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- /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Copyright (C) 1994, by WATCOM International Inc. All rights %
- % reserved. No part of this software may be reproduced or %
- % used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or %
- % mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or %
- % information storage and retrieval systems - except with the %
- % written permission of WATCOM International Inc. %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- */
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * WMediaPlayer -- Wrapper for the Windows 95 Media Player control.
- *
- *
- * Events:
- *
- * MediaNotifyError --
- *
- * MediaNotifyMedia --
- *
- * MediaNotifyMode --
- *
- * MediaNotifyPos --
- *
- * MediaNotifySize --
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- # include "wcontrol.hpp"
- #endif
- # include "wfilpath.hpp"
- #endif
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- #define WMPNotifyMedia WMPNotifyMediaUnicode
- #else
- #define WMPNotifyMedia WMPNotifyMediaAnsi
- #endif
- //
- // MediaPlayer styles
- //
- #define WMPNoAutoSizeWindow ((WStyle)0x00000001) // MCIWNDF_NOAUTOSIZEWINDOW
- #define WMPNoPlayBar ((WStyle)0x00000002) // MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR
- #define WMPNoAutoSizeMovie ((WStyle)0x00000004) // MCIWNDF_NOAUTOSIZEMOVIE
- #define WMPNoMenu ((WStyle)0x00000008) // MCIWNDF_NOMENU
- #define WMPShowName ((WStyle)0x00000010) // MCIWNDF_SHOWNAME
- #define WMPShowPos ((WStyle)0x00000020) // MCIWNDF_SHOWPOS
- #define WMPShowMode ((WStyle)0x00000040) // MCIWNDF_SHOWMODE
- #define WMPShowAll ((WStyle)0x00000070) // MCIWNDF_SHOWALL
- #define WMPNotifyAnsi ((WStyle)0x00000080) // MCIWNDF_NOTIFYANSI
- #define WMPNotifyMode ((WStyle)0x00000100) // MCIWNDF_NOTIFYMODE
- #define WMPNotifyPos ((WStyle)0x00000200) // MCIWNDF_NOTIFYPOS
- #define WMPNotifySize ((WStyle)0x00000400) // MCIWNDF_NOTIFYSIZE
- #define WMPNotifyError ((WStyle)0x00001000) // MCIWNDF_NOTIFYERROR
- #define WMPNotifyAll ((WStyle)0x00001F00) // MCIWNDF_NOTIFYALL
- #define WMPNotifyMediaAnsi ((WStyle)0x00000880) // MCIWNDF_NOTIFYMEDIAA
- #define WMPNotifyMediaUnicode ((WStyle)0x00000800) // MCIWNDF_NOTIFYMEDIAW
- #define WMPRecord ((WStyle)0x00002000) // MCIWNDF_RECORD
- #define WMPNoErrorDlg ((WStyle)0x00004000) // MCIWNDF_NOERRORDLG
- #define WMPNoOpen ((WStyle)0x00008000) // MCIWNDF_NOOPEN
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- #else
- #endif
- struct WMediaNotifyEventData : WEventData {
- WChar* fileName;
- WLong lData;
- };
- class WCMCLASS WMediaPlayer : public WControl {
- WDeclareSubclass( WMediaPlayer, WControl );
- public:
- WMediaPlayer();
- ~WMediaPlayer();
- /*******************************************************************
- * Properties
- *******************************************************************/
- // CanEject
- WBool GetCanEject();
- // CanPlay
- WBool GetCanPlay();
- // CanRecord
- WBool GetCanRecord();
- // CanSave
- WBool GetCanSave();
- // Position
- WBool SetPosition( WLong position );
- WLong GetPosition();
- // Repeat
- WBool GetRepeat();
- WBool SetRepeat( WBool repeat );
- // Speed
- WUInt GetSpeed();
- WBool SetSpeed( WUInt speed=1000 );
- // Volume
- WUInt GetVolume();
- WBool SetVolume( WUInt volume=1000 );
- // Zoom
- WUInt GetZoom();
- WBool SetZoom( WUInt zoom=100 );
- /*******************************************************************
- * Methods
- *******************************************************************/
- // Close
- WBool Close();
- // Eject
- WBool Eject();
- // New
- WBool New( const WFilePath & fileName );
- // Open
- //
- // The parameterless version invokes an open dialog
- WBool Open();
- WBool Open( const WFilePath & fileName, WBool createIfDoesntExist=FALSE );
- // Pause
- WBool Pause();
- // Play
- // Record
- WBool Record();
- // Resume
- WBool Resume();
- // Save
- //
- // The parameterless version invokes a save dialog
- WBool Save();
- WBool Save( const WFilePath & fileName );
- // Step
- WBool Step( WLong increment );
- // Stop
- WBool Stop();
- /*******************************************************************
- * Overrides
- *******************************************************************/
- virtual WBool Destroy();
- virtual WBool ProcessMessage( const WMessage & msg,
- WLong & returns );
- virtual const WChar * InitializeClass();
- virtual WStyle GetDefaultStyle() const;
- virtual WStyle GetDefaultExtendedStyle() const;
- virtual WBool CloneWindow( WStyle newStyle, WStyle newExStyle,
- void * data=NULL );
- };
- #ifndef _INC_MMSYSTEM
- #ifndef _MCIDEVICEID_ /* Same with MCIDEVICEID */
- #define _MCIDEVICEID_
- typedef WUInt MCIDEVICEID; /* MCI device ID type */
- #endif
- #define MCI_STRING_OFFSET 512
- #endif
- typedef MCIDEVICEID WMediaDeviceID;
- enum WMediaDeviceOpenFlags {
- WMediaDeviceOpenShareable = 0x00000100L,
- WMediaDeviceOpenElement = 0x00000200L,
- WMediaDeviceOpenAlias = 0x00000400L,
- WMediaDeviceOpenElementID = 0x00000800L,
- WMediaDeviceOpenTypeID = 0x00001000L,
- WMediaDeviceOpenType = 0x00002000L,
- };
- enum WMediaDevicePlayFlags {
- WMediaDevicePlayFrom = 0x00000004L,
- WMediaDevicePlayTo = 0x00000008L,
- };
- enum WMediaDeviceSeekFlags {
- WMediaDeviceSeekTo = 0x00000008L,
- WMediaDeviceSeekToStart = 0x00000100L,
- WMediaDeviceSeekToEnd = 0x00000200L,
- };
- enum WMediaDeviceTimeFormat {
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatMilliseconds = 0,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatHMS = 1,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatMSF = 2,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatFrames = 3,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatSMPTE_24 = 4,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatSMPTE_25 = 5,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatSMPTE_30 = 6,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatSMPTE_30DROP = 7,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatBytes = 8,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatSamples = 9,
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormatTMSF = 10,
- };
- enum WMediaDeviceMode {
- WMediaDeviceModeNotReady = (MCI_STRING_OFFSET + 12),
- WMediaDeviceModeStop = (MCI_STRING_OFFSET + 13),
- WMediaDeviceModePlay = (MCI_STRING_OFFSET + 14),
- WMediaDeviceModeRecord = (MCI_STRING_OFFSET + 15),
- WMediaDeviceModeSeek = (MCI_STRING_OFFSET + 16),
- WMediaDeviceModePause = (MCI_STRING_OFFSET + 17),
- WMediaDeviceModeOpen = (MCI_STRING_OFFSET + 18),
- };
- class WCMCLASS WMediaDevice : public WObject {
- WDeclareSubclass( WMediaDevice, WObject );
- public:
- /*******************************************************************
- * Constructors and Destructors
- *******************************************************************/
- WMediaDevice();
- ~WMediaDevice();
- /*******************************************************************
- * Properties
- *******************************************************************/
- // CurrentTrack
- WULong GetCurrentTrack() const;
- // DoorOpened
- WBool SetDoorOpened( WBool doorOpened );
- // ID
- WMediaDeviceID GetID() const;
- // Length
- WULong GetLength() const;
- // Mode
- WMediaDeviceMode GetMode() const;
- // Position
- WULong GetPosition() const;
- // Ready
- WBool GetReady() const;
- // TimeFormat
- WMediaDeviceTimeFormat GetTimeFormat() const;
- WBool SetTimeFormat( WMediaDeviceTimeFormat format );
- // TrackCount
- WULong GetTrackCount() const;
- /*******************************************************************
- * Methods
- *******************************************************************/
- // Close
- WBool Close( WBool wait=FALSE );
- // Open
- WBool Open( const WChar * deviceType,
- WMediaDeviceOpenFlags flags=WMediaDeviceOpenType,
- const WChar * elementName=NULL,
- const WChar * deviceAlias=NULL, WBool wait=FALSE );
- // Pause
- WBool Pause( WBool wait=FALSE );
- // Play
- WBool Play( WULong flags=0, WULong from=0, WULong to=0,
- WBool wait=FALSE );
- // Seek
- WBool Seek( WMediaDeviceSeekFlags flags, WULong seekTo,
- WBool wait=FALSE );
- // SendCommand
- WBool SendCommand( WUInt message, WDWord flags, void * info );
- // Stop
- WBool Stop( WBool wait=FALSE );
- /*******************************************************************
- * Item Properties
- *******************************************************************/
- // Length
- WULong GetLength( WULong track ) const;
- // Position
- WULong GetPosition( WULong track ) const;
- /*******************************************************************
- * Data Members
- *******************************************************************/
- private:
- WMediaDeviceID _id;
- };
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif