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- #ifndef _DTOBJECT_HPP
- #define _DTOBJECT_HPP
- #include "dtobase.hpp"
- #pragma warning 849 9
- //
- // MMFileGenerationParms
- //
- // Parameters to accompany the GenFileFragment call. Avoid
- // modifying this structure, instead declare a derived version.
- struct MMFileGenerationParms {
- WFilePath path;
- };
- struct MMCodeGenerationParms {
- MMCodeGeneration tag; // redundancy
- WString owning_form;
- WString form_res_name;
- WBool isDialog;
- };
- struct MMFDXPropertyData {
- WString property;
- WString fieldName;
- WString onValue;
- };
- class MMFDXPropertyVect : public WArray< MMFDXPropertyData > {
- public:
- };
- class METAEXPORTCLASSDEF DTObjectBase : public DTObject
- {
- public:
- virtual ~DTObjectBase() = 0;
- VEXPORT WBool operator== ( const DTObject & ) const;
- public:
- /*************************************************************
- * WClass / Awt specific behaviour
- *************************************************************/
- //
- // GenFileFragment
- //
- // Generate a file-level fragment of code.
- virtual void GenFileFragment( MMFileFragment fg, WStringList &,
- MMFileGenerationParms * parms ) const;
- /*************************************************************
- * Common Behaviour
- *************************************************************/
- //
- // Meta
- //
- // The Meta- object instance that is associated
- // with this DT- object
- VEXPORT const MetaObject *GetMeta() const;
- //
- // Reference Card Meta
- // The Meta-object that is used to provide reference
- // card information. The default implentation returns GetMeta()
- VEXPORT const MetaObject * GetRefCardMeta() const;
- //
- // Name
- //
- // The variable used in the user's code to represent this
- // object (eg. cb_1). Although there is a default implementation,
- // you may wish to override this to perform an action when the
- // name changes (eg. change names of all child objects).
- virtual void DTSetName( const WString & name );
- virtual WString DTGetName() const ;
- //
- // ClassDefinition
- //
- // The class name used to implement a component in code.
- // This lets the user specify a different class than the
- // default.
- virtual void SetClassDefinition( const WString & );
- virtual WString GetClassDefinition() const;
- //
- // ClassIncludes
- //
- // Extra header files this compnonent requires (specified
- // by the user. For use with ClassDefinition.
- virtual void SetClassIncludes( const WString & );
- virtual WString GetClassIncludes() const;
- //
- // WImplementation
- //
- // Each DT- object must have an associated WObject that
- // represents it on the design-time form. This is not
- // required to be a WWindow-derived class, but that is the
- // case that has been tested most -- only WOleObjects are
- // an exception.
- VEXPORT WObject * GetWImplementation() const;
- VEXPORT void SetWImplementation( WObject * wobj );
- //
- // ConcreteInstance
- //
- // Return the concrete instance (the aggregated object)
- virtual DTObject * GetConcreteImplementation();
- //
- // Window
- //
- // If there is a WWindow implementing the design-time
- // behaviour of the object, get and return it. Otherwise,
- // NULL (as for WOleObject).
- VEXPORT WWindow * GetWindow() const;
- //
- // DTGetParent
- //
- // The parent window if there is a window.
- VEXPORT WWindow * DTGetParent() const;
- //
- // ResourceID
- //
- // The id of the control in the .res file
- VEXPORT void SetResourceID( long id );
- VEXPORT long GetResourceID() const;
- //
- // TabIndex
- //
- // Tabbing order of control. Controls are emitted into
- // the resource file in tab index order.
- VEXPORT void SetTabIndex( long idx );
- VEXPORT long GetTabIndex() const;
- //
- // CodeBlockList
- //
- // A list of code block's (functions) associated with the
- // object.
- //
- VEXPORT const DTCodeBlockList & GetCodeBlockList() const;
- VEXPORT DTCodeBlockList & GetCodeBlockList();
- VEXPORT WInt GetAllCodeBlockLists( DTCodeBlockListList & );
- //
- // RemoveEvent
- //
- // Remove a code block from the list and remove any
- // other pointers to it (ie. from object inspector).
- VEXPORT DTCodeBlockBase * RemoveEvent( DTCodeBlockBase * );
- //
- // FindEvent
- //
- // Find a code block that has already been added to
- // this object.
- VEXPORT DTCodeBlockBase * FindEvent( const char * ) const;
- //
- // Form, DTForm
- //
- // The FormEdit associated with this object; the first
- // form is only useful from within Optima code; the second,
- // mainly from CompDLL. SetForm is called by Optima when
- // it instantiates the object.
- VEXPORT FormEdit * GetForm() const;
- VEXPORT DTFormEditBase *GetDTForm() const;
- VEXPORT void SetForm( DTFormEditBase * );
- //
- // Child
- //
- // The DTObject Children for this DTObject. DTObjects
- // may now own other DTObjects.
- VEXPORT int GetChildCount() const;
- VEXPORT DTObject * GetChild( int index ) const;
- VEXPORT WBool AddChild( DTObject *, int after = -1 );
- VEXPORT WBool RemoveChild( DTObject * );
- VEXPORT DTObject * GetParent() const;
- //
- // Style
- //
- // The Windows style property of the associated Window.
- // This doesn't necessarily match GetWindow()->GetStyle()
- // because some styles are deferred until run-time (such
- // as WSVisible).
- VEXPORT WStyle GetStyle() const;
- VEXPORT WBool SetStyle( WStyle stl, WBool clone=FALSE );
- //
- // DefaultStyle
- //
- // The style with which new instances are created. Default
- // implementation returns GetWindow()->GetDefaultStyle().
- virtual WStyle GetDefaultStyle() const;
- //
- // ExtendedStyle
- //
- // The ExtendedStyle property of the window nature.
- virtual WStyle GetExtendedStyle() const;
- virtual WBool SetExtendedStyle( WStyle style, WBool clone=FALSE );
- //
- // DefaultExtendedStyle
- //
- // See DefaultStyle
- virtual WStyle GetDefaultExtendedStyle() const;
- //
- // Create
- //
- // Call Create on the windowed object.
- //
- virtual WBool Create( WWindow * parent, const WRect & r,
- const WChar * text, WStyle style,
- WStyle exStyle, void * data = NULL,
- WBool isLoading = FALSE );
- //
- // NonVisual
- //
- // NonVisual objects are represented by a picture box at
- // design time -- eg. WTimer, WMessageBox, WFileDialog.
- VEXPORT WBool GetNonVisual() const;
- // DTInfo
- //
- // Each object can have information that is not handled by
- // the general framework. For instance, listboxes store their
- // lines separately. HasDTInfo should return true if you want
- // to store object-specific information, then the SaveDTInfo
- // and LoadDTInfo functions will be called.
- virtual WBool HasDTInfo();
- virtual WBool SaveDTInfo( SaveSource & );
- virtual WBool LoadDTInfo( SaveBlock *, WBool beforeCreate );
- //
- // CreateEventPopupMenu
- //
- // Popupulate a popup menu with the events that are deemed
- // useful ("hot" events) as well as events with code. There
- // is a default behaviour which is overriden for Ole objects.
- virtual WBool CreateEventPopupMenu( WPopupMenu * popup );
- //
- // IsResizeable
- //
- // IsResizeable allows non-visual objects and Ole objects to
- // deny resizing (can change after created
- virtual WBool GetIsResizeable();
- //
- // Hollow
- //
- // GroupBoxes are treated as "Hollow" controls in that when
- // they are moved, contained controls are also moved. Also,
- // hollow controls are not active except for a border around
- // the outside. HollowRect is the rectangle in the center
- // that doesn't activate the object.
- virtual WBool GetIsHollow(); // groupbox
- virtual WRect GetHollowRect(); // interior of groupbox
- //
- // DTPopupMenu
- // The popup menu associated with a WWindow. NOT the
- // popup menu that shows up at design-time.
- // [ITB:06/4] expect this will move to DTW.
- VEXPORT WBool SetDTPopupMenu( DTObject * );
- VEXPORT DTObject * GetDTPopupMenu() const;
- //
- // AmendPopup
- //
- // Override this function to modify the design-time context
- // popup. "before" is true before the popup is displayed,
- // false afterwards. Make sure you clean up any menu items
- // you add or they will remain for other objects as well.
- //
- virtual void AmendPopup( WPopupMenu *, WBool before );
- //
- // IsValidChild
- //
- // Returns true if obj is allowed as a child of this
- // DTObject. errMsg is filled in with details about
- // why it isn't allowed.
- virtual WBool IsValidChild(
- const MetaObject *obj,
- WString &errMsg ) const;
- //
- // IsValidContainer
- //
- // Returns true if obj is allowed as a container for this
- // DTObject. errMsg is filled in with details about
- // about why it isn't allowed.
- virtual WBool IsValidContainer(
- const DTObject *obj,
- WString &errMsg ) const;
- //
- // SetEventHandler
- //
- // Set an event handler on the W-Implementation object.
- virtual WBool DTSetEventHandler( WEventID id,
- WObject * object,
- WEventHandler handler,
- void *userdata=NULL );
- //
- // DTIInterface
- //
- // Get DTInterface with a particular name. This virtual
- // function is overridden once by derived classes that use
- // DTInterfaces
- virtual DTIInterface * GetDTIInterface( const WChar * ifname );
- //
- // Protected
- //
- // This property controls the behaviour of a design time
- // object. Protected objects are:
- // - not saved or loaded
- // - cannot be deleted directly by the user
- virtual WBool GetProtected() const;
- /*************************************************************
- * Property Editting
- *************************************************************/
- //
- // EditProperties
- //
- // Display a property sheet window. Depending on "child",
- // the property sheet may be a child (as in object view) or
- // a popup dialog (normal property sheets).
- VEXPORT WBool EditProperties( WWindow *,
- WBool child = FALSE );
- //
- // ClearPropertyEditor
- //
- // Remove and destroy any open property editor for this object.
- VEXPORT void ClearPropertyEditor( WBool deleteNow = FALSE );
- //
- // UpdatePropertyRect
- //
- // Inform any open property editors to update the position
- // property since this object has been moved
- virtual WBool UpdatePropertyRect();
- //
- // PropDialog
- //
- // Get a pointer to the open property editor or return NULL.
- VEXPORT MTPropertyDialog * GetPropDialog();
- //
- // HasProperty
- //
- // Return TRUE if this object has a property named "name".
- VEXPORT WBool HasProperty( const WString & name ) const;
- //
- // Property
- //
- // Get or set a property with various formats.
- // The additional formats are provided for convenience only.
- VEXPORT WString GetProperty( const WString & name, DT_TextifyV t = 1 ) const;
- VEXPORT WBool GetPropertyBool( const WString & name ) const;
- VEXPORT WLong GetPropertyEnum( const WString & name ) const;
- VEXPORT WRect GetPropertyRect( const WString & name ) const;
- VEXPORT WLong GetPropertyLong( const WString & name ) const;
- VEXPORT WBool SetProperty( const WString & name, const WString & val, DT_TextifyV t = 1 );
- VEXPORT WBool SetPropertyBool( const WString & name, WBool val );
- VEXPORT void SetPropertyEnum( const WString & name, WLong val );
- VEXPORT void SetPropertyRect( const WString & name, const WRect & r );
- VEXPORT void SetPropertyLong( const WString & name, WLong r );
- virtual void PropertyChanged( const WString & name );
- //
- // DetachEditor
- //
- // Virtual call to detach an editor mini application if necessary.
- virtual void DetachEditor();
- /*************************************************************
- * Code Generation
- *************************************************************/
- //
- // ObjectPrefix
- //
- // Get the prefix used when accessing member functions of the
- // object -- eg. "cb_1->"
- VEXPORT WString GetObjectPrefix() const;
- //
- // GenName
- // Generate a variable name by number, eg. cb_1 if id == 1
- // The string is an out parameter.
- VEXPORT void GenName( WUInt id, WString & ) const;
- //
- // GenClassName
- //
- // Generate the name of the C++ or Java class that implements
- // this object.
- VEXPORT void GenClassName( WString & ) const;
- //
- // GenResourceName
- //
- // Generate the resource ID from the object name. This is
- // usually of the form ID_name.
- VEXPORT void GenResourceName( WString & ) const;
- //
- // GenResourceStyles
- //
- // Generate the .rc file styles that will be used; the first
- // parameter is a string list filled with styles, the second
- // is filled with extended styles
- VEXPORT void GenResourceStyles( WStringList &, WStringList & ) const;
- //
- // GenEventObjectName
- //
- // Generate the object name for an event. The name is built
- // by recursing the DTObject hierarchy and prepending the names
- // of the DTObjects
- VEXPORT void GenEventObjectName( WString & ) const;
- //
- // RequiredIncludes
- //
- // Fill in a list of required include files.
- virtual void GetRequiredIncludes( WStringList & includes ) const;
- //
- // RequiredBaseClasses
- //
- // Fill in a list of required base classes to add to the form
- virtual void GetRequiredBaseClasses( WStringList & bases ) const;
- //
- // GenerateCode [new]
- //
- // Generate a fragment of code for a component.
- // The "cg" parameter indicates which scrap of code to generate.
- void GenerateCode( MMCodeGeneration, ostream &, MMCodeGenerationParms & );
- //
- // FindStyle
- //
- // Find a style of a given name within the object
- VEXPORT const MMStyle * FindStyle( const char * ) const;
- //
- // FindProperty
- //
- // Find a property of a given name within an object
- VEXPORT const MMProperty * FindProperty( const char * ) const;
- virtual WString GetMappedValue( WUInt i ) const;
- virtual void SetMappedValue( WUInt i, const WString & s );
- /*************************************************************
- * Form Data Exchange [move to DTWObject]
- *************************************************************/
- public:
- virtual WBool GetDDXEnabled() const;
- virtual void SetDDXEnabled( WBool e );
- virtual WString GetDDXFieldName() const;
- virtual void SetDDXFieldName( const WString & );
- virtual WString GetDDXFieldType() const;
- virtual void SetDDXFieldType( const WString & );
- virtual WString GetDDXModifiedFieldName() const;
- virtual void SetDDXModifiedFieldName( const WString & );
- virtual void EscapeCString( WString &, const WString & ) const;
- /*************************************************************
- * Implementation
- *************************************************************/
- public:
- void FillInspectProperties( MTIPropertyList & ) const;
- void FillInspectEvents( MTIEventList & ) const;
- WBool HandleEventClick( WMenuItem *, WEventData * );
- WBool HandleWizardMenuClick( WMenuItem *, WEventData * );
- virtual DTObjectImp * GetImplementation();
- MMFDXPropertyVect GetFDXProperties() const;
- void SetFDXProperties( const MMFDXPropertyVect & );
- WString GetFDXFieldName( const MMProperty * prop ) const;
- protected:
- DTObjectBase();
- void SetWindow( WWindow * );
- void SetMeta( const MetaObject * );
- WString TabTo( const WString & str, unsigned col ) const;
- /*************************************************************
- * Un-Implemented functions
- *************************************************************/
- private:
- DTObjectBase( const DTObjectImp & );
- DTObjectBase & operator=( const DTObjectBase & );
- protected:
- DTObjectImp * _imp;
- };
- #endif // _DTOBJECT_HPP