home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interfaces used to implement the binding of objects to data sources.
- //
- // These interfaces are meant to be embedded in other objects. All
- // methods are virtual so that specializations can be created.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "wobject.hpp"
- #endif
- #include "wevent.hpp"
- #endif
- #include "wbuffer.hpp"
- #endif
- #include "wstring.hpp"
- #endif
- // Since we use the same types as ODBC, we include the header file,
- // even if these classes are not ODBC-specific. Note that if needed,
- // the windows header file must be included before it.
- #include "wodbc.hpp"
- #endif
- // Errors
- #define WDV_NO_ERROR 0
- class WDataColumn;
- class WDataColumnReference;
- class WDataSource;
- class WDataTarget;
- class WDataValueReference;
- class WDataOpenEventData;
- class WDataCloseEventData;
- class WDataAvailableEventData;
- class WDataRequestEventData;
- // Define the two kinds of types. WColumnDataType represents the
- // SQL_* data types, whereas WNativeDataType represents the SQL_C_*
- // data types. We define separate types so that it is obvious
- // which is meant to be used.
- typedef int WColumnDataType;
- typedef int WNativeDataType;
- //
- // WDataValue -- Represents the value of an individual cell in
- // the data source.
- //
- class WCMCLASS WDataValue : public WObject {
- friend class WDataValueReference;
- public:
- WDataValue();
- WDataValue( const WDataValue & val );
- WDataValue( const WString & str );
- WDataValue( const WBuffer & buf );
- WDataValue( SDOUBLE s );
- WDataValue( SDWORD s );
- WDataValue( const WChar *str );
- WDataValue( WDataValueReference *ref, WBool bumpRef );
- virtual ~WDataValue();
- WDataValue & operator=( const WDataValue & val );
- /***************************************************************
- * Methods
- ***************************************************************/
- // Clear
- //
- // Remove any value.
- WBool Clear();
- // CopyInto
- WBool CopyInto( const WDataValue & val );
- // CopyOnWrite
- void CopyOnWrite( WBool force );
- // Create
- WBool Create();
- WBool Create( SDWORD s );
- WBool Create( SDOUBLE s );
- WBool Create( const WString & str );
- WBool Create( const WBuffer & buf );
- WBool Create( const WDataValue & val );
- WBool Create( const WChar *str );
- WBool Create( WDataValueReference *ref, WBool bumpRef );
- /***************************************************************
- * Properties
- ***************************************************************/
- // ColumnType
- //
- // Returns the column type of the value. The column type
- // is used to determine how comparisons are done.
- WColumnDataType GetColumnType() const;
- WBool SetColumnType( WColumnDataType t );
- // Data
- //
- // Returns a pointer to the raw data inside the value. The
- // actual pointer type depends on what GetType() returns.
- const void *GetData() const;
- // ErrorCode
- WDWord GetErrorCode() const;
- void SetErrorCode( WDWord errCode );
- // Length
- //
- // The length of the data inside the buffer.
- WULong GetLength() const;
- WBool SetLength( WULong length );
- // Null
- //
- // Returns TRUE if the value is a null value.
- WBool GetNull() const { return !_ref; }
- // Size
- WULong GetSize() const;
- WBool SetSize( WULong size );
- // Type
- //
- // The current type of the value. Setting the type will
- // do a conversion if possible.
- WNativeDataType GetType() const;
- WBool SetType( WNativeDataType type );
- // Value
- //
- // Covers for some of the more specific conversion methods below.
- // The concept of a 'value' property is convenient, but
- // because of C++ overloading rules there is a certain
- // loss of accuracy and possibility for ambiguity in choosing
- // which function to use.
- WBool GetValue( WString & str ) const;
- WBool GetValue( SWORD & s ) const;
- WBool GetValue( UWORD & u ) const;
- WBool GetValue( SDWORD & s ) const;
- WBool GetValue( UDWORD & u ) const;
- WBool GetValue( SFLOAT & f ) const;
- WBool GetValue( SDOUBLE & d ) const;
- WBool GetValue( SCHAR & c ) const;
- WBool GetValue( UCHAR & c ) const;
- WBool GetValue( WBuffer & buf ) const;
- WBool GetValue( DATE_STRUCT & d ) const;
- WBool GetValue( TIME_STRUCT & t ) const;
- WBool GetValue( TIMESTAMP_STRUCT & t ) const;
- WBool SetValue( const WString s );
- WBool SetValue( SWORD s );
- WBool SetValue( UWORD u );
- WBool SetValue( SDWORD s );
- WBool SetValue( UDWORD u );
- WBool SetValue( SFLOAT f );
- WBool SetValue( SDOUBLE d );
- WBool SetValue( SCHAR c );
- WBool SetValue( UCHAR c );
- WBool SetValue( const WBuffer & b );
- WBool SetValue( const DATE_STRUCT & d );
- WBool SetValue( const TIME_STRUCT & t );
- WBool SetValue( const TIMESTAMP_STRUCT & t );
- WString GetCHAR() const;
- WBool GetCHAR( WString & string ) const;
- WBool SetCHAR( const WString & string );
- SWORD GetSSHORT() const;
- WBool GetSSHORT( SWORD & s ) const;
- WBool SetSSHORT( SWORD s );
- UWORD GetUSHORT() const;
- WBool GetUSHORT( UWORD & u ) const;
- WBool SetUSHORT( UWORD u );
- SDWORD GetSLONG() const;
- WBool GetSLONG( SDWORD & s ) const;
- WBool SetSLONG( SDWORD s );
- UDWORD GetULONG() const;
- WBool GetULONG( UDWORD & u ) const;
- WBool SetULONG( UDWORD u );
- WBool GetFLOAT( SFLOAT & f ) const;
- WBool SetFLOAT( SFLOAT f );
- WBool GetDOUBLE( SDOUBLE & d ) const;
- UCHAR GetBIT() const;
- WBool GetBIT( UCHAR & c ) const;
- WBool SetBIT( UCHAR c );
- SCHAR GetSTINYINT() const;
- WBool GetSTINYINT( SCHAR & c ) const;
- UCHAR GetUTINYINT() const;
- WBool GetUTINYINT( UCHAR & c ) const;
- WBuffer GetBINARY() const;
- WBool GetBINARY( WBuffer & buf ) const;
- WBool SetBINARY( const WBuffer & buf );
- WBool GetBOOKMARK( BOOKMARK & mark ) const;
- DATE_STRUCT GetDATE() const;
- WBool GetDATE( DATE_STRUCT & d ) const;
- WBool SetDATE( const DATE_STRUCT & d );
- TIME_STRUCT GetTIME() const;
- WBool GetTIME( TIME_STRUCT & t ) const;
- WBool SetTIME( const TIME_STRUCT & t );
- /***************************************************************
- * Static Properties
- ***************************************************************/
- static const WDataValue & GetNullValue();
- /***************************************************************
- * Operators
- ***************************************************************/
- operator SDWORD() const;
- operator UDWORD() const;
- operator SDOUBLE() const;
- int operator==( const WDataValue & val ) const;
- int operator!=( const WDataValue & val ) const;
- int operator>( const WDataValue & val ) const;
- int operator<( const WDataValue & val ) const;
- int operator>=( const WDataValue & val ) const;
- int operator<=( const WDataValue & val ) const;
- /***************************************************************
- * Data Members
- ***************************************************************/
- protected:
- WDataValueReference *_ref;
- WDWord _errorCode;
- wllist_link _link;
- };
- //
- // WDataColumn -- Defines the name, type, etc. of a particular column.
- // Used mostly by the data source. Reference-counted
- // so that we can safely and easily pass it around and
- // also makes it easier to trap accesses to invalid
- // columns (such as after a query has changed).
- //
- class WCMCLASS WDataColumn : public WObject {
- friend class WDataColumnReference;
- public:
- WDataColumn();
- WDataColumn( const WDataColumn & col );
- virtual ~WDataColumn();
- WDataColumn & operator=( const WDataColumn & col );
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // Bound
- //
- // Returns TRUE if the column has been successfully bound.
- WBool GetBound() const;
- // CaseSensitive
- WBool GetCaseSensitive() const;
- // DataSource
- //
- // The data source that created this column.
- WDataSource *GetDataSource() const;
- // DisplaySize
- //
- // The display size for the column.
- WDWord GetDisplaySize() const;
- // Index
- //
- // The number of the column from 1 to n. Returns a
- // negative value if the column is no longer valid.
- WShort GetIndex() const;
- // Label
- //
- // The column label.
- WString GetLabel() const;
- // Length
- //
- // The column length.
- WDWord GetLength() const;
- // Name
- //
- // The column name.
- WString GetName() const;
- // NativeType
- //
- // Returns the default native type that best represents the
- // actual database type.
- WNativeDataType GetNativeType() const;
- // Null
- //
- // Returns TRUE if the column is null (does not exist).
- WBool GetNull() const { return !_ref; }
- // Nullable
- //
- // If column accepts NULLs, returns SQL_NULLABLE, otherwise
- // returns either SQL_NO_NULLS or SQL_NULLABLE_UNKNOWN.
- WShort GetNullable() const;
- // Owner
- //
- // The name of the column's table's owner, if known.
- WString GetOwner() const;
- // Precision
- //
- // The column precision.
- WDWord GetPrecision() const;
- // Qualifier
- //
- // The name of the column's table's qualifier, if known.
- // See the transaction object as well.
- WString GetQualifier() const;
- // ReadOnly
- //
- // Returns TRUE if GetUpdatable() returns SQL_ATTR_READONLY.
- WBool GetReadOnly() const;
- // Scale
- //
- // The column scale.
- WShort GetScale() const;
- // Table
- //
- // The name of the column's table, if applicable.
- WString GetTable() const;
- // Type
- //
- // The column type. Types are expressed in SQL terms.
- WColumnDataType GetType() const;
- // Unsigned
- //
- // Whether or not the column is unsigned.
- WBool GetUnsigned() const;
- // Updatable
- //
- // If column is updatable, returns SQL_ATTR_WRITE, otherwise
- WShort GetUpdatable() const;
- // Value
- //
- // Set or get the value of the column in the current row.
- WDataValue GetValue() const;
- WBool SetValue( const WDataValue & value );
- /*********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // Clear
- //
- // Prepare for re-use. Does not clear the actual column!
- WBool Clear();
- // Create
- //
- WBool Create();
- WBool Create( WDataColumnReference *ref, WBool bumpRef );
- WBool Create( const WDataColumn & col );
- // QueryNumericAttribute
- //
- // Return the value of a numeric attribute.
- WLong QueryNumericAttribute( WUShort attribute ) const;
- // QueryStringAttribute
- WString QueryStringAttribute( WUShort attribute ) const;
- /***************************************************************
- * Static Properties
- ***************************************************************/
- static const WDataColumn & GetNullColumn();
- protected:
- /***************************************************************
- * Data Members
- ***************************************************************/
- WDataColumnReference *_ref;
- };
- #endif