(28,901 bytes) BDE alias management component. Allows creation and deletion of BDE aliases under program control. Includes both Delphi 2 and Delphi 3 versions. ( ver. 01.03, added 21-Jun-97 ) by Glenn Davies (3,332 bytes) TDBImageAspect is a replace for TDBImage. It has the same properties and Events. The difference is, that the image will be displayed with its correct aspect ratio. Works with QuickReport 1.0 as well. ( ver. 1, added 9-Jun-97 ) by Alexander Halser (334,852 bytes) an implementation of a virtual DB list view ( ver. 0.4 beta, added 24-Jun-97, You can use this code as you want. but if you have ideas or modify some portions of code please send me a copy :). ) by Jean-Luc Mattei DBPanelEdit will be useful for you in the following cases: 1) If you do not want to waist your time to place a great amount DB controls and labels on your forms 2) If you want to use one form or even one panel to display or edit more then one DataSet ( ver. 1.0, added 1-Jun-97 ) by RSD Software (4,582 bytes) Simple DBTreeView - programming example. ( ver. sample, added 9-Jun-97 ) by Alexander Halser (15,102 bytes) Locates data in a TTable or TQuery component (and their descendants like the Infopower TwwTable component ). Will search up to 1048576 chars of a Blob/Memo field. Will automatically find and use an index if one is available for the field being sear ( ver. v0.94, added 9-Jun-97, no src. ) by Chuck Gadd (21,877 bytes) Data-aware TBitBtn and TSpeedButtons. Using them instead of TDBNavigator, you can put them on a D3-CoolBar, change glyph and caption, adding special buttons like "Print", link them to a MenuItem and cancel the default-action. ( ver. 1.4, added 9-Jun-97 ) by Christoph Kirchner (5,562 bytes) Italian resources for the RX Library ver. 2.31 ( ver. 1.0, added 9-Jun-97 ) by Antonello Serra (674,953 bytes) RX VCL Extensions Library contains a number of components, objects and routines for Borland Delphi ( ver. 2.31, added 12-May-97 ) by Fedor Koshevnikov, Igor Pavluk, Sergey Korolev (14,247 bytes) MAPPER and Accessory Manager access from Delphi. Postcardware. No cost. Full source. ( ver. 1.0, added 13-Jun-97, Postcardware. Full source. No conditions except its use is your OWN responsibility. ) by Kim Madsen (15,292 bytes) Directly export data from tabel or query to MS Access file. See example. ( ver. 97.02, added 13-Jun-97, no src. ) by Predrag Vujic (23,426 bytes) A stringgrid which addes Alignments, Fonts and colors for Cells, Rows and Columns; Hints for each Cell and a component editor to edit all these and the Cell property at design time ( ver. 1.5, added 1-Jun-97 ) by Andreas H÷rstemeier (17,028 bytes) Checkoutline is just the same as the standard outline control, but has the ability to check the items. Further it shows the full text of an entry in a tip window even if it is too long. just like the treeview component. ( ver. 1.0, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Hannes Danzl (70,568 bytes) DATAGRID has a columns property like TDBGrid with BUTTONS and/or COMBOS. You can set font, alignment, cell color, title and data format (string/num/date) for each column. The grid's content can be saved to a memofield (TDBDataGrid). ( ver. 1.0beta, added 11-Jun-97, no src. ) by Alexander Halser (39,408 bytes) TFnpNumericEdit is an enhanced version of the standard edit control, that is designed specifically for entering numbers. This component is ideal for data entry applications ( ver. 1.01.00, added 24-Jun-97, Postcardware ) by Fredrik Nordbakke (29,048 bytes) A listbox/combobox that displays bitmaps and text. ( ver. 1.0, added 25-May-97, Freeware with source. Win32 only ) by Peter Thvrnqvist (7,355 bytes) LongList defines two classes TLongListbox, TLongOutline that show the whole string of an entry, when the mouse is moved over. Just like the Win95 TreeView component. ( ver. 1.0, added 25-May-97 ) by Hannes Danzl (2,523 bytes) String grid modified to allow marking of cells and storing of hidden variant data in each cell. ( ver. 1, added 21-Jun-97 ) by Ricardo Alexandre Mattar (5,004 bytes) This is a improved version of the Jean-Daniel Touly's TBarreResize. TSplitterBar allows to visually resize panels without writing code. All you have to do is play with the align properties of the components you want to resize ( ver. 1.0, added 1-Jun-97, These components are freeware and the TBarreResize one belongs to Jean-Daniel Touly and it's freeware too. The original source of TBarreResize component was modified in some features, but it's still compatible with the old version. ) by JosΘ Sebastißn Battig (15,231 bytes) TSuperTimer is just like TTimer, except that is uses its own thread, which means that it is very accurate ( ver. 1.0, added 1-Jun-97, no src. ) by John Goyvaerts (2,135 bytes) Trapedit allows you to trap ALL keys in en edit field, ( ver. 1.0, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Hannes Danzl This archive contains the updated Delphi interface for White Ants ModelMaker 3.20 update 2. The Interface now supports Delphi 1, 2 and 3! ( ver. 3.20 d3, added 25-May-97 ) by White Ants systemhouse BV (15,758 bytes) Properties editor component. ( ver. 1.0, added 24-Jun-97, no src., This component is postcardware. ) by Vona Carlo (171,778 bytes) TAdvStringGrid is a stringgrid with lots of extra possibilities : ins / del rows & colums, save / load to file, save to HTML, CSV, clipboard, cell alignment, cell color, cell font color, printing with several options, cell hints, sorting, search ( ver. 0.91, added 9-Jun-97, no src., source code available for $35 ) by Bruno Fierens (8,045 bytes) LED visual component with 6 LED styles, independent ON/OFF colour selection and variable Blink rate. ( ver. 1.01, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Howard Harvey (43,341 bytes) TAVIControl: a component to display AVI files ( ver. 0.9b, added 25-May-97 ) by Andrea Molino (111,323 bytes) TBanner scrolls a bitmap, string or text (eg: credits) from one side to another. You can define scrolling direction, speed, etc. ( ver. 1.1.1, added 1-Jun-97, no src. ) by Jan Goyvaerts (27,685 bytes) BmpAnim - a bitmap animation component that animates strips of likesized bitmaps ("frames") stored in a single bitmap ( ver. 0.1, added 31-May-97, Win32 only. ) by Peter Thvrnqvist (12,074 bytes) a PageControl with some new features (Left & Right tabs, ...) (V 0.4 Beta) ( ver. 0.4, added 24-Jun-97, You can use this code as you want. but if you have ideas or modify some portions of code please send me a copy :). ) by Jean-Luc Mattei Native Delphi component that encapsulates the SHBrowseForFolder interface, which allows Win32 users to select a directory using the standard shell dialog. TBrowseFolder also allows the developer to add a custom button or check box to the ( ver. 2.2, added 21-Jun-97, New version designed for Delphi 3.0; Delphi 2.0 support included. ) by Todd Fast (165,018 bytes) TCalcomp is a Microsoft Money 97 like popup calendar New for version 1.2 are properties to control start day of week, popup color, textcolor, week of the year display, name of days, name of months. ( ver. 1.2, added 9-Jun-97, no src., source available for $25 ) by Bruno Fierens (67,638 bytes) The ChessBoard component provides a 2-Dimensional chessboard with a drag and drop interface that can keep track of a game and allows full customization of the bitmaps for the pieces, squares and border. All common chess events are implemented ( ver. 1.0, added 24-Jun-97, It's for free ) by Daniel Terhell (92,304 bytes) ? ( ver. 1.3, added 25-May-97 ) by BOURMAD Mehdi (16,146 bytes) A message and query dialog in one that uses transparent buttons to give a win97 look. ( ver. 1, added 21-Jun-97, Freeware Use & Abuse ) by Edward de la Rey (141,272 bytes) TDigits implements a counter with the last digit(s) rotating up or down as you call the Increase or Decrease methods, just like the odometer in your car. ( ver. 2.0.0, added 1-Jun-97, no src. ) by Jan Goyvaerts (21,199 bytes) TFileListViewDlg, TFileListPopupMenu, TDirectoryComboDlg, TFileNameEditDlg: all components needed to implement an "Enhanced Open Dialog" like Windows 95, with more than Windows 95 ( ver. 0.9b, added 25-May-97 ) by Andrea Molino (272,377 bytes) TGLOBE displays a three-dimensional globe of the world and allows you to interact with the objects displayed. The globe can be rotated and zoomed into to display a close-up of any region of the Earth. ( ver. 0.92, added 21-Jun-97, no src. ) by Graham Knight (6,793 bytes) TLedAuto component ( ver. 1.0, added 9-Jun-97, no src. ) by Gabriel Asensio (26,804 bytes) Panel manager as found in Navigator 4.x. You can place MPanels on a PManager so the user can toggle the panels on or off as they like or to create temp. more space on the screen. They even can drag them to another place. ( ver. 1.00.10, added 13-Jun-97, no src., Source on request for 20 Dutch guilders or $15 Send an Email to get information. Compiled DCU files are for FREE. ) by Andre Mens (27,065 bytes) Rebar look-alike. With Gripper and clickable caption. ( ver. 0.1, added 1-Jun-97, Freeware with source. Should work with Delphi 1.0 too ) by Peter Thvrnqvist (45,869 bytes) TSplitterWnd. A windows-style splitter window. It is a full window control rather than an in-between style panel attached to two windows. Allows for any number of splitter bars at any orientation. Source shows good example of component editor ( ver. 1.0, added 9-Jun-97, Source is well-commented. The component is copylefted. You must distribute it freely and any changes made need to be available without charge. Can be used in commercial apps without any consent on my part. ) by Chris Monson (81,347 bytes) TSplitIt is a splitter control that you can use to split about just anything. Drop the component on your form, assign the OnSplit event handler and you are done ( ver. 1.0.1, added 1-Jun-97, no src. ) by John Goyvaerts (46,901 bytes) Free dockable toolbar component that features the new Office 97 look and behavior. ( ver. 1.36, added 1-Jun-97 ) by Jordan Russell (98,783 bytes) TTickingClock displays an analog clock. You can either change the time to be displayed yourself when needed, or make the clock advance automatically second by second (like a stopwatch) or to display and keep track of the current system time. ( ver. 1.1, added 1-Jun-97, no src. ) by Jan Goyvaerts (3,032 bytes) Displays the version information that the Delphi 3 compiler puts into the current executable. Useful for about box etc. ( ver. 1.0, added 21-Jun-97 ) by Marc Evans (1,841 bytes) Very small component for creating of wallpapered panels with cyclic repainted picture. ( ver. 1.01, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Andrew V Zhukov
etk10.exe (176,698 bytes) Expert tool kit: helps you create your own experts and wizard to extend Delphi 3's IDE ( ver. 1.0, added 21-Jun-97 ) by Tempest Software (8,902 bytes) PathWiz is a Delphi 3 expert that allows you to edit your library search path where you can see it all at once, and you may happily keep entering them without concern for the 255 character limit. ( ver. 1.00, added 9-Jun-97, no src., Distribute freely ) by Bruce Cowan Plays until 8 wave files simultaneously with no external DLL required. ( ver. 1.1, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Carlos Barbosa (30,713 bytes) T(Adv)Excel is the successor to TExcel (author: Tibor Liska), the Excel 4/5/7/8 DDE driver and data transfer component. Orders of magnitude faster than OLE automation or any other known data transfer mechanism. ( ver. 2.3, added 9-Jun-97, A further enhanced version with extremely fast data transfer rates (1000+ items in 150 milliseconds or better) is available upon request from ) by Stefan Hoffmeister (10,101 bytes) a Menu extension for easy OwnerDrawing and Sizing (V 0.2 Alpha) ( ver. 0.2, added 24-Jun-97, You can use this code as you want. but if you have ideas or modify some portions of code please send me a copy :). ) by Jean-Luc Mattei (5,666 bytes) TPosSaver component ( ver. 1.0, added 25-May-97, no src. ) by Bogdan Horvat (184,195 bytes) IceLock - Updated with support for Demo keys, and HDserial number capturing. Registration component. ( ver. 2.0, added 25-May-97, Unzip with -d option (to preserve directories) ) by Brenden Walker (13,907 bytes) This component teams up with InstallShield Express and gives you capabilities to store and retrieve installation info like User, Company and Serial. It also gives you shareware control like registration and password encryption. ( ver. 1.1, added 24-Jun-97, This is a minor bug fix due to my own sloppyness, let me know if anything can be improved ) by Jack Bakker (20,386 bytes) Regi1632 gives you access to the Win95/NT. If you're running on 16 bit it will write/read the registry-entries from an Inifile;if you're running on a 32 bit system (even if it is a 16bit program) the registry will be used. Helpfile&Example included! ( ver. 2.0, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Hannes Danzl (87,355 bytes) Spectre is a cryptographic component designed to encrypt binary and text files as well as individual strings ( ver. 1.2a, added 21-Jun-97, no src. ) by Shaun V. Parry (3,513 bytes) Adds an menu item in the form's system menu ( ver. 1.00, added 9-Jun-97, no src., source freely on e-mail ) by Rafael Ribas (81,297 bytes) TEmail is a MAPI component. It allows for easy but powerful distribution of MAPI email (not SMTP !!), faxes and other data through MAPI clients like MS Exchange. ( ver. 2.05.00, added 24-Jun-97, Extensive online documentation and demonstration programs are available. ) by Danny Heijl (4,153 bytes) MS ActiveScript API in Delphi 3.0 format. ( ver. 1.0, added 1-Jun-97 ) by Brian Dupras (1,796 bytes) Example of how to intercept the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message to restrict the size of a form to min and max values. ( ver. 1.0, added 9-Jun-97 ) by Pierre A. Damas (1,778 bytes) TBrowseForFolderDialog class, allowing the user to select a folder in the Windows 95 way. Calls the Win32 API SHBrowseForFolder function. ( ver. 1.0, added 9-Jun-97 ) by Pierre A. Damas (1,325 bytes) 32 bits Encrypting/decrypting unit work with long strings. 2^96 variants to decrypt. ( ver. 2.01, added 25-May-97 ) by Anatoly Podgoretsky (58,559 bytes) MAPI Support Kit for Delphi 3.0. Translation of original MAPI 1.0 ("Extended MAPI") header files to Delphi. ( ver. 1.0, added 21-Jun-97 ) by Alexander Staubo (5,873 bytes) Encapsulation of the Windows Memory Mapped File (MMF) as a TStream descendent. Allows for the simple interprocess communications via the named mapped objects, access to the files up to 4Gb size as arrays, etc. ( ver. 1.0, added 1-Jun-97 ) by Dmitry Streblechenko (34,830 bytes) Several fast in memory sorters ( ver. 1.0, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Martin Waldenburg (7,511 bytes) TTokenList is a general tokenizer. TLineToken breaks a PChar into Lines and filters all comments. Especially useful to get read access to lines of the IDE's EditStream. For ClassBrowsers etc. ( ver. 1.0, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Martin Waldenburg (698,175 bytes) SMTP, POP3 and FTP native components with source ( ver. 2.0, added 1-Jun-97, released under the GNU Library Public License ) by Tony BenBrahim (74,718 bytes) Addapted Gary T. Desrosiers Delphi socket component to work with Delphi 3.0 ( added 25-May-97 ) by J. Peter Mugaas (69,828 bytes) TCP/IP component pack, includes: clients for HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, NNTP, lpr, time, RExec, finger; server for finger; special components for creation of valid Internet email and news article including MIME file attachments; demo applications ( ver. 0.1, added 1-Jun-97 ) by Andreas H÷rstemeier (136,308 bytes) ICMP is an installable component which accesses Microsoft's unsupported ICMP dll (missing SOCK_RAW winsock 1.1 workaround) ( ver. 1.0, added 25-May-97, This source is released to public domain ) by Stuart L. Richmond (23,864 bytes) WinSocket classes: TTCPClient, TTCPServer, TUDPClient and TUDPServer. ( ver. 1.20, added 21-Jun-97 ) by Robert T. Palmqvist (1,385 bytes) TDBDateTimePicker - Data Aware component inherited from TDataTimePicker in Delphi 3 ( ver. 1, added 19-May-97 ) by Simon Munro (375,338 bytes) Generic BDE SQL Chucker. Throws SQL at BDE supported databases. Times results. Prints table structures. ( ver. 1.0, added 21-Jun-97 ) by Marc Evans (14,923 bytes) Study of how to use Win32 memory mapped files and mutexes ( ver. 1.0, added 24-Jun-97 ) by David Spies (167,410 bytes) How to start, stop, create and delete WindowsNT services ( ver. 0.5, added 13-Jun-97, no src., Full source code is avalable at ) by Sergei Hramchenko (21,708 bytes) Example Using Structured Storage To save Treeview/Listview combo ( ver. 3.0, added 9-Jun-97 ) by David Spies (5,075 bytes) Program thet creates a GUID and format it ready to paste into your Delphi project ( added 7-May-97, no src. ) by Stefan B÷ther (19,189 bytes) This is a collection of some functions to calculate the phases of the moon and some connected data. To make this a nice Delphi component there's also a TImage descendent which shows the phase of the moon at a given date and a demo application ( ver. 1.1, added 1-Jun-97 ) by Andreas H÷rstemeier (30,387 bytes) Barcode component Supports EAN13, Code39 and XCode39 ( ver. 1.11, added 21-Jun-97, no src. ) by Allan Th. Poulsen (32,722 bytes) TFnpComboColor is designed to let the user pick a color from a combo box. You could use TColorGrid, but this component occupies a lot of space on the screen and has a fixed number of colors ( ver. 1.00.00, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Fredrik Nordbakke (2,634 bytes) Ext_IDE makes sub-properties (starting with a "+") in the Objectinspector available by a keypress of the "+" or Return key. So you have easy access to these properties with the keyboard and don't have to double-click with the mouse ( ver. 1.2, added 9-Jun-97 ) by Jan Strube (36,063 bytes) TFnpFormEnh enhances the form that owns it. The component can save the form's size, position and state to the registry when it is destroyed, restore these properties when it is created and it lets you specify min and max sizes for the form ( ver. 1.00.00, added 24-Jun-97, no src. ) by Fredrik Nordbakke (4,925 bytes) Creates an animated Cursor with a wagging tail. Example is ready to go - no need to install. ( ver. 1.0, added 9-Jun-97 ) by Alexander Halser (20,509 bytes) Version 9.1 of ultrafast TParser - specialized component for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions specified at runtime. Serious memory leak bug stripped off. ( ver. 3.0, added 24-Jun-97 ) by Alin Flaider (4,281 bytes) Polish resource for RX 2.31 library ( ver. 2.31, added 19-May-97 ) by Waldemar Otulski
IB_Objects.ZIP: 33 Delphi Components that connect to InterBase via API. Includes an event alerter component that does not crash when used over a network, it is claimed.