home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * WODCBTransaction -- ODBC transaction interface.
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- #include "wrefobj.hpp"
- #endif
- #include "wtransac.hpp"
- #endif
- class WODBCDriver;
- //
- // WODBCTransaction
- //
- // Specialization of WTransaction that knows how to talk to an ODBC
- // driver.
- //
- class WCMCLASS WODBCTransaction : public WTransaction {
- WDeclareSubclass( WODBCTransaction, WTransaction );
- public:
- WODBCTransaction( WTransaction *proxy=NULL );
- virtual ~WODBCTransaction();
- /****************************************************************
- * Properties
- ****************************************************************/
- // ODBCDriver
- //
- //
- virtual WODBCDriver *GetODBCDriver() const;
- /***************************************************************
- * Methods
- ***************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************
- * Overrides
- ***************************************************************/
- WTAccessMode GetAccessMode() const;
- WBool SetAccessMode( WTAccessMode accessMode );
- WBool GetAutoCommit() const;
- WBool SetAutoCommit( WBool autoCommit );
- WTBookmarkPersistence GetBookmarkPersistence() const;
- WBool GetConnected() const;
- WDWord GetConnectionHandle() const;
- WString GetConnectParams() const;
- WBool SetConnectParams( const WString & connectParams );
- WTCursorDriver GetCursorDriver() const;
- WBool SetCursorDriver( WTCursorDriver driv );
- WString GetDataSource() const;
- WBool SetDataSource( const WString & dataSource );
- WString GetDBMSName() const;
- WBool SetDBMSName( const WString & dbmsName );
- WBool GetDisplayErrorDialog() const;
- WBool SetDisplayErrorDialog( WBool display );
- WBool GetDisplayWarningDialog() const;
- WBool SetDisplayWarningDialog( WBool display );
- WDWord GetEnvironmentHandle() const;
- WLong GetErrorCode( WLong *apiFunc = NULL ) const;
- WBool GetErrorInfo( WString *errorMessage, WString *state = NULL,
- WLong *nativeErrorCode = NULL ) const;
- WDataErrorArray GetErrorList() const;
- WTFetchDirection GetFetchDirection() const;
- WTFileUsage GetFileUsage() const;
- WTIsolationLevel GetIsolationLevel() const;
- WBool SetIsolationLevel( WTIsolationLevel level );
- WString GetLoginID() const;
- WBool SetLoginID( const WString & lid );
- WString GetLoginPassword() const;
- WBool SetLoginPassword( const WString & pwd );
- WTLoginPrompt GetLoginPrompt() const;
- WBool SetLoginPrompt( WTLoginPrompt prompt );
- WLong GetMaxOptionIndex() const;
- WLong GetNumericOption( WTOptionID id ) const;
- WBool SetNumericOption( WTOptionID id, const WLong value );
- WString GetPassword() const;
- WBool SetPassword( const WString & password );
- WTQualifierLocation GetQualifierLocation() const;
- WString GetQualifierSeparator() const;
- WString GetServerName() const;
- WBool SetServerName( const WString & server );
- WTStaticSensitivity GetStaticSensitivity() const;
- WString GetStringOption( WTOptionID id ) const;
- WBool SetStringOption( WTOptionID id, const WString & value );
- WTCursorTypes GetSupportedCursorTypes() const;
- WTUpdateTypes GetSupportedUpdateTypes() const;
- WBool GetTraceToLog() const;
- WBool SetTraceToLog( WBool on );
- WString GetUserid() const;
- WBool SetUserid( const WString & userid );
- WTCursorCommitBehavior GetCursorCommitBehavior() const;
- WTCursorRollbackBehavior GetCursorRollbackBehavior() const;
- WBool Commit();
- WBool Connect( WWindow *parent = NULL );
- WBool Create();
- WBool Create( const WString & dbmsName );
- WBool Destroy();
- WBool Disconnect();
- WBool FetchErrors( WLong, WLong );
- WBool GetDataSourceInfo( WString *name, WString *description,
- WBool getFirst = FALSE ) const;
- WBool GetOptionInfo( WTOptionID & id, WString & name,
- WBool *isString = NULL,
- WLong index = -1 ) const;
- WBool List( WQuery & query, WTListType type, const WTListSource *source,
- const WTListSource *source2 = NULL,
- WBool Rollback();
- protected:
- /****************************************************************
- * Internal
- ****************************************************************/
- WBool CheckODBCRetCode( RETCODE rc, WLong func ) const;
- WBool BuildConnectStr();
- WBool SplitConnectStr( const WString & newStr );
- WBool IsODBCOption( WTOptionID id ) const;
- /****************************************************************
- * Property Data
- ****************************************************************/
- WBool _connected;
- WString _connectParams;
- HDBC _connHandle;
- WString _dataSource;
- HENV _envHandle;
- WTLoginPrompt _loginPrompt;
- WODBCDriver * _driver;
- WString _password;
- WString _userid;
- WDWord _bookmarks;
- WDWord _fetchDirection;
- WDWord _staticSensitivity;
- WDWord _cursorTypes;
- WDWord _cursorDriver;
- WLong _qualifierLocation;
- WString _qualifierSeparator;
- WLong _fileUsage;
- WDWord _updateType;
- WString _loginID;
- WString _loginPassword;
- WString _serverName;
- WTCursorCommitBehavior _cursorCommitBehavior;
- WTCursorRollbackBehavior _cursorRollbackBehavior;
- /****************************************************************
- * Internal Data
- ****************************************************************/
- WBool _fetchedError;
- WString _connStr; // ODBC connection string
- WLong _lastCode; // RC of the last ODBC call
- WLong _lastFunc;
- WDataErrorArray _errorList;
- WBool _displayErrors;
- WBool _displayWarnings;
- WTransaction * _proxy;
- static const WConstantString _useridKW; // connection string keywords
- static const WConstantString _passwordKW;
- static const WConstantString _dataSourceKW;
- };
- #endif