home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- # include "wpoint.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "weventd.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wstring.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wimglist.hpp"
- #endif
- class WImageList;
- class WWindow;
- class WDragInfo;
- struct _wWPIUnknown;
- struct _wWPIDataObject;
- //
- // WDragInfo -- This class is used for very fine control over
- // drag and drop.
- //
- class WCMCLASS WDragInfo {
- public:
- // Number of bytes in structure
- WUShort cb;
- // If TRUE, we are in an OLE drag
- WBool isOleDrag;
- // Pointers to the OLE objects
- const _wWPIUnknown *oleSourceObject;
- const _wWPIDataObject *oleDataObject;
- // Feedback data
- WBool drawFeedback;
- WPoint pickPoint;
- WPoint size;
- // The drop effect as defined by the target
- WULong dropEffect;
- // Was the escape key pressed?
- WBool escapePressed;
- // Starting key/button state
- WULong kbOldState;
- // Current key/button state
- WULong kbState;
- // ItemID
- WULong itemID;
- // Mouse positions (in absolute coordinates)
- WPoint startPosition; // where drag started
- WPoint currentPosition;
- // Current drop target's window handle
- WWindow *dragTarget;
- WWindowHandle dragTargetWindow;
- // Where the drag started
- WWindow *dragSource; // where drag started
- WWindowHandle dragSourceWindow;
- // User-defined data
- void *userData; // user-defined data
- // Imagelist to use
- WImageList *imageList;
- void *imageData; // reserved
- WPoint hotSpot; // hotspot for the image
- WBool deleteImageList; // delete when done?
- public:
- /************************************************************
- * Methods
- ************************************************************/
- // Prepare structure for non-OLE drag
- void Initialize( WWindow *drgsrc );
- // Update state
- void Update();
- // Prepare the image list
- WBool PrepareImageList();
- /************************************************************
- * Constructors and destructors
- ************************************************************/
- WDragInfo();
- ~WDragInfo();
- };
- /* Define the various drag effects */
- #define WDROPEFFECT_NONE 0x00000000
- #define WDROPEFFECT_COPY 0x00000001
- #define WDROPEFFECT_MOVE 0x00000002
- #define WDROPEFFECT_LINK 0x00000004
- #define WDROPEFFECT_SCROLL 0x80000000
- typedef unsigned long WDropEffect;
- //
- // Event structures
- //
- struct WCMCLASS WDragEventData : public WEventData {
- WDragInfo *draginfo; // advanced information
- WBool delDragInfo; // delete it or not...
- WString tag; // string that identifies the drag
- WStringArray strings; // list of strings
- WULongArray items; // list of values
- WImageList images; // images to display when dragging
- WPoint startPoint; // starting x,y (screen)
- WPoint currentPoint; // current x,y (screen)
- WObject *source; // pointer to source object
- WDropEffect sourceOps; // allowable op(s) from the source
- WDropEffect targetOps; // what the target can accept
- WDropEffect currentOp; // the current operation
- WDWord button; // which button was pressed
- WBool escapePressed; // TRUE if user pressed escape
- void *userData; // user-defined data
- WDragEventData();
- ~WDragEventData();
- };
- typedef WDragEventData WDragContinueEventData;
- typedef WDragEventData WDragFeedbackEventData;
- typedef WDragEventData WDragEnterEventData;
- typedef WDragEventData WDragOverEventData;
- typedef WDragEventData WDragLeaveEventData;
- typedef WDragEventData WDragDropEventData;
- typedef WDragEventData WDragScrollEventData;
- typedef WULong WDragResult;
- /* General errors */
- #define WDRAG_E_OUTOFMEMORY 0x8007000EL
- #define WDRAG_E_INVALIDARG 0x80070057L
- /* Return this from OnDragStart to let WClass to the dragging */
- #define WDRAG_DEFAULT_START 0x00000001L
- /* Return this from OnDragStart if you handled the drag */
- #define WDRAG_HANDLED_START 0x00000002L
- /* Return this from OnDragStart if the parent should handle things */
- #define WDRAG_PARENT_START 0x00000004L
- /* Return this from OnDragFeedback for default behaviour */
- #define WDRAG_DEFAULT_FEEDBACK 0x00040102L
- /* Return this from OnDragFeedback if you handled pointer setting */
- #define WDRAG_HANDLED_FEEDBACK (0x00000000L)
- /* Return this from OnDragContinue if the drag should continue */
- #define WDRAG_CONTINUE_DRAG (0x00000000L)
- /* Return this from OnDragContinue if a drop should occur */
- #define WDRAG_DROP 0x00040100L
- /* Return this from OnDragContinue/OnDragStart to cancel the drag without dropping */
- #define WDRAG_CANCEL_DRAG 0x00040101L
- /* Define the cursors */
- enum WOleCursorID {
- };
- /* Define identifiers for the mouse/key states */
- #define WMK_NONE 0x0000
- #define WMK_LBUTTON 0x0001
- #define WMK_RBUTTON 0x0002
- #define WMK_SHIFT 0x0004
- #define WMK_CONTROL 0x0008
- #define WMK_MBUTTON 0x0010
- #define WMK_ALT 0x0020
- /* Define the size of the edge zone for scrolling, in pixels */
- /* Delay before scrolling begins, milliseconds */
- /* Scrolling interval, milliseconds */
- /* Delay before dragging starts, milliseconds */
- #define WDD_DEFDRAGDELAY 200
- /* Minimum distance before dragging starts, pixels */
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif