home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Copyright (C) 1995, by WATCOM International Inc. All rights %
- % reserved. No part of this software may be reproduced or %
- % used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or %
- % mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or %
- % information storage and retrieval systems - except with the %
- % written permission of WATCOM International Inc. %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- */
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * WFilePath
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- # include "wdef.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wobject.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wstring.hpp"
- #endif
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define _WFILEPATH_NONE ( 0x0 )
- #define _WFILEPATH_DRIVE ( 0x1 )
- #define _WFILEPATH_DIR ( 0x2 )
- #define _WFILEPATH_FNAME ( 0x4 )
- #define _WFILEPATH_EXT ( 0x8 )
- #define _WFILEPATH_ALL ( 0xF )
- class WCMCLASS WFilePath : public WString {
- WDeclareSubclass( WFilePath, WString )
- public:
- /**********************************************************
- * Constructors and Destructors
- *********************************************************/
- WFilePath();
- WFilePath( const WChar *string, WULong numChars=USE_STR_LEN );
- WFilePath( const WResourceID & id, WModuleHandle module=_ApplicationModule );
- WFilePath( const WString & s, WBool makeCopy=FALSE );
- WFilePath( const WFilePath & filePath );
- ~WFilePath();
- /**********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // AbsolutePath
- //
- // Convert a relative path to an absolute path. Must pass
- // in a WFilePath used to determine which drive the absolute
- // path refers to.
- WFilePath GetAbsolutePath( const WFilePath & dir ) const;
- // Directory
- //
- // The path (if any), always ending with a "\"
- // (i.e. "\inst\" in "c:\inst\test.exe")
- WBool SetDirectory( const WString & directory );
- WString GetDirectory() const;
- // Drive
- //
- // The drive (if any), including the colon
- // (i.e. "c:" in "c:\inst\test.exe")
- WBool SetDrive( const WString & drive );
- WString GetDrive() const;
- // Extension
- //
- // The extension (if any) including a leading period
- // (i.e. ".exe" in "c:\inst\test.exe")
- WBool SetExtension( const WString & extension );
- WString GetExtension() const;
- // FileName
- //
- // The name part of the file (i.e. "test" in "c:\inst\test.exe")
- WBool SetFileName( const WString & fileName );
- WString GetFileName() const;
- // FileParts
- //
- // Returns a WString with the given set of file parts.
- WString GetFileParts( WUInt flags=_WFILEPATH_ALL ) const;
- /**********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // Absolute
- //
- // Convert a relative path to an absolute path. Must pass
- // in a WFilePath used to determine which drive the absolute
- // path refers to. If it creates a path which cannot be
- // properly cleaned, it will return an empty string.
- WFilePath Absolute( const WFilePath & dir ) const;
- // CleanDirectory()
- //
- // Removes extraneous directory separators such as
- // .\, foo\..\, etc.
- WBool CleanDirectory();
- // Exists
- //
- // Checks to see if a file or directory exists. Can
- // optionally return the attributes of the file.
- WBool Exists( WDWord *attributes=NULL ) const;
- // MakePath
- //
- // Rebuild the filepath out of the given parts. If NULL
- // is passed, can optionally use the current part.
- WBool MakePath( const WChar * drive, const WChar * path,
- const WChar * name, const WChar * ext,
- WUInt useCurrentIfNull=_WFILEPATH_NONE );
- // Search
- //
- // Search for the file using the same rules used to
- // load DLLs. Returns a null path if not found.
- WFilePath Search() const;
- /**********************************************************
- * Overrides
- *********************************************************/
- virtual WBool SetDirty( WBool dirty=TRUE );
- //
- // == operator
- //
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WFilePath & a, const WFilePath & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WFilePath & a, const WString & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WFilePath & a, const WAnsiChar *b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WFilePath & a, const WUnicodeChar *b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WAnsiChar *a, const WFilePath & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WUnicodeChar *a, const WFilePath & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WFilePath & a, WAnsiChar *b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( const WFilePath & a, WUnicodeChar *b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( WAnsiChar *a, const WFilePath & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator==( WUnicodeChar *a, const WFilePath & b );
- //
- // != operator
- //
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WFilePath & a, const WFilePath & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WFilePath & a, const WString & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WFilePath & a, const WAnsiChar *b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WFilePath & a, const WUnicodeChar *b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WAnsiChar *a, const WFilePath & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WUnicodeChar *a, const WFilePath & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WFilePath & a, WAnsiChar *b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( const WFilePath & a, WUnicodeChar *b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( WAnsiChar *a, const WFilePath & b );
- friend int WEXPORT operator!=( WUnicodeChar *a, const WFilePath & b );
- /**********************************************************
- * Other
- *********************************************************/
- private:
- WBool SplitPath();
- void UpdatePath();
- private:
- WInt _driveEnd;
- WInt _pathEnd;
- WInt _nameEnd;
- WInt _extEnd;
- WBool _rebuilding;
- };
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif