home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //
- // wdatatrg.hpp
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interfaces used to implement the binding of objects to data sources.
- //
- // These interfaces are meant to be embedded in other objects. All
- // methods are virtual so that specializations can be created.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "wdataobj.hpp"
- #endif
- // Define the basic type of a data target (single or multi/table valued).
- enum WDataTargetType {
- WDTTCell,
- WDTTColumn, // Multi-value
- WDTTTable, // Multi-value
- WDTTLookup,
- WDTTNavigator
- };
- #define WDTTIsMultiValued(T) ( (T)==WDTTTable || (T)==WDTTColumn )
- #define WDTTIsTable(T) ( (T)==WDTTTable )
- //
- // WDataTarget -- An interface exposed by a bound object. This interface
- // is what the data source uses to communicate with the
- // object. The default implementation is to call events
- // on a given event object.
- //
- class WCMCLASS WDataTarget : public WObject {
- private:
- WDataTarget( const WDataTarget & );
- WDataTarget& operator=( const WDataTarget & );
- public:
- WDataTarget( WEventGenerator *eventTarget, WDataTargetType type );
- ~WDataTarget();
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // DataChanged
- //
- // The target sets this value when the data has changed.
- // The source uses this to determine if it should invoke
- // the DataRequest method.
- virtual WBool GetDataChanged() const;
- virtual WBool SetDataChanged( WBool changed );
- // DataColumns
- //
- // A string that defines the column or columns that
- // the target is interested in.
- virtual WString GetDataColumns() const;
- virtual WBool SetDataColumns( const WString & cols );
- // DataSource
- //
- // Setting this registers the target with a WDataSource.
- virtual WDataSource *GetDataSource() const;
- virtual WBool SetDataSource( WDataSource *source );
- // DataTouched
- //
- // The target sets this value when the data has been touched.
- // Data changed back to old value is considered touched but
- // not changed.
- //
- virtual WBool GetDataTouched() const;
- virtual WBool SetDataTouched( WBool touched );
- // Type
- //
- // What type of target this is.
- WDataTargetType GetType() const;
- /*********************************************************
- * Methods (called by the data source)
- *********************************************************/
- // DataAvailable
- //
- // The data source calls this method when it has data
- // available for the target (such as when the current
- // row changes). The default implementation is to simply
- // call the DataAvailable event on the event object.
- virtual WBool DataAvailable( WDataAvailableEventData *event );
- // DataClose
- //
- // The data source calls this method when its data set
- // is no longer available.
- virtual WBool DataClose( WDataCloseEventData *event );
- // DataOpen
- //
- // The data source calls this method when a new set of
- // data is available. The target can prepare itself
- // and can also make calls back on the source to bind
- // columns, etc.
- virtual WBool DataOpen( WDataOpenEventData *event );
- // DataRequest
- //
- // The data source calls this method when it wishes
- // the target to send changed data back to the source.
- // The default implementation is to simply call the
- // DataRequest event on the event object.
- virtual WBool DataRequest( WDataRequestEventData *event );
- /*********************************************************
- * Static functions
- *********************************************************/
- // ColumnsToIndexes
- //
- // Parse the given columns string and save the indexes in the given
- // array, which is assumed to be at least numberToParse elements
- // large.
- static WBool ColumnsToIndexes( WDataSource * dataSource,
- const WString & columns,
- WShort * indexes,
- WShort numberToParse );
- // ColumnsToIndexesEx
- //
- // Parse given columns and save the indexes in an allocated array.
- // Return a pointer to the array and the number of columns parsed.
- static WBool ColumnsToIndexesEx( WDataSource * dataSource,
- const WString & columns,
- WShort ** indexes,
- WShort & numberParsed );
- protected:
- WBool _dataChanged;
- WBool _dataTouched;
- WDataSource *_source;
- WEventGenerator *_eventTarget;
- WString _columns;
- WDataTargetType _type;
- };
- //
- // WDataTargetCell
- //
- // A specialization of WDataTarget for single-valued objects.
- class WCMCLASS WDataTargetCell : public WDataTarget {
- public:
- WDataTargetCell( WEventGenerator *eventTarget );
- ~WDataTargetCell();
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // Index
- WShort GetIndex() const;
- // Nullable
- WBool GetNullable() const;
- // ReadOnly
- WBool GetReadOnly() const;
- // SourceValue
- WDataValue GetSourceValue() const;
- WBool SetSourceValue( const WDataValue & value );
- /*********************************************************
- * Overrides
- *********************************************************/
- virtual WBool SetDataColumns( const WString & cols );
- protected:
- // ParseColumns
- WBool ParseColumns( WDataSource *src ) const;
- WShort _index;
- WBool _tried;
- };
- //
- // WDataTargetBoolCell
- //
- class WCMCLASS WDataTargetBoolCell : public WDataTargetCell {
- public:
- WDataTargetBoolCell( WEventGenerator *eventTarget );
- ~WDataTargetBoolCell();
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // DataChecked
- WBool GetDataChecked() const;
- WBool SetDataChecked( WBool checked );
- // DataIndeterminate
- //
- // TRUE if the current data value matches neither the checked nor
- // the unchecked value.
- WBool GetDataIndeterminate() const;
- // DataValueChecked
- WString GetDataValueChecked() const;
- WBool SetDataValueChecked( const WString & str );
- // DataValueUnchecked
- WString GetDataValueUnchecked() const;
- WBool SetDataValueUnchecked( const WString & str );
- protected:
- WString _checked;
- WString _unchecked;
- };
- //
- // WDataTargetColumn
- //
- // A specialization of WDataTarget for multiple-valued objects which display
- // one column - ListBox.
- // This does not support updates to the database.
- //
- class WCMCLASS WDataTargetColumn : public WDataTarget {
- public:
- WDataTargetColumn( WEventGenerator *eventTarget );
- ~WDataTargetColumn();
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // DataTrackRow
- WBool GetDataTrackRow() const;
- WBool SetDataTrackRow( WBool trackRow );
- // SourceValues
- WBool GetSourceValues( WDataValue *value, WDataValue *data ) const;
- /*********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // BindToSource
- WBool BindToSource() const;
- /*********************************************************
- * Overrides
- *********************************************************/
- WBool SetDataColumns( const WString & cols );
- protected:
- // ParseColumns
- WBool ParseColumns() const;
- WBool _trackRow;
- WShort _valueIndex;
- WShort _dataIndex;
- };
- //
- // WDataTargetTable
- //
- class WCMCLASS WDataTargetTable : public WDataTarget {
- public:
- WDataTargetTable( WEventGenerator *eventTarget );
- ~WDataTargetTable();
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // BottomRow
- WLong GetBottomRow() const;
- WBool SetBottomRow( WLong bottomRow );
- // Column
- const WDataColumn & GetColumn( WShort index ) const;
- // ColumnChanged
- WBool GetColumnChanged( WShort index ) const;
- WBool SetColumnChanged( WShort index, WBool changed );
- // ColumnCount
- WShort GetColumnCount() const;
- // ColumnName
- WString GetColumnName( WShort index ) const;
- // DataTrackRow
- WBool GetDataTrackRow() const;
- WBool SetDataTrackRow( WBool trackRow );
- // DataGuardRows
- WLong GetDataGuardRows() const;
- WBool SetDataGuardRows( WLong guardRows );
- // DataKeptRows
- WLong GetDataKeptRows() const;
- WBool SetDataKeptRows( WLong keptRows );
- // SourceValue
- WDataValue GetSourceValue( WShort index ) const;
- WBool SetSourceValue( WShort index, const WDataValue & value );
- // TopRow
- WLong GetTopRow() const;
- WBool SetTopRow( WLong topRow );
- /*********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // BindToSource
- WBool BindToSource();
- // FetchGuardRows
- //
- // Returns the number of guard rows fetched.
- WLong FetchGuardRows( WLong checkRow, WBool restoreCurrentRow );
- /*********************************************************
- * Overrides
- *********************************************************/
- virtual WBool SetDataColumns( const WString & cols );
- virtual WBool DataAvailable( WDataAvailableEventData *ev );
- protected:
- /*********************************************************
- * Internal
- *********************************************************/
- // ParseColumns
- WBool ParseColumns() const;
- // SendGuardRowEvent
- WBool SendGuardRowEvent( WDataSource *src, WLong row, WLong count,
- WULong action, WBool top ) const;
- /*********************************************************
- * Data Members
- *********************************************************/
- WBool _trackRow;
- WLong _guardRows;
- WLong _keptRows;
- WShort * _indexes;
- WShort _columnCount;
- WLong _topRow;
- WLong _bottomRow;
- WLong _addedRows;
- WLong _deletedRows;
- WBool _atTop;
- WBool _atBottom;
- WBool * _changed;
- };
- //
- // WDataLookup -- A specialization of WDataTarget to support lookup-type
- // bound objects.
- // Calls the DataLookupItem event on the bound object.
- // Does not call the DataOpen/Available/Request/Close events.
- //
- class WCMCLASS WDataLookup : public WDataTarget {
- public:
- WDataLookup( WEventGenerator *eventTarget );
- ~WDataLookup();
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // HasDisplayColumn
- //
- // TRUE if a display column was specified, FALSE if only a value
- // column was specified
- virtual WBool GetHasDisplayColumn() const;
- /*********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // FetchLookupItems
- //
- // Calls the WDataLookupItem event for each data item.
- // This can be called directly by the target (the data source will be
- // opened and closed automatically) and will otherwise be called
- // internally when the specified data source is opened.
- virtual WBool FetchLookupItems();
- /*********************************************************
- * Overrides
- *********************************************************/
- virtual WBool GetDataChanged() const;
- virtual WBool SetDataChanged( WBool );
- virtual WBool SetDataColumns( const WString & cols );
- virtual WBool DataAvailable( WDataAvailableEventData * );
- virtual WBool DataClose( WDataCloseEventData * );
- virtual WBool DataOpen( WDataOpenEventData *event );
- virtual WBool DataRequest( WDataRequestEventData * );
- /*********************************************************
- * Internal
- *********************************************************/
- protected:
- // ParseColumns
- WBool ParseColumns() const;
- // SendLookupItemEvent
- WBool SendLookupItemEvent( WDataSource *src, WDataValue *value,
- WDataValue *displayValue,
- WULong action ) const;
- // DoFetch
- WBool DoFetch( WDataSource * src, WBool weOpened ) const;
- /*********************************************************
- * Data Members
- *********************************************************/
- WShort _valueIndex;
- WShort _displayIndex;
- WBool _ignoreDataOpen;
- };
- //
- // Events triggered by the data source
- //
- // These events originate in the data source.
- //
- //
- // Reasons for data available/request
- //
- enum {
- WDataReasonNone,
- WDataReasonMove,
- WDataReasonUpdate,
- WDataReasonDelete,
- WDataReasonPrepareForAdd,
- WDataReasonAdd,
- WDataReasonFill,
- WDataReasonCancelUpdate,
- WDataReasonClear,
- WDataReasonEnable,
- WDataReasonDisable,
- WDataReasonEnableAlwaysRW,
- WDataReasonDisableAlwaysRW
- };
- //
- // Suggested actions for data available/request
- //
- enum {
- WDataActionNone,
- WDataActionRefreshRow, // moved to a new row
- WDataActionFillBegin, // a fill is beginning
- WDataActionFillEnd, // a fill is ending
- WDataActionClear, // clear the control
- WDataActionRenumber, // multi-value, recount internal row numbers
- WDataActionNewState, // sent to navigators
- WDataActionEnable,
- WDataActionDisable,
- WDataActionEnableAlwaysRW, // targets always read/write
- WDataActionDisableAlwaysRW
- };
- //
- // WDataOpenEventData
- //
- struct WDataOpenEventData : public WEventData {
- WDataSource *dataSource;
- WBool isRequery;
- };
- //
- // WDataAvailableEventData
- //
- struct WDataAvailableEventData : public WEventData {
- WDataSource *dataSource;
- WLong currentRow;
- WULong reason;
- WULong suggestedAction;
- };
- //
- // WDataRequestEventData
- //
- struct WDataRequestEventData : public WEventData {
- WDataSource *dataSource;
- WLong currentRow;
- WULong reason;
- WULong suggestedAction;
- };
- //
- // WDataCloseEventData
- //
- struct WDataCloseEventData : public WEventData {
- WDataSource *dataSource;
- WBool isRequery;
- };
- //
- // Events triggered by the data target
- //
- // These events originate in the data target.
- //
- //
- // GuardRowEvent actions
- //
- enum {
- WDTGRActionNone,
- WDTGRActionGroupBegin, // start of guard row group
- WDTGRActionGroupEnd, // end of guard row group
- WDTGRActionAddRow, // add a row (top or bottom)
- };
- //
- // WDataGuardRowEventData
- //
- struct WDataGuardRowEventData : public WEventData {
- WDataSource * dataSource;
- WLong currentRow;
- WLong count; // Starts at 0, for current fill
- WULong action;
- WBool top; // TRUE if action refers to top row
- };
- //
- // LookupItemEvent actions
- //
- enum {
- WDTLIActionNone,
- WDTLIActionFillBegin,
- WDTLIActionFillEnd,
- WDTLIActionAddRow,
- };
- //
- // WDataLookupItemEventData
- //
- struct WDataLookupItemEventData : public WEventData {
- WDataSource * dataSource;
- WDataValue * value;
- WDataValue * displayValue;
- WULong action;
- };
- #endif