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- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * WBuffer
- *
- * This class encapsulates operations on a buffer of arbitrary data.
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- # include "wobject.hpp"
- #endif
- extern "C" {
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- };
- class WResourceID;
- class WModule;
- class WBufferReference;
- class WBuffer;
- class WString;
- //
- // WBuffer
- //
- class WCMCLASS WBuffer : public WObject {
- WDeclareSubclass( WBuffer, WObject )
- public:
- //
- // WBufferElement
- //
- // This class represents an individual byte in a buffer.
- //
- class WBufferElement {
- friend class WBuffer;
- public:
- WBufferElement& operator=( const WByte ch )
- { buffer.SetByte( index, ch ); return *this; }
- WBufferElement& operator=( const WBufferElement & e )
- { buffer.SetByte( index,
- e.buffer.GetByte( e.index ) );
- return *this; }
- operator WByte() const
- { return buffer.GetByte( index ); }
- private:
- WBufferElement( WBuffer *buf ) : buffer( *buf ), index( 0 ) {}
- WBufferElement( const WBufferElement & e );
- ~WBufferElement() {}
- private:
- WBuffer& buffer;
- WULong index;
- };
- /**********************************************************
- * Constructors and Destructors
- *********************************************************/
- WBuffer();
- WBuffer( WULong size, void * buffer, WBool makeCopy=TRUE,
- WBool selfDeleteData=FALSE );
- WBuffer( const WBuffer & b, WBool makeCopy=FALSE );
- WBuffer( const WString & string, WBool includeNull=TRUE );
- ~WBuffer();
- /*********************************************************
- * Operators
- *********************************************************/
- //
- // [] operator
- //
- const WBufferElement& operator[]( int index ) const;
- WBufferElement& operator[]( int index );
- //
- // casting operators
- //
- operator const WByte *() const { return GetBuffer(); }
- //
- // = operator
- //
- WBuffer & operator=( const WBuffer & s )
- { Create( s ); return *this; }
- //
- // == operator
- //
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WBuffer & a, const WBuffer & b );
- //
- // != operator
- //
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WBuffer & a, const WBuffer & b );
- //
- // += operator
- //
- WBuffer& operator+=( const WBuffer & a );
- //
- // + operator
- //
- WBuffer operator+( const WBuffer & a ) const;
- /**********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // Buffer
- //
- // Return a pointer to the actual buffer. Does not
- // lock the buffer -- if you want to make changes,
- // use Lock instead.
- const WByte *GetBuffer() const;
- // Byte
- //
- // Set/get an individual byte in the buffer.
- WByte GetByte( WULong index );
- WBool SetByte( WULong index, WByte ch );
- // Null
- //
- // True if it is a null buffer.
- WBool GetNull() const;
- // Size
- //
- // Returns the size of the buffer in bytes.
- WULong GetSize() const;
- /**********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // Clear
- //
- // Frees the buffer.
- void Clear();
- // Concat
- //
- // Concatenate a buffer onto another.
- WBool Concat( const WBuffer & suffix );
- // Create
- //
- // Various constructors for building a new buffer.
- // First frees the old buffer.
- WBool Create();
- WBool Create( WULong size, void * buffer=NULL, WBool makeCopy=TRUE,
- WBool selfDeleteData=FALSE );
- WBool Create( const WBuffer & s, WBool makeCopy=FALSE );
- WBool Create( const WString & str, WBool includeNull=TRUE );
- // Fill
- //
- // Fill the buffer with a given byte.
- WBool Fill( const WByte byte );
- // Lock
- //
- // Call this if you want to work directly on the buffer
- // inside the WBuffer. It will ensure that no one else
- // is referencing it, that it has a minimum size (in bytes),
- // and return its pointer. Call Unlock when you're done.
- WByte *Lock( WULong minimumSize=0 );
- // Unlock
- //
- // Call this when done writing directly to the buffer.
- WBool Unlock();
- /**********************************************************
- * Static Properties
- *********************************************************/
- static const WBuffer & GetNullBuffer();
- /**********************************************************
- * Private
- *********************************************************/
- protected:
- WBool ReallocateRef( WULong minimumSize );
- WBool GrowTo( WULong size );
- protected:
- WBufferReference *_ref;
- const WByte *_bufferData; // for easier debugging only!
- WBufferElement _element;
- };
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif