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- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * WGlobalMemory
- *
- * This class is a cover class for accessing and using global
- * memory objects.
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- # include "wrefobj.hpp"
- #endif
- typedef WULong WGlobalMemoryFlags;
- #define WGMFFixed 0x0000
- #define WGMFMoveable 0x0002
- #define WGMFZeroInit 0x0040
- #define WGMFHandle (WGMFMoveable|WGMFZeroInit)
- #define WGMFPointer (WGMFFixed|WGMFZeroInit)
- //
- // WGlobalMemory
- //
- class WCMCLASS WGlobalMemory : public WReferenceObject {
- WDeclareSubclass( WGlobalMemory, WReferenceObject );
- /**********************************************************
- * Constructors and Destructors
- *********************************************************/
- // This class is meant to be used as a reference class, with
- // objects allocated via new. As such we don't allow
- // copies to be made except via the MakeCopy method. New
- // objects are allocated via the static function Allocate.
- private:
- WGlobalMemory( const WGlobalMemory & gm );
- WGlobalMemory& operator=( const WGlobalMemory & gm );
- protected:
- WGlobalMemory( const WMemoryHandle handle, WBool delHandle=FALSE );
- WGlobalMemory( WULong size, WULong flags=WGMFHandle );
- public:
- ~WGlobalMemory();
- /**********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // Data
- //
- // Returns a pointer to the data in a global memory
- // object. NULL is returned if the memory is moveable
- // and Lock has not been called to lock down the memory.
- void *GetData() const;
- // Handle
- //
- // Returns the global memory handle.
- WMemoryHandle GetHandle() const;
- // Size
- //
- // Returns the size (in bytes) of the memory.
- WULong GetSize() const;
- /**********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // Allocate
- //
- // Allocates a new object.
- static WGlobalMemory *Allocate( WULong sizeInBytes,
- WULong flags=WGMFHandle );
- static WGlobalMemory *Allocate( WMemoryHandle handle,
- WBool delHandle=FALSE );
- // Lock
- //
- // Lock moveable memory. Returns the lock count.
- WLong Lock();
- // MakeCopy
- //
- // Creates a new memory object based on the current
- // one, copying the data.
- WGlobalMemory *MakeCopy();
- // Unlock
- //
- // Unlock moveable memory. Return the lock count.
- WLong Unlock();
- /**********************************************************
- * Private
- *********************************************************/
- private:
- WMemoryHandle _handle;
- WLong _lockCount;
- WBool _deleteHandle;
- void * _data;
- };
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif