42311, "Panel component which features enhanced border styles. Supports Windows 95 styles."
42312, "Toolbar panel that supports Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 styles."
42313, "StatusBar panel that supports Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 styles, including the Windows 95 size grip region."
42314, "Resource efficient multistyle border component. Supports Windows 95 styles."
42315, "Three dimensional Label component which can be rotated a full 360 degrees."
42316, "Enhanced data-aware label component."
42317, "The TRzTrackBar component is a slider control that provides more features than the Windows 95 TrackBar control."
42318, "Data-aware version of the RzTrackBar component."
42319, "The TRzSplitter component consists of two panes separated by a splitter bar. The panes, and their contents are automatically resized when the splitter bar is moved."
42320, "List box component that provides more intuitive keyboard searching."
42321, "Data-aware list box component that provides more intuitive keyboard searching"
42322, "List box component that handles embedded tab characters and is able to display a horizontal scroll bar."
42323, "List box component that displays a check box next to each list item."
42324, "Combo box component that provides more intuitive keyboard searching"
42325, "Combo box component that provides more intuitive keyboard searching"
42326, "Combo box component that displays a list of colors. System colors may also be added to the list."
42327, "Combo box component that displays a list of fonts. System or printer fonts can be filtered, as well as True Type or fixed pitch."
42328, "Provide visual feedback by displaying the progress of a lengthy task using this component."
42329, "Data-aware version of the RzProgressBar component. Percentage can be calculated from a single column, a single column against a base value, or between two columns."
42330, "Simple status pane that displays non-editable text in a frame."
42331, "Data-aware status pane that displays non-editable text in a frame."
42332, "Displays the current time and/or date. Format of date and time can be altered."
42333, "Displays the state of the selected key (i.e. On or Off)."
42334, "Shows current levels of system resources. Select to monitor System, User, GDI, or Memory levels."
42335, "Status pane that allows a bitmap to be displayed within the status area."
42336, "Displays the current state of a dataset via its DataSource property."
42337, "Specialized panel component which manages a set of radio buttons."
42338, "Specialized data-aware panel component which manages a set of radio buttons."
42339, "Use the keyboard to quickly search a list of items using this dialog component."
42340, "Use the keyboard to quickly search for records in a dataset using this dialog component."
42341, "Edit component with an associated button. Ideal for launching lookup dialogs."
42342, "Data-aware edit component with an associated button. Ideal for launching lookup dialogs."
42343, "Numeric edit component with an associated spinner button."
42344, "Data-aware numeric edit component with an associated spinner button."
42345, "Edit component which appears only as a line rather than a box. Well suited for duplicating paper forms."
42346, "Data-aware edit component which appears only as a line rather than a box. Well suited for duplicating paper forms."
42347, "Launch other applications or processes from within your Delphi applications."
42348, "Use this component to send a message to any number of recipients. Also attach any number of files to the message."
42349, "This dialog component allows a user to easily select a directory. If necessary, the desired directory will be created."
42350, "Enhanced list box that displays all files in a particular directory. Under Win32, the small icon associated with the file type is displayed next to the file name."
42351, "Enhanced list box that displays all directories for a given drive. Utilizes Windows 95 glyphs."
42352, "Enhanced combo box that displays all drives. Utilizes Windows 95 glyphs."
42353, "This button repeatedly fires its click event as the button is held down."