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Text File | 1996-12-16 | 121.1 KB | 3,157 lines |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | KITH AND KIN for Windows |
- | V3.11 |
- | User Guide |
- | |
- | This guide is an extract of the on-line help file KITHKIN.HLP |
- | and should be used in conjunction with it. |
- | |
- | [GRAPHIC] indicates a graphic image. |
- | Consult the help file to see the graphic. |
- | |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Shareware Industry Awards 1995 Nominee
- ============================================================================
- ========
- 1.1 The basics
- 1.1.1 Using the Help file
- 1.1.2 Introducing Kith and Kin
- 1.1.3 Opening an existing tree
- 1.1.4 Creating a new tree
- 2.1 File handling
- 2.1.1 Starting a new family tree
- 2.1.2 Using the file selection dialog
- 2.1.3 Saving a family tree
- 2.1.4 Opening a family tree
- 2.1.5 Opening a family tree automatically
- 2.1.6 Positioning the tree area window automatically
- 2.1.7 Importing a GEDCOM file
- 2.1.8 Exporting a GEDCOM file
- 2.1.9 Exporting a delimited text file
- 2.2 Person data
- 2.2.1 Adding a person
- 2.2.2 Editing a person
- 2.2.3 Deleting a person
- 2.2.4 Adding and editing a person's notes
- 2.2.5 Adding and editing a person's objects
- 2.2.6 Setting user-defined field descriptions
- 2.3 Family data
- 2.3.1 Adding a family
- 2.3.2 Editing a family
- 2.3.3 Deleting a family
- 2.3.4 Adding and editing a family's notes
- 2.3.5 Adding and editing a family's objects
- 2.4 Printing
- 2.4.1 Printing family details
- 2.4.2 Printing person details
- 2.4.3 Printing an index
- 2.4.4 Printing the tree layout
- 2.4.5 Printing an indented descendant tree
- 2.4.6 Printing a person's descendants
- 2.4.7 Printing a person's ancestors
- 2.4.8 Options for descendant & ancestral tree prints
- 2.4.9 Printing a timeline
- 2.4.10 Printing a census report
- 2.4.11 Printing a missing data report
- 2.4.12 Choosing fonts
- 2.4.13 Formatting the page
- 2.4.14 Viewing a printout on the screen
- 2.4.15 Setting up or choosing the printer
- 2.5 Screen
- 2.5.1 Positioning the tree area window
- 2.5.2 Choosing screen fonts
- 2.5.3 Using the timeline window
- 2.5.4 Selecting families
- 2.5.5 Selecting families by relationship
- 2.5.6 Zooming in and out of the tree area
- 2.5.7 Snapping families to a grid
- 2.6 General
- 2.6.1 Entering dates
- 2.6.2 Editing notes
- 2.6.3 Working with objects
- 2.6.4 Searching for a piece of text
- 2.6.5 Searching for dates
- 2.6.6 Searching for people in limbo
- 2.6.7 Searching for date errors/inconsistencies
- 2.6.8 Searching for events of a particular day
- 2.6.9 Viewing tree statistics
- 2.6.10 Finding the relationship between two people
- 2.6.11 Choosing date formats
- 2.6.12 Handling foreign languages
- 2.6.13 Setting preferences
- 2.6.14 Re-using codes from deleted people/families
- 2.6.15 Exiting from the program
- 3.1 General
- 3.1.1 Person data
- 3.1.2 Family data
- 3.1.3 Alias Dialog
- 3.1.4 Select dialog
- 3.1.5 Keyboard / Mouse key assignments
- 3.1.6 Version information
- 3.1.7 Database limits
- 3.1.8 OLE error codes
- 3.1.9 Known incompatibilities
- 3.1.10 Supported GEDCOM data
- 3.1.11 Frequently asked questions
- 3.1.12 Glossary
- ============================================================================
- Copyright (c) SpanSoft 1993-1996 All rights reserved.
- Please see the help file KITHKIN.HLP for support, registration, licence and
- distribution details.
- Written by: Nick J Hunter
- SpanSoft
- 11 Rowan Terrace
- Fife KY4 9JZ
- Scotland
- Telephone: National: (01383) 510597
- International: +44 1383 510597
- Voice or fax available 24hrs.
- Calls by voice may be answered by machine.
- E-Mail: Internet: 100101.1155@compuserve.com
- Web page: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/SpanSoft
- This software is known as "Of that Ilk" in Australia and New Zealand and
- does not have any connection with the DOS program "Kith&Kin" created by
- Coherent Software, Australia.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SpanSoft is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
- The ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If
- you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
- contacting the member directly, the ASP may be able to help. The ASP
- Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
- does not provide technical support for members' products.
- Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI
- 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe
- Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- ============================================================================
- =================
- 1.1 The basics
- --------------
- 1.1.1 Using the Help file
- -------------------------
- To display the "Getting Started" help topic use Help|Getting started from
- the Kith and Kin main menu.
- The help file is a complete on-line manual for Kith and Kin. As well as
- providing context-sensitive help direct from Kith and Kin, it contains all
- the technical information about the program and usage tips in an easy-to-use
- format.
- If you are not familiar with using Windows help files, read the 'help on
- help' information. Do this by clicking the left mouse button on 'Help' in
- the menu above the help file and then on 'How to Use Help' in the pull-down
- menu.
- You can get help by either selecting Help|Contents from the main menu or by
- pressing F1. You can also get specific help on whatever task you are
- carrying out by selecting the Help button in the current dialog.
- 1.1.2 Introducing Kith and Kin
- ------------------------------
- Kith and Kin is a software package for documenting and storing family trees
- which has been specially designed for the MS-Windows operating system. It
- features an easy to use graphical interface and powerful multi-level editing
- tools which makes it ideal for both large and small trees.
- The program supports date and place of births, baptisms, deaths, burials,
- marriages and divorces as well as multiple marriages and aliases for each
- person. Each person has two user defined fields which could be used for
- occupation, cause of death or any other suitable data. People and families
- may have notes added as well as pictures, diagrams, sounds, etc (known as
- objects) via Windows OLE.
- The information which you enter into Kith and Kin is organised into
- families. The main screen is a window into a tree area which displays each
- family as a rectangle. Relationships between families are shown by parent
- lines. Using the mouse, you can drag and position the family rectangles
- within the tree area to form any tree layout you desire. You can zoom in and
- out of the tree to give you an overview of the entire tree layout.
- Once the tree has been built up, the family rectangles can be used for
- direct access to data by double-clicking on the required family. You can
- then move through the tree by selecting people and families from within the
- family and person data. This makes it very easy to follow a particular route
- through the tree whilst examining, updating or even adding data.
- Navigating the tree on the screen is made easier by automatically
- highlighting related families. You select whether you want to choose all
- families descended from a particular root family, all families containing
- ancestors of the root or just families which form a direct line between two
- families.
- Kith and Kin lets you see a timeline which displays the events associated
- with selected families interspersed with notable historic events. These
- events can be edited and added to using the TimeGen utility (supplied free
- with registered versions of Kith and Kin).
- A printed book can be produced with family group details (which may
- incorporate pictures and diagrams) and a complete, cross-referenced index to
- names and families. You have control over the formatting and extent of all
- printed reports which also include person details, tree layout, descendant
- and ancestral trees, indented tree, timeline, census report and missing data
- report.
- International users can modify date descriptors and all the text used when
- printing reports. This means that Kith and Kin will print reports (and
- display most data) in any language.
- Compatibility with "Personal Ancestral File" GEDCOM files means you can
- export and import data to and from other genealogy programs. You can also
- use this feature to prepare extracts from tree files.
- Kith and Kin will export text files which you can then use in other programs
- such as databases or spreadsheets.
- 1.1.3 Opening an existing tree
- ------------------------------
- A sample tree file has been provided which demonstrates a typical family
- tree. This file is named SAMPLE.TRE and it should reside in the same
- directory as Kith and Kin (KITHKIN.EXE).
- To open this tree click on the [GRAPHIC] file open button in the button bar
- just below the main menu. You will now see a file selection dialog. There
- are three different ways in which you can select SAMPLE.TRE as follows.
- 1) You can type in SAMPLE.TRE in the Filename field and press the <ENTER>
- key or click on the OK button.
- 2) You can click on SAMPLE.TRE in the Files list with the left mouse button
- and then click on the OK button or press the <ENTER> key.
- 3) You can double-click the left mouse button on SAMPLE.TRE in the Files
- list.
- If SAMPLE.TRE does not appear in the Files list, it may not have been copied
- from your release disk into the Kith and Kin directory.
- The sample tree file will then be opened and displayed on your screen.
- Experiment with the PageUp, PageDown, Tab, arrow keys and the Home key which
- all move the main window to a new part of the tree area. See Keyboard
- (3.1.5) for explanations of what each key does.
- Try dragging a family rectangle to a new position by putting the cursor
- arrow over any family rectangle and then pressing and holding the left mouse
- button. You will see the cursor change to [GRAPHIC] indicating that you can
- now reposition the family rectangle. While still holding the mouse button
- down, move the mouse and you will see a rectangular outline move about the
- screen. When you have moved this outline to the desired position, release
- the mouse button. The family rectangle will now move to the new position.
- You can also drag more than one family at a time by following the same
- procedure but with the Shift key held down each time you click on a family
- rectangle. You can also select more than one family at a time by dragging
- with the left mouse button not on any family. You will see a dotted marquee
- expand as you drag the mouse. When the marquee has enclosed the required
- families release the mouse button to select them.
- You can display a summary of a particular family by putting the cursor arrow
- over the family rectangle and then holding down the right mouse button.
- Now try zooming out so that you can see more of the tree by clicking on the
- [GRAPHIC] zoom out button in the button bar. As you continue to zoom out,
- notice that the text and people icons disappear. This makes the display
- faster and you can set the magnification at which the details disappear in
- Options|Preferences. All the normal functions can still be used when your
- have zoomed out. To return to normal viewing click on the [GRAPHIC] zoom in
- button or press Ctrl+N.
- Open the timeline window by clicking on the [GRAPHIC] timeline button. Now
- click on family [F149] to select it. In the timeline window will appear all
- the events associated with people in family [F149] as well as some famous
- events of the period. Carefully click on the line which reads "10 Dec 1810 :
- [P423] Robert HUNTER born at Clackmannan". The line turns red to indicate
- that you have selected it and notice that two other lines also turn red (you
- can find the last one by using the scroll bar). This feature allows you to
- find quickly in the timeline window all events associated with a particular
- person. To hide the timeline window again click on the [GRAPHIC] timeline
- button.
- If you forget what a button in the button bar does, simply hold down the
- left mouse button over the required button without releasing it. At the
- bottom of the screen the function of the button is displayed. Slide the
- cursor off the button and release the mouse button.
- To examine or modify a particular family's data, you can double-click the
- left mouse button on a family rectangle. This will open a Family Data dialog
- which will allow you to edit this family's data.
- A sample object (a Paintbrush Picture) has been embedded in family [F118].
- Open the object list by selecting the Objects button in the Family Data
- dialog. You can then examine the photo by double clicking the left mouse
- button on it or selecting the photo in the list and then selecting "Edit
- Paintbrush Picture Object" from the menu (by clicking on the minus sign in
- the top left of the dialog). Note that the colour resolution of the photo is
- not high, because the number of colours has been reduced to 4 to ensure
- compatibility with Paintbrush. If an error occurs, it may be that Windows
- Paintbrush has not been set-up correctly on your computer.
- You can examine or edit the data associated with the parents and children of
- this family by selecting the appropriate edit button for parents or
- double-clicking on a child in the Children list. This will open a Person
- Data dialog which will allow you to edit this person's data.
- 1.1.4 Creating a new tree
- -------------------------
- When you first start Kith and Kin you will be presented with a blank tree
- area. If you have been looking at SAMPLE.TRE select New from the File menu
- to clear the tree.
- Create your first family by selecting Add new family from the Edit menu or
- press Ctrl+F6. This will bring up a family data dialog in which you may
- enter the details for this family. The only fields which may be entered
- directly in this particular dialog are the marriage details of the parents.
- Do this first if you are going to use them (remember all text edit fields
- are optional).
- Next add the father by selecting the father add button (this action both
- adds a new person to the tree and identifies him as the father of this
- family).
- This will bring up a person data dialog in which you may enter the details
- for the father. To add the family of which the father is a child select the
- child of family add button. This will again bring up a family data dialog
- and details may be entered as above.
- Multiple dialogs may be opened like this up to a maximum of six. Exit each
- dialog in turn by selecting the Ok or Cancel button.
- When all family data and person data dialogs have been closed any new
- families must be placed on the tree area. This is indicated by the cursor
- changing to [GRAPHIC]. Move the cursor to the required position and click
- the left mouse button. All new families will be displayed as family
- rectangles. Note that whenever the cursor is this "inwards arrows" shape,
- you must click the left mouse button to place the families before you can do
- anything else. Don't worry if the families are placed in the wrong position,
- you can always move them afterwards.
- Save your new family tree by selecting Save as from the file menu.
- ============================================================================
- =======
- 2.1 File handling
- -----------------
- 2.1.1 Starting a new family tree
- --------------------------------
- From the File menu select New.
- This will first check to see if the current tree needs to be saved and then
- clear the tree.
- 2.1.2 Using the file selection dialog
- -------------------------------------
- The file selection dialog is displayed in response to various events in Kith
- and Kin. The dialog allows you to choose an existing file or assign a
- filename to a new file.
- Ensure that the Directory name is correct. The Files list only shows files
- of the selected type within the current directory. It may sometimes be
- necessary to move to another drive or directory, either to find the file you
- are looking for or to ensure that a new file is written in the correct drive
- or directory. To select a different drive double-click on the drive letter
- in the Directories list (eg. [-a-]). To move through the directory structure
- double-click on a directory name (eg. [kithkin]) to move down a level, or on
- [..] to move back a level. The Directory name will change to show the
- current directory.
- File|Open or Options|StartupFile:
- Select the type of file to open, Kith and Kin tree (.TRE) or GEDCOM (.GED).
- Select the required file from the available files list. In the case of a
- GEDCOM File|Open, a GEDCOM import dialog will then open.
- File|Save as:
- Select the type of file to save, Kith and Kin tree (.TRE), GEDCOM (.GED) or
- Text (.TXT). Enter the required file name in the Filename box ensuring that
- the "*" has been deleted and select the Ok button. It is not necessary to
- enter the file extension (eg .TRE) as this is derived from the File Type
- selection. In the case of a GEDCOM File|SaveAs, a GEDCOM export dialog will
- open. In the case of a Text file a Delimited Text File dialog will open.
- Export reports to text file:
- Some reports can be sent to a text file instead of the printer. Enter the
- required file name in the Filename box ensuring that the "*" has been
- deleted and select the Ok button. It is not necessary to enter the file
- extension (ie .TXT) as this is derived from the File Type selection. Only
- .TXT file types can be written.
- 2.1.3 Saving a family tree
- --------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Save.
- or Press F2.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] file save button in the button bar.
- The tree will be saved with the name of the file shown in the main window
- title. If the tree has no current filename the command will act as if Save
- As had been used.
- 2.1.4 Opening a family tree
- ---------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Open.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] file open button in the button bar.
- This will first check to see if the current tree needs to be saved and then
- bring up a file selection dialog.
- Use File|Open for loading Kith and Kin tree files (.TRE) and importing
- GEDCOM files (.GED).
- Saving a tree with a different name or format
- From the File menu select Save as.
- This will bring up a file selection dialog.
- Use File|SaveAs for saving Kith and Kin tree files (.TRE), exporting GEDCOM
- files (.GED) and delimited text files (.TXT). If you save a Kith and Kin
- tree file with File|SaveAs, the name of the current tree will be changed to
- the saved filename.
- 2.1.5 Opening a family tree automatically
- -----------------------------------------
- From the Options menu select Startup file.
- This will bring up the file selection dialog. You may select an existing
- file or enter a new file name. The program will attempt to load the tree
- automatically each time the program is started unless the program is
- launched from a tree file in the File Manager (you have to associate .TRE
- files with KITHKIN.EXE to do this, using File|Associate in the Windows File
- Manager).
- 2.1.6 Positioning the tree area window automatically
- ----------------------------------------------------
- From the Options menu select Startup family.
- Selecting the Change button will bring up the Select Dialog. You may select
- any family in the current tree. The program will attempt to move the tree
- area window to that family automatically each time the current tree file is
- opened. If no family is selected the window will start in the upper left
- corner of the tree area.
- The tree area will be scrolled to this family each time the HOME key is
- pressed.
- 2.1.7 Importing a GEDCOM file
- -----------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Open.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] file open button in the button bar.
- then select GEDCOM from the file type list in the file selection dialog.
- When you have selected the required file and the Ok button, you will be
- given the choice of various options for importing a GEDCOM file, as follows.
- Create new tree:
- The current tree (if any) will be closed and the imported data will form the
- basis of a new tree, untitled.
- Import into current tree:
- The current tree (if any) is retained and the imported data is added to it.
- Store extra data in notes:
- "Extra data", is GEDCOM data which Kith and Kin recognises, but has no
- specific field for. By setting this option any extra data will be added to
- the appropriate set of notes. See Supported GEDCOM data (3.1.10) for a list
- of recognised extra data.
- List extra data in GEDERR.TXT:
- By setting this option any extra data will be added to the GEDCOM import
- error log, GEDERR.TXT.
- Convert invalid dates to text:
- By setting this option any dates encountered which are invalid (eg. they do
- not conform to the GEDCOM standard date format DD MMM YYYY) are imported but
- are converted to date phrases.
- Display file header and submitter:
- The GEDCOM file header and any submitter information will be displayed as it
- is read from the file.
- IBM (DOS) character set code page:
- GEDCOM files created with the IBMPC character set (usually from a DOS
- program) may have been written using one of the alternative DOS code pages.
- These pages are generally used in non-English speaking countries and contain
- extra characters such as "ñ" to cover the additional diacritics used in
- their language.
- You can select one of the following code pages and Kith and Kin will convert
- the incoming extra characters into the appropriate ANSI characters for use
- in Windows. If you are in doubt about which code page was used to create the
- GEDCOM file, assume it was 437 English.
- Code pages supported:
- 437 English
- 850 Latin I
- 860 Portuguese
- 863 Canadian-French
- 865 Nordic
- If the program encounters the end of a GEDCOM file before finding the TRLR
- record, it assumes that the file has been split over more than one disk (or
- file). You will be prompted to insert the disk containing the next file in
- sequence. GEDCOM files split into several files are named <filename>.GED,
- <filename>.G00, <filename>.G01, etc, where <filename>.GED is the filename
- specified for input in the file selection dialog.
- Errors encountered during a GEDCOM import are always reported in GEDERR.TXT
- and you can optionally open this file using Windows Notepad after the
- import.
- See also: Known incompatibilities (3.1.9)
- 2.1.8 Exporting a GEDCOM file
- -----------------------------
- From the File menu select Save as then select GEDCOM from the file type list
- in the file selection dialog.
- When you have entered the filename and selected the Ok button, you will be
- given the choice of various options for exporting a GEDCOM file, as follows.
- All families:
- Set this option to export all people and families from the current tree.
- Selected families:
- Export only the currently highlighted families and the people who appear in
- them by setting this option.
- One person:
- A select dialog will open with which to select a single person for
- exporting.
- Kith and Kin specific data:
- If you are creating a GEDCOM file which will be used to transfer data to
- another program you should ensure that this option is off. Many programs
- which should ignore the extra data which Kith and Kin generates do not. This
- option must be on if you intend to use the GEDCOM file for loading into Kith
- and Kin later.
- Include objects:
- If you want the GEDCOM file to include the objects associated with the
- people or families you are exporting, set this option. Objects exported in
- this way can only be imported by Kith and Kin V2.0 or later, and will
- produce a very large amount of output.
- External notes:
- If you want the GEDCOM file to include notes from external files linked to
- the people/families which are being exported, set this option.
- If the "Kith and Kin specific data" option is set, the GEDCOM file will also
- contain the filenames of the external notes files. Note that importing a
- GEDCOM file which was exported from Kith and Kin with both these options set
- will not import the notes from the external files, only the filenames. You
- must supply all the relevant external notes files as well as the GEDCOM file
- in order to import all notes successfully into Kith and Kin.
- Output character set:
- Kith and Kin will produce GEDCOM files using either the Windows ANSI or
- ANSEL sets. The ANSEL set is more appropriate for non-English languages and
- should also be used to comply with GEDCOM V5.5. However, Windows ANSI is
- normally used for transferring data to most other Windows programs.
- Submitter information:
- If you want to include your name, address, phone number and any comments
- relevant to the particular GEDCOM file, enter them here. They will be output
- as part of the SUBM record. If all four fields are empty, no SUBM record
- will be output.
- If the GEDCOM file becomes too big for the disk it is being written to, the
- program will prompt you to insert another blank disk and will repeat this as
- necessary until the entire file has been written. Subsequent files will be
- named <filename>.G00, <filename>.G01, etc, where <filename>.GED is the
- filename specified for output in the file selection dialog.
- 2.1.9 Exporting a delimited text file
- -------------------------------------
- From the File menu select Save as then select Text from the file type list
- in the file selection dialog.
- When you have entered the filename and selected the Ok button, you will be
- given the choice of various options for exporting a delimited text file.
- A delimited text file is useful for exporting data from Kith and Kin to
- other applications such as a database or spreadsheet program. Once the data
- is in a database, for instance, you can produce customised list reports.
- A delimited text file is a standard ASCII text file which has a separate
- data record (for instance all the data for a single person) on each line.
- Each field in a record is separated from the next by a delimiting character
- (or field delimiter).
- Families to export:
- All prints every family, Selection prints all families which are currently
- highlighted, Range prints all families which fall inside the range of code
- numbers specified in From and To.
- Person record:
- Select the fields which you want included in a person record by clicking on
- each check box. As you select each field a number appears beside it. This
- number indicates the order in which the fields will be placed in the person
- record. If you want to change the field order either click on the Clear
- Fields button to start again, or click on a field which is already selected
- to deselect it. If no fields are selected person records will not be
- exported.
- Family record:
- Select the fields which you want included in a family record in the same way
- as the Person record above. Depending on the application you intend to
- transfer the data to, it may not be appropriate to mix people and family
- records in the same text file. You may have to export people to one file and
- families to another.
- Field delimiter.
- Select the character to use as the separator between fields. Tab, semicolon
- and comma are pre-defined or you may enter another character in the Other
- box.
- Use quotes:
- You can make Kith and Kin enclose each field in quotes. This makes doubly
- sure that characters in the data will not be regarded as field delimiters by
- accident (eg. you can have commas in your data and use a comma as the field
- delimiter). Whether you use quotes or not depends on the application you
- intend to transfer the data to since they are normally stripped out by the
- receiving application. If your data contains quotes, Kith and Kin will
- double-up any quotes it finds. Doubled-up quotes are normally reduced to a
- single quote by the receiving application.
- 2.2 Person data
- ---------------
- 2.2.1 Adding a person
- ---------------------
- Either From the Edit menu select Add new person.
- or Press Ctrl+F5.
- or New people are also added as a result of selecting the add button of a
- Child, Father or Mother in a Family Data Dialog.
- Any of these actions will bring up a Person Data Dialog.
- See also: Re-using codes (2.6.14)
- See also: Database limits (3.1.7)
- 2.2.2 Editing a person
- ----------------------
- Either From the Edit menu select Edit person. A Select Dialog will be
- displayed.
- or Press F5. A Select Dialog will be displayed.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] edit person button in the button bar. A Select
- Dialog will be displayed.
- or Select the edit button of a Child, Father or Mother in a Family Data
- Dialog.
- or Double-click the left mouse button on a Child in a Family Data Dialog.
- Any of these actions will bring up a Person Data Dialog.
- 2.2.3 Deleting a person
- -----------------------
- From the Edit menu select Delete person.
- This will bring up a Select Dialog with which to select the person to be
- deleted. Selecting Ok will immediately and irrevocably delete the person
- from the tree.
- 2.2.4 Adding and editing a person's notes
- -----------------------------------------
- Either From the Edit menu select Person notes. This will bring up a Select
- Dialog from which to select the appropriate person.
- or Press Shift+F5. This will bring up a Select Dialog from which to select
- the appropriate person.
- or Select the notes button in a Person Data Dialog.
- A Notes Dialog will then open in which to edit notes and maintain external
- notes files.
- See also: Editing notes (2.6.2)
- 2.2.5 Adding and editing a person's objects
- -------------------------------------------
- Either From the Edit menu select Person objects. This will bring up a
- Select Dialog from which to select the appropriate person.
- or Press Alt+F5. This will bring up a Select Dialog from which to select
- the appropriate person.
- or Select the objects button in a Person Data Dialog.
- An Objects Dialog will then open in which to edit the objects.
- See also: Working with objects (2.6.3)
- 2.2.6 Setting user-defined field descriptions
- ---------------------------------------------
- See: Setting preferences (2.6.13)
- 2.3 Family data
- ---------------
- 2.3.1 Adding a family
- ---------------------
- Either From the Edit menu select Add new family.
- or Press Ctrl+F6.
- or New families are also added as a result of selecting the add button of a
- Marriage or a Child of Family in a Person Data Dialog.
- Any of these actions will bring up a Family Data Dialog.
- Following the addition of a new family the cursor will change to [GRAPHIC].
- This indicates that the new family rectangle(s) must be placed on the tree
- area. Move the cursor to the desired position and click the left mouse
- button to place the families.
- If you want to place the new family on part of the tree area which is not
- currently visible, move the cursor to the edge of the window in the
- direction in which you want to move (eg. if you want to place the family to
- the right of the currently displayed area, move the cursor up against the
- right hand edge of the window). The window will scroll in small increments.
- You can scroll the window in larger increments by holding down the CTRL key.
- You can also scroll the window using the PageUp, PageDn, Tab, Home and
- cursor keys.
- See also: Re-using codes (2.6.14)
- See also: Database limits (3.1.7)
- 2.3.2 Editing a family
- ----------------------
- Either From the Edit menu select Edit family. If a single family is
- currently highlighted then that family will be selected for editing
- otherwise a Select Dialog will be displayed.
- or Press F6. If a single family is currently highlighted then that family
- will be selected for editing otherwise a Select Dialog will be displayed.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] edit family button in the button bar. If a single
- family is currently highlighted then that family will be selected for
- editing otherwise a Select Dialog will be displayed.
- or Double-click the left mouse button on a family rectangle.
- or Select the edit button of a Marriage or a Child of Family in a Person
- Data Dialog.
- or Double-click the left mouse button on a Marriage in a Person Data
- Dialog.
- Any of these actions will bring up a Family Data Dialog.
- 2.3.3 Deleting a family
- -----------------------
- From the Edit menu select Delete family.
- If a single family is currently highlighted then that family will be
- immediately deleted otherwise a Select Dialog will be displayed. Selecting
- Ok will immediately and irrevocably delete the family from the tree.
- 2.3.4 Adding and editing a family's notes
- -----------------------------------------
- Either From the Edit menu select Family notes. If a single family is
- currently highlighted then the notes associated with that family will be
- selected for editing otherwise a Select Dialog will be displayed.
- or Press Shift+F6. If a single family is currently highlighted then the
- notes associated with that family will be selected for editing otherwise a
- Select Dialog will be displayed.
- or Select the notes button in a Family Data Dialog.
- A Notes Dialog will then open in which to edit notes and maintain external
- notes files.
- See also: Editing notes (2.6.2)
- 2.3.5 Adding and editing a family's objects
- -------------------------------------------
- Either From the Edit menu select Family objects. If a single family is
- currently highlighted then the objects associated with that family will be
- selected for editing otherwise a Select Dialog will be displayed.
- or Press Alt+F6. If a single family is currently highlighted then the
- objects associated with that family will be selected for editing otherwise a
- Select Dialog will be displayed.
- or Select the objects button in a Family Data Dialog.
- An Objects Dialog will then open in which to edit the objects.
- See also: Working with objects (2.6.3)
- 2.4 Printing
- ------------
- 2.4.1 Printing family details
- -----------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Family details from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up the Print Family Details Dialog which will print one or
- more family group sheets based on the selection of the following options.
- The fonts used will be those previously selected using Options|Fonts.
- All / Selection / Range:
- Only one of these options may be selected. All prints every family,
- Selection prints all families which are currently highlighted, Range prints
- all families which fall inside the range of code numbers specified in From
- and To.
- The following fields specify what details to include in the printout. One or
- more may be set.
- Include person codes:
- A person code will be printed beside the name of each person.
- Include aliases:
- Aliases will be included in places where a person's details are being
- printed.
- Details everywhere:
- A person's details will be printed wherever that person's name appears. If
- not set then the details are only printed where the person appears as a
- child or, if the person has no child of family, then wherever the person's
- name appears.
- Export to text file:
- This report may be sent to a text file instead of the printer. A File
- Selection Dialog will open where you should enter the filename to be used
- for the text file. The default filename is PRINT.TXT. This file may be then
- be used by a text editor or word processor. Objects are not included in a
- text file.
- 2.4.2 Printing person details
- -----------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Person details from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up the Print Person Details Dialog which will print one or
- more person's details based on the selection of the following options. The
- fonts used will be those previously selected using Options|Fonts.
- All / Selection / Range:
- Only one of these options may be selected. All prints every person,
- Selection brings up a Selection Dialog with which you may select a single
- person to print, Range prints all people which fall inside the range of code
- numbers specified in From and To.
- The following fields specify what details to include in the printout. One or
- more may be set.
- Include person codes:
- A person code will be printed beside the name of each person.
- Include aliases:
- Aliases will be included for the selected person(s).
- Export to text file:
- This report may be sent to a text file instead of the printer. A File
- Selection Dialog will open where you should enter the filename to be used
- for the text file. The default filename is PRINT.TXT. This file may be then
- be used by a text editor or word processor. Objects are not included in a
- text file.
- 2.4.3 Printing an index
- -----------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Index from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up the Print Index Dialog which will print a family and/or
- person index for the current tree based on the selection of the following
- options. The fonts used will be those previously selected using
- Options|Fonts.
- Sort:
- Select either By name or By code. "By name" produces an alphabetic index
- sorted on the surname and firstnames of each person or father of a family. A
- "By Code" index is sorted on the code of each person or family.
- Family index:
- If set then an index to families will be printed.
- The following fields specify what details to include in the family index.
- One or more may be set.
- Person codes:
- A person code will be printed beside the name of each person.
- Marriage details:
- The date and place of marriage will be included.
- Person index:
- If set then an index to people will be printed.
- The following fields specify what details to include in the person index.
- One or more may be set.
- Person codes:
- A person code will be printed beside the name of each person.
- Birth details:
- The date and place of birth will be included.
- Death details:
- The date and place of death will be included.
- Aliases:
- Index entries will be generated for each alias of a person.
- Export to text file:
- This report may be sent to a text file instead of the printer. A File
- Selection Dialog will open where you should enter the filename to be used
- for the text file. The default filename is PRINT.TXT. This file may be then
- be used by a text editor or word processor. Objects are not included in a
- text file.
- 2.4.4 Printing the tree layout
- ------------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Tree layout from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up the Print Tree Dialog which will print the entire tree
- area based on the selection of the following options. The fonts used will be
- those previously selected using Options|Fonts.
- Families:
- Select All to print entire tree or Selection to print only the currently
- selected families.
- Family code:
- If set then the family code will be printed in each rectangle.
- Marriage details:
- If set then the marriage date and place will be printed in each rectangle.
- Children icons:
- If set then people icons representing children will be printed in each
- rectangle.
- Text line spacing:
- Enter a decimal number to indicate any deviation from the standard line
- spacing eg:
- 1 = use standard line spacing,
- 0.5 = reduce the line spacing to half of standard,
- 2 = increase line spacing to double spaced.
- Female lines dotted:
- If set then dotted lines will be used to represent female links. Solid lines
- as used for male links will be used if not set.
- Label format:
- Only one of the following options may be selected to indicate the format of
- each rectangle label.
- Father's surname:
- Only the father's surname will be printed.
- Father's and mother's surname:
- Father's and mother's surname will be printed.
- Father's and mother's full names:
- The full names of both father and mother will be printed.
- Print ? pages wide by ? tall:
- By default, Kith and Kin will squeeze the entire tree onto a single page. If
- you want to print the tree over several pages and join them together
- afterwards, enter suitable numbers here.
- Keep aspect ratio:
- If this option is set, Kith and Kin will print the entire tree keeping the
- width to height ratio the same as it appears on the screen, in other words
- the overall shape of the tree will not change. If you want to make the tree
- fill the page (or pages, see above) with no wasted space at top, bottom or
- either side, turn this option off.
- 2.4.5 Printing an indented descendant tree
- ------------------------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Indented tree from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up a Select Dialog with which to select the person to base
- the printout on. You will then see the Print Indented Tree Dialog which will
- allow you to print a descendant tree based on the following options. The
- fonts used will be those previously selected using Options|Fonts.
- Report title:
- You may enter any text to be printed at the top of the printout. The default
- is the name of the root person.
- The printout may include one or more of the following:
- Codes:
- Person and family codes are printed beside the name of the person or family.
- Birth/baptism date:
- Include the birth or (if no birth) baptism date for a person.
- Death/burial date:
- Include the death or (if no death) burial date for a person.
- Marriage/div. date:
- Include the marriage or (if no marriage) divorce date for a family.
- Places:
- Include the places for any of the above dates.
- Generation nos.:
- Print the number of generations that the current person is from the root
- person, against the left margin.
- Expand to ? generations:
- If this figure is 0, the printout will include every descendant of the
- selected person. However, large trees may produce printouts which are
- impossible to fit onto a single page. You may limit how many generations the
- report will cover by changing this entry. For example, 2 generations of
- descendants will produce the selected person, his children and his
- grandchildren.
- Export to text file:
- This report may be sent to a text file instead of the printer. A File
- Selection Dialog will open where you should enter the filename to be used
- for the text file. The default filename is PRINT.TXT. This file may be then
- be used by a text editor or word processor.
- See also: Printing a person's descendants (2.4.6)
- 2.4.6 Printing a person's descendants
- -------------------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Descendant tree from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up a Select Dialog with which to select the person to base
- the printout on. The printout will be based on the options selected from the
- Print Descendants Dialog and the fonts used will be those specified in
- Options|Fonts.
- This printout will consist of a tree with the selected person at the top and
- all of his directly related (blood) descendants and spouses below. The tree
- tends to be wide rather than long so use a small font and print landscaped.
- See also: Options for descendant and ancestral tree prints (2.4.8)
- See also: Printing an indented descendant tree (2.4.5)
- 2.4.7 Printing a person's ancestors
- -----------------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Ancestral tree from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up a Select Dialog with which to select the person to base
- the printout on. The printout will be based on the options selected from the
- Print Ancestors Dialog and the fonts used will be those specified in
- Options|Fonts.
- This printout will consist of a tree with the selected person at the bottom
- and all of his directly related (blood) ancestors above. The tree tends to
- be wide rather than long so use a small font and print landscaped.
- See also: Options for descendant and ancestral tree prints (2.4.8)
- 2.4.8 Options for descendant & ancestral tree prints
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Report title:
- You may enter any text to be printed at the top of the printout. The default
- is the name of the root person.
- The printout may include one or more of the following:
- Codes:
- Person and family codes are printed beside the name of the person or family.
- Child surnames:
- The surname for every child is included. If not set, the surnames can still
- be determined from the surname of the father of each family.
- Birth details / Baptism details / Death details / Burial details:
- Each of these dates and places associated with a person may also be
- included.
- User defined fields:
- Data from each field may be included in the printout. If there are no
- descriptions for these fields in Options|Preferences then the check box
- labels will be blank.
- Marriage details / Divorce details:
- Each of these dates and places associated with a family may also be
- included. Note that these details are not printed on an Ancestral Tree.
- The following options may also be set:
- Wrap surnames:
- In order to save horizontal space, the surnames may be printed below the
- firstnames of each person by setting this option.
- Inside margins:
- Trees which are too large to fit on a single page will be split onto
- multiple pages. When this option is set, each page will have margins as
- defined in page setup. When this option is not set, margins which would be
- along the "joins" of the printout will be set to zero. This is particularly
- useful when printing a large tree landscape on continuous paper. If you find
- that data is missing from the edges of your printout, particularly on page
- (laser) printers, try setting Inside Margins and increasing the margin
- values until all the data is visible. A degree of overlapping text is
- printed to make it easier to paste together adjoining sheets.
- Expand to ? generations:
- If this figure is 0, the printout will include every descendant or ancestor
- of the selected person. However, large trees may produce printouts which are
- impossible to fit onto a single page. You may limit how many generations the
- report will cover by changing this entry. For example, 2 generations of
- descendants will produce the selected person, his children and his
- grandchildren.
- 2.4.9 Printing a timeline
- -------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Timeline from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up the Print Timeline Dialog which will print a timeline
- report based on the selection of the following options. The fonts used will
- be those previously selected using Options|Fonts.
- Families:
- Only one of these options may be selected. All prints every family,
- Selection prints all families which are currently highlighted, Range prints
- all families which fall inside the range of code numbers specified in From
- and To.
- Dates:
- Only one of these options may be selected. All makes every available date
- valid, Within families only includes dates from the earliest date in the
- families selection above minus one year to the latest date plus one year,
- Range includes dates which fall inside the range of dates specified in From
- and To.
- Report title:
- You may enter any title to be printed at the top of the report. The default
- is "Timeline".
- Include codes:
- Person and family codes will be included in the report.
- Include events:
- Events from TIMELINE.TML between the selected dates above will be added to
- the report.
- Export to text file:
- This report may be sent to a text file instead of the printer. A File
- Selection Dialog will open where you should enter the filename to be used
- for the text file. The default filename is PRINT.TXT. This file may be then
- be used by a text editor or word processor. Objects are not included in a
- text file.
- 2.4.10 Printing a census report
- -------------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Census report from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up the Print Census Dialog which will print one or more
- family group sheets based on the selection of the following options. The
- fonts used will be those previously selected using Options|Fonts.
- All / Selection / Range:
- Only one of these options may be selected. All prints every family,
- Selection prints all families which are currently highlighted, Range prints
- all families which fall inside the range of code numbers specified in From
- and To.
- Date:
- Enter the date of the census or other event. Kith and Kin will print family
- details for each family selected above which apply on this date. For
- example, if only two children in a five children family were born on or
- before the census date then only those two children will appear on the
- family sheet.
- The following fields specify options for the printout. One or more may be
- set.
- Include person codes:
- A person code will be printed beside the name of each person.
- Include aliases:
- Aliases will be included in places where a person's details are being
- printed.
- Notes:
- Include person and family notes.
- Family per page:
- Start each family on a new page.
- Export to text file:
- This report may be sent to a text file instead of the printer. A File
- Selection Dialog will open where you should enter the filename to be used
- for the text file. The default filename is PRINT.TXT. This file may be then
- be used by a text editor or word processor. Objects are not included in a
- text file.
- 2.4.11 Printing a missing data report
- -------------------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Print.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] print button in the button bar.
- Then select Missing data report from the Print Selection Dialog.
- This will bring up the Missing Data Report Dialog which will print a list of
- people or families which have no data in selected fields. The fonts used
- will be those previously selected using Options|Fonts.
- Person fields:
- Select one or more fields from the list. Each field selected will be
- included in the search. If any of the selected fields have no data for a
- particular person, that person is included in the report.
- Family fields:
- Select one or more fields from the list. Each field selected will be
- included in the search. If any of the selected fields have no data for a
- particular family, that family is included in the report.
- Export to text file:
- This report may be sent to a text file instead of the printer. A File
- Selection Dialog will open where you should enter the filename to be used
- for the text file. The default filename is PRINT.TXT. This file may be then
- be used by a text editor or word processor.
- 2.4.12 Choosing fonts
- ---------------------
- From the Options menu select Fonts.
- This will bring up the Fonts Dialog from which the fonts for various
- features of printed documents and screen items may be set.
- First select the Printer or Screen check box to display the appropriate font
- list.
- Select a feature to change from the list and a sample of the currently
- selected font will appear in the Sample Window. Selecting the Change button
- or double-clicking on the feature in the list will bring up a standard font
- selection dialog. You can then change the typeface, style, size, effects and
- colour of the font. Note that you are not limited to using the listed font
- sizes.
- Printer fonts:
- Desc/Anc tree : Title
- The report title will be printed using this font in Descendant and Ancestral
- trees.
- Desc/Anc tree : Names
- The names of each person will be printed using this font in Descendant and
- Ancestral trees.
- Desc/Anc tree : Details
- Details such as date and place of birth and all other information is printed
- in this font in Descendant and Ancestral trees.
- Details/Census : Title
- The surname of the family unit or person's name which appears at the top of
- the page in Family/Person and Census reports.
- Details/Census : Code
- The code number which appears in the top right corner in Family/Person and
- Census reports.
- Details/Census : Headings
- For family details the headings are "Parents", "Children" and "Family in
- Family/Person and Census reports".
- Details/Census : Names
- The line containing the name of each parent and child in Family/Person and
- Census reports.
- Details/Census : Notes
- The text of notes and details in Family/Person and Census reports.
- Indent tree : Title
- Title line for the indented descendant tree printout.
- Indent tree : Text
- The text of the indented descendant tree printout.
- Index : Title
- The title for each index is either "Index to People" or "Index to Families".
- Index : Text
- The text of the index entries.
- Timeline : Title
- The title for a printed timeline.
- Timeline : Text
- The font used for dated events from the tree data in a printed timeline.
- Timeline : Events
- The font used for historical events taken from the TIMELINE.TML file in a
- printed timeline.
- Missing data : Title
- Title line for the missing data report.
- Missing data : Text
- The text of the missing data report.
- Revision footer
- In all printed documents a revision date is optionally printed at the bottom
- of each page. See Formatting the page (2.4.13) for details on how to modify
- the footer.
- Tree layout : Text
- All the text on the tree document will be printed using this font.
- Screen fonts:
- Family rectangle text
- The font used for code and surnames within the family rectangles on the
- screen.
- Family summary text
- The font used for displaying a family summary (in response to a right mouse
- click) on the screen.
- Timeline : Normal
- The normal text within the timeline window.
- Timeline : Highlight
- The text within the timeline window which has been selected by clicking on
- it.
- Timeline : Event
- The text of historical events within the timeline window taken from the
- 2.4.13 Formatting the page
- --------------------------
- From the Options menu select Page setup.
- The page setup dialog allows you to format various features of the layout of
- all printed documents.
- Margins
- Enter the measurement for each of the page margins. The unit of measure may
- be either inches or millimetres. Note that problems with printouts may be
- encountered when setting small margins. The printer you are using may have a
- non-printing area around the edge of the physical page and this may lead to
- missing or garbled print. If you have problems like this, try increasing the
- size of the margins.
- Revision Footer
- Set Include to print a revision date footer on every page of each printed
- document. It is useful to have the current date printed on each report,
- particularly when the tree data is constantly being updated and only updated
- sections are being reprinted. The footer is printed just below the bottom
- margin and takes the following format: <document> <text> <date>
- <document> is dependant on the type of document being printed, eg. "Tree",
- "Index", etc.
- <text> is user defined text which may be entered in the Text field.
- <date> is the current date and is formatted the style selected for date
- output format in Options|Preferences.
- eg. On the Family Details document for family F56, the current date is 5th
- September 1992 formatted DD-MM-YYYY and the text field is "Revision:", the
- following footer is printed: "[F56] Revision: 5-9-1992"
- 2.4.14 Viewing a printout on the screen
- ---------------------------------------
- Any report may be viewed on the screen instead of being sent to the printer.
- When Kith and Kin is displaying a print preview the normal Tree Area display
- is hidden.
- From the File menu select Print preview then select the required report from
- the Print Selection Dialog.
- The print preview window displays the printout a page at a time.
- The following controls are available:
- [GRAPHIC] Next page button:Display the next page of the printout. This
- button becomes disabled when the end of the printout has been reached.
- [GRAPHIC] View page button:Display the whole of the current page. This
- button is enabled when you have zoomed into the page.
- You can zoom into a specific area on the current page by dragging a marquee
- around the area of the page. As you release the mouse button Kith and Kin
- displays the selected area magnified to fill the screen.
- To cancel the print preview either during or at the end of the printout,
- click on the Cancel button. Kith and Kin returns to the normal tree area
- display.
- 2.4.15 Setting up or choosing the printer
- -----------------------------------------
- From the File menu select Print setup.
- This will display a list of available printers. Select the required printer
- and if you want to change the settings for that printer (paper size,
- orientation etc), select the setup button to open the printer driver's setup
- dialog.
- See Windows or your printer driver documentation for further details of the
- setup dialog for particular printers.
- 2.5 Screen
- ----------
- 2.5.1 Positioning the tree area window
- --------------------------------------
- Either From the Search menu select Go to family.
- or Press F9.
- or Use PageUp, PageDn, Tab, Home or the cursor keys.
- or Use the scroll bars along the right and bottom edges of the window to
- move the window around the tree area.
- Selecting Go to family or F9 will bring up a Select Dialog with which to
- select the family to move to. The tree area window will then display a new
- area of the tree with the selected family in the centre.
- If you want to scroll the tree area window while repositioning or placing
- families, move the cursor right up to the edge of the window. The window
- will scroll in small increments and you can scroll in larger jumps by
- holding down the Ctrl key.
- 2.5.2 Choosing screen fonts
- ---------------------------
- See: Choosing fonts (2.4.12)
- 2.5.3 Using the timeline window
- -------------------------------
- You can display or hide the Timeline Window by using the Timeline command in
- the View menu or by clicking on the [GRAPHIC] timeline button in the button
- bar. You can also hide the Timeline Window by selecting the Hide command in
- its system menu.
- The Timeline Window shows chronologically sorted dates from two sources. (a)
- it shows the date/place of marriage and divorce of all the currently
- selected families as well as the date/place of birth, baptism, death and
- burial of all the people associated with those families, ie. parents and
- children. (b) the window shows historical events taken from the TIMELINE.TML
- file between the earliest (a) date less one year and the most recent (a)
- date plus one year. Data from the TIMELINE.TML can be excluded by using the
- "Include timeline file" option in Options|Preferences.
- You can select new families whilst the Timeline Window is displayed and Kith
- and Kin will automatically update the window. You can also resize the window
- in the normal manner.
- You can highlight all the dates in the Timeline Window associated with a
- particular person by clicking on any line in the Window which contains that
- person. So to highlight the birth, baptism, marriage and death dates of
- Thomas GORDON you could click on "23 Sep 1810 : [P407] Thomas GORDON
- baptised at Kinross". To change the highlight to another person simply click
- on someone else's entry. You can clear the highlighting by clicking the
- right mouse button anywhere in the Timeline Window.
- The Timeline Window uses the fonts selected in Options|Fonts.
- Registered users of Kith and Kin can modify the contents of TIMELINE.TML by
- using the TimeGen utility. See the TimeGen help file for details.
- 2.5.4 Selecting families
- ------------------------
- Family rectangles are displayed on the screen like this [GRAPHIC]
- Several operations require that you select one or more families so that they
- are highlighted like this [GRAPHIC]
- To highlight a single family rectangle click the left mouse button on it. To
- highlight several family rectangles at once hold down the Shift key while
- clicking the left mouse button on each family rectangle in turn. You can
- also select several families by dragging a marquee around them. Do this by
- holding the left mouse button not on a family rectangle and then dragging. A
- dashed rectangle will appear and should be positioned around the required
- families before releasing the mouse button. The marquee can be used in
- conjunction with the Shift key to add more selections.
- Highlighted family rectangles may be moved around the tree area by dragging
- the outlines to a new position. If you want to scroll the tree area window
- while repositioning families, move the cursor right up to the edge of the
- window. The window will scroll in small increments and you can scroll in
- larger jumps by holding down the Ctrl key.
- See also: Selecting families by relationship (2.5.5).
- 2.5.5 Selecting families by relationship
- ----------------------------------------
- From the Edit menu select Select families.
- You can automatically select groups of families on the screen based on their
- relationship to each other. This is useful when trying to navigate a large,
- complex tree or when selecting part of the tree for printing, exporting,
- etc.
- You can select which type of selection to make by double-clicking on one of
- the following options.
- All:
- Selects all families.
- Descendants:
- Selects all families containing people descended from any person in the root
- family. The cursor changes to[GRAPHIC] indicating that you must now click on
- a root family to complete the selection.
- Ancestors:
- Selects all families containing people who are ancestors of any person in
- the root family. The cursor changes to[GRAPHIC] indicating that you must now
- click on a root family to complete the selection.
- Direct line:
- Selects families on a direct line from one family to a second family. This
- selection requires that you click on two different families, one after the
- other, when the cursor is[GRAPHIC]. Watch the status line at the bottom of
- the Kith and Kin window for instructions. If the two selected families are
- not linked, no selection is made.
- If you click on nothing or carry out any other command while the cursor
- is[GRAPHIC] the selection command will be cancelled.
- See also: Selecting families. (2.5.4)
- 2.5.6 Zooming in and out of the tree area
- -----------------------------------------
- You can zoom in and out of the Tree Area on the screen.
- Zoom out by clicking on the [GRAPHIC] zoom out button on the button bar.
- Zoom in by clicking on the [GRAPHIC] zoom in button on the button bar.
- You can use the View menu to select a standard (100%, 50%, 25%, 10%) or
- other magnification or press Ctrl+N to return to normal viewing.
- To speed up the display of family rectangles on the screen at smaller
- magnifications you can set a limit below which the text and person icons
- will not be displayed. Do this in Options|Preferences.
- Custom view
- Enter a percentage magnification between 10% and 100%.
- 100% is full (normal) size and 10% is one-tenth size.
- To speed up the display of family rectangles on the screen at smaller
- magnifications you can set a limit below which the text and person icons
- will not be displayed. Do this in Options|Preferences.
- 2.5.7 Snapping families to a grid
- ---------------------------------
- Either From the Options menu select Snap to grid.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] grid button on the button bar
- Kith and Kin has an invisible grid which can help you position family
- rectangles vertically. When the grid is on, dragged family rectangles will
- snap into position along the horizontal lines on the grid so that all the
- family rectangles line up.
- The grid button on the button bar can be used to turn the grid on or off.
- The status line at the bottom of the screen will tell you which has
- happened.
- 2.6 General
- -----------
- 2.6.1 Entering dates
- --------------------
- Dates must be entered in the input format defined in Options|Preferences.
- The dates which follow are in the DD-MMM-YYYY format.
- The following dates are valid:
- 25-Dec-1995
- 1-Jan-1996
- 25-Dec-1 BC
- Where part of the date is unknown "?" may be substituted. Note that the year
- may not be omitted:
- ??-Dec-1995
- ??-???-1995
- ?-?-1995
- The standard GEDCOM date modifiers may be used to indicate About, Before,
- After and Estimated:
- ABT 25-Dec-1995
- BEF 25-Dec-1995
- AFT 25-Dec-1995
- EST 25-Dec-1995
- A phrase may be entered in place of a date by placing an apostrophe before
- the text but phrases are not used in date calculations:
- 'Sometime later
- The day and month descriptions (January, Sunday, etc) can be non-English if
- the date descriptions are changed in the KITHKIN.INI file.
- 2.6.2 Editing notes
- -------------------
- Kith and Kin supports two types of notes, internal and external. Both types
- are maintained from the Notes dialog.
- Internal notes:
- Internal notes are stored as part of a Kith and Kin tree file. The notes may
- be edited in a similar manner to the Windows Notepad editor.
- The standard edit functions Undo, Cut, Copy and Paste are provided in the
- dialog's system menu.
- Use the Find button to search for a piece of text in the notes. If you want
- upper and lower case letters to match exactly, set Case Sensitive. Once a
- piece of text has been found you can search for further occurrences of the
- same piece of text by selecting the Find Next button.
- To search for and replace a piece of text with new text, use the Replace
- button. Set Replace All to replace every occurrence of the search text.
- Lines will break automatically at the right hand edge of the notes dialog
- and at the right hand margin of printed reports so you should only enter a
- hard return <ENTER> at the end of paragraphs.
- See also: Database limits (3.1.7)
- External notes:
- External notes are stored in separate text files (.TXT) which you create and
- maintain using a separate text editor or word processor (eg. Windows
- Notepad). Kith and Kin stores links to these notes files.
- You can start the application which will edit notes files from Kith and Kin
- if you set up the "Notes file editor" option in Options|Preferences.
- To maintain links to notes files, click on the files button. This opens up
- the External Notes Files dialog.
- Click on the Add button to add a new link. It does not matter if the file
- does not exist, you can either create it now or later outside of Kith and
- Kin. You can give the file any name you like but we suggest that, for
- simplicity, you use the P or F code as the file name, eg. a notes file for P
- 234 might be P234.TXT.
- You can have links to as many notes files as you like for each person or
- family. You can even have more than one link to the same file. When notes
- are printed as part of a Details report the internal notes come first
- followed by the contents of any notes files in the order that the file names
- appear in the External Notes Files dialog.
- To edit a notes file either click on its file name in the list and click on
- the Edit button or double click on its file name.
- You can delete the link to a notes file by using the Delete button. This
- only deletes the link, not the file.
- 2.6.3 Working with objects
- --------------------------
- You may link or embed one or more objects in each person or family. The
- objects may be created, played, edited, deleted, copied to the clipboard or
- printed as part of a Family Details or Person Details document.
- Using the Paste Link, Paste or Insert commands will insert a new object into
- the objects list. The object will be inserted before the currently selected
- object or added to the end of the list if there is no current selection.
- Linking objects:
- Start the application which contains the object to be linked. Select the
- object and copy it to the clipboard using the COPY command. Switch to Kith
- and Kin and open the Objects Dialog which is going to receive the object.
- Select the Paste link command in the dialog's system menu. The object will
- be inserted into the objects list. If the Paste link command is not
- available it probably means that the object's source document has not been
- saved.
- Embedding objects:
- Start the application which contains the object to be embedded. Select the
- object and copy it to the clipboard using the Copy command. Switch to Kith
- and Kin and open the Objects Dialog which is going to receive the object.
- Click on the paste button or select the Paste command in the dialog's system
- menu. The object will be inserted into the objects list.
- Creating new objects:
- Objects may be embedded by starting the source application within Kith and
- Kin.
- To do this select the insert button. Select an object from the available
- object types in the Insert Object Dialog. The associated application will
- start and you may create an object within it. When you exit the source
- application the object will appear in the objects list.
- Editing and playing objects:
- The Object command in the dialog's system menu will be different for each
- object type. Select the object command appropriate to the action which you
- wish to carry out. The commands invariably include Edit and sometimes
- additional commands such as Play (eg. for sound objects) are available.
- Double-clicking the left mouse button on an object will perform the default
- action for that particular object type. Normally this is Edit but it will
- vary depending on the object type (eg. Play for sound objects).
- Copying objects:
- Select an object from the objects list. Select the Copy command in the
- dialog's system menu. This will copy the object to the clipboard from which
- it may be pasted to another objects list or a different application. If you
- want to delete the object from the list at the same time, use the Cut
- command instead of Copy.
- Deleting objects:
- Existing objects may be deleted from the objects list by selecting the
- object delete button.
- Each object in the objects list has the following attributes.
- Description:
- A short description of the object, initially set to the object type.
- Print object with notes:
- When set, the object is printed full-size (within the defined margins) along
- with any notes belonging to the appropriate person or family in the Family
- Details or Person Details document.
- See also: Known incompatibilities (3.1.9)
- Insert Object Dialog
- The list includes all types of OLE object which exist on your system. Select
- the object to insert into the objects list and select the OK button or
- double-click the left mouse button on an item.
- The appropriate application will start to allow you to edit the object which
- has now been added to the object list. Note that an object created from this
- dialog is always embedded into the tree.
- 2.6.4 Searching for a piece of text
- -----------------------------------
- Either From the Search menu select Text search.
- or Press F8.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] text search button in the button bar.
- This will bring up the Text Search dialog which will perform a search
- through the entire tree based on the selection of the following options.
- When the search is complete, a list of people and/or families is displayed.
- To edit a person or family from the list either double-click the left mouse
- button on the item or select first the item and then the edit button.
- Search for:
- Enter the text which is to be searched for.
- Case sensitive:
- If set, the search will find text which exactly matches the sequence of
- upper and lower case letters in the search text otherwise the case of both
- the search text and searched text is ignored.
- The following options specify which fields in the tree are to be searched
- through. One or more may be set.
- Family - Marriage:
- The place of marriage of a family's parents.
- Family - Divorce:
- The place of divorce of a family's parents.
- Family - Notes:
- The notes associated with a family. Both internal and external notes are
- searched.
- Person - Name:
- A person's surname and firstnames.
- Person - Aliases:
- All of a person's alias details in each of their aliases, ie surname,
- firstnames and date of change.
- Person - Birth:
- The place of birth of a person.
- Person - Baptism:
- The place of baptism of a person.
- Person - Death:
- The place of death of a person.
- Person - Burial:
- The place of burial of a person.
- Person - User defined field 1:
- Data as defined by the user. If no description for this field has been set
- up in Options|Preferences then the check box label will be blank.
- Person - User defined field 2:
- Data as defined by the user. If no description for this field has been set
- up in Options|Preferences then the check box label will be blank.
- Person - Notes:
- The notes associated with a person. Both internal and external notes are
- searched.
- 2.6.5 Searching for dates
- -------------------------
- Either From the Search menu select Date search.
- or Press Shift+F8.
- or Click on the [GRAPHIC] date search button in the button bar.
- This will bring up the Date Search dialog which will perform a search
- through the entire tree based on the selection of the following options.
- When the search is complete, a list of people and/or families is displayed.
- To edit a person or family from the list either double-click the left mouse
- button on the item or select first the item and then the edit button.
- Date options:
- You may select either an exact date match with the given date, dates which
- fall before the given date, dates which fall after the given date and dates
- which fall between two given dates.
- Dates must be entered in the currently selected input format.
- It is possible to enter partial dates to be matched. For instance requesting
- an exact match with "? Jan 1950" will result in dates from 1 Jan 1950 to 31
- Jan 1950 inclusive; before "? Jan 1950" will give dates up to and including
- 31 Dec 1949.
- The following options specify which fields in the tree are to be searched
- through. One or more may be set.
- Family - Marriage:
- The date of marriage of a family's parents.
- Family - Divorce:
- The date of divorce of a family's parents.
- Person - Birth:
- The date of birth of a person.
- Person - Baptism:
- The date of baptism of a person.
- Person - Death:
- The date of death of a person.
- Person - Burial:
- The date of burial of a person.
- 2.6.6 Searching for people in limbo
- -----------------------------------
- From the Search menu select People in limbo.
- The program will search the tree for all people who are neither parents nor
- children in any family and therefor cannot be accessed via the family
- rectangles in the tree area.
- When the search is complete, a list of people is displayed. To edit a person
- from the list either double-click the left mouse button on the item or
- select first the item and then the edit button.
- 2.6.7 Searching for date errors/inconsistencies
- -----------------------------------------------
- Kith and Kin will check the entire tree for impossible and improbable date
- entries. For instance a person should not have a birth date of 28 May 1960
- and a death date of 1 Apr 1951.
- From the Search menu select Date errors.
- Kith and Kin will commence the search and display any resulting errors.
- When the search is complete, a list of people and/or families is displayed.
- To edit a person or family from the list either double-click the left mouse
- button on the item or select first the item and then the edit button.
- You can pre-define which criteria you would like to use for the date error
- search by using Options|DateErrorSetup.
- Date error setup
- From the Options menu select Date error setup.
- This command lets you define which criteria Kith and Kin should use when
- carrying out a Date Error Search.
- The following criteria may be selected and hence regarded as errors. Where a
- date has not been entered, the error check is not done.
- Person:
- Baptism before birth: The baptism date comes before the birth date.
- Death/burial before birth/baptism: The death date comes before the birth
- date. The burial date will be used if the death date has not been entered.
- The baptism date will be used if the birth date has not been entered.
- Over ? years old at death/burial: The person was more than the given number
- of years old at death (the default is 150 years). The baptism date will be
- used if the birth date has not been entered. The burial date will be used if
- the death date has not been entered. If no death or burial date has been
- entered Kith and Kin will check today's date to see if the person could
- still be alive.
- Family:
- Marriage/divorce before birth/baptism of parent: Marriage occurred before
- the birth of either parent. The baptism date will be used if the birth date
- has not been entered. The divorce date will be used if the marriage date has
- not been entered.
- Death/burial of parent before marriage/divorce: Marriage occurred after the
- death of either parent. The burial date will be used if the death date has
- not been entered. The divorce date will be used if the marriage date has not
- been entered.
- Divorce before marriage: The divorce date comes before the marriage date.
- Child born/baptised before mother is ? years old: At least one child was
- born before the mother was the given number of years old (the default is 10
- years). The baptism date of the child will be used if the birth date has not
- been entered. The baptism date of the mother will be used if the birth date
- has not been entered.
- Child born/baptised after mother is dead/buried: At least one child was born
- after the mother was dead. The baptism date of the child will be used if
- the birth date has not been entered. The burial date of the mother will be
- used if the death date has not been entered.
- Child born more than ? weeks after father's death: At least one child was
- born more than the given number of weeks after the father's death (the
- default is 40 weeks). The baptism date of the child will be used if the
- birth date has not been entered. The burial date of the father will be used
- if the death date has not been entered.
- 2.6.8 Searching for events of a particular day
- ----------------------------------------------
- From the Search menu select On this day.
- The "On this day" function searches through the tree for all dates which
- match the specified day of the year. The default entry is today's date but a
- new day and/or month may be chosen.
- Click on the [GRAPHIC] search button to commence the search. When the search
- is complete, a list of people and/or families is displayed along with a
- description of the qualifying events.
- 2.6.9 Viewing tree statistics
- -----------------------------
- From the View menu select Statistics.
- Kith and Kin will display various interesting statistics about the current
- tree. These are:
- Filename:
- Full path name of the current tree.
- File size:
- Current file size in bytes. This is read from the disk so you should use
- File|Save before viewing the statistics to get a true value.
- People:
- Total number of people and of males and females.
- Families:
- Total number of families.
- Generations:
- Longest direct line with the responsible root ancestor.
- Earliest date:
- Earliest recorded date.
- Biggest family:
- Family with the highest number of children (may be more than one family).
- Oldest person:
- Longest lived person. People with no death or burial dates have their death
- estimated using the "Over ? years old at death/burial" value in
- Options|DateErrorSetup.
- 2.6.10 Finding the relationship between two people
- --------------------------------------------------
- Kith and Kin will calculate the relationship (if any) between any two people
- in the current tree.
- From the View menu select Relationship.
- Kith and Kin will display a Select Dialog from which to choose the first
- person. The program will next display another Select Dialog from which to
- choose the second person. The order in which you choose the two people is
- not important.
- Kith and Kin then displays their relationship. Statements such as
- "great3grandson" indicates "greatgreatgreatgrandson".
- 2.6.11 Choosing date formats
- ----------------------------
- See Setting preferences (2.6.13)
- 2.6.12 Handling foreign languages
- ---------------------------------
- The names of months, weekdays and all strings used in reports are read from
- the file KITHKIN.INI when Kith and Kin first starts up. These entries can be
- modified if you require translation into another language by using a text
- editor or word processor.
- To rename the months, substitute for "January" the appropriate month name.
- Do the same for "February" and so on. Do not modify anything which comes
- before "=" or is in "[ ]". You can also modify the weekday names and report
- strings.
- After making changes and saving KITHKIN.INI back to disk you should exit and
- restart Kith and Kin for the changes to take effect.
- The default KITHKIN.INI file looks like this:
- [Months]
- 1=January
- 2=February
- 3=March
- 4=April
- 5=May
- 6=June
- 7=July
- 8=August
- 9=September
- 10=October
- 11=November
- 12=December
- [Days]
- 1=Sunday
- 2=Monday
- 3=Tuesday
- 4=Wednesday
- 5=Thursday
- 6=Friday
- 7=Saturday
- [Reports]
- Born=Born
- Baptised=Baptised
- Died=Died
- Buried=Buried
- Married=Married
- Divorced=Divorced
- Born2=b.
- Baptised2=bap.
- Died2=d.
- Buried2=bur.
- Married2=m.
- Divorced2=div.
- Surname=Surname
- Firstnames=Firstnames
- BirthD=Date of birth
- BirthP=Place of birth
- BapD=Date of baptism
- BapP=Place of baptism
- DeathD=Date of death
- DeathP=Place of death
- BuriD=Date of burial
- BuriP=Place of burial
- ChildF=Child's family
- MarrD=Date of marriage
- MarrP=Place of marriage
- DivD=Date of divorce
- DivP=Place of divorce
- Father=Father
- Mother=Mother
- At=at
- Unknown=Unknown
- Alias=Alias
- Parents=Parents
- Children=Children
- Family=Family
- Desc=Descendants of
- Anc=Ancestors of
- Tree=Tree
- Index=Index
- IndexF=Index to Families
- IndexP=Index to People
- Census=Census report for
- Missing=Missing Data Report
- Timeline=Timeline
- Start=Start of
- End=End of
- For example part of a Dutch KITHKIN.INI would look like:
- [Reports]
- Born=Geboren
- Baptised=Gedoopt
- 2.6.13 Setting preferences
- --------------------------
- From the Options menu select Preferences.
- This will bring up the Preferences Dialog and the following options may be
- set.
- Date formats
- Kith and Kin allows you to choose which of several available date formats it
- should use to verify dates which you enter and to format dates for output.
- The date input formats are:
- DD MM YYYY eg. 25 12 1995
- DD MMM YYYY eg. 25 Dec 1995
- MM DD YYYY eg. 12 25 1995
- MMM DD YYYY eg. Dec 25 1995
- YYYY MM DD eg. 1995 12 25
- YYYY MMM DD eg. 1995 Dec 25
- An input format definition must also include a separator. In the examples
- above the separator is a space but any character may be used. The separator
- must be the same character in both positions.
- eg. 25/12/1995 25-12-1995 25.12.1995
- The date output formats are:
- (any of the input formats above plus...)
- DD MMMM YYYY eg. 25 December 1995
- MMMM DD YYYY eg. December 25 1995
- WWWW DD MMMM YYYY eg. Monday 25 December 1995
- WWWW MMMM DD YYYY eg. Monday December 25 1995
- These four output formats differ from the input formats in that they omit
- any "?"s from the date, eg. December 1995.
- As you select a different format or change a separator, Kith and Kin
- displays a sample date in the selected format.
- Users who need to use foreign-language versions of month names, etc can
- modify the entries in the KITHKIN.INI file.
- Marriage produces wife's alias:
- When a person is identified as the mother of a family an alias is
- automatically generated comprising her married surname, her firstnames and
- the date of marriage. This alias will not be removed automatically in the
- event of a mother's deselection.
- Display large objects:
- The image of a large object may take a while to draw into the objects list,
- depending on the speed of your PC. To overcome this problem you may display
- a simple grey rectangle in the list in place of the image of large objects
- by turning this option off. Changing this option does not affect the
- contents of the object or the way it is printed.
- Sort children/marriages:
- Kith and Kin will automatically sort children in a family (and marriages of
- a person) by date if this option is set. If a birth date for a child has not
- been entered, the baptism date will be used if present.
- Include timeline file:
- Allows you to choose whether to include historical dates from the
- TIMELINE.TML file in the timeline window.
- Display text to ? %:
- To speed up the display of family rectangles on the screen you can set a
- magnification limit below which the text and person icons will not be
- displayed.
- User defined field names:
- The Person Data Dialog has two fields which you can set up to hold any data
- you like. You should enter the names of the fields and any associated GEDCOM
- tags here.
- For example, if you wanted to store the person's occupation in field one,
- enter "Occupation" at 1 and "OCCU" in the corresponding GEDCOM tag field.
- Now when you open a Person Data Dialog you will see an Occupation field
- which can be filled in.
- The following GEDCOM tags are valid:
- REFN *Reference number.
- TITL *Title.
- CAST Caste.
- EDUC Education.
- NATI Nationality.
- OCCU Occupation.
- PROP Possessions.
- RELI Religion.
- SIGN Signature info.
- SSN Social security number.
- * denotes valid PAF GEDCOM tag.
- Other tags are defined in GEDCOM standard but are not valid in PAF. Tags are
- always treated as level 1 after 0 INDI with no subordinate levels only and
- users should ensure that any data assigned to a GEDCOM tag conforms to any
- formatting requirements for that tag.
- Notes file editor:
- Enter the full pathname of an program to use to edit external notes files.
- You can click on the Browse button to search for a program on your hard
- disk. For example, if you want to use Windows Notepad, you would look in the
- C:\WINDOWS\ directory for a file called NOTEPAD.EXE. The full pathname would
- Kith and Kin executes your text editor by using the program filename given
- here followed by the name of the notes file. Your text editor must accept a
- command line of this format.
- 2.6.14 Re-using codes from deleted people/families
- --------------------------------------------------
- From the Edit menu select Re-use code.
- Kith and Kin allocates the "P" and "F" codes automatically when you add a
- new person or family. When you delete an existing person/family or click on
- Cancel during an addition, the P or F code is discarded.
- In normal use you do not have to worry about the fact that Kith and Kin will
- discard codes. They are simply unique identifiers used to make selecting
- people and families easier and they do not have to be strictly sequential.
- However, in some special circumstances you may wish to add a new person or
- family using one of the discarded codes. This may be because you already
- have a numbering system for your data which you want to continue to use in
- Kith and Kin.
- To reuse a discarded P or F code simply double-click on the required code in
- the "Re-use person/family code" dialog to add a person or family using that
- code. Only codes which have previously been discarded from the current tree
- are available.
- 2.6.15 Exiting from the program
- -------------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Exit.
- or Press Alt+F4.
- This command will check to see if the current tree needs to be saved before
- exiting the program.
- ============================================================================
- ===========
- 3.1 General
- -----------
- 3.1.1 Person data
- -----------------
- The Person Data Dialog allows the addition, editing and display of a
- specific person's data.
- Person Data - Code
- The code is the letter 'P' followed by a number which uniquely identifies a
- particular person. The code is assigned automatically and is not necessarily
- the next in sequence.
- Person Data - Surname
- The surname of the person (normally the surname at birth). Characters are
- converted to uppercase.
- Person Data - Firstnames
- The first or christian names of the person.
- Person Data - Alias
- Selecting the alias button will bring up the Alias Dialog.
- If the appropriate preference is set, an alias will be automatically added
- to the mother of a family comprising her married surname, her firstnames and
- the date of marriage. This alias will not be removed automatically in the
- event of a mother's deselection.
- Person Data - Gender
- A gender (male or female) must be supplied for the person. Only males may
- become fathers and females mothers.
- Person Data - Birth
- The date and place of birth of this person. The date must be entered in the
- input format defined in Options|Preferences.
- Person Data - Baptism
- The date and place of baptism or christening of this person. The date must
- be entered in the input format defined in Options|Preferences. Baptism dates
- are used in lieu of birth dates if no birth date is present when Kith and
- Kin is doing date calculations.
- Person Data - Death
- The date and place of death of this person. The date must be entered in the
- input format defined in Options|Preferences.
- Person Data - Burial
- The date and place of burial of this person. The date must be entered in the
- input format defined in Options|Preferences.
- Person Data - User defined fields
- These two fields may be configured to contain any data the user desires. Use
- Options|Preferences to set the descriptions of these fields.
- Person Data - Child of Family
- A family identified as the family of which this person is a child. The names
- and marriage details of the parents are displayed and may be scrolled by
- clicking the cursor in the display field and using the left and right arrow
- keys.
- A family may be identified as a child of family if it already exists in the
- tree by selecting the child of family identify button.
- A family which does not yet exist in the tree may be added by selecting the
- child of family add button. This will bring up a Family Data Dialog.
- If a child of family exists for this person, its Family Data may be edited
- or displayed by selecting the child of family edit button.
- If a child of family exists for this person, it may be deselected by
- selecting the child of family remove button. The option of deleting the
- family from the tree is given at this time.
- Person Data - Marriages
- A list of families identified as having resulted from marriages of this
- person. The names and marriage details of each families parents are
- displayed.
- A family may be identified as a marriage of this person if it already exists
- in the tree by selecting the marriage identify button. With the "Sort
- children/marriages" option off, the new marriage is inserted into the list
- before the currently selected marriage (or at the end if none is selected).
- If the "Sort children/marriages" option is on, the new marriage is inserted
- into the list in the correct position based on the marriage date (or divorce
- date if marriage has not been entered).
- A marriage which does not yet exist in the tree may be added by selecting
- the marriage add button. This will bring up a Family Data Dialog. The new
- marriage is inserted into the list in the same way as "identify" above.
- The Family Data of marriages in the list may be edited or displayed by first
- selecting the family's name and then selecting the marriage edit button or
- by double-clicking the left mouse button on the family's name.
- Families may be deselected as resulting from a marriage of this person by
- first selecting the family's name and then selecting the marriage remove
- button. The option of deleting it from the tree is given at this time.
- To identify or add a marriage to the end of the list, with the "Sort
- children/marriages" option off, it is necessary to have no marriages
- selected in the list. The marriage highlight off button is provided to
- achieve this.
- 3.1.2 Family data
- -----------------
- The Family Data Dialog allows the addition, editing and display of a
- specific family's data.
- Family Data - Code
- The code is the letter 'F' followed by a number which uniquely identifies a
- particular family. The code is assigned automatically and is not necessarily
- the next in sequence.
- Family Data - Father
- A person identified as the father for this family. His name and birth
- details are displayed and may be scrolled by clicking the cursor in the
- display field and using the left and right arrow keys.
- A person may be identified as father of this family if he already exists in
- the tree by selecting the father identify button.
- A father who does not yet exist in the tree may be added by selecting the
- father add button. This will bring up a Person Data Dialog.
- If a father exists for this family, his Person Data may be edited or
- displayed by selecting the father edit button.
- If a father exists for this family, he may be deselected as father of this
- family by selecting the father remove button. The option of deleting him
- from the tree is given at this time.
- Family Data - Mother
- A person identified as the mother for this family. Her name and birth
- details are displayed and may be scrolled by clicking the cursor in the
- display field and using the left and right arrow keys.
- A person may be identified as mother of this family if she already exists in
- the tree by selecting the mother identify button. An alias may be generated
- automatically if the preference is set.
- A mother who does not yet exist in the tree may be added by selecting the
- mother add button. An alias may be generated automatically if the preference
- is set. This will bring up a Person Data Dialog.
- If a mother exists for this family, her Person Data may be edited or
- displayed by selecting the mother edit button.
- If a mother exists for this family, she may be deselected as mother of this
- family by selecting the mother remove button. The option of deleting her
- from the tree is given at this time.
- Family Data - Marriage
- The date and place of marriage of the parents of this family unit. The date
- must be entered in the input format defined in Options|Preferences.
- Family Data - Divorce
- The date and place of divorce of the parents of this family unit. The date
- must be entered in the input format defined in Options|Preferences.
- Family Data - Children
- A list of people identified as children of this family. Their names and
- birth details are displayed.
- A person may be identified as a child of this family if (s)he already exists
- in the tree by selecting the child identify button. With the "Sort
- children/marriages" option off, the new child is inserted into the list
- before the currently selected child (or at the end if none is selected). If
- the "Sort children/marriages" option is on, the new child is inserted into
- the list in the correct position based on his/her date of birth (or date of
- baptism if birth has not been entered).
- A child who does not yet exist in the tree may be added by selecting the
- child add button. This will bring up a Person Data Dialog. The new child is
- inserted into the list in the same way as "identify" above.
- The Person Data of children in the list may be edited or displayed by first
- selecting the child's name and then selecting the child edit button or by
- double-clicking the left mouse button on the child's name.
- Children may be deselected as belonging to this family by first selecting
- the child's name and then selecting the child remove button. The option of
- deleting him/her from the tree is given at this time.
- To identify or add a child to the end of the list, with the "Sort
- children/marriages" option off, it is necessary to have no children selected
- in the list. The child highlight off button is provided to achieve this.
- 3.1.3 Alias Dialog
- ------------------
- A person may have several aliases.
- Aliases are added by entering the surname, firstnames and date of change
- then selecting the add button. The date must be entered in the input format
- defined in Options|Preferences.
- Edit an alias by first selecting the alias from the list then selecting the
- edit button or by double-clicking the left mouse button on the alias. This
- will copy the data into the edit boxes where it may be changed. Press return
- to put the alias back into the list.
- An alias may be deleted by first selecting the alias from the list then
- selecting the delete button.
- 3.1.4 Select dialog
- -------------------
- The select dialog is displayed in various circumstances when an action has
- been requested which acts on a specific family or person, eg. deleting a
- person or printing descendants.
- Selection may be done by either entering a code number (digits only, do not
- enter the P or F) or selecting from the list of families or people. Pressing
- a letter key (A-Z) will scroll down the list until a name beginning with
- that letter is found.
- 3.1.5 Keyboard / Mouse key assignments
- --------------------------------------
- Keyboard
- F1 Help Open the Kith and Kin help file at the contents topic
- Ctrl+F1 Help search Search for keywords in the Kith and Kin help file
- F2 Save Save the current tree (not available for untitled trees)
- Alt+F4 Exit Exit Kith and Kin
- F5 Edit person Edit an existing person's data
- Ctrl+F5 Add person Add a new person to the tree
- Shift+F5 Person notes Add or edit a person's notes
- Alt+F5 Person objects Add or edit a person's objects
- F6 Edit family Edit an existing family's data
- Ctrl+F6 Add family Add a new family to the tree
- Shift+F6 Family notes Add or edit a family's notes
- Alt+F6 Family objects Add or edit a family's objects
- F8 Text search Search for a piece of text
- Shift+F8 Date search Search for dates
- F9 Go to family Scroll the tree area to a specific family
- Ctrl+A Select all Select all family rectangles
- Ctrl+N View|Normal Normal view (100%)
- Ctrl+O View|Other Custom view
- PageUp Scroll page up Moves the tree area window up one page
- PageDn Scroll page down Moves the tree area window down one page
- Tab Scroll page right Moves the tree area window right one page
- Shift+Tab Scroll page left Moves the tree area window left one page
- Home Scroll to Startup family (if any)
- Left, right Scroll left or right
- Up, down Scroll up or down
- Dialog control :
- Alt+Z OK Same as clicking OK button.
- Mouse
- Tree area control :
- Left Select family Select a family (hold to drag to new position)
- Double Left Edit family Edit a family's data
- Shift+Left Select families Select more than one family
- Ctrl+Left Scroll page Moves tree area in large jumps when dragging
- families
- Right Family summary Displays details of the family under the cursor
- Timeline window control :
- Left Select person Highlights all occurrences in the timeline of a
- particular person.
- Right Clear selection Clears highlights.
- 3.1.6 Version information
- -------------------------
- This is a list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes which is updated
- with the release of each new version of Kith and Kin. Any last minute bug
- fixes are included here and may not be present in the flyers or readme
- files.
- Tree (.TRE), options (.OPT) and KITHKIN.INI files created with earlier
- versions of the program may require conversion before they can be used with
- this version. A data file conversion program (KKCONV) is supplied with all
- registered versions of Kith and Kin.
- Version 3.11 December 1996
- Bug-fix release.
- Printing a Census Report containing people with a place field entry but no
- corresponding date field entry caused a crash at 0005:4E91 - fixed.
- Large notes running over a page break in details/census reports sometimes
- overprinted the last line of the page - fixed.
- External notes printed in details/census reports were cut off at 255
- characters per line - fixed.
- Version 3.1 November 1996
- Export delimited text files for transfer to databases.
- Indented descendant tree printout added (text only).
- Missing data report added.
- Tree Layout print will now print all or only selected families.
- Family Details report modified to make it clearer who owns details and
- notes.
- You can now search on dates.
- Now supports links to external notes files in addition to internal notes.
- Select family boxes on screen by using All, Descendants, Ancestors or Direct
- Line.
- Press a letter key to scroll down the Selection Dialog list.
- GEDCOM input/output now compatible with "standard" V5.5. Also supports
- foreign DOS code pages.
- Command to re-use P and F codes from deleted people and families added.
- OK hot-key for dialogs (ALT+Z) added.
- New Timeline option to ignore dates from Timeline file.
- Family summary window now uses output date format instead of input date
- format.
- "Start of" and "End of" in the timeline can now be customised in
- View|Other hot-key is now Ctrl+O to avoid conflicts in WIN95.
- Paste button added to Objects Dialog.
- System menus in Objects and Notes dialogs did not contain correct commands
- in WIN95 - has been fixed.
- WIN95 fed a blank page at the end of each printout - fixed.
- Date phrases over 60 chars caused a crash - has been fixed.
- Status line now has text which doesn't disappear under another window.
- The "Oldest person" in Options|DateErrorSetup was not being used in
- calculations for the View|Statistics dialog - fixed.
- New families appear on the screen in a "better" order.
- Family/Person Details printout did not print details for spouses when the
- "Details everywhere" option was set - fixed.
- The order of a person's marriages was not saved in the Tree file - fixed.
- Some GEDCOM files were being imported with marriages in the wrong order -
- fixed.
- Version 3.03a June 1996
- Help file now includes New Zealand registration point.
- Version 3.03 February 1996
- Bug-fix release.
- Incorrect linkages printed in the Descendant Tree.
- Some amendments to the User Guide, KITHKIN.TXT.
- Version 3.02 January 1996
- Bug-fix release.
- Fixes some minor problems when exporting date phrases to a GEDCOM file.
- Version 3.01 October 1996
- Bug-fix release.
- Kith and Kin could not find the timeline file TIMELINE.TML when launched
- from a .TRE file in another directory.
- Search|Text command would not find baptism, death and burial places.
- Dual dates are now imported from GEDCOM files as text.
- GEDERR.TXT file now reports invalid dates converted to text.
- Individuals in GEDCOM files with no firstnames had their surname used as a
- firstname.
- Tree Layout print preview did not cancel properly.
- The Descendant Tree printout incorrectly linked together children from
- multiple marriages.
- Version 3.0 September 1995
- Date validation. All entered dates are checked using the "Input format"
- selected in Options|Preferences.
- Baptism and burial fields added to person data.
- Two user-defined fields added to person data. Description of each field is
- entered in Options|Preferences.
- Divorce field added to family data.
- Snap-to-grid function.
- Auto-arrange children and marriages if the option has been selected in
- Options|Preferences.
- Zoom in/out on screen display. Text/icons displayed in family rectangles
- only down to percentage defined in Options|Preferences to speed up display.
- Print preview, from the File menu.
- All text reports (Details, Indices, etc) can be sent to a text file instead
- of the printer.
- KITHKIN.INI holds descriptions for months, days and all report static text.
- These can be changed by users requiring foreign-language output.
- Timeline window. Displays events for currently selected families plus
- appropriate events from TIMELINE.TML.
- View|Relationship between two people.
- "On this day" search.
- View|Statistics display.
- Date inconsistencies search. The parameters for this are defined in
- Options|DateErrorSetup.
- Timeline report.
- Census report. Basically a Family Details report for a specific date.
- Descendant and Ancestral Trees and Timeline printouts have user-defined
- titles.
- You can now drag a marquee around family rectangles on the screen to select
- them.
- Edit|SelectAll command added.
- Shift + left mouse button in the Tree Area will now deselect a single
- family.
- Button bar.
- New Options|Fonts dialog.
- Customisable fonts for Screen (family rectangles), family summary window,
- timeline window and timeline report. Census report uses Details report
- fonts.
- File|SaveAs GEDCOM now has an option to include Kith and Kin specific tags -
- so that you can exclude them.
- Selection dialog for people and families now sorts using dates if
- person/family has the same name.
- Spouse details added to Descendant Trees.
- Baptism, burial, divorce and user-defined fields added to appropriate
- reports.
- Status line at bottom of main window for lengthy operations instead of
- pop-up bargraph.
- File|Open GEDCOM has an option to convert invalid dates to date phrases.
- File|SaveAs GEDCOM will export user-defined fields if tag names supplied in
- Options|Preferences.
- File|Open GEDCOM now imports children/marriages in correct order.
- Notes/Objects indicators in Person/Family Data Dialogs replaced with button
- highlights.
- Tree Layout now prints over more than one page and has the option to print
- children icons or turn off the dotted lines for females.
- Range "from" and "to" boxes are now correctly greyed out in print dialogs
- when "Range" is not selected.
- Aspect ratio of the objects displayed in the Objects Dialog is now correctly
- maintained.
- The Kith and Kin help file is now available in text format as KITHKIN.TXT
- for sending straight to the printer.
- 3.1.7 Database limits
- ---------------------
- You can have up to 16383 people and families combined.
- The size of the tree area is approx. 200 families wide by 350 high.
- The maximum number of characters which can be held in each person or family
- notes is 9500.
- The Descendant and Ancestral Tree Prints will handle up to 80 generations in
- a single printout.
- Ultimately, the total amount of tree data will depend on the amount of
- available memory (RAM) in your PC. However, a 4Mb PC with a 6Mb swapfile
- (the standard setup) should be sufficient to hold the maximum tree size,
- depending on the size and number of notes, objects and other Windows
- applications running.
- To some extent the speed of your PC will govern the usability of the
- software with large amounts of data.
- 3.1.8 OLE error codes
- ---------------------
- Occasionally Kith and Kin will display an error message "OLE operation
- failed" and give an error code of the form <a>@<b>. The <b> number indicates
- the location in the program where the error occurred and is only of use when
- requesting support from us. The <a> number indicates the type of error from
- the list below and may be helpful in pinpointing the cause of the error.
- OLE errors are generally caused by removing an application from your system
- which you used to link or embed an object into Kith and Kin or by opening a
- tree file created on another PC which contains objects which you don't have
- the source application for. Other causes include installing an upgraded OLE
- server which is not backwards compatible or corruption in the registration
- database.
- Kith and Kin uses OLE version 1.
- The client application is Kith and Kin, the server is the program user to
- link or embed the object.
- Possible error codes:
- 3 The OLE function was called in real mode.
- 4 Either the OLE DLLs or the server could not allocate or lock memory.
- 5 An OLE stream error occurred; this is generally caused by a failure in
- the client application's Get or Put callback functions.
- 6 A non-static object was expected by the OLE libraries.
- 7 There is critical data missing.
- 8 An error occurred while drawing the object.
- 9 The metafile specified is invalid.
- 10 The client application chose to cancel the metafile drawing.
- 11 The OLE libraries were unable to obtain the necessary data from the
- clipboard.
- 12 The requested format is not available.
- 13 The object is not valid.
- 14 An invalid operation occurred.
- 15 An invalid protocol was specified as part of a parameter to an OLE API.
- 16 An invalid pointer was used.
- 17 The objects are not equal.
- 18 An invalid handle was encountered.
- 19 An error of unknown cause occurred.
- 20 An invalid class was specified.
- 21 An invalid command syntax was specified.
- 22 The data format requested is not available.
- 23 An invalid colour palette was specified.
- 24 This is not a linked object.
- 25 The client application's document contains objects.
- 26 An incorrect buffer size was passed to a function that places string
- information in the calling function's buffer.
- 27 The document name contains an invalid drive letter.
- 28 The client application failed to establish a connection with a network
- share on which the document is located.
- 29 An invalid name was passed to the function.
- 30 The server application failed to load the specified template.
- 31 The server application failed to create a new document.
- 32 The server application failed to create an embedded instance for the
- object.
- 33 The server application failed to open the document; could also indicate
- an invalid link.
- 34 The object is not open for editing.
- 35 OLECLI.DLL failed to start the server application.
- 36 The client application failed to establish communication with the server
- application.
- 37 An error occurred while terminating the server application.
- 38 An error occurred in executing a DDE execute command.
- 39 An error occurred in showing the object.
- 40 An error occurred in executing a verb; this could also indicate an
- invalid verb.
- 41 The server application could not provide the native data for the
- specified item; this is usually because the item was deleted in the client
- application.
- 42 A picture item could be missing or the server application doesn't
- recognise the presentation format of the object.
- 43 The server application doesn't support renaming of the object.
- 44 The OLE DLLs failed to give the native data to the server application.
- 45 The server application failed to render the native data.
- 46 The server application failed to render the presentation data.
- 47 The client application is trying to block a server application that is
- already blocked, or the client is trying to revoke a blocked server or
- document.
- 48 The server application is not registered in the system registration
- database.
- 49 The server application is trying to register the same document multiple
- times.
- 50 Either the server or client is trying to perform an invalid task.
- 51 The object is out of date.
- 52 The client application containing the embedded object doesn't accept
- updates.
- 53 An error occurred while trying to update the object in the client
- application.
- 54 The server application doesn't understand the format given to its
- SetData method.
- 55 The client application is trying to load a static object created in
- another operating system.
- 3.1.9 Known incompatibilities
- -----------------------------
- Some applications which produce objects for embedding or linking, do not
- provide a picture image of the object. In these cases Kith and Kin will not
- be able to embed or link the object to a person or family in the normal way.
- You can, however, use the Windows Object Packager to associate an icon with
- the object. This will then allow Kith and Kin to use the object as normal.
- See the on-line help in Object Packager or your Windows documentation for
- further details.
- Kith and Kin has problems importing GEDCOM files created by Pedigree.
- Pedigree exports an older style of GEDCOM file which has no space character
- between the cross-reference ids and certain tags. You can overcome this
- problem by editing the GEDCOM file directly using NOTEPAD, a word processor
- or other text editor. Search for the text "@INDI" and "@FAM" and replace
- them with "@ INDI" and "@ FAM" respectively throughout the entire GEDCOM
- file (do not enter the quote marks). Save the file and you will now be able
- to import it into Kith and Kin successfully.
- 3.1.10 Supported GEDCOM data
- ----------------------------
- Kith and Kin supports the PAF (Personal Ancestral File) variation of the
- GEDCOM (Genealogical Data Communication) standard, as used by the majority
- of genealogical programs. There are some quirks in PAF GEDCOM, which make it
- different from the GEDCOM standard proper, and so there are no guarantees
- that Kith and Kin will correctly read GEDCOM files not designed to be read
- by PAF. Some enhancements have been made to bring Kith and Kin into line
- with the GEDCOM V5.5 standard in so far as they do conflict with backwards
- compatibility.
- Fully supported tags: (have corresponding fields in Kith and Kin)
- (* denotes tag excluded if "Kith and Kin specific data" check box is not
- set)
- Record Tag Description
- HEAD File header.
- SOUR Source system.
- DEST Destination system (PAF).
- DATE Date of file.
- NAME Name of file.
- CHAR Character set. Kith and Kin assumes IBMPC unless a valid CHAR tag is
- found. IBMPC, MACINTOSH and ANSEL sets are converted to ANSI for use in
- Windows. Kith and Kin always exports in ANSI.
- _SFAM *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- SCHEMA *Kith and Kin ignores this tag on import, but inserts a SCHEMA tag
- in exported files to define Kith and Kin specific tags.
- SUBM File submitter.
- NAME Submitter's name.
- ADDR Submitter's address.
- PHON Submitter's phone number.
- COMM Comments.
- INDI Person data (individual).
- NAME Firstnames and surname. If there is more than one NAME tag for a
- particular person, the last one is regarded as the normal name and prior
- ones are regarded as aliases.
- SEX Gender, male or female (male is assumed if missing).
- BIRT Date and place of birth.
- CHR Date and place of christening/baptism.
- DEAT Date and place of death.
- BURI Date and place of burial.
- NOTE Notes.
- FAMS Family id of which this person is a parent.
- FAMC Family id of which this person is a child.
- _BLOB *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- _OBJS *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- _UDF1 *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- _UDF2 *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- FAM Family data.
- HUSB Person id of the father of this family.
- WIFE Person id of the mother of this family.
- CHIL Person id of a child of this family.
- MARR Date and place of marriage.
- DIV Date and place of divorce.
- NOTE Notes.
- _FBLOB *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- _MBLOB *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- _PCODE *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- _PNAME *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- _FRECT *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- _OBJS *(Kith and Kin GEDCOM files only).
- Extra data tags: (are optionally inserted in notes)
- Record Tag Description
- INDI Person data (individual).
- REFN Reference number.
- TITL Title.
- OCCU Occupation.
- EDUC Education.
- RELI Religion.
- NATI Nationality.
- CAST Caste.
- FAM Family data.
- REFN Reference number.
- If a user defined field has a GEDCOM tag associated with it in
- Options|Preferences then Kith and Kin will import or export the data in the
- field accordingly. Only tags which appear at level 1 are suitable (all the
- "Extra data tags" above are suitable). For instance, if a user defined field
- has "Occupation" as its description and "OCCU" as its GEDCOM tag then any
- occupation data will be exported from Person Data. Similarly, if the "OCCU"
- tag appears in an imported GEDCOM file the associated data will be put in
- the user defined field.
- Any other tags encountered in an imported GEDCOM file are ignored but are
- reported in the log file GEDERR.TXT.
- 3.1.11 Frequently asked questions
- ---------------------------------
- Q Why does the order of children in a family sometimes change after editing
- the family?
- A If you have set the "Sort children/marriages" option in
- Options|Preferences then Kith and Kin will try to sort children into order
- of birth date. If some of the children have no birth/baptism dates Kith and
- Kin will place them at the end of the list but cannot order them further. To
- ensure that the order does not change, enter an estimated date for where
- dates are missing, eg. EST ? ? 1800.
- Q When I select families which have dated events, why do they not appear in
- the timeline window?
- A Make sure that the dates have not been entered with an apostrophe in
- front of them, indicating that they are only to be treated as text. This is
- particularly likely if you have converted from a previous version of Kith
- and Kin.
- Q How can I get reports printed which have dates without "?"s when part of
- a date is missing.
- A Use one of the last 4 date formats as an output format in
- Options|Preferences. These 4 formats are specifically for outputting dates,
- so although a person's birth date may have been entered as "? ? 1930" it
- will appear in reports as "1930". You can edit the KITHKIN.INI file if you
- do not like the months/weekdays spelt out in full.
- 3.1.12 Glossary
- ---------------
- Tree area - the area in which the family tree appears. A selected part of
- this area is displayed in the program's main window and the window may be
- moved around the tree area to view different parts of the tree. The tree
- area contains a family rectangle for every family and these may be
- positioned to provide the best layout. The tree area may be printed using
- the print tree command.
- Family rectangle - a shape similar to the one above which is used for
- selecting a particular family. F147 is the family code, GORDON is the
- surname of the father and SCOTLAND is the surname of the mother. The blue
- ([GRAPHIC]) and pink ([GRAPHIC]) icons denote male and female members of the
- family respectively, the two people along the top edge are the parents, the
- seven along the bottom edge are the children. Parent Lines emanate from
- appropriate people indicating links to other families. You can display a
- summary of a family by holding down the right mouse button on it.
- See also: Selecting families (2.5.4).
- Parent Lines - lines indicating the relationships between families. Shown
- here are (a) the father of family F146, (b) the mother of family F146 and
- (c) the father of family F118 who is also the first child of family F146.
- When moving family rectangles around the tree area, parent lines will follow
- like rubber-bands.
- Marriage - a family unit of which the current person is a parent. A person
- may have no marriages or a list of marriages. The resulting families may or
- may not have any children.
- Child of family - identifies the family unit of which the current person is
- a child. A person may or may not be the child of a family.
- Child - a person who appears in the list of children of the current family.
- Mother - a person who is identified as the mother of the current family.
- Father - a person who is identified as the father of the current family.
- Alias - an alternative name for a person along with the date on which the
- alias was adopted. Characters are converted to uppercase for the surname.
- Aliases are useful, for example, where a person was commonly known by a name
- which was not their name at birth. You can use the alias to look up the
- person in an printed index or selection dialog.
- Object - a piece of information (typically a drawing, picture, slide, sound
- etc) which has been created by a separate application and which has been
- embedded in or linked to a person or family. You can use an object from any
- application which supports OLE (Object Linking and Embedding).
- System menu - also called the Control Menu. Each window has small pop-up
- menu with commands to control the appearance of the window; usually Close,
- Maximise, Move, etc. The Objects and Notes dialogs have had extra commands
- added to their system menus. To access a window's system menu in Win3.1
- click on the minus sign in the top left corner of the window. In Win95 click
- on the icon in the top left corner or click the right mouse button on the
- caption bar at the top of the window.
- Linking - Linking an object to a person or family involves copying your
- selected object from another application onto the clipboard and then pasting
- the link into the person's or family's objects list. The primary difference
- between linking and embedding is the location of the actual data for the
- object. The data for a linked object is stored outside the tree file in a
- separate source document, eg. a .BMP file for Paintbrush.
- Embedding - Embedding an object in a person or family involves copying your
- selected object from another application onto the clipboard and then pasting
- it into the person's or family's objects list or creating a new object
- directly. The primary difference between embedding and linking is the
- location of the actual data for the object. The data for an embedded object
- is stored inside the tree file.
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