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- /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Copyright (C) 1994, by WATCOM International Inc. All rights %
- % reserved. No part of this software may be reproduced or %
- % used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or %
- % mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or %
- % information storage and retrieval systems - except with the %
- % written permission of WATCOM International Inc. %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- */
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * WForm -- Base Form class
- *
- *
- * Events:
- *
- * Close --
- *
- * InitMenu --
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- # include "wvector.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wwindow.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wcontrol.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wpopmenu.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wfilpath.hpp"
- #endif
- extern template WVector<WWindow>;
- extern template WVector<WObject>;
- extern template WVector<WString>;
- class WAcceleratorTable;
- class WStatusBar;
- enum WWindowState {
- WWindowStateNormal,
- WWindowStateMinimized,
- WWindowStateMaximized
- };
- //
- // Styles
- //
- class WCMCLASS WForm : public WWindow {
- WDeclareSubclass( WForm, WWindow );
- public:
- /**************************************************************
- * Constructors
- **************************************************************/
- WForm();
- WForm( WWindow * parent, WWindowHandle hdl );
- virtual ~WForm();
- /**************************************************************
- * Properties
- **************************************************************/
- // AcceleratorTable
- WAcceleratorTable GetAcceleratorTable() const;
- WBool SetAcceleratorTable( const WAcceleratorTable & table,
- WBool append=FALSE );
- // Active
- //
- // If TRUE, window is the active window for this thread.
- // Use the Activate method to force a window to become
- // the active window.
- virtual WBool GetActive() const;
- // AutomaticScrolling
- WBool GetAutomaticScrolling() const;
- WBool SetAutomaticScrolling( WBool automaticScrolling );
- // ClientWindow
- //
- // The client window will automatically be positioned directly
- // over the client area of the form, excluding any space taken
- // up by docked windows such as toolbars and status bars.
- virtual WWindow * GetClientWindow();
- virtual WBool SetClientWindow( WWindow * clientWindow );
- // ControlCount
- virtual WInt GetControlCount();
- // MaximizedPosition
- //
- // Defines the left & top position of the form when
- // maximized.
- WPoint GetMaximizedPosition() const;
- WBool SetMaximizedPosition( const WPoint & maxPos );
- // MaximizedSize
- //
- // Defines the height & width of the form when
- // maximized.
- WSize GetMaximizedSize() const;
- WBool SetMaximizedSize( const WSize & maxSize );
- // MaximumTrackingSize
- //
- // Defines the maximum height & width when the window
- // is being resized.
- WSize GetMaximumTrackingSize() const;
- WBool SetMaximumTrackingSize( const WSize & maxTrackSize );
- // Menu
- virtual WMenu *GetMenu() const;
- virtual WBool SetMenu( WMenu *menu );
- // MinimumTrackingSize
- //
- // Defines the minimum height & width when the window
- // is being resized.
- WSize GetMinimumTrackingSize() const;
- WBool SetMinimumTrackingSize( const WSize & minTrackSize );
- // SystemMenu
- //
- //
- WSystemMenu *GetSystemMenu();
- // Icon in the window's title bar
- //
- //
- WIcon GetIcon(WBool size = FALSE);
- WIcon SetIcon(const WIcon & icon, WBool size = FALSE); // default small size
- // HelpFile
- WFilePath GetHelpFile() const;
- WBool SetHelpFile( const WFilePath & helpFile );
- // HintText
- WString GetHintText() const;
- virtual WBool SetHintText( const WString & str );
- // StatusBar
- virtual WStatusBar *GetStatusBar() const;
- virtual WBool SetStatusBar( WStatusBar * statusBar );
- // VirtualClientRectangle
- virtual WBool SetVirtualClientRectangle( const WRect & rect );
- virtual WRect GetVirtualClientRectangle() const;
- // WindowID
- virtual WUInt GetWindowID() const;
- virtual WBool SetWindowID( WUInt newID );
- // WindowState
- WWindowState GetWindowState();
- WBool SetWindowState( WWindowState state );
- /**************************************************************
- * Methods
- **************************************************************/
- // Activate
- //
- // Force this form to become the active window for the
- // thread.
- virtual WBool Activate() const;
- // AddDockedWindow
- virtual void AddDockedWindow( WWindow * docked,
- WWindow * sibling=NULL,
- WBool insertBeforeSibling=TRUE );
- // AddObject
- WBool AddObject( WObject * object, const WString & objectName );
- // Close
- virtual WBool Close();
- // GetObject
- WObject * FindObject( const WString & objectName,
- WBool recurseUp=TRUE );
- // RemoveObject
- WBool RemoveObject( WObject * object, WBool recurseUp=TRUE );
- WBool RemoveObject( const WString & objectName,
- WBool recurseUp=TRUE );
- // AddDrawPrimitive
- //
- // Note: The added drawPrimitives will automatically be
- // deleted by the window in its destructor, so the
- // user should NOT delete this primitives him/herself
- virtual void AddDrawPrimitive( WDrawPrimitive * drawPrimitive );
- // AddPinnedWindow
- virtual WBool AddPinnedWindow( WWindow * pinned );
- // AdjustClientRectangle
- virtual void AdjustClientRectangle( WRect & rect,
- WBool moveChildren=FALSE );
- // Center
- //
- // Center the form, either over its parent (owner) or
- // over an arbitrary window. Pass NULL to center over
- // the desktop.
- WBool Center();
- WBool Center( WWindow *window );
- // ClearMenu
- WMenu * ClearMenu();
- // CreateStatusBar
- WBool CreateStatusBar();
- // FDXInitializeControls
- //
- // Called by the default Initialize event handler
- virtual WBool FDXInitializeControls();
- // FDXUpdateControls
- //
- // Called by the default OK event handler
- virtual WBool FDXUpdateControls();
- // Initialize
- virtual WBool Initialize();
- // RedrawFrame
- WBool RedrawFrame();
- // RemoveDockedWindow
- virtual void RemoveDockedWindow( WWindow * docked );
- // RemoveDrawPrimitive
- //
- // Note: The added drawPrimitives will automatically be
- // deleted by the window in its destructor, so the
- // user should NOT delete this primitives him/herself
- virtual void RemoveDrawPrimitive( WDrawPrimitive * drawPrimitive );
- // RemovePinnedWindow
- virtual WBool RemovePinnedWindow( WWindow *pinned );
- // ResetSystemMenu
- WBool ResetSystemMenu();
- // ShiftDockedWindows
- virtual void ShiftDockedWindows( WDockPosition pos,
- WInt startIndex, WInt endIndex,
- WBool moveUp );
- // Show
- virtual WBool Show( WShowStyle style=WWinStateShowNormal );
- // UpdateMenu
- WBool UpdateMenu();
- /**************************************************************
- * Item properties
- **************************************************************/
- // Control
- virtual WControl * GetControl( WInt itemNumber );
- // DockedWindow
- virtual WWindow * GetDockedWindow( WInt index, WDockPosition pos );
- // DockedWindowCount
- virtual WInt GetDockedWindowCount( WDockPosition pos );
- /**************************************************************
- * Event handlers
- **************************************************************/
- WBool InitMenuEventHandler( WForm * form,
- WMessageEventData * event );
- WBool SystemCommandEventHandler( WForm * form,
- WMessageEventData * event );
- WBool CommandEventHandler( WForm * form,
- WMessageEventData * event );
- WBool InitPopupMenuEventHandler( WForm * form,
- WMessageEventData * event );
- WBool MenuSelectEventHandler( WForm * form,
- WMessageEventData * event );
- WBool FormCloseEventHandler( WForm * form,
- WEventData * event );
- WBool EraseBackgroundHandler( WWindow * window,
- WPaintEventData * event );
- WBool ResizeEventHandler( WWindow * window,
- WResizeEventData * event );
- WBool DestroyEventHandler( WWindow * window, WEventData * event );
- WBool HelpEventHandler( WWindow * window, WHelpEventData * event );
- WBool PositionChangedEventHandler( WForm *window,
- WResizeEventData * event );
- WBool ScrollEventHandler( WWindow * window,
- WScrollBarEventData * event );
- /**************************************************************
- * Overrides
- **************************************************************/
- virtual WBool SetPopup( WPopupMenu * popup );
- virtual WBool AdjustFloatingFormStyle( WStyle & style,
- WStyle & exStyle );
- virtual WRect CalculateSize( const WRect &, WBool adjust );
- virtual void SetDockedPosition( WDockPosition pos, WInt index=0,
- WBool insert=FALSE,
- WWindow * sibling=NULL,
- WBool insertBeforeSibling=TRUE,
- WBool callEventHandler=TRUE );
- virtual void AddControl( WControl * ctrl );
- virtual void RemoveControl( WControl * ctrl );
- virtual WBool ProcessMessage( const WMessage & msg, WLong & returns );
- virtual WBool SetFont( const WFont & font, WBool preserveSize=TRUE );
- virtual WFont GetFont( WBool getResultingFont=TRUE );
- virtual WUInt AssignWindowID();
- virtual WStyle GetDefaultStyle() const;
- virtual WStyle GetDefaultExtendedStyle() const;
- virtual WBool LoadWindow( WWindow * parent,
- const WResourceID & id,
- WModuleHandle module=_ApplicationModule );
- virtual WBool MakeWindow( WWindow * parent, WUInt id,
- const WChar *className,
- const WChar *title, const WRect & r,
- WStyle wstyle, WStyle exStyle,
- void * data=NULL );
- virtual WBool CloneWindow( WStyle newStyle, WStyle newExStyle,
- void * data=NULL );
- /**************************************************************
- * Others
- **************************************************************/
- virtual WBool FilterMessage( WMessage & msg, WBool & eatMessage );
- /**************************************************************
- * Data members
- **************************************************************/
- protected:
- WRect _lastResizeRect;
- private:
- WString _hintText;
- WFilePath _helpFile;
- WStatusBar * _statusBar;
- WMenu * _menu;
- WSystemMenu * _systemMenu;
- WInt _nextChildID;
- WAcceleratorTable * _accelTable;
- WSize _maxSize;
- WPoint _maxPosition;
- WSize _minTrackSize;
- WSize _maxTrackSize;
- WWindow * _clientWindow;
- WStyle * _dockStyle;
- WStyle * _dockExStyle;
- WDrawPrimitiveGroup * _drawPrimitives;
- WVector< WWindow > * _dockedWindows;
- WVector< WWindow > * _dockWindowFrames;
- WVector< WWindow > * _pinnedWindows;
- WVector< WObject > * _objects;
- WVector< WString > * _objectNames;
- WRect _virtClientRect;
- WBool _automaticScrolling;
- WBool _inResize;
- };
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif