This component is a custom data source that allows the user to set the column order of a table or query, as well as the sort order (use the IncludeSortBy Property to disable this feature), which columns are visible, and which not. Call the ShowFieldsDlg method to show the dialog which will allow the user to edit the dataset.
An extra feature is the inclusion of a mechanism which allows the user to select which fields to include and which to leave out in a report. The report must be developed separately, however. Disable this feature by using the IncludeReports Property
If an ini file is specified using the IniFilename property, then all selections are saved to the ini file specified. These values are recorded in a section whose title is the same as the dataset that the datasource is connected to, so if the component is used extensively, it is important to keep your dataset names unique.
Sometimes it is necessary to setup the fields based on a previous selection without showing the fields dialog, for example when opening the form containing the dataset at runtime. In these cases, use the
SetupColumns Method.
Since this component was derived from TDataSource, it has all properties, methods and events related to TDataSource.
Setting Up the components
1) Create a directory to house the components
2) Extract the contents of the file into this directory
3) Add the components to the components palette (stdcomps.dcu & dscol.dcu)
4) Copy the dept.db & personel.db files into the directory for DBDemos (for the demo). Copy dscol.ini to the windows directory.
5) Run HelpInst.exe in the help directory in Delphi, add the dscol.kwg file to the list, then save. If you have problems with the location of the dscol.kwg file, you may need to copy them into this directory. You may also need to copy the dscol.hlp file into the delphi bin directory if you have problems (as I have).
Once you have done this, you may want to run the demo program to explore the features of the components.
good luck..
About TColumnsDataSource
TColumnsDataSource was written by John Stathakis (e-mail: JLSTATH@MAIL.ICON.CO.ZA)
Version: 1.00 (1996, John Stathakis)
You may use this product freely, however, the source code and related documentation may not be changed in any way without the written permission of the author. Please note that the author will not accept responsibility for any loss resulting from the use of this or any other component. Any code you may recieve may not be distributed in any form without written permision from the author.
Please contact me if you have any enquiries or bug reports.
Note: The author is currently available for employment. Please forward enquiries in this regard to the above e-mail address. Preferred destinations in the following order: Australia, United States, United Kingdom. Other destinations will be considered.