postal Money Order'
- ' > US Currency'
- 'In addition, we also accept purchase orders from large corporati' +
- 'ons, '
- 'institutions, and government agencies. Site licenses are availa' +
- 'ble (see sitelic.txt)'
- 'To order, simply complete the Order Form (see button below), enc' +
- 'lose '
- 'payment, and send it to us (Address is on order form, or see the' +
- ' About box.)'
- 'Credit card orders and Purchase Orders may be FAXed to: USA (716' +
- ') 227-1145'
- 'And you may also order by phone with your credit card: USA (716)' +
- ' 227-6505'
- 'For additional ordering information, including overseas agents, ' +
- 'please press '
- 'the "More Ordering Options" button below.')
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