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- /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Copyright (C) 1994, by WATCOM International Inc. All rights %
- % reserved. No part of this software may be reproduced or %
- % used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or %
- % mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or %
- % information storage and retrieval systems - except with the %
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- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- */
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * WLocaleID --
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- # include "wobject.hpp"
- #endif
- /*
- * Language IDs.
- *
- * The following two combinations of primary language ID and
- * sublanguage ID have special semantics:
- *
- * Primary Language ID Sublanguage ID Result
- * ------------------- --------------- ------------------------
- * WPrimLangNeutral WSubLangNeutral Language neutral
- * WPrimLangNeutral WSubLangDefault User default language
- * WPrimLangNeutral WSubLangSysDefault System default language
- */
- /*
- * Primary language IDs.
- */
- typedef WUShort WLanguageIDType;
- enum WPrimaryLanguageID {
- WPrimLangNeutral =0x00,
- WPrimLangArabic =0x01,
- WPrimLangAfrikaans =0x36,
- WPrimLangAlbanian =0x1c,
- WPrimLangBasque =0x2d,
- WPrimLangBulgarian =0x02,
- WPrimLangByelorussian =0x23,
- WPrimLangCatalan =0x03,
- WPrimLangChinese =0x04,
- WPrimLangCroatian =0x1a,
- WPrimLangCzech =0x05,
- WPrimLangDanish =0x06,
- WPrimLangDutch =0x13,
- WPrimLangEnglish =0x09,
- WPrimLangEstonian =0x25,
- WPrimLangFaeroese =0x38,
- WPrimLangFarsi =0x29,
- WPrimLangFinnish =0x0b,
- WPrimLangFrench =0x0c,
- WPrimLangGerman =0x07,
- WPrimLangGreek =0x08,
- WPrimLangHebrow =0x0D,
- WPrimLangHungarian =0x0e,
- WPrimLangIcelandic =0x0f,
- WPrimLangIndonesian =0x21,
- WPrimLangItalian =0x10,
- WPrimLangJapanese =0x11,
- WPrimLangKorean =0x12,
- WPrimLangLatvian =0x26,
- WPrimLangLithuanian =0x27,
- WPrimLangNorwegian =0x14,
- WPrimLangPolish =0x15,
- WPrimLangPortuguese =0x16,
- WPrimLangRomanian =0x18,
- WPrimLangRussian =0x19,
- WPrimLangSlovak =0x1b,
- WPrimLangSlovenian =0x24,
- WPrimLangSorbian =0x2e,
- WPrimLangSpanish =0x0a,
- WPrimLangSwedish =0x1d,
- WPrimLangThai =0x1e,
- WPrimLangTurkish =0x1f,
- WPrimLangUkrainian =0x22
- };
- /*
- * Sublanguage IDs.
- *
- * The name immediately following WSubLang_ dictates which primary
- * language ID that sublanguage ID can be combined with to form a
- * valid language ID.
- */
- enum WSubLanguageID {
- WSubLangNeutral = 0x00, /* language neutral */
- WSubLangDefault = 0x01, /* user default */
- WSubLangSysDefault = 0x02, /* system default */
- WSubLangArabic = 0x01, /* Arabic (Saudi Arabia) */
- WSubLangArabicIraq = 0x02, /* Arabic (Iraq) */
- WSubLangArabicEgypt = 0x03, /* Arabic (Egypt) */
- WSubLangArabicLibya = 0x04, /* Arabic (Libya) */
- WSubLangArabicAlgeria = 0x05, /* Arabic (Algeria) */
- WSubLangArabicMorocco = 0x06, /* Arabic (Morocco) */
- WSubLangArabicTunisia = 0x07, /* Arabic (Tunisia) */
- WSubLangArabicOman = 0x08, /* Arabic (Oman) */
- WSubLangArabicYemen = 0x09, /* Arabic (Yemen) */
- WSubLangArabicSyria = 0x10, /* Arabic (Syria) */
- WSubLangArabicJordan = 0x11, /* Arabic (Jordan) */
- WSubLangArabicLebanon = 0x12, /* Arabic (Lebanon) */
- WSubLangArabicKuwait = 0x13, /* Arabic (Kuwait) */
- WSubLangArabicUnitedArabEmirates = 0x14, /* Arabic (United Arab Emirates) */
- WSubLangArabicBahrain = 0x15, /* Arabic (Bahrain) */
- WSubLangArabicQatar = 0x16, /* Arabic (Qatar) */
- WSubLangChineseTaiwan = 0x01, /* Chinese (Taiwan) */
- WSubLangChineseSimplified = 0x02, /* Chinese (PR China) */
- WSubLangChineseHongKong = 0x03, /* Chinese (Hong Kong) */
- WSubLangChineseSingapore = 0x04, /* Chinese (Singapore) */
- WSubLangDutch = 0x01, /* Dutch */
- WSubLangDutchBelgian = 0x02, /* Dutch (Belgian) */
- WSubLangEnglishUSA = 0x01, /* English (USA) */
- WSubLangEnglishUK = 0x02, /* English (UK) */
- WSubLangEnglishAustralian = 0x03, /* English (Australian) */
- WSubLangEnglishCanadian = 0x04, /* English (Canadian) */
- WSubLangEnglishNewZealand = 0x05, /* English (New Zealand) */
- WSubLangEnglishIrish = 0x06, /* English (Irish) */
- WSubLangEnglishSouthAfrica = 0x07, /* English (South Africa) */
- WSubLangEnglishJamaica = 0x08, /* English (Jamaica) */
- WSubLangEnglishCarribean = 0x09, /* English (Carribean) */
- WSubLangFrench = 0x01, /* French */
- WSubLangFrenchBelgian = 0x02, /* French (Belgian) */
- WSubLangFrenchCanadian = 0x03, /* French (Canadian) */
- WSubLangFrenchSwiss = 0x04, /* French (Swiss) */
- WSubLangFrenchLuxembourg = 0x05, /* French (Luxembourg) */
- WSubLangGerman = 0x01, /* German */
- WSubLangGermanSwiss = 0x02, /* German (Swiss) */
- WSubLangGermanAustrian = 0x03, /* German (Austrian) */
- WSubLangGermanLuxembourg = 0x04, /* German (Luxembourg) */
- WSubLangGermanLiechtenstein = 0x05, /* German (Liechtenstein) */
- WSubLangItalian = 0x01, /* Italian */
- WSubLangItalianSwiss = 0x02, /* Italian (Swiss) */
- WSubLangKorean = 0x01, /* Korean */
- WSubLangKoreanJohab = 0x02, /* Korean (Johab) */
- WSubLangNorwegianBokmal = 0x01, /* Norwegian (Bokmal) */
- WSubLangNorwegianNynorsk = 0x02, /* Norwegian (Nynorsk) */
- WSubLangPortuguese = 0x02, /* Portuguese */
- WSubLangPortugueseBrazilian = 0x01, /* Portuguese (Brazilian) */
- WSubLangSpanishCastilian = 0x01, /* Spanish (Castilian) */
- WSubLangSpanishMexican = 0x02, /* Spanish (Mexican) */
- WSubLangSpanishModern = 0x03, /* Spanish (Modern) */
- WSubLangSpanishGuatemala = 0x04, /* Spanish (Guatemala) */
- WSubLangSpanishCostaRica = 0x05, /* Spanish (Costa Rica) */
- WSubLangSpanishPanama = 0x06, /* Spanish (Panama) */
- WSubLangSpanishDominicanRepublic = 0x07, /* Spanish (Dominican Republic) */
- WSubLangSpanishVenezuela = 0x08, /* Spanish (Venezuela) */
- WSubLangSpanishColombia = 0x09, /* Spanish (Colombia) */
- WSubLangSpanishPeru = 0x10, /* Spanish (Peru) */
- WSubLangSpanishArgentina = 0x11, /* Spanish (Argentina) */
- WSubLangSpanishEcuador = 0x12, /* Spanish (Ecuador) */
- WSubLangSpanishChile = 0x13, /* Spanish (Chile) */
- WSubLangSpanishUruguay = 0x14, /* Spanish (Uruguay) */
- WSubLangSpanishParaguay = 0x15, /* Spanish (Paraguay) */
- WSubLangSpanishBolivia = 0x16 /* Spanish (Bolivia) */
- };
- /*
- * A language ID is a 16 bit value which is the combination of a
- * primary language ID and a secondary language ID. The bits are
- * allocated as follows:
- *
- * +-----------------------+-------------------------+
- * | Sublanguage ID | Primary Language ID |
- * +-----------------------+-------------------------+
- * 15 10 9 0 bit
- *
- *
- */
- enum WLanguageIDPart {
- WLanguageIDPrimaryPart,
- WLanguageIDSubPart,
- WLanguageIDAllParts
- };
- class WCMCLASS WLanguageID : public WObject {
- WDeclareSubclass( WLanguageID, WObject );
- public:
- /*********************************************************
- * Constructors and destructors
- *********************************************************/
- WLanguageID();
- WLanguageID( WUShort langID );
- WLanguageID( WPrimaryLanguageID primID, WSubLanguageID subID );
- ~WLanguageID();
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // ID
- WUShort GetID( WLanguageIDPart partID=WLanguageIDAllParts ) const;
- /*********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // Clean
- void Clear();
- // Create
- WBool Create();
- WBool Create( WLanguageIDType langID );
- WBool Create( WPrimaryLanguageID primID, WSubLanguageID subID );
- /*********************************************************
- * Data members
- *********************************************************/
- private:
- WUShort _languageID;
- };
- /*
- * A locale ID is a 32 bit value which is the combination of a
- * language ID, a sort ID, and a reserved area. The bits are
- * allocated as follows:
- *
- * +-------------+---------+-------------------------+
- * | Reserved | Sort ID | Language ID |
- * +-------------+---------+-------------------------+
- * 31 20 19 16 15 0 bit
- *
- *
- */
- /*
- * Sorting IDs.
- *
- */
- enum WLocaleSortID {
- WLocaleSortDefault = 0x0, /* sorting default */
- WLocaleSortJapaneseXJIS = 0x0, /* Japanese XJIS order */
- WLocaleSortJapaneseUnicode = 0x1, /* Japanese Unicode order */
- WLocaleSortChineseBig5 = 0x0, /* Chinese BIG5 order */
- WLocaleSortChineseUnicode = 0x1, /* Chinese Unicode order */
- WLocaleSortKoreanKSC = 0x0, /* Korean KSC order */
- WLocaleSortKoreanUnicode = 0x1 /* Korean Unicode order */
- };
- #define WNlsValidLocaleMask 0x000fffff
- enum WLocaleConst {
- WLocaleConstNoUserOverride =0x80000000, /* do not use user overrides */
- WLocaleConstUseSystemACP =0x40000000, /* use the system ACP */
- WLocaleConstLanguageId =0x00000001, /* language id */
- WLocaleConstLocalLangName =0x00000002, /* localized name of language */
- WLocaleConstEngLangName =0x00001001, /* English name of language */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevLangName =0x00000003, /* abbreviated language name */
- WLocaleConstNativeLangName =0x00000004, /* native name of language */
- WLocaleConstCountryCode =0x00000005, /* country code */
- WLocaleConstLocalCountryName =0x00000006, /* localized name of country */
- WLocaleConstEngCountryName =0x00001002, /* English name of country */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevCountryName =0x00000007, /* abbreviated country name */
- WLocaleConstNativeCountryName =0x00000008, /* native name of country */
- WLocaleConstDefaultLangName =0x00000009, /* default language id */
- WLocaleConstDefaultCountryCode =0x0000000A, /* default country code */
- WLocaleConstDefaultOemCodePage =0x0000000B, /* default oem code page */
- WLocaleConstDefaultAnsiCodePage =0x00001004, /* default ansi code page */
- WLocaleConstListItemSeparator =0x0000000C, /* list item separator */
- WLocaleConstMeasureId =0x0000000D, /* 0 = metric, 1 = US */
- WLocaleConstDecimalSeparator =0x0000000E, /* decimal separator */
- WLocaleConstThousandSeparator =0x0000000F, /* thousand separator */
- WLocaleConstDigitGrouping =0x00000010, /* digit grouping */
- WLocaleConstNumberFractionalDigit =0x00000011, /* number of fractional digits */
- WLocaleConstLeadingZerosDecimal =0x00000012, /* leading zeros for decimal */
- WLocaleConstNegativeNumberMode =0x00001010, /* negative number mode */
- WLocaleConstNativeAscii =0x00000013, /* native ascii 0-9 */
- WLocaleConstCurrencySymbol =0x00000014, /* local monetary symbol */
- WLocaleConstIntMonetarySymbol =0x00000015, /* intl monetary symbol */
- WLocaleConstMonetaryDecimalSeparator =0x00000016, /* monetary decimal separator */
- WLocaleConstMonetaryThousandSeparator =0x00000017, /* monetary thousand separator */
- WLocaleConstMonetaryGrouping =0x00000018, /* monetary grouping */
- WLocaleConstNLocalMonetaryDigits =0x00000019, /* # local monetary digits */
- WLocaleConstNIntMonetaryDigits =0x0000001A, /* # intl monetary digits */
- WLocaleConstPositiveCurrencyMode =0x0000001B, /* positive currency mode */
- WLocaleConstNegativeCurrencyMode =0x0000001C, /* negative currency mode */
- WLocaleConstDateSeparator =0x0000001D, /* date separator */
- WLocaleConstTimeSeparator =0x0000001E, /* time separator */
- WLocaleConstShortDateFormatString =0x0000001F, /* short date format string */
- WLocaleConstLongDateFormatString =0x00000020, /* long date format string */
- WLocaleConstTimeFormatString =0x00001003, /* time format string */
- WLocaleConstShortDateFormatOrdering =0x00000021, /* short date format ordering */
- WLocaleConstLongDateFormatOrdering =0x00000022, /* long date format ordering */
- WLocaleConstTimeFormatSpecifier =0x00000023, /* time format specifier */
- WLocaleConstTimeMarkerPosition =0x00001005, /* time marker position */
- WLocaleConstCenturyFormatSpec =0x00000024, /* century format specifier (short date) */
- WLocaleConstLeadingZerosTimeField =0x00000025, /* leading zeros in time field */
- WLocaleConstLeadingZerosDayField =0x00000026, /* leading zeros in day field (short date) */
- WLocaleConstLeadingZerosMonthField =0x00000027, /* leading zeros in month field (short date) */
- WLocaleConstAmDesignator =0x00000028, /* AM designator */
- WLocaleConstPmDesignator =0x00000029, /* PM designator */
- WLocaleConstCalendarTypeSpec =0x00001009, /* type of calendar specifier */
- WLocaleConstAdditionalCalendarTypeSpec =0x0000100B, /* additional calendar types specifier */
- WLocaleConstFirstDayWeekSpec =0x0000100C, /* first day of week specifier */
- WLocaleConstFirstWeekYearSpec =0x0000100D, /* first week of year specifier */
- WLocaleConstLongMondayName =0x0000002A, /* long name for Monday */
- WLocaleConstLongTuesdayName =0x0000002B, /* long name for Tuesday */
- WLocaleConstLongWednesdayName =0x0000002C, /* long name for Wednesday */
- WLocaleConstLongThursdayName =0x0000002D, /* long name for Thursday */
- WLocaleConstLongFridayName =0x0000002E, /* long name for Friday */
- WLocaleConstLongSaturdayName =0x0000002F, /* long name for Saturday */
- WLocaleConstLongSundayName =0x00000030, /* long name for Sunday */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevMondayName =0x00000031, /* abbreviated name for Monday */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevTuesdayName =0x00000032, /* abbreviated name for Tuesday */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevWednesdayName =0x00000033, /* abbreviated name for Wednesday */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevThursdayName =0x00000034, /* abbreviated name for Thursday */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevFridayName =0x00000035, /* abbreviated name for Friday */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevSaturdayName =0x00000036, /* abbreviated name for Saturday */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevSundayName =0x00000037, /* abbreviated name for Sunday */
- WLocaleConstLongJanuaryName =0x00000038, /* long name for January */
- WLocaleConstLongFebruaryName =0x00000039, /* long name for February */
- WLocaleConstLongMarchName =0x0000003A, /* long name for March */
- WLocaleConstLongAprilName =0x0000003B, /* long name for April */
- WLocaleConstLongMayName =0x0000003C, /* long name for May */
- WLocaleConstLongJuneName =0x0000003D, /* long name for June */
- WLocaleConstLongJulyName =0x0000003E, /* long name for July */
- WLocaleConstLongAugustName =0x0000003F, /* long name for August */
- WLocaleConstLongSeptemberName =0x00000040, /* long name for September */
- WLocaleConstLongOctoberName =0x00000041, /* long name for October */
- WLocaleConstLongNovemberName =0x00000042, /* long name for November */
- WLocaleConstLongDecemberName =0x00000043, /* long name for December */
- WLocaleConstLong13monthName =0x0000100E, /* long name for 13th month (if exists) */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevJanuaryName =0x00000044, /* abbreviated name for January */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevFebruaryName =0x00000045, /* abbreviated name for February */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevMarchName =0x00000046, /* abbreviated name for March */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevAprilName =0x00000047, /* abbreviated name for April */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevMayName =0x00000048, /* abbreviated name for May */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevJuneName =0x00000049, /* abbreviated name for June */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevJulyName =0x0000004A, /* abbreviated name for July */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevAugustName =0x0000004B, /* abbreviated name for August */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevSeptemberName =0x0000004C, /* abbreviated name for September */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevOctoberName =0x0000004D, /* abbreviated name for October */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevNovemberName =0x0000004E, /* abbreviated name for November */
- WLocaleConstAbbrevDecemberName =0x0000004F, /* abbreviated name for December */
- WLocaleConstAbbrev13monthName =0x0000100F, /* abbreviated name for 13th month (if exists) */
- WLocaleConstPositiveSign =0x00000050, /* positive sign */
- WLocaleConstNegativeSign =0x00000051, /* negative sign */
- WLocaleConstPositiveSignPosition =0x00000052, /* positive sign position */
- WLocaleConstNegativeSignPosition =0x00000053, /* negative sign position */
- WLocaleConstMonSymPrecedesPosAmt =0x00000054, /* mon sym precedes pos amt */
- WLocaleConstMonSymSepBySpaceFromPosAmt =0x00000055, /* mon sym sep by space from pos amt */
- WLocaleConstMonSymPrecedesNegAmt =0x00000056, /* mon sym precedes neg amt */
- WLocaleConstMonSymSepBySpaceFromNegAmt =0x00000057, /* mon sym sep by space from neg amt */
- WLocaleConstFontSignature =0x00000058 /* font signature */
- };
- /*
- * Time Flags for GetTimeFormat
- */
- enum WTimeFormat {
- WTimeFormatNoMinutesOrSeconds =0x00000001, /* do not use minutes or seconds */
- WTimeFormatNoSeconds =0x00000002, /* do not use seconds */
- WTimeFormatNoTimeMarker =0x00000004, /* do not use time marker */
- WTimeFormatForce24hourFormat =0x00000008 /* always use 24 hour format */
- };
- /*
- * Date Flags for GetDateFormat
- */
- enum WDateFormat {
- WDateFormatShortDatePicture =0x00000001, /* use short date picture */
- WDateFormatLongDatePicture =0x00000002, /* use long date picture */
- WDateFormatUseAltCalendar =0x00000004 /* use alternate calendar (if any) */
- };
- typedef WDWord WLocaleIDType;
- class WCMCLASS WLocaleID : public WObject {
- WDeclareSubclass( WLocaleID, WObject );
- public:
- /*********************************************************
- * Constructors and destructors
- *********************************************************/
- WLocaleID();
- WLocaleID( WDWord locID );
- WLocaleID( const WLanguageID & langID,
- WLocaleSortID sortID=WLocaleSortDefault );
- ~WLocaleID();
- /*********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // ID
- WDWord GetID() const;
- // Info
- WString GetInfo( WLocaleConst locConst ) const;
- WBool SetInfo( WLocaleConst locConst, const WString & locInfo ) const;
- // LanguageID
- WLanguageIDType GetLanguageID() const;
- // Time/Date Format
- WString GetFormatTime( WTimeFormat tFormat ) const;
- WString GetFormatDate( WDateFormat dFormat ) const;
- // Thread
- WBool SetThread() const;
- /*********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // Clean
- void Clear();
- // Create
- WBool Create();
- WBool Create( WDWord locID );
- WBool Create( const WLanguageID & langID,
- WLocaleSortID sortID=WLocaleSortDefault );
- /*********************************************************
- * Data members
- *********************************************************/
- private:
- WDWord _localeID;
- };
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif